David Phelps and Maggie Beth Phelps - Agnus Dei [Live]
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Channel: GaitherVEVO
Views: 3,430,158
Rating: 4.9041176 out of 5
Keywords: Bill, Gloria, Gaither, Agnus, Dei, David, Phelps, Maggie, Beth, Phelps), [Live], Spring, House, (HSE), Christian, Gospel, David Phelps, Maggie Beth Phelps, Agnus Dei [Live], David Phelps: Classic, Gloria Gaither, Bill Gaither, Gaither Vevo, Gaither Gospel, Gaither Music, Gaither Homecoming, Homecoming, Tent Revival, Revival, agnus dei, agnus dei david phelps, david phelps agnus dei, agnus day, david phelps and daughter, agnus dei live, agnus dei gaither, agnus dei phelps, angus dei, vevo
Id: CIrhABg0QgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2012
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