Guy Penrod & Mark Lowry are LIVE on #JustWhenever

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[Music] come on in pull up a chair and tell me how you've been we're fixing to sing and guy is singing the lead so if you would sing the harmony but if you can't sing in tune well that's okay because we can't hear you just don't forget your decaf on sweet tea and sit up straight and sing along with me well come on in come on in pull up a chair and just tell me how you've been just don't forget your decaf on sweetie then sit up straight and sing along with me come on y'all sit up straight and sing along with me hey hey hey hey hey happy tuesday everybody happy happy tuesday it is 1003 a.m and let me just tell you we have had all kinds of technical difficulties this morning uh i had guy going on his guy's got an incredible rig at his house high speed fiber just like me and he set it down and every time i would talk i would hear a bad echo and it wasn't coming from headphones anyway let me just tell you god is alive and he wins even if he had nothing to do with any of that it's just technical stuff you know sometimes we blame the devil on stuff that just ain't his fault besides like i told you he's not omnipresent he can't be everywhere at once so it probably wasn't the devil messing with my stuff is just technical difficulties are one of his imps i'm sure he's messing with bigger people than me today hey everybody i'm so glad you're here i'm excited we've got a lot to talk about guy penrod is here and we're going to move to that screen right now hey welcome guy penrod everybody hey guys hold on guy okay oh wait wait wait wait wait hold on here we go here we go i forgot about these hi guy hey buddy oh there you are how are you man i'm good aren't we just technical wizards oh man i tell everybody when i get this figured out i'm quitting because it is a lot to but this morning it just something went weird didn't it well we have all these important things to say i know you know my dad used to say the devil's in the sound system so maybe i don't know i heard you saying we blame the devil though sometimes for stuff that's not his fault i know it i know it like he's got time to mess with us okay let me fix one more little thing here all right brother settle down talk amongst yourselves are you mark lowry lovers i'm stretching so far and hello there you are hello all right we got some big news don't we we do yeah well let me tell them i want to tell how i got involved in this about a month ago was it you called me yeah yeah and uh and asked me if i wanted to do a uh be a part of a concert for liberty university which guy and i are both alumni of is that the right word alum or alum anyway we went there and um i graduated in 1980 when did you graduate or did you yeah i did in 85 85 so you came along quite a bit later than me but i can remember a guy when i was still hanging around lynchburg because i would i based out a lynchburg probably those years and he was one of the smoothest oh you know that i mean even back then his voice was like butter everybody said that now he didn't have that ungodly long hair back then but he uh [Laughter] first corinthians 11 14 but uh he did have a sweet spirit and uh and i've always loved guy penrod and i know you do too let me pull up the comments we've got 2383 people with us today already that's a large congregation and maxine says she loves guy mary loves us both uh hello good morning from brenda higdon she says hi guy uh anyway they're all coming in and we want to invite you y'all we're excited about a free concert it should say it on the little thing below but it doesn't at liberty university for the homecoming the 50th year of music and they're going to have all kinds of people in fact i've got a little header we can run above us this it's hosted by guy penrod and meredith anders andrews and it's featuring i'm reading is it is ticking above our head isn't that cool i figured out how to do this featuring mark lowry jody mcbrayer which jody me and guy and a bass singer were going to try to find a bass singer hold on david mckinney justin kinsel and more so it's going to be a night of music it's free if you live near lynchburg or want to drive in you need to get your hotel quickly because that is homecoming weekend [Music] what do you have to say about all this guy you know it's exciting i am an alum as well of liberty and came in 81 um the only person i knew there was dr falwell he spoke at my dad's church and being a good dad he had me sing beforehand hoping for something to happen and dr falwell stood up to speak and he said young man if you'll commit to me before the service is out today to come to liberty i'll pay for your school and my dad quickly jumped to his feet and said he agrees he's coming you know so that's how i went out there and fell in love with the place you know those years was were quite different than they are now but just loved it loved dr falwell's vision loved the school all the way through these years met my wife there we got married there dr falwell and my dad and her dad did the ceremony and it's stuck so far 36 years and uh when they called me to say we'd love to have this event uh the first person they said do you would you call mark lowry and see if mark would be a part so they