The Witcher Iceberg Explained

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Hey guys, spent a while making a video around a lot of Witcher theories, let me know what you think of it!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Natos0 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
thanks to displays for sponsoring this video the witcher is a fantasy universe full of monsters and wild beasts that terrorize the inhabitants of the witcher world witches who have undergone extensive training and conditioning slay these monsters being monster hunters for hire however it's not just monsters that plague the world of the witcher the world is full of mystery and deceit with answers not often being presented to us this leads to speculation as to what could have happened in the past the present and the future an iceberg also known as an iceberg chart displays theories and facts detailing around a specific context with the further down the iceberg the points are placed the more mysterious the theory often becomes there was actually no iceberg of the witcher on the internet that i could find so i decided that we should make one for ourselves the witcher universe has a lot of content with novels being written by andre sapovsky games made by cd project red and an ongoing tv series on netflix this video will be discussing theories and facts surrounding all of these materials and which each theory we go through i'll have icons at the start of the theory highlighting which parts of the lore relevant to the theory be it the books the game or the television series i'll also be displaying a health bar which represents how likely i think a theory is to be true with a full health bar meaning that the theory is almost certain to be fact while an empty bar means that i think the theory is close to impossible if there are any major spoilers for a particular franchise being mentioned with a theory i will also show a warning along with a time stamp that you'll be able to skip to the next theory without being spoiled but firstly it's important for us to consider the relevancy the novels the books and the games have with each other all witcher works are based on the original short stories and novels written by andrei satkovsky cd projekt red then obtained the rights to make the witcher games and they're placed around five years after the events of the books sapkowski does not consider these events as canon but the games remain as true to the novels as they can be while also having their own creative freedom the netflix series is quite a loose adaptation of the books currently being around the books of the last witch and the season of storms so this adaptation can be less relied on than the games but not always for example in the witcher games as the games progress geralt is depicted more often than not with a beard while on the netflix series geralt doesn't actually have a beard this is because in the books geralt actually preferred to go clean shaven as we can find at the end of the time of contempt he states that his beard was really itchy and he didn't like it in contrast foltest who was depicted in both the netflix series and the games were described in the books as a slim to pretty face with a noble profile being under the age of 40. for me he looks younger and prettier in the video games even though they are based in a time after the period of the netflix show so both adaptations can have their flaws but we can still take both of these works as lenses into how the witcher series could be understood as of course they've studied the world a whole lot more than me it's also worth mentioning there's a short short-lived polish tv series a movie of the witcher which is known as the hexer and the parts that i've watched i found at times it was actually a truer adaptation in the netflix series but at other times it was a bit insane like when garrett could go invisible yeah there's also other widget content such as comics that i don't really touch during this video so apologies for quite the long introduction but before we start let's have a quick word from our sponsor [Music] coin to your sponsor oh viewer of that is of your of netize what's this oh look at this it's a charmed jar with a gin inside who fulfill all my three wishes my wishes are as follows firstly may my abode's interiors be adorned beautiful art secondly i would like this beauty to last generations and be the talk of the troubadours thirdly may the decorations also be easily substituted as i'm a man of varying tastes of art halt i am no jinn therefore i will not be fulfilling your wishes however i know of someone who can fulfill these for you at a very affordable price oh displates are a one-of-a-kind poster that conveys the beautiful artwork on sturdy posters that are durable to withstand a lifetime of intense staring and harness the magic of magnets they are very quick to install and this dashing man right now can install it in under one minute well except for of course the first step which if required all you need to do is clean the wall with a cleaning wipe and let it dry out completely which is around 10 minutes we stick the protective leaf onto the wall and tear away the back paper slowly and press around to remove the air bubbles then we press the magnet onto the protective leaf for five seconds and we hang out a split look at how beautiful this is as things are using magnets we can easily swap out