The Dark Souls 2 Iceberg Explained

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following the success chiseled by the original dark souls game a successor dark souls 2 had enormous expectations to uphold with the creator of the soul series hitataka miyazaki busy with directing bloodborne at the time the development of dark souls 2 allowed new faces to instate their own creativity but the game fell into development turmoil with storylines and directions taking drastic pivots and the final product of the game bore scars of its tremulous evolution even so dark souls 2 remained true to the soul series mystery throughout the land of dranlake we provided a tantalising and thought-provoking story that has to be investigated and organized through the words of the characters the description of the items and the markings of the landscape encouraged by the fractured remains of potentially unfinished storylines speculation and discussion as to the true meaning of many events in dark souls 2 was readily created an iceberg displays these theories and little known facts in a chart with the exposed part of the iceberg containing more commonly known theories and pieces of trivia and the deeper down the iceberg you look the more puzzling and peculiar the theories become in this video we'll actually be looking at the combination of two iceberg charts with one created by mira paladin and the other created by gahanna katansky as we discuss select points on the iceberg i'll be displaying a health bar representing how likely a theory is to be true with a full health bar meaning the theory is almost certainly true while an empty bar will mean i think the theory is close to being impossible so let's drop into the lake and explore the iceberg of dark souls 2. [Applause] [Music] original mannequin face mask the mannequin mask is a headpiece found at the urban peak and it seems like it appears in the dark souls trailer that has a much different design so why was this design changed quite radically between the trailer and the release while there's been no actual statement by from software it's rumored that the mannequin mask had to change the sign due to copyright issues in naruto the anbu have mastered quite similar to the original mannequin mask and it's rumored that the animation studio piero company raised some legal issues so it had to be changed this isn't confirmed though and i actually don't think they are similar enough to result in copyright infringements it's more likely that the mast would change to fit with the dark souls 2 theme rather than legality issues multiple pursuers the pursuer is quite a mysterious character who seemingly roams jan lake and relentlessly hurts the undead like the bearer of the curse the pursuer constantly comes back from the dead to hunt the bearer of the curse it's supposed that this pushua could indeed be the chosen undead from the previous game it would make sense if the chosen undead ended up siding with carth bringing about the age of dark and in the future they would want to hunt any other undead that are trying to link the flame and in this game that could be the bearer of the curse but this of course is just a theory as there's no evidence that the pursuers you encounter are even the same character each time one particular encounter actually heavily discredits this theory when you were in a new game plus save of the game two pursuers spawn at drangleic castle to attack the player this fight suggested the pushua is actually a profession rather than just a single character the giants had faces vendrick who was once the great king of dran lake crossed the ocean to combat the giants pillaging their land and then brought back an unspecified prize the giants intent on revenge across the sea to the lands of draen lake laying siege upon the draen lake castle when the bearer of the curse traverses the land only a few giants remain and these giants are quite ghastly looking with a large gaping hole taking up most of their face however if we venture into the memory of jane we can notice a burnt giant corpse but this giant is different it has a face full of eyes and teeth was this corpse placed there on purpose or was this just a development oversight the making of dark souls 2 shows a development model of the giants which seems to be quite similar to an enemy shown in the despair release trailer there's also concept art of giants showing that they were originally meant to have faces changing the giant's appearance mid-development and forgetting to change all the models of the giants does seem like a possible reason but could this be explained in the dark souls universe giants in the original dark souls seemingly had faces and yawned the giant in dark souls 3 also had a face underneath his hood so there are some giants that have faces while there are others that don't waylander 893 suggests that most of the giants that we see in draenolaki including the ones within memories are not actually giants but are golems who are harboring giant souls they propose that the kingdom across the sea where the giants had come from were also suffering from an undead curse but the giants managed to escape this curse by transferring their souls into the bodies of mud and stone rendering themselves immortal when they die they become trees and drop seeds continuing their great cycle of regeneration being formed and returning to the earth's claim but how did they manage to relocate their souls they did this by using the ashen missed heart which was the prize that vendrick would later steal managing to then create golems himself having been experimenting to try and find a cure to the curse one of the bosses in draen lake the smelter demon has a similar absence of face to the giants but he's described as a massive iron that had been given a soul much