Dave Duncan | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 181

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well we are back huh we're back at the nine club everybody today today we have a special special special guest special special special guest Dave Duncan is with us mmm I've been watching you guys forever it's nice to finally be here do the other words thank you so that's got a cassette thank you so much for coming man this is a long time in the make first you weren't you you wanted to come on the show you broke your ribs you're in the hospital you broke your ribs we had to postpone it then god damn it you're getting hernia surgery what are you doing your heart kill two birds with one stone great a couple years I was solid yeah and then all the sudden the hernia it didn't bother me but the dogs like you know if you're just laid up you should probably get it done now okay over time if it your testings get involved so I've had to talk to the people like yeah I get it early you get it done no better sure sure you know like you said it wasn't bothering you but it was just something that was there you like just barely sticking out of my bellybutton that's really common so I guess yeah sure I mean I'm lifting stuff at work cleaning a carpenter and I don't think it was a strain like that I guess I just throughout the years yeah I just and then they got to put you out for that right you got a dip go under and did so so you had broken ribs and you're getting hernia surgery so I didn't they asked me I didn't tell Matt brother is like then when I was coming to she's like how was your pain alone my odds @h kept giving me more stuff I'm like it's bad and so she gave me fentanyl which I love it's like it's like synthetic heroin it puts a smarter face I've never heard you're in another world so so she gave me that and I put an Instagram on the fentanyl I was like what I know that was just a couple shots in hospital well I mean it's under you know it's that whole [ __ ] day I was happy as [ __ ] and I came home yeah the guy picked me up Oh stoles everyone's like dude it was like I loved life well it's cool I feel like you're still having funny oh yeah I'm a happy guy but you know give me a shot if n there is an epidemic now it is yeah but under under under doctor's supervision yeah you know it's yes I'm actually now I've been on the north coast for a while which is kinda like vicodin and I I try they said every four hours six hours I'm back to like eight to 12 hour now I'm stretched honks I don't want to be you don't want to be you know right what I need it I need I pretty much been on it for a few eat and that's why it wasn't work that's why she had to keep giving me because I've been on for my ribs I've been on and she's like why is this not work cuz your body builds a fall yeah of course so you gotta be cover cuz yeah makes you happy like it makes it any worries you have this go away you can see why people get addicted to stuff like that let me say it's um about skateboarding yeah you get on your skateboard and you're going I remember when I was a kid just going uh skidooed you're just your worries are gone you're just in the moment you're just you forget everything and that's kind of like when people smoke weed or do any kind of drug it's like you're in a fantasy world you're not reality and it doesn't want to just because especially like skaters of this adrenaline rush that we get mm mm what's your career goes down little you know the Gator stories and my soy stories or whatever yeah yeah you can see it right yeah wait how did you break your your ribs dude I was snowboarding out high that they closed the 15 freeway to go to Vegas okay this lady's on news this has not happened in 30 years so much snow I'm like [ __ ] I'm going up no roads are closed kicking about huh huh the next morning like [ __ ] I'm on it I'm going I'm going but those so much traffic everybody's on it it was hard to get parking whatever so I finally get it going and then I I parked in a weird place and I was blocking someone in so I got out of the car to figure out what's going on and I literally just slipped did a mr. Wilson feet up on here all my body 240 pounds Oh what are the ribs what was in the parking yeah you wouldn't even eat you bring your own right yeah people are like are you okay died the window [Music] and I went road that day Judas epic knee deep eye which never had its really rare date a mountain high mountain eyes like I don't have tri sharehouse I love snowboarding I've been all like Tahoe and Utah Europe I've Casa heli boarding yeah so this was like a dream day for me and uh I took off my [ __ ] I'm going snowboarding sure I gotta go with blue sky perfect you broke your ribs I know and the point I came I'm like okay maybe there's bruised I've had bruised ribs to skating you know and then a couple days later I talked this guy Rick thorny to the Warped Tour he his lungs got filled with stuff and he could have died you could die yeah he told me wouldn't long and I was getting the stuff for you to flam where he can I couldn't coughing up cuz I couldn't call cuz my you can't laugh can't breathe deep and when you can't breathe deep but just starts getting in sir so and I'm laying on the bed I couldn't lay down I couldn't roll over I'm like I something's wrong I went toss well I'll go let's just get the [ __ ] checked I called Rick a dude what he goes go the hospital get checked out mmm-hmm and then go yeah they're broken and yeah I got [ __ ] in your lungs whatever never [ __ ] I'm okay now but wow it was an issue but you know I got a few great years and I did I've had so many injuries and get that later yeah yeah I mean it's part of skating you know if you're gonna be push yourself and I try not to push I try just cruising have fun which luckily I'm still rolling because of that but for a while until I was probably five I was a teenager I was going berserk I don't care I'll slam and get nuts you know so not a good life for long time sure yeah and I just all these new parks need to play when I get somewhere I travel I want to be able to ride I want to go ride with the homies go have fun and yeah you know I'm sure you the rat chicks I just go out and have fun you know that's it that is right so yeah peace at this age you know I mean yeah and you're still doing a man you do I mean we'll get into the whole contest day yeah announcing all the contests World Cups and X Games and travel I just saw even a kid I would take the bus to a different neighborhood I just love this drop seriously yeah you go to the beach you just I just want to get out there and what's the world yes and that's a beauty of skateboard yeah is being able to travel the world all the teams get in a van and go roadtrip I love that band with the boys people are just buffing parting wheat you know whatever you know just [ __ ] living it up you know best nothing better getting with your friends and having a good time yeah so yeah it'll be interesting because I am super interested in how even got into that I mean you did Olympics snowboarding announcing and all that said well we'll definitely touch on that because it's fast it's a lot as 40 years of seeing a lot right let's take a trip back let's go back to early well it's uh 60s 70s 60 I was born 62 so in 69 every garage I think had one of these like a hula hoop and a yo-yo three it was like a comp you know I mean you got checkers or whatever you know monopoly jizz whatever but this is our garage and everyone so I just go hey what could you do on your board can you ride ten feet can you write down the hill what you know it was like a challenge to see cuz you really could do anything well they're metal wheels it's it's I mean it's we're from California had smooth sidewalks so you should those clackity clackity clack or the mums mm-hmm but I would ride that board I got so good we lived on this downhill they had an uphill and I start the bottom go up and I got to my driver my dad come watch you I can go down the hill on the skateboard that dad comes out and watches the first time he's ever see me skate I ate [ __ ] at the bloody yeah I don't know we should do that anymore I mean I did but right that's at 69 in the in the early 70s they came out with clay wheels where's my Black Knight I brought to hang it up were just hang it up or it's over Black Knight yeah that Black Knight at clay wheels and we saw ride those to school we had like a mile walk to celebrity it's just so slow to walk to collect over a half hour on a skateboard you get there like ten minutes so I would skate down the hill looking at people going when are they gonna figure out this is a better to do it around this is probably 74 75 better mode of transportation how do you get that at like a hobby shop for seven six nine nine to fifty fifty had this ice cream cones five cents 10 cents 15 cents they still hello man oh you seventies people yeah but those boards a lot of the guys that grown 70s rode those sports you guys have probably seen the the z-boys movie and all that once the urethane came out and those bearings are loose spare ball bearings right there spin them they would fall out like you're riding on your wheels off you're looking for all the balls trying to put it back in so once your thing came for a little while first year your thing had loose ball bearings to in that eventually they became precision bearings yeah yeah sure but that changed I call it the magic carpet ride because it just changed I mean you could go anywhere it was just like the z-boys you're all our high school had asphalt banks we're skating to school on these driveways hitting the driveways inside and it was like your surfs game you know we're surfing a little bit then in the kids in our neighborhood were surfers and this is Huntington Beach there's no I grew up in San Diego no Beach okay Long Beach my dad wanted to move cynics he thought it was like clean living and moon whatever mm-hmm so I grew up in San Diego and then I moved to Oregon I was like 12 first person Oregon to have urethane wheels its is from California and kid in California so I came back from Oregon a couple years later my mom got preying on my kids go I don't have the kid up here my little brother so we moved back to San Diego okay all my friends look up we're way better than me [ __ ] how'd you guys get so good you're saying we all were ripping pools oh my god what so I got on this accelerated pace to get good at skateboarding I passed them all up no I got so upset I got sponsored you know started O'Conner is like Japanese they started building skate parks the very first Park I went to was Carlsbad won the first in the world I've heard it was supposedly won in Florida who cared then counts California G I'm on the cover one I'm doing the bomb like nose tail grab what do you call it the bomb things on or whatever flying out first time you see Iran skateboard in a magazine was Jay Adams at this anyways we ride there and then they started building parks all over San Diego sir I got sponsor we wrote a few parks in Orange County in the 70s they closed them all down because of insurance you break car I'm sue for a million bucks so now the laws are different you can't sue for that anymore hmm so all the parks closed except for Del Mar and I was on my own then I was working as a carpenter my mom we've got Long Beach and I'm like I got to move to Del Mar and just skate the hell out cuz that's the last Park around that a good part that a halfpipe that at Red's were they had all these pools and any other big contents of once a while so I was a local I lived like a mile or two away and everybody that's where I started meeting like Lance mountain Neil blender moleska SCI a soy soy stead would drop him off and he'd be trained for the contest he's 15 and I would take care of me stay in my house I tried these underage nightclubs I think those 20 20 you know whatever and uh and I was a guy I can convince I was 21 I'm in the parking lot drinking beer so I was the older everyone else is teenagers toys guys are five years younger than me okay so I'm a little bit older that's why eventually with a Kevin Connor psych became the judge kind of you know cuz I'm a little older lament I had a good life in skateboarding so that's kind of was like hey I want these guys yeah yeah yeah and when you say you were sponsored you're getting sponsored who is your program was a company Jim Gray knows about he's right for him to they take our a bus from a van from Spring Valley all over my local park mm-hmm to skatetopia every Wednesday we have like a team you go to the factory they made everything board shirts wheel you have your team jerseys all that yeah pro-am pure gold was the thing anyways uh and and did a few contests and stuff but then it all died skateboarding all died in the 80s we wouldn't go to these skate parts that used to be old Mike Colton was one of our favorites calling that amazing Park one of the later parts and they close and we just go we drive to San Diego Riverside and just jump under the fences ride the cops are coming on the balls and it's just like did a skate park for it we're like where did everybody go I've never seen Steve Olsen and some other guys out there skating too and we're like you know a year ago there was hundreds of kids here where is it one in there yeah the backyards or you think yeah but ever even the pros quit like yeah member Eric Christian lo see those guys around um like we're done we already did whatever so no sponsors or everything got dropped Tony Hawk would make I mean five hundred I guess for the first place for a con us a lot of more let let's not two hundred on or like there was really no future nothing it was really remember those seventeen pros in the world like eighty three I think I can you know you name them all Lester and Lance and all those guys whatever you know and I just love skating so I build ramps for my friends and backyards I'd always build ramps and I've been in my whole life I when I was a union carpet I learned how to build [ __ ] oh yes you're building houses in stuff so eventually they put me on the tour doing an essay with Frank are like hey you want to come we'll give your hotel airfare he makes the money thousand bucks or whatever they'll build these ramps and judge the cornice and whatever make sure what a dream you're you're almost making more money than the skater in the first place place money yet they're baby on the podium yeah anyway we'd say that daily waves like Duncan you win every contest fun out there and that's it it seems like those that you love to do so building these rare for these guys it wasn't a love rap and then Tony Hawk the guys come and flood - yeah there be a part of something huge other life yeah right half dollar I've done because the kids are coming here in an arena and you got to work all night and you know show must go on yeah sure not to build a ramp at three days or whatever [ __ ] a lot of work you know I don't work out right and I did though over the world I remember going to Copenhagen we did these events in Copenhagen where we build a ver M Street course from scratch I'd have like 25 kids working for me barely know how to use a drill but we would build amazing 44 advert rune we win every year of course okay and then the stream you know I don't know whatever just crazy times crazy times that just it's on a napkin hey what do you want to do how do you want to like freestyling that oh you design design inna built well they have a rough idea we want to step up here and a pyramid here and you know how high angles try and figure it all out and because every event I'm talking to pros how high do you guys like stuff their handrails oh yeah you're working with the pros to design yeah yeah I know what they like would there be a wouldn't work on this event that was good so piece these things together I remember uh there's a classic 80s I think Archie 90s it's in the Euro they called the Euro gap now that original one was in London England we had built a hip in the hole it was like a bold corner somebody had a foot high curb on it but on the hip I didn't want the curb so I took out the curb so I had like a six foot or eight foot gap from where the curb it was to where the curb started sure and everyone started flying then we had a ledge on the ground was like two foot high just a little ledge on the ground somebody took and put it up there so now you're going up the step-up gap in ledge trick something else would create this whole new thing just throwing stuff out just on a whim yeah yeah just like everyone in companies like what is these euro gaps you're always I did these for Germany and in London and we're all these events we did your update we didn't happen in America yeah oh it was original London gap now it's your hero guy yeah when all the four Oh once in all the four know for sure what gear was this 90s oh girl they Late Late not it couldn't have been I feel like it's an earlier yeah mid to early yeah yeah yeah huh yeah night 495 yeah I remember uh Mike Vallely talked about it was there was a boycott he did one year 95 security guys clothes night never something mm-hmm okay putting out the same course yeah yeah yeah the guy had money just yeah whatever so that was me I was building those card but they just like oh you have to use course nacho I'm not that money dude I do it I'm told sure right and then I thought you changed it another thing that changed things when Maloof not to jump around too much came in the games started making concrete courses that changed every day now X Games has to do what I did oh we don't have the budget you can't have an extra thousand dollars hundred [Music] groups come in they're billionaires hundred thousand dollars first place yeah we're doing 100 it's not like that anymore sure yeah yeah I think the most right now is like 15 grand for the wings the interest in skateboarding did not grow and people annoy oh I want to watch this and yeah guarantee the purse will get bigger right it just makes this gonna help this sponsor a lot of the sponsors have pulled out of the contest series yeah that's right that's what they were supporting all that now they're all out of it so yeah but the Olympics in like show well and like on TV whatever guarantee like NBC Vic you know what [ __ ] it we're gonna do our own like do tour that's how X Games start you know we used to pay X Games we did the vegetable crown we would pay them for that time slot and that's how the Dew Tour started they were trying to sell the Dew Tour van so it was like 40 40 million they owed or something from all this time like you can buy it but you know whatever so I think that's when Vans Triple Crown switch to turn into Tornai no X Games is like mug their penis let's just crater own yeah yeah they had like sky-surfing also we're a rock climber whatever they did hey crazy - I seen all that was crazy and then going back when you got on Alva we were you were just skating Island actually skated uh so you said somebody uncle wiggly I used to skate with Tony mag seen these guys stead um and my daughter used to work in the wood shop I go the wood shop they'd make me whatever I wanted so they basically sponsor uncle wiggly and they're like if you enter these contests you get free boards Domar I never really was in it kind of that time but I'm like all right cool I'll do this and you know yeah it was fun there bank slalom and cross-country and pools and full pipe and like it was kind of fun cross-country yeah cross-country was like where you'd ride all over all over the park with cones you go around come okay yeah it was in a skate park okay they do it at sheckler's thing they've done it now have you guys seen that yeah yeah yeah speed like a slalom but you're all over the Gump and banks and the walls yeah I like baked slime all over the park and it's a race based so yeah it's a race legit to gods ed ed go or one guy at a time anytime you sheckler's you do a race ed ed it's fun to watch any max Supercross yeah where are we going this oh no we're just going into skinny frail fall for album oh yeah so uncle wiggly I wrote they said in these kind of should give free boards it did that started getting pretty good mmmn and uh I was sponsors oh we go to upland and Sonya was like if you want to judge the 1 a 2 a 3 which is beginner in me in advance I'll give you 50 bucks you judge these kids and you get gas money beer money and you know you ride the factory division factory sponsored okay she's my house all right so I asked and Bo Brown was uh riding for Mature the tanks like a slum dude he was announcer and I was listening to him and he just didn't entertain me right buddy he wasn't a pool skater he wasn't there the night before with the guy I'm like I think I can do better he goes please please save you please I'm just trying to help Sonya out here like I'm just volunteer whatever okay so so I started announcing those and it was fun because I I know inside jokes are the guys I knew what tricks they're doing to their lines from the night before for practice and I have stories you know doing a merge things fun so once I started doing the NSA which Sony and Frank were involved with the national skipper association mm-hmm to the raffle hey you already here like I think Santa Savannah Slama was my first one I did the first game 788 was where Kevin Thatcher had the design goes debut want to build this for me so I'm like okay cool and then eventually me and Tim Payne work together doing vert ramps which Paul Schmidt and him did ramps at Florida riot so and he was a carver like me so me we work to get outs on these big you know building a ramp thing huh so crazy anyway so the Alba thing get back to that so I'm riding these ugly boards so I came out well they were high tech bars for McGill R and I first oh is it yeah really high tech Kevlar like really crazy experimental [ __ ] Wow and the best boards out there but then it just was a supermarket like Santa Cruz or our GS or whatever you know so Alva if it's always good friends with so I said his dad would drop mob we'd hang out he had this fish board and I'm riding his pork and I love his big tail or a big feet and and I didn't want to have uncle wiggly make me official I thought it'd be disrespectful I was like this before we start getting crazy on the shapes I'm like I went and bought off Great Britain or Swift when those guys hey car buy that I'll board for 40 bucks and then Tony Alva see me in Venice with it cuz how you like your own board I'm like I love it anymore i crack him when I break up me I'm thrashing on him okay well we'll give to you you know you do condos eventually I start getting afraid I got my buddies I give for 20 bucks so I get a box like ten boards and solving all my buddies for 20 bucks okay I give them the money back to it they were solid or basically I was like