Sexist Mother in Law gets kicked out | Stabs daughter | Goes No Contact | Reddit Stories

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I kicked my mother-in-law out over sexist comments about my children I 25f gave birth to my twins boy and girl four years ago and another boy two years ago my husband 26 and I moved out of his mother's house before my second son was born after months of me begging him to move my mother-in-law and I have a rocky relationship when I first started dating her son we had a good relationship we would go out together with a few other relatives every month for a girls day out it was fun and she was supportive of my relationship with her son when we got engaged her true colors started to show she tried to take control of the wedding planning even though I had asked her multiple times not to she ripped my wedding dress on purpose two weeks before the wedding because she didn't like the dress and we had to reschedule the wedding since she didn't want it on her cat's birthday which she had given away a year before and clearly didn't like I didn't say anything and throughout the entire wedding preparation I was constantly berated by my mother-in-law because my parents were paying for the large venue she made me feel bad and eventually I decided to pay for the venue myself despite my parents and fiancee insisting that pay fast forward a year I'm pregnant with my twins and my mother-in-law is hoping for a girl no big deal right well two weeks ago mother-in-law was over and was cooking with my daughter I didn't mind since my daughter was being supervised and my mother-in-law is a good cook but my son twin wanted to help cook my mother-in-law said that he wasn't allowed to and that it was a woman's job my son asked her what she meant and she said his job as a man was to work to provide for his family and that his wife was meant to look after the kids I was pissed and immediately took my twins upstairs I confronted my mother-in-law and she said she was planning to teach my daughter her job as woman since she found out the gender of the twins I was disgusted to say the least if my daughter wants to be a housewife when she gets older that's fine but I don't want her grandmother shoving into her head that she has to do that and it's her job as a woman she told me over and over again that it's my daughter's job and that if I won't do my job a woman which in her words is to give birth and look after the children that she'll make sure my daughter does she then told me that I'm a horrible parent slash woman that I didn't deserve her son that the only thing that I've done right is give birth to her grandchildren and that she'd have my husband divorced me and get full custody of the kids I kicked her out and told her never to come back again as she wasn't welcomed my husband is conflicted and told me we should have discussed me kicking mother-in-law out when he came home from work mother-in-law just stabbed me and somehow I'm the [ __ ] advice please so to preface I've been married for years together for seven with a three-year-old mother-in-law hasn't liked me since I became a tattoo artist around five years ago and gave her son his first tattoo I'm heavily inked and now my husband is - his tattoos are a huge point of contention between she and I she takes him getting modifications as him ruining the body she made for him and has asked him on several occasions if he isn't happy with himself and goes on these weird the world is against me Rance I guess all of the work I did to make you doesn't matter you hate what I made I'm the worst mom how could you do this to me etc she has always been nothing more than passive-aggressive until today we made a rare visit to mother-in-law and stepfather in-laws house to let her son play on their jungle gym since he's been begging to go mother-in-law was pleasant and ordered us all takeout it was actually kind of nice step father-in-law pulled out his phone and asked so what do you think of this and showed me a really well done tattoo I said it was gorgeous he asked if I could do it and I said no because it isn't in a style I'm familiar with doing but if he gave me time to practice I'd be more than happy to do it once I figure out how to get the shading right it's a very specific tattoo done by a well-known artist that is really hard to emulate mother-in-law overheard and made a snide comment about me being a bad influence I joked back yeah being a bad influence kind of comes with the territory I guess I stab people a lot for a living I didn't realize what had happened for a moment and according to dear husband mother-in-law moves so fast that it even took him a second to catch on the swine had been fiddling around with the fire pit using a little hot dog roasting pig thing that came to a point she whipped it towards me and jammed it into the upper part of my arm I jumped up and started screaming dear husband was yelling my son started crying step father-in-law ushered mother in-law into the house and kept yelling sorry oh my god I'm so sorry why would you do that I'm so sorry please don't call the police hold on I'm coming back are you okay and other word vomit to diffuse us we packed our son into the car and mother-in-law didn't resurface dear husband went inside to confront her while I checked out my arm it wasn't bad it didn't Pierce very far at all maybe one quarter of my pinkie nail but there was a good bit of dirt and stuff from the fire pin in my arm which freaked me out dear husband apparently confronted mother-in-law and stepfather in law step father-in-law was apologetic and begged him not to call the cops dear husband asked mother-in-law why she did it and she apparently answered she said she stabs people for a living so I was going to poke her and say now you see how it feels but I didn't know my own strength dear husband promised not to call the cops but said to leave him the F alone unless he contacts her sounds good right nope less than an hour after this had happened dear husband was on my ass about forgiving