like a golem the first theory to be correct we've had to make a lot of assumptions especially around the ashen mist heart so maybe there are some other theories out there ashen shroom suggested the giants that we see in dark souls 2 are the same species as the other dark soul giants but they are just hollowed the giants that we find in dark souls 2 have lost their faces because they're accursed transitioning from the giants we see in dark souls 1 to their final hollow state of a tree jorm the giant also wears quite similar clothing to the giant lord except that the giant lord is without a face being hollow in dark souls 3 we can also see hollows transforming into trees meaning this transformation is not exclusive to giants or golems but that this leads us to a conundrum if yorm is truly a giant like those in dark souls 2 then why was he buried should he not have just turned into a tree when he died there's a message in front of jorm's throne that reads only a storm can fell a great wood now at first glance this looks like a subtle hint at yorm's weakness but could this great wood in fact be a reference to yorm becoming a tree perhaps when yawn linked the fire he broke the cycle of becoming a tree with it maybe only being cursed giants that have felled into giant trees like the cursed rotted great wood and dark souls 3 being forced to have no end invisible hollows a newly introduced secret in the scholar of the first sin are invisible hollows these invisible enemies can be found with a light source illuminating their shadows they can also be located with the ring of whispers where you can hear them when you're very close unlike most of the enemies found in the soul universe these invisible hollows never attack you and can be found sitting down still but other than these enemies seemingly being very secret and dropping very lucrative loot what else do we know about the invisible hollows is there a sad story behind these ejective creatures one theory suggests that invisible hollows are just simply the next stage of hollowing after a hollow has been alive for a long time they could simply slump into a corner sitting still and ultimately becoming invisible this could follow the theme of things fading away in draenlick with many ghosts and invisible guards being found throughout the game maybe the whole world is in fact slowly hollowing becoming invisible in dark souls 3 the invisible enemy of the erythilian slave has the appearance described as a hollow dressed in tattered slave clothing so perhaps they themselves also followed the same holo trend but this theory doesn't entirely satisfy me as why would the invisible hollows drop very rare loot renauth suggests that these invisible hollows could in fact be created by aldia the scholar of the first sin where his experiments went wrong the spitfire spear stated the mysterious lord aldia secluded himself inside a manor to conduct various experiments those invited to the manor disappeared perhaps the experiments disappearing literally did disappear and they became invisible hollows there are two hollows found at older's keep potentially as evidence from oldies experiments but there are around 30 invisible hollows that are located around radlank but a majority of these are found in the undead crypt which is a place for those that have become undead to rest in peace aldia himself also shows up in the undead crypt entrance so perhaps he is discarding all of the invisible hollows throughout dran lake the hidden body sorcery in dark souls allows near invisibility while explaining that perfect invisibility is unachievable due to the risk of dissipation perhaps older with the invisible hollows achieve this perfect invisibility which they later found out was irreversible so the horrors are now stuck in their invisible perpetual doom hoping that one day the bearer of the curse can appear and end their suffering nameless usurper is licia alicia of lindelt is a devoted saint that wishes to spread the good word of miracles because of this she sells many miracles but she expected the cathedral to be bustling but there's hardly a cell to be found there without any goings on i'll have to move soon to a place i could go sorry help the gullible by teaching the good word it seems that lycia may not be as innocent as first seen rather than intending on spreading the good word of miracles lucia is actually conning travelers for their souls hidden behind a shaky facade lucia carries her soothing sunlight which description states that it was stolen from the lindelt monastery and never recovered lysia seems to be conning travellers and stealing from monasteries but is she up to anything more sinister than just petty crimes the nameless usurper is an invasive character that attempts to kill the player this invader wears the same saints set as lucia but the invader only uses a bandage knife and has a slightly different base model to lucia and people use this as an argument for the nameless usurper to not be lucio but a hidden patch was released that fixed this invasion if lysia of lindelt was killed the nameless usurper would not invade the bearer of the curse this is evidence enough for me the name of usurper is lucia being yet another string to a conniving bow the emerald herald was meant to be a child the emerald herald whose real name is shanalot helps guide players through draenlick to ultimately break the undead curse she also helps by upgrading the estus flask and allowing the player to level up in the credits for dark souls 2 there's a credit given to the voice for emerald hamrald as a child so why are there two actors for shannon lot originally it was assumed this child channel lot would be introduced as a later dlc but this never eventuated so where could this second emerald be one theory is that the old woman