r/EntitledParents | MY MUM ALMOST RUINS MY SURGERY | Reddit Stories

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my mom doesn't respect my wishes when it comes to my surgery so as a background I'm a 27 year old female and I'm engaged to as 26 year old female sir in obvious adults that can make my own choices right right when I first found out that I had to get my gallbladder removed I told my family the date just to let them know when I told my mom while picking her up from work she turns around and tells her work that she needs that day off confused I asked her why are you calling that day off and she gave me a look and said you think I won't be there my daughter on the day of her surgery and then I gave a confused look and replied with no it's just gallbladder surgery it's not that deep she tells me to shut up and that she is going after a few days of talking to my sister among others about how I didn't really want people besides my fiancee there I look up distance between just going to the hospital and picking up my mom before going to the hospital if my love and I just go it takes 16 minutes to get there if I pick up my mom she doesn't drive before going we are driving away from the hospital to get her and it will take 36 minutes to get there so I get the courage to tell her that we can't pick her up and she says that she doesn't like that but it's okay my sister also tries to explain that I don't really want a lot of people there and I just really want my love with me when it gets closer to the date the nurses tell me that they are strict about who gets to be with me absolutely no sick people or none blood relations or extended family basically they only want close family I also explained this to my mom who has been sick the past few weeks often done and she agreed it's for my health day of surgery all goes great my love is there with me and just taking great care of me my family's ash friends are calling and checking in on me so that it that's it right my sister texted me the day also off to surgery and told me that our mother called her and here is the conversation that she sent me so mom called me yesterday when she got home the very start of the conversation she starts talking about calling up to the hospital to see where you were at she was going to take the bus to the hospital however the nurse on the phone heard mom coughing and said that she wasn't allowed up there and mum told her she was only coughing because of her allergies the nurse told her it didn't matter that she couldn't go up there and if she did she would be asked to leave I mentioned to mom how you said you didn't want anyone up there but your love and mum said she knows but she's a mom and she wanted to be there it's hard for your baby to be going through something like surgery and not be up there with them she also said that she would have waited down in the waiting room and not go up to where you were I told her that I fully understand what it feels like to be a mom I kind of have three kids you know but you said you didn't want anyone else up there but your love and so she should respect your wishes and even if she waited in the waiting room and not to go where you were that would still be considered not respecting your wishes later in the conversation she backtracked and said she probably wouldn't have even went up there because she started thinking about it and stuff and if she truly was going to go up there then she would have just went without calling the hospital first it was just really hard for her not being there and she was really worried she probably didn't want me telling you there long so don't say anything to her that's a quote from my sister that she sent me I only took out my fiance's name later on my sister added that the other reason my mum wants to come up there against my wishes was because when I was talking about it I was quite on-court terrified which is not true I was a little nervous because it is surgery but I was not freaking out she just felt like her own feelings were more important and that since she was my mother she was entitled to go up there despite my wishes and the risk of my health because she was my mum and my sister was a fudging hero for pushing my side and trying to get my mom to understand that this isn't right I think she would have went without telling my sister if the nurse didn't tell her she couldn't so thank you nurses you saved my butt this isn't common for my mom to do and I'm glad that the nurses and my sister had my back because she clearly wasn't thinking about my health or wishes at all and it's only been three days since the surgery so a lot has happened in a short time edit I was trying not to make this a book but okay to answer people in the comments I don't have kids the I kinda have three kids was an inside quote of what my sister sent me she has three kids I thought some of were saying that I had kids in the comments because I write that my mom had three kids but now I see a majority of people are taking it from this story I copied and pasted what my sister sent me that was her saying that she has three kids so she knows how it feels to want to be there I wanted to clear this up a hundred percent my parents divorced when I was three my dad has raised me and my mom was only in the picture because my dad made it easy to be he paid her to watch us he would let her live with us if she needed he never asked her for money and often times she would which he would give her money whenever she asked my mother has done so many things to me that this isn't just being a good mom she will do what she wants