they were afraid to call you i think is what the bottom line is because you're such a big star oh please i could call you because i know things and to his credit he quickly said i would love to be a part so we are planning a great night it's going to be all alumni on the stage it's not going to be any of the uh current student body or you know helpers we call them ringers don't we mark no ringers so it's all alumni and we're celebrating uh the fact that liberty university's been putting musicians and worship leaders and orchestrators out into music for all these years and so it's going to be a great night it's at thomas road we seat 4 500 so if you don't get them quick we're gonna be out because we expect i don't know i think you just show up don't you you do you don't need a ticket no it's a free event it is during homecoming weekend like you said so there's going to be a real crowd there there the student body on campus now is over 15 000 but here's the thing guy i think i there's a football game that day too right yes there is well no the football game is saturday and we're having friday night do we have anything else competing with that i mean i think that i think we have room for all my people to show up we do if you're watching me we have room for you don't think you won't get a seat and if you can't get a seat well uh you can sit on the stage with us yeah yes that would work yeah why not well that's it stage and it's like it feels like it's bigger than 4 500 to me maybe it is i i'm not the best at guessing but it's going to be at the thomas road baptist church um and that's easy to find just google it in lynchburg virginia it's at 7 30 p.m on friday october 8th and they were a little late i think getting started advertising this don't is what i've heard so i wanted to get on here today and let all of you know because you matter to me and this is a free concert and if you if you're an hour away get a friend to come with you drive an hour have dinner somewhere come see us and then drive home that's what i do and i'm 63 i'm old too how old are you guy i'm 58. and you already have how many grandchildren i have three on the ground and one in the hopper all girls oh really isn't that crazy after all the boys you had yeah we had the boys boys are having the girls all right tell us go down the line how old is the name and oldest and what they're doing da da da da da da fill everybody in okay my oldest is tyler and in fact on thursday of this week just a couple days we're loading the family up like the hillbillies did and going to omaha nebraska where he's going to marry his fiance alyssa brown so they're getting married on sunday coming up we'll all have a big time and then we're coming back home and getting ready but tyler and alyssa live in lynchburg he works for liberty university in their video department he puts together commercials and video content for them to use and um that's my firstborn second is logan and excuse me i'm burping up my breakfast logan is married to brooke and they have a beautiful daughter named river river sage and she is just the most gorgeous as i'm a bad granddad i should have pictures for you to see all right how old is she she's pushing a year she's almost a year old okay well what am i saying they celebrated her birthday while i was on a concert somewhere in west virginia so she is a year old okay and then and they live here in colombia he works for uh a tech company here and then my third born joe married a sweet girl from wisconsin as did i uh named caitlin and they have a 10 month old 11 month old uh named gwyneth kate she is so adorable so that's my second and then or my third son he works in missions with um an organization called every nation and they start churches on college campuses wow so they're doing great he's a real he loves people and he has a gift for bringing people into the kingdom so proud of all of them and then jesse is my fourth he's married to graceland they live here in in colombia and they have uh saleh grace who is our first granddaughter and they're pregnant with their second wow and she's uh on due i think december sometime then we have levi who is at liberty um he he's a senior in the music department sings with lu praise and he met his sweetheart they got engaged about a week and a half ago wow and they're getting married in june so that'll be my fifth married and then the sixth son grayson is at liberty as well he's a sophomore majoring in uh religious studies or evangelism i can't i can't remember just biblical studies i think is what it's called and uh he's doing great having a blast my seventh son zach is a senior in high school here and he's homeschooled we've got six grads and he'll be our seventh through our home school he plays football on one of the local teams here and basketball and he's about six six almost six seven just all of them have outgrown us and then we have my last but definitely not least my sweet daughter lacey she's 15. she's a beautiful young girl and a sophomore in school plays volleyball and basketball she's almost six foot tall um it's crazy so well mama's six two you're six what about like that six two six three wow did you tell your boys you tried eight times and finally got it right yeah essentially although i tell people i pray for the poor old