found in the introduction of the game is actually the older channel lot this is because both of these characters are fire keepers but this character is actually credited as the narrator and that's voiced by nicholas mackenzie as we converse with emerald herald kimberly identified that her voice changes pitch in majula her voice is much lower bearer of the curse i will remain by your side till this frail hope shatters compared to the emerald hemorrhage in the dragon airy bearer of the curse long have i awaited one such as you while some people argue that the voice actually just changed their tone between recordings i think the dragonairy being the younger emerald emerald is quite a plausible explanation when emerald herald mixed the bearer of the curse at the dragon area she states that it was her own manifestation that led the bearer there many people did relate this to the narrator being shuttle lot's manifestation bringing the player to dran lake but what if this manifestation is actually the adult emerald herald in majula which brought the player to dragon airy this may not be the final answer though as curiously there is yet another explanation for the child channel a lot but i'll go into that theory further down this iceberg having taken what we can from the surface layer of the iceberg it's now time for us to drop into the well to explore the body of the iceberg the emerald herald is a child of dark continuing along with the emerald herald theories theo 1386 speculates the true identity of the emerald herald she seems to selfishly age you in your quest to link the flame but what if all is not what it seems originally the bearer of the curse isn't draenlike to just cure their own curse their shadowlock guides you to become the next monarch great sovereign take your throne what lies ahead only you can see chad a lot later reveals that she was born of dragons and contrived by men however the dragon you encounter later the ancient dragon is revealed to be just a prop by queen nashandra which could be evident by a pile of dead giants found in oldia's keep so could the emerald herald be lying about her past there are four queens in the game and each of these queens was formed from a shard of manus each of these queens found a king to cling onto and they were gathering power as a way to get revenge on humanity's defeat of manus in dark souls 1. all of these queens manipulate those around them in order to achieve their true sinister goals so what if the emerald herald is actually attaching herself to you the great sovereign maybe shannon lot is in fact another daughter of manus slowly harvesting souls from the bearer of the curse and to keep up the trick making the bearer more powerful too vendrick mentions that manus one of the father of the abyss born that confounded quintessence of humanity sar supposes that this quintessence while defined as being the most perfect or prime example of quality could also mean five with quintessence in classical and medieval philosophy meaning a fifth substance in addition to the four elements so quintessence here would have a double meaning manus could be the dark side of humanity or he could be split into five queens instead of four so could the emerald herald be the hidden fifth queen four is a number that carries heavy connotation in japanese culture it can sometimes be pronounced as sheep which is also the word for death this number is a recurring theme in the souls games with the four kings the four knights of gwyn the four old ones and many more fours so make a lot more sense if there were four queens and not five broken lord vessel the lord vessel is a crucial item in dark souls 1 bestowed upon the chosen undead and allowing them to approach the killing of the first flame if we explore the basement of an inconspicuous mansion in medulla we could see the shards on what could have possibly been the lord vessel but why would something of such huge significance in the first souls game be destroyed and stowed in an easily missable area one reason for this is that it could just be a fan service to souls fans providing easter eggs linking dark souls 2 back to the first game actual wasp does the good work of tien's to the law by speculating that the lack of acknowledgement of the lord vessel can phase the amount of time that has passed since the first game this time difference can be seen with the black knight greatsword this was used by many of the black knights found within the original dark souls but in the second game the description of the black knight greatsword states that it was wielded by knights who served in a long forgotten age so with that the lord vessel could have also been forgotten interestingly behind a wall where the broken lord vessel is in the mansion there's actually a completed lord vessel so what could this strange occurrence be some speculate that it was placed for a potentially cut dlc but crucially what this does is confirm that the pieces we see scattered around are in fact the lord vessel and not just a coincidence the completed vessel would most likely have been placed there while the map modelers would have broken the completed model up into pieces in the mansion without cleaning up the original complete model that was imported into the game holding knight uses this broken lord vessel as a crux for his theory the dark souls 2 is actually taking place in a dream the lord vessel being both broken and neglected could represent the forgetting about the real world and the long forgotten age is actually life outside of the dream when the bearer of the curse is first introduced into the game they are greeted by bright bugs which share resemblance to fireflies fireflies are a common symbolic in dreams representing hope as their bodies produce light the land you awaken things betwixt has