if she feels she is in the right and she always feels like she is in the right she has threatened my sister with taking her kids yelled at me and got angry for not doing crap that would suit her like she gets annoyed and offended because me and my fiance won't sell our house and get rid of our dogs to move in with her we have to be a completely different person around her family oh and when my brother kid was having surgery she told him to let her father which is not in our lives at all and doesn't care about us come home because he is going to bring money it's a long butt story to try to explain my mom is toxic one I did later on tell her myself before surgery that I would rather just my fiancee - sorry think my love is cringy I don't and three if she had come out it have been so damn stressful for me because she is loud and fake in her I care for you and wouldn't love let my fiance or the doctors care for me properly and without telling you my whole life story I can't show you why this isn't just a caring mom so I'm sorry if you don't agree and another point I don't hate my mum I just know how she is and that her intentions are not purely out of love she likes to play these roles where she will act loving or caring for the people around us or so she can brag that she's a good mother and then when people believe her and us kids freaked out on her she is the victim and we are the ungrateful kids or she will use it against us later I was there under the kindness of my hide and you can't even come over to take out my trash and clean my kitchen again even though she's 100% capable of doing it that's it yaks from me dog I don't know to say about that one our next story was posted by user dab and Glock titled entitled mother at fair leaves Sun in the heat Child Protective Services called alright this is a story from what I worked at a fair in my freshman year of college entitled mother is am poor kid is PK me is me am his manager CPS is the Child Protective Services and the poor dad is also in this story back story doesn't matter but I think someone will ask anyways so I had to work here to get money for food and start getting money for my student loans that's the back story now to start the story it was a pretty hot day at the fair and I was working under a tent at the bumper cars I'm pretty sure the manager just didn't want to deal with an eighteen year old getting heatstroke because of him anyways I see entitled mother and poor kid approaching the rides poor kids face is as red as Rudolph's nose all he had in his hand was a lollipop an entitled mother was chugging a bottle of water I also noticed the poor kid looks too light to go on the ride and the fair I worked for we have to weigh the people going on the bumper cars so they don't break their bones when they get hit by another car so after about like 20 minutes entitled mother and Paul kid make it to the front I put poor kid on the scale and as guests he is to light the following conversation ensues a bit of rewarding I don't remember the exact conversation sorry ma'am but your son is too light for this ride may I suggest one of our other rides now he'll be fine just let him on ma'am I can't do that all right I'll just leave him here then it's not my job to babysit your kid ma'am do not disrespect me all right then I decided to let this go and just watch the poor kid for a little while I let everyone else onto the ride and just as I'm about to start I hear it thump and a ton of gasps I turned to look behind me and poor kid is on the ground passed out which thank God my podium was in the grass I quickly called the manager on the walkie-talkies he gave us and pick up the kid I say does anyone have water a lady hands me a bottle and I pour it on the poor kids face to cool him down the manager comments with an ice pack to cool the poor kid down and this whole time entitled mother has been huffing and puffing and mumbling about how the ride hasn't started yet I ignored all this until he finally says something out loud and she goes he leave him he'll be fine man we can't do that he could die no he won't he's my kid and I know what's best I was fuming at this point and this lady was choosing a ride over her own child and took out my phone and called the police to arrest this lady get an ambulance for the kid who seemed to be waking up entitled mom tried to run when she saw what I was doing but some stranger held her down so she couldn't go anywhere and titled mother even tried to press charges against the guy who held her down the cops arrived with the ambulance poor kid was placed in the ambulance entitled mother was placed in the cop car and Child Protective Services was called poor dad was cold as well but Child Protective Services need to investigate the home entitled mother ended up getting charged for numerous things but the only one that I vividly remember manager telling me child endangerment and attempted murder she got what she deserved a few months later I saw the poor kid and poor dad in a store and walked up to them turns out poor dad was in the process of divorcing entitled mother and currently had full custody of poor kid sweet sweet justice and it Thank You kind stranger for the silver just to clarify they tried to charge her with attempted murder but couldn't get the case they only really got her on the child negligence charge our next story was posted by user captain Han Solo titled reply or you're getting reported so before I start this is my friend story not my own also names changed to protect identity so my friend is an avid user of a Craigslist like site here in Island where