The Bloodborne Iceberg FULLY EXPLAINED

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hello everyone and welcome to the bloodborne iceberg i i haven't seen a video really detailing everything that's on this uh iceberg so i'm gonna make it my personal mission to explain everything to the best of my ability um they're probably gonna be some things that i don't know a whole lot about but i'll try as much as i can to clarify whatever's on this iceberg so without further ado let's get right into it three third chords three third chords is referring to the note you find in the second floor of the lecture building in the menses nightmare the note itself is referring to the third ending you can get in bloodborne or if you consume three third chords instead of the game ending after beating german another boss will appear the moon presence make contact make contact is a gesture that can be obtained in the orphanage later in the game the purpose of this gesture is not entirely clear but if you use in front of the mensa sprain you will obtain the highest level of moon rune after waiting 30 seconds perhaps this is a way to maintain contact with the great ones who knows fun fact the statue that you get this gesture from disappears if you leave and come back to the area video this one is pretty simple fadi vidya is a popular youtuber that speculates on lore and from software games check him out if you want to hear some interesting law theories uncut content and other tidbits of information for from software games beast claw the beast claw is quite an obscure weapon in bloodborne what makes it obscure is that it can only be found in chalice dungeons not much else to say other than the b score seems like a pretty decent weapon music box versus gascoigne the tiny music box is an item obtained from the girl on the window near central yharnam it can be used on fiverr gas scoring to freeze him momentarily in his boss fight the description of the box reads a small music box received from a young yanum girl plays a song shared by her mother and father inside the lid is a small scrap of paper perhaps an old message two names can be made out however faintly biola and gascoigne fun fact the music from the box plays a tune for the murgo's nurse boss fight cleric beast shortcut the cleric beast shortcut was a cut shortcut featuring in the bloodborne alpha that would connect the great bridge to the cathedral ward it is unknown why the shortcut was ultimately cut out from the final game looking at it i do kind of see that the shortcut is majorly pointless seeing as you never really come back to the great bridge again unless you're farming for vials the guy in ludwig's boss arena surviving apparently if you're real careful the bloody guy in the corpse pile can survive the boss fight if by some miracle either you or ludwig don't hit him but it's almost impossible since ludwig tends to destroy everything around him if he does survive he'll just laugh not much to this one honestly the nightmares are stacked on top of each other from the nightmare frontier one can see shipwrecks below some people have theorized that these are the same ships from the fishing hamlet area and the old hunters dlc this wouldn't be surprising since transcendence and going beyond the nightmare seems to be big themes in bloodborne so i wouldn't be surprised if it were true yosefka is an impostor yosefka is the first npc you meet in bloodborne funnily enough in yosefka's clinic at first she sounds kind and caring legitimately worried for your well-being even giving you the help in the form of a blood vial then at some point yosefka's voice changes and her tone takes on more of an evil one at some stage the real yosefka is turned into a kin creature and replaced with an evil doppelganger she will ask you to send any possible survivors to her clinic which sounds appealing at first but as you venture into the clinic from the back entrance this turns out to be a terrible mistake as all the people you sent have been turned into alien abominations to further confirm this at the end of credits there are two voices listed for yosefka brain of mensis roon i already touched on this one in the mate contact section but again if you do the mate contact gesture in front of the brain of menses after a short while you'll get the leveled up moon rune lesser amygdala lesser amygdala are the grotesque creatures that are seen on the buildings in yharnam and yahagur once the blood moon has been activated or if you have 40 insight these are the lesser types of amygdala unlike the one you fight in the nightmare frontier winter lantern is made up of messengers winter latins are possibly the most terrifying creatures in bloodborne their frenzying effect is bad enough but their grotesque appearance alongside the chilling tune they hung to themselves make them a horrifying enemy apparently if one looks closely you can see that they're made up entirely of messengers i personally don't see it i see more of resemblance to the dole than the messengers hunters rune in fishing hamlet close to the fishing hamlet lantern there's a headless body hung upside down if you look closely it resembles the hunter rune i'm sure this was done on purpose but i can't say i noticed it until recently queen yarnham queen yarnam is the secret boss found deep within the chalice dungeons as you could guess the city of yharnam is named after her she makes other appearances in the game like after the rom boss fight and just before the murgo's wet nurse boss fight she was the queen of the ancient pthumerian civilization