a mysterious aura acting as a connector between worlds and through here you enter duran lake and in the beautiful medulla emerald warns you lest this land swallow you whole could the dreamland be trying to keep you here hating people to forget that they have lost their lives or have slipped away from it the bearer of the curse has forgotten about their past and in the introduction tran lake is a land that is hinted that may have been seen perhaps you've seen it maybe in a dream a murky forgotten land could this dream actually be happening right now ash and shroom suggests that rather than this being thought of like a dream it should be more generally thought of like the afterlife in the introduction of dark souls 2 before we ascend to the things betwixt we hear a song sung by the milfonito the milfonato were given song by the great dead one brave warden uggdane is also a finito whose task is to watch over the dead being granted to do so by the ones who gave him the first death both of these individuals implied that they were created by the dead one grave lord nito so the bearer of the curse's introduction into draenlike could actually represent their entry into the afterlife either way though the place of draen lake is a real place within dark souls as king vendrick is suggested in dark souls 3 with his demising all-consuming thirst being mentioned in the shield of wants but what happens if vendrick himself was not consumed by his quest to rid the curse without lighting the first flame but instead was consumed by the same dream the bearer of the curse is in the goal of life in the fire could just be his goal to wake up i too sought fire once when the bearer of the curse attempts to attack vendrick he stated they are foolish and they can't defeat him in his world because it's his dream and as the ruler he can make up his own rules ultimately though i think the links that happen between the different dark souls suggest that dark souls 2 canonically happened and that makes this theory highly unlikely the old dragon slayer is ornstein the old dragon slayer is a boss we find defending the cathedral of blue the soul of the old dragon slayer states that they are reminiscent of a certain knight that appears in old legends so who in fact is the old dragon slayer really and what do they mean by reminiscent and why are they protecting the cathedral of blue many parallels can be drawn between the old dragon slayer and ornstein from dark souls 1. both have a similar look and combat style and both are protecting cathedrals there are two main theories as to whom the old dragon slayer is he could in fact be dragon slayer ornstein or just someone who was inspired by ornstein in dark souls 3 spoe's hammer and armor state that smell was the last knight to remain in the cathedral which leads to the theory that the ornstein in dark souls 1 is actually just an illusion ornstein was tasked with presenting the princess guinevere and the princess in analondo is revealed to be an illusion the dragon slayer has most things about him being described as old old is an adjective that is often used to describe artifacts from the original dark souls with the old souls potentially aligning to the greater characters of dark souls so the old dragon slayer could be referring to the dragon slayer of the original dark souls ornstein the ring of the sun princess in the original dark souls says that after leaving analondo guinevere marries flan the god of flame the cathedral of blue is in hades which is a tower of flame savepoint speculates that haze was built by gwynevere and flan and ornstein had followed them to hades as it looks quite similar to analondo but the dragon slayer here utilizes dark elemental attacks while the dark souls ornstein used lightning attacks so how could these be the same people save points counters that as time went on ornstein lost track of gwynevere his one purpose and darkness slowly took over arafarion speculates that ornstein actually fought against nashandra in order to allow guinevere to flee and this is what caused him to succumb to the darkness this could be supported by clear battle scars seen throughout hades but did this battle have to have included ornstein interestingly both souls dropped by these bosses in dark souls 1 and dark souls 2 are used to create the same dragon slayer spear with them both being lightning based even though the old dragon slayer used dark elemental attacks on the other hand others argue that the dragon slayer is not ornstein but is just someone who idolised him the similarities between ornstein and the dragon slayer are just that of an imitator picking up the duties of guardian cathedral and wearing the same armor but their element of choice is indeed different and the reason for this could be that their origin is different coming from a different past because of ornstein's soul being dropped after the defeat in the original dark souls d-boy 9 theorizes that the old dragon slayer is in fact an imposter with the true identity of this warrior being the shieldless defiant the dragonslayer crescent axe described that it's the axe of the gallant shieldless lion the only dragon slayer actually mentioned in dark souls 2. he abruptly retired from the battlefield and was never heard from again lethian is never seen in draen lake is this because he himself is the old dragonslayer perhaps during the battle when lethine was growing tired he'd learnt of the nameless king and his knight ornstein inspired by ornstein he built an area similar to what analondo would have been like and imitated his idol slaying dragons as for the old leo ring found on the old dragon slayer which seems to be a worn version of ornstein's leo ring this could be explained in a similar fashion to havel's rings all the knives that wore havel's rings would