people sell and buy goods that are no longer wanted sounds like I should get on to him did he might be just down the street from me he often used it to sell stuff that he brings home from work - he works in an IT place that disassembles into refurbishes computers and they let him bring home old spare parts that would otherwise be trashed so like normal he put up an item for sale and believed it was a micro SD card he put it up on the website for sale at 11:00 p.m. at night then went to bed he woke up at 6:00 a.m. and then went to work at 7:00 a.m. at about 8:13 a.m. he received a notification about someone being interested in what he is selling introducing our antagonist she went by a moniker relating to motherhood with her birth year 94 will refer to her as Karen and 813 a.m. she sent a message to him asking if the item is still available my friend is still in work and as he's around heavy machinery he doesn't notice it and also couldn't reply if he did at 8:21 he received a second message from our dear Karen asking yet again if the SD card is still available she again did not receive an answer at 8:37 another message was sent by Karen asking why he's ignoring her he didn't answer again because of work finally at 9:02 the last message was sent by Karen Karen proceeded to complain about him not responding to her she then called my friend a sexist as he would have replied straight away to a man my friend eventually seen the message at lunch and started to laugh at the whole situation but dear readers it was not the end of the story Karen proceeded to report my friend for sexism along with the message she sent him calling him sexist he got an auto suspension from a computer pending further investigation after an appeal and a date later my friend had the suspension lifted however Karen's account was still active so he activated his urn in a Karen as often times he does upon poor innocent retail workers and write an email to the web site it's been about three weeks since and word has finally reached back proclaiming that Karen was permanently banned from the site Jude at multiple instances of this behavior justice has been served our next story was posted by user small Citroen titled entitled mother gives me crap because I won't pick the sesame seeds of entitled kids burger bun the tattle pretty much says it all but I was waitressing at a burger restaurant during my time at college and I got a table of family with two kids the dad was chilled but the mother and kids were a nightmare the kids were jumping around different tables making a mess throwing the cutlery around so I pushed the kitchen to get their food out quickly so maybe the kids would stop being so manic once they eat the food comes and the burger buns have sesame seeds on them entitled mother says oh he can't eat this via a sesame seeds on the vine so I asked her if she's allergic and she says no and tunnel kid just doesn't like them and then she asks me to take the fruit back to the kitchen and pick the sesame seeds off the bun and bring it back it was a busy dinner service so obviously I politely tell her no if entitled kid doesn't like that then he can pick it off himself but I don't have time to do that right now is I have other tables to attend to entitled mother then proceeds to berate and insult me and call the manager the manager backed me up and when it was time to pay I here entitled mother loudly saying how I I don't deserve a tip for my rude service and to the chill dad just shot her down and tipped me anyway imagine living with that woman the poor dad ha ha living with a caring respect the Trib Karen please a next story was posted by user Barret ik 1 2 2 3 titled entitled mother drains my bank account so I just got let go from my job as I was a seasonal hire and my last check was about two hundred and fifty dollars my entitled dad has decided that since I'm under his roof it belongs to him so he forced me to take it out at an ATM and hand him the cash I was going to use that money to fix my car but now I have no money no job and my car is not starting and yes two hundred and fifty dollars from that check was all my savings because he demands 50% of each check for rent red drugs or he will kick me out which he can legally do since I'm 18 I have an interview on Tuesday at 7 a.m. but the buses don't run that early and I have no car and there's no way I can make it there everything just seems so hopeless because my dad cannot seem to fathom that this decisions affect other people edit underman can't edit the table but it was supposed to be entitled dad and not mom and it - I can't go to the police because my mom is the sweetest person ever and it would break her heart he also helps care for her as she has cancer whoo Jesus my god our next story was posted by user Karen R alga titled mother makes a scene on the bus over 1.7 euros so this literally just happened ten minutes ago first post English is not my native tongue and I'm on mobile I was sitting on the bus on the way back to the city and the bus stopped at a checkpoint where they changed drivers the driver is getting his jackets when a woman who just entered the bus with her daughter pipes up now this discussion happened to very quickly and it is nothing major but it is my first entitled parent story and she made everyone very uncomfortable eeehm is entitled mother driver is the bus driver I am says hey you charged an adult ticket and the driver looks at the mom and the kid confused well I can't refunded since we don't have a system for that my apologies no but she's a kid you can see that right do you want to see ID or