our posters and easily put any poster of our desire in its place you've heard of in-game advertisements but have you heard of in-advertisement games try and guess which area in which three this concept art is for [Music] did you get it it is of course the nilfgaardian garrison with a huge collection of art available on displays with official witcher cyberpunk star wars as well as over 40 000 artists there is so much great art available on the split but posters are built on papers and weed trials would never condone the harming of trees well good news for you my lovely friend this plate is made from metal so no trees are harmed in fact for every display to purchase display to plant a sapling with over 14 million trees being planted in africa to revitalize dying soils and help the starving secure a source of food so what are you waiting for purchase a split today using the discounted link in the description to help support the environment the channel and most importantly your bell walls [Music] now it's time for us to drink our elixirs and explore the vast witcher iceberg let's start off our adventures with the harpies in the sky layer of the iceberg many roaches roach is the name of geralt's horse but sorry if this is going to come as a shock to you throughout geralt's journey he actually had many different horses and all of them were named roach in the baptism of fire at one point geralt states i look forward to the opportunity i have to get rid of this animal may have to die i'd even exchange it for an ass it may seem based upon this that geralt seemingly has no deep connection with his horses which potentially could be why he named them all roach with roach commonly being thought of as a cockroach one theory explained by youtuber witcher george theorises that geralt names all of his horses roach because he wants to remove attachment between himself and his horses as he loses so many of them and he doesn't want to become emotionally tied to them in the time of contempt dandelion whose polish name is yaskir which you may know from the netflix series ask girl if he is ever not named a horse called roach with geralt saying after a moment's thought that he hasn't so on the surface this lack of emotion could seem like a valid theory but i'm pretty sure this theory does not hold true the name roach actually refers to a less known european freshwater fish the original name ploska is a diminutive of clutch a diminutive is a word that has been modified to convey a slightly different meaning to its root and they're often used to convey a term of endearment especially in polish so a more accurate translation would have been rochi but this still seems to have lost most of its love with the translation interestingly portugal's meaning of fish is actually a female gendered word which could explain why all of geralt's horses are mares but there's actually another meaning for potter figuratively meaning small fry or an unimportant member of an organization which is most likely criminal and a horse could be seen as unimportant in the polish version of the witcher 3 broken flowers can complement geralt for excellent writing skills from someone whose horse is a small fry this small fry meaning actually makes the name gender neutral so the name may not be the reason as to why geralt only chooses mares mares are often less aggressive than stallions so they are often easier to handle and this could have been another factor for geralt's preference of female horses either way geralt definitely has care for his many roach horses with m david bulmer theorising that geralt actually wants to give off the illusion that he doesn't care about his horse while he deeply does in the season of storms geralt leaves roach in the stables of the port city of carrick and he leaves the groom with instructions to ensure roach's proper care paying two days in advance geralt seems quite soft-hearted towards his horses perhaps there was an original horse named roach that geralt held very dear and wants a part of it to live in through his other horses or perhaps he just wants to take care of all of his horses but to the extent of caring that geralt can actually be ultimately though there's no confirmed reason as to why geralt has named all of his horses roach but i prefer the theory of a caring geralt as opposed to a careless one which could be seen as out of character the last wish the following theory discussion contains spoilers for the plot of the novel the last wish and episode 5 of the first season of the netflix witcher in the novel the last wish geralt and yennefer battled an all-powerful gin the jinn powers were said to have been harnessed by the powerful mage jeffrey monk who would keep them in bottles and make use of them when need arose you'd have three wishes from each genie and then it'll be free and escape into its own dimension go on dandelion came across a bottle with dandelion believing that he has command of the three wishes but the jinn nearly kills dandelion with geralt later realising that he is the controller of the wishes geralt's first wish was spoken in a language they didn't understand and the priest's crep roughly translated it to get out of here and go do yourself this has changed in the netflix show version to wish dandelion to have some peace and quiet giving reason as to why the gin would attack dandelion but if we had a think about what the first command in the book was