Orks vs Genestealer Cults. Warhammer 40k in 40 minutes.

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isn't it just like an orc to ruin a plan of generations in the making Nick's Gene Steeler cult have infiltrated a planet and prepped for the coming of the star God whereas James's Orcs just thought hey this looks like a good place for a rumble this is 40k in 40 minutes arcs of omen cult versus Orcs this promises to be a back and forth battle with a lot of dead bodies littering the battlefield when we're done Channel veteran James Mr initiative Jones brings his Orcs to take on Nick and his Gene Steeler Cults so I've tried to lean into arcs of omen and bring an army that can do everything it can shoot it can fight I've also brought some units that I don't normally bring to the table I hope everyone enjoys it he's got a death killer War trike and a war boss taking advantage of that arcs of omen heroic support stratagem he's got four squads of Gretchen two squads of burner boys Mad Dog gretznick a squad of knobs with big choppas two squads of knobs with power claws a squad of tank Busters including a model with a tank bus to hammer boy I love that thing a rocket truck Squig buggy a shock drunk dragster Squad of War bikers three kilocans and three trucks he's also got a tractor Cannon and smash a gun to give him some long-range fire support if you can call what the Orcs do fire support so I feel like Orcs are still in kind of a rough spot but Nick's here with the gene sealer cult so we're kind of playing the uh the bottom of the middle tier today Nick has brought a cult of The Rusted claw with a jackal Alphas a Mages and a patriarch two units of neophyte hybrids one unit of acolyte hybrids some aberrance an abominant a Keller morph a nexos some pure strain Jean Steelers a Sanctus three Achilles Ridge Runners three units of Adeline jackals and a Goliath Rock grinder flooding the field is an understatement this is gonna be fun so Nick's got some Ridge Runners in there and I think they are the hardest counter to my vehicles so I'll just have to get them off the table as quick as I can today's mission is out of the new arcs of omen book and we're playing secure missing artifacts there are five objectives on the table and players will take turns repositioning to each of the objectives they will then pick a priority objective for their opponent to hold to score three extra points every turn James has taken get to good bits and orc specific secondary most likely his Gretchen will be performing that on an objective to score in points engage at all fronts requiring him to have units in three or four table quarters to score points and assassinate with all of Nick's characters that's not a bad choice at all Nick has taken bring it down James has got a lot of vehicles and it couldn't be worth a lot of points he's taken engage in all fronts as well and he's also taken no prisoners James has a lot of wounds in his army and Nick is going to be killing a lot of stuff so it makes sense to score points while you're doing something else anyway James starts the game with one command point and Nick starts the game with three [Music] Legend of Keepers is an epic collection of unique dungeons crafted in 5e mechanics and featuring a menagerie of fantasy Heroes and monsters this incredibly Rich video game inspired world is brought to life for your tabletop as a customizable and infinitely replayable series of Monster Run dungeons the legend of Keepers campaign book is extremely versatile allowing players to play a traditional campaign while role-playing as the heroes or by turning 5e on its head with the players Fielding monsters defending the dungeon from game master controlled Heroes the kickstarter campaign is also offering over 100 highly detailed fantasy STL Miniatures inspired by the classical Heroes and creatures from The Legend of Keepers video game by Goblin Studio this campaign is also introducing stonecraft terrain lazy Squier games all new STL dungeon terrain more than 200 pieces are available whether you are looking for new role-playing Adventures to experience with your friends a digital fantasy arming you can print your leisure or both the legend of Keepers 5e campaign book and STL Miniatures campaign has you covered this one's for you Matt I'm gonna win this game for you buddy Matt painted a lot of your Miniatures he did not only did he paint them he shipped them out to me from across the country kind to him he's a good guy he's a good guy as mentioned James just made two command points on his tank Busters and fake Chopper knobs inside a truck in a teleporter strike his War Boss is accomped by some Birdo boys and power claw knobs and mad dog grotznick rides with a similar bodyguard in another truck James is setting up here at his deployment to be pushing the table hard and fast with the gene Steeler cult blip mechanic though James really won't know where anything is until the first turn either Nick's gonna go first and starts placing units or he ends his movement phase and then Nick gets to react to what happens there such a powerful mechanic to mess with deployment for Gene sealer cults thank you so measuring to and from this thing only counts to the gun you can't measure