not havel so perhaps many dragon slayers wore the leo rings if the old dragon slayer is indeed an imitation of the tales of the mighty dragonslayer ornstein the individual could have been anyone but lethian has the most law to support the role there's also been some murmur around these theories that the developers and producers have outrightly stated that the inclusion of the old dragon slayer was just fanservice and a slight nod to the original dark souls but i could not find a concrete source for this ultimately if this was the case then explaining the old dragon slayer as just being an imitator would make more sense from a lore perspective now let's go deeper and disturb the crypt of the iceberg the fourth fire keeper going back to things betwixt and entering a lonely house we can find three elderly fire keepers and their young housekeeper milibeth when conversing with milibeth she discloses that these old women are sisters and she's been told that there was a four but who could this fourth fire keeper be millibeth states that now fly keepers are lost being scattered to the winds so could our fourth fire keeper be somewhere out in the winds thralk loosely theorizes that this fourth fire keeper could be anastasia of the storm a fire keeper in the original dark souls there was a forlorn in dark souls 2 known as the dark spirit of the forlorn sister and this would invade the bearer of the curse at the pit below majula it was theorised this could have been anastasia this was due to her having the same dingy set that the dark spirit of the fallen sister possessed along with the fact that fire keepers the forlorn and anastasia are all a woman mysteriously the forlorn sister character seemingly disappeared from dark souls 2 without a trace pond water clarified this by making an educated guess that the forlorn sister was most likely renamed to the dingy cleric phantom with both of these characters dropping the dingy set other people such as prince nyon theorises that the fourth fire keeper who was lost to the winds could in fact be the lost sinner the lost sinner is eternally punishing herself for the sins of her past prince now suggests that perhaps the fourth fire keeper wished to bring back the age of fire unlike her sisters and was punished for attempting such a task while indeed through a conversation with sweet xiaokua it's true that the lost sinner tried to light the first flame it's important to read the wording of the soul of the lost sinner here it states the lost sinner punishes herself for the sins of her past if she indeed wanted to bring back the age of fire i don't think that she would then want to punish herself as for who the lost sinner is abhishe richia speculates that the lost sinner is in fact a witch of izalith the main connection here can be drawn from the single chaos bug seen on the lost sinner which is found in izalith it's possible the lost sinner is actually in fact just a shell for this chaos bug as only after the chaos bug enters does the lost sinner stand up to fight the lost sinner does not only drop the soul of the lost sinner but also the old witch soul as we know old is synonymous across dark souls 2 to hint towards the original game so i think it's a lot more likely that this old witch soul is a remnant of the witch of iceland as opposed to being one of the four fire keepers the fourth fire keeper is most likely to be the narrator that we are introduced with at the start of our playthrough this old lady is of similar age and has a similar appearance to the three fire keepers and the other fire keepers do reference the narrator you spoke to that kind old dear didn't you but in saying that the fourth fire keeper could be emerald herald royal source naylan states they say that she is the last fire keeper but they say a lot of things and indeed if we believe the earlier theory that emerald herald was in fact the narrator then both of these theories make logical sense earthen peak is analondo the kingdom of drown lake is a beautiful sight to behold but the once great land gradually decayed into a shell of its former self the land of the ancient lords wardrobe is also a far-reaching kingdom that has fallen under a curse both of these kingdoms exist in the souls universe but not much evidence is present to link the two together one of the highest points of lordran analondo is often used as a city to relate to tran lake due to the city's distinctively beautiful gothic architecture more commonly people believe that hades a kingdom or land that predated draenlike was anolondo or derived from it looming over a ruined city consumed by the sea the tower of the flame and the nearby cathedral of blue are all that remain of the ancient hade in fact not even the name of this kingdom is known for certain with the hades knight iron mask saying that the records don't date back far enough to tell whether hey was in fact a kingdom or just a name for the land hate is actually german for heath land which is a low-growing vegetation habitat found in temperate grasslands so perhaps it is indeed a landscape rather than a kingdom the structures remaining from this fallen kingdom look strangely familiar the presence of a cathedral with his fairly similar architecture to analondo suggests that hade and analondo are linked somehow we already mentioned the theory that gwyndolin could have built hade after leaving analondo but are there any other theories why this could be similar inside the blue cathedral there are prominent statues which look very similar to the statues of gwyn in analondo but the heads in the hage cathedral seem to be out of place a bird-like face is in place of where gwyn's head once was gwyn is the lord of sunlight and the falcon-like head shares resemblances to the egyptian god of ra who is the god of sun loki dark souls