Dark Souls - Beyond the Iceberg

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welcome back to an adventure that will take us beyond the confines of the dark souls iceberg during this video we'll be correcting mistakes that i made in my dark souls iceberg video as well as going through new theories that miss the making of the iceberg if you haven't watched the original dark souls iceberg video the link will be in the description as well as a card appearing on the screen but you won't have necessarily needed to have seen the video for all the new theories that are coming up which i've segmented the video you should be able to skip straight too now let's start correcting the multitude of mistakes i made and i made a lot so we'll only be covering the most obvious ones unfortunately i butchered the pronunciation hidetaka miyazaki which honestly is a massive mistake and i can only apologize for that i definitely won't be making that mistake in the future and i'll be triple checking all pronunciations but staying on pronunciations apparently i was also saying asberg instead of iceberg i think i'll blame that one on my australian accent one of the bosses in the game kalameet is usually killed with hawkeye goff's help i mentioned that potentially the killing of calamites without asking for goff's help may actually have not been expected by the developers as when kalameet is defeated no victory achieved message is displayed matt sims along with others point out that this actually is not the case as if you defeat calamate and return to goff he has some unique dialogue if you return to him and i see that the great black dragon cannon is dusted by thy hand so the developers definitely intended for players to think outside of the box in so many areas which is one of the reasons why this game is so great the iceberg included an entry about item birdman in which i stated this would be hard to prove that it still existed in the remastered version of dark souls due to the quantity storage glitch not being reproducible i tried doing the original quantity storage glitch in dark souls remastered in which i have to roll and switch dialogues at a certain time and i couldn't reproduce it however i was able to duplicate souls quite easily and i can confirm that item burdening definitely is in the game the souls duplication glitch i use for the remastered version is a form of quantity glitch where we abuse the specific quantity dialogue but to do this yourself you'd require an already large stack of items i'd suggest just purchasing 999 arrows which is quite cheap and you also require to have both a controller and a mouse as input for dark souls firstly you would open your inventory and attempt to drop the item of large amount and then you can just cancel this request as you just need this quantity dialog to appear next we go to the system menu and have our mouse hovering over the inventory icon while our controller's input is hovering over the quits button we then have to timeout inputs so when we click on inventory a few frames later we could confirm on our controller if you time this correctly you should be back on the inventory page with an extra prompt over the game in front if you didn't get those times correctly don't worry you can repeat the process of the timing without having to redo the arrow drop dialogue so once we've gotten to this correct screen and dialogue we can navigate the inventory with our mouse and go down to the soul clicking to bring up its own dialogue but it will be hard to see as it will appear behind our quits dialog so we just need to navigate our mouse to the top part of this dialog and some texture appears to use the item and then we'll click that it will then ask us for the quantity of what we want to use and we'll be able to actually set it to 999 without even having that many [Music] just a note this will consume all of your stack of souls so if you have three or five you may want to drop the rest of them and use them one by one to get the maximum number of souls that you can get i use this soul duplication method to obtain enough souls to obtain enough giant shields to burden myself a final mistake we'll cover from the last dark souls video were the boulder levers in sense fortress i still left it quite open as to what could have caused them to move but a lot of comments mentioned that the levers in fact do move on their own with one commenter my name is asylum 394 showing that two italian streamers sabarco and sedonia used their multiple perspectives and discovered that in fact the leave is moved based upon where the player is positioned in the fortress if a player is moving back and forwards the lever will actually move on its own having been triggered by the player moving around the fortress i believe this is in place in order to make the fortress a lot more difficult with the boulder seemingly chasing you around the fortress now it's time for us to exercise our brains as we talk about some more theories when discussing these theories i'll be displaying a health bar on the top left of the screen a full health bar will mean that i think this theory is close to 100 true whereas an empty health bar will mean that i don't think that this theory is that plausible at all in the original iceberg we covered the theory that cartham front two primordial serpents are either the same being or they have the same goal which they cloud with the seats this was originally intended to be more of a focus point in the story rather than something that is often quite easy to miss at the start of the dark souls play through someone dumps a body that contains a cell key into the cell that you are in allowing you to escape this is oscar of asura and in the game he can be found later dying further on in the undead