to the mark taking longer to deploy than me and all you have to put down Blitz my options and it's tough laughs right aggressively there regret an aggressive blip an aggressive blip I expect James to try and get the good bits as soon as possible he could Max it in three turns and guarantee himself 15 points on that secondary I'm gonna get the good bits with these broughts in fact I don't see any way Nick is going to stop me from maxing that out this game I'm the guess so James got first turn I love it that means he's gonna have to come out to play and not have many shots first turn and my first turn is gonna be beautiful this blip thing has got my brain frazzled really bad I don't really know what to do I'm trying to be cagey but I also need to move up so we'll just kind of have to see where he pops out foreign I'm gonna Advance this thing on a four plus it can go anywhere I want it's a four nice and we need like literally anywhere you want yup he deep strikes now so just like picked up and teleported there James's movement phase is tepid tepid is a good description here he's not coming in hot he's not coming in cold he's coming in tepid he has to be mindful of a wasted movement base here as Nick is absolutely gonna Deploy on a line of sight with as much as he can so um that is going to be my full movement phase got it all right so weirdly enough I now deploy everything uh all these blips have to go show me show me what to shoot show me the blips [Music] [Music] Nick still has two ninja bikes and a unit of hybrid acolytes and is kellamorph in deep shark reserve on the James's shooting phase and now we see where Nick's stuff is and boy oh boy he really doesn't have a lot of shots we're gonna fire everything from the shock jumper exit into that into the live rock grinder so on a six nope goes right through D6 damage for five goes down to four for rugged construction okay and I have six wounds remaining he's done some incidental damage with his rocket truck Squig buggy but that's it not really surprising that James didn't have many shots and couldn't bring anything down seven total points with three on primary and four forget the good bits [Music] all right so my turn and I have the perfect opportunity I'm going to kill that truck and then kill all the units within it this is Operation kill the War Boss starting now Nick using the acolytes some of the cult ability to refill the unit Jackal Alphas targets the War Boss truck it's gonna make plus one to wound with a crossfire token and the nexos nominates the war bosses truck to gain that Crossfire token it is not long for this world really try to take over the war boss's truck he's seen how much work that War Boss could do and he's hoping the gene Stevens can take it out foreign [Music] at the end of these guys movements I'm going to do a drive-by demolitions for one CP okay so two damage each so two four six okay down to four out of four wounds already I got this i got this psychic phase and the Magus fails all this cast patriarch fail Smite and he manages to get off might from Beyond so yeah this guy is just pumped his exhaust up the death killer Warriors trike is now doing donuts burning up two CP he's going to try to create a smoke cloud so that all my vehicles within six inches of him are going to be minus one to hit because currently we can test that objective that's right hopefully it'll keep this shock jumper eggs on the center objective alive ah shitty face let it let us go with this unit of infantry first sure and they are going to pump all their shots into this uh this trike right there I've got two mining lasers okay they're gonna go first they hit on fours minus one to hit and D6 damage six damage and you also get a crossfire token on you this Ridge Runner yep it's gonna fire its mining lasers and its uh stubbers into this vehicle okay okay gets one shot yeah nice one to hit yeah wounds at minus three D6 damage four damage explode does he explode oh he does oh wow down goes the shot jump drives that anyway we take that off and now let's see if we can Target down that truck so next we're gonna go with this Ridge Runner right here okay shot so I guess D6 damage each oh yeah 679 10 damage does not explode the war boss's truck goes down and he only loses one model on the unit rack good bit of luck that was we'll go with this unit of infantry Right Now Yep they're gonna find everything okay Nick shoots the burner boys and manages to kill one all right we are gonna see if we can snipe out your War Boss so we're gonna start with the Sanchez up here okay he's gonna snipe your War Boss that's a wound he's fine ah you take one more wound up at least uh five up feeling pain for it he ignores it come on that Sanctus had such a great opportunity to murder absolutely murder that War Boss it just wasn't to be but I have another sniper in case that guy failed and he did the same thing into your War Boss there The Jackal Alphas fails to wound but sneaks through a mortal wound oh well he lives for now butts he won't live for long all right we're gonna go with the glass rock grinder now yep it Advanced yep it's got an assault weapon okay so it's gonna fire its flamer at all your pointers murder boys go down oh no I can't