a little outlet of oh and they're la those guys start to get a free later what's a Alva grew right rising up being a team manager for Alva once they moved from Venice Santa Monica down to San Juan in like 87 right when I turn yeah I was gonna say didn't you turn pro and then if you were to manager I have to say that because I was like I'm not gonna build carpenter Chimere oh I got a great story for you yeah I broke my wrist at Domar leaned back broke my wrist didn't know it whatever I know sorry I broke my thumb broke my thumb okay and I'm at work mitochondria my thumbs just throbbing for a month like my boss like why don't you get that fixed I'm like I don't have insurance whatever you know he goes go Tommy thought work it'll get covered by car with this car so I go okay it's it's all messed up you got to have surgery it's gonna take you a few months and then by the way we aired your next day's you know it's your wrist has been broken it I used to duct-tape my wrist [ __ ] because it would you break your wrist that's cowboy it hurts for a few minutes and you're like okay I can live with it yeah and that's how it was it still worked but it's just every once while slam so so for two years I was getting workman's comp disability I've got to 24 months so now I start going to Brazil I'm going to Europe I'm going Hawaii I got all these crazy Road Trip stories for him just be like a semi-pro I'm sponsored but I don't have a job like so that's when I start doing the team manager thing was right ever went back from like 85 I think I was in a cast twice and never went back to building the houses right use your disability money to skate do you see you're in a cash off because you're doing conic stimulation all [ __ ] kind of yeah if you use don't we do you still have your your stuff from the hospital on yeah [ __ ] yeah hernia surgery yeah yeah yeah whatever so you're using you use with a band yeah so now how do is brand again but how did you feel that like actually turning pro now and then being the team manager at the same time I think you might cuz I knew all the guys already it was extra money I basically work 12 days a week when I don't want to get harbucks a day so it's over a month and I just have to show up in the office so but to go and ship the guys product or work on the ads or go to the fact and work on the shapes and the grass you were you're working like half the month yeah I travel hey we're going Australia for flicks we're going to Europe we're going re whoever the vents were and they give me money I got the van I could drive to Arizona with all guys go skate pool like wait I basically had the van was killer right it was it was yeah it's really fun really fun speaking of turning pro you were before the show you wanted to tell us a story about the your first pro board and the wood grains and everything we were cameras so Alma you know I loved Alvin in the 70s he was the king of it all and uh Jay Adams since that whole vibe they looked like they were just having a lot of fun and I'm like man I love that surfing skating just living the life man so the ride for him was a dream but I just looked at him bigger like so I kept his name big cuz Alba that was that was it so yeah guys there was a brand how's the the grains of a tree the wood grain every year symbolizes a different year of mark yeah so trees 50 years olds gonna have 50 of those a little circle no so how's Alva grew I just look at it like I grew into the Alva vibe and and then he had the Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon scratches so my buddy made these crazy monsters and she made like a 3d thing of that and it was Dave Duncan science I made 3d so together we designed this crazy graphic and there was a trip I did with Gator and Krishna soy and low co2 Ridgecrest we rode this ramp it was like a three-hour drive from from Orange County we get there nighttime we can't ride so we're just parties guys kegger party and he's like these guys like you want to try mushrooms we got these so we ate these cheeseburgers and mushrooms never Whittle oh [ __ ] trippy night out of glasses crazy dudes and the Sun starts creeping up in the morning we're like the RAM we didn't ring the rent we heard all about this crazy around and there's this before masonite or skaila it was plywood mmm so I'm trying to ride this ramp and just getting up to lip to do grinds I was having trouble focusing because the wood grain if you look at a piece of plywood closely it's kind of a looser genic the way it's tight and loose and it's just in your flies remember that plus your mushroom this is probably yeah yeah probably a year before I did that drawing and I just it was one of my things whenever I did drawings I would trace lines around it bring this in kind of dimension thing okay anyway so cut out some meaning you know a lot of yeah I just do graphics with cartoons autumn or weird [ __ ] these days and that to me a lot I mean there's so much history with Alvin you know whatever I write and then the shape I kind of had the fish shape that are so yeah but I add these little bump lumps cuz when I have my cast we're talking about I couldn't grab backside my thumb's here so I did mute grabs but in order to grab it it helped having those little bumps and the rails I could actually grab the money by mother yeah in money but well the money bump is actually the back truck if you look at when you put us up us a base plate on or whatever they're just a little bit above those holes getting the Mack for the base plate and kids used to break them a launch shrimp days that was the because once people can fish that was the weakest part of the board yeah so if you know a little extra wood there that's why they call them what a muddy bump is technically that to make the board last longer so many boards back broken boards we give it a kid a brand new board Braniff want to be right there whether I yes if you look just above the holes where you think of a base plate would be yeah so and then some people didn't know they put those things right in line with it and it didn't work because you have to have room for the base plate there's a hole or above you know science is that you need more nanotubes there everybody before that just had really plain shapes because the factories or didn't want to do weird [ __ ] but Alva have their own factory you do ever you want really let's do cuz the fish was unique illustrating you know a certain hammerhead and we just started doing [ __ ] so anyways you see a lot in the I see guys had that nightmare right hammer thing up there purple stifling us quite follow Peter hue at all time and he's always doing funny stuff with us crazy but I just love it so school see you got that era when everyone had their own unique shape blender head is layouts that is and so you can see oh that's a Ross cop you know everybody had their own sure so just by looking at a silhouette of it you know who's board it was is that crazy which was cool yeah we weren't doing flip tricks it wasn't tectal was it so Rocco kind of made it more of like a freestyle board the popsicles they they made a real balance for 360 flips and right all that you know back then we were just charging you know doing whatever fools I know the Lipson these guys always wanted the double kick and eventually came you know I mean even the wheel wells on there it's like minuscule yeah super small yeah yeah mine if you look at my new board behind you we have big wheel wells on that which are blabbering you sure I like widen window riser or small riser so I like to be able to turn and not get that wheel round yeah you like the metal in the wood what size wheels were you riding on like the Alva back we're doing 60s a lot remember Santa Monica Airlines had a 56 that I loved it felt so low but the the terrain was rough back then skate parks or rough ramps were plywood whatever now everything's so smooth the perfect I ride 56 and 58 now hmm they're great um like in the combi poi 58 so I need because 60 Zi you start getting wheel bite and whatever and they're just too heavy too much so 50 to me is a big big wheel you know which but uh yeah not a lot of street guys like 54 is I guess yeah yeah 53 yeah even 50 to 54 yeah 448 you are small yeah that's good well it's like a 90s backups Myers it's mine now there we go so when you're pro you turn pro got that board was a joke guy said I had a bread for breakfast I love so much I had another one for Zuri and you were team manager were you like putting together tours and doing all this like what was your you would get the Scot most Royals like hey I want to bring Craig Johnson and Kip's in and you know whatever whoever there Murr Friday you know who they're talking to you talking to me and I'm good and then he goes why don't you come to Mike okay cool cuz I he's like I need you to manage the guy you know you know yeah and they listened to me getting the van get up you know whatever says so I'm like alright three weeks we did all over Australia this thing in Perth it was a moving skid off this day no one the world knows about this thing it was imagine a merry-go-round uh-huh that's maybe 40 feet wide thirty feet wide that has like pump pumps in it like a pump track they have now yeah okay and it goes in circles forward backwards fast slow and you drop into it and then you drop any come ere going yeah or you could just sit there and ride it was a missus it's rotating route in it this guy had it's like a machine thing this is if somebody ripped off the Pro Shop never seen again the part close those a tweet and we have footage of it oh you do but I always thought about like in the future you can have hydraulic rails you could do so many already do they do has a murder part oh there's so many things you can I mean this is 20 years ago whatever was it good though was good it was fun hit this thing it would spit you out hit the car by person it's rotating as you're skiing it yeah basically yeah you're right go with it though if it was coming out you'd be like hitting a speed bump time it and go with it whereas speak you out how you roll over the back side of it no spit you up dude I know so anyway and we did like you guys going back and forth before you drop gonna do it you hit it and you come around and you just do it if base is kind of one hit but you didn't start in it and just hang out there and skate it at like a little wave as it moves around I got to trip where [ __ ] yeah you have to dig up that footage somewhere but yeah we went all over I'll see all those fun and another amazing one this this is gonna take a minute but it's it's part of skate history 89 I went to Hawaii to uuhhh was beginning to say cause what Gon's did the yeah yeah okay so I don't build that rap it's the first time we were doing Frank Hawk everybody they got rid of Frank and they're somehow you want to go anyways so darn Bostick started who does World Cup now he throws his first event Hawaii so he's my new boss hey how you doing okay so I'm judging announcing whatever I'm doing and a building around but this guy from Japan is there it goes Alpha Team I love you guys I want to bring you their pen come Japan I'm like Japan that's so foreign to me I never Bend every thought of going on even like Japanese girls whatever no desire he sends me a fax one day with ten names of vert dudes like a soy and not all the gnarly Gossow and everyone ten Street guys are addressing you know whatever whoever all I can think of names and then mofo from Thrasher grandpa Transworld and for judges we had a sign hat I mean sorry Chad Adams and Hackett were judges okay so he's like we want to bring all these guys do a big event in Japan will you help us I'm like let me say this you're gonna send me and xxx my best friends so they're like well we're gonna give you four bucks you know to organize things here's a check for our bucks and then when you get there we'll figure out the rest your money whatever mm-hmm so we take this sum wildest plane right there the guy comes he goes they don't give enough Falcons back when you could bring in football yeah they don't give you enough alcohol whispering so we go liquor store get all this I'll call this crazy stuff and have the wildest place oh man people are puking a barf bags and just get crazy James had a boom box he's pleasing the stores is like you have to be quiet and we're like okay one more beer will promise we'll be quiet somebody said oh well proms be quiet so she comes back get ready beer and ten minutes later were twice in town right yeah so she's in tears you could smoke at the pint so yeah back in the day anyway so that so we get off they're gonna get off she's on the phone it seems like we're in trouble oh no they're like you're the skateboarders you have to go this way everyone else and I've been traveling I'm like this not cool yeah if you're normal you just they're pulling aside for something turns out we pull side there's a limo bus for us we're not in trouble ya realize VIP we're on fire I remember Grasso had to piss so bad he pissed in a cup and try to throw it out the window and all flew back in that sound like beat those guys went to a nightclub and it cost like 15 bucks for taxi on the way home it was like 40 bucks Oh Ben Shores was smashing the taxi lights go on you charged so she ripped us off whatever so then the kotel gets involved they call the promoter guy 7-year old man at 3:00 in the morning comes down and graça yelling at the you [ __ ] us up you drove us around party like cross oh that's not the tax that's your motor the tax gatherer so anyway it's know how yeah just that was a wild one so I get in the negotiations of my fee like how much you get I usually get a couple grand a week whatever he goes the guy go see if there's is an interpreter in there's old man yeah same old man I'm talking he goes Tommy make five grand you want five grand alright five grand Oh God looks to me you know three grand on my photographs we should cancel four in one week I've already made the four hundred and four grand for the week to pay I'd have to build the ramps or she tramps anyways whatever I announced it I end up being the DJ and the timekeeper - okay good we went bought a bunch of musics we got spend money they bought all the music I wanted for it for music and Jay Adams had spent all night took us some awesome speed pills or some whatever in college no any fours on his money through his judges paper I mean middle of it I can't judge you my gotta go whatever can we start with freestyle it just took Fred was boring he just couldn't handle it whatever yeah so I end up judge me doing the time and the DJ announcing whatever but for forgot for a few days my life it's amazing it's a good 9a so I won the street for Sam hundred and one divert force a hundred he came back with 15 grand cash you're not allowed to bring over ten grand yeah he gets in the car with his dad dad fix my hair hey how'd you do he just starts throwing money in the car top moment is the biggest money everybody made in ever that because before like I said ten years or eight years for that was 500 bucks for splitter fun times the lady eighties were just mean you imagine going from five 559 and and these that's what the you know what I want to go back on just yeah some of the history in the 70s when I first started in the mags guys were only pro for a year or two there's new guys like Steve Elvis brother and his brother Mickey I was the new guy and then Duane and you know just new guys you could not be pro like a pro model those nose is your - you're done bright kids that really change a lot so when a soy and Lance all those guys the 17 prototype they still stayed through Caballeros one of them that alter those yours were nobody could catch him everybody was meal blender all those guys you know they all I mean maybe gods never caught him on vert but on the street that was a whole new thing you guys came in right you know but anyways such as it amazed me how long they could dominate the competition's well even can 20s are you in their mid early 20 mid 20s you know yeah yeah even cab went to street cab we cab ride the vert not onto the street his riding rails it was amazing what he was killing I got a cab how he changed he fit in with times times yeah but Paul he had to he gonna be marketable and be yeah a lot of streak for guys they try to do this tried but they it doesn't work or they they try and it's just a guy cab I remember seeing Danny was like 10 or 12 years old doing kick flip varial and tricks out of the reservoir to flat like a step up - Nomar like what do you do know wherever eyes pulling you know kickflipping knees that and yeah it's like you say yeah but he took him to vert so right this is amazing to see I mean cab god you're killing it don't stir yeah you know captain today I can't believe like we do those comic pool things Lance cab Grasso's boy I mean what their level it's almost as good as they we're back that Miller may only thinks better no any was that how crazy really good that he was really good yeah were you guys threatened by these young kids coming up not at all no not all scape or his life yeah I think it was cuz Rocco would put in a magazine poles where we're kids in Indiana or is Kansas they don't have that there's up street so I get it when you see a picture of a little little freestyle type board near your Alling up curbs and riding curbs and doing little mani tricks or flip tricks they're like cool this is something I can do at my high school I used to rise my sport it's going for out of high school or can I do those say I did a lot of free stars I get it mm-hmm you know but it's just not that exciting and going fast and once you get that it's kind of hard to go back to tinkering with your board yeah yeah that's when you have a job and a girlfriend you know like you just you know when you're a teenager I'm sure some people excitement yeah yeah I'm sure some people were threatened but it sounds like you had a good grip on the industry like you were building ramps for contests they never bridged that gap let me ask you a question too cuz I judge a lot now for what's going on do you guys judge like just by pen and pen or pencil and paper and just kind of write nowadays or back-to-back VIN no it was a pin it was a spreadsheet but you would take notes of how many good tricks they did or how many Falls they had and it's cut always an overall impression of 0 to 100 most guys an average run which you've seen the 70s yeah you're real good in the 80s if you want to make the cut the finals high 80s and the final sometimes 90s and you kind of just see who's you know who's written it yeah yeah thank you is that a qualifier too and then go to like a semifinal of like 24 dudes or something yeah and kind of could get a vibe of you know we're looking for the top 10 but you made 24 you might be in there you know we might have messed up in your score later cuz you're in the first seat but you know you're good enough to maybe give you a second shot in the semis and some guys suck gonna be game they you know so that what kind of made a weird where you'd have to skate two or three times yeah Tommy but then there was the skaters were just dominating I'm gonna tell you that the most popular guys like Mark Gonzales and Neil the artistic guys that really saw in graphics bring Ross cops old so many bored he did they didn't do good in contests but something about the marketability of them mm-hmm people loved him you know Tommy Guerrero they loved you lapel video is always all end up curbs and doing that that stuff is like oh I want to be like that they don't care what play I mean I see one Willis San Francisco Street thing is good but really didn't matter whether you've won the connoisseur not you know right I mean Tony Hawk would win them all aside would you know and they were obviously popular guys yeah when it came to Street it really didn't you didn't have to win the contest to be the cell board it was switching over now I remember one of those events I was tirely er Neil blender recalls name and he literally goes out to the middle takes off his shoes and socks and soaks his feet in this water so you know it was just fun eyes are doing that of the Street League now take off the shoes you got 15 seconds up Neil okay so yeah and that that artistic part of it though you know remember Scania contests with guns he's tried for all aside driving a Kondos and stuff I'm here beating him an event San Diego I had like a perfect round of bonuses and fifty 50s on the horseshoe thing in the picnic mansion I had a little routine work dollies pretty good about that gods didn't know what he was doing that attire there he came out of the corner first trick all he's a friggin big truck tired big his table I could never like her but not that distance you know just some flat right and I mean in my opinion show one he did a trick that was so beyond but it really wasn't about one trick you had to have a routine yeah yeah so that's the difference in the eighties you know between you know kind of now it's more like yeah you get some rat tricks you can win which is changed I kind of like having the run and the trick together like okay can you do a run and can't you what kind of tricks you yeah cuz like cost cinema crank those guys work she they could put a run together my god oh my god bang bang bang bang bang trend yeah Tim brush and look like they're having fun doing it oh yeah but you know that was so gymnastics like you know okay here's your routine you know in skateboarding now especially now with a video camera you watch your video guys are doing bangers you know it's but it's always nice to see him do a line where a guy does trick to trick this oh yeah people admire that much see your style you see him push ya you know gonna go to fakie and switch out up and yeah so now you're you I'm just trying to think of that alva days right oh that was so much fun so much fun I'm sure you have like a million stories million stories many stories somebody leather jacket just toy truth it was called to shoot in Chicago yeah we're like Chicago in February we went for a silo ski tow and we had lighting five or six guys a contest and they brought a couple vert is like Craig and Johnny couple guys that didn't earn the contest but they just brought him for this team photo yeah that's the only time we're only together for maybe 30 minutes the only time in the history of oh really oh yeah because everyone's all a different person yeah that's true you yeah yeah for the Midwest George Murph awesome Jersey Freddie was Boston John Thomas was Florida and the Texas guys Johnny was from Houston Craig was from Dallas heart saw was Hawaii Chris Cook was San Francisco Wow San Diego ta was Venice so we we had going I got raised early north west south southwest I all over covered nobody see we get most of them together at events