DARKEST DUNGEON Let's Play in 2020: Episode 1 [All 3 DLCs Installed]

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going dr incompetent here and let's play some darkest dungeon okay so um i want to say that i have played this game before but not for a while and not with any of the dlcs i've never beaten the game i've gotten like i want to say 10 or 12 hours into it and you know just kind of moved on to other things not because i didn't like it but because i didn't quite understand it and so my goal here is to start a new playthrough of this game and to beat the game and i'm not going to remember everything i'm going to be rusty it's been a while since i've played but i do enjoy the game and i'm hoping to get better at it and understand what these dlcs are all about so in the spirit of um playing the game i'm gonna go ahead and um watch the opening cinematic oh okay uh thank you airhorn yeah let me turn down the music just a bit then so that it's not overpowering me too much alright so let's watch the intro ruin has come to our family oh boy you remember our venerable house i guess opulent and imperial it was pretty nice above the moon oh it looks awesome what a house i lived all my years manner rumor shattered by decadence and luxury oh come on i mean yet i began to tire a conventional extravagance oak oh their unsettling tales suggested the mansion itself was a gateway to some fabulous and unnamed oh boy this guy got greedy with relic and ritual i've bent every effort towards the excavation and recovery beneath the lowest foundations we unearth that damnable portal of antideluge all right so uh that's terrifying actually i can't tell did i just interrupt the introduction video by clicking on that i had to change something on my streaming software and i feel bad that i skipped it but anyway we get the idea this fool tried to open a portal and ruined everything and he spent all his money and now things are spiraling out of control and it's our job to repair the situation as a long descendent i believe of this guy's family line so um let's see i have some old games here yeah what is this um it's gonna it's gonna take a while um we're gonna do a new campaign event um i don't really know what the butcher's circus even means um but i'm gonna click this and okay here we go so i can play with all of this stuff the butcher circus the crimson court oh it's pvp good lord districts flatulent hero class shield breaker class and the color of madness let's do it all all right let's do it all okay it sounds great is this your first estate the crimson court increases the complexity and pressure of the campaign it is recommended for experienced players well it's not my first rodeo it is my first rodeo in a while um but let's do it [Music] actually that's a good question um you're scaring me about treadmills hunting wall that's a good question gray should i not do pvp is it going to mess me up is it going to be like people invade my game and ruin me or is it an optional thing that i can do and then the other question is um okay it's entirely optional then let's do it um okay and i'm gonna go um i know gray you are recommending that i go radiant but i'm gonna just try darkest um well is that no i'm gonna try it um and see how i feel about it um let's see darkest um darkest incompetence um and let's go here we go the wagon wheel is spinning out of control will arrive along the old road it winds with a troubling serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside god leading only i fear to ever more tenorous places that's there is a scariest in the ancient pitted cobbles of the old road and on its writhing path you will face viciousness violence and perhaps other damnably transcendent terrorists terrific my kind of place i like when the road itself is sick that's bad remember there can be no bravery without madness oh no the old road will take you to hell will it put in that gaping abyss we will find our redemption that's right we're gonna get this family back together and redeem ourselves we're just gonna what we're trying to do here as a family is just get back to the conventional extravagance that we threw aside wantonly and it was a huge mistake we need to go back to just the normal opulence and decadence the fattening luxury with the stagecoach destroyed and the caretaker gone you will have to make the journey to the hamlet on foot i don't see what the big deal is it sounds that sounds fine um [Music] is the game loading do i need to push something hello oh here we go all right i don't know what was going on there all right press space or click to continue let's do it find your way to the hamlet you are currently in a room yeah i don't know what was going on but now we're back in we're live now um to move forth click on another room on the map display this will take you to the connecting hallway and i am playing with the tutorials um because i haven't played in a while hey snack what's up my friend yeah i'm starting a brand new game of darkest dungeon here with all the dlcs i've never beaten the game but i do enjoy it and so i want to just commit to trying to finally beat this thing all right so we're gonna we're gonna walk forward i wonder if i should play with the controller or um with the mouse i'll just play with the mouse for now that's what i'm used to let's move to this room over here these lanes keep to the side the hamlet is just ahead okay yeah i i have a feeling we're going to run into brigands but that's fine hallway movement while in the hallway press d to move forward a to move back or you can click with the mouse okay cool let's just walk them let's walk them all right so i have reynold who is a crusader and um dismiss who is a highwayman all right oh my god send these vermin a message the rightful owner has returned and their kind is no longer welcome that's right the rightful owner of this dilapidated ruinous haunted mansion is here you are no longer welcome let's talk to you okay so how do we do this combat is turn based on your hero's turn click a skill icon and then click on a highlighted target if you can't select a particular skill is because that hero needs to be standing in a different spot or there are no valid targets mouse over the skill to see the requirements sounds good all right so for example dismiss is going first and i've got grape shot blast and so this attack can be fired from the second or third party position and will hit the first three dudes it has a base accuracy of 75 and it does half normal damage but it does hit all three targets whereas open vein this attack with his knife um is more accurate and is more damaging against a single target so let's give him this um then click him bam love the art style in this game all right so we hit him and he's taking two damage per turn he's bleeding for three rounds he currently has four hit points so if i do nothing in two turns he dies but that seems foolish let's just give him this smite oh my god he just dodged it like it was nothing i'm embarrassed and poor dismiss has to get hit because this guy couldn't hit i mean that's what happens when you can't hit people wow destroy them all i know dude the crusader is like boy that's that's some horrible accuracy each item if you take it will occupy space in your inventory mouse over items to show details about them this works in your inventory too press escape to close the window all right yeah snack he i don't