Dave Allen - Modern sexuality

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never noticed if you compare animals to humans as far as females are concerned sex wears its ugly head what is what is normally complimentary to a male comes a total insult to a female for example if you sages you save a male he's a ram he's a wheel you actually think of great sexual prowess you're an owl he's a real stag I mean people say that that's bad oh he's a stallion oh oh hi Lee complimentary but you either the female of the species and you apply to female yep call a woman cow nothing nice of your cow cow cow what have you say he said somebody he's a gay dog you thinking of some she's a [ __ ] lie sneaky Fox you think of a fox is clever sharp intelligent vixen mean crafty you can't even say a male person or a female person you actually say things like person you're a person I mean chirp us we all know as a female sitting on chair but it seven becomes a chirp person when I lad safely and even when it actually comes to advertising for occupations you can advertise a certain sex I actually saw an advert which says urgently wanted person to breastfeed just to show how stupid that ad was I applied for it I saw another one which says person of either sex wanted there's a sperm donor pipeline for that one Joe I didn't get that but one of them one of the main I suppose one of the main changes in today's society is our attitude to what is we would call the stereotype of the sexist or the role that the sex plays if you actually think back to your childhood it was we had very distinctive lines my mother was a great believer in mobile recall sexual differences I would when I was four years of age I would walk with my mother down the street and my mother would say things like David walk on the outside I don't mean work on the outside of me what why mommy it leaves your sword arm free putting talking I don't have a soul no but in the days years ago when men did have swords some men might want to attack the female so the male would walk on the outside of the female so he could get any sword and fight that person see and that's why you walk on the outside I don't have a sword no but you protect money you protect male you're a male you are the stronger of the two males are the hunters the providers females stay at home and make a home and an S and keep it warm for the great stop crying now if a bus would have come up on the pavement you would save the bus from hitting money my hands top of us no but the bus would hit you and stop before got the mummy of yours uncle on the inside but over the years over the years women will well how much more independent knowledge and I'm very pleased that but a much more aware of their their own sex they're not quite so prepared to play that subservient role to the hairy macho that existed do you remember them I mean there was a time when when girls would wait for the initial advance from the male which generally came after the pubs are closed and in between Technicolor Dawn's and Belcher's her self or her body was subjected to a kind of grouping foaming attack and if she if she had suddenly said oh I take see if there is actually what I would in a way there's a reversal a role reversal taking place women are much more as I say independent they're much more prepared to go out and pick up summer if they fancy some follow they're not they're not going to sit on the other side of the room and wait for some kind of magical thing to happen the wall is quite prepared to go across and um pick up the follow-up pass a compliment Tommy looks nice got nice clothes like your hair she might even actually give him a sudden grope so I've heard yeah nowadays much much more how much more direct about sex and what what sex is for them and quite rightly I mean women women we'll talk about orgasms to my right to have an orgasm I'm not your sexual plaything I I want I want you had it last night it's my turn tonight but the male now doesn't know how to react in this he was the hunter now he's the hunted he doesn't know what he can't do the foreplay does not what to do with it she's talking about I want an orgasm we could have one together do you think you might be the mail he does know what to do he retreats basically mails now I'm talking about we gonna make love you're just gonna ride her I you suddenly go hi I haven't taken any precautions he tries out I haven't taken any proportion she's gonna throw out I took the pill on our guy you say things like you've never said before okay I got a headache and she'll say I've got something to cure that there's a total turn about now in male and female sex relationships the male is actually faking the orgasm I know I'll do react is under pressure like this and they all just know what to do you get nervous and because of that you get tense hey you start to think of anything else the whole thing about pleasurable sex is to do it in a totally relaxed and open State hello he's under attack good come on he's not in anxiety thinking oh yeah I hope it's good it's good vibe she likes I hope it's good I hope it comes up comes up I hope it doesn't go down again all day you don't like one of those premature ejaculation oh sorry darling this never happened before lovely thing of fantasy when fantasy is introduced female will actually say can't you think of anybody so it's it's an escape for you you go no no it's another can i let's go back to sleep hi Eddie kill all the women and rape all the men send in rape all the women and kill all the men you play your games and I'll play more what we're gonna do we never ever been able to ever make things meet every to load an open arm in and up anyway don't start don't you judge me you weak a little man I'll give you the best years in our life you've got no Drive no ambition that you'll trouble anybody moves she gets it the
Channel: mesmerdan
Views: 218,932
Rating: 4.8763685 out of 5
Keywords: Humour
Id: Z7xczuwp6FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2013
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