help but think that a five-up invulnerable save would have helped here had James decided to walk on his first turn next we're gonna go with this unit of bikes yep we're gonna throw one of the demo grenades at this truck the flamer and all the shotguns at the knobs yep Nick spending a command point on primed explosive takes him down to two command points and he is punishing that truck some takes a damage take down to two down to two got him down to two actually that's perfect I didn't want to take it out yet because I didn't want the the potential heroic intervention but I'm happy to reduce your movement there judge I can and then all the shotguns and flamers into the knobs uh heavy flamer kills a guy and a half kills a guy in half okay uh mining laser over here okay he's gonna fire at that yellow that gun back gun yep with the stubbers firing into the knobs okay all right so mining laser into the mech gun D3 shots one oh I won't do this so give me a six give me a six on damage it's a four so what I'll do is I'll pull four of these guys away we'll use them as wound markers okay um heavy snubbers into the knobs yep strength of same boat ah nice on our next charge face turn one and here comes the paint train the patriarch charges the knobs he's in gene see there's going to the knobs as well with a 10. the War Boss piles into those bikes I don't think they're gonna be around much longer this whole turn was about kill your War Boss I don't blame you once I won't get to do that but let's kill Samosa patriarch's gonna go first six attacks hitting on twos so what happens is you kill all the guys but one now the gene seals are gonna wipe off GNC there's now smacking that low knob and down he goes now unfortunately you get to hit me back in the bikes looks like War Boss madhork into the Attila jackals takes all but one of them out one more I'll check to make if I roll a six or a five that guy's running away do it roll six high five thanks Nick I appreciate it I'm feeling confident that I can hold out for his turn too while I bring all my reinforcements and circle the noobs the fact that those uh the neophytes can just get up is kind of rough I gotta take out whole units and we're messing around they're necrons now and the next turn sees him score three points on bring it down and put 17 wounds on no prisoners as we end turn one [Music] I need to take the center of the table back I have to get that rock grinder open and hopefully either tie up or kill as many of his aberrance as I can there it is baby time to oh I'll let him say it that's that's what that's what the people expect that's what they want James really needs to hammer home his boys here and take some board presents back from Nick [Music] hybrid acolytes and his and his lamorph in deep strike Reserve so that's going to take away places to land and it's got to be really key for James's movement here to make sure Nick can't get where he wants to go this guy's gonna actually fall back from combat oh he's falling back can you fall back in church no okay so we're gonna have the flame boys oh yeah they'll be dead yeah all right so the knobs are gonna bail out as well what I'm thinking is I'm going to try to take the patriarch out I think you could I think I think I think they can too um I mean I can Spike My involves days but you could but that's a lot of power that's a lot of dice coming in [Music] that is all my movement so now we are going to drop in this truck I think what we're gonna do is drop it right here are there a bunch of Rocket Boys in there there is oh like tank Buster boys how many wounds does he have oh not many okay let's uh let's shoot hello boy this is gonna hurt so I'm going to shoot with these flamers into them all right and the heavy gun into the tank here guys oh you're gonna melt those units oh no oh no oh I gotta save two of them so three of them die I've got two left and then D3 from the custom mega blaster I don't want to kill himself yeah yes he doesn't kill himself and he hits you so three honest x no goes right through how much damage four minus one for Rocket destruction I have one wound remaining okay on the garage grinder these knobs are going to throw a stick bomb into your Gene sealers it wounds there you go no it goes right through kill another one uh you know what let's go over there and do the bikes first hit bikes here yeah these guys they're gonna unload into them all right seven five UPS I got two so you've killed one two three four five guys everything into that rock grinder I'm gonna do his killer jet in Cutter mode I love it all right so hitting on fives make it it goes right through yeah do you explode uh you know what I'm gonna do auto explode I love it and Nick spends a command Point down to two uses the gene sealer cult stratagem rig to blow and takes his own Jackal Alphas down to one wound James shrugs most of The Mortals to his units Nick did more damage to himself than the enemy that is such a Nick thing to do I'm feeling the hurt so these guys here are going to shoot their Rockets into the patriarch the killer cans Oh no just one one minus two minus two save it okay tractor Cannon yeah I'm okay with that I'm okay with that D3 tractor Cannon wounds twice and Nick spends