guy that gets her because my goodness she's had eight men in her life you know how how is one guy going to compete with eight so if he gets through the gauntlet of all the sons and he gets to me he's probably pretty good oh boy oh my goodness that's quite a list i mean i'm i'm impressed that at your age you can remember all that yeah you come on 58 i heard the belch that's the first sign when you can't stop the belches and you know what's next it comes with age [Laughter] i um let me see what they're saying susan odell says i got to go for an infusion oh susan god bless you she's got to go uh april says we are two of her favorites uh deana kilpatrick uh talking beverly hansen carolyn mcginnis how many people we got listening 3023 if you're watching on facebook make sure you share this all your friends especially if they live in the virginia area can hear about this free concert that guy and me and jody mcbrayer and david mckinney a lot of alumni from liberty it's going to be so much fun it's friday october 8th 7 30 p.m so share share share on youtube would you subscribe and ring the bell and like the video and all that kind of stuff and uh so guy what else is going on in your life now you're doing solo concerts like i am uh you do uh you have a band and you sing you sing hymns sing a lot of hymns we we mix worship songs in there and what's one of your favorite hymns that you sing you know one that's just ringing my bell right now is before the throne if are you familiar with that old hymn before the throne of god above i have a strong a perfect plea a great high priest whose name is love whoever lives and pleads for me my name is graven on his hands my name is written on his heart i know that while in heaven he stands no tongue can bid me sense depart no tongue can bid me thence depart isn't that beautiful yes the second verse is what rings my bell is is it okay to do this my lord yes sing so when satan tempts me to despair and tells me of the guilt within upward i look and see him there who made an end of all my sin because the sin let's save your died my sinful soul is counted free for god that just is satisfied to look on him and pardon me he punished him and pardoned me is that you know that is the other there's an there is such a summation of theology that is foundational to our understanding of our faith in order to grow in that one verse you know because because we know that satan's called the accuser of the brethren so when satan tempts us to despair how does he by accusing us and tells us of the guilt within and he's a good deceiver because he mixes it with some truth and we all know that that in our flesh we have guilt so he piles on that and then he he always goes above and you know that's one of his weaknesses i think he overplays his hand yeah so he tempts us to despair what do we do upward we look and see him there who made an end of all my sin jesus for uh uh he made an end of all my sin uh oh why is that i forget lyrics unless i'm singing them so we'll sing it again and see when satan tempts me to despair and tells me of the guilt within upward i look and see him there who made an end of all my sin i i like that that that three i always say this in concert but it's three little words with three little letters and they're the size words though that only god can use right emphatically so i love the the the theology right there he made an end andy of all halo my sin yeah and it all and the the theology there is is strong and i think satan's been good at messing up believers i tried to say this on your show i did the first time back when we were vocal band reunion and it didn't come out right but he's he's at work in the church i think even more than the world because the world uns unfortunately if they don't have jesus it's just dead men walking so they're going to do what comes natural as do we in the flesh and it's just behaved fleshy and the only way we we can overcome is through the blood of the lamb so we know that and the word of our testimony of our testimony that's right so the the the work he's done in the inside the church is to convince us of who we're not and so we we start making an agreement with all the the who we're not part of instead of who we are in him and so he uses condemnation he uses accusation to cause uh fear uh worry doubt you know and out of all those things spring all kinds of problems so the the reality we have to to get into our head is all sin and you know i i joke and say in the greek you know what all means it means all all sin is already paid for all of it there's not a sin you're going to commit that hasn't already been paid for by jesus and the proof in that is just to think a logical thought where were all your sins 2000 years ago they were in the future and one of the the things the devils used to beat us up with is this this uh conundrum that we live in of we are righteous as far as our standing is concerned with god but sometimes our behavior is not righteous in our flesh we still sin so what's the common denominator to cover all that well it's not covered first of all it's paid for and and it is the fact that it has already been paid for but one of his effective lies is to get us to live in a state of being conscious of sin all the time but what we should be conscious of is the goodness