her he now isn't speaking to me because I told him I actually do want to call the police and he said if I did he'd never forgive me he actually threatened to grab our son and go to mother-in-law's house for tonight if I didn't call her to talk it out she's texted me over 20 times telling me she didn't mean to but not actually apologizing I don't know what to freaking do I don't know how to resolve this issue this is such crap mother-in-law stabbed me and somehow I'm the [ __ ] update preface lo and I are at an urgent care clinic with my sister we will be staying with her until dear husband finds a new rental we are safe I am thankful for all the advice and help I have received so my sister drove over immediately after I called her and told me to pack a couple bags and come on this went down within 15 minutes of me posting she lives less than 10 miles away I started packing and dear husband noticed and started freaking out crying and begging me not to go sis took our son out to the car so he didn't have to see it thank God and I lost my crap we both yelled we both cried dear husband kept yelling that his mom texted him to say she's crying her eyes out and his recital because everyone will think she's an abuser when I tell he asked if I plan to call the cops and I answered yes he asked me to come and talk to his mom one more time and hear her out before I called I agreed because I was already feeling lousy a little note we rent from mother-in-law she owns our house and lives up a small fenced hill from us we're separated by some thick brush so she can't just walk down it's a five-minute drive Oh mother-in-law came over and sat in the chair looking sheepish the first thing out of her mouth was is your son here I said no I asked my sister to take him for the night she signed and actually freaking pounded then said he wanted to talk so talk my husband later admitted he said he thought I was overreacting and that I would apologize no no nope No him saying that emboldened her basically I called her out and said there was no way it was an accident she said she just didn't realize how strong she is since she expects herself to be weak due to being sick apparently she has the flu and invited us over with alo anyways I got mad and raised my voice she started trying to defuse it was working honestly I was doubting myself then she dropped a bomb I didn't expect you're just so hard to get along with I just didn't expect you to be the one dear husband ended up with I'm glad he did but I expected someone more biblical I love you to bits though dear husband to my surprise jumped up and yelled what the f does that mean mom she looked startled then scolded him like a freaking child it was so unexpected that I just sat back she kept talking and talking then said something about disciplining me like a child and it didn't even go in the deep this is so ignorant if it had gone deeper I'd understand dear husband for once in our marriage stood up to her he blatantly asked did you do this on purpose at first she said no then relented I didn't know what it actually go in I didn't know how to draw blood dear husband told her to get the F out all of this in less than 15 minutes he told her to never call him again and that we'd be moving she started yelling and he shoved her out the door and slammed it in her face I told him that if he was serious about moving good but I'm not staying until we find a place and neither is our son I also demanded therapy and to never see his mom again he agreed my sister picked us up and our son crashed on her couch sister looked at my arm and said we needed to go to Urgent Care now so here we are they said it needs two stitches so we're waiting on that and I'm going to receive a tetanus booster and some other shot that I'm missing we spoke to the clinic cop and he said that it was probably an accident and basically brushed us off so we're filing a police report tomorrow I'm so tired I wish I could say it's a happy ending but I'm heartbroken I seriously doubt my husband is going to hold true on his moving promise once he sees rental prices compared to the amount we pay his mom sister said we could have the living room and pay half of her rent and if he doesn't have a place picked soon I'm going to do it and file for divorce send me strength guys Amelia my daughter has a diagnosis and ex-mother-in-law has no contact Amelia has been formally diagnosed with autism she had her initial assessment with the GP over a month ago and the GP sent us to a specialist who confirmed it X and I are working together to figure out what that means for us in terms of what we should be doing to help her and how we're going to work with Amelia from now on so she has what she needs we've repainted her bedroom at his place from a fairly bright shade of pink chosen by ex-mother-in-law to a far more muted purple chosen by Amelia the old colour apparently hurt her head and was part of her not wanting to go we've also replaced our bulbs with dimmer bulbs so she can turn the brightness to where she's comfortable or lower watt bulbs with X's permission I gave Amelia a few perfume samples let her pick her favourites and I bought a bottle of perfume that Amelia liked for me and the Cologne she liked for X they smelled very similar to what we already wore just a lot more muted and she hasn't complained about the sense being too strong since we switched Amelia has days where she's fine with physical contact but we've realized that when she hugs me I don't initiate it and I usually take a second before lightly hugging back not because of her but that's just how I hug people in general when Amelia next hugged X he tried doing it the same way he noticed me doing it and Amelia was a lot more receptive didn't pull away as quickly and has been hugging him a lot more amelia still uses her do not touch me technique complete with holding her arms out if she really doesn't want to be touched but in the last month she has only used this once on the boy at school who kept hugging her he was the reason I taught