and what the gym would have to go and do you can understand why it seems to have been a bit mad the second wish that geralt gave was for a guard to burst which the guard does and this helps garrett understand that he himself is in control of the wishes the third and last wish that geralt gave was an order to save jennifer from the jinn however we as the audience are not aware of what the wish was in the netflix show yennefer is also not aware of what the wish is but in the books she actually does hear what the wish was the wish of yours i heard what you wished for i was astounded simply astounded i'd have expected anything but to what made you do it geralt why why me i don't know whether such a wish could ever be fulfilled i don't know whether such a force in nature that could fill such a wish but if there is then you've condemned yourself condemned yourself to me but when i read this i was instantly curious as to what this wish could be stack exchange user randall thor has gone through a couple of theories so let's draw some inspiration from them one theory is that the wish was for geralt and yennefer to have a baby together this could be because as a sorceress yennefer cannot actually have a child but deeply yearns for one and by geralt making this wish the jinn wouldn't be able to kill yennefer at least for the time being but in an interview sapkowski straight out denied this was the wish so we can cross this off our list another popular theory is that the wish was for yennefer to fall in love with geralt but the jinn could have granted this and then killed jennifer afterwards so this might not have theoretically saved her randall thor then states that the effect of the wish both protected them from the jinn and binded their fates together as the priest crap in the books also later concludes arkady suggests a more unorthodox theory geralt's genie link actually isn't with jennifer but rather is with dandelion in the witcher 3 when you finally lift the link between geralt and yennefer they both feel as if nothing has changed jennifer in the game was adamant that the wish did bind their fates together but perhaps the actual wish somehow contorted both of their thoughts on the wish itself krepp states that genies are spiteful and deceitful beings they do everything they possibly can to make it impossible for you to express your wish and then they fulfill them in such a way which is hard to control and foresee so you have to be very careful in what you say this can be seen in the netflix adaptation of the witcher where one of geralt's wishes was to have some peace and quiet but the jinn granted this by wounding dandelion instead so he was unable to speak in this sort of destiny it's not yennefer that geralt keeps on randomly running into around the land but dandelion often throughout the novels when garrett and danyline are in trouble the other is there or comes to help them with jennifer seemingly off elsewhere even in the witcher games is dandelion that geralt runs into and is dandelion who narrates the events of the game and his standing line who is responsible for spreading the fame and popularity of geralt one of the main quests in witcher 3 a poet under pressure you have to save dandelion they seem to stumble into each other no matter the story no matter the game so as the two of them who are destined for each other right vittor assists explains that destiny is the end yennefer's end would have been by the hand of the jinn if not for geralt's last wish so potentially geralt established that his destiny his end would be at the same moment alongside yen as the gene could not harm his wish holder technically he would not be able to fill geralt's wish if he killed yennefer which means that geralt protected yennefer from the gym but if possible also condemned his fate to yemen's while it hasn't been confirmed exactly what the last wish was it's pretty much certain that it has to do with the faint of geralt tita yennefer in the blood of elves philippa islehart says that geralt's destiny is in yennefer's hands and then he placed her in her hands himself perhaps dandelion was also somehow intertwined in this destiny but i think a lot of this was due to his friendship and passion for good stories as opposed to being condemned to geralt by the last wish well that brings an end to the sky segment of the iceberg but when something ends something also begins and in this case it's the surface layer [Music] siri has been in the cyberpunk universe siri possesses the power to jump through time and space and does so during the books as well as the games in witcher 3 during a conversation with geralt siri says that the elf avalack hid her in the wild hunt for half a year in a place where people had metal on their heads waged war from a distance and using things similar to megascopes there were no longer any horses and everyone had their own flying ship instead many people thought that this was a loose connection to cyberpunk and siri was going to be in the cyberpunk world at least in the form of an easter egg the metal in their heads could refer to cyberware that is often grafted to the human body the waged war from a distance could simply refer to guns a megascope in the witcher world was a device to teleport and communicate over long distances so this could refer to things such as the fast travel system or other more concrete devices such as television and the flying ships