David Phelps talks about his family, introduces his children.

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i uh i tell you this record has been really interesting to make the guys on the bus know that it uh it took a lot of work didn't it they were really sick of me right making this record um by the end of it but uh it's it's amazing you know we set out to record just some really we started really wanting some great melodies melodies that are real familiar to us and and uh those standards those songs that have really lasted the test of time some of these songs are a couple hundred years old you know and uh in the process after we got it all finished it kind of i thought well spiritually you know what this is really kind of where we all are where we all are in our in our bunch and you know the life is hard sometimes you know you've heard that before and then for some reason my sister said one day we were talking about what a wonderful world she says you know even what a wonderful world is such a moving thing because it's really rough here sometimes you go through some stuff you don't want to go through but you still something still makes you take notice of the beauty this place god created for us he could have created a dump for us you know but he chose to make trees of green and skies of blue to make our journey a little bit easier here i have to tell you my wife and i have been married for 20 years this year can you believe that 20 and it years like yesterday that uh she asked me to marry her and i remember when we were you know first young and uh first married we were dreaming about having a family weren't we baby we were and we we said you know we we want four kids you know we started talking about kids we got four kids you know when we were young and stupid and we uh we uh you know first of all we had the two girls and they were just boy amazing babies uh the first time callie slipped through the night it was 13 hours she slipped through the night we we slept 13 hours too and uh we had we'd go out to restaurants you know really nice well not as nice as we could afford and um we'd be sitting there at the waffle house and um our kids would be you know they would have their napkins laid across their laps and and sitting there so nicely and we would look at other other parents with their kids and think you know if they just ask us for some advice sure we could help them out [Music] and then we had a boy and it changed everything anybody who has a boy you know it changes everything born it was fifth gear running top speed from the get-go and first of all we thought he was he was 10 pounds when he was born 10 pounds yeah and uh he was two weeks late we thought he was never going to get here and we were finally able to um coax him out with a pork chop but uh he uh he he hit the ground running and uh you know what long after that we were like well baby you know let's just have three kids you know two girls one boy we don't we don't want to be greedy and uh then a couple of years later the lord blessed us with another boy so then we made sure the lord wasn't going to bless us again okay these are my babies right here this this is this is callie she's not a baby anymore she's 17. and but i made her come out here and do this anyway because we sing this in the car all the time all right this is our youngest this is kobe [Applause] [Laughter] this is grant right over here and maggie beth and in a minute and uh after this maggie beth and i are going to sing uh duet together that i wrote this is her first time so and i just want to tell you this is the first time we've ever performed these songs for anybody so thank you for for rooting us on are you guys ready [Music]
Channel: Gospel Tuber
Views: 123,464
Rating: 4.8567071 out of 5
Keywords: David Phelps, Gaither Homecoming friends, Gospel Musician, Google
Id: dh5qw35AYFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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