when killed she drops the jarnam stone which at the time of making this video still does nothing it looks like some weird fetus if we're going to delve into law i'll be here all day so if you want to find out more check out some videos on youtube i'm sure you'll find what you're the answers you seek there 60 insight i believe this refers to a change that occurs when you hit 60 inside you'll be able to hear a baby crying in the distance no matter what area you're in except for the hunter's dream i don't know about this one since i've just recently played through the game and i i recall hearing the baby cry when i had less than 60 inside old load screen this just refers to the pre-patched load screen for bloodborne where it was literally just a logo pretty boring huh uncanny weapon variants these are the weapon variants found in the chalice dungeons the difference between these variants and normal weapons are the sockets for gems that is all there are also lost weapon variants which feature different sockets as well fishing hamlet slug farm i'm not entirely sure about this one since there is such little info about it online but in the bottom of the fishing hamlet there seems to be a slug farm in operation the floor is covered with slugs and snail like humanoid creatures that's something to do with cos but that something is not entirely clear to me my personal theory is that slugs are the baby form of great ones but that's probably wrong berserk berserk is a manga that heavily influenced a lot of miyazaki's work in bloodborne and dark souls i mean just look at the hunter's mark compared to the brand of sacrifice or would be with the possessed horse or guts weapon compared to the great sword in dark souls the list of references is huge and i'll leave a link in the description to a great article that outlines a lot of them if not all duro knows the doll i think this one is pretty straightforward when you talk to juror and old yharnam he says that he was a hunter once but he no longer dreams this implies that juror knows of the dole and the hunter's dream i no longer dream but i was once a hunter too there's nothing more horrific than a hunt the church caused the scourge of old yharnam in the law old jana was burnt to the ground due to a spreading sickness known as the ashen blood it seemed to be some sort of poison that eventually turned the patients into beasts some people have hypothesized that the healing church is to blame for the sickness taken from the white church god's description they believe that medicine is not a means of treatment but rather a method for research and that some knowledge can only be obtained by exposing oneself to sickness this to me says that the healing church purposely exposes citizens to the ashen blood hoping to study and research its effects nasty stuff nightmare crawlers have messengers under them crawlers are a monster heavily featured in the nightmare areas though mostly harmless they can inflict a deadly poison with some attacks one of these attacks exposes the underneath part of the crawlers what can be seen is what looks like a group of messengers spitting out the poison at you i'm not sure what the implication of this is dark souls 1 dlc this is referring to a character in the artorius of the abyss dlc for dark souls named marvelous chester if talk to he'll mention that he was dragged off to the past like you somehow theorized that chester is from the bloodborne universe due to his victorian style outfit it's not entirely impossible that miyazaki would have been working on bloodborne whilst working on the dlc as there is only a four year gap between the dlc release and bloodborne's release abandoned old workshop the abandoned old workshop is an area that can be found below the healing church workshop requiring a few tricky jumps to get there it's a hard area to get to once you open the doors you'll be greeted by an almost exact duplicate of the hunter's dream area it's very bizarre here you will find an umbilical cord the old hunter's bone and a hair clip for the doll also the doll clothes if you feel inclined to wear them for some reason this abandoned workshop is assumed to be the workshop german used in his days of being a hunter it fell into disuse as the healing church workshop was used more bone ash hunter set the bone ash hunter set is a set of armor that can be bought from messengers in the hunter's dream once you have beaten the keeper of the old lords boss in the chalice dungeons it's a pretty nice set featuring decent physical resistance alongside very good fire resistance [Music] day one patch workshop note i have no idea what this is referring to since i've looked this up and i found absolutely nothing about it other than people asking the same question will we ever find out what this mythical workshop note is i don't think so the research hall is birgenworth this is a theory that the research hall and the old hunters dlc was actually supposed to be a further addition to the bergenworth location from unknown sources it is believed that the research hall area has been in the game since release but inaccessible it sort of makes sense some people have been baffled as to why such an important location is sparsely featured in the game from the current game standpoint the resource research hall seems to have no or very little relation to byrgenwerth dmc redgrave from what i could find from this this entry is referring to a reddit user named dmc redgrave who published a 90-page analysis of bloodborne's lore characters and world i suppose if you have some time to kill this