Warhammer 40K Orks, Black Templars, Imperial Guard at the Walls of Helsreach. 20,000 Points!

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[Music] heroes return to armageddon this is the sector of space where the imperium would come to know the mighty war boss gazco mag uruk thraka prophet of the war and the threat of his brutal campaign to plunge the universe into constant war this is the planet that gave birth to the living legend kamasariaric in the second war of armageddon where his sheer force of will and grim resolve defied the orcs from taking haiti's hive it was there that the largest green skin invasion of imperium space would be fought it was here during the third war of armageddon that merrick grimaldis reclusi arch of the black templar would become the hero of hell's reach for defying death itself despite the odds it is here on armageddon that play on tabletop presents a tale of vengeance and honor welcome to hive hell's reach welcome to our first 40k feature and i will be your host for this epic affair inspired by the lore of armageddon there are 20 000 combined points in this battle good and evil 40k features is the show we will focus on forging the narrative and presenting a spectacle on the tabletop the orcs have come to end what they have started and reduce hive hell's reach to scrap once and for all the hive city almost fell in the third war of armageddon barely surviving despite the loss of all who fought against the orcs except one grimaldus he is back to lead a small contingent of black templar to reinforce the astrologers steel legion under the command of gazgal's arch nemesis kamasaryarik to tell this tale we have nicholas freys commanding the forces of the imperial comprised of tanks tanks and more tanks just like the third war of armageddon the defense of hive hell's reach will also include black templar and a titan [Music] gazgal and the orcs salivate at the prospect of vengeance against the unis that have thwarted them in the past james jones commands an impressive orc force that outnumbers the hive city defenses greatly and if it wasn't enough there's even a mega garcian can 10 000 points of orcs crush 10 000 points of guard and space marines james is going to find out now on atomic storm rage is dangerously close to the hive and none outside of possibly the titan and the mega gargant class will survive it still driven by vengeance and with an enemy before them gazgul thraka and kamasariar command their forces to battle and fight until either side breaks the storm consumes them all the victory conditions are thus very simple slaying glasgow thraka is worth a victory slaying commissary is also worth a victory point this is the ultimate in hero hammer as the only way to score points is to slay the enemy warlord for now we have some special rules for this battle it is a custom mission focused on forging the narrative first is plot armor a character can only lose its last wound from an attack from another character unless it is fully slain by a game effect characters can be wounded as per normal but cannot be killed by anything other than characters superhero landing the black templar reinforcements can enter the battlefield at the end of any phase when it is nick's turn reinforcements can be set up six inches away from enemy units instead of nine inches to get them into the fight immediately the forces are set up weapons are loaded dice are ready this is play on features [Music] james i'm scared because there are lots and lots and lots of lots of orcs you know who else was scared the people of armagedd well i'm representing all the people of armageddon they've come together they've brought all their tanks their vein blades their devil dogs their artillery their infantry even the citizens of hell's reach are here to defeat or at least try to eat of orcs so i've been able to play guard a couple times on the channel now we actually just finished doing a narrative campaign for our patrons they get to see playing through the battles of hell's reach and that was a fun fight it was amazing a super good time we had some close battles and we got to do some amazing set pieces just like this this fully custom board i love playing on good terrain first turn here we go first turn you ready sir i'm ready armageddon this 40k features pilot episode is brought to you by beard sorcery no bearded individual like myself should be denied their full bearded potential i enjoyed a good berserker's rage even some druids missed sometimes in my beard click on the link in our description to up your beard game today there is going to be a little bit of movement i'm going to be uh aggressive riders the ostrich riders i love them so much i just got to charge straight towards your works hold the line all conscripts forward for the emperor not a lot of movement necessary with the walls behind them and the orcs in front there is only one course of action attack this is going to be fun i'm scared dude i don't think i'm gonna have any boys left i'm gonna kill all the boys first turn i'm gonna do it fire my target fire my target fire on my target okay for all the tank commanders to all the tanks so all the tanks are real ones that hit i'm gonna start with this guy with his guns i want to kill the mega knobs right here