you know we got five or six guys there you know I'll tell you that the fun times about that was we score like these Houston shut up and skate where they have bands plan checks Bieber drink of beer really like out like a festival car thing than just skateboarding so much fun so much fun and then at the end of it all I know like the Powell dudes are there and they're like oh the contest is over tonight we'll be back to the finals tomorrow we're gonna go to the hotel and it'll go to a nice dinner before and you know Stacy take care of we're like where's the backyard barbecue where's the beer at Hager let's go you know rage Awards go to night club and that's what made us a little different but tell you Craig go get wasted stable night he'd go and put a killer run together you know those guys Johnny they they they were always in the cut it all the events didn't even though we're kind of party guys they could put a run together you know that's well he had a martini cuz they were making all the cuts it was the biggest party on Elba Oh God [Laughter] [Music] do I want to say ta was when I first met him he was pretty full word cuz you're right the early eighties there's no future in it so those guys are just partying they were doing it Monica uh-oh wait Craig dollar stones dime the Texans yeah they party man I love going there it was Lucy they would tell me stores you the driver could have an open beer in his lap every other car be wasted they get pulled by cop you're good to go guys that driver is not drunk they wouldn't make you blow unless you're just really blowing a shirt this is an 80 so it just Texas was just a lot looser Wild West right don't you guys remember those videos of Steve schmear riding off the ramp onto the plywood she's doing poor naked hos would like a sock on his [ __ ] no legit homo where your feet are off though you're both hands with coping your feet mutants sacred risque video yeah just while it out the street guys started coming into our da dadada NSA we have some NSA vents I remember Sean Chevy markavitch some of those new Street guys were coming in which is rad to see you know I'm in Chains a handrail things started coming yeah yeah you know but I mean I guess in the end yeah guys got threatened by him because eventually we didn't really know that weren't was gonna die but event she had between 8th Street videos when you look at the quality of the the the movie behind a pal video versus a HD video nice she was just sketchy and whatever VHS you know film buddies ever but it was about the tricks people didn't care was more about the tricks yeah and the Powell was like expensive polished yeah 16 mil cameras was like crazy expensive which was cool slow-mo at the at that ramp what it was it called the animal chin which I was a funny one the search of animal chin well it's funny you even got the Thrasher right here with the gravestone 1943 and 1993 that's amazing maybe psych called it out her I never look at that it was the thinnest it was cuz the sponsors are pouring out like and that's what I bridged that gap that's when I started I went to UM start to focus with the so 93 right around that time yeah yeah SOI was always marketable that that's right when we started making their own companies Lance went to do the firm Gonz went to do blind from vision mm-hmm and then so I had milk he had a couple other companies skate hard and he started to focus and they needed money and they flew me to Huntington to build this thing called the soul balls of vert indoor boys pinnacle monster chickens house mm-hmm Oh a chicken out of pulls back actually live exhaust for Fears hmm and uh it was a tree man let's wake up have a pulling her backyard pool table him Alma she was like a country club so I was living during those times I was having the best time my life you know it was really and I still do some skate events yeah it was still fun but the other vert thing was pretty dead he was going on yeah so I helped Christian run his company for a while wears a black flag board there's mine yeah it's my alright man we got a deal with Black Flag they want to make skateboards and they love to SOI so we made one of those a couple more auntie Roy boards I know have you read and Iran show yeah oh yeah I did his podcast - he's right there yeah we had fun doing that and this was a 93 93 - nice right when that was the dead time yeah we were a little ahead of our time there and we got involved with doing snowboards we had this Japanese can i they loved him so I Japan this when you could make snow they would send us money like 10 grand to make snow bird make him suddenly give us the rest of money it was easy deal like they would pay to make him yeah so we kind of that's what helped escape word keep him always through the snow yeah somebody ventually a soy got to high on the crystal meth Eddie was hoping us for he started a shop downtown every just con was not focused not focused on focus yeah and I was I got sick dude it I to pay you know all the different trick goes do the graphics so buy time you put them on it was just scattered yeah I had to pay the rent I to make sure he lived so it was my money I was the money guy was basically trying out my Eddie and Christian are my best friends in the 80s we traveled the world Alva days and all over anyway I was still going good 80 91 92 I was still going good with the con s and yeah I was but they weren't they were they were you know he likes a it was rough times the street guys come initially I was okay because the ramps the judging things so and I'd build a lot of backyard wraps too so I make money not just the contest but yeah I was busy seems like you were I mean it seems like you were spread thin but not even you and we're enjoying everything yeah ever you enjoying I was healthy happy yeah we actually started building and designed the vans parks that was until 99 but we'd almost a combi pool that I helped design income people yeah and all those parts we did a bunch of them all over we didn't think they'd last like I can't believe the conflict how are you gonna make a million dollars to pay for kids paying ten bucks a session whatever yeah it's free now luckily but vans makes so much money that they just write that off okay listen like they have for marketing it's for the culture yeah I'm stoked that they keep it going so focus when you're doing this thing from 93 to 96 and it like you said everybody was just kind of scattered and everybody kind of just so it just it collapsed I'm assuming it just collapsed 96 96 oh you did I came back from Europe in 95 Mike B was talking about when they did that boy cut thing yeah and uh god I won this contest it was a cheer thing we did this monster ball crowd crowd appreciation they churn for me to win this thing okay wanna car I get a ride in a tête-á-tête Lamborghini and he I go can I Drive ego sure I'm driving a Lamborghini 290 kilometers on the freeway what's that like a hunter whatever it is yeah pass cards are going like 90 Mon it looks like they're part because in Europe on the Autobahn you have to get over yeah you're not you're going so you have so that's that fast lane is wide open yeah and people just don't pull out like they do here I mean your maken so I remember they have those little corkscrew turns and I was going like 60 around these quarters he's like go for this and then you do another one another one you know how they have the hosts yeah and it was the white dude I've never Tita Stevie was the biggest distributor Germany listen put on the World Championships now do the ramps for him so I just remember coming home skateboarding was huge over there even in the early nineties I member that's why no we did focus I was like skip one's gonna come back even though his dead as hell and in America it was still not it was still big in your s2000 they were big they were behind the times coming we were dying but they in died yet so I came home with Chris I'm like yes let's do this company it's gonna come back but then it took a fierce 95 things when the X Games started 295 for me I was like okay I'm gonna start doing more of this stuff and now I'm busy I can make it on my own so I actually had to claim bankruptcy oh you did I lost like a hundred grand I think from focus over those three years it just you know with all that I mean it was your name on it I name was all the money yeah so I mean they all owned it everybody I think I didn't have to have them they do you can't have three of people to pay they didn't need to claim bankruptcy for their bills or whatever got they were in debt all the credit cards things my money my colleges Max and credit cards left and right thinking we'd eventually catch up here which if we kept going we might have - bunny it was the SOI nobody does not focus on it's like yeah and they say don't do business your friends are out okay these my friends I love you guys but then in the end yeah it's weird it gets weird but now we're friends again and it's cool whatever yeah cuz they're falling out after that no no no it's just like even a saw went on to do other stuff everybody just kind of did their own thing you know and we tried and it didn't you know yeah but that's the big brother time remember talking about that dude ah that was some fun I mean big brother came in yeah I remember one of those things they had a thing where he could go to 7-eleven and buy a big goal and you put a beer in the big gulp and put the lid on it yeah I'll come by his big goal for you know 99 cents whatever he walked outside you got it yeah they're putting this in the magazine yeah you know and I mean you think about teenage kids you gotta love it cuz it's just like you're a bored kid in the Midwest you like you're brought into this whole nother crazy world your mom's gotta hate it we're being a teen skateboarder you know you're like the worst almost a magnet you hide from your parents yeah some they had to put in covered sugar-coated penis pops I mean it's amazing yeah what you did but it was in the 90s so nice and then they sold it to um-flint they are thinking okay cool now with the boobs and all that but yeah was saying they want to make it bigger and to make it bigger you couldn't do all the doing it down right and they never survived work yeah but those guys went on to do all the Jackass Ogier taking all that other stuff whatever with MTV they they're still they're doing all right yeah that was I actually just the the jumping board for them it was a springboard fun time it was a shitty time of skateboarding but it was fine like that's not fun I was sold we had the bond Olympics at me host high yeah oh you were the host the host every year for bond Olympics yes Wow yeah yeah yeah I'm not same no completely just say please people talk about scaping like popularity skateboarding and during the 80s I think is when the Simpsons came out mm-hmm and they talked about how popular skippering was it if you think about kids are like safe three four five years old watching Simpsons every Sunday night or whatever Bart Simpson's is on escape they're on the Congo yeah the intro and he's a cool kid he's a little bad well you know whatever so it's gotta be subliminal the kids in this new generation on the 80s on no skateboarding has now been made cool and I never thought that this mistake oh right yeah well saying that you don't think of but no but kids now like okay skateboarders are cool Bart Simpson you know he's a little [ __ ] you kind of Punk you grew up on it yeah yeah yeah they grew up seeing that so it's got to have that yeah be a skateboarder Oh skateboarders yeah you know you know your daughter no I don't want you dating a skateboarder yeah were you guys getting a lot of chicks back then a lot of women I mean I have girlfriends but it would say sorry I know we're going on tour right what can you say riot I went to Brazil and uh one of my chips was at 95 my phone oh no 85 85 Tony Alva I I was I heard he's gonna Brazil I'm like man I got to go to the factory and get some boards he's leaving when he gets aboard and he's like Duncan I got my surfboard I'm staying for to it so I'm like dude I'm jealous I want to go I got some money saved I want it goes go go get a ticket let's go so I might kill hey I got home I didn't have a freaking Passport he's leaving in four days I drove a Monday morning la get a passport they go okay you get your passport and get her back got to get a visa mm-hmm and uh oh I got my birth certificate it was a souvenir from the hospital like this is not your thing but look it was born along be trying to go to the Hall of Records oh it was a night I pulled it off but I got me four days two days two days I got a passport Ana and a visa and they they're like well where's your ticket I had him calling it send me this fake ticket of that no we reserved this this is on reserve it's already paid whatever that's a fake well you know what I was gonna do and I didn't have a pot yet but it was it pulled it off so we go to Brazil and I'm supposed to be there for two weeks I stayed two months oh wow months in Brazil from 85 36 and we left around Thanksgiving that's been having cruises cause I don't know pretty steady girlfriend for a couple years kind of yeah you know okay I wasn't gonna marry Shawna get married so I had other chicks down there since Thanksgiving Christmas comes I'm not coming home nears cuz she's like honey what a [ __ ] sorry hyung she's he's little Brazilian gone but they're surfing there they're tattoos on their asses out there and line up and how you're loving it all the pro skaters took me into their houses I didn't have to work and that's that's amazing come on my pro days when I was saying like I'm like a proce live in the dream why would I go home I just gotta go and go to work here I just you can live I showed you guys that ad I made a couple of bucks that last for another three weeks in Brazil you know I hope it's all you can eat trust grieve like five bucks like it was turkey back then you go to the skate park goes 15 cents to ride skater for 15 cents yeah come rider skateboards 50 how's the inflation thing was so crazy back then down there was so dirt cheap Brazil oh man you were just living it living it you do wanna come over yeah I I heard the girl thing I bye I think I got laid like 42 times different chicks I'm sorry hon we came home broke up late yeah I just I I had heard a story and I don't know this is something I don't know I heard a story about you being in Brazil with the SOI 95 and calling him out then a kid looked just like him in the crowd oh no that's choppy Todd oh no no keep going this is this was a keep going I know there's a couple stories keep going okay well I just had heard this while I was in Brazil and that's when I reached out to you I heard the story and I was like this is the creative one tell me the rest of the story so I had heard that you called someone out that that kid looked like the skateboarder okay and then end up that kid was the kid's father the skater was the kid's father I know you talked about his soy honey kid yeah there was a time I'll tell you this the one I think he might be mistaken in ninety six or seven when we were doing focus that has soy went to Japan it was 95 cuz he was supposed to be exhales he missed the first sex games because they wanted him for parole he got busted for weed or somebody never we've never skipped his court date okay yeah bounty guys looking you know they autumn 20 grand okay bail whatever so they came to an ASR and they're looking for a soy and he actually came and skated the rap and then when they came to busted this guy named choppy omega4 Burnside huh yeah big are you a sign he goes yeah what do you want they had arrested John God oh I don't like me the one you're thinking of cuz choppy is always claimed these weird stories yeah he was like the soy of love Park I guess he's the first guy do all ADA love park the gap where we and then Burnside [ __ ] so whatever any road first back then but did I to be honest with you the Hosoi I was around him when he found out he had a kid and people would tell me Duncan you probably got a kid in Brazil somewhere or whatever and no lie a couple years later I found out I have a daughter she's 10 years I've no she's my daughter in Florida one time gotta go prank we didn't have cellphones out we never kept in touch and I guess she had a boyfriend New York the touch is in her family for always went home with told him is his whole big thing so I never heard in the picture of my daughter I didn't mean my daughter till it's like 19 she had a kid she lay and her boyfriends like you should frightened find the original dad so she thought I didn't care about her but I truly did I just didn't know no hi so it was okay so out a kid yeah and then come to find out I get a phone call yeah you know but you so when you found out you had a kid you had already been a grandfather at this point pregnant oh yeah I I she's like hey I'm gonna have your kid luckily yeah my kid is now he just turned 10 this month yeah I just turned dad I just went visit him yeah awesome I got a great relationship she's like loves life awesome how did that do were you freaking out when you got that call or not it wasn't real I'm like because the DNA hit me up on Facebook yeah well my girlfriend thinks you're her dad and I was like I was actually the middle of a Tony Hawk tour in Paris which was this big big deal and I had to go I'm like I don't have time for this you know and I dealt with it like that night the next day and I saw a picture of works at first I didn't see it once I saw a picture I'm like that's my daughter Oh her facial really or whatever oh my god so then I flew her on a plane a lot of frequent flyer miles first class on a plane from Seattle and her mom who hadn't seen it forever I had her coming from Florida and they were supposed to meet in Denver get on the same plane not knowing that on the same plane and then meet together in California and her mom missed the plane uh her mom eventually came a couple hours later or the next day or something so eventually had a great little family reunion for Thanksgiving dinner in my house like 10 years ago but uh it was a really unseen her mom and years that's amazing guys this is like a Maury Povich Show yeah I saw Jesus joke about that like to Mary Joseph um something about Joseph you're not the father it's a holiday joke it's all yeah Wow I want to ask you because I don't wanna breeze over this in the in the alva years and everything but ration the ration came into the picture and daggers the daggers you know what was going on right there how did you even get it how did you get involved with that when we go to that I'll go ahead just take you back to the to the 70s yeah when skateboarder magazine was going and then it turned into action now which was a weird deal because I had like like horseback riding it was almost like X Games let's get a bunch of [ __ ] together to survive there it's keepers what but most of the people were sponsors or skateboarders of know skateboarders so they didn't work my point was that's what the Thrasher came out now so I'm gonna mention Thrasher before thrashing cuz what a great name Thrasher your punk rock your thing your thrashing and your skiing I guess we Peters helped told him to call it Thrasher okay which is a great thing the whole skating destroy attitude now remember going to a skate park San Diego and seeing this mag Thrasher whoa there's a magazine again skate motors got excited subscriptions capable of time my parents got a form of Christmas I I mean you know I still have them all but Thrasher really changed the game yeah it's like you're reading about the Midwest and the East Coast in Texas and then that's why I read about Texas refusing we'll go there and meet these guys and hang and they would come to Delmar and skate the park and join we got to take them surfing and we all became buddies and yeah it really cool so in that same time 80s yeah Thrasher a thrashing so they came to Tony Alva they were making a movie about skater supposed to be like a West Side Story yeah he'll like gangs you know New York mm-hmm but it was supposed to be California where you got the ramp locals you know which is almost like the Powell guys whatever we're gonna ride the ramp and win the contest then the taggers are like the guys and the little venice punk house all graffiti on the walls and they didn't care they're just thrashing around their lifestyle type thing more well your dancer shouldn't that 85 85 so it came out in 86 and I remember shooting some of the scenes I was in Venice scene we did the Chili Peppers they came to Del Mar a skateboard Omar was closed at the time mmm so for us to be able to skate the park every day was like loud with all these dudes we got paid 40 bucks a day to be extras on the set okay and you see me in the back and a couple of these shots and so it was fun it was really fun time and they hired Chien's a consultant yep so they had that kind of Alva 80s look you know with all the dreadlocks that dang the punk rock the way they wanted to recreate a mess there's a team called the jacks which are out of Seattle and Canada that have those denim just like that that's like a biker game yeah and so it's called the jacks J aks and they were the guy who drew Muntz key who drew that dagger because the gangs New York was supposed to be like knives and chains and yet that's what it did the dagger versus a gun you know so that's why the dagger was the name of the dagger so you know kind of street street violence yeah so he was art guy for Albert to time you do an art a graffiti stuff and whatever and so he created so alva was an influence on on the movie that's what I did a lot in Venice and now all my mm-hmm I was running the Alpha team at the time no it was a roving team yeah no I was on the team but I wasn't team manager yet okay I came a couple years later but I remember going to Arkansas we flew flew to Dallas and we went to Arkansas for this first time the East Coast meets West Coast like Reece Simpson and morale made Millia yeah and like buck Smith from Florida and in a Texas guy so it's really cool everybody just raging and I remember the Texas guys already know Craig and Johnny from the Del Mar days they had a Vega or something creative Vega and then the back thing popped up with a keg in the trunk and Edwards like we're part apart cuz the pros or Sunday or Saturday okay source game Saturday rage around and all of a sudden they go oh it's gonna rain tomorrow pros after skate now and these guys Oh Greg Johnson gets on and he makes the a cut I don't know which was a tough thing out of 40 dudes or some flies high dropped us like an eight foot in here flies off the ramp comes back in and right I mean you could not follow your run and make the cut but his skating was so wild and I don't know how he stayed