alternate a connection of a divine blessing that is found in a chest in dark souls 2. defined blessings is holy water from gwynevere who was once in anor londo could she have left some divine blessings in analondo with the bearer of the curse later finding it far into the future another point that we went on earlier in the iceberg was that both anolondo cathedral and the cathedral and haid hosted a dragon slayer whom the bearer of the curse would ultimately defeat whether hate is physically analondo or just a spiritual successor is up to interpretation but it seems like the roots of dark souls 1 most definitely stretches to the lands found in dark souls 2. with the same general approach iceberg creator kahana katansky believes that earthen peak is analondo as opposed to hade a perilous path intertwined with a familiar scene of a derelict castle the earthen peak is connected to the iron keep in the harvest valley for this theory the iron keep is our main point of adventure [Music] youtubers hannity's k explored and shared an early prototype version of the iron keep yet again we can see another reminiscent structure that feels like i should belong in the great city of analondo when fighting a particular enemy in the iron keep the elon knights a very familiar sound may be heard this is eerily similar to the death sound of the silver knight in analondo so could the alum knights just be descendants of the silver knights fura also shares a similar theory to gehenna stating that the old king's soul is yet another crucial connection dropped by the old iron king at the iron keep it's possible that this is the soul of gwyn who would most likely have been found in analondo so while it seems more likely here that it's just the iron keep that's analondo with the connection between the earthen peak and the iron keep being a hot topic of discussion it could most certainly be that the whole earthen peak is in fact analondo finally it's time for us to confront the dark void that is the abyss of the iceberg the giants at the incarnation of the arch trees reflecting back to an earlier discussion in this iceberg we know that when giants fell they grew into great trees arguably the most prominent tree in the souls verse are the arch trees and dark souls one the arch trees are theorised to be trees that hold up worlds and are considered to be what gives birth to the land [Music] anything that has ever once lived remains a part of a great cycle of regeneration so could the giants and the arch trees be part of the same cycle during the age of the agents when humans and other creatures had not made impressions on the world the world was ruled by everlasting dragons and arch trees the more commonly known theory suggested by dusk p is that the ancient giants are actually populated by the souls of the everlasting dragons aldia scholar of the first sin was attempting to recreate the ancient dragons now when the bearer of the curse is in aldia's keep they can see many dead giant bodies even more conclusively when the ancient dragon at dragon's area is defeated a giant soul is dropped duskby hypothesizes that whatever vendrick took from the giants was not only used to create the golems but was in fact used to create the giants themselves the golems are artificially being powered by souls likewise the giants are artificial beings being powered by ancient dragon souls this is why they are so desperate to recover whatever vendrick stole from them immedus there's an obelisk with a worn down wall on one side stating that the letters are worn beyond recognition but curiously in the portuguese version the sign says the giants cross the seas perhaps to return home but what does this mean could returning home be linking to the cycle of regeneration that the giants are a part of could it be a war memorial for the giants that have fought in the war with those that fell returning home dustpie uses it as another piece of evidence that the giants were actually returning home to the form of a dragon in the case of channel lops remember how she stated that she was born of the dragons could it be that she was a result of the dragon experiments that oldia was making on the giants [Music] but there's one problem with this theory the giants and the trees remain a part of a great cycle of regeneration but what of those outside the cycle the ancient dragons are immortal so is the question posed by the seed of the tree of giants towards the ancient dragons perhaps like eld guston suggests the other entity since the beginning the arch trees are actually part of this cycle and when the giants die they are planted patiently waiting for the age of ancients to return paulo xgs and death scytsky propose an alternative theory with the premise that not only the giants but everything is connected to the arch trees giants turn to trees and dark souls too the undead settlement shows hollowing of trees in dark souls 3 and roofs appear from the heart of the chosen undead when they're hollowing it seems that when anyone hollows they are turning back into the seeds of a new life essentially we are all groot one of the first arch trees that you come across in dark souls 1 is titled the great hollow now this is physically a hollowed-out tree but what if it's actually implying the hollowing loss of humanity everyone is destined to grow into arch trees but then there was fire the first flame disrupted this process humans and fired appeared but so did manus and the abyss if the flame dies would darkness reign supreme or would the age of grey with grey trees and grey water return now i prefer this theory i think there's a lot more evidence to suggest that many more things other than giants are returning to become trees again but perhaps the giants are a special and superior case to this as for the obelisk immediately