you want to stop the mega knife right there right there and then all the last cannons all four hit strength nine six ups i feel them both d6 damage for each nine damage off the hop good start okay well let's go into it with the medusa into the battle wagon i got five strike ten one wound at minus three damage does it explode come on explode oh what's the opposite explosion first blood the truck is reduced to scrap i'd like to see some mega knobs die now got one i got hey i'll take one mega knob hey james can i help you with some smoke there absolutely let's do the minotaur with big double giant guns it does two d3 plus three hits so possible of nine and i got one two three four five six seven hits i want to kill those megadogs sounds good and i hit you five times that's pretty good four wounds minus three d3 damage five ups hey i made one d3 damage piece how many would you got there with those three each first one one damage one damage one guy one damage i got one with that big giant tank all right next i'm gonna shoot the earth shaker into the same mega knobs d6 shots from his gun i got six shots i love these dice and i hit i hit you five four times this is a just a play on dice uh advertising these are good dice and i wondered you three times four uh d3 yeah ha ha kill the mega knob quad motor launcher into these orcs right here 46 shots and 16 shots and we would do oh all five i saved two three die squad launcher into the next group [Laughter] like when i rolled down my heads [Laughter] hit you once wounded me one time and wounded you once i fail it well i killed one more boy the showing of the orc infantry starts off slow only killing four boys the manticore will now use a command point on direct onslaught i'm gonna add one to the hit roll this is gonna be against the mega knobs for the manticore so many tanks so many guns i mean manticore kills two more megaknobs the beam blade wants to shoot all of his guns that can be in range at those mega knobs it's really what kills megadogs so being playing cannon is 3d six shots so i got five hits and one of you four times at ep three five up every fail's dead dude i got two so you killed two killed two more two more last cannons the main blade yorick's personal tank last cannons autocad heavy bolters all pour into those mega knobs seven three ups i failed two so i didn't kill them all so you didn't kill them all you got two mega knobs remaining two making enough oh okay well then we're gonna have to try to finish it off we are gonna go into this battle cannon tank commander right here gotta fire the last cannon and the battle cannon into the mega knobs see if i can finish it off sounds good all right here we go last cannon it hits it does not wound the imperium seems to be focusing on the mega knobs and only time will tell if this is the right strategy as those guns are a bit more effective against other targets the auto cannons because the heavy flavors on the range um it hits you twice we're rolling once because of the and three wounds three ups i fail one two damage he's got one left oh come on guardsmen now and they set their sights on the orcs in front of them half of that boy's squad goes down to the last guns the master of ordnance can fire an artillery barrage master of ordinance and the demolisher both go into the last remaining mega knobs this seems like too much is dedicated to that one unit and this could be costly in the grand scheme of things four three ups he saves them all no he doesn't minus one yeah the heavy weapons squad ionosphere command point on concentrated fire so they can add one to the hit rolls and one to the wound rolls they're also really rolling once a hit a whole heavy weapon squad killed one mega knob the heavy weapon squad finally pulls down that mega knob got him all these calling scripts are just gonna fire all their last guns 40 dice of orcish style firing ah six [Applause] i save one five guys of conscripts i'm gonna spend two command points on hail of fire on the tank commander that is equipped with a battle cannon and he's going to fire everything into this truck right here last cannon we're rolling once it hits hits last cannon wounds decent damage two damage from the last cannon seven six ups i made one the steel legion seemed inspired and take down another truck see how many of the guys inside die make it just one first punisher commander tank into that back unit of boys right there in front of the ostrich riders 35 shots hit now the imperium sets its sight on slowing the orc advance further by annihilating the boys in the southern part of the battlefield three lehman russ battle tanks with gatling cannons pull down an entire squad of orcs and one def copter i'm going to clear a charge with these ostrich riders into those uh those orcs bring it on twelves twelve twelve double ones i'm very tempted to spend a command point there oh my god really it's ridiculous but it's ridiculous but you know what if i don't do it they're dead so i'm gonna do it down to 13. i've got lots of command points to spend can you imagine what happens oh it did i got two sixes who rolls two ones spends a command point and rolls two sixes this guy the rough riders make a miraculous charge but when they get there they cannot seem to kill enough boys and