would definitely help shadows over innsmouth shadows over insmuth is a story written by h.p lovecraft that features eldritch abominations and fish people miyazaki has clearly been inspired by this story and lovecraft's works in general for not only the bloodborne series but also dark souls there are many parallels between shadows over innsmouth and the fishing hamlet in the old hunter's dlc areas unafflicted by blood moon this is referring to areas that are seemingly not affected by the blood moon change such as cainhurst a nightmare frontier nightmare of menses forbidden woods and old yharnam it is unknown why project beast project beast is simply the code name for bloodborne while it was in development there's nothing much else to this madman's knowledge is a slug if one looks closely to the stuff coming out of the skull in the picture for madman's knowledge you can see that it resembles the form of a slug the great ones are really into the slug motif music box versus belle back to the tiny music box for one more oddity when you use the music box next to a bell it will interact with the bell as if it were hit with a weapon i think when the music box is used it emits some sort of hitbox that interacts with the bell it's definitely an unintended glitch that has no further meaning skybox change after gascoigne this has to do with the sky boxing yarn i'm changing ever so slightly after the defeat of gascoigne i think this is just to signify that the knight is progressing the arnhem's map geometry doesn't line up i haven't found much about this one but it's not entirely unheard of for the world building and from software games to be inconsistent i mean look at the earthen peak and iron keep elevator i think any inconsistencies can be chalked up to error hail the nightmare lyrics hail the nightmare is the song that is played in yahoo when you're first taken there by the kidnappers or as i like to call them sack boys probably don't look that up on google anyway there are lyrics to the song all sung in latin translated into english it says the following cursed you pour out your gift we're infected tamed cursed by the beast cursed father i surrender if you grant it we're infected silver in the shadow of water the mother's blood redemption having been laughed at rouses itself rouses itself it's lamented by the water farewell farewell were infected in the shadow of the water cursed and the silver waters were infected and the silver of the water blood blood pretty chilling stuff i don't know about this but my theory is that the song details the eventual madness that the imbibing of blood brings seeing as the song gets more and more intense as it goes alluding to the madness everyone eventually succumbs to when you consume too much of the crazy blood dream quests of unknown kadath this is yet another work of hp lovecraft same as before this is a story that contains many elements used in bloodborne such as travel to nightmares and communing with the great ones old gameplay trailer this is referring to surprise surprise old gameplay trailer from what i can see this game was painting out to have similar mechanics for dark souls but that obviously changed during development birgenworth basement this refers to a hatch door located in byrgenwerth that cannot be opened many people have theorized that this hatch leads directly to the chalice dungeons located beneath yarnam and that to me seems like a perfectly reasonable explanation some say that it leads to the lecture halls but i find it kind of weird that you'd have to access the lecture hall through a hatch in the law they found the first fuumaru chalice dungeon underneath bergenworth so the first theory lines up quite nicely tomb prospector sub the tomb prospector sub is a reddit sub that specializes in the exploration of chalice dungeons they found many weird things in all sorts of chalice dungeons such as the incredibly rare labyrinth mole creature wandering bosses and the recently discovered [ __ ] dungeon no i didn't misspeak i said come dungeon that rewards the player with immense amounts of blood echoes on entry they do a lot of good work lance mcdonald i've never heard this name before in the context of bloodborne but apparently this guy made the bloodborne 60fps patch it's a modification specifically for playing bloodborne in 60fps exclusively on the ps5 and modded ps4s it'll be nice to be able to play bloodborne in 60fps since the game does struggle performance wise in some areas but i also suspect that [ __ ] with the fps would also cause some issues perhaps we'll get a pc release someday saw cleaver only weapon with two r2 animations apparently the saw cleaver has two different charge attacks in cleaver mode there are two different charge attacks that can be executed the second attack can be executed by performing a normal attack followed by immediately holding down r2 until it charges gives you a sort of backhanded charge attack i've never noticed this myself so this is pretty neat pale blood pale blood is another faucet of bloodborne's law that is up for interpretation as to what it actually is hasn't been clarified when i think of pale blood i think of the blood that spurts out of kin enemies when you hit them since it's a very gray white substance this signifies that the pale blood is an important part of ascending to godhood or becoming a great one but all we can do at this point is theorize jerk sons jerksaan's frontiers i hope i said that right is a youtuber that discusses the topics in bloodborne to great detail i think he is most known for his bloodborne up