Daughter In Law Shows Shiny Spine To Evil Mother In Law - Best Comebacks To MIL

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laterz what was your best comeback to controlling mother-in-law I've mentioned before that I haven't spoken directly to my mother-in-law in almost a year so now I will tell you why I had been working on a project for about a month usually nine or ten hours a day and I was almost finished in my excitement of seeing the final touches being settled I worked on through the night to get it finished the next day I sent it off and began to wind down from the excitement and by dinner time I was exhausted from kids cleaning errands and being up for 36 hours so I went and got Chinese for everyone I arrived back home and begin setting the kids plates out for them and dear husband comes in and gets ease I'm eating when I hear the front door open and the dog is going crazy barking the mother-in-law has arrived and is yelling hello hello hallo from the foyer with a sigh I get up to get the dogs to the laundry room my dogs hate her but dear husband's dog tolerates her and dear husband goes to greet her I come back to the kitchen to hear her talking to dear husband about the food where I got it etcetera as dear husband makes her plate the following conversation is paraphrased mother-in-law so what did you do today I'm a gold digger even though I make more money than dear husband but I work from home so I must not actually do anything me I sent out the XYZ project I was working on errands things like that mother-in-law that must have been exhausting for you since I see you haven't had time to clean up which just said what me if my messy house offends you then don't stop by unannounced dear husband just shakes his head because he knows I'm going to lose my crap mother-in-law I will stop by my son's house anytime I please me oh really your son's house you mean the house I pay the mortgage on the house I clean repair decorate and live in this house the one with my name on everything mother-in-law turns to dear husband you put her name on everything she's too lazy to even make her kids a proper dinner dear husband just stares at her stunned so I proceeded to leave my chair take her plate and dump the food the trash and I turn and say which I don't know who you think you are but you will not come into my home and speak to me that way in front of my children at least I'm raising mine and not dumping them off and running away you are here because dear husband wants to attempt a relationship with you I would rather just drop you into a pit of Gators my oldest and youngest just get up and go to the dining room to eat and my middle child ignores everything that's going on because hey there's Chinese food mother-in-law then turns back to dear husband and says something likely needs to control me and be a husband shows a moment of such shiny spine and says control her she is my wife not a dog I think you'd better go before you cause any more problems she has not stopped by unannounced since and when she has been here she generally hangs outside on the deck with dear husband I will not speak to her I will not Corral my dogs for her they aren't mean they just block her from leaving the foyer because they don't trust her holy moly I lost it with my mother-in-law today after 13 long years holding back I lost my cool with my insufferable mother-in-law over the tiniest of things back round husband and I have been together since the first week of university we have two dear daughters dear daughter one is of school age dear daughter too is a baby dear husband is the oldest of four boys father-in-law passed away before we meet so you can imagine how attached mother-in-law is to her baby boy's mother-in-law has hated me from day one mainly because I'm brown smarter than her and her sweet baby boy loves me more than he loves her I have many stories from the decade we've been together just to name a few crying on and off throughout our wedding ceremony because she's taking my baby away storming off our reception when my husband refused to have a mother and son slow dance telling me she wasn't sure she could love her future grandchildren because they were obviously going to be brown like me and luck nothing like her demanding a DNA test on dear daughter one when she was in intensive care she was born six weeks early because babies in her family are always born overdue waiting talking in the driveway of us to get home when we finally were able to bring her home my husband just walked into the house close the door on her face and told her to bugger off until we were ready for visitors seeding dear daughter one fruit she's no allowed to because she doesn't believe in allergy / in tolerances waking up dear daughter 1 in the middle of the night the first and only time she has Babis it for us when I was in the hospital having dear daughter - because I missed her and she's so much fun when she's awake not at 3 a.m. which resulting on dear daughter 1 being cranky that day she met her sister and pretty much ruining our first time as a family of 4 I could go on and on but you get the picture the woman is crazy dear husband has a very shiny spine and we have very clear boundaries with her whenever she misbehaves she goes on timeout she went on timeout after the wedding no contact for one month after she snatched the baby from me after repeatedly asking her not to and after she fed dear daughter one food she's intolerant to knowing full well she couldn't have it that was a three month of glorious no contact until she read and understood a book about food allergies dear husband feels a bit sorry for her because she's alone and loves her boys very much the other daughters-in-law and I think she's metal and want nothing to do with earth but the brothers have very strong family bonds anyway today was dear daughter one first sports day at school dear husband had the day off mother-in-law decided to invite herself to the event because she loves nothing more than to brag about how close she is to her grandbabies on Facebook all lies we see her four times a year she doesn't video call us ever dear husband and dear daughter 1 walked back home and mother-in-law came back in the car with dear daughter 2 and myself so they didn't see any of the following thank God mother-in-law came into the house and walked straight into the living room we have a very very strict no shoe policy in the house you leave your shoes on the hallway and if you don't want to be barefooted I've got