Dave Allen - Curiosity Monologue

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according to Greek mythology the god Zeus created women a woman to punish man he created a woman called Pandora he gave her two things he gave her a box which he told her never to open and he gave her a curiosity which he knew that she could not contain he knew that eventually she would open the box and release upon the world all the ills and evils that have plagued us since tonight I would like to tell you a true story but every illustrates that the sin of curiosity still lies in woman's bosom but I would also illustrate with horrifying clarity that the power of the supernatural still exists my story begins Ireland around the turn of the last century a young man returned to his ancestral home which is bribed and for the first few weeks there she busied herself getting to know her neighbors the countryside her servants but above all the house that was her home it was a large rambling type of house looks and crannies long endless corridors into joining the staircases she was quite happy exploring this house for hours upon hours until eventually she thought she knew the house from cellar to attic and when she thought she knew the house from top to bottom she discovered herself one day in the West Wing in a corridor she had never seen before on the wall of that corridor was a tapestry depicting the casting out of Lucifer from heaven and behind the tapestry is a door a locked door she tried every key on her keyring but to no avail the door remained locked she placed her ear against at door I'm thought she heard sound similar to the sobbing of a child she asked her servants about the door and all they would do would avert their eyes and say ask the master and that might have dinner she did she said what is the room what is in there why is it locked a coldness came over our husband he looked at our eyes that were both angry and frightened he said you must never ever attempt to enter that room she said why and he said I do not know all I know is that in 400 years my family have lived here nobody has ever set foot in that room and nobody will please do not bring up that subject again do not talk to me about the room or the door the weeks past but she could not get rid of this thought of the door she was intrigued with it curiosity was aroused the room was like a magnet drew her back time and time and time she would stand in front of that door and wonder what was in there and then fate smiled on her or so it seemed one day when she was placing some flowers upon an old dresser she noticed a small recess she put her hands in and then she put her hand in a small wooden lever moved underneath her exploring fingers a panel back of the dresser slid open and there was a dust-covered key she knew had any doubt that she had found the key to the locked door now the chance for her curiosity to be satisfied she waited she waited sweet until finally our husband was called away on business he would not return the following day that night she dismissed her servants early she retired to a room and waited and where she was sure that the house was completely still with a smile of anticipation she took the key from a pocket and aided by the flickering lamp ascended the darkness of the stairs down the corridor until as she last stood in front of that door she hadn't treated her so long but beating heart she put the key into the door and a single hollow click it opened on the door slowly moved inwards there was nothing in the room that she could see except an inky blackness she took a step another step another step until she found herself in the center of the room she raised her lamp above her head and as she did the flame flickered and died she was engulfed in this darkness a darkness so heavy so thick it was almost physical she screamed it was the scream of a woman totally terrified a scream of a woman who knew that she was about to be destroyed by her own curiosity a woman screaming because she had finally found out what was in that room unknowingly with her own screams was another sound a sound so obscene so primeval it defied definition she looked over her shoulder only to hear the door slowly closed knowing that whatever escape she had was cut off and as a door closed it not only cut off her escape it cut off her last fearful sobs what made her scream what evil was in that room what supernatural force made that door closed on a turn I have no idea but if I ever find out I'll let you know
Channel: Grandhoy
Views: 214,715
Rating: 4.7571883 out of 5
Keywords: Dave Allen, monologue, curiosity, stand up
Id: 5pUVOcD0RvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2012
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