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I eventually became a parent only this is kind of chronological thing I became a parent I'm one of the things I became a Parenthood I was believed I would never really become an adult parent I'd be a parent but I'd understand might sympathize with the younger generation and then one day I'm just looking out the window and I saw one of my children hits the other child very hard right in the chest the little woman and all I insisted for a play of the term instincts Tim Waller I run down there I got a won't what are you what what what do you think what what I do it is sharp you keep out I'll deal with this where did you get you take your eye why why are you hit him you don't like him you don't like him you don't like him so you go run hitting people because you don't like them I don't like you one thing you learn in life you do not go through life hitting people who are smaller than yourself amazing how they depend on you in certain ways as they're growing up you're the child seven or eight hey daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy look at me daddy daddy watch me daddy daddy daddy come on Gary help me here daddy daddy's daddy day what grandmother died daddy Tom got it I'm a good guy there's a good dog how many does thank how many purse you'll get for the duck they want you to be involved the 12 13 they're say things like hey worried about the examination what do you think I stood you think I should do you think I should kind of stay in and study or do you think I should don't help me daddy please help me when you do you think this sensible take it to be 17 or 18 hmm where you going we are here but it is ready Inquisition you ever watch them when they hit the fridge they eat from the fridge they would never go to the fridge to take food out and bring it back to eat it they eat from the fridge unless they eat from the fridge you watch Darwin's theory of evolution go into reverse look at the milk okey put it back in the bloody fridge borrowing money they learn to speak again I choose McCarney with money could I borrow fiver yeah Julie's there I borrow talent you already fiver well give me the ten I'll give you five to each flavor to that twenty so you want me tell her to give it to tell her anything funny well it works to the point my son is sentry clever son 100 quid I said no you can't you can't I'm sick and tired of letting your money Kinesis me I always pay back on it there's a point where they grow up to the girls is it there's another interesting thing between parents fathers and sons and fathers and daughters and mothers and sons and daughters interesting the girl will bring the boy home to eat and because you've kind of talked in liberal terms all your life you have to kind of follow this through Danny I think it's me poor um can I can I bring Paul in Delhi of course you can it said that look no can you stay here yeah of course you can stay for dinner hmm I mean demonic stays here what you mean stay here stays in the house there's me a lousy zone you have to live here because I'd like him to well where is he going to stay stay with me that's it the bastards in let me take over she landfill Paul's nozzle I come down the morning he's drinking tea out of my cup reading my paper eating my food along with the other two on the fridge please keep humping my daughter I'm on the garden feeding her bloody rabbit what should be happening she should be feeding me and he should be out in the garden humping the rabbit
Channel: bearznorthCATHY
Views: 242,907
Rating: 4.8644576 out of 5
Keywords: dave, allen, spike, milligan, sex, benny, hill, bean, rowan, anything, nuts, watch
Id: LRs--SBN4pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2007
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