asylum quite a short character arc isn't it oscar was actually slated to have a far more pivotal role in dark souls but a lot of his interaction and dialogue was cut the oscar cut dialogue was actually an original entry on the iceberg that i didn't cover so now's the best time to go into it this was brought up and detailed in the youtube comments by sailor mao so credit goes to them oscar was meant to be an npc who you would grow attached to and become your friend throughout the dark souls storyline even helping you fight the fierce band of thieves in the darkroot garden but ultimately oscar would become an antagonist near the conclusion of the game with oscar confronting you with a primordial serpent that you yourself did not end up choosing no matter which choice you make oscar would rise as your opposition but why would oscar be opposing the foundational decisions that you made through your dark souls playthrough perhaps oscar was meant to be a chosen undead in their own right with fate causing an ominous and inevitable feud between the two of you this was potentially orchestrated by frampton carth to find out out of the two of you who had the strongest will and conviction to defeat their closest friend and claim the title of the true chosen undead why does no one ever talk about how pinwheels boss arena is a coffin pinwheel's chamber contains many books and experiments which we theorized on in the original video however we didn't actually touch on the fact that pinwheel's chamber is in fact a giant coffin this makes sense as it's the entrance to the tomb of the giants so perhaps this was originally a tomb for some sort of giant and later inhabited by pinwheel but what really could have been the giant that was buried there bosses like ceaseless discharge are terrifyingly large but this was most likely due to this transformation by the flame of chaos there are other large coffins that we can see in the dark souls universe with dark souls 3's first boss udyk skundy appearing in a courtyard in the cemetery of ash alongside a partially buried giant coffin there is a theory that this is actually the tomb of yorm the giants and that the tumor somehow made its way to the cemetery of ash this would make sense with the giants being in the giant coffin in the tomb of the giants but i don't really buy this theory due to the massive location difference of the coffins as well as dark souls 3 taking place after the first dark souls which means that yorm should still have been in the coffin during dark souls 1 or was not the original owner another large object found within lordran is a giant skull that we can find in ash lake with no real evidence stating as to where the skull would have originated from near the end of the tomb of giants is an open expanse which displays the beauty of the ash lake youtuber illiterary wall suggests that perhaps a giant skull from the tomb of the giants tumbled all the way down into ash lake and ended up washing onto the ash lake shore resulting in the historically unclear giant skull that we can see in the game at present [Music] all the way at the bottom is the reason they call him big hat logan now i know this is mainly a joke comment because logan is called big hat logan because of his massively obstructive hat but did you know why he could be called logan the average size had logan research this and discovered that logan originates from scottish gaelic and it translates to the meaning of little hollow so big hat logan actually means big hat little hollow but i guess at the end of the game he ends up being big hat very hollow mimics are from oolacile what are mimics how they made why are they always in the shape of a chest the mimics are one of the most frustrating enemies with the allure of loot often quickly reversed into yet another frustrating death a gangly creature with arms and legs and a tongue protruding from an actual chest the mimic will feast on you if you fall for their trap of trying to take their treasure but why are they like this chameleon is a sorcery that will transform a player into an object be it a pot a pillar a barrel or a chest as the description details this ancient sorcery originated from the land of ulaseal it's theorised that there are a rogue group of sorcerers in ulasil who would use carmilla to disguise themselves as chests wait for others to put their valuables in their chest and then steal the loot mimics have a rare chance of dropping the symbol of avarice which is the symbol of shame imposed as a long-lost clan exiled for the sin of avarice potentially this group of thieves were discovered by the rest of oolacile and were exiled with the sin of avarice being the sin of desire the desire to obtain all of ulaseal's riches blightheads were the former citizens of oolacile and were corrupted by the father of abyss mannis to become the disturbed individuals in the present they look to have quite similar appearance to the mimics so maybe the exile group of the oolacile were also corrupted to become the members that are now known as the mimics additionally if we see a bloat's head come into contact with a mimic the blow tank will laugh maniacally at the mimic perhaps taunting the existence of its now exiled counterpart tarkus went to the painted world there are many theories as to how tarkus died with his body appearing next to the painted world of aramus one of these theories anonymously created on the dark souls wiki and resurrected by justin priest speculates that tarcus along with his knight were chased into the painting that led into the painted blood of aramus i think i've managed to track down the origin of this rumor to gain facts user 5 9 so credit to them as well a lone knight can be found guarding the way to priscilla this knight wields a great sword