on being drunk the time whatever and yeah guys the day before they went to these rock quarries and there's like a rock face where they did a rock they start off and rock the roll and you ride your board down this rock face into the what 20 foot into the water and they're just showing this while just having a wild time out there so on the way home I'd heard about this Kahuna vert ramp which Neil blender and John Lazaro had been going there seen you gotta go to Houston they have the best ramp in the world right now is a metal ramp ten-foot Cheney's 2 feet of vert Wow Oliver NSA reps were 9 1/2 foot in half cuz frankoc want to make him all the same ok i'm tish wise guy so I I was doing errors maybe a foot or two high at Del Mar at the time I go to Texas my errors are now like chest high I'm just it was so smooth and perfect tomorrow is kinky every wall was different and it was smaller to eight foot nine four trains this is 10 foot chain so it just showed you the future of skating so I'm ever taking acid with those guys mushrooms like just having a while yes wild Texas Thai state it and it Craig's house in Dallas is yesterday miles we broke down with with Jeff Phillips and this when I first met Todd prance and Troy Jason and Ken Philly and all these guys what should it be in Texas Legends you know the whole don't mess with Texas and Helmand ain't all that you know so I don't know where I'm gonna some fashion when they were doing the downhill Satan they were filming all that might even care about that dinner because this is a chance I was a traveler anytime I get a free trip somewhere like you know you don't notice always do the bonus okay a couple extra days or whatever mmm you know my snowboard chips I'm gonna do a sort of go I'm putting my ticket for two days after I can ride some powder ride ride this resort for freaks I know the marketing dude you know her head that's why I've always lived my life like to just get the early to drill the ramps and steal a you know right either tell the ramp down or just experience also I've always made the most of all my dreams like the Brazil ones yeah go to tweak safety yeah so the thrush should thing that's like that but uh I remember when the movie came out man it was crazy go to the premiere and lla other one and that's right the sunset carwash thing yeah suicide was right across the street from the theater or some bank was there with that that's crazy the milk Martinez just yeah all that yeah that's a big part of schedule a totally stuff I like that kid Milt and we saw him one time in uh it was a Latin x-games I think let's go on the whole thing but it was first time I see Milton Martinez whose days nollie big spans and crate just flow and stuff and I've had my eye on him that's probably 10 years Wow now we did a San Francisco dude tour thing remember he all he did off this streetcar like whatever they did to start off and it was the downhill thing where you go over a car and learn in a gnarly downhill downhill San Francisco and Milton I think was on top three in that shot crazy thing yeah so big up Sevilla always loved his style and his dollar he's the best to keep going year after year at that level not just be just a hand real guy field to kind of to hold or anything yeah I'm just amazed at what the new kids are doing and you know it's incredible is is incredible mind-blowing I love watching all this stuff I know where we're going no no buddy boy when the movie came out did you even realize when you were doing the movie before it came out did you even realize how right you just were like oh we're doing this some [ __ ] I mean it was like dude we go to Hollywood at the time a soy that's what I was friends with the soy we would go to Hollywood 21 yeah and he would get in at nightclubs and be like Oh his rocks they go line and we walked to the front of the club you know the door guy how many with you 10 15 come on in you guys are up in your own little zone like we were living like rock stars have a soy just just being him he was he was a Hollywood dude so to be in a movie mmm with it's like I like okay we're get a little taste of that you know and it was about skiing but we didn't know until it actually came out how cool it was gonna be or whatever and at the time it kind of came and went cuz we were living so fast doing the regular life yeah thrash and whatever was kind of corny but you know whatever gleaming the cube came out you know new videos are coming out but I remember about 10 years later we went to Brazil and we had the this Alva dude was like he wanted this guy he wants the sign is all opposed to me and Eddie he goes you guys are daggers you're dead and I looked anyway we hadn't heard that word in like 10 years this is like 99 I think the mo you know early 90s so we're dagger so Eddie went home and got his dagger board out at his mom's garage and started him and his Long Beach dude started doing this dagger thing that's how I got it brought back so this is all through the 2000s to 20 years we've kind of just for fun brought back the little yeah yeah you had a whole you know company when I still get people you know they call me dagger Dave or I'm just good for while we put dagger our boards and dagger stick right that's funny you didn't even realize it till ten years after yeah yeah well because it was you don't want to claim that or be part you know it says yeah yeah yeah actually the whole old-school thing was gone in the early 90s nobody care about Tony Hawk he didn't have a pro motto until X Games a 95 right nobody gave so old-school was nothing and then we were doing these things called the soul ball in Huntington which I designed this verb boy I used to work with these guys in the snow were events and they said we want to do this event like which is now the US Open with advancements a lot they go we want to do something at the beach for skateboarding and to me we had too many Street events or to many furtive ends this is in the middle of a Haiti where it's also I'm like you should bring back a bowl let's do so we designed this vert bowl thing and like let's bring back some legends like Steve Alba Adelaide Peters and Lance and they all came out this is the first time that we started what is now the Masters of Asian legend oh the commies it was probably five years before we did combi the Kombi events or whatever so the mid 90s late 90s early nuns hmm so it's kind of cool how I mean those guys yeah they weren't making any money that was done like nobody care about on school staff and even the street guys like markavitch sheffy I kind of would like you know ski buddy moved on I don't know how if it slowed down and as it comes back they kind of reach back on that but I'm just so stoked now that I guess with all the internet and that stuff there is a little nod to you know old school stuff you know like guys that could bridge the gap a lot of fathers are out there teaching their kids or the skateboard them yeah you know I still love doing Peters I need you to lay back like this and all cool kids are doing Bert's and yeah bonus ones now and you know for awhile that was not cool you know yeah so it's just crazy how it evolves you know it's amazing I mean you have to give a nod you know yeah hand plants nobody for long time dead inverts index game nobody did Enver and now people are starting to do a little tuck me inverts and and wrecks a different thing you know whatever is that kid calling Graham it does the thing call it corn house could be on of you know BOTS itself aerial eggplant okay Ames Colin graphs are calling it calls a colonoscopy eggplant L girl would think you know so the kids are somehow making up there are new tricks just like on the street all these crazy combinations of laser flips and dolls of Ryan's the creativity keeps going right but even back then they were making up the tricks yeah well we I know the evolution of all that right right really crazy but the stylish chicks I'm a backside tailslide rose I always played out but nothing like a better back tail Yeah right okay straight six it just looks good what's that it's a timeless tricks man yeah dial yeah it's always good to throw that the style things in there so yeah yeah yeah but yeah skateboard is in a good place right now and all these parks I never thought in my wallet see like see so many skate parks what are they owned every quarter yeah once in clothes yeah someone told me once I was like 2,000 American I heard there's not like 3,500 like what the heck it's amazing but they changed the law I know they went to Sacramento and they made it I don't know if you guys aren't a story about it's now a hazardous activity yeah that they they change the laws to where you can't sue there's a crime the thing or rock yeah oh great that's great yeah thank God you know first yeah yeah and so I'm even I'm spoiled I mean we don't jump defenses or back their pool that we used to have to it was fun but I mean those pools are hard to ride these now perfect killer parks of all than just so fun or all round these places oh yeah time jumping into like backyard pools and stuff you I mean you guys were just going you'd hear about a pool you jump in the 70s it was in the magazines like that girls you see Tony and they they do these um Craig's desk right the dog tails and be back back here pull stuff and hang just we would we would in the week ride back her pulls around my house they'd find them Traynham whatever but on weekends we go to skate parks yeah sure so I was that was our thing and we'd ride the streets a little bit too but uh then in the 80s when all the skatepark clothes really all we had was back there pools are we starting to add mini ramps and vert ramps and backyards to mmm and just changed everything yeah would the owners be there would you barge in wait till they would've went out of town my dad was a boxing promoter in San Diego and we drove across this guy named Archie Moore on the freeway 94t look over you see a box we post it like a boxing glove he's like that's Archie Morris pool that's I'm like wow that's rad shake my boxing glove and he's like a world famous boxer would okay so years later my dad passed away that's a different story but we go and we see it's drained oh my guys we're gonna go knock on the door here so we knock on the door in this little side house and the lady comes out she goes Archie you mean Archie on she's over there knows whatever in the main house there's only so knock know her and I somehow I know his name's Archie Moore somehow because she called him Archie as I K you Archie that's mr. mortu you son I'm like oh god I'm already you know we just we want to ride your porn like well you want to run my boy I guess so but you know there's a bunch of carpeting and stuff all around out there do me a favor put all that in the back of my truck and yeah okay you can ride okay big old things of rain-soaked carpet rain MALDI big heavy his [ __ ] pain it took like an hour he made you chores before you know he thought we wonder right around the pool on the deck we get in the post surgeries what do you we're gonna ride you're poor what you ride in there and he loved us oh yeah we kept coming back for weeks at a time he would take pictures look at these guys they're ripping my pool I have a photo in stash herbs called something else it's got our cheese Club or something like a big sign for a nightclub is on the side and it shows me grinding you know whatever and yeah I was in something else our chemours pool so big just asking me that I was always the guy cuz I kind of have a personality of can we skate your pool you know whatever yeah whatever and you know we'd always not good or first if they're not home then yeah we should by barge I've been busted by cops so many times where we'd scatter somebody go that way some go that way so hopefully you know not everyone's getting busted right right right they're like if the back doors open you guys are busted for breaking area we need any goon the house we're just getting the pool you know it was crazy guns pulled on stop right there freeze I write an article and school of wine don't run from the cops cuz you're a story now obsessive like oh yeah those fifteenth of time sure sure back then they didn't have the helicopters flying in and chases right stuff like that like they were just like you said you guys would scatter yeah yeah we had this one pool called the Frog ball because it was all these dead frogs in the bottom and uh so we were like we're like the Frog poem that was like Tony always got mad dog and then my buddy was a kind of fact we call him the pig frog because they had those food pigs or whatever so we're kind of joking of this frog town thing back in the seventies we were frog telling compare the dog dog town yeah ever since got fogged down okay wow it's interesting what other people kind of maybe sometimes go in the pools and then blow up for you guys yeah oh yeah that's why I always had to keep it hush you know and then after a while it gets blown out yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] happens you know there's place like the nude ball that kept going forever mm-hmm call me back today we'd have bands playing out those are fun times a new block she's pretty right whoops it's kind of wide open kidneys so some someone really fun yeah yeah we had a pool in San Juan called Alva ball they did an article about it was a perfect double rail you could do figure eight cars that deep and it was just it was a good hugger I bet when you found that one pool that was just amazing like yeah it's it's nice that filled with water yeah fill the top and you suck on a hose or sucking on the hose that one end you have to come back a couple days later and you're draining yeah you're just dude it's just some a to give that clean o'clock way to ride this imagine waiting day yes cleaning it and draining it drop a hose in there yes is this big take longer but you're sneaking into you don't wanna have pumps going there's nowhere to get power for sure if there's no one limit the house nice when we had to and so just lurk doubt but to imagine the I know it was real renegade kinda like now all guys with street they take lights out and a generator he's done yeah the bondo for the lip where the rail is you know it's the same right right modify the spot to make it work yeah they've maybe they'd go the night before it it's not made for skating that's what I love about the street stuff like you see don't want saw part or somewhere he's just open to just finding [ __ ] creating [ __ ] like I don't know you can't do the same [ __ ] that everyone else that let's find something new it and they still do your after you're like I was getting out of it's time to get it a mega route go ahead please yeah I mean thinking about that I mean talk about to anyway to a street I remember we did that back said all I 360 at the San Francisco San Diego I'm stadium sport [ __ ] was that yeah yeah yeah D way you know like a gnarly vert dude he could do anything I remember doing the kickflip Indy all of you guys know story about how he invented the kickflip it II divert he did it at the Visalia ski camp on the pyramid on the street you know kickflip Indy where he grabbed mhmmm pyramid mmm-hmm and then he's like one day I'm gonna Burt well eventually down Verta to come like 50 tries that everyone's like yeah Danny that's cool you did a kickflip any Albert but it took you you're never gonna do that in a comedy contest and then years later or you see I think I saw Ben Pappas beat Tony Hawk with five flip tricks in one run in San Diego like one of those be three things which is like an X Games kind of deal in San Diego and I'm like [ __ ] five flip tricks I mean you know Farrell kickflip and it took anyway just that one just yeah to break open a whole new thing so now that thing's gone and all of a sudden I remember we were doing launch ramp gaps people are trying to start do you like Guinness World Records I know Brian Koch had a centerfold a big bro a time jump an ice cream truck and I made this ramp for him then he got toady in at the Hurley thing with a motorcycle trying to that then we did one in a in a Havasu where Andy McDonald wanted and it was like a world cup thing and in a beat Danny way I think going like 40 or 50 feet Danny's like it's not over yet not over yet so that's when Danny went to his DC part of this big gap in the quarter pipe and all that and uh I remember he did a 540 to fakie land it backwards and a bunch of snowboarders one just in [ __ ] I'm quitting so I got kid this guy's doing on a skateboard and you know III a blue way not just skater perfected snowboarding yeah cuz I do a lot of Snover stuff too and it's just it's just huge how him and Bob I mean I still see here after year we do these make a wrap things in with X Games and mom's not car we do events just rhymes well you've witnessed the evolution and the come up of it she wrote that board back there behind you Chris yeah the mega ramp is like yeah but the thing was was I just got on a skateboard to just see you know where it would take me or what what kind of venture she could have whether it's to my next town or to the beach and next on over next country and who thought that would brought all of us here in this room together you know for all the stories that we all share and all the guys across the world like what history has gone down out there I mean yeah oh just feeeeel of just cruising down the street when you first skate you just wow this feels cool right yeah just kind of pushing what you you could possibly do and everyone's got their own style and own way they like to ride and yeah it's all comes from the same four wheels that's why we're all Brotherhood no matter yeah what you know I call it the International Brotherhood that way because you know I skated Japan with this guy killer ball sessions guys ripping at the end of it all we didn't say a word at then he goes I liked our lifestyle and so he sat at English where you can go to another country not be able to speak to a guy but have a good time and be like you know yeah your brothers I got you guys you're you're on the same wavelength yeah yeah it's amazing you did a great outlook on life bro yeah yeah I mean like always happy stoked I mean I think it's skateboarding I really do I think somehow it keeps you young yeah right my father passed when I was younger I had a good outlet before he passed but what hell he was 36 he died two dogs off acoustics yeah and he just laid down and you know it's hard they says heart without a nod I remember it was my first cake contest he actually told coax get this car never come on my a third-place finisher with him that got the singing who's caught it was really that was a hard thing but it took a few days I saw his I saw him in the casket and I saw his face cuz for a while I kept thinking who's gonna come to the door any minute like I couldn't listen real hard hard a part of it once I saw him dead like I'm like okay this is for real yeah and I realized if I want anything in life I got to get my mom do have money no no I'm if I want a job I want a car I got to go get myself so I'm sorry and I've always been a worker and doing jobs and [ __ ] so I I think you know just by finding skating I was just stoked like I would skate to school every day on my board that's when your thing wheels later yeah and I remember the council what are you gonna do with your life I'm like oh no I got t-shirts shorts on my skateboard and I really don't know if you but I would go by these guys build construction they were out there with her pickup truck the doors open the stereos blasting got no shirt on there after were sauce and hammer she should see like that there's no sure part you know and you know I'm like whoa so I was doing my buddy's head bust Boyd jobs so I got job dishwasher busboy restaurant Asian making 220 an hour to 40 an hour back in the 70s they're like oh you do construction get like four or five looks on my god double the money [ __ ] so I started doing that and then don't were like yeah well once you learn you know where I am a kid I got shirtless yeah ya know so I just yeah some I've been blessed to be have the energy that the hype that I had to put on ski I've always been kind of hyper so sure not in the work I don't mind work you know you can rap money you're free now you go do the job okay jobs are you got money we're gonna do so it's always been Connor he's not like you're locked in same job for 10 years you know 40 in our week it's kind of job the job you do it for a few months or right now you're free okay what's the next best offer I can take you're always kind of bettering yourself sure yes that is that construction jobs you took when you were younger that kind of led you into building ramps yes exactly well I build ramps I mean I I before I even had a constructor I built skateboards my woodshop pause Manson we guys are talking about building we bought billboards you know kind of like those and that was this thing back then yeah boards weren't sufficient enough you guys were build euros I loved the craftsman [ __ ] what would stuff and I'm yeah i think just drive by that that construction site and yeah just in making money I mean y'all I have to make money somehow so I lived on my own oh 17 I was these guys owned apartment complex I work for and they go can you live at this place and kind of be our manager for us and I was like 17 I lived on my own Oh 17 I go to high school my friends go hey Dave where he gonna party and they like this is Dave Duncan manager of Laurel Street apartments like I got an answer machine which nobody had chicks or meows Oh appeared I buy some beer with my Captain Crunch my milk I didn't really care back then so I was you know in the 80s ladies stricter sure sure so you know and now it's all skateboarding into the ups and downs of it all but I had no idea that skateboarders gonna come back in such a big way you know but I just thought you can't skate in your 30s or 4050 you're gonna be married with kids and you know just what normal people do yeah so I got a scheme outside well I'm a teenager and in this case before my dad passed we would watch TV already watching news every night and Vietnam was on TV every night and you see these guys come back with no arms no legs from the war yeah and I'm and I'm getting ready to get you have to go to get drafted yes everyone you don't know if they're gonna pick your number or not I was just thinking that could be me when I'm 18 I might not have legs I'm gonna be able to ski like [ __ ] I kind of freaked me out yeah where it made me happy that's kind of one of the joys of like dude you wake up you got your arms or legs and it's a beautiful day like be thanks enjoy it don't be worried about the stupid little things of life that are gonna drag you down or whatever girl problems work problem you