loads of hotel slippers you can use everyone that knows us knows this rule it's nothing new we have been like this since we moved it together many moons ago and I lost it guys I went on a massive shouty ramps at her about how I've been telling her for the nine horrible years I've been living with her son that we don't have shoes inside the house how she doesn't listen to a word we say how I'm fed up of her bull and uh appreciation and all the strain she puts on her son's relationships with her clingy nurse and possessive attitude after five minutes of this she leaves the house without saying a word gets in her car and leaves now I feel bad for shouting at her and overreacting but for thirteen years I've been playing nice and being polite and I just couldn't take it anymore dear husband says he will call her tonight and see how she's feeling but that I should apologize for shouting that he totally gets why I did it should I apologize the lady had it coming I've kept it cool for so long I have a wonderful nearly two years old boy he is smart empathetic usually smiling active and has a personality fundamentally different from either myself or my husband which is of course why my mother-in-law thinks that my son is a clone of my husband it began before he was even born all I heard about is how he must love Thomas the Tank Engine how he must love horses and riding them how he must love Star Wars then it was how the baby would have every yearly event she always did with my husband then it was how he was going to act just like my husband as a baby I sincerely hope not as my husband has severe ADHD that manifested as soon as he was born then it was that the baby would inherit his dad as hair color flaming red not once has she ever asked what my family traditions were not once did she ask either of us if we were going to make new traditions not once was it acknowledged in any way that any DNA besides my husband's was used and then my son was born and he looks very much like me so what does she say that he looks just like my husband his development just like my husband his personality just like my husband any interests just like my husband which my husband said was false for some of what she was claiming while my son is currently mimicking my husband once in a while I feel like that has more to do with my husband being a stay-at-home dad he sees his dad cleaning so he wants to clean too I just don't know if she's capable of acknowledging that my son is his own person with his own interests I'm already fairly certain she is incapable of acknowledging that either I or my family has anything to do with him why can't she see that my son is his own person and may do things differently than my husband background mother-in-law has children from a previous marriage she walked out when the kids were very young she married new husband had dear husband and moved to the other side of the world the kids made it very difficult for her to find them for many many years flash-forward 40 years and now one child has now given her a grandchild my no mother-in-law and evil father-in-law now visit my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and child for several months a year in their country they rent their own place this year the grandchild was due to start school half days while my in-laws were going to be there before they left my country mother-in-law told everyone who would listen about how her and father-in-law were going to be taking this child to school every day and then be spending the afternoons with this child five days a week for 10 weeks because both parents work my mother-in-law likes to create such fantasy in her head without asking permission or even briefly talking to people and I had serious doubts that this was going to pan out from the beginning I'm sure she had just decided this and expected that it would happen because grandma well as it turns out my sister-in-law unexpectedly took 10 weeks of vacation that she had saved up this would take years so he saw this coming so that it would overlap the 10 weeks of school that my in-laws would be there for sister-in-law only announced it four days before school started so they didn't get to be involved whatsoever from my understanding sister-in-law turned it rightfully into some wonderful once-in-a-lifetime bonding time for her and the little one I have never met this woman and may never get the chance but so proud of her her shiny spine my justnot mother-in-law gave my son in my daughter-in-law her wedding bands both her and my father-in-law who is deceased to use as their wedding bands my son and daughter-in-law were thrilled as money was tight and they thought it was a nice sentimental gesture my son has his grandfather's wedding band my daughter-in-law has my mother-in-law's wedding band you get the picture my son and daughter-in-law have been married for two years now and just had another baby my shiny spine became titanium during this conversation mother-in-law I think I will ask the kids for my rings back and put them back in the safe-deposit box me why mother-in-law because I never see them wear them that was a great gesture on my part me absolutely not those are bearings now and they can wear them or not whether but they got married with those rings and you cannot take them back mother-in-law I never see your daughter-in-law even wear it me did it ever occur to you she just had a baby might be tight right now mother-in-law grandson does not wear his either me he cannot with his job he could lose a finger mother-in-law I don't know me if you take those rings back I swear when you pass I will take them and have them melted down for scrap no one will ever wear them mother-in-law CAD butt face okay that better be the end of it I swear I will come unglued if she even hints to them she wants those wedding bands back hey y'all happy Monday my mother-in-law is a martyr perpetual victim intrusive manipulative and thrives on tragedy she seriously interfered with dear husband and sister-in-laws relationship to the point they will never recover she's friends with everyone over shares like mad and will tell anyone your personal information in painful detail in the most public places dear husband and I went out to dinner with mother-in-law father-in-law and sister-in-law on Saturday for sister-in-laws last night in town she lives overseas and has been visiting father-in-law after his cancer diagnosis it's important to note that father-in-law is very pragmatic about his diagnosis it is what it is but I