they're drowned in 57 attacks that's all i got james i did what it could pounding so much into those mega knobs might have been a mistake the orcs have taken acceptable losses as they march towards the walls of hell's reach one meganob squad and a full squad of boys were lost the rough riders valiant charge ended in their demise and now the orcs can move forward unhindered leads the attack and commands his transport to bring him closer to the enemy the rest of his accord follows inspired by his example [Music] with the orcs there is nothing but aggression there's no holding back they are on top of the steel legion let's do these burna boys into the constructs into the constructs well you roasted the cone scripts to a crisp now we're gonna do the the truck itself we'll shoot on the bulgarian [Music] never mind def copies we're gonna shoot the death cop is into him custom mega blaster d3 shots i hit once before i don't get it rocket time the orcs fire wildly at the defenders eager to punish but are uneffective two out of seven four ups minus two i'd roll two twos an entire death copter squad only manages six wounds in the lehman russ and that punisher cannon will continue to be a problem for the orcs super shooters and big shooters here into the heavy weapons squad and then tractor cannons and the master gun into this tank commander smasher gun d3 hit two now we're going to do the two tractor cannons into it oh i didn't even hit the was bomb blaster jet fires everything into a tank commander but does absolutely nothing forks have to take down some of these tanks that's done that's all that plane did did nothing and do big shooters and lava here kill cannon into the wounded lehman rust got it got it got it so we'll do uh kill cannon first three shots hits none big shooters nope uh i save one of them okay one of head weapon squad has died i'm gonna do this unit of war tracks so i'm gonna put them all right here okay into the chem cannon six d3 rocket shots on threes oh just two three damage each so six of eleven the daca jet this unit of guardsmen i'm going to spend one command point on good ground to increase their armor save by one going to ground is effective for those guardsmen and they only suffer four casualties the burn obama so he's gonna drop his bomb right where the stone is company commander company commander nothing the burner bomber fares no better it only kills three veterans as it bombards the trenches close to the wall so we'll do this shock attack gun into the crippled crippled punisher cannon i rolled strength 10. so that'll work two d3 three wound i wound you i got no save it does two damage i will command point [Applause] second shock attack gun also fires into the lemon ross but can't manage a wound it's up to the looters now four of the ludas are gonna shoot into the bulgarian got it the rest of the ludas are going to shoot into the purple tank okay take this bulgarian force two ups here we go uh same both the orcs must bring down some of these tanks where their forward march will be for not out of 20 shots i hit six and i wound zero no way not a great shooting phase for the orcs as no large threat was removed and the steel legion tanks are still on the battlefield let's do some charging though we do have some charges okay you charge an infantry yeah so 10 so needing a knife got it there you go oh it's got our death roller so that's my only fight oh that's seven dead guardsmen that's what that is the guardsmen are absolutely run over by the battle wagon and it piles into the tank that's the end of my whole turn that's the end of turn one is he under turn one things are looking okay but i'm really scared of guy's goal this is only the beginning the casualties are mounting but nothing catastrophic yet the orcs are closing in on the steel legion defenders and gazgul thraka is in striking range of kamasariaric the next chapter of this battle will be epic yaric's there i gotta keep him alive and cascle's here and getting close there's not that much in front of him i can spend one command point to make that tank fight as if it's at its top rocket the steel legion must hold the line a tank falls back and some infantry and bulgarians move up that is all that is needed as the orcs are now in the effective range of the defenders and second phase i'm going to psychic smite the battle wagon four two two wounds on the battle wagon okay down to 14. excellent commanders are the same thing again everyone does fire my target rear one's a hit for my company commander over here he is going to say first rank fire secondary fire at all of these guardsmen right here use a command point bringing me down to 11 and then he's going to order this unit right here yeah so to reroll once the wound so i can fire at this thing here one more command point going down to ten and this unit of heavy weapons will get to hit plus one and one plus one and now let's fire everything flyer right here into the battle wagon three i wounded you once bail d36 damage ha six demolish your cannon right here straight into ya okay it wounds you three times at strength 10. i don't save any of them d6 with each one four five six seven eight nine damage dumbbell rusher the battle wagon goes down and out spill the knobs right into the imperial guard front