know yeah we all go through it ya know it's also knows life but it's yeah you gotta be thankful yeah yeah you know and we've seen like the John cardi all stories and people like in our industry or passed away or had a rough life and yeah you know like right now oh I got broken it yeah [ __ ] it's kind of sucks but you know I'll be alright I'll get through it sure yeah I guess I needed a break I worked a lot less clear so I guess I need a little God gave me a vacation I probably beautiful but you're getting back to work now you're gonna go do some more countess Estonia yeah say another World Cup but we haven't start talking about World Cup I know I'll get into that man so my first trip to Europe that 87 was a thrasher trip mofo Kingdom came down to interview Gator and Gator called hey Duncan we need pools he knows our tools we're friends oh my god takes the pool heaters talking about the moon the Stars the planets me Lyman like dude you're crazy Gators just a while dude through this conversation mofos starts digging on me Eve knew me I knew Fausto he'd give me any trucks and I've been to San Francisco - before he's like hey we're doing a show you know as a friend that soy he goes we're gonna get a soy Gator gonz roskov Caballero no oh we are going on this trasher tour for Europe started Paris go down to Spain go down to Rome Italy and end up in Amsterdam with socialism since all Tennessee's like wow what a triple month in Europe so how I went for broke I took all the money I might count my car raid or blew up on me whatever I'd know I'm literally on the plane I'm out of there yeah so we'd go to Europe and a month and you have two weeks and do I break my ankle oh no all around Europe whatever but here again that's the thing I came home that's why my pro model was out so I'm like wow here here's my dream life from my lava and I can't skate so this around 80 77 yeah yeah yeah so I've been to Europe 90 times from skateboarding why I'm here for 30 years 87 times three thirty years cream least three times a year I go to every year I go to Stony in February I go to Prague in June and June July and then I go to Spain in August and then everyone's always throwing different ones in there we've done Germany and all kinds of different places it's amazing yeah enough my point is the first time I had to spend my money and I told Alva sent me some boards you know we'll work it out I paid half they paid out and and I was motivated enough to kind of make it happen but that's what got me I think what the whole work thing of being motivated to be happy right to work and to live it up like this is a chance of life everyone thinks they're gonna go to Europe once in your life yeah especially back then we'd have like Danny Way and all these guys have come everyone's go to Europe you know I go if you were in Europe you're a made pro like oh they're going to your PC I'm going I'll see in Europe you know like everyone got longer - I remember the San Francisco the world guys were fighting with the plan B - everyone's kind of like whatever it was vibing each other over here everyone's cool like oh you're here cool it was a completely different crazy really change it because all your your you know more you're up so yeah anyways this is interesting to see how what we do instead of California affects the whole world you know they want see that show they want to meet the pro they want to see alive you know see the tricks that they'd seen videos oh yeah it's huge oh we're blessed that way that I happen to grow up here and be part of this thing and you know knock on wood yeah man so Cheers years and years to come I made the nightclub I guess like hey guys our street leave anyway it's it's nice to share these stories with the viewers out there who's out there hello whatever country you're from or whoever your frontal of skateboarding yeah yeah usually I've done a lot dude what's the craziest moment ever craziest Momo you've lived life oh man what's the most fucked-up thing you've seen or bla what's the thing I did it myself I saw him earlier I was at the Vance park well Lee Ralph came to town I love Lee Ruffalo from New Zealand he's like yeah let's go we're gonna go skate the Kombi and on the way we were gonna ride the vert ramp so I go to ride the vert and I did this 5050 just charged up to do our chicken I got so amped I slid out or something and I got overturned I came in kind of backwards and my ankle hit kind of sideways and I did the tib-fib it's my foot was basically the wrong way ah so seven months it looked like someone took a sledgehammer just shot him ankles just above the ankle so let's add this external fixation like those things they put on your head like a halo yeah seven months I had that thing and I was supposed to announce a Vans Triple Crown snowboarding thing we were doing I called Steve and Orey we're open advanced park he showed me at the Veil front wheelchair like two two weeks after it happened and I just all messed up and everybody felt so bad for Mike dude you're you know I'm it's all gone I'm just down and out hard so I told Steve I can't do this whatever he goes don't worry we'll make that won't get your snowmobile we'll bring you from the lodge up to the to the lift and he'll bring you soup and cocoa you'll be fine I swear to God I did a Steven Dorn is that rat of a dude dead he took I did all these snow events I had those those um crutches with little spikes on them and weird snow oh she's saying I actually actually pulled it off and I needed to make money I'm like dad I couldn't make money for seven months so I got I was designing an advanced hour so he was drawn making money doing that so I survived so it was a [ __ ] up thing but on that note I got it I got on that same note right around that time I I built the first advanced part the comi pool whatever mm-hmm and it was such a nightmare it's we got two months to do it and they had all this heating air conditioned on [ __ ] that they made me wait till the end to put it together and like okay got two days I'm like dude I need a week to finish this well no cuz they all has [ __ ] my way they didn't tell me it's the beginning so I had to hire all my fucked-up friends no seriously and we pulled it off but [ __ ] everyone's doing all-nighters they're passing on the ramps like we just were a mess so the head dude tried to try to push me aside and bringing this guy named Robbo who eventually passed away so they hired me back out say like a draftsman to em architect look I got paid fifty cents a square foot to site so it's getting checks like five or ten grand to just do the drawings of here's her fur ramp here's your street there's your ledges rails respecting him how like my broken ankle [ __ ] sitting there making good money enough to lift a hammer you know so I had these other guys build on him so it was in a way I got I never do fire from job my life but this random construction supervisor dude just thought that so the guy talked him into Oh Dave's B's with X Games out so you told Stephen Doran Dave weren't you done right oh if they say aren't you busy next games only no so they hired me back okay so but it's a blessing my point is if you get fired from a job whatever keep your head up cuz one door closes there's another and that guy said I got paid double I came back and I could be dead if I work my ass off with my saws and hammers trying to pull off all these deadlines those [ __ ] they put me through yeah well even if you'd even if you don't get fired you're not looking for that other door - oh yeah you're just caught in the same job that you're gonna do for the next ten years you know so it's almost like you said it's almost a blessing the point you're saying what's the most fucked-up thing you kind of have to take a [ __ ] up thing and and flip it around and make you they say if life gives you lemons you're supposed to find some of the bottle of vodka and have a party yeah are you gonna say different saying yeah extended version of it yeah no I mean I got you know I don't know I've just been I feel like you've you've you've lived your life just kind of on a you know take it as it comes hard but a hard worker I was a paperboy and I used to pull weeds and watch God do anything to make her money well his conversation that they kind of but like I feel like you live in the moment all the time you have to live each day the moment yeah I would pull weeds for 50 cents I take that 25 cents to go down to the pool and just swim in the pool and you know I'm so hot from working outside for four hours whatever like you know I mean you make your money spending you go make some more another time whatever you know um yeah moving in the moments very key you know a lot of people look forward and they don't really live in the moment that they have yeah like say it's just follow your heart minute and you know I've been blessed because I found I've been able to mix my different passions I remember skating ices skate in the airports all time before 9/11 I ever skåne up to this bench where people were saying I just sound next to him and they look like going you look like you've came a long way on that thing yes Reds just probably you know Street and rugged look I'm like yeah I have millions of freaking flag a million six hundred thousand miles at Florida United like just you know likes it better on the world ton I'd like 10 times a Brazil Australia Japan whatever China Canada but but my point is that you just you follow your heart and be able to mix your passion with something you love you know and they they look at me it's just some math how's this guy on a plane you know travel and we're like like almost like a millionaire that you know you kind of but it's not about the money of him you know it's a lifestyle of it you know yeah like there's more life than money but if you can make your dream son we all need money make things happen but you know there's there's certain dreams and experience out there worth a million that's it what they're worth you know yeah more than money yeah yeah sure friends good times and like I want to talk about Marseille for a minute because we we rode Marseille that that's this kind of snake run place no not gonna come out in the 90s and they hired us back to these Quicksilver bull rider things weight spiral one the first one Omar used to be their cardio did the big gap with his broken Gordon on that and one of those years they'd fly me over every year to announce it was my 40th birthday and they had these lifeguard chairs where you're really high up so you can see everything with the judges and I'm sitting up to get ready for the finals the crowd is packed and they stop everything and see me happy birthday bring this big old cake I'm like [ __ ] are you keep doing my 40th birthday I'm 57 ounces yeah I'm like you're you're gonna fly me to France to ride this and you know at midnight we're riding this place all drunk with our friends having a blast and in the day you know I love skating I still ski the place now but to just be here's all my friends and there's gonna free beers after all you get to your apartment there's tamerlan's got a case of fosters or whatever and it's just party time yeah cook so we used to really do it right yeah yeah so he knows things like that like what a blessing you know but just because I followed my heart I'm willing to work hard the payoff is so big sometimes like I meant a lot to you it's like the Japan thing oh you're gonna fly me around my friend all of a sudden I'm in Marseilles with all my friends like riding a concrete snake run versus a street course over am i right so yeah yeah a lot of good times did you blow out that good some candles many times yeah I think I did I can't true yeah so yeah I just saw every dream big you know true dream live for your dreams cuz you don't know you know whatever you know well some people are scared to you know go after the market saw sting when he was a kid he was like dyslexic whatever he wasn't school he didn't get you know people probably thought he was something wrong with him so I messed up but look at him now guys a multi-millionaire artist to traveling the world and he's a unique character but he loved skating still my favorite guys are right aboard but he just did we loved doing and in those crazy little cartoon I loved his heart yeah and not your kids how horrible that's the whole thing you know with crooked and a guest model oh my god how genius was that yeah yeah everybody knows guest models now I got a guest model with embassy thanks to them i I became president to Texas guys Emma's to B's or lack back the day John Gibson me and him are buddies from Alpha Team he saw this guy Lee and they're doing embassy now and yeah they're just they just love skiing they want to keep Texas on a map for skating sports or different guys all over and I'm thankful that they that they've put my boards off for a while and big shout out to Lee and the boys out there it's cool the guest model is kind of cool a lot of guy get him I mean I saw a few hundred here and there people want him for the wall or the old school guys want to ride them and you know it's kinda adds it's a little place it's amazing yeah I love that here here's a weird question but I may already know the answer to it but I think it's it could be interesting if there was an era or maybe a date you can go back to and stay there the eighties yeah like I say like we send the money we ride the conness there wasn't a lot of money in it and and for me to just be able to be pro with those guys I mean dude I'm on the ramp next to Tony Hawk no I crazy whatever like yeah what a dream I know it's not as good at no one was no one's good if there's 70 or 80 pros but those guys were still the ones you know but we're all they're kind of make you know there's enough piece of pie for everyone to kind of sure so sell boards and make it a bunny in the air every little shop had have somebody come to the demo like Tony Hawk can't be over so we kind of filled in the little blanks there and yeah that's where uh it was just in the pools because that's before you didn't have parks right so the pool thing was so I think back in the eighties like like you were saying earlier like power like the polished like you know super team wherever now it was kind of the punk team like we were you guys friends uh oh yeah yeah yeah McGill talked Lance yeah yeah Bruce friends no no they were doing their thing I mean they'd go back to the hotel and you guys would go party that hard I mean you know we weren't Johnny they're the Paladins that's that those guys it they deserve to make this big beautiful 16-millimeter movie right or chin that's that's them you know yeah mm-hmm so you know it's part of skating it just it just is what we were naturally we were keeping it real this is who we are we're not trying to thinkin to me we're just dudes with dreads skating being real you know yeah we're not trying to be Paul where there's good all those guys really rip Scott they were good skaters and one of our guys was amazing in their own way yeah so it's not like oh you guys have some looks you're marketable it's a no all those guys worked for a lot of years to get the level we all kind of came together as brothers in a way at the events like me as Chris Cook one of the up Lending's I remember he was we were in riding for out at the same time we're like hey you need a partner for doubles a partner with me and him he does Aero axle stall or me supposed to land the Kobe I'm card he landed on me Oh couple years later on a yeah I remember her a combi yeah cool I guess just some of those guys you vibe with then he was one of gnarliest guys from San Cisco as far as you know he could rip it rip vert rip Street he was a gnarly dude which part of the eighties was like Cory before you rush in to cook Susan thrush oh yeah a lot of double parts for that guy whatever yeah yeah he did flying over the car and some other [ __ ] yeah though she did some the parts and a mountain that's Mountain some of the vert yeah do McTwist or HAMP like real good [ __ ] but I think all three those guys were doubles anyways what are you saying about threshing the part of the 80s that you would stay in was like before you turn pro or after you've heard pro ante manager and everything all those I you know I know going to Hawaii I went to Brazil and just had time at like Brazil surfing skating like let's live in the dream of pro but you weren't no it was a really big connoisseur anything that to where you were like a pro like you are now like you know X Games of Shilla sure it was just like just around you know around the whatever smaller events or nurse sessions I guess who say okay so I came back from Brazil in a sois like hey I'm going to white let's go to why am i dude I've already been to Brazil I need to go to okay let's go so he's 15 when I get a rental car and he's like I'm driving it over I'm guys so his SOI is just driving my rohnke all over white we're just screaming like now that's a rockstar yeah yeah yeah yeah dude to live in those days to be the coattails of us oil and this was one where you're he's 66:15 and all the locals loved him them because his his family has a SOI mortuary they're literally Egypt Japanese Hawaiian whatever hmm all local Sosua so he'd come to Ramsey plaster where his heads and they go to the nightclub same thing just raging raging time so crazy to be able to go and I've been back to wallows ditch and all his crazy ditches about their pools and to go live all that you know just be kind of in his shadow I mean I gotta say he would take us like Dollywood whoever take like 10 15 people out to sushi be like 300 bucks I got it don't worry guys you know I remember her stories him I wasn't on this one buddy he bought it with leather jackets Oh so we'll see ya a hundred bucks a piece tanga from me was that that Europe sure I don't know I wasn't on it but just I've heard different stories in at all I don't few guys number the earthquake in uh North LA what's it done Northridge how we skate a lot of pools on that the freeway collapse and and squash this is a historic I remember riding up there because they were gonna tear them all down anyway it's an apartment complex colores up there and I remember a that's when you talk about [ __ ] up [ __ ] we say that word yeah sure yeah that um that's when like once man trashed another's treasure whatever like just imagine your house has done your [ __ ] with that pool that's now three treasure those that we're looking you know we're looking at the it's somebody else's junk is now arts paradise situation yeah yeah you just gotta look at the yeah yeah positive for you yeah I have a question looking at that post over there which is amazing like whoa what's up with the dreads due to everyone had dreads I'll tell you are you stayin out with Steve stead um okay he's a black guy we were in a thousand a bad sing the band we did Bad Brains covers I remember seeing the lately say I talked about his bands are gone and just bored 80s guys like you know hey so he plead love to play drums and keyboard stuff and uh we had another guy uncle wid good guy played guitar and we just dude he loved Bad Brains so I learned all the Bad Brains lyrics on whatever we does been called PMA and uh he had dreads and Tony Alva had dreads and I just thought if I grew my hair long it was just bushing curly 80s kind of like like poison who everyone call him like Molly Crocker [ __ ] yeah but the punk thing was coming in I thought what more of a punk way cuz everyone could just shave the head I'm a punk now or you know put a black flag shirt and you know leather job a punk mohawk immediately but dreads you had to wake you advanced yeah yeah so we were delicate go yeah but we'd go to Midwest people never seen a little white yeah what is this Wow chicks love them Wow that was one of the main I could have just cut my hair be like some G cute guy you know like Eddie is in the poster or whatever but it wasn't it oh it's just my way of just going hey I'm a skate punk I'm a skin and I think everyone kind of felt that somehow it became a skate fashion not like unspoken though yes we don't judge for Fears meat or then everyone's in their own little little town just like we're gonna do and it was really bizarre when you look like holy [ __ ] for people in the photo without dreads alright that's our cherry question of the day who can name the four people now opposed Yeah right sweet us on that one or send it to the Instagram / tick-tock its comment below yeah exactly so it just happened man Oh John Thomas look at the kid in front of me he used to stay in my house this is a great woman he they flew from Florida to work on his pro model he had no job no nothing and he stayed at my house I'm like dude you gotta get a job something you're just stuck in the house that was t matter so I got him a job doing construction he was a misfits guy they had the devil lock in the front remember misfit mm-hmm the devil up so he's like I want dreads he's got full dress right there his first four five dreads I twisted him from his little devil he had four or five little little in the frylock sucka Reza said it was short all right I just sat there and kind of braided not as a little game a little dress some beta yeah JT loved that guy he's in Hawaii these days do you keep you in contact was gonna I do got through Facebook I love Facebook Connect spam its Facebook is great for you know hey once you get into a bigger scale of like fans and people who don't know like I don't know any of these people on my facebook but but for situations like this where you keep in Google leave me comments and stuff and I'll go look at their think oh this guy's cool but to keep up with everybody it's amazing people if they're just putting pictures of their babies or dogs in there no but if you're putting [ __ ] up or you know some cool stuff with music you know funny jokes okay sure yeah you know I mean I respect the kids in the in the animals but see you got entertainment right you don't see a picture of my cat thank God is my daughter's cat has moved back a couple months amazing thank God I have that cuz I'm laid up on the couches consus he loves rubbing his face oh great yeah there's just it's so nice I'm a little free so it was cast names Leo like Leo yeah like that man my cat's name is Larry me Oh Larry yeah hey wait I never was a guy never could animals because I travel so much yeah it's on it's not forever weeks her mom can't feed the thing right can't even have a fish yeah [Laughter] if you told Roger in 1989 like you're gonna be hanging about last few months I'm getting soft in my old age this beard it's gonna be gone as soon as I'm back the world is first time I've been out of the house and I love it let's go with the beer yeah I like it whatever I guess it's so what they call hipster well let me