that siri suggested could easily refer to the numerous flying cars that can be found in the world of cyberpunk so could the world that siri visited have been cyberpunk if so there should be evidence inside punkman's theory was there right in cyberpunk you have to choose between three different life paths for the protagonist v corpo nomad or street kid if the player chooses the corporate path early in their play through they can come across a desk that contains a retro gaming magazine which displays the cover of witcher 3 with siri being on that cover so this is a reference to the witcher series but if we think about it in reference to the cyberpunk universe it thinks that like our reality the witch's saga is represented by games however as we previously mentioned siri has the ability to jump through both time and space so would it not be possible for her to make it into a universe where they believe her just to be a game there's definitely still room for cd projekt red if they feel like adventuring down this path but i personally think this is more of just fans wanting this to happen and siri could have been mentioning any type of vague futuristic world that she has visited dandelion invented gwent gwentz is a well-known card game that was firstly introduced to players in witcher 3 and later made as a stand-alone card game senchi senchu theorises that dandelion is actually the inventor of quint with it being another one of his ideas of business the witcher 3 is narrated by dandelion with my dear friend geralt obrivia seeking his lover of yore the soros original even though the narrator has a much deeper and rougher voice than the dandelion in the game this is most likely because it's him as an old man recounting the story which is similar to the books internet is hard knows that the original polish version of the witcher 3 actually has the same voice both being the narrator and dandelion in the game so he is definitely the same person another thing we see in witcher 3 is there's lots and lots of gwents are you in the middle of a time pressing quest to save a young child how about a game that went first on the hunts defines siri maybe it will be quicker if we play a game of gwents maybe all of these events were added into dandelion's retelling of the story in order to further advertise his game all of the characters in the gwentdeck include characters that girl has interacted with which dandelion would have been aware of and written it in his books or maybe his card game although there is a book in the witcher 3 called gwent a history and it states that gwent can be found most frequently among the dwarves who were the game's inventors and most passionate devotees in the baptism of fire the dwarves can be found playing an addictive card game which in the polish version is called glyn and gwent in polish is also called win but the game in the baptism of fire is called barrel in the english version of the books and if we translate vin it would mean something like screwed the rules of this barrel are also mentioned in the book and it's similar to a game such as bridge in which you have to exchange information about your hands in order to take tricks so this version of gwent in the games is different from the version in the books an additional event in the books is dandelion becoming hooked onto this card game so per chance he was inspired to create his own card game but i'm not sure how this would explain the credit of the gwent game going to the dwarves as if dandelion created gwentz he would definitely want to have credit for it 1358 a two-minute tomb is a side quest in witcher 3 that can often be difficult to find hidden behind a weak wall on the novagram sewers you'll find professor vermont jones struggling to open a steel psychologist in a desperate attempt to obtain a manuscript that's rumored to be inside but upon opening the lid it's revealed that there's a vampire sleeping inside is it 1358 yet no then [ __ ] off but why would this vampire mention the year 1358 the unseen elder in the blood and wine mentions the gate between geralt's world and the vampire world will open in 100 years this is related to the conjunction of the spheres which was the collision of many different realms resulting in many monsters and creatures filling the world as we know it this happened around 1 500 years before the novels so could this happen again in 1358 or even be predicted for that matter if this was the case then perhaps this vampire was just sleeping until the day that he would be able to return to his own world if we discuss to regis about this conversation with the unseen elder he doesn't seem aware of the 1358 dates or that the vampires will be able to return home regis is a knowledgeable and well-informed vampire so if he is not aware of these events why would a random vampire nova grad be aware of this the bestiary entry for hire vampire has this novogrant vampire as the pitcher and he also appears in a witcher 3 trailer so perhaps he is actually more important than first seams but with this importance only leading towards an easily misabled location this doesn't seem that likely dave leviathan theorises that 1358 could actually be an easter egg the real city of novograd is located in western croatia in the istria county the republic of ragusa which is located in the far south of croatia originated through independence from venice with the treaty of zadar in 1358 so