lines pretty sure they won't be any left for those bulgrin to charge with all the guns in the battlefield veterans here are gonna shoot their last guns into this unit right here and they're gonna shoot their melted three bounces from the veterans into this battle wagon right here three melters into the battle wagon hitting on threes i only hit once yeah wounds two ones five up darn it and the veteran last guns i saved one boo all of his melted guns into uh this battle cannon here big melted cannon gets three so that's four melt against because of this melted right here hitting on fours only hits once and doesn't even wound gas girl's happy the first ranked fire second ranked fire is gonna fire all of its shots since the pork boys fall overwhelming laz fire from the guardman on the flank quad motor cannon into those knobs four d6 shots from the quad uh four five seven eight nine ten eleven the shelling of the knobs begins quad mortar kills two medusa angles his gun down and tries to blow up this uh battle wagon here hits you once i'm okay the minotaur two d3 plus three shots gas gall's battle wagon must be the priority target number one the minotaur inflicts five damage to it a decent start but it's got eleven words remaining frickin 11. that thing's tanky you know who sees him and really wants to kill him yarok he tells that bain blade right beside him blow it up everything from the bane blade into that battle wagon last cannons ah misses both of them demolish your cannon hits you twice wounds you twice save them both same both sorry what are you doing here oh yeah there we go strength nine so on threes i'm going to do twice same both will you stop rolling fives [Laughter] drakka's chariot denies yarick the glory of taking it down is this a sign of things to come you did one damage there that was the entire main blade that shot damage shooting with the match core now i don't want to shoot it with the manta gore but i will shoot it with the manticore i have to hitting on threes accuracy has plummeted what is happening one they should have taken it out i don't save it three damage earth shaker carriage into the same vehicle the morale the steel legion is a bit shaken four wounds left with a freaking thing i've shot half my army at it annihilator into the regular knob things must die the steel legion changes targets and the annihilator and a demolisher go into the knobs and wipe them out into the plane i hit you none battle cannon uh commander tank everything into this battle wagon 2d6 shots for the battle cannon for the battle cannon you said any ones are there love it i failed them a d3 in each one i did uh three damage to you still alive he's got a last cannon he's got a last cannon yeah yeah which he rerolls once a hit which he hits okay but she fails the woot frickin dirted how are these logic defying clumps of scrap metal shaking off all this fire that battle wagon has one wound i shot so much at that freaking battle wagon all the plasma into it yeah all the plasma into it d6 for the big one six and d3 is a small one only one one but i get three wrong three wounds please no oh that was so close are you gonna command point rear all hit you should you should do it yeah i will oh that was so close okay now please please please explode yeah yeah oh wait wait no wait no one command point for kareem i forgot about that rule okay so i'm going to careen this pretty cool entry squad three three guys from the image for god boom bane wolf three commas are dead four but because of the special rule of this mission characters can't be killed by anything other than the character because they have plot armor so my commissar is still alive with one wound psycher oh one the company commander one oh this veteran squad two and the devil dog for four you almost killed it so the medusa carriage for six six damage do my guys inside sir oh if you could roll two ones three ones kill gas girl right here i rolled one 1-1 i'll take it makari trips on the way out of the burning wreck and becomes barbecue but gazgul thraka is now on the battlefield gaskell's out he can horribly intervene and kill everything all of that command tank into uh into kaz's goal gazgal is an immense threat and a command tank immediately fires into him it inflicts the maximum wounds gazgal can take in a single phase gazgal now laughs in the face of the imperium guns as they can do no more against him gaskell's battle wagon survived everything and tanked my whole army it didn't make a very good story this is the story of imperial guard hubris punisher cannon with the last cannon and the plasma is going to shoot everything into those um those death copters fire last cannons and punisher gatling cannons into the death copters and one of them lives with a single wound left so that was not a great shooting turn i did kill some stuff but it didn't feel like i killed enough things are looking very grim for the defenders of hell's reach however in this desperate time of need the black templar answer the call and uh because i managed to kill off those def copters over there i can actually put them all right there they're coming in that plane because it's flying doesn't block them and i can deploy them within six inches of your stuff in this narrative mission black templar