ask you something you know you were saying where the backyard pools you know getting you know going in the backyard pools getting chased by the cops guns drawn and everything what about in different countries were you even you know I'm sure you guys were wiling out in different countries did you guys ever have run-ins with the laws out there or like you know there's a pretty clean yeah I remember I never smoked cigarettes in my life I go to Spain one time and these guys are smoking hash wood tobacco yeah and I go to ticket and I could I couldn't smoke tobacco the time this is uh I don't late late 80s and you already smoking weed instead yeah yeah and so I kind of had to learn to smoke tobacco who was it high in Europe and he still go back to Spain Barcelona whatever dudes they do oh yeah and then I remember uh Connor I got a good story for you it's in Austria somewhere this guy I built this vert ramp help them build over trim for this contest for one of World Cup things and then that nightclub the guys like are you deep down though yeah I goes here's some wheel a little baggy wait here here's some weed thanks for building a ramp he goes if you need more let me know and I'm with rune glyph Berg Nikki Guerrero and a bunch other dudes and they're just got this little crew of people puffing right here and I'm like yeah give me some more whatever you know it goes okay hear her and so I started giving it to everybody and we did what we called the joint factory so every time in Europe when everyone and anyone yeah these guys the way they toast a cigarette you know the European style that gets rid of carcinogens water from the tobacco and then someone's got the hash and then melt in that and roll it up and then the other guys got the paper and there because there's like eight or ten gosh you have to have two or three joints going same time so for one right so I nicknamed it to join yeah we got the joint factory so now every time we go to Europe and it could be one dude sitting there doing this thing well yeah joint factory because it's literally a process to roll to roll a joint but one of these contests in Germany I remember a party and cod with Jake Brown and Jake Brown uske oughta have your jeep Brenner you know cuz he needs to come he's great yeah IIF you so - yard some Jake Brown story sure people please do well what sorry son Jake Brown does mine used to oh no no he it's his life he knows he came over and AIDS was it coming called Edward Sebastian right in the plan B you guys oh yeah I built the plan B vert ramp the first point Eva reppin he was part of that what tossin been and those guys her days and we've gone on these tours and he had no sponsor he had no hotel room now save my floor yeah Jake I buy beers give him food he's my little buddy I'd love we were just his personality was so he's one of the funniest fun guys and him and Crom and rune and the guy Dennis Martin every stunt crew they did digital with we all those guys we had those guys that posse they were some of the funnest guys in the funnest time I have got a story I don't even get me started yeah I'm gonna word it I don't know where to start right now young all right let's take it around a little bit the hilarious ones x-games well you know when when Jake went down all that no no wow I have nowhere to go without Danny okay I'm all over place I go to Jake's room at one time he just sit around by himself yeah Jake what's up I pushed him over cuz we're just saw fire and he hits the bed and flips over his feet hit the TV screen and shattered his TV screen oh he unplugs it it puts it in the elevator this TV is just going on about oh my they kicked him out or whatever not another year he actually brings in these big Marshall stacks and like DJ he loves DJ Leslie he's cranking his room people are smoking cigarettes chicks it's on fire his rooms at cologne at the standard standard la 4x games okay the smoke alarm goes off he takes spray paint and you spray he just out of his mind like whatever they they kick him out get mini room somehow whatever we went to do by this time and he literally made a point of breaking every piece of glass his coffee table shattered pictures of all shot anything that was class in his room this is Xing like you were never coming to other X Games again in a year acute later he is there forever he's like a champion I remember one of these years we were in Germany yeah we partied all night it was like the Sunday night and we're upstairs in my room and muenster I remember that and uh we're Vanessa Torres she loves us so we had a wild time and I got so wild I threw a beer bottle out of my window it hit the top of like a taxicab and bounced right next to some guy and they called the cops and pointed up to our room I call Shane or trying to hide cops come in throw me in jail whatever and they found some money in my backpack and whatever your ticket it took all my money basically I had nothing but you have to pay for this [ __ ] whether it was a grand or something I don't know I got paid for the ramps so I'm in jail so I come out of jail with nothing I go back I said I told taxi guy take me to the where place where they're tearing the ransom so let's get 500 bucks for designing something in the course guy here's your money I paid the taxi guy go back to the bar find Jake and those guys still partying and I'm back on again are you kidding me this would be no money my backpack no money I know I got money in my hand got people why don't you get out of jail how to get money whatever and they told me sign here sign her I didn't sign no I'm like you guys speak German I'm not signing nothing turns out you like six months later I got a check in the mail they gave me like a thousand dollar way back they're like yeah you cleared it whatever somehow we found out you're not guilty of this whatever dude I threw a bottle window with it really with you did you miss the contest might be in jail Sunday night oh I hope but my point is I come and I'm so excited I see Jake walk out with a full beer and I had a beer and I'm like Jacob Fricke i cheers him both both clouds you just smash in it it just broke all this glass on the ground and the guy comes from the club because he's trying to sleep it up cuz new people are coming in the morning oh no no no no this is picasso you can't say literally left this class on the ground so no everytime when you're partying and you shot her a glass or you just like i was one time at a brand new bottle of jack and it's something I had just broken it's a fake bottle a perfect jack and it's [ __ ] on the ground like that's but God photos I think my computer it's all broken it's like if you're like loving their cigarette butts and [ __ ] it's just like a party just said but it just happens it's art they just party art Picasso what's that print it up yeah Wow crazy stuff I don't know where we're going with this what was your question yeah well this kind of leads me we need it we need to get Jake on your window he's he's great he's got he's just he said I don't you know he had the boards with the burning hunter dollar bills he's got a tattoo so I'm speaking of money that guy would just get money and just burn through it oh wow he one time we didn't sing long beach he won two grand for one of those long joke things whatever uh-huh and it was a Simpsons thing was something about Simpsons like I got that thing super matte grainy on my thing oh wow I was announcing and whatever there was a girl that her job was to wear the Simpsons head well it was under the ramp where they start off and Jake took it and stoled it and took it to Long Beach somewhere this nightclub whatever and they're calling me where Simpson and the girl was crushed on their job Oh anyways we got it back to her we partied all night I think it was once a Jim Greco was there okay Craig daughter I didn't want to go this is some crazy Long Beach arena Lucia anyway good Jake I've had a bad wild times at you that's amazing yeah just good good fun stuff yeah we'll get him on the show one of these days yeah I got him and I know what you know what might crow Mike groans with funniest guys mm-hmm he's an old vert two but he was so Larry weed he'd get drunk become super crumb honor if you get a birdie story super crumb because he had in a world and she's had a wagon where he was a wagon that he fell off the wagon was like his graphics or whatever and a cream Campbell knows world industries guys were with him and he had like a thing like this and he took off and put on like those guys in Europe - or like a guy it without what do you call when he tires sweat around her neck whatever it's like a cake oh yeah you know yeah you know it's almost prepping the sweater or the shirt and eat rah rah he's all drunk and it would calm you look like a Superman super crown calm and everyone it this day everybody knows super car he's drunk of shades he is the funniest funniest guy I love skateboarding fun characters right I just love skateboarding for interesting people and unique characters and that scares they come up from different like messed up homes and whatever but with skateboarding of a family yeah they're accepted whether you're black or white Japanese Mexico kara like you're part of us man okay so be the more unique the more different more funny and loose you're the better do you any good million stories you even milligan yeah I remember him from the Florida days but then he came out and uh he was living it in that that San Francisco house was it with Elissa steamer and everybody Frank the new god they had a trash can you play like Tetris of who can you put the last candy whoever if you couldn't make it stand you got to take the trash just crazy as [ __ ] yeah I met Milligan but no we somehow he was a judge and he liked to get loose a party not fun and so he had to be my roommate on lot of these uh uh I guess he's a he did stuffer girl on the road like yeah yeah yeah a great guy I love Milligan he he he's good guy with skateboarding he was fun he was a fun roommate always laughing always having a good time and how come you always room with him uh because we got along good and he was always daddy's new I was gonna go party like Kayla Scott the club is gone yeah whatever and he was always down okay yeah yeah master did you ever have any problems with like people rooming with people that were like worn down for the party scene I know I try to be cool I don't know I'm sure people might go up onto me from time to time but I try to be respectful roommate I mean it's kind of thing when you come home from the bar you take a dump in the lobby in the hotel before you go to your room or you know because I love you won't cut in my room you know I just have a little boy are you gonna have fun when you got honking I got it I gotta get you guys we got to go out to the Chloe like we can't just stay you know I'll get kicked out oh yeah yeah yeah you know I'd get it going in Susan start to get a little much of Mike a guy in all the rig they're calling you guys are too noisy in there okay time to move it alone yeah I tried professional like that you know I don't want I want to come back next year or whatever 20 years from now Kelly Hart will be the Dave Duncan generation everybody's I don't know that's a hard thing to live up to dude you've done it pretty well well let's talk about the announcing and them seeing and all that stuff because I mean you know World Cup of skating and all this stuff I mean you've been doing it for what 20 20 40 years you got it started by 30 little over 30 years ago I mean I judge it now contents like 40 years ago we said that was the one guy he was announcing and he handed you the mic and that's where don't start yeah he's like 30 years low over 30 years ago but then Frank Hawk Tony Hawk's dad was getting too old didn't want to do any more he eventually passed away so Don Bostick Danny who run World Cup now yeah took over NSA one of the events Jim Muir throughout a Dogtown board and someone got hit and they sued so they I shouldn't change the name from national skateboard associate NSA to World Cup World Cup anything used to be that's what's there's a little tribute from the thing that happens every demo oh yeah well the sticker toss the board time you know whatever so somehow they didn't have insurance whatever so now it's World Cup but also we were doing these contests in Germany and Japan and Brazil and these other events so we're like we need to be world so dawn Bostick came up with let's call World Cups yeah or he just thought it's all ready to have a World Cup skateboarding why not sure so that's a great name this day it's a really great name yeah and for a lot of years and then we did X Games and do Tour and the Maloof stuff in the beginning and uh I remember dyrdek came the first Maloof Cup and then he just saw that the malloon he's like dude I want to do my own thing like I don't want to give the money in Maloof dudes whatever we need to keep this within skateboarding so big ups to Dirac and I want to talk about some of that cuz I mean no-one Sheckler since he was 7 years old and seeing his TV show and all what he's done it's amazing how famous he got how many chicks just loved Sheckler like I'd be on the mic at the events let's do a check check check yeah I'll call the chefs attack because everyone loved him I remember Australia one year at these global contest he was only like 12 or 14 and he was a pro and they're like this is a prevent but goes globe and they're like dude we need rights a world we have to get him in there with ya and so we got him in and then he turns up being the star gun X Games gold medal at 12 and it's not and then this whole TV show so I mean that guy's got millions of followers and you know he got hurt with that ledge things ankles and all he's back really strong yeah I mean Big Ups to him for for going to the shower and skating okay and having to deal with all like oh you're super cool and you're not real and you know whatever hardcore I mean you know kind of famous things so same thing with dyrdek you know doing his ridiculous thing you know and all that big I love the robbing big showdown you guys remember to start out with a DC video oh yeah yeah how awesome a security guard curity guys guys like you know cuddle as a teddy bear or whatever and then what a great show you know for all that thing but I remember my daughter came to flew into LA one time I took in a Magic Mountain for lax Magic Mountain she goes down you know that guy robbed yeah I've been watching show I really want to meet the median a mini-horse whatever my yeah come on by with termatrac came on by my top leg oh my god meaty meaty hoorah bored and shooting like the best dad or oh my but I just I gotta get crazy about how much millionaires those guys are up skating in hell yeah on the mainstream thing of things I mean Rob's an amazing skater sure [Music] tainted because they're big medium will you look at Nyjah Huston right now I mean and and it's sad as family stories but I mean he's come through it's strong but right crazy yeah I'm that guy to meet so much rig my ski but he earned it the guy went and learned a present yeah under her sing and did it all himself do all the Street League [ __ ] me oh that when it's you're calling your name he can bang tricks oh yeah good night to be going year after year after year dominating yeah with the the landscape of how good people are now yes yeah I'm still winning it's so next level yeah it's not he's not doing it them through some TV show or anything else through skateboarding yeah that's unreal yeah but I can't act whenever I try and go on Instagram I see I don't even like their photos I don't come up they've got like two thousand comments and yeah million limelight you know hey I saw it yeah right why even bother sure gotta beat all that should try I try to go through and like with people and fall back and like I can't imagine you know yeah what oh my god that many followers of beaches from skateboarding it's insane I know it's just crazy how Internet has changed our skate world for sure ten years Facebook yeah go back let's go back to MySpace oh yeah I'm never gonna my C's I thought was like a dating site I was like Johnny Rockets some girls like you got to be on my cell like I I'm not I'm John I'm something COG dude I'm sorry I didn't want to be David I didn't want to be like what is this about right or chicks a my I'm gonna try to pick up here what's good yeah I've never been on tinder no I don't need a dance I you know I but then now nobody even goes to myspace anymore oh yes I thought it was [ __ ] my Excel that money made that Instagram come round tom-toms everyone yeah but that's just showing you the change alam ski you never know i talk about let's talk about the change of landscape right now we got the olympics coming in oh you're you're you're actually you you've announced snow morning it's nobody you know 1002 so you're no stranger to it I did I did the X Games for 20 years a lot like with Sean why I was doing like slopestyle and so and I love snowboarding I know all the tricks and all that and I love snowboarding so I got that but in 2002 I did the US the first time they boycott in 98 in Nagano and in America cherish a book how that ones came back everyone's down so they were they were both hiding it because skiers were in outs the 2002 and then 2006 and went to train early announcing Sean Whyte got his first gold medal at that and it was pretty happy I did from a kid you're watching ABC NBC channel analytics alright it's a big deal so you know boat slid around with their families all day when X Games came around we'd already I thought excuse for late this is something I want to talk about so I forgot about when 95 X Games hi we're doing our X Games extreme sportsmen you guys are late 94 93 92 88 did you guys so it's the best years there's from 95 for I don't know that anything exciting is gonna happen we're late I put on the headphones of the mic and I felt really weird I look back pulled it what am i doing in this big commercial are you felt weird I did yeah yeah you know but by colic you got to do it someone's got to do this so we did why not you you and you know those a lot of the heavies were there Tony Hawk was there no Mike Vee was there all the rad people in the day and then it wasn't till talk to the 999 and the street courses starting getting better the vert thing you know I really changed where you know I talked about Maloof now doing concrete chores it's like it really it's kind of more legit I always thought of them being a little bit that's what I'm bringing you talk Olympics yeah to me X Games always been our gold silver bronze that's been kind of like we haven't and it happens every year Olympics happens every four years yeah any changes so much dirtier it's kind of interesting but we did I did have some of the qualifiers a few months back San Diego went on the street thing in a bowl park thing down there yep San Diego at the warehouse that was kind of cool yeah cool to see who we picked and why we picked them and write all that so well I'm just wondering your take on it because you had seen it all happened through snowboarding you're involved with that and then boycotting it and then doing it in the US and Torino and all that stuff so build the courses are good so it's gonna be that's part of it because back and we need it do it you know we did like what's called gravity games we have to mix in the bike dudes with a skate dudes when they have these big it was really we're trying to compromise right if it's a hundred percent skateboarding then we're cool yeah yeah so I think in Olympic sense that that hopefully will be presented right I mean the judging you know well are you gonna be have you been asked to no no I don't know there's a lot of politics yeah yeah sure there I mean even just the last few years it's like you know your World Cup you're kind of old thing we've got the new thing going on you know so I don't know I think you would read it what how did you see when you did the X Games in a win to the Olympics how was it like logistic wise it was it like a for the Olympics did it feel crazy at all being married up or crazy it's so next level to security and the rules it's almost no fun in a way kind of like a serious and so legit yeah you know yeah I mean that's what I love about all like the little backyard events or the fun little things that keep it more like what do you think you got better at the Olympics over time of doing snowboarding like it's soy truth right now if you watch a lip pick out pipe thing they do what they call these these like corked out like crazy cork 1080s 1260s it's basically just spinning tricks they're like 1262 1082 you know 14 for whatever it's a sign it's not a sticks got it's not really yeah if I did it was it was more like skip words to you know hand plants and errors you know frontside 540 maybe 900 so it was a little more relating to our world now it's just so beyond yawn so I mean that's just snowboarding you know somebody gets but I guess I don't know if it helped it or not it just made a more commercial like the mom-and-pop shops are kind of know morning marks it's so big I like was skating that brick-and-mortar skate shops are tough to show because it's all online now you know yeah yeah yeah it's a sign of time so you can't hate on it it is what it is Johnny I mean I remember those that the future of what's gonna be like in the year 2000 yeah the new millennium and I mean we're already 20 years into it I mean we're pretty we're pretty normal for how it could be a lot crazier it could be more Wars or it could be near like nuclear I grew up with the Vietnam War so you know and the nuclear threat of like oh now the Korea [ __ ] with Russia right dude we could be gone in a minute you know that's why you gotta live it up you never know when the guys gonna press the button and nuclear bombs are flying hard you know cheers that we're alive and we've survived here yeah enjoy it everybody's you know you got people that are pista that skating's in the Olympics it's like wow just roll with them and see what happens yes right yeah yeah it's it's unavoidable it's sometimes you just gotta let it go it was gonna go anyway so we might as well try and get our little hands in a little bit to shape it and make it right so well that's what it is is us skeeters having her hands in it you know or at least the people who we trust yeah and you know people are going to are young younger skaters as new generation to them that's their whole life oh my god their parents are proud of them and cool good for you guys we're the people I've worked with the world skate stuff and the people that are like in charge of the skateboarding part they are skateboarders and I've been those meetings I know I know about the world skate yeah exactly that's what so