Dave Allen ; God's Own Comedian
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Channel: bearznorthCATHY
Views: 1,109,676
Rating: 4.8470469 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Funny, dave allen, dave allen at large, dave allen tonite, bbc dave allen, Dave Allen (comedian), Comedian (Profession), irish comedian
Id: nznZL6i9_co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2013
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This guy was the shit. So funny. I miss his show. Only one dvd was released unfortunately. Thanks for posting. Also I wonder how he lost part of his finger.
Man, I watched the SHIT out of Dave Allen in the mid-eighties. He was always hilarious, with out of left-field type of humor.
Good night and may your Gods go with you.
Loved watching this guy growing up with my dad. Didn't realise he was Irish for years. Made me like him even more...
Never seen this, thank you.
The joke about slipping on the dog crap when he enters the pub is one of my all time favourites. I still remember it from watching the show on the Buffalo station back in the late 70's or early 80's. My favourite Dave Allen joke.
Not sure why but commenting on this video makes my affection for this man feel more real. What a guy.
I loved this guy and his gags, brought back a lot of memories.