reinforcements may enter the battle in any phase they can come in six inches away from the enemy and these black templar are keen to enter the fray [Music] will the black templar turn the tide will grimaldis be the hero of hell's reach once again now unfortunately they can't shoot the mission special rules say they can come in at the end of any phase that there's room for them to come on my whole flank has been reinforced now befitting of this mission and the arrival of the hero of hell's reach we introduce one more victory condition if grimaldis survives the battle it is one point to the defenders if grimaldis falls then the orcs gain a victory point so what you're saying is i shouldn't have put them so far up there maybe i put them like back here this squad right here wants to try to get into that def cop and finish it off sounds good it is now up to the black templar to hold off the orcs the incursors intercessors crusade squad and the marshall all make their charges i cannot fail so all the veterans jump right in and then i'll heroically intervene with the uh the other character so we'll go with the bulgarian okay not a good start vulgrin do one wound to two snatcher one one the intercessors do nothing to the death copter chapter master hits them all but once um and when's he done the remaining intercessors there i take two take two wounds veterans will bravely try to kill you sexes i got none what an abysmal showing by the defenders of the imperium that is not how you crump things the orcs will now show them how it is done def copter will fight back here six dice strength five ap minus one you killed uh marine in half and have the tooth snatcher he's going to fight into your chapter master i failed two take four damage hitting with the killer claw he's going to attack the bulgarians killed all but one and then we'll do gazgul oh no they died as my last veteran dies he gets on the radio he says he's holding off gazill bravely with his chainsaw three command points it's three commandments would spin them all i love it for firearm position he gets on the vox and he says fire everything on my position but all the artillery just won't then i roll a d6 for every model within three inches and on a four up you suffered d3 mortal wounds for gazgul on a four up no cross nick got him for d3 three wounds so he has a super cyborg body so five up field pain he saves one shrugs one off or enough things are looking grim for hell's reach the orcs are barely scratched and now in striking distance of the valuable commanders leading the defenders if their command falls the hive city is all but doomed okay so this plane really has i i've pre-measured there's nowhere really for it to land so it just goes off get out of here fly off the table and now this one will just fly over here and take its place [Music] is this the turn james james that's a good don't disappoint me here i'm trying to decide if it actually makes sense this turn or not i mean i don't have it's mostly just my characters that are at you right now has been called the orcs hurry forward eager for more crumping this mad rush seems motivated by the thundering machinery behind them indeed here comes the god buster mega stomper jerry and friends start the shooting phase with jerry the godbuster mega stomper affectionately named jerry is using the stats and points of a reaver titan he's going to shoot his two strength 16 weapons into the bane blade and his strength seven weapons gonna go here to try to finish this thing off hopefully 26 shots five hitting on threes strength seven looking for fives just one still i got three up hey fails take two that's it yep down to one okay so we'll start with the 2d6 three shots oh command point reroll 11 shots oh hitting on threes twos to wound oh boy look at all those sixes six of them minus four i don't think you gotta save that's a three up so 40 48 damage yeah that blows them up kaboom no kaboom ah the bane blade is reduced to scrap yarrick says i don't give in he's shaking his power claw that he stole from gazil and welded to his arm so that's jerry dunn he did exactly what he needed to do he pulled up the beyblade gone not that it was doing much ouch the truth hurts the stompa is gonna put its super gatla here death storm mega shooter here super rocket here and then all his anti-infantry weapons into this squad here the death cannon into this guy 3d6 shots hits none the ineffective shooting continues orc stomper fails to do anything against the tanks so 15 big shooter shots right here did one win to a marine this group kill cans shoot all their rockets here twos five minus two helicans the truck and the burner boys roast the crusader squad down to one intercessor and a handful of neophytes that's uh some squads uh looking uh pretty dead there gaz gull is going to plow into these guys uh yep they're dead bye bye everyone's god the ludas are going to shoot into this squad uh on threes the remaining crusaders fall to the ludas marines are terrible a breakthrough in the shooting phase the wise bomb blaster jet destroys the devil dog the earthshaker cannon and an entire infantry the squad seem to be shooting better than the guard however the iron resolve of the steel legion will not yield forged in constant war the warriors of the imperium