you're trying yeah it's a huge corporate you're up against a big war like you're fighting the battle you do the best you can it's like fighting with your hands time at the Olympics but the skateboarding doesn't need the Olympics the Olympics need skateboarding Yeah right they're trying to attract a younger audience and almost anywhere in America there's a little small town there you keep going to it there's really don't don't affect them I see it on the TV look mom what I'm doing is cool now it's accepted now it makes their parents accept and I know a lot of guys like Chris sand used to tell these guys on their film and hey you can't ride that dude we're doing it for the XK all you're the X Games okay cool go ahead like X Games kind of garlic shames security guards may be more lenient yeah I heard the timing since it's in Tokyo the time you've when it like starts there the timing was like prime time in the United States wedding they're making it that way because the u.s. yeah yeah yeah which is pretty awesome yes skateboarding will be prime time that's right hurry well a lot of these Olympics you know when they're when they're in a different country some of these events are going on at 3:00 in the morning yeah we've got to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to watch these events you know prime time yeah yeah right yeah I hope well hey hopefully I [ __ ] see Dave Duncan on [ __ ] NBC I don't know doing some announcing over there you know it would it would be cool to see all the original skateboard crew along the years to be at the Olympics that have like paved the way cuz they dude you know how to do it you know you want the people there that know how this industry and stuff works on microphone talk about the Oh like what's going on in the Olympics that'd be cool I mean like alongside him Tony Tony Austin should be doing some announcement lately yeah oh yeah Dan sparks yeah how's he doing good yeah sometimes people don't have I've always thought you could take the microphone job I do and give it to anyone who loves skateboarding they could do the same job yeah I remember doing like slam Qi Jam where I'm on the mic for like six hours at a time and I'd be exhausted plane Clyde Clyde about there yeah singleton yeah do it with me if I have a sec dude I can't how do you do this you're saying no and that's my thing you just gotta be so passionate to hang in and then after that go to the club and wake up next morning Wow Dave you scared to like to put yourself out there on the mic at first never I was like because I felt comfortable it wasn't a big deal back then yeah this before excuse well it all happened naturally for you to like somebody handed you the myau I'll do that and yeah did it yeah it's sort of Joe I was judging a lot first there okay yeah I hear the mic dudes I'm like I can do that yeah whatever and then I tried throwing some jokes and it put some cool music on and make it more real because I had a good time escape I want the next generation have a good time actually I run by somebody that's what's important to you no I'm not knocking Street League or I'm not knocking any of the dudes who do it you know but sometimes I watch stuff on TV and I'm like that's a little it's not my cup of tea I don't want to I would rather hear you know somebody who's having fun on the my I'm not knocking anybody's just my own opinion this really thinks I always falls very gymnastics kind of you know six point nine seven point nine like oh and so you know like I love the jam sessions guys are just going out feeding off each other and the guys are making notes for judges and like whoever wins wins like it's not like go slow right now let's wait for the score let's slow it down that's okay let's get the energy going yeah I having over time that's an answer to the announcer bring that energy as well I know just so much easier just even if you're at home on the couch you want that energy from the contest to be resonating to your couch you know control beer to catch some dream where he wanted to take that way so it's his money thing like I said I'm not talking anything that's like sometimes it's a little too NBC for me you know what morwen started like you said I think it's really kind of gotten better like Paul zitzer is really great at this is great yeah there's an Andrew can it's great you know a great skater yeah but you Gary Rogers so X Games they use Gary Rogers yeah and he's [ __ ] hilarious and it's uncensored but he he kind of goes with a guideline of what they give him so there's a certain time slot for sure and some are good don't with skate line yeah my god how does he week after week I drown of these dudes and get late and get away with it just be funny [ __ ] but he kind of his claims he'll see some of like a you know I'm just joking yeah yeah I love watching comedy like Family Guy will talk about blacks and Mexicans I do just ruined be like oh [ __ ] that CD yes get a racist on [ __ ] like yeah it's a do wants a wife they're like the line now if you got it yeah yeah if you got a sense of humor you got just well also its skateboarding right if it's like a little person you love people you love people like what that's just like some writer like it let's have fun skating this is a skating you know don't be so serious yeah you know okay let's have a good time yeah it's weird because we're talking Olympic which is so sick yeah seriously and we're gonna find out this summer yeah I can't believe the first time or live a I didn't think I see in my lifetime no skateboarding because it used to be such a rejected you know like you're a piece of [ __ ] skateboard you're never gonna go anywhere that thing what are you doing you're wasting your time sure we saw that you know we saw that whoopsy what if the what if skateboard was in the Olympics in like 1988 or whatever like oh my god okay great who do you think do you think you'll be like the Olympic team then Tony Hawk could win at all vision skate escape I broke my ankle I told the story so I'm in the hospital on drug meds whatever like oh you gotta go in and out judges Karnas so I'm behind this you know I got bit lately okay no so I got you guys next to me that are like the tracker guides joe joe baugher's and rug Ridgway brine Ridgway and then other two guys are like indie dudes whatever and then i'm the middle guy so these two guys want hawk to win these two guys want a soy to win and I'm in the middle I'm like I think a soy should with this one so I literally gave the trophy to so I don't skate skate with some Chili Peppers with ladies yes fine yeah yeah yeah and a fluid came in flight and so I did a big air and they talk literature like man that's set up for an errors in our live trick where he did a backside krill slide or something oh you were the judge how's it you J and you were the deciding you would split vote on that on that note of like we're taking it back to if we imagine in the eighties but cuz he was the star every love every wanna be a joy ride nobody want to be the scrawny skinny Hawking huh but he was killing it he had the best tricks and he would be should win right but I saw I did who wouldn't want a blaster going how you laugh I couldn't imagine being a rock stars I've had some crazy meetings one of my first rock stars ever met was David Bowie in Australia how did that come about talking about Jason jesse was on tour with us to Santa Cruz and he got tattoos on this guy Marc Mahoney which is big famous guy in LA well hunt sail Soupy Sales was a big 70s guy his his son was a drummer for Tim machine he's like they're in together in the same tattoo place like yeah we're gonna be in Australia doing Tim Machine making a an album for like six months and he's like oh we're gonna go there in a few months to a skate to her oh look me up when you're there so we're on our way to go see this David boys show we're wasted with the strip club that night rage you're like dude come on I'm trying to write like ten guys Craig Johnson bod boil off on all kinds of dudes so we can't bring the van we're late we're late as [ __ ] come on guys go and it's actually like a half hour to get this thing windy roads I'm hauling ass I get pulled over being drunk driving oh no they're like you got to blowing this thing the thing blows up I'm in trouble no no Jason just fine I'll Drive don't worry I'm sober and like what are you guys doing we're going to see David Bowie they love their story I got off the hook no hey Jess he is up driving we get there and then Bowie's like oh you guys are skateboarders for America well what are you doing here get these guys some beers yeah dude we have to hang your boy for a little bit backstage like 20 minutes he's hanging out and a little story about him so I seen the moonlight tour and Craig John says story so I'm the supermarket or something yeah yeah he was giving us the time of day whereas these chicks are caught yeah okay later yeah okay that's back to the ball oh he was vibing with you guys so stoked on us cuz we're just just kids skateboarding in Australia what year was this and then I I met a hose it lemme lemme from Motorhead hookah recipes both these guys are dead by the way it's just crazy then I mean how rad is my dad he came to Germany and did that uh with Kid Rock I got I can't even say that on camera what happened kid Rock okay story I wish you would though but let me know what's the mics and I'll give you guys that one huh but let me Motorhead yeah he came down to a Dwayne Peters his chick was uh was was with him or something brought him there I was rad angle it mean he did a thing in Europe we were backstage Mona right like that's another thing to be nice to see these things at Tony Alva on stage Black Flag concert he's up there kicking heads in thrown guys I'm like dude what a rockstar there's man here's my fine but you to be on stage with them and now I get like penny wise gets me on stage or different bands I you know I get backstage of a crazy [ __ ] like wow it's it's just to skateboarding somehow I got people in music world that let me go do this cool [ __ ] and now it's a little bonus total elbows Billy I don't oh my god we were really late oh we did this thing it's like monsters a rock in Europe Donington Darlington Tori and let me know they had the snowball thing I was talking about Dwayne Peters is there and in all the vert dudes are there room cliff Berg and everybody and then there's Metallica there's a hundred thousand people a hundred bands Slayer everybody there you know and then we're in the lobby of our hotel Billy Idol comes walking in like 1:00 in the morning in the lobby you know next day we go see a show well he's got [ __ ] there was one thing we saw slash from Guns roses and I was it to anyway he'll tell you the story we were in Cabo those like a Transworld business conference okay and we're it's like like eleven twelve the morning that were like there's a bar there's one day at the bar so I'm like dude is that slatton hall can be slapped slash what are you doing down here you just I could get away and he goes no we're doing a thing at Cabo Wabo what you Sammy Hagar's Club Alice Cooper video first theater people in for free get the earlier in [ __ ] we went we're in line we'll get [ __ ] saw slash forgot hanger and then I seen slash later talked to him but it was [ __ ] whatever it's just weird weird weird rubbing elbows with rock stars yes as a kid you're just so far removed from the you know just like as a kid reading skateboarders seeing Tony Alva and James let's go scapel J was on my best friend in touchable yeah and skate pull them and be like to relate to him and I'm like I feel like I've carried the torch when I go do my events right for these guys in the seventies I grew up by lysing the guys are magazines and now it's a real life friends you know just like I'm sure all the kids now they look up you know just like you coming out doing what you did and yeah oh yeah they're Costin and Austin frosty man how amazing is that guy he's the best he's one of the best skateboarders in the in the world I love that you party with every generation we've got some good times luckily with the world cup thing man a big big thanks to that that's it's been an amazing amazing Road over the last generations incredible gate boarding just to see that especially when contests were the cool thing like going to do these events it was a little different than now with the video thing you know right right I'm gonna do this thing in Estonia in a couple weeks and it's like I wish there was more American but it's probably five or ten there but there used to be like 50 American news there you know everybody was somebody would go now I guess somebody's too cool or too busy or you know without that like super gnarly Estonia yeah it's a BMX thing Grayson Fletcher simple games sessions those currents are same it's fun it's just a bigger an thing just like the German thing about a day the kids go crazy autograph session but it's almost like X Games like what it was back in the day dudes are doing backflips and cool [ __ ] and kid maad we have our little skate session there's rails there's gnarly flip [ __ ] going on yeah it's cool but it's a fun vibe it's five every pizza board now goes up the club walls out like yeah it's cool that's coming up a couple weeks so big up simple session oh yeah yeah it's amazing man I feel like you man you just have so much fun dude you're doing it traveling the world like that same know one of my favorites I got to talk about it's prog domestic cup people who've done it there's a lot of history there I mean every major pros been through Prague from this cup it's it's 20 to our plate 25 years now it's been going yeah and it's it's a festival vibe it's only skateboarding but it's like there's Bowl they used to beaverton in street now it's bones but it's there's a whole music vibe behind it and it's just you're there at the park it's kind of like the tablet thing you yeah but but the nightclub thing or not in the night vibe is right there - I don't know whatever it's just you're some about the Europe thing the cops there's no cops but they they're just looking for real trouble yeah like say there's no knives there's no guns there's no trouble ever sure 20 years never had one never really seen a fight that crazy love skateboarding we're party laughs yeah yeah so that's in Spain I'm going to suppose oh come on Spain laughs oh it's amazing every Contras go to here do what which is very condos or simple ones that's Tony's a fun one but frog 20 I've been there every year for like 23 years every summer I'm there are there any like since you've been announcing all these things did he like it he said there's a lot of inside jokes between you and the skaters or any like good ones that are like ordinary I have to think you're making I think yeah I was on a roll to stop and think inside Joe oh I mean I feel like you owe a man I mean I mean you know people used to heckle any MacDonald back in a Dale but I never did cuz I like Andy he's a good skater yeah that's a MIG guy I kind of have to be neutral even keel here comes mr. consistent whatever you know is yo helmet yeah you know so I know I mean I kind of give loved everybody whatever I'm Morris on saying that you would call the dude that row for two truck sponsors oh no mark yeah yeah trucks and any truck sponsors actually drove a Ford truck right there you go yeah truck yeah Indy's yeah I just didn't know if you had any random other ones though I probably do I just do this but that's the thing is for being an announcer you're going off the cuff you're going to your freestyle and yet as you go you know you're not thinking about stuff you're just I love that Kelly hogs all the carts what are you calling out oh he's like who's that that's the dude sits over there yeah yeah it's all good you talk about judging and all that and I it's just it's crazy how judging is so subjective you know like it's what one judge thinks for another and you know it's in a way I mean we all judge skateboarder you see a video you're gonna judge what do you like to guys style you like that trick you know and you see anything sure yeah yeah it's kind of like art you know like some guys like this some guys like that right and that's why you have a bunch of judges yes and it all evens out you know yeah that's interesting [ __ ] do you like judging I do you do I love it okay if I if I prefer judging over announcing oh you do something it's hard work you know Buddy Rich a regular voice not talking yeah you know but judging you don't have to see you're just you're really focused and you're really here I I don't know I don't enjoy it I don't like judging and watch well I mean I prefer to be a fan I just watch it sure yeah but you know but I I know that I know real good [ __ ] I know that my opinion matters sometimes announcer I look at judges going you're blowing it that guy should be that guy sure I can't what happen it happens guessing but my opinion is different than theirs you know they might think the tech guys better than that guy but to me the risk was so gnarly with this guy did he should beat the little tech guy that didn't you know didn't risk it as much have you ever looked back and be like I judge that guy wrong he should have got more points or we try to keep it that's the [ __ ] up thing about the TV things they like stealing whatever you can't change your score for us when we do we do it like a jam session we'll do it and we go back in and change before we announce the final results we make sure that all the judges hey this guy in in third place is on a podium this guy fourth are you sure you're almost you got to get on the same page I might say hey this guy did this trick oh you missed it well you should you know whatever like yeah you got a make you have a little round table yeah that's where in Prague we have that yeah I don't have stuck to where you you get that score cuz the next guy you know it's tough shirring a number to the to the rough the trick yeah yeah not that that's what I wouldn't enjoy about I wouldn't enjoy that ass but someone's got to do it and I'm like yeah pick me I will put my shirt off Lee you know we usually just so you guys don't know about judging usually it's five-score she thought the high-low okay someone is a little off oh that's my buddy Danny way I love them yeah I'm cool you know later I hate that guy right so I'd like if Rogers a judge and he's giving out hundreds to everybody this score is probably gonna be throwing it one guy could be on a higher scale the whole con yeah dude your scores every time like you gotta bring it up as a head judge you have to level them out the first yeah you know know where they're at good not the first run but the first good run hey guys hi 80s low 90s get everything it kind of says if not right you're gonna throw every time you guys gotta get within a ten point range whatever yeah talk for all you people out there right there's a science to it there's a sign yeah you won't you will learn this at the Olympics in six months you'll see that why you're bitching complaining TV like what the [ __ ] and I just said win what's interesting to me is that you've had I mean skateboarding and injuries right hand in hand I mean we talked about your ankle [ __ ] my wrist that brought me with you guys if I did have a broken wrist yeah no worse when you said things yeah and not only that you got a metal in your hip I got a metal hip yeah metal like hip is that due to spalling or is that due to this overuse of what yeah I don't even know I don't even know I don't get a car accidents and get where [ __ ] happen but I don't know it's my pushing foot okay so it's not like my forward hip where I slam on all the time yeah but I don't know if I just pushed so many years but I literally had no cartilage left oh wow so I couldn't lean over to tie my shoes socks on planes and sleeping it was like an electronic thing wherever 15 minutes I'd have to disconnect the electronic charge to move around those pain that pain to be there so as soon as I roll over move it was really bizarre it was to be honest I had similar thing I had to get surgery on my hip I had no cartilage or any but they just shaved it down I ever gave the bone down yeah and that cartilage grew back yeah I have a hip impingement no yeah it may you may they do a little thing when they put a puncture holes in your on your bone and then it kind of bleeding the socket yeah and it bleeds out and it kind of creates some cartilage yeah yeah socket socket yeah so but some people have different you know - yeah I I don't know I just I went to a chiropractor one day and they go oh you're back salon welcome by the way you're gonna need hip surgery and feel like what are you talking about my hip was fine yeah that's fine I swear since that day I walked out of his office you're after you're right here slow how am I gonna know what any tips he goes you're gonna know three years later I'm like fix me you know like okay great so you walked in and they said what surgery you're gonna do is not covered by insurance you have to pay 25 grand oh no I actually took 25 grand out of my pocket my life insurance whatever Wow pay 25 grand god surgery because the the metal they were using is cobalt steel and it was not proven I guess through that as far as insurance people it was like new technology but my guy was La joint replacement Institute which is super high-tech they've been like on the cutting edge of him replace Jim I highly recommended by my doctor so I got out I'm perfectly healthy my doctor at she's the one that told me to do this little magazine for the men's health or fitness thing whatever though I'm strong there whatever so what being a fine yeah all right I got feel good I got the thing yet actually I have now a better quality of life like I could tie my shoes I could go skate I can do they they so hip resurfacing they said just destroy that one when you're get done with it will do the full hip oh geez okay so basically doable and socket okay a metal socket metal ball and it just works together crazy so yeah so I'm good Wow still rolling around yeah dude yeah and my other ankle so I probably one break well I broke in Europe yes the left one and then the right one I didn't advance I've got metal plates and screws both ankle metal hip and metal wrong like for mineral so they will rebuild him laughs ioniq Duncan does the middle detector go off when you go through it it does and I tell them I'm like four countries I just point to it they're speaking crazy yeah I'm good so that's like some hash my pocket I completely forgot about and I pulled it out and then there was uh us a paper clip from the money they gave me from getting paid no kind it's set off the the metal hole and I pulled it out come why is this thing going off I see it's a [ __ ] paper clip and I see that