of god and his work through his son jesus having delivered us we are not victims i love this quote we are vic doors because of his his uh victory and you can't do it he has to do it in you yes because you're a dead man walking apart from him living in you and doing it let me ask you something you can the devil can also use sermons you know he doesn't just use our sin that easily besets us or like i used to hear and i've had i want to talk to you about this because it just popped in my brain remember how we i've always heard that we come from original sin have you ever heard that i've heard that right well no we don't you coming from original virtue we were infected with sin and his blood is the antidote i love how some some parts of scripture set it up as uh as a judge god's the judge jesus was the sacrifice and that's all true but i also love when it's when he's the great physician because i think sin is more of an infection than anything else i think and it's got to be rooted out it's got to be repented of all those things uh and you got to turn but that's really all you do i mean jesus has to do the rest or there was no need for calvary but he did all he did all and again when you say all it means all all we have to do if there is if you can describe it as do is receive we receive his gift he did all the work and the the further uh statement that i love in that in that verse two of that hymn before the throne is for god the just okay first of all let's just make it clear he's the only just being in the universe the godhead is and so it doesn't matter if if you excuse someone's sin or i excuse someone's sin we don't have the power to excuse it god does he is the only just being in the universe if for god the just is satisfied to punish him and pardon me he punished him and pardoned me i think one a real great hinge pin to for us to grow in in christ is the reality that god is satisfied he's not mad at you yeah you didn't accomplish the deed in the first place jesus did and he's pleased with jesus is he not yeah and he's crazy about you therefore he is pleased with you you are clothed in jesus and how rude not to agree with him yes i am i'm clean i am worth it because he said so what makes something worth it someone willing to pay for it a picasso is an ugly painting to me but it was worth millions to somebody and my worth is not in my worthiness my worth is in jesus who said i want you i love you i adore you you're my image on legs his heart skips a beat when he sees you coming it's like you do when your grandbaby shows up i mean do you think your love for your grandbaby it's a broken image of the love god has for us the only reason you know how to love that grandbaby is because jesus is loved you know jesus taught us he loved he loved children too that's right anyway i got a question for you about that award you said all means all okay there is a scripture that says by one man all fail adam right by one man jesus all are redeemed the problem with that verse is you can't unsee it so your your question is does it mean that everyone is redeemed yeah that's what i would ask and i've not found anyone who could answer it well let me answer it this way yes in the sense that everyone is redeemed but not everyone is going to receive it the sin of unbelief not believing is the only one that will send you to hell and we were taught that right right and of unbelief the fact is the redemption is complete and all have been redeemed but not everyone receives the gift of jesus so please so play okay go ahead i'm sorry that's no no that's consistent with the question we all know we're going to be asked the only question that's going to matter really is by god asking you alone without grandma or grandpa or the preacher nobody there with you hi guy what did you do with the gift of my son jesus that's the only question that's going to matter well it's not the only question that will be asked he's going to say did you visit me in prison did you feed me did you clothe me that judgment though that's at the beginning that's at the bema seat judgment where the christians are are talking about the things they did and they're rewarded and so forth i'm talking about you can't get to the bema seat judgment before unless you come through the great white throne judgment so that's my point is is with regard to will everyone receive the redemption jesus bought for every man no unfortunately and that's why we have narrow is the gate that leads to salvation wide is the road that leads to destruction many there will be a find that jesus says of himself i am the way the truth the life no one comes to the father but through me there's your stumbling block when you hear jesus as a stumbling block that's your stumbling block right there that his work is is exclusive and you can't get through there to through muhammad or anybody else you come through jesus and his work alone so my point is with regard to through one man all have been redeemed the uh oh you froze they have to receive the gift it's a free gift okay you froze a minute but i got we got most of that hey guy um so we're gonna have this concert and we're gonna sit and talk like this i hope at the concert you know what we're gonna do though they've already sent me what i'm supposed to do i'm supposed to do pivot