don't want to hear about it or how awful it is or what other people think about it or anything else like that he's his own special flavour of odd doc undiagnosed but exhibits the same trace as some of his ASD relations and it takes a delicate touch to get him to really talk I try very hard to let him lead all conversations about his health if and when he wants to include it there's a whole wide world of things to talk about that don't involve cancer or how he's feeling I arrived at the table where mother-in-law had placed herself between sister-in-law and father-in-law and sat across from mother-in-law so dear husband could sit across from father-in-law how you doing by generic Lee asked father-in-law oh not so great oh yeah I made eye contact and raised my eyebrows at him to let him know I was interested if he wanted to elaborate he looked to the side rolled his shoulders looked like he was thinking about how to respond he just realized the cancer has spread to the bone mother-in-law interjected not quietly I was actually quite floored because I overheard dear husband talking to her about not bringing it up around father-in-law I don't know why I expected her to let him answer for himself but I really was surprised for some reason if looks could wound father-in-law walled cutter d-pryde them only in three places so there's that father-in-law muttered well for says mother-in-law that time I thought the venom in father-in-law's eyes and scoff might kill but no such luck at this point dear husband and sister-in-law showed up and father-in-law deftly used them as an excuse to change the subject dinner was lovely for a while food was great everyone was having a good time then mother-in-law had to bring it back so dear husband did the kids know about daddy's cancer yet yes she emphasized the word yes father-in-law sister-in-law and dear husband flinched dear husband and I have three grown kids two of them have severe health anxiety especially about the c-word we waited until we learned a full scope and treatment plan last week to tell them yeah we told them dear husband said oh good I've been waiting to contact them until Lane you it's been so hard I can't even tell you mother-in-law said doing her poor me head hanging thing how are they doing with the cancer thing I was livid three of the five people at the table were physically reacting every time she brought the conversation back to the thing the patient didn't want to discuss but she would not let it go besides that while dear daughter to put on a very brave face I found out later she has a friend had just lost a grand party cancer and she fell apart after she got home I wasn't going to bring that up at the dinner mother-in-law I'll text or call you about it later we've talked about not bringing health stuff up around father-in-law and this isn't the time to discuss it she pouted of course and didn't remember talking about it at all I laughed and looked at dear husband because to be fair I have brain damage in maybe I'm wrong he just kind of nodded at his food well now you know you've heard it would you like some of this brisket we all moved on to other things ignored her sulking and had a grand time again until she spotted an old family friend friend came to the table and told us about her personal health journey it was a nice conversation until mother-in-law decided to grab sister-in-laws health aide from under the table and wave it in the air I thought sister-in-law was going to smack her with it then tell her all about father-in-law's diagnosis it was so uncomfortable sister-in-law got tears in her eyes father-in-law curled up in a ball away from her dear husband was shaky and looking at his lap while mother-in-law went on and on and on eventually friend extricated herself and ran to her table I picked my jaw up off the table and looked her in the sunglasses even indoors light is such an issue it makes finding tables and seating arrangements a big deal you know mother-in-law when I was having my breast cancer stuff done I didn't necessarily want everyone knowing everything about my breasts I used and emphasized words I thought she would find uncomfortable I wish I would have thought to talk about her panties try to imagine if father-in-law sees people in public and decides to talk to them about your breasts or lady bits without asking your permission it's not okay with everyone to share their private health issues the cab but face was seen from space well that wouldn't bother me as much as you seem to think it should it bothers others I said glancing pointedly at father-in-law it bothered me sister-in-law said you can't just do that what am I even supposed to do then go over to their table and tell everyone in the restaurant mother-in-law said in her most pathetic victim voice I really wanted to point out that easily a third of the restaurant heard her tell friend but I'll let it go ask father-in-law if he minds friend knowing and call her privately while he's not around if he says it's okay deal with her not knowing if he says it's not not everyone needs to know everything and that's okay cue more epic cab buttface father-in-law got brave and decided to make her switch seats so he could have more time with sister-in-law father-in-law sister-in-law dear husband and I talked about the differences in health information protection between where we live and sister-in-law lives while mother-in-law stood I got kinda quiet and shaky thinking what if father-in-law didn't want me to push her buttons and dear deity or lack thereof of your choice what have I done it didn't really start to go away until after dinner when mother-in-law went to the restroom and the guys went to get the cars sister-in-law hugged me tight and thanked me saying she wanted to punch mother-in-law for pulling out her health aide and blabbing to friend but didn't know what to say that felt really nice guys but then dear husband hugged me and said the magical words on the way out father-in-law said to thank you for helping with a problem he didn't know how to handle so thank you there may have been tears your father-in-law my sometimes shiny spine is at your service [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 243,434
Rating: 4.8889413 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, reddit mother in law, reddit daughter in law, reddit in laws, reddit comeback, reddit mil, worst mother in law
Id: j7SWr7LTKcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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