close series yet another youtuber to check out if you want to know more about the finer details of bloodborne rom's leg sockets this refers to the holes you see on the sides of rom have you ever wondered why rom being the big spider abomination thing she is has only only has these dinky little legs whereas the tiny versions of her have these massively long legs i don't know why she doesn't have them but at one point i think she would have were they ripped out i don't know vidya plagiarism this is an entry that links two people we have already discussed vadi vidya and redgrave vardy released a long video giving a detailed summary of the law and bloodborne some people noticed that a lot of what he said was very similar to what was contained in redgrave's 90 page analysis leading to accusations of plagiarism by vardy i don't really know much about this but i'm sure there is a video or reddit post greatly detailing the sequence of events hemwick is a source of bone marrow ash bone marrow ash is a consumable that greatly increases the damage of the next quicksilver bullet you use you find a majority if not all this item in hemwick channel lane this has led people to believe that this substance is made in hemwick the description also reads according to the workshop this is a special bone marrow ash collected from hemwick channel lane i guess that's case closed who wrote seek pale blood this entry refers to the note found nearby after you wake up in the clinic that reads seek pale blood this statement is mystifying in itself but who wrote it i think it's one of three people it's either the guy in the cutscene yosefka or even yourself i think it's most likely you who wrote it as a reminder nightmare frontier is lorem i think this theory is based entirely on the fact that the amygdala the boss fought in the nightmare frontier drops the ailing lauren chalice upon defeat we don't know much about lauren but there is a good chance that the alien terrain of the nightmare frontier is based on a place called lorem plot is centered around mensis ritual the mensis ritual is thought to be the cause of most if not all the horrible happenings in bloodborne what is the menses ritual you ask well it is the ritual that mikalash initiated to ascend to humanity to grant the mayas if you will he attempted to use murgo's umbilical cord to communicate with murga the ritual turned out to be an enormous and horrific failure what they saw was so inconceivable and horrifying that it drove everyone to madness resulting to what happened in jaguar you can see the moment frozen in time people scurrying over walls trying to escape the ensuing chaos but to no avail the blood moon is basically the end result of the ritual i admit that this is a very basic and somewhat terrible explanation and i'm sure that there are other more informative sources that explain it a lot better than i have alpha skybox there isn't much about this but apparently in alpha bloodborne didn't have a skybox in the traditional sense it had an actual moon that you could run to there are unfortunately no pictures of this skybox so there isn't really much else to say oh flora of the moon this is a part of a line of dialogue that the dolphins say at very rare occasions i've heard this line of dialogue was only heard in the unpatched version of bloodborne and has since been removed for unknown reasons the dialogue goes like this oh flora of the moon of the dream oh little ones o fleeting will of the ancients let the hunter be safe let her find comfort and let this dream her captor foretell a pleasant awakening [Music] the dole bleeds pale blood back to the doll again if you attack the doll in the hunter's dreams you'll bleed pale blood i mean there's no doubt in my mind that the doll is of alien origin so it makes sense that she bleeds like the morsa yanamite in intro has blood drunk hunter eye if you watch the bloodborne intro cinematic you can see that the close-up of the anamite's eye is very similar looking to the i have a blood drug hunter i don't read too much into this i think this is just them smartly reusing previous assets or something labyrinth mole as mentioned before the labyrinth mall is a very rare creature that can only be found in certain chalice dungeons chalice illusory walls featuring mainly in randomized chalice dungeons illusory walls can be found these mainly lead to more chalice dungeon materials like two mold or ritual blood and can rarely lead to chalice dungeon merchants selling lost or uncanny versions of weapons ariana is from cainhurst this theory stems from the clothing that ariana wears she wears the noble dress which also happens to be found in cainhurst castle does this mean she has vile blood connections the only connection i can think of other than the dress is the fact that she calls her own blood [ __ ] blood a [ __ ] can be seen as impure the same way alfred mentions the import pure bloodline that is the vilebloods that's all i can think of bloodborne art book the bloodborne art book contains interviews and tidbits of information that can't be read anywhere else it also contains concept art with characters and monsters looking somewhat different to their final version i actually own this book maybe one day i'll make a video on it the arnhem was built by thumerians this is a theory that janam was originally built by the thumerian civilization it's not too far-fetched seeing as queen yarnam the namesake of the city is orthumerian origin i don't know about it being built by thumerians i think it's more likely that jarnam was built over the sumerian