the command point to re-roll the save he's down to one and I did okay he's saved doesn't take any damage tractor Cannon it hits it automatically hits yeah that's nice strings eight you got a command void I know but is this the time I'm gonna do it okay ouch oh well oh that makes you go sometimes let's do this yeah we are going to let off our Rockets here but the bomb Squig is going to run up here what's the range of the leg 12 inches on a three the dice oh me oh wow the bomb Squig missed the Sanctus that's okay I have another one for later okay d3s oh my goodness only one so on a five up nope goes through three damage Five Wounds remaining on that Ridge Runner okay so you're shooting the the mortar into the aberrance here's the character okay into the aprons make sense uh that just goes right through how much damage to do just two two okay actually goes down to one I reduced damage by one so I have two wounds remaining on the front over and there okay this is gonna be a big charge maze death killer War trike goes into the aberrance the Rucker truck Squig buggy into the avarance and the abominant power claw knobs go into the patriarch birdie boys make it into the Ridge Runner though oh he's in trouble thank god oh that sucks one knob will attack this lone Jean stealer Nick's patriarch has attacked first so James needs to kill him dead right away he's putting two single attacks into the gene stealer and the rest of the patriarch that's 13 two damage wounds on Nick's invulnerable save alright so I'm at one other time I would make these saves with these 13 saves if I fail one on a four uh on a four up that one can go and the other guy jumps in front takes the loom okay first one saves it second one saves it third one six one okay first failure so then on a four up it's gonna go on to the um the Deezer next one fails does it go into the gene sealer it does the jeans leader dies and that goes away you can just roll them out save don't do this to me not save dude what the save not save so three go through I don't know what to tell you guys I tried my best here Nick can roll saves I don't know what to say oh how much damage to do two per oh wow down to one wound left that means that I'm gonna be able to fight first in my turn and with my second abilities I think I can clean up that knob unit and survive and maybe do more damage in the future six attacks hitting you back how many guys are in that unit they're six six I'd like to kill the whole unit let's see it hitting on twos we're rolling any fails Force to wound re-rolling all fails oh the patriarch only managed to kill one of the knobs that's actually pretty amazing death killer that's right let's see it re-rolling I don't get a six how much damage to do so you killed one you killed two total okay okay do the bikes yeah finish off this unit on fives I say three of course give me some a two of them again whoa dude what the hell oh which means there are still four guys remaining guys that is this all right so these guys over here fighting into the yep four UPS save two of them two go through I'm down to three wounds remaining and now it's the spike Max The Ridge Runner will hit you okay oh wow the Ridge Runner actually slaps down two of the orc burner boys so let's go against the buggy first okay four attacks hitting on threes on threes five UPS the abominant goes into the Rucker trucks quick buggy and it goes boom to get both of them attacking the trike hitting on threes on fours I make one fill one does one down yeah makes sense down to six and then we're gonna do the heavy power weapon with two attacks hitting on threes four up oh that's a three damage and you owe me a bunch of leadership tests I do all your super leadership test first this one right here yes they need a one morale they're down to one model left James manages to go up to 14 on primary and 10 on secondary to sit at 24 points to Knicks nine as Nick did manage a bring it down point during James's turn [Music] it gains eight on primary to go up to 17 just hit a 24-17 from this unit here that is [Laughter] zoning the Cults at only one neophyte hybrid comes back next nexos drops a crossfire token under those War bikes I think they might be in trouble those bikes are in a really scary place I need to deal with these as soon as I can I'm gonna fall back with this unit and shoot everything in it try to take it out Ridge Runner falls back as well no shooting for him looks like Nick is trying to make some space for his incoming units [Applause] hopefully I can do enough damage to cement my place on this board alright so first up my patriarch is gonna Smite okay out of the psychic phase and smite into the knobs manages to kill one of them Mike from Beyond succeeds mental Onslaught into the bikes you're looking for fives and he manages a mortal wound and then I'm just gonna basic Smite yep yeah on a six to cast this time failure that's apparel oh no he's down to one wound I was starting to sit here going why did I take assassinate these guys are so hard to get super squishy they're hard to get out one Moon one Moon one wound all done by you that's true all right five yeah high five yeah okay all right shooting phase let's do some shooting okay we're gonna go over here