her it in the first place and once on another boy who wanted to play kiss chase she has not used it on X X is also seriously considering a career change as his current job has him away for around half the year sometimes more and he wants to be around more for Amelia's sake if he doesn't end up getting a job that's closer to home we'll work out a new custody agreement probably every other week we are still figuring out how exactly to work with Amelia as she has moments that we now realize our meltdowns and during those moments she often stops talking to us or at all but we're getting better at figuring out what's wrong and adjusting accordingly we have made some tweaks to the schedule for training time with Amelia now I take her to X's house and we all have dinner and then I leave alone and one we're transitioning into my week X brings her here and has dinner at my place before leaving alone we decided to give X mother-in-law one last chance to not f it up made it clear she was on thin ice and needed to be on her best behavior and invited her to one of these dinners about a week after amelia was diagnosed ex mother-in-law came she was on her best behavior for maybe 10 minutes just long enough for us all to sit down and start eating before she yelled at us for giving Amelia autism X made her leave and he's been totally no contact for a month as of today which is why this update is only coming now I broke and checked her Facebook earlier and it's just post after post about how autism apparently never existed before this century full of back in my day bullcrap it's a fairly even mix of her sharing blog posts from anti-vaxxers and her personal rents about that swine me who turned my grandbaby into a word we do not use in this house and knowing she's referred to my daughter like that makes me want to hunt her down and forced my baby as in her adult son who has a six-year-old child to stop speaking to her ex says she's trying to approach him a few times both in person and over internet / phones but he's not budging X has said that no contact is looking permanent given how she's acted but he is still in touch with his dad adjust yes ex-father-in-law apparently had an argument with ex mother-in-law in front of X over how she was talking about Amelia and now they're meeting outside of the house to get a pint or see a football match I am really happy and relieved with how this turned out it could have gone a whole lot worse than did and this is probably the best case scenario would have been better if ex-mother-in-law wasn't adjust now and was just a smidge more supportive but if she's gone for good then why look a gift horse in the mouth best Christmas present ever ex mother-in-law was thrown out so quick summary of what has happened so far my ex and I co-parent our six-year-old daughter his job required him to be out of the country for months at a time and it got to the stage where this year he spent nearly eight months out of town total six of which were on other continents entirely he arrived back in town in September while he was gone there was a kid at our daughter's school who was forcing her to hug him and I taught Emilia to say do not touch me and put her arms out if he does it again ex tried to hug Emilia who used what I taught her on X and crap hit the fan to cut an already too long summary short ex mother-in-law convinced ex that this had to be parental alienation and coming entirely for me then Emilia was diagnosed with autism and was proven to just not like being touched in general the next mother-in-law cussed me out for giving Emilia autism and X went full no contact with her so this Christmas ex and I agreed to do Christmas at his place I brought Emilia with me on Christmas Eve and we stayed through Boxing Day X and I cooked dinner together and we put Emilia in charge of icing desserts which she loved food was great aside from something going wrong with the turkey so we ended up grilling some chicken instead and right at the end of the meal someone knocks on the door X has no peephole and no chain on his door he will be installing both soon so when we heard the knocking and I realized I was closest I offered to get it I opened the door a couple inches and an immediately knocked aside I won't say she shoved me but I will say that she's strong for a woman twice my age and half a foot shorter than me sweeps past me calling out where my baby's ex tells Emilia to stay in the kitchen and goes to intercept her in the living room he looks like he's seen a ghost so I know this wasn't his doing he tells her to leave she calls for Emilia to come into the living room so she can give her presents I go into the kitchen to make sure Emilia stays at the table I hear X tells ex-mother-in-law to leave in the same firm voice that used to tell me to stop talking about her like that back when he was in the fear obligation guilt state of being I hear ex mother-in-law play the but it's Christmas card and X respond that it will still be Christmas by the time she gets home footsteps protests door opens and shuts not a peep out of mother-in-law after that I knew he was no contact but that was the best present I could have asked for also minor aside but still a happy update he got a new job X apparently started putting out feelers for a new job back in September and found one his notice period expired a couple days ago he's signed on with the new job and starts in the second week of January he still has to leave the country every now and again but it won't be nearly as much as his old job only a couple months stretched out over the whole year so he'll be at home a lot more often subscribe and turn on the notification bell for more stories delivered to you thanks for listening see you later
Channel: TTSReads Reddit Stories
Views: 65,115
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Keywords: reddit entitled mother in law stories, reddit mother in law horror stories
Id: PucM_KEI47A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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