civilization hence the first layer of chalice dungeon being a phumerian layer shadows of yharnam are bodyguards the shadows of yanum are the bosses located at the end of the forbidden woods these ring wraith look-alikes are also found abundantly in mogo's loft leading many to believe that they function as mogo's bodyguards it definitely makes sense seeing as they guard the entrance to byrgenwerth as well which is what eventually leads the player to mogo in the first place japanese script differences i'm sure there are a lot of differences between the english and japanese dialogue and bloodborne i mean this is a pretty common feature in translations and i wouldn't read too much into them the most popular one i can think of is the bloodletting beast which in the japanese version is called the host of the beast blood which possibly hints at this boss being the source of the beast's blood rom is a she i thought it was pretty common knowledge that rom is a she not a he confirmed by miyazaki himself in an interview rom is confirmed to be female i always interpreted her to be the mother of the small spiders in her boss arena impurity rune depicts a bloodletting i mean this one is up to interpretation symbol for the impurity ruins sort of looks like a bloodletting which is the act of withdrawing blood from a patient to prevent or cure illness and disease i'd say this makes sense given the nature of the story cainhurst statues missing limbs the statues of cainhurst are mystery in themselves and many people questioning why they are even there i chalked it up to the nobles of cainhurst being so fooled themselves that they had all these statues commissioned of themselves to look at them in oar or something a lot of people also notice that the night statues on the stairway up to anneliese are missing right legs this corresponds to the item description of the old hunter trousers which reads beast blood crept up the right leg this is simply a counter measure to stop the knights of cainhurst from becoming beasts themselves lawrence is the bloodletting beast i don't really see much merit in this entry seeing as in the hunter's nightmare he's clearly seen as a cleric beast on fire there's much more to this in reddit posts but i think a lot of this is baloney since you fight multiple bloodletting beasts as well the double barrel shotgun is a cut item from bloodborne it is thought to be an early version of the hunter blunderbuss there's not much else about it there's no item icons there's no like information on the damage or anything it was originally in project beast from what i've read um i do like the idea of blowing every monster apart of his shotgun so i kind of wish they kept it in but i guess the blunderbuss is a more uh time appropriate weapon sakura teas this is the belief that sakura was teasing the old hunter's dlc with the character yamamura this could be a possibility but i think this is fake i think he's just a hunter that happens to hail from eastern lands with that logic you could say that chicago is also a teaser for sakura developer chalices this refers to chalice dungeons that are inaccessible by normal means but through the right glyphs they can be accessed apparently these dungeons can only be accessed on the game of the year edition as entering these glyphs on any other version will crash the game things that are normally not in the game can be found such as warp chairs unused lighting effects unused enemy variants and much more amygdala region of the brain the amygdala happens to be a region in the brain where emotions are processed remembered and attached to associations and responses to them it is closely associated with memories of fear and disturbing disturbing emotions like fear and terror in the greek language amygdala means almond or almond shaped which i think closely resembles the shape of the amygdala's head and the tonsil stone item it's a pretty great summary of the amygdala boss which i'm sure invoked many emotions of fear and horror of in the players when first seen number of missing scholars in yahoo number of a mig delay in yahoo i actually have no idea what this is referring to i don't know if there's some sort of correlation between the amount of amygdala you see in yahoo and the amount of missing scholars as well i'm not even sure who the scholars in question are are they referring to the dead people with the menses cage on their head i don't know if someone in the comments can clear that up for me i'd be happy to make an addendum in the description logarius is a fumerian this is a theory that logarius is of fumerian origin this i can buy as logarist utilizes blood magic like queen jarnam the wheel and the executioner's gloves are also associated with logarius these are relics that which belong to priyarnam era cainhurst residents who likely descended from thrumerians he's also tall like a fumerian moon presence behind everything there's a common belief that the moon presence is behind the horrific events of bloodborne i can also believe this the moon presence is a great one that has established a link to the hunter's dream when you kill german you establish yourself as a threat to the moon presence it comes down from the blood moon to kill you while i'm not entirely sure what the motives of the moon presence are but i'm in the belief that the moon presence is not up to anything good perhaps the moon presence is trying to prevent others from reaching the status of a great one seeing as when you finally defeat them you've become a slug-like creature akin to an infant great one this is just