something I have to note that although the embarrassed girl was quite skinny she could have easily been 16 or 17 the kids tickets are sold for 12 and younger and she barely looked 12 so it's an understandable mistake when the driver didn't reply entitled mother continued to raise her voice to get the attention of every last person on the bus well I'm gonna have to get reimbursed for this she's just a kid are you blind I already told you mate there's nothing I can do you can't pay me assume she meant in cash I can't believe this this is your mistake and you need to fix it don't you get stabby with me and stop making those faces the driver rolled his eyes one last time before reaching back over the register and pulled out some coins one euro and 70 cents for the difference driver to the rest of the passengers have a nice day guys when the driver left the bus and the mom returns to her seat she kept complaining about the 1.7 euros for her daughter who kept her head down and desperately searched for her headphones to keep her distracted for the rest of the bus drive at least she was wearing a pair when I got off clearly embarrassed by her mother's actions and our last story is by actual redditor YouTube the actual redditor YouTube channel Jesus g'day their main titled I know you you're the owner of Amazon um I'm not you guys here have been asking for it to serve for today's video I thought why not tell you a little entitled parents story of my own yes this is mere editor writing what I've got for you is an interesting tale that makes me question everything about my country's education system still to this day I cannot work out how someone is stupid as the lady I'm about to tell you actually exists a little background to provide some necessary context in the UK in order to pass your driving test you must first complete a theory exam before you are allowed to go to a practical the driving test proper this story takes place at a theory test centre in which our Karen was an employee to set the scene myself and a friend of mine Jeff man named Jeff were both in the process of becoming licensed drivers about a year ago as a result we decided to book into the same slots at the same location to hurtfully both pass our theory tests spoiler alert we did pass but as you will see that is wholly irrelevant to this story we enter the building a horrible rundown establishment in the outskirts of a small town and we are immediately met by the following karen barking like a Rottweiler ids I barely had time to open the door for those of you that don't know you need to hold a provisional license in order to apply for a full driving licence this is what Karen was asking for although both Jeff and I didn't really hear her she was across from the other side of the room with a voice so raspy it sounded like she had smoke stuck in her lungs she repeated I said I days this time we heard her and hurried to pass them over a little flummoxed by the current situation upon reflection her mana was perhaps to be expected the job that she has is an unfulfilled one very low pay and exceptionally boring she basically has to sign candidates all day before they do their tests she looked to be in her late 30s and was clearly rundown and tired of life it wouldn't surprise me if I found out she'd been working the test center for the past decade but that does not excuse what happened next I passed my ID over and she signed me in without saying a word then Jeff handed his over and she did the same but before handing it over she did a double tank Jeff leaned in to take his ID but suddenly she stood up a little star-struck oh my god it's really you what on earth are you doing here Jeff confused doing my theory test that is crazy out of the thought for sure you knew how to drive now given who you are I'm sorry am I missing something and do apologize if we met before but I don't really know that I know you of course you don't know me you're far too important for that okay is this a joke I'm just here to do my theory test please could you tell me who you think I am I'll come on everyone knows who you are you're the owner of Amazon at this point Jeff and I burst out laughing this woman was actually serious she actually thought my mate was Jeff Bezos haha are you joking look at his ID again the lady looks at Jeff's ID again but her expression remains unchanged she still looks shell-shocked what do you mean this is incredible the rift the real Jeff bond Holt taking a theory test in London what a coincidence it was at this point I realized that this wasn't a mistake this woman was actually stupid Jeff says all right come on Lady I think it's pretty clear that I'm not the owner of Amazon I mean first of all his name is Jeff with a J and mine is Jeff with a G and secondly we have entirely different surnames - bond Holt the owner of Amazon is called Bezos not to mention I'm a 20 year old kid from the UK trying to pass his driving test whereas mr. Bezos is about 50 years old from America this is where the story gets weird and things take a turn for the worse I get it everyone makes mistakes and there are lots of cases of mistaken identity but this Karen instead of emitting her era said this instead I'll stop lying I know exactly who you are as does everyone else in this room they were literally two other people another employee and another candidate and says actually you know what since you're the owner of a huge company do you happen to have any spare change you must be like a billionaire or something the least you could do is give me I know a grant we were gobsmacked and Jeff says look I'm quite