DaVinci Resolve 19 AI Audio Tools are INSANE!

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brand new in dentol 19 we have some amazing new audio tools now in 18.5 I believe we got the voice isolation and dialog leveler tools very cool and now we're adding even more to those track level cool AI assisted audio tools we're also going to talk about something that I don't think is is super AI focused or driven but it's still another really awesome tool let's talk about it now some of these tools were a little hard for me to find at first um before I realized quite where they're all located um and the easiest way is uh on your timeline individual resolve you just click here in the empty space of any track and then in your inspector under the audio tab you have that voice isolation dialogue leveler but then you have these new tool Cool Tools as well and the first one I'm going to look at is this music remixer this is pretty cool okay um I'm going to play and and start messing around and you're going to be able to see what happens ready okay on that it is turned on but nothing is modified [Music] yet de give me a re [Music] okay cool this is this is cool so we have a number of controls um we have individual sliders but then just mute buttons um for The Voice drums bass other and guitars and right off the bat this is super cool I like it a whole lot obviously this is supported by the resolve like neural engine AI stuff going on to recognize these different parts and selectively mute or selectively boost or just decrease any one of those how those algorithms and stuff actually affect um your clip will greatly depend on the music clip itself this might be a little more in the weeds musically but like if you have one song where the bass and the drums are really tight it might be a little harder to separate them um versus something that has like this final track has the Basse you know sitting a little higher so it's much easier you know like to select that and either get rid of it or pretty much solo [Music] that really fun to just play around with and I'm sure will be useful especially if you have a music track you really like uh but maybe you just want to make it instrumental or if you want it to come in underneath uh either vocals or underneath one part of the video and then you know have the full fleshed out version of it later Um this can be a really good way you know build a song over time sort of similar to that is this next tool the uh dialogue separator now instead of you know vocals and then drums and bass and other and guitar this one has voice the background and Ambience and again I think this will be useful across the board in some really cool areas but I think this could be especially useful for people um you know obviously this is you know pulling in media hey maybe this is if you're like recording out somewhere so you're recording audio but someone is just talking in a location with background music or you know just lots of background noise in general but I wanted to specifically test uh one use case you know if you're just like making edits online um if you're doing fan cam amvs that sort of stuff so um I also thought it was pretty funny I pulled up a clip here from The West Wing so like you know '90s television this clip has this speech going on and then this surprisingly loud background music uh make sure it's yeah nothing nothing has changed in dialogue separator right now but but every time we think we've measured our capacity to meet a challenge we look up and we're reminded that that capacity May well be Limitless this is a time for American Heroes we will do what is hard we will achieve what is great this is a time for American heroes and it's like it's like she's standing like right next to him on stage but uh say if you just wanted that speech pull uh mute that background and then hey all of a sudden sudden but every time we think we've measured our capacity to meet a challenge we look up and we're reminded that that capacity May well be Limitless so cool so cool and so useful this Ambience um I've also found you sort of got to like play with it see where things stand in this instance it does cut out some of those extra like natural like reverberation you can every time we think we've measured our capacity to meet a challenge so it feels a little less natural but you know definitely more clarity coming through but you know that's something you got to mess with a Time by time basis but the fact it recognizes that Reverb as Ambience it's super cool and again with the music we look up and we're reminded that that capacity May well be Limitless this is a time for American heroes and just hey mute it we look up and we're reminded that that capacity May well be super cool okay next one H I'm super super we excited about as well I'm excited about all these okay spoiler alert we're looking at the Ducker um so here I have a music track and then uh a clip of me talking I'll just sell that hi I'm recording this to test the new Ducker inin resolve 19 so we also have this audio track going on in the background um I have turned off that Ducker for now and when they overlap hi I'm recording this to test the new Duck this is this is you know normal so so it can be a little hard to hear but watch this turn on that Ducker make sure the source is selecting the track with those vocals um I've increased this duck level and I've also you can click this button to open up this complete UI we're going to come back to this but just once I turn that on [Music] now hi I'm recording this to test the new Ducker inent resolve 19 I'm as soon as I start talking it Ducks it brings down uh the level of this music track and uh all those uh that pop up has all these settings um about how it handles all of that you can see this duck level I did crank up a whole