my interpretation though cainhurst portraits this is in reference to the various portraits that can be found in cainhurst castle a lot of these portraits can be found in the bloodborne art book listed under concept art some of these are clearly female and male versions of the cainhurst night whilst others can be seen as enemies such as the bound widow the time maiden a shadow of yharnam and even those gargoyle things which are called lost children of antiquity even queen annelise makes himself makes an appearance there are three other portraits that have unknown origin some of them kind of look like statues you find around the castle but the others i don't know 60 fps port i discussed this before in the lance mcdonald entry there isn't much else to this one other than a rumored 60 fps pc port coming out soon but i haven't heard much else about it the choir orphanage to create great ones the choir were affection that were the highest ranking members of the healing church there are many scholars who are in the pursuit of ascension the healing church pursued ascension through blood ministration which proved to be catastrophic whilst the choir tried to obtain ascension through experimentation and insight gained from umbridis the left behind great one in the grand cathedral the orphanage was a place of experimentation and study it just called the orphanage because it was a place of learning for children so they could become intellectuals the orphanage is located nearby the flume and flower garden which is connected to the research halls where patients were gruesomely experimented upon trying to give them eyes on the inside in summary the orphanage served as the birthplace of the choir whilst housing the victims of the church's painful and gory experimentation i'm not sure about this one there are graves in the witch's abode location i don't know if they have a significant meaning i'm led to believe that the witch of hemwick had multiple victims and she buried them here in the abode i don't know what else to say messengers are unborn fetuses of the menses ritual again i'm not really sure about this one i don't know if it's referring to the unburped babies that died in pregnant women during the cataclysmic event of the menses ritual they were rebirthed as messengers it's a stretch but that's all i can think of archibald is pal this is in reference to the item description of the spark hunter badge that is dropped by dark beast pal upon death the description reads badge crafted in secret by archibald the infamous eccentric of the healing church or his friends archibald was fascinated by the blue sparks that emanate from the heights of dark beasts and dedicated his life to its artificial reproduction in a style of inquiry that incidentally close closely followed the methodology of byrgenwerth i guess there is a link between the dark beast and archibald with his love of sparks it's entirely possible seeing as there are a lot of important figures like ludwig and lawrence who changed into horrific beasts themselves it's not too far out to say that archibald turned into a beast himself i don't know why he'd be named differently though that's one interpretation i guess miyazaki i'm guessing he said this in an interview at some point but i think this is just a reference to most of these games in general a lot of the lore and dark souls and bloodborne is left up to the player's interpretation miyazaki makes the plot in his games convoluted and contrived so there's a lot of details left out and unfulfilled leading the player to come to their own conclusion warp chairs i find this one really funny the warp chair was basically the equivalent of the lantern in the blood-borne alpha basically you sit in the chair until you fall asleep and wake up in the hunter's dream it's just hilarious and i wouldn't be mad if they'd kept this in third guidance rune the existence of the third level guidance rune is under question there are level 3 runes which can be found in both the base game and in the chalice dungeons but the third guidance rune has yet to be found some say that the rune can be found in layer 5 chalice dungeons but i've yet to see any proof of this as a small sort of update i've done a bit more research and i've found that you can actually obtain the guidance room but only through means of a save file editing so while you can obtain it in a way it's still not legitimately be able to be found so yeah that's something pal escaped from yahagaul this is purely from speculation but due to the location of the dark peaceful boss fight there's a good possibility that powell escaped from yahoo there's a pretty big hole in the wall in the hypogean jail so it makes sense that a beast as big as him would have been the one to make that hole lawrence is depicted in cainhurst i researched this one for a while and i can't say i've come up with anything conclusive there are some theories that lawrence started cainhurst but i take them if a grain of salt perhaps one of the portraits mentioned before might depict lawrence but for what reason i think this one might be a dud old yharnam chapel statues this one is a bit vague there are statues all over the place in this game so i can't really pinpoint where an old janam these statues are let me know in the comments if i miss something important church giants are controlled by choir bells the church giants are a menacing enemy that appear in the cathedral ward strangely these giants go to sleep once you defeat vicar emilia and the day becomes night i do believe that also around this time the bells and