ready themselves the fork charge here comes the orc charge i think i might overwatch this two wounds i got two i rolled a 10. [Laughter] ah sucky i am going to charge now with gas go gaskal sees the hero of hell's reach and stops forward keen for a challenge oh grimaldis the orcs charge into all the remaining black templar an epic fight is now upon us [Music] the orc assault is devastating so i get to pick the first charge before you go with this guy so i'm going to choose this unit of uh workbooks but i might save some of those because of the five-up ignore damage it's down to one wound he's still down on our own six regular boys and then the knob with the claw into the amber champion all right he's down to one moon that's a lot of dice all right i'm gonna drop with grimaldis the waldis is in a dire situation he must inflict some wounds here during this phase whilst gaskell will be unstoppable the beast seems to be too much and grimaldis only manages two wounds onto gaz gold those pork boys there you win holds five you win yeah and then you get to fight with the emperor's champion swinging blade five dead or toys it is now time for glasgow this is known as warhammer as why bother rolling now that's how you crump things grimaldo's crumples under the claw of the mighty war boss chapter master he's gonna kill snatcher right here who wouldn't you nothing it's a dumb choice dumb choice def copters almost dead the crusade squad could pile in they'll probably be able to get everyone in i think probably yeah well they slightly did something i got them down to one wound the two of snatch is gonna go next three into the capture master three into the end [Applause] so one goes through three attacks into your chapter bye bye chapter master increases back there he goes power fist first power fist minus three two damage but it's strength eight so the ram shackle doesn't kick down boom he's punched him to death my big mac is gonna attack the uh crusade squad the crusade squad flat damage three dead crusaders and the chaplain hits ya i wanted you twice three times smack smack smack oh yeah i tried to kill the hellhound or devil dog uh banewolf got in three there's power claw two i say one take two damage i got one left ah come on priest with your four attacks give me some morel test so those guys need to roll a five or less fine but these guys here need to roll one now comes the very important role that helps decide how this game goes grimaldis needs to stand back want me to roll for you no i don't want you to roll for me grimaldo's on a four-up guy has a special role to stand back up despite him being slain you can't stand back up because gazill's standing on his throat right now will the hero of hell's reach stand up as he did before is he broken but not beaten so i need a four up for for grimaldis to stand back up and you don't get a victory point for him and he'll stand back up and kill gaz gold okay [Music] what an incredible turn for the orcs grimaldis stays down that means the orcs have gained a point and struck a devastating blow against the imperium defenders are definitely on the back foot however we can hear the footsteps of their biggest reinforcement making its way to the battle on to the next chapter turn three things are desperate yeah you've killed grimaldis you're up one point he didn't rise so you get the point i imagine take gas go down to half his wounds but i don't know how i'm gonna kill him he's still almost gonna kill him and yarrick's right there yerrick's gotta charge him because i can only do up to four wounds per phase so i can only do say four wounds of the shooting phase and a character has to kill him which means that character has to kill him in the close combat phase so it's gonna come down to yarrick charging gaskell and that's gonna be epic it's super rapid but at the same time i have to worry about this there is one last thing that i get to do this turn i brought on my templar reinforcements you brought on this giant stompa godsmad that god smasher but you know what i have titans of my own and it gets to come in payback's a comment paybacks are coming we're gonna move all these tanks forward four inches the tanks finally move but this is to make way for a warlord titan uh fire my target for everybody there yep um company commander he has nobody to order let's hear things squad mortar cannon into these orc boys here we're back one two three four last cannon and heavy boulders into the truck uh demolished cannon into gas gold the demolisher in the gas gold hits you twice or up d6 damage with each one so press you down to two wounds remaining and i can't do any more damage to you in the shooting phase i have to kill you in close combat and then the last gun and into the buggy d6 damage two damage down four four times with the heavy voltage 40 punisher shots you ever seen a grot smoothie so there's 14 of them left the next punisher cannon is firing all of his shots into the uh the burner boys that just got out do you want me to roll us into this all we got left is the demolishers the battle cannon and the plasma everything and we're looking into the big guy sure all right battle cannons i'm gonna roll all of them at once i got hitting on threes rear rolls so forth i saved two or three one goes through