we're gonna do a bunch of hand flamers into these guys right here okay two guys die boy howdy that was a hard fail um we're gonna go with the pucker demo grenade into the garage gun and then the flamer and all the shotguns are gonna go into these Russians uh demo charges I get one I failed a hit okay and then all the flamer six shots there it is heavy flamer one two three four five wounds and minus one okay and then we're gonna go to this unit of jackals over here second unit of jackals targeting that truck Nick is using primed explosives again down to one command point and only one wound uh you are crossfired though so that unit has a crossfire token it's gonna be plus one for someone else to shoot it okay we're gonna go with this unit right here okay the ridge runner's gonna fire its mining laser at the truck it's gonna fire heavy stubbers into these flame boys right there okay um all right money laser how many shots do I get one hit we're willing to hit with a command point doesn't get it back and only one wound does three damage and that's it and then the heavy stuffers into the flame boys right in front of them yep no T-shirt gotta oh it's a five up but yeah no got another one truck sits at six wounds and Nick is out of command points um yeah we're gonna do it with the Ridge Runner into the bikes um you're gonna be exposed and Crossfire so plus one woman plus one to hit oh oh no this is the turn my dice are abandoning me James heavy stuffers oh wow those War bikes are tanking some serious shots here I was not expecting these bikes alive I didn't dedicated enough Firepower towards them all right well let's go with these all these infantry okay into these bikes here 55 they're the it's the B snagger not a one B snag not a one and then two minor laser shots but this sniper they're here for them sure okay know I'm really hoping to kill the squad but I I don't have anything else to fire about it Keller morph shoots the two poor guys oh the killer morph is taking out those burner boys that was a terrible shooting I got one more set of shooting actually oh what do you got left Sanctus okay sniper shot all right it automatically hits okay uh do I wound so it wounded all right how much damage so it does flat three damage just takes them right out oh command point oh should I get the five weapon vulnerable no no no no no no no no hoorah okay that was big to be able to clean that up that helps me a lot that makes this feel a little bit safer because that was very very dangerous abominant charges the death killer War trike that death killer war trike's in trouble okay I don't know the charges so we go into the fight phase you can't interrupt nope so uh we're gonna go with the models that have to fight first which is my patriarch fortunately getting to go ahead of you yep uh yeah so we're gonna go with the patriarch yep oh I they did then over here we're gonna go with the abominant yep oh the abominant has absolutely pasted that def kill a War trike okay truck gets to punch you yeah two did this sure why not oh you're fine and about around two and Nick has actually jumped into the lead boy oh boy folks we have got a really tight one here we're gonna kill his characters as best I can and keep throwing garage to that objective till the end of the game [Music] onto James's turn three now when he gains eight on primary to tick up to 32 points to next 25. James is leading me by a couple points but I think I've Got The Edge on him if I can survive his next turn I think I got this game in the bag knobs with big choppas are gonna jump out you know James is really kind of hard up against it here he needs to kill those big threats and thin them out as much as possible [Music] all right let's do this I will start the shooting phase kill accounts into your patriarchy of course for up save no I'm going to use my one command point to try to get that I want him to live give me a four up the truck across the board wounds the patriarch again he saves all right this is the what yellow one or the yellow yellow one into the Patriotic so I need a four upward dies oh come on come on that looks like a six foot don't do it come on oh you're so close you know what I'm proud of him he did good eats yeah nine four UPS out of 13. um I still have this thing I'm gonna shoot it at your patreon or what is the abominant the abominant of course James running his last command point to re-roll the Smasher gun does six damage reduced to five Nick ignores one and he's got two wounds remaining so close neither player without any command points what a barn burner I have to I have to split fire and reach for the stars right now okay it's reach for the stars or died miserably okay so bomb Squig here try to get through the missiles into there I do it is the bombs quick yeah mortar wounds uh only one oh down to two Okay and then the Rockets into the other guy foreign [Music] does explode it does not oh it's so close that guy I wanted it to he's believing it does it does kind of feel like there's like a shift in the wind okay let's uh let's charge that's all shooting yep okay the truck hits the Ridge Runner and the killer morph the bikes are hit by those knobs truck goes into the Range Rover no wounds but no last