the choir stop ringing this has brought forth the belief that the bells act as an activation key for these giants this would be cool but i personally think that people are just overthinking and it's just a case of the giants getting ready for bed how to pick up fair maidens this one is pretty simple this refers to a book that can be found in the hunter's dream of the title how to pick up fair maidens i guess german was struggling with the fairer sex yosefka was originally mogo's wet nurse i think this goes back to the outside of mogo's arena where if you open the chest you'll get yosefka's blood vial again many people interpret this as a connection between murgo and yosefka possibly of yosefka being mogo's original wet nurse i personally think the real yosefka not the fake one would have nothing to do with murgo but possibly the imposter yosefka might this might also be a subtle way the game tells you to go back to yosefka if you're missing an umbilical chord clock tower hunter badge this refers to some cut content the clock tower hunter badge was an item you were supposed to get in the old hunter's dlc but due to some unknown reason they decided to cut it my guess is that it would function like the other badges unlocking certain items and weapons for purchase you'd probably be able to buy the rakuyo and the church pick there's no description with this hunter badge pale blood is the colour of a blood-drained corpse the sky of the blood moon this is just another interpretation for what pale blood might be there is a note in the game that says something along the lines of behold the pale blood sky once the blood moon is active i still think it's a lot more complicated than that wandering bosses this is a phenomena discovered in chalice dungeons the good folks at r2 prospectus discovered that in certain dungeons instead of normal enemies roaming the level a boss would appear instead these are somewhat common in lower level dungeons as well the undead giant and keeper of the old lords making appearances but much rarer runs such as the fumerian elder has have also been discovered mad ones in yharnam mad ones are an enemy that appear in certain areas mainly hemwick channel lane and some chalice dungeons i've never heard of any occurrences with them appearing in yharnam further research yields no results so i don't know what this one is about the cry of the orphan is the same sound as german's crying i've listened to both of these cries and they do sound remarkably similar but i feel there is no connection i mean do you really see the orphan of cos being related to german i don't think so it's just from software probably reusing some voice lines or something hear it for yourself [Applause] hey the choir wants to stop the menses ritual like in real life there can be subdivisions within religion mensis and the choir are two differing divisions that want the same thing but use differing methods to achieve the same goal the choir tried to ascend humanity with experimentation whereas the school of mensis would try a ritual to commune with murgo perps perhaps the choir saw the folly and foolishness and menses reachable this can be seen in a note found in yahoo which reads the menses ritual must be stopped lest we all become beasts cut cainhurst level i don't think this has been discussed at an official level but people theorize that there was more to cainhurst whether it's cut content like a bigger level or more enemies or even more story elements like being able to marry anneliese cainhurst did feel quite short to me so it wouldn't be surprising if there was supposed to be more to it the only thing i could really find was some unused dialogue for our favorite vilebot queen where she sounds completely different also another canehurst nameless knight which we'll get to later is someone there well whoever you are it matters not i will not die tarnished as i am you came here for naught be off with you seize this i am queen of the vile bloods the healing church binds our tongues now off with you you are a peculiar one you have nothing to gain by speaking with me well if you truly do not fear the healing church tell me of your thoughts your desires there's a lot more dialogue but for the sake of not making this video like 20 more minutes longer and having it filled with just queen annelise dialogue i'll we'll move on the music box plays murgo's lullaby i mentioned this one before but i'll take it the opportunity to further solidify a connection between mogo and viola gascoigne's wife for some inexplicable reason viola's corpse and odin tomb will disappear once you kill mogo's wet nurse this is never explained [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hunter's nightmare buddhist hell this one is just too big to cover in a video like this but i'll leave a link with a huge article that explains all the similarities between the hunters nightmare and buddhist hell all 2300 dungeons explored this is referring to the r2 prospectus community again discovering all 2300 root chalice dungeons a massive accomplishment to be sure flaming giant the flaming giant can be seen as one of two things the one which i thought of was the peculiar enemy in the lecture hall second floor which looks like a church giant but with flaming fists as weapons but i think this is talking about the rare undead giant variant discovered about three years ago in chalice dungeons it has a flaming blade instead of the usual cannon hand or club fist i always hated finding the undead giant so this just gives me the [ __ ] willies cainhurst night the nameless