lot and once I start playing hi I'm recording this to test the new you will see a visual representation so this is the audio track this is what it's looking at and then uh once you start talking it will bring down that audio track and then try to bring it up once you have finished talking based on all these settings you'll see hey look I start talking here the Duck level of course is how much it brings it down the look ahead is how uh far ahead of when you start talking do you want the audio to come down the rise time uh I believe this is you know this grain going back up if there's a little bit of a l a hold which is saying hey don't rise at all uh and then recovery U maybe rise time and Recovery are different you can mess with them you can figure out what it likes uh what what feels good so if I pull some of this uh down I can make it much shorter hi I'm recording this to test the new Ducker in denture resolve 19 I'm leaving gaps to test the response in those gaps but I'm pretty excited to see how things so you can dial this in as much as you want whether you want something really broad that as soon as you're start talking it pretty much hold until you're done or if you want it you know sneaking up in some slightly longer gap these settings are great um I did just run into issues make sure you are looking at the specific right track since you can put it on all of these I don't even want the Ducker on this this audio one I only want it on the music track pointing to the track uh with with the the vocals or whatever you are using to duck the music track super helpful this is you know a process that's been around for a little while but this tool makes it so easy okay last big audio thing to talk about is a little a little more complicated but pretty cool uh and we actually have to dive into Fusion for this one hey this is a new feature brought in in resolve 19 thanks to the intell TR system intell track has popped up in a few different places uh it's in the tracker like in the fusion page and other places but also we can use it in Fair light you don't normally track much stuff when you're dealing with audio but we can do that to have automatic panning based on tracking and to do this I have set up this little example so I've got this video clip me with two little mics I move them back and forth back and forth and then I have two audio tracks the first one uh both of them are from aaran of time N64 Legend of Zelda game the first one being hello look Hey listen that being Navi and it repeats the second one being like so what I can do I'm going to go to the uh beginning of the clip set an inpoint and go to the end set an outpoint and then if I hop in the fairlite page if your meters are on and you see uh the viewer here you can also pop this out either in the corner or if you pop it out up here you have these bars and you can see show tracker controls okay this is cool by default it's audio one if you click on a different track it will give you different ones for audio track one and two so I'm going to audio track track one I'm making sure I'm going to the beginning of this clip so audio track one I'm going to put this over this first little icon here and I have selected uh Auto and a left to right so now all I have to do is click this button and it will run the track and and the first thing I'm going to do is uh uh test that track so I'm actually going to mute these and just scrub through and you can see yeah okay it yeah snaps to it and then yeah tracks that little mic even when I sort of turn it away so now we have this little deal tracked and now if I unmute that first track we have H Navi look Hey listen hello look Hey listen hello crosses over look hey um you totally meant to say this is best with headphones or nice you know stereo speakers but uh this panning on this effect just on this one track um is Now tracking left to right uh based [Music] on crossing over based on the position of something in my frame now I did choose left and right you can also do up and down or front and back which I think would be very interesting um because panning can go three dimensions and you can do like full sound systems and that sort of stuff but um if you're like me and most of the time you're just dealing with stereo stuff you can do it this way so if we go to that next one click on audio two uh at the beginning I want audio two over this other one also run that track it is tracking pretty quick and in child Track by the way should have applications uh in other trackers making them faster better and all sorts of stuff but now um mute those to make sure that track yeah even also does great so now we have two different audio tracks that if you're listening uh well or on headphones or anything with a stereo separation you should be able to hear these move in [Music] space especially when they switch this was a very basic test but I think this is pretty cool this makes a lot of sense it's like deceptively straightforward like you can track stuff in frame you can figure out its relative position and then yeah you just like parent that to panning uh obviously that is on the basic like stereo left right I think with like front and back 3D stuff that could get pretty wild um I'm sure someone will do more expended testing maybe I will on that um but for now this just that just rounds up some of these really cool new audio features in resolve 19 uh that I wanted to show off to all of you um I have other videos about other new stuff in resolve 19 and I'm sure I'll keep doing more stuff so stick around for any of that thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Patrick Stirling
Views: 12,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pRPaN3h-ZgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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