Cannon next turn as it's a blast weapon no moon all right uh and then over here big Choppa boys go into that Adeline Jackal Squad and absolutely wipe them [Laughter] wow big big turn for James he's up to 45 points Nixon's at 25 neither player is a command point but that's going to change as soon as we roll into the next turn three somehow the green hand is clawed its way back into the game [Music] how is James still in this game I have been pouring so much Firepower into him and his both players gain their command point and Nick Gaines eight on primary to make our score at the start of next turn 45-33 in James's favor oh wow six neophytes return to that Squad they were at one just a second ago [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I say one cool two damage so four damage total so one guy has one left [Music] no real reason to cast here no risk blowing your brains out with no command points three roll not a bad choice red Runner firing everything into that truck let's see if I can't blow it up D3 shots is that truck left that's all anyways so the money leaves from here yeah into there and all the rest of the shots into there okay uh jumani lasers minus three D6 with each one five six damage total doesn't explode oh don't explode no no I'm good one of them dies on the disembark all right uh and then we're gonna try to Flame these guys to death hand flamers and now I have taken your priority objective from you charge space now and the Sanctus into the tank buses James is gonna OverWatch with no joy all right so the Sanctus ID ignored none oh the Sanctus absolutely murked those tank Busters that Sanctus is my new MVP just completely taking that entire Squad folks we got a real close one here Nick sits at 40 points to James's 45. [Music] so now that I'm done crying in the bathroom I'm pretty sure I'm still in this game James has turned four both players go up a command point and James only scores four on primary Nick is keeping this tight folks 49-40 as we head into James's movement phase they're actually on the lower floor ready to charge the Sanctus looks like he's gonna go for double kill on characters here can he get them both can he get more shoot face shoot face Bring it on I will start by shooting this guy's rocket into the Sanctus got it one shot might just want to hit uh we will shoot the tractor Cannon here might as well hit him okay it goes AP plus one so on a six I can save it it's gonna go with the lead bike there yep and I don't save it so the bite lead bike is dead it's D3 plus two yeah then I'm going to shoot the killer cans at them that's one on sixes don't and the can Rockets kill the buggy that's big okay uh these guys here unload their pistols at the end of there yep Bring It On five okay look at that freaking roll six whoa 666 is six woons six five UPS oh wow these Gretchen are rock stars they have killed all the flamer neophytes all those sixes I wasted yep I needed those for these charges haha what are you charging Nick's using his command point in the Sanctus to OverWatch and the war boss is in killer cans are into those aberrance the knobs go to the Keller morph and the Ridge Runner nine attacks nine attacks into the yeah oh frigates James's command re-rolling continue to kill a No-No does not succeed that is too bad uh War Boss can you kill my Sanctus nice the Sanctus has gone down I was really happy with the Sanctus he killed bike he killed those that full unit he did good three into the tower more today's dead you have killed the killer morph sir so now the uh on the Ridge Runner so threes The Ridge Runner fails every save down it goes two big big turn for James here he's got up to six points on engage at all fronts he's got 10 points on assassinate and 12 on get the good bits that's gonna put him to 60. Nick presently sits at 40 points [Music] both players gain the command point and Nick gains eight on primary to make our score at 60-48 in James's favor my characters are so fragile right now I have to try to be careful here I need to be a little more cagey well at the same time trying to score as many points James is running away with this game the nexos runs like a donkey foreign as long as he can here James got more power on the table but it's all close combat and Nick is super exposed if he wants to score [Music] [Music] oh psychic face he's casting danger danger if he perils he can meld his own brain Peril Peril six seven eight that goes off we'll do three mortal wounds and you take one more balloon okay so I killed one of the cans um then I'm gonna do another psychic ability mental Onslaught onto the cans there five double ones okay nothing okay um okay and then let's go into the shooting phase shoot it up we are going to start with the sniper into your character Jackal Alphas fails to wound those grots have been a pain in my side it's time to take them out they're gonna fire all of their mining lasers at the killer cans okay they're gonna fire their flamer at this unit sure okay they're gonna fire all the rest of their auto guns at this unit here okay split fire everything split fire to victory yeah yeah two E6 damage two two damage then a grenade launcher two digraphs two digits another flamer three shots Gretchen getting