cainhurst knight is some more cut content from bloodborne he's actually one half of her supposed boss with the other half being cainhurst beast horse statues of the night can still be found in cainhurst castle featuring his glorious peg leg demon souls free this is a really weird one considering there isn't even a demon souls 2 i have no idea what this is on about the only connection i can make is that in the bloodborne alpha albeda when players could fight gascoigne he would say something about umbasa which means something in the demon souls universe so i guess people figured that bloodborne was an unofficial demon soul sequel who knows sick may you rest in peace post rom plot holes i don't really know what this is on about since i couldn't really discover any plot hole claims that match this i did however find a humorous post from a game fax user named fort 612 that gave me a chuckle it reads so i was going back to and farming some echoes around central ghana and up into the cathedral ward trying to piece together bits of plog plot from dialogue i looked at the skull in amelia's room observed my surrounding took careful stock of everything and right as i was fighting one of those big skeleton dudes with the axe axes in the cathedral ward hit me if there are infected humans and they've all gotten sick from that and the blood and such then these giant skeletons where do they get such big hats there's no reason for them to exist it makes no sense in the context of the universe checkmate miyazaki odin metaphor for minamata disease minamata disease is a neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning signs and symptoms include ataxia numbness in the hands and feet general muscle weakness loss of peripheral vision and damage to hearing and speech and what the hell does this have to do with odin well one can draw many parallels between minamata disease and the beast plague minamata disease is just another name for mercury poisoning which people got after eating highly toxified shellfish and fish in the minamata bay quicksilver was used quite a bit in the arnhem with the game hinting quicksilver has a similar substance to mercury i don't know i don't actually do believe that it was called quicksilver back in the day you can see many similarities between this incident and the beast plague which are both caused by an industrial accident as usual i've done a [ __ ] job explaining it so you'll have to further consult redgrave's bloodborne analysis for a better explanation castle archive npc i was really intrigued about this one but unfortunately i couldn't find anything about this i don't think there is even a location in bloodborne called the castle archive it sounds like he or she would have been located in canehurst creatures that have fully evolved cannot give birth i'm not sure where this quote is from but i think this implies that great ones cannot give birth since they're apparently the peak of evolution it probably has something to do with formless odin ripping the child out of queen jarnam so she can finally have a child of her own formless odin had tried before to have a child but just like all the times before had miscarried the lake of mud the laker mud is an unused arena in bloodborne it's not currently known who the boss of the arena would have been but due to the size it would have been a huge creature of some kind it looks similar to the shoreline where you fight the orphan of cos but located a lot closer to yharnam lawrence was originally your friend plot about finding him i'll admit i'm not super versed in the law of lawrence or lawrence if you will okay i did some research and found no theories that match this one father norbert father norbert is a cut npc from bloodborne that really looks like he doesn't belong in this game he is mentioned in an unused dialogue of mikalash some people assume that this character eventually turned into the cleric beast but this is just speculation not much else is known about father norbert other than that his favorite part of the turkey was the turkey ass there you go norby say the best piece for you what's that turkey ass eat up sucker the doll is based on a cainhurst noble for the final entry on this iceberg this one is kind of baloney i think most people know the doll was based on lady maria same voice same face same porcelain skin the clothes do kind of look similar but the only cainhurst clothes we see are the armor sets what the bound widow wears the noble dress we get from there and whatever annalise was wearing i will admit that the canehurst knights set have a similar color scheme to what the doll is wearing but other than that i don't think there's any relation and so ends the blood-borne iceberg thank you guys for watching uh hopefully the video wasn't too long and it was interesting for you i definitely learned some new things from going over this iceberg and i'm hoping uh more things will come up more because there are a lot of inconclusive entries on this iceberg that i noticed and hopefully more things come up in the future that might uh shed some light on some of these entries but yeah if you like this then please like and subscribe and uh uh maybe i'll even do my own bloodborne playthrough where i talk about certain law theories and whatnot so yeah hope you enjoyed it see ya
Channel: Game Chicken
Views: 164,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, iceberg, explanation, explained, lore, story, secrets, hidden, information, facts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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