Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood FULL EPISODE | Daniel Goes to the Hospital | PBS KIDS

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- [Narrator] This episode was made possible in part by. (whimsical music) Daniel: ♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ Would you be mine, Could you be mine, ♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪ (opening theme song) ♪ Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood ♪ ♪ A land of make-believe ♪ ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Daniel: ♪ Ride along. ♪ Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, ♪ ♪ So much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Daniel: ♪ Ride along. ♪ Narrator: ♪ I've got lots of friends for you to meet. ♪ ♪ In this land of make-believe ♪ ♪ A friendly face on every street, ♪ ♪ Just waiting to greet you. ♪ ♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor, ♪ ♪ In Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! ♪ ♪ (gentle music) ♪ Daniel: Hi Neighbor. I'm so glad you're here. Tigey is too. My ears have been bothering me. Dr. Anna said I need to go to the hospital for an...'operation' to fix my ears. Did you ever have to go to the hospital? It's my first time... I don't know what it will be like there and... I'm a little nervous. Dad Tiger: It's ok to be nervous my fuzzy guy. ♪ When we do something new, ♪ ♪ let's talk about what we'll do. ♪ Here... This book will show us what we'll do at the hospital. Daniel: Ok. Mom Tiger: The hospital is a place where doctors and nurses work together to help you get better. Daniel: Woah! The hospital's so big. Dad: Mhm. Inside there are nurses, and doctors... Daniel: Dr. Anna, right? Mom: No, Dr. Anna doesn't work at the hospital. We're going to meet a new doctor today; Dr. Lee. Daniel: Do you know Dr. Lee, Tigey? Mmm-mm. Tigey doesn't know Dr. Lee either. Mom: Daniel, She's very nice. The doctors at the hospital know just how to make your ears feel better. ♪ (light music) ♪ Daniel: What's that girl wearing? Dad: That is a hospital gown. It's comfy like pajamas and makes it easier for the nurse and doctor to check your body. Daniel: Hmm, will I wear one? Mom: Yes you will. Daniel: Oooh, will my hospital gown have puppies on it? Mom: (chuckles) I don't know, but we'll find out soon. Daniel: Mom, Dad, can I bring Tigey with me to the hospital? Dad: Of course you can bring Tigey. Daniel: What is that? Dad: That's a mask. The medicine inside that mask is a special kind of air that you breathe so you won't feel the operation at all. Daniel: Oh. Dad: Look Daniel, to help you get well, the doctors and nurses use special tools. Just like some of the tools Dr. Anna uses. Daniel: Like this? What does it do? Dad: ♪ When we do something new, ♪ ♪ let's talk about what we'll do. ♪ Dad: An otoscope helps doctors look inside your ears. Daniel: Let me check inside your ears, Tigey! Dr. Daniel will check your ears too, Dad. (giggles) Good job holding still! Dad: (chuckles) Thank you, Dr. Daniel. I feel better already. Daniel: (giggles) I like being a doctor. Heyyyyy... Do you want to make-believe with me? Let's make believe I'm a doctor at a hospital... (sparkly transition) ♪♪ Hi, I'm Dr Daniel, Nurse Tigey helps me too ♪ And we're here to take care of you ♪ ♪ So that you feel better soon, ♪ ♪ Open up and say ahhhhh ♪ Stuffies: Ahhhhhhh! Daniel: ♪ Now take a really deep breath. ♪ Stuffies: (inhale) Hmmmmmm (exhale) Haaaaaaaaa Daniel: ♪ We'll listen to your heartbeat ♪ ♪ And bring you a cold treat ♪ ♪ We're here to take care of you ♪ ♪ To help you feel better soon ♪ ♪♪ (sparkly transition) (giggles) Wasn't that grr-ific?! Dad: And at the end of the visit... Daniel: ...I can come home! Mom: That's right! Grandpere: Ahoy! Look who's up from her nap! Baby Margaret: Dan! Dan! Ugga Mugga! (baby talk) Daniel: Grandpere, I'm nervous to go to the hospital. Grandpere: I understand. But you're going to have all kinds of people helping you so your ears will get better. And...I brought something special for you to take to the hospital. ♪ (humming melody) ♪ Whenever I'm a little nervous, music helps me feel happy and ...caaalm, so I thought it might help you when you're at the hospital too. ♪ (music box melody) ♪ Daniel: (gasps) Listen... ♪ (humming melody) ♪ Daniel: (giggles) ♪ (music box melody) ♪ It does makes me feel... caaalm. Thank you, Grandpere! Grandpere: You're welcome, Daniel. Mom: And we can take this with us. Oh! I packed a cozy blanket and a change of clothes... And you have Tigey... Daniel: Oh...and my hospital book. Mom: Ok my big tiger, time to go. Grandpere: See you later. Daniel: Ugga mugga. Daniel: Bye Bye, Margaret. Baby Margaret: Dan dan. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ Margaret: Buh bye! Mom: Bye! Dad: Bye bye! Dad: Please take us to the hospital, Trolley. Trolley: (ding-ding) ♪ ♪ Mom: ♪ We're going to the hospital, ♪ ♪ to fix your tiger ears. ♪ Mom/Dad: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ ♪ ♪ Dad: ♪ We're going to the hospital, ♪ ♪ So you'll get better soon. Daniel: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Dad: ♪ Ride along. ♪ Mom: ♪ We'll meet nurses and doctors, ♪ ♪ who'll know just how to help. ♪ All: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Daniel: ♪ Ride along. ♪ All: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Trolley: (ding-ding) Mom: We're here. ♪ ♪ Thanks, Trolley. Trolley: (ding-ding) Daniel: Woooah! This hospital is so big! Just like the one in my book. Dad: Yes it is! There are lots of helpful people inside. ♪ (gentle soothing music) ♪ ♪♪ Daniel: It's sooooo big! And.. (sniffs) ..it even smells different. ♪ ♪ Dad: Let's take the elevator to the fifth floor. Will you press the button, Daniel? Daniel: Yep! Have you ever been in an elevator? (elevator dings) Dad: Here we go. ♪ ♪ Daniel: (whispering) Ok, Tigey! Tigey says he wants to press a button too. Mom: Of course! Tigey, it's this one here. ♪ ♪ Dad: Up! Up! Up we go! Mom/Daniel: Up! Up! Up we go