this could be a quite loose connection to croatian history however i think both of these theories are quite unlikely two salt is doomed tucson is a city that is most famous for its wines this is helped by the region having very rich volcanic soil aroma on moon serpent suggests the tucson stays are numbered stating that volcanic soil is actually across the entire region which suggests that there must have been quite a large volcanic eruption to cause this mount gorgon is the highest peak in the ml range with two soul acting as a passage through the mountain between the northern kingdoms and the nilfgaardian empire the term gorgon comes from the ancient greek word gaugus meaning grim or dreadful this dreadful mountain we could relate to mountains likes and helens with maybe the grim and dreadful reality being this mountain will erupt destroying tucson and revitalizing the soil a quick easter egg interruption here you actually cannot access the peak of mount gorgon but if you can access it through using mods on pc there is actually a painting easel holding up a picture of the development team if we look at the architecture of the villas in tucson they seem to be very italian vindicate 605 supposed the tucson was actually just a mirror of our world's italy italy also has famous volcanoes with mount vesuvius erupting in 79 a.d destroying the roman city of pompeii so could tusal also end up mirroring this too the destruction of tucson could well be a possibility now before we fully move on let's delve into another tucson theory further down the iceberg the tucson is a vampire controlled colony not only is tucson a thriving place for wine it seemed to have quite a fairytale kingdom aurora around it in the lady of the lake geralt's party wrestled tucson and all seemed to find some sort of love some people such as nile mull 97 speculates this is because tucson is a vampire controlled colony essentially being a blood bank which is why there seems to be quite a large population of vampires around the city as seen in the witcher games it's said that when the conjunction of the spheres first occurred the gates from the vampire universe opened where tucson is today so this would have been the first area where vampires were seen in the witcher world so it makes sense that they will make a sort of a base here the wine could also be symbolism for the blood of the humans of the vampire's taste note that witcher 3 had a final expansion called blood and wine which focused on tucson and vampires simon shepard cancer this theory though and states their narrative doesn't really fit the witcher universe and more so just fits an ideal fantasy of intense vampire power in the canon witcher universe and to an extent the games let's ignore gaunter there isn't really an individually insanely powerful person in the story and an underlying vampire control of humans would seemingly go against this i'd agree with this to the extent of zakovsky's universe but for the games i think this theory could be a bit more likely if they steer the ship further away from canon material now let's poise ourselves for the body of the iceberg [Music] the world is on a verge of scientific revolution throughout the journey that we take in the witcher world we occasionally see details that could hint that the medieval world is on a verge of an industrial and scientific revolution in the time of contempt siri is being shown around gore's villain by fabio who is a young clerk at the giancardi bank during this time she gets an image of his future with him becoming a famous explorer discovering a new continent to the west key squirrel tree believes this exploration could lead to great technological advancement as a new continent could lead to more resources which leads to a more competitive market and potentially the introduction of new technology but this really isn't that strong enough evidence to say that our scientific revolution will occur in the season of storm geralt examines quite an advanced mechanism that creates barrels using pressure and it seems quite advanced for a dark medieval fantasy setting in the tower of the swallows archaeologists discovered some of dandelion's manuscripts with the time of these letters being dated as the dark ages a dark age implies a time when a civilization undergoes a decline of some sort as we are in the lens of the dark age then at the end of this age there must be a vast improvement of some sort could this improvement be a result of a scientific or industrial revolution alternative accounts furthers the idea that the richer world is nearing a scientific revolution in the lady of the lake siri teleports to her world briefly and travels back to the witcher world but not before a flea jumps onto her and travels on the catriona eventually spiraling out of control in the northern kingdom as the catriona plague this is a disease that is extremely similar to the bubonic plague which was also known as the black death slight spoilers for the witcher 3 but if karen metz is invited to care more hen she ends up finding a cure to the catriona plague in our world the most popular theory of how the black plague ended was through the use of quarantines with the uninfected staying in their homes and only leaving when necessary nowadays antibiotics are the most effective treatment for the bubonic plague but these were only discovered in the middle of the 20th century even though kira would