know i dismiss might not even make it to the mansion all right so we have found gold so let's just take it and then let's keep walking he's bleeding by the way interactive objects curios while exploring you will often find interactive objects click or press w to investigate them take a look at this tent it does look like a really nice i mean we could just sleep tonight here it looks really nice um someone has camped here recently um all right check inside the tent it's always a good idea to check things trinkets and bubbles paid for in blood oh my god it never gets old there is much to be found and forgotten to me how number one the narrator's voice is legendary so good and number two this game just goes from bad to worse and everything is bad it's such i mean darkest dungeon is such an apt title all right let's take it all excellent we've received gold and emeralds and here is the doorway so we're gonna walk through it dispatch this dog in brutal fashion that all may hear of your arrival i love that 31 million seconds is a lot hunting that's uh that's a lot of time i love dispatch this thug in brutal fashion i mean i'm just gonna try to kill him in any fashion alright so i can do tracking shot which bypass is stealth but that's not that important um let's go ahead and do grape shot blast and it will hit them both oh boy blanket fire oh we we luckily dodged point-blank shot that doesn't sound good oh my god it's not good so he got pushed back so this man has been pushed back um but we can still do zealous accusation and hit them both oh no no he takes up two slots never mind um let's stun the bejesus out of this guy and he resisted it good i'm glad i didn't want to actually stun him i was just joking all right um can we try it again can you stun him no you can't um i'm going to let's see i think i might simply move him back i don't know what the correct strategy is here honestly um but i don't want to leave dismiss out there with 13 hit points it seems like he's just waiting to get killed um so i hate to waste a turn but i kind of want to move him out of the front row just kill them before they kill you so snack then do you think that moving is a waste and i should just start putting up some dots and stuff like that i mean okay okay fair enough let's just bleed the guy that's what i was actually wondering snack is if the crusader had a move and attack skill all right so we're slowly going insane oh oh i don't have it yet yeah there will be no blood left for the leeches um all right fine well so he this dude is bleeding can you stack bleeding you can stack it okay cool i was wondering if you could stack it um you know what hunting you're right if i kill him in one shot then we got no problems oh awesome okay guys thank you for clarifying that so let's try to stack it up yeah this guy's actually gonna die on his turn i think so he's yeah he dies whenever he goes so let's not even attack him anymore let's try this let's see do i have an attack that would i have to hit him though bulwark of faith torch so i light a torch and i mark myself just see if this does anything he's gonna die on his own accord it's a taunt okay great snack that's what i was wondering is it like does marking okay it says attracts enemies and takes more damage from some attacks except i have protection okay perfect well this should keep this dude alive long enough he died from the dot gently yeah oh my god slowly gently this is how a life is taken that's a pretty good bumper sticker right there if you want to let people know i've announced my return oh my gosh snack you know what i totally forgot about that part of the game which is that you can be in a situation where the body is is blocking you it affects the positioning the corpse and so you can't do some of your skills and just being so frustrated by that that's right all right so we got a poisoned herb gold a deed and some citrine take it all quest complete after you've completed the requirements of a quest you have the option to return to town at any time just click the crest this beautiful family crest you don't need to return to the starting room of the dungeon to exit i'm gonna click the crest all day actually wait a minute i don't want to collect the crest right i want to open this treasure chest don't i this is a legit question am i going to miss this treasure chest if i click the crest should i click continue adventuring or did i already get this chest isn't that funny it's like they're they're not that's what i thought i don't know why they would why they would tell me to do that when there's a crest okay so yeah i see it up here there's a wax seal that i can click let's open it it's trapped oh my god he's almost dead now if it's trapped does that mean there's nothing inside just a trap all right okay fair enough fair enough all right thank you cool all right let's go back home we get 5 000 gold we get to collect all this treasure and we got some heirlooms kleptomania oh my god i forgot about that you get those like negative traits what a game all right deeds griffin records of land grants in generations past yeah we want as many scriven records as we can get oh looks like something bad's happening beast hater oh look at this now if you guys could refresh my memory about how this works um can you get only like could you get three positive buffs and then that would block your ability to get any negatives or is there always an even distribution of positive and negative i can't recall all right we're back we're back online everybody how you doing rory i'm playing some darkest dungeon um we just had a uh a game crash but hopefully we can get back to the to the hamlet dude the brigand that was his last laugh i mean that trap that chest was seriously trapped welcome home such as it is this squalid hamlet these corrupted lands they are yours now and you are bound to them oh okay that's it gray thank you for so you can lock them at the sanatorium okay perfect all right so here we are at our hamlet this is like your base and i had mentioned this in a dungeon crawl stream but what one of my buddies oh okay you can only okay thanks snack said philosophically to help me understand how to beat this game because i was getting so frustrated is that it's not about leveling up your people as much as it's about leveling up your town so that you can hire more and more people because your characters will be incapacitated by insanity and all other manner of things and so really like i was trying so hard just to keep every single person alive with full sanity and going out of my mind and they were like no no you can't do that at least early on you can't do that so we're here to just build up our town and these poor people are just fodder for the escalation of our town you
Channel: Dr. Incompetent
Views: 2,074
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon gameplay, darkest dungeon playthrough, lets play, crimson court, lets play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon guide, darkest dungeon walkthrough, darkest dungeon lets play, darkest dungeon crimson court, darkest dungeon color of madness, color of madness, red hook studios, lets play darkest dungeon color of madness, darkest dungeon the butchers circus, darkest dungeon 2020, lp darkest dungeon 2020, let's play darkest dungeon 2020
Id: GCkQeUz2L1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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