and I grab - I put it under there and whatever and they got it and they some I got they're like oh wow some international country who I should be in jail it's like dude I'm not burying and raping I'm just [ __ ] partying - leftover hash in the pocket which I forgot about party whatever my god [ __ ] happens you know what else do we got bro I know I mean we've talked about so money we jam-packed in so much informative but do you have anything else now it's a World Cup skateboarding but I I just gotta let people know I love skateboarding yeah I skate all the time I love skate em but skateboarding most of my life and it's just it's something about the passion or love of it all that even though I'm a contest guy I don't care if you win or lose let's go have fun you know that's what I love ski buddy eventually bring him one together that's like we talked about back in the 80s if you were asking you were at the event you were doings or at the demo or whoever was bringing like oh there's someone was skateboarding going let's go hang out let's do it so big thanks to World Cup skateboarding for keeping me in there forever I guess I haven't been fired yet so even though I've got some wild times in the road but I do give love to all skaters you know whether whatever country you're from or culture or whatever English Street [ __ ] whatever yeah yeah a big up to John comer he just passed away out of you Tomer yeah it's big speaking of jokes he say he's done a one-footed everything okay one-footed frontside hairless yes go to things let me know we're friends he got run over by a car music yes this guy convert ramps like just doing stuff like yeah you know pretty pretty heavy and then I don't know if you guys have seen much of like the handicapped Olympics okay I'm skateboarding I mean these guys you gotta be all this gonna be safe once you know you ain't got we can see he can feel yeah you know see and these guys do stuff so yeah big upset we talk about Olympics and there's like the adoptive Olympics a gala now and I see it with snowboarding like the guy falls over in his little wheelchair ski thing and they don't want you can't help him he's got to get himself back up sure they want to be independent like don't help me I got this like pretty rad yeah we'll have a handicap and they they're like on their own yeah and they're they're thriving they're killing it yeah I do got to give a shout-out to some of my friends that passed away you know last summer yeah we did this thing in Oregon and I got an email all we were doing a thing cuz uh you know um Mark Hubbard a good friend of mine with the grind lines yeah that's the way he was a heavy me in the band heavy metal and whatever he got crazy on that and then Keystone Preston yeah my good friend passed away in the car accident was crazy as hell so I got a email Jake folks can be announcing with me for this event to honor those dudes and like within two weeks he's dead I'm like holy [ __ ] I'm I was excited to announce with Phelps I'm gonna do a little rip ride event for him and then now I'm doing the guys kind of funeral thing whatever but how rad is that Tony sure he owned his band came up the bad [ __ ] those guys did it a bunch of rad Peter Hewitt and all they're like the gnarly rad dudes came to Lincoln City which is where Mark Scott an old dream land crew is from and they had a raging thing and it's just great to celebrate life of people have passed right and and uh you know we all got to go sometime so sometime later you guys I'm out here but right now I'm alive so let's have fun right yeah yeah yeah but I have seen a lot of my friends Steve sneers one of them not a long time ago I mean Fausto right I gotta I meant to go in San Francisco file so handing me my first set Indies here you go I mean I'd wrote in these before but to actually be sponsored by him and go okay anytime you need you got trucks guys till Tuesday you know Rhino hooks me up whatever I need whatever arrives and it's blessing to have that and you know we all got to go sometime I know we got everyone's got the little stories of sure people I'm blessing my age I've had so many people like you know 20 30 people younger than me they're like why is my time what am I going that's a trippy thing like when you start getting to in the forties or whatever else and you start seeing kids in the 30s like passing away like yeah my dad was thirty sixty Paso anything past that I just looked as bonus your boat yeah it's like thirty seven thirty I'm nice supposed to be here I should not worry about a thing he says my bonus for home let's go live it up and seriously so that's why I first been what 20 years now that I've just been living literally 20 years of on the road like these are bonus years for me totally now you see your dad had passed from a heart thing did you ever go get checked out to make sure you didn't have to say you know I think because at that time I was 14 I I was surfing I was skating I was working as going on more physical sure and you know my dad he was pretty Phil he was another waiter you think was not it's just hard to it was part of our family yeah so my grandma and so you go get checked out good look what can you do you know they say you can get checked out and walk out and still die you know you can't it doesn't say so yeah but as our technology grows and medicine and everything there could be a preventive I destruction yeah yeah partition yes you're alive come here yeah Artie with a partying with Dave Duncan of ninety Oh yeah like there's no tomorrow I love how you got a little character yeah tomorrow's not guaranteed exactly all that no you guys live it up go skate keep enjoying yourself good times good friends don't hurt about I love it man should we wrap this up or do you want to anything else you want to talk about or touch on I I feel like we've I don't even know what would I cover song Mike I could go for Dave I know well how about this how about Kelly goes and gets you some stuff some nightclub stuff to take home we'll get you some and we'll just keep this going you know we'll just keep wrapping out how about that I love behind your heads are useless wooden toys I'm looking at reminds of the New Deal days when all that I have that video that VHS I have so many VHS videos of my house does even watch him anymore like are they even good throw on YouTube now if you don't want a secret tape that secret tape there's a bunch of that I need to find this guy of every four one one I have all those I had the same problem but then I was like they might be worth something one day you don't know but like I I took so much space and I was like I can't I can watch this I kept some of the you know keep the ones that really mean something to you well I have every skateboarder magazine and at some point someone's like oh they're worth 10 grand and then now they just released them online like oh don't you've every Thrasher's from there every monster from the early in it but it means something to have something old works yeah look back library yeah it's just some you know I mean to have that sometimes the money's not the the yeah I mean we knew every quote of every photo but what page it was on like we were we were kind of skating hers back yeah yeah you know you're like well that's all you that's I mean that's what you guys yeah there's no video yeah it'd be fine dude some sort of like skate nerds with like regrets I'll host a thing and you have like a couple old reviews from the 70s Reverend then he said like crosses especially Paul note quotes from like old skateboarder panic who said this listen this one Tony Hawk did a Caballero stalefish over the channel in Houston and Neil blender said Tony Hawk does does God knows whatever channel it was in a trans role he ever faked it up whatever ladies going on and Neil blender literally was like 20 Hawk it's its imprint he could see you know should I check what he did yeah but stop somehow Tony Hawk was so beyond who does a Cavalier I'll still fish over a channel like it was like Tony Hawk does God knows whatever Jeff that's the quote if you go look at the turtle now as the Colts Wow and it's you know President became a trick name I know God knows what it got tucked to be like yeah nice tail fish you know whatever it just that it got so tech like all the tricks yeah yeah it was like you know the history I got story for days up with how the Madonna was named the less to us I don't you guys know all those tricks of you wanting care about yeah yeah no please yeah how did the Madonna okay so the Madonna was a one-footed lead the tail Tony Hawk was doing all his tricks and nobody actually was copying his tricks or do his tricks he said you gotta give him a cool name so Madonna was cool the one foot Alina tale but if you do it the backside way it's called a Sean Penn because Madonna and Sean Penn or a twist actually was the caballerial that Neal and and uh Lance felt gay because they had to grab on on a Cavalier really old mute grab is called a gay twist but if you do it backside grab is called lesbian twist instead of gay twist as gay lesbian so it's got less twist so there's the gay twist a lesbian twist and it's all just fun names back in the day would people you could do it now it's no PC you know it's all tucked talk you know I flip 180 no sure whatever you know it's also tech that I don't know I liked it when cooker grind was like The Keg rahi girl well yeah yeah no no it's just did stick yeah trying to think this so I like Christ they're right there things are the Benihana how did that get name to Benihana do you know that I don't know let's cuz I did this front side of which in a pool the dumb part was rad as Alfred try a front side and not over it over a launch apple juice yes he tried doing on a vert ramp rubber ball whatever a one for the front Sarah's pretty pretty rad pretty gnarly so no I think I think lesser size think of going up any on it for where they cook the food it's like yeah throw on the shrimp in your hat or whatever there's two names for opinion it was a Benihana and Benny Hama or whatever it might have been I can't even remember oh and what was one way one was the other way I don't like that right right well the original is the front side yeah front side way that's I know baby I always thought the less sauce was Lester cuz let's go oh yeah yeah but it was it was gay lesbian yeah now it is this is it is kind of tech they don't really we don't really have the names to see the five four to get made McTwist McGill mimic twisting that was sudden Tony Hawk did the nine hundred we just called the nine hundred right and I was there for both of those to see him and then all of a sudden that 1080 is funny because that guy Tom Shara did it we call him the Tom eighty and now who's that kid Mitchie Brusco stood at twelve sixteen yeah I never thought in my lifetime did we ever you know I mean the nine hundred was enough yeah I think nobody would be yeah yeah I remember the five forty meal blender when the approach overdose it's over it's 540 like skateboarding's changed forever is kind of like what I wanna talk about the snowboarding it's just got so gymnastics right 1260 into 1080 in 1440 like and we're kind of in or almost no Olympics 2020 tune in yeah who knows what's gonna happen 1479 oh yeah but a lot of that we haven't talked about the ramp changing because I could talk about the pilot ramps and 80s we're riding now they have me sign skin types and that bigger transitions makes more more hang time so a lot of that has changed people eyes ask me what gonna happen the future skating and I just think it's the terrain all the tricks have been done I mean there's gonna be a little twist arena's always change it's always changing great yeah of like yeah I further we can build whatever we want that's why I like the mega ramp and these guys just yeah that's why the 12 was a 1260 that Mitchie Brusco did that it's because it's happened because they build a bigger ring yeah exactly I was ever make a makeup bowl oh god yeah I mean like where you have a 14-foot Bowl where people just blasting out of doing [ __ ] you think you know I I think as far as a human body can pump now the transitions for a quarter pipe for that it's kind of a one pump deal yeah so I mean if there's medium and/or Shaolin you could kind of keep it going I love that I love that mm-hmm let me also be able to pump in just about of that and do some oh you know what who's doing that is elliott's lon if you benders back back back yard he's got he's got the vert ramp the rocks over that counter products or rocks or room but then he's got like a little mini mega goes on cord I mean he's actually I should come out of the quarter pipe instead of just ending he's gonna keep it going now to where you do another shirt yeah yeah so that's the terrain yeah there you got up money it's ever-changing yeah that's true Rob actually Bob's vert may remember the x-games mega RAM that they like oh we're doing this to my backyard cool that definitely they've had it to train on and keep going right Bob probably only had to pay the transport fees thanks Cheryl I forget um ski light on all but that's I mean people talk about where skateboarding going well there's a future you know thanks to skate light making like this hard faster that's for the weather you can put outdoors it rains on it yeah bubbling buckling like me say yeah I think what's key light last like what set five years yeah yeah yeah oh the ramp and Riverside it um couple months ago oh yeah a little mini ball I think for the kids if you're in Riverside go check a little mini boy just dope nice pretty fun yeah you're still out there building and got your tool belt oh yeah yeah favorite rapper built the Volcom cuz it's koklos my house welcome stuff was fun okay the van stuff I think the combi Scott my my claim to fame because I grew up chickens house and then we had Kelly Bill Maher's made the club you know how to pour concrete before going into that a little bit just from doing like driveways I'm like um like home construction stuff like foundation yeah but I actually hired Rick card who did chickens and Kelly's okay I go hey you're you you kind of built these just like supervise the boys yeah yeah I know I designed it I designed all the trains and me the old eggs that you guys you know he hired a gunite crew yeah to come in and we actually did plaster on that one so it didn't get properly finished but whatever they redid it okay but point is is that uh yeah the combi pool is kind of my baby I grew up with the upland combi and I was like if you could bring back a era of like when you ask whatever we go to the 80s jambe something about that era was just before X Games this is amazing yeah so to bring the combi back and have an advanced and it's still there 20 years later crazy and now they did the reverse I heard just so you guys know the reverse combi I heard a reason they did a reverse was in case anyone complains then they won't say they tried to replicate because mine was a replica we interrupted of the original copy we we moved the shallow into the middle and kind of made some adjustments to where the one advance yeah it's been there 20 years is more of a modern version of the rig the original comes too gnarly okay that's crazy okay a lot of hurt so why was more moderate was more more playful okay people loved it to this day that that vans pool party is one of the greatest events the best events ever yeah yeah and it's playful guys could just rip it and turn whatever so now there's nuts yeah they flipped it so that in case people complain oh well its reverse so you can try if you wanted people can because the round pool right they flipped the whole thing the round pools here let's go pose here cuz P every complaints I was like oh this isn't as good you know the trains are perfect or whatever and they can change they did change the shaolin's a little more open and the hip is a little bigger they made some adjustments to it because I did to the original one sure so you know I'm gonna make it my better thought they made it better I don't know whatever I mean for the new kids maybe it's bigger better I'm an old school guy so I kind of like the original thing better I feel nowadays you could put a flat bar on this ceiling and somebody's gonna skate it yeah like somehow someway somebody's gonna hit that flat bar by rideable and Apple love it you know so we can't complain that way well big ups of and strong yeah and they're like a family but Steve and our and the whole crew like I love it that they guys are snow mobile put a lot of money yeah a lot of money back kids yeah let's come back they're doing great these days so far I remember in the back in the day going like the van stores when it was just like a little thing you know they sponsored like Tony Allen he's done right this is like a skateboarding shoe and your years later you got like Adidas Nike trying to grab on that well Vance's original original jeans in 66 yeah man 66 it's funny anyway those guys used to wear night wear like whatever and the day and night everywhere Nikes and that's what DC started was they won like a really quality shoe right so that's why they can with a DC thing you got man you got where they're rockin bands I'm looking like I see the car walking right there yeah man okay walk that's right man Kelly will you go grab him some gear what do you excel do you wear uh give me triple that crooks quadruple double X I have my life is triple heads I could fit in Excel but I like it I like it loose thanks Kelly he actually helped me park my car yeah Kelly Parker did you get out and he parked it for you I can now hey you see men of the trash cans whatever because there was no parking on the street we had to go in the alley yeah back-alley Sally back alley salary spots three spots that's right yeah dude Dave what are you gonna do like you okay you're going to Estonia in a couple weeks what do you when you get back what are you gonna do like it was just some girls think on our van say hae home park I love it dope dope got the basic pool party in April back yard deal on Huntington your schedule yeah he's going to tours going on in Long Beach that's coming up usually do the Kombi thing I think they're cats on the comm bees Shh this year Oh cause of all Olympic [ __ ] going on but then I got Prague coming up next month I mean just another year zero you said you had my millions of miles right what are you in six hundred thousand are you are you upgrading to business class on these trips are you good oh my god I'm just and the red cover that's mind my things is I take empty water bottles are going to fill them up with beer or whiskey oh yeah get on the plane and just like I'm just said I'm even though you get free drinks or whatever sir no just get free food and drink no it's amazing well because that's it from the regular life you're on it yeah 10-hour flight man you got to be a hump tributo and you get the movies I sit down watch a movie relax that's beautiful movies watch wonderful yeah you some smiles me and get the business class yeah and upgrades severe movie oh my god too many Scarface a good one Scarface yeah funny guy Goodfellas on my mind I like the one of vacation which Chevy Chase would go across the country where nationally so you're not a big movie guy you watch Mike Kelley problem presents for you dude let me see this mug well I get a minute wait a minute hold on this is uh that's a Bernie mug oh my god you've been hyping up the crowd crowd a quaint wait first of all thank you so much bro this has been incredible yeah I feel like I feel like you know we won't we've been going for a couple hours now but I feel like I've got I feel like I we've only scratched her or just feel like I've only got I feel like I've gotten a life lesson like a lifetime of skateboarding long years you got 40 mourn you got the steel wheels behind you the Rory Murray look at number 10 you can't give that thing a number two who decided was enough I know no more tense I was wondering earlier it's really one through nine then we never saw I don't know I get hopefully the judging skills wanted to know can I take this out back and do a manual on it you know I would love to see that but look at how much tail yeah I know right I don't think they thought about tricks right they thought about just always good question you got this minute this is a like you said you use this is the first board you had I mean obviously got at a garage sale but uh like what is this worth nowadays are people paying anything for this on eBay really I mean you could just make that whatever you know I mean this is my first skateboard you never know garage sale I remember breaking these really it's a pin oh it is so this actually they don't turn okay let's come a long way like you said where will it go next man hoverboards you know you'll be announcing the the hoverboard Championships 2014 here's a yeah I know right here's a double leg oh don't fit me double X is good thank you crewneck for you bro that's me beanie dude snowboarding next time you go up to the mountains bro there's a nine o'clock hashtag nine club new era easy newer parties thanks for free drinks new era and also a double X Jack Black is me I'm going to the club tonight the night club tonight I kind of I I'm not a club guy but I think it'd be fun cubes I'm not a nightclub I don't go tonight nine club I am a 9 Club where you partying hard warrior hurricanes my local spot Gallagher is the Irish bar any Irish bar in the world if you want have fun alright that's it I'm part Scottish Irish is my roots but ok you know there's just it's part of me is what it is we do me a favor yeah will you come back sometime and hang out with us again I'll come back tomorrow so you feel like tomorrow because I feel like we could drop in the night yeah I feel like we could talk forever bro and I feel like we like Roger said I don't even think we scratched the surface we got a lot of amazing stories out of you today thank you life time I'm asking a lot of love for you guys out there man hey forever here's to the next 40 years Duncan live it up like there's no tomorrow see on the other side [Music] you
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 68,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, skating, podcast, history, interview, news, motivation, entertainment, funny, comedy, braille, thrasher, berrics, transworld, nike sb, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, skateboarding 2019, firing line, rider profile, chris miller, sk8, christian hosoi, duane peters, tony alva, dave duncan, alva skateboards, alva, daggers, thrashin, world cup, mc, announcer, vans
Id: uetQMsLWwsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 53sec (10133 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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