illusory wall went through this on tumblr in detail stating that this text was appointed to the new dlc locations every time a new dlc was launched the obelisk would temporarily give riddles on where the new content was located and after the dlc had been out for a while the text would later revert back to being worn beyond recognition so what was with the message in the portuguese version the translators claimed that it was an error and the portuguese version was added in an early patch of the game so perhaps they were testing the dlc messages during that time but even if this was a test message it has to be derived from something so maybe there is still some law attainable from this other than just being a simple development error the pendulum of time dark souls 2 didn't have the best times with development miyazaki the creator of the soul series took a hands-on approach on the project and allowed the new directors tomohiro shibuya and yui tanomura freedom and creativity while he was working on bloodborne however halfway into development the higher ups at fromsoftware concluded that the pathway that dark souls 2 was taking was undesirable and shibuya was seemingly demoted with tanimura being the sole director of the project through this the entire narrative and world was rewritten for example the tranquil scenery of majula was initially intended to be a hub of source depicting far larger structures than what was included in the final project even though the narrative for this game was greatly changed the original dialogue could still be found in an early network testing version of this game some japanese dialogue files were recovered in this original dialogue a skull known as valderic tells us the pendulum of time initially the pendulum of time wouldn't move and the world is running rampant with demons the pendulum of time needs to be assembled with a dragon's jewel and a drop of times and then a hole in the logic of the universe would open and the player could then cross time the original dark souls teaser website actually had a pendulum that was teased so perhaps this idea was left or matured for the second game until it was later cut velderick's dialogue is the most interesting that we can find left from the original narrative however there's one more character of utmost important from this script child chat a lot it seemed that when you use the pendulum of time and headed back into the past child channel lot is some sort of companion and the protagonist gives shannon lot a feather which older chanlot returned at the start of the original proposed game so perhaps this is the child channel lot that was actually credited in the game with unfortunately all of her lines ending up being cut from the game this also brings an interesting point to the surface as many of the athletes in dark souls 2 ended up as an evolved or altered state from how they originally intended to be used tanomura states that a large hole in the center of a medulla town was originally in a different location and perhaps this was changed due to a change of narrative so with all the final scenery seemingly being a mashed concoction of the assets of the original story could this also not have clouded and mystified the law surrounding dark souls 2 the mystery that i keep coming back to in dark souls 2 surrounds the giants and the trees and in the originally cut dialogue sweet chao kwa mentions the battle at the defense of the shore long ago where humans and giants clashed also ancient was the ancient forest and this was perceived as eerie why because the inside of the forest was connected to demon heads with the whole forest being transformed into demons marty mao thinks that this was an attempt to try and build a connection between demon souls in the dark souls universe with the ancient demonic entity the old one being spawned from trees veldrick mentions that he pursues the soul starved demons who may contain the dragon's jewel could these soul starve demons being like the demons the old one creates who exists to consume the souls of the living unfortunately the original narrative for dark souls 2 is very fractured so many mysteries could potentially have an unanswered meaning if you want to learn more about the original intended story of dark souls 2 i'd highly recommend youtuber's hand as kay's video the original cut story of dark souls 2 you never knew this beautifully portrays and explains how the dark souls 2 story and world was originally designed that draws us to the bottom of the dark souls 2 iceberg if you are still craving some more dark souls 2 content i'd recommend checking out youtuber santaskay who did a lot of cut content investigation around the dark souls franchise i'd also like to give a big thank you to both miro paladin and gehenna katansky for making these original iceberg charts and finally thank you for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it because i certainly enjoyed creating it and i hope to see you all again in my future videos which who knows could be about the suggestion that you make in the comments bye for now [Music] foreign
Channel: natiscool
Views: 40,763
Rating: 4.894309 out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls II, Cut Content, Theories, Iceberg, Explanation, Video Essay, Majula, Emerald Herald, Shanalotte, Aldia, Vendrick, Giants, Arch trees, Pendulum of Time, Golems, Anor Londo, Earthern Peak, Heides, Ornstein, Dragonslayer, Sun Princess, Cathedral of Blue, Dream, Things Betwixt, Lordvessel, Child of Dark, Manus, Narrator, Firekeeper, Licia, Lindelt, Astora, Nameless Usurper, Everlasting Dragon, Forlorn, Invisible Hollows, Giant Face, Jeigh, Purseur, Chosen Undead, Bearer Curse
Id: inFieMfN0X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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