pasted here by those never-ending neophytes last Rich Runner fires under the trucks it lives this unit right here of the new fight can fire everything into that truck makes sense D6 damage does five damage blow up does it explode get out of here Nick's bikers do absolutely nothing this turn they're already some charges I'm gonna charge my abominant into the killer cans James overwatches the abominant that comes charging into him and hits him with one three flat damage it goes down to two damage yeah yeah and I get two five up ignorance don't do it oh my goodness don't do it kill him high five okay high five now yeah okay after this moment I'm actually going to charge the grots with my new fights Neil fights reroll the charge and they still fail no command points left I almost did all right let's fight let's fight abominance I have a three up save didn't make it oh the abominant Munch is the killer can and a turn for James still sits at 60. Nick has brought it up to 56 he's within four points this is an absolute nail biter slobber knocker super tight game folks want her to go Who's Gonna Take It foreign just got to hang on to a few points do my best to collect what I can and I think I might have this thing started James's turn five he's gonna gain eight on primary I wonder if Nick can actually manage to score 12 at the end of his turn going second could be huge here he really could make a late game Run I'm gonna have these two guys jump down they do get the good bits we got two all right um let's do this four grots into your abominant into the abominant uh my turn I failed one however an expanse's last command point to save that abominant and it succeeds he is out of command points though yeah this thing just blasts into combat that makes sense yeah you won on a six no kill the bike charges The Jackal alphas and he's in and then I'm going to try to charge these for Gretchen into this guy yeah do it I love it watch me play like I mean Mad Dog rottenic Snips this guy no matter yeah yeah this guy dies do you want me to roll it first to make sure he's got one wound he's T4 and he's got a five upset no involve he's dead okay then uh these four Brave grotz attempt to kill your I love it do it okay I hit one you only need one to get through command point to re-roll to wound and he fails nice try Gretchen I needed a six yeah you need a six yeah okay all right now I get to my smack you back yeah smack him up all right boom dude three times three Dead gross one's left very dead then he takes a I'll just quickly do his morale he passes it just standing defiant in front of the abominant two pistols blazing Ferry at the end of his turn this is close [Music] all right so here we go we're gonna do everything we can trying to make this happen both players get a command point at Knicks turn five and the targets those knobs for a crossfire it's okay [Music] Nick can still win this spending a command point in an advanced rule to take that objective mid-table [Music] so can they do this they can oh he can't get any closer because he can't get within three inches of the other table corner however he can still hold that objective second phase I'm gonna try to Smite you might it up did it I'd even supersed to do super smart D6 D6 four Mortals grotznick takes three wounds and mental Onslaught takes him down huge that takes me that objective from these guys holding it I now have engaged in all fronts let's shoot things flamers in here yeah grenade launcher in here auto guns into here okay mining lasers into here okay shooting phase now he's got to kill the grots success he's got to kill the mech gun it's dead Okay so got that uh mining lasers and auto guns from here into that thing right there okay oh failed both that's all the gas I had of the tank I did my very best I got so close Knicks got 13 points on bring it down 11 points on a gauge at all fronts and 10 wounds on no prisoners but that keeps him three points short of this episode's Victor James Mr initiative Jones holy cow I didn't see that coming what an incredibly tight game and what a fantastic matchup from both of these players special thanks to James and Nick for giving us a fantastic game and to you our fans for tuning in to watch us if you like what we do please consider clicking that subscribe button on YouTube or check us out over on our patreon we've got a fantastic Discord and an amazing Community all sorts of behind the scenes fun all sorts of shenanigans we'd love to see you there well that's it folks on behalf of everybody here at play on tabletop I'm JT McDowell this has been 40K in 40 minutes and until the next time we see you in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe way on love you Nick ridiculous game brought to the MVP of the game just a wave of them rolling in and just getting the good bits every turn was good I mean that's 15 points 15 easy points my games of James are some of my favorite games on this channel and I hope we have them back from many more [Music] foreign
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 184,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: ESHhjsjCfmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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