on your good foot and i'll do a short version of that because that happened while i was at liberty when uh you you were you around at that time no because it was not freeze yeah 81 yeah 1977. and then we're going to sing he touched me me and you and jody mcbrayer and we're going to try to find a base singer out of the audience we're just going to pick one at random and we figure if he's no good we'll turn his mic down but it looks better to have four and i agree and and uh so what what's in your future in your upcoming next few days weekend or so where are you going to be yeah we're going to be in omaha nebraska for our wedding that my boy is going to be uh getting hitched my oldest to uh his fiancee alyssa brown in omaha so the whole family's heading up there and going to celebrate with him and then i think the next concert thing i do is in lynchburg that concert we're talking about on friday the 8th of october and then i go over to branson for a conference at the mansion theater i always love going over there and then tennessee back home that's a fun theater yeah so we've got some things going it's it's interesting days for you know doing live events because the the covid uh scare and the variants that are going around are causing you know some issues with regard to having events just depends on where we're going but uh god hasn't left us hungry one day in my life which is yeah you know i count i've always said if you've got clean sheets to sleep on a roof over your head and in texas air conditioning that's just as important as a roof and you can eat any time you want to eat you're rich yeah i mean you're rich what else do you want and a lazy boy i'd say five things a tractor you got to have a tractor yes how often do you get now you're about to be an empty nester yeah that's uh that's an interesting space and we are we're kind of going through i don't know about the anything about a midlife crisis we never really had a midlife crisis but if there is if this is kind of how it's defined it it's a tough thing when you you know used to tin around the table and now you got and angie's having a hard time bringing the meal sizes down we're still cooking in an iron skillet that's oh about that big around and uh she's putting it down in front of just four of us well tell her to watch brenda gant brenda brenda gantt on facebook she shows you how to cook uh with what you got for however many got you know i i everybody watching right now probably knows who she is except you she let me tell you her story real fast she's a little lady in andalusia alabama whose husband died she said lord please let me do something that will bless people isn't that a great prayer for old people to pray let me do something now that i'm retired to bless people well she made a video of how she makes biscuits to teach the girls in her church how to make homemade biscuits it went viral and now she has 2.5 million followers on facebook and she makes she makes different things and talks about jesus and yeah i mean you can't help but watch her and she god answered her prayer oh isn't that fabulous isn't that a good story that's a great story i mean it's kind of what you're doing sitting there and well i guess houston today are you in houston i am i'm in my bedroom slash studio slash office see i got my green screen so you don't have to see that i don't make the bed [Laughter] you can just roll up a creek from it's a great smoky mountain from wherever or i can go to a beach watch this what in the world watch this we're going to go to the beach now we're like old people here oh that's my backyard hold on wow that's pretty cool backyard is that a pool you have a pool it is you need to come or we can be in a country church hey that's cool isn't that cool ah i just feel like something good is about to happen hey people are asking us to sing together let's show them why we can't because the internet is just a little bit off ready here we go i just feel like something good is about to happen i just feel like something good [Music] did it work i don't know it felt like we were together me and you but ask look at your screen see if those people are telling us see let's find out please greet me from the philippines hello sunshine pearson over there in the philippines yeah hello let's see uh the best gv group can't count the amount of times who's this lauren brooke vaughn i've seen the two of you in my 25 years can't hear y'all sing jesse taylor oh can we hear y'all sing jesse taylor no [Music] well not just that because it it's impossible to sing together on the internet all of those videos you've seen of a lot of people singing on the internet they're all recording it individually i have a tech company now and i'm gonna fix that fix it please for me and you we will we'll debut it right here on your show and i'll get my my uh tech team together and we're gonna fix this okay and i want you to add one more thing to that that the internet will be immediate and that you can add thousands of little uh people singing with you like all these people right now we have 3 137 people if usually i have an average of 12 to 1500 when i go live by myself but you brought in a bigger crowd and uh but i would like them to be able to hit a button and sing with me i'd hear them we'd it'd be a choir invent