have used magic the medicinal science level in the witcher world is far greater in comparison to what our world's medieval age had leon oppenhauser a professor at the oxford ferc academy even invented a functioning perpetual motion device during the events of the lady of the lake only for it to have been broken by a shock wave caused by destruction of a castle ultimately though i think that the witcher world doesn't stick to the story of medieval fantasy with more modern methods of concepts being brought in when it's felt fitting for example there are fireworks and bombs in the witcher world but there's no evidence of cannons or guns but this could also just mean the world is in the early use of gunpowder with civilizations in our world also using cannons and guns way after fireworks and bombs were first invented in saying this though mage grand master authorland invented many things one of them being an oblast that shot lead balls effectively being a gasoline gun this was tested in battle but reported as horrible to use so it wasn't used later on in the witcher world i agree that witcher world is on the verge of scientific revolution but like worlds such as skyrim i think the technology in the witcher world is being held back by the use of magic zestrid supposes that any of the scientific discoveries if we take the event to authorland for example is done by a mage the regular people of the witcher world do not trust magic with some even fearing its use so a lot of these inventions and ideas will simply be rejected by the notion that it was suggested by a mage the use of magic and mages may have to be seized in order for technology to be advanced dramatically in the witcher maybe this will have to wait until after the catastrophic events of the white frost speculated to happen thousands of years after the story's current timeline the doppler's payment the following theory contains spoilers for season 1 episode 5 and 6 of the netflix witcher series the dopplers are a shape-shifter who can take form of anyone they have contact with with them also containing that person's memory and knowledge in bottled appetites a doppel disguises itself as mousek in order to obtain siri kahir a knight from the nilfgaardian empire says that he is paying him but not with silver coins so what could the doppler's payment be when the doppler was impersonating mouse sack he would repeatedly touch siri's hair somewhere that mousek usually did not do the rickiest morty theorises that the doppler was actually promised some of syria's hair so that the doppler could use it as part of his body collection that is shown at the start of the episode it's also worth mentioning that the dopplers and the novels are exceptionally kind and gentle beings but this one is introduced as an evil creature specifically stated as being different this doppler also said that they specifically likes children so potentially this doppler actually wants to be siri or as gilmore sprout suggests the doppler was just acting like a predator and seemingly playing with his food making us fearful for siri in the hands of this evil mousek continuing along with the netflix theme another theory presented to us is that dandelion is immortal season one of the witcher jumps between 20 years with individuals such as geralt and yennefer aging much slower than normal humans but dandelion also looks exactly the same in these two different time periods when he first met geralt he should have been around 18 years old but by the end of season 1 he should have been in his 40s and it doesn't look like he's aged even a day even in the witcher 3 he's meant to be in his 50s but i have to say he looks quite young for a 50 year old tumbleweed 223 thinks that dandelion actually drank a potion the sloader's aging process or made him completely immortal but there's no real evidence in the books or the games there's a potion like this vandy and levelin suggest that like the games and the novels the netflix series could actually be told through the lens of dandelion which of course him humbly showing that he's not eating one bit conclusively though the leading producer lauren his rich responded to these fans questions stating that it actually was a mistake and that he would have aged a lot in the season but he must have just had great genes still we'd assume that season 2 would have some sort of explanation so the above theories could still be possible next off we're increasing the pressure and mystery as we head to the bottom of the iceberg witches are monsters the witches are taken in when they are young trained and subjected to processes such as the trial of the grasses which would then turn them into a witcher frisky dingo one suggests that the witches essentially became monsters themselves in the blood of elves a manuscript can be found written by carla demacia crest which depicts that the children were given elixirs along with mutagenic mushrooms herbs and other plant stimulants in order to change their reflexes and abilities such as being able to see in the dark carla concludes that the eyes of the newly born witcher had the eyes of the viper could these witches actually be monsters themselves the witcher game details that mutagens produce a witcher with these mutagens being obtainable by slaying unique monsters so it takes ingredients of monsters to create a witcher so maybe like fighting fire with fire you need to fight monsters with