and does three damage collapsing one of your void shields the last cannons from those two tanks take it yes through your next void shield one more void shield down my plane is gonna fire everything and try to collapse that last void shield sure four last cannons collapse is the last void shield ain't no void shield the last void shield is down now is the time for the titan all right so his big main arm cannons 3d 3 shots each strength 20 12 damage so 6d three shots yup fifteen shots how many was the jury have seventy this has potential of like 160 damage you know threes yeah you need three of these to not fail yeah on twos three ones roll three ones no ones they all hit and wounded 96 damage i didn't even shoot any of his other guns oh that was fun hi declare charge we're the tank commander because what i don't want you to do is overwatch and kill yarrick oh i'm not overwatching come on in you promised yeah here it is it's happening yorick charges gazzigal the ark's gonna fight first he only gets three attacks one more for the priests nearby him cheer them once and go yard go here hitting on twos but goes down to threes because of his minus one hit for this power claw everything hits what's the strength string six fives i have three wounds for you to make at minus three oh wait wait wait no van point re-roll all the two and try to get one more yes i got four wounds you have to save all of them well maybe yarrick hold on hold on though before you get super excited i'm gonna i'm no what so you kill gas on any parade so so yarick snips gas girl's head off and as he falls to the ground i spend 2cp and he snatches him up in his power claw forks is never beaten i beg to differ there's a there's a big hole right here all right what do you hit on twos oh this is one of those one why bother rolls ah what the hell cp reroll oh eight minus fours oh one two three four five six go through six moods succeed in penetrating his yard shields however on a roll of three for every wound that would otherwise kill him he denies death yorick does it he is slain glasgow thracker the imperium escort so now we are tied yeah one to one i get first ongoing combat the big mech the big mac they've got to get out of there because if they can get out of there they can actually kill yarrick and win the game yep he's going to put three attacks into the bull ground bogren and one attack into the the crusaders yep and then into the templars he fails you killed the bulgarians i'm gonna fight with the war boss here trying to feel the yeah into the uh the cursor's cursors guilty where guys you want four five ups save two to go through so i can't get you so that that does it two more in cursors which means you're stuck in combat with that being the end of all the ongoing combats i just want to outline what's going on here your character's ears are stuck in combat for at least another turn yep yarick is now going to be able to fall back with yorick's target slain he retreats back into the safety of his tank line whom he would do at this point sounds about right which which means that with gas girl gone and these guys being tied up you have no characters in range i do not i don't think you can actually get to eric and win this game i cannot which means we leave it at a stalemate with the atomic storm raging now almost upon them yarick knows the walls of hell's reach will not be breached today he will make it back into the hive city to fight another day orcs is never beaten unsatisfied with the outcome of this battle they will be back while unconfirmed we can only surmise that gasgul's head was recovered as the orcs retreated the threat is not over hell's reach did not fall today the battle ends with both sides suffering immense losses and neither side claiming true victory this just means that more battles will be told in the future of the ravaged battlefields of armageddon thank you for watching our first 40k features if you enjoyed this pilot episode please like subscribe and comment on the video your input is invaluable to us and whether or not we continue with more features depends on its reception thank you again to our sponsor beard sorcery throw a legendary beard with their sorcerer's blend beard oils i appreciate a good berserker's rage in my beard click on the link in our description to up your beard game and if you enjoy our narrative games you need to check out our three episode narrative mini series on hell's reach available only through our patreon on behalf of our players nick and james who told the incredible story today and from the production team at play on tabletop who are dedicated to bringing you these epic tales i say play on which means we leave it at a stalemate i don't like that i'm okay with it uh rock paper scissors scenes you're gonna need to watch the armageddon on patreon it's a stalemate which means the viewers are gonna have to watch the uh the patreon exclusive that was fun super fun i feel like i still have adrenaline coursing through my veins it can be how titans work you can go command the titan
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 905,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _OgecENN3yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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