that and you'll never have to sing again well i want i love singing so i know you do the business around it i think you've hit a lick there if it by by hanging in one place and doing it but we do have to fix this so it is it's a pretty big problem when it's the whole internet but you know i can do it i hope you can because we're gonna fix this thing wouldn't that be nice yes well god can you sing just a little one more something for the people before we leave anything that's on your heart sing thank you lord for saving my soul thank you lord for making me whole thank you lord for giving to me thy great salvation sorry and free you know guy that is the song when i'm alone that comes out in me all the time i it used to be well satisfied i don't know why but now the older i've gotten that thing oh i love that song i was it's i know the lord had you sing that from me and i appreciate it you remember thank you so much you remember uh being on the bus with gloria and bill and and uh she said to us one time i think you were sitting right there with us we were all up in the lounge going somewhere you know and she was having a moment which she had many of and thank god she said kids and she was crying and she said you know i'm coming to the realization that we only pray two prayers help me help me help me and thank you thank you thank you and so i think when she said that it it pulled that old song up in my heart and i sing it all time because it's you know that's the crux of the whole deal what's another one right now that you hear coming out in you when you don't expect it you know it's one that my dad had me seeing as a little one five years old in a folding chair at the church he started in las cruces new mexico dirt streets in the town i remember and it it was something obviously i didn't understand at five years old i didn't at 40 years old but i'm starting to understand it now 58 and it's like the woman at the well i was seeking for things that didn't could not satisfy but then i heard my savior speaking draw from my well that never shall run dry fill my cup lord i lift it up lord come and quench this thirsting of my soul yes bread of heaven feed me till i want no more fill my cup fill it up and make me whole isn't that yes oh and i pray father i just pray right now for everyone in attendance here and all of the many many needs that are represented in this live stream mine marks needs all of the needs of our brothers and sisters we bring them before you we are people of need our need is ever before us but father help us in this moment to focus on you the neat filler the need fixer the need provider and we do lay down our heavy burdens at your feet and we do take your yoke with that is easy and your burden that is light we cast them on you and we thank you that we are victors because of your victory we are healthy because you bought it by your stripes we are healed yes we are whole because you have made us perfect in your sacrifice so we stand perfected we stand provided for like my brother said we stand clothed and in our right minds we have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind and in this day where the devil is roaring we know greater are you in us father than he that is in the world so i do bless my brothers and sisters today in the mighty name of jesus and i speak strength and life and wisdom and peace and love and kindness and patience long-suffering and victory over every one of them in the mighty name of jesus provision provision provision may we minister out of the overflow of the understanding that you've done for us through a world that's dying and in desperate need of you in jesus mighty name we declare leave it and receive it amen amen have you ever been accused of being a preacher i have actually yeah have you ever been called to preach i have and i'm ordained brother hardy yeah you remember christ church sure yeah i went through their ordinary ordination school of course i had a degree from liberty and bible that doesn't make you a preacher but right um well i've been accused of it too but i've not been called yeah i tell them there's too many people preaching who've never been called we don't need another one but i do love talking about him yes sir me too i think it's because he's so stinking interesting it's not that i'm so spiritual just every time i turn the corner there's a diamond you know that's a good way to put it yeah all right y'all i love you all thank y'all for tuning in all 3 187 of you if you missed some of this just hold on a second and hit the replay you can see it again and where i ramble on the replay you can fast forward that's the good thing about the replay all right everybody make sure you go to it's in the show notes so you can follow guy also on facebook guy's got a facebook page get over there and follow him so you can know where he's going hey will you do this again sometime i'd love to buddy i'd love it because you had some bible knowledge to this nonsense i'm doing lord help you if i'm adding something you are buddy i love you guy penrod i love you my buddy bye bye bye do [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 21,886
Rating: 4.9612279 out of 5
Id: z1GQyPIpZL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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