monsters the original witches were first created to combat monsters and were mutated through the invention created by a group of mages but it's unclear what they mutated the witches into so they could potentially be monsters and i think that in some form this is pretty much true cutthroat witcher is vesamir's master now this is a bit of a niche theory but we have to put in a theory surrounding the standalone game of gwent vesemir is one of the oldest and most experienced witches that we are exposed to and is a father figure and mentored a girl in the witcher 3 geralt mentions a witcher from the school of the wolf called barman barman was a mentor to vesimir and could have been the founder or one of the first members of the school of the wolf which fesimir and girl were later part of in gwent there's a journey system which reveals an unfolding story as you progress and play the game in the azul's journey there's a witcher known as cutthroats sneaky 55 supposed that this witcher nickname cutthroat could have indeed been barman cutthroat seems quite bitter with others and the world and sneaky states of these characteristics make him more likely to be a school of the wolf witcher and therefore could be barman but there's one key element which could disprove this theory in the journal cutthroat initially uses a crossbow to defeat a monster which according to the witcher 3 are only known to be used by the cat school and bear school so i think the cutthroat is more likely to be part of the school of the bear due to their lonesome traits as opposed to the school of cats often enhanced emotions so because of this i don't think the cutthroat is actually vesumi as master the vicaratris inn is run by vampires the following theory contains spoilers for the witcher 3 quest the beast of tucson and one of the short stories in the last wish the cockatrice inn is an end found in tucson in the blood and wine expansion of witcher 3. when being in this inn a strange woman appears milton the baron from tucson claims that she is the innkeeper's daughter who was that woman who just left didn't see her before didn't notice her walk in either don't lose linnies the innkeeper's daughter however she actually turns out to be a brookstone which is a very powerful type of vampire so if she is actually the innkeeper's daughter could the inn be actually run by vampires youtuber ex-lotalis has done a theory video upon this exact conspiracy so i suggest you watch their videos for some suggested theories that i won't be covering in this video exlitars concludes that the brook salinas has put a spell on the innkeeper to say that linus was actually his daughter this is similar to a short story in the last wish where a brook varina was planning on enslaving the cursed mind of novellan so that she could use him as her protector however in this story geralt managed to stop varina from controlling the velen's mind that perhaps with linus she had already succeeded with enslaving the innkeeper's mind fky man proposed a theory that brookside is actually just in a case of mistaken identity as when geralt asks milton who the lady is milton doesn't actually get to see her but just guesses by geralt's vague's description that it was the innkeeper's daughter maybe there is an innkeeper's daughter somewhere along with this brooksta who's been mistaken as the innkeeper's daughter on the noticeboard located at the cockatrice inn a note can be seen titled dear customers which is a note signed by linker the inkeep's daughter warning travelers to be careful and bypass a forest where monsters are present but the notice on this board says the daughter's name is linker and not linus this is just a mistranslation though as if we checked the original polish version of the game both of these times the daughter is referred to as linker so it seems like the notice 4 was mistranslated from the polish name which could have been likely as they also misspelt the word safe but this notice board shows that there's evidence of a more caring in keeps daughter something which a brookstop might not be capable of ariana is another brookser that ran an orphanage in tucson which seems to be quite a caring endeavor until you realize that she had sinister motives of feeding off the children of the orphanage so let's take another look at this note on the notice board and arm ourselves with the assumption that the person writing this has a sinister motive it seems to have a caring message of people avoiding the forest to not be killed by a monster but the reasoning in this note rather than keeping people alive is that the in and keep its atmosphere meaning that they want as many people at the inn as possible could this potentially be to the brooks that could also feed off more occupants the lack of mentioning of the innkeeper's daughter leads me to believe that exotilis theory is more likely and there is in fact no real innkeeper's daughter now let's find out what's finally hidden in the depths of this iceberg the lady in the wood is freya the following theory contains spoilers for witcher 3 quest ladies of the wood and the whispering hillock now i've saved an explanation from an earlier level of the iceberg points till now in order to be able to keep our minds fresh on this knowledge in the witcher 3 game there are three crones also known as ladies of the wood that live in a cabin in the swamps of velen they are called bruis weavers and