which is also what tarcus uses as noted by the description a favorite of the night baronic known for their heavy armor and black iron tarcus this implies that this knight could have been in a similar league to tarkus and could even have become part of his platoon tarkus could have potentially ordered one of his own men to guard the entrance while he himself examined hostility of priscilla there are also hollows that we can find throughout the painted world with them being stronger than the hollows that we can find in other places such as the undead burke they could be stronger because they were actually members of tarkus party and we could assume that they were very strong people ultimately it's then speculated that tarkus unlike his brethren successfully made his way through the painted world and upon returning to anor londo was ambushed by a mob of painting guardians with his body then being dumped beside the painting kitsune hiro actually speculates that tarkus was faintly wounded by priscilla as he was unable to see her due to her invisibility he then dragged himself over to the edge of the painting and later died of blood loss it is said that if you glitch past the bridge in the painted world you could see the knight staring at the fog gate maybe they witnessed the fall of the almighty and great tarkus causing them to lose belief and also hollow there is one issue in this theory though for a player to enter analondo we need to be in possession of the peculiar doll which the tarkis gang would not have had in their possession but perhaps the doll isn't actually the key to entering the painted world but rather the dollar's representation of what is needed to enter aromas someone may actually be able to enter the painted world if they have something that priscilla wants and in the player's case this could be the peculiar doll maybe it was something else for tarkus or perhaps the doll was entirely a game mechanic and was actually in no way relevant to the law let's keep with the painted bird of aramis theory and talk about another favorite theory of mine the painted blood of aramus is actually the second half of the undead asylum [Music] the painted world was introduced to us through a random bridge leading towards a strange land the other side of the wooden bridge is broken off with there being no way to actually determine what this bridge could lead to herald of zener suggests that perhaps this bridge was originally meant to lead to the undead asylum but was destroyed or cut and placed within the painted world this is quite similar to undead asylum where there is an abrupt cutoff of land where the crow's nest resides miyazaki did state the painted world of aramus was a place where a lot of unfinished content was placed but perhaps the entire world of aramus was actually cuts this could be theorised as there are many parallels that we can see between the undead asylum and the painted world both primarily use hollows to their enemies with torch hollows being prominent in both worlds but we could relate this back to our previous theory of tarkus and his knights having been in around both worlds are also in a state of disrepair and are riddled with themes of punishments with sacks being placed over their heads of individuals cages being found in both areas and the wheel skeletons perhaps representing the torturing technique of tying an individual to a wheel both areas also heavily features crows with crow-like imagery appearing throughout the world and velka also loosely being connected with the crows these worlds even have a similar cloudy textured sky but i think this is probably our imaginations getting a little too ambitious asylums in the medieval ages were often coupled with the presence of a church an example of this was london's most notorious insane asylum bethlehem hospital also known as bedlam originating in the 13th century bedlam had approximately 12 cells for patients a kitchen accommodation staff and an exercise yard these were all surrounded by a courtyard with a chapel located in the middle of the courtyard the undead asylum actually has no presence of a church but we can't find one in the painted world of aramus one connection could be a coincidence but when we reach this many we should question whether there is actually more than linked to the eye and perhaps this theory could hold true but i feel if these worlds were ever connected they would have been removed far earlier in the development cycle so there was a lot of time allowing a larger disconnect to happen between these two worlds so that concludes our extension to the dark souls iceberg thanks for joining me on this journey in time i hope to venture into dark souls 2 and dark souls 3 and other games as well but there are still so many unanswered questions around dark souls if i release more dark souls videos though i'll try releasing them as standalone theory videos and delving much deeper into those theories so let me know if you like them when they're released also you'll find that a couple of these theories i went through were actually based upon comments or questions within my videos so if you do have any questions or theories put them in the comments now and maybe i'll end up covering them also keep picking up on my many inevitable mistakes that i'll make i'll try and become better and better until next time i'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: natiscool
Views: 64,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Iceberg, Mimics, Chests, Oolacile, Dark Souls Theory, Theories, Dark Soul Lore, Oscar of Astora, Tarkus, Painted World, Undead Asylum, Aramis, Big Hat Logan, Pinwheel, Giant Coffin
Id: 0GuKybwZxoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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