clearly not Jeff Bezos but let me just prove it to you Jeff begins to open his bank I presumed to get his phone out to look up a picture of Jeff Bezos to show this idiot but of course Karen finds a way to stop him no electronic device is allowed in this building or you will be disqualified I must say that given that she believed she was speaking to the owner of the biggest company in the world she was exceptionally rude also she was utterly incorrect with this statement you were not allowed your phone during the actual exam for obvious reasons but before and afterwards you can do whatever you like with them Jeff says all right I know that that's just not true all I'm doing is getting a picture of the real Jeff Bezos so I can pass my test and get out of here so Jeff gets his phone outs except it was not his phone it was his tablet big mistake it was an Amazon fire and Jeff goes all right sir I'm just gonna look up the real Jeff Bezos and Karen sees his tablet and interrupts him oh my god see I knew it you are the owner now once you have a fire Jeff knew at this point he was beaten he started to protest but then held his tongue I think he knew by now that there was no winning this lady was clearly insane and there's nothing he could do to make her change in mind I was still absolutely be mused by the whole situation bear in mind this was the first thing in the morning and I was half asleep I nearly pinched myself to check I wasn't dreaming but the pain in my eardrums from the following outburst quickly confirmed that this was unfortunately really happening you're only lying to me because you don't want to give me any money at this point I literally went and sat down I figure this is probably going to just be loud and lasts a while and I was done with this lady stupidity at this point now if the God's sake just list then all of a sudden Karen starts to get upset she starts crying people like you don't understand I work 70 hours a week in this hellhole to provide for my daughter I'm a single mom and my girl is only seven I barely make enough to buy her meals why the rich always so selfish look I didn't want to say this but my daughter is severely disabled and we really need the money I can't keep looking after her all by myself with the current financial situation we need to take her to a hospice at the very least you could do is give me some cash to enable us to do so what is it to you anyway it would literally save her life so Jeff says I am genuinely so sorry to hear that and I wish I could help but please believe me that I am not who you think I am so I go back over to the desk to help comfort the lady and support my friend and say look you have to believe him if he had any money to help out he would but we just twenty-year-olds looking to pass our tests I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and I wish you the best of luck with dealing with her disability actually I'm hoping to run the London Marathon next year and I would love to raise some money to help for a charity what disability does your daughter have and which charity would be the optimal one to support at this point Karen storms out of the room crying her colleague an elderly gentleman who had been so far anonymous sprang up for the first time oh I take no notice of her Lance it's not worth it I've dealt with this ever since I started working here a year or so ago yes she does have a daughter but other than that everything she is told you was untrue she isn't disabled she isn't a single mother she really doesn't need the money now let me sign you both in so you can both see you tests shocked we handed our IDs to this kind man set out tests and got the heck out of there to be honest I'm quite surprised we both passed I was certainly not focused during the Sam and I'm sure Jeff's mind was all over the place but we left and that was inte never did we hear of this Karen again so what started as a funny case of mistaken identity turned into something rather shocking and deeply troubling how sad must this lady's life be to lie about her child in order to try and get some money off of someone soon after this car crash of an event I realized why she stormed out when I asked there for the best charity to support for my marathon attempt she had no idea at all and knew she was rumbled what a disgusting human unfortunately I wasn't able to give the marathon a go this summer as I dislocated my ankle in April playing football which stopped me from being able to train sufficiently however this was a blessing in disguise in many ways as it now gives me the opportunity to ask you guys for any charities you may know that I can raise some money for please leave your comments below this post or any in the comments in the video of some lesser-known charities that would be great and could help someone Thanks so that's the end of that one if you have any further questions I'll be happy to answer them below it's been nice to provide you a story of my own on this subreddit and I hope you enjoyed it well that was stupid anyway guys tell me what you thought of this story down in the comments below I appreciate a reddit YouTube story there's a pretty good one there if you have any other ideas of things you want to see tell me and I'll be sure to get back to you otherwise have a great day guys and I'll see you in the next episode bye you
Channel: Markee
Views: 9,552
Rating: 4.9205956 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top posts of all time, r/entitledparents
Id: 0e-VW7RsABg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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