whispers and upon reading the book she who knows it suggests that these were all sisters originally the mother a lady of the wood was the ruler of velen but delved into madness their daughters then took upon themselves to save the land and imprisoned their mother and trapped her as a spirit in the roots of the whispering hillock however this book may not be entirely truthful as many of the locals look up to the crones and seeing as it was a long time since the spirit was condemned to a tree the book could just have been folklore or to a degree not truthful at all odysseus speculates that the mother of the crones came to villain from skelega if you wander around skellige you'll hear people say we serve her who is virgin mother and crone in regards to freya their goddess of fertility love and beauty the mother of the crohn's could have created her three daughters rather than conceive them so could have been a virgin and a mother at the time and as well as the daughters being crohn's could have also been a crone herself freya is old norse for the lady so this could be similar to both the lady in the wooden vellum and the lady in skellige in the freyja chapter of concept of the goddess written by stephen grundy there is speculation that the name freya was originally personal to an actual figure but then later became common usage and part of mythology so an actual lady known as freyja could have left skellige and travelled to velen however i think the timelines are much too short for this adaptation from a figure to a deity to have much truth to it shrek is a witcher now for the most important theory of all that the shrek universe is actually a witcher universe of sorts in shrek lord farquaad attempts to read his kingdom of fairy tale characters now let's think of them as monsters lord farquaad also offers a bounty for their removal shrek himself wants to fairy tale creatures out of his own lands shrek who is an outcast along later with fiona finds an unlikely source of love through a magic curse does this sound familiar also the story is currently butted in by donkdillion i mean dandelion i i mean donkey perhaps shrek is just a more comedic and lighthearted retelling of the witchy universe i can't see any problems with this theory it has to be 100 true cats are monsters throughout the witcher books we see cats constantly being scared of geralt for example in the sword of destiny geralt sees a cat at the stables where it freezes glaring at him angrily and hissing at him with geralt joking that he doesn't like cats either now you may know that there is one cat in the witcher 3 that is quite notorious for not feeling threatened by geralt and that cat is nibbles this cat was actually introduced originally in order to hide animation issues within a cutscene and nibbles has reappeared multiple times after but reappeared in the context of an easter egg so this cat not despising geralt isn't something we really need to take into notice from a law perspective but why would cats always seemingly hate geralt even when they just meet him swansang suggests that cats are monsters which is why they hate geralt any creature with magic can tend to witcher and know what they do so potentially the cats know that geralt destroys monsters which means that geralt destroys them in the witcher 3 on the mid cops notice forward and villain there's a note by mindy telling people not to eat cats after she brewed a broth from a cat the next day she twisted her ankle in a field she is adamant that cats are soaked in foul magic and seek revenge from beyond the grave in the blood of elves cats are the only creatures known to absorb magical energy but no one knows why they do it cats have also never been mentioned in the books or soon in the game to have any silver on them as magical beasts cannot bear any silver so this theory is definitely possible as there are quite a few unanswered questions around cats but geralt doesn't suspect cats of being monsters or at least a monster of sinister intents so is purely speculation for now so that brings us to the end of the rich iceberg i hope you enjoyed the ride of mystery and knowledge as much as i did if you are craving some more witcher lore i'd suggest youtubers such as witcher george and excellentalis who mainly do videos surrounding witcher 3 and a big thank you to you for making it all the way through this video please let me know what your thoughts are in the comments or what other franchises i should cover either in an iceberg format or just a video essay thanks again to display for sponsoring this video please check them out if you want to support both myself and them hope to see you guys again in the later videos thanks again for watching you
Channel: natiscool
Views: 219,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Witcher, Conspiracy, Theories, Video Essay, Netflix, CD Projekt Red, Andrzej Sapkowski, Jaskier, Dandelion, Geralt, Yennefer, The Last Wish, Roach, 1358, Regis, Vampires, Conjunction of the Spheres, Cats, Monsters, Skellige, Monster Hunter, Toussaint, Velen, Novigrad, Gwent, Thronebreaker, Djinn, Cyberpunk, Ciri, Cirella, Season of Storms, Tower of Swallows, Sword of Destiny, Time of Contempt, Blood of Elves, Lady of the Lake, Shrek, Doppler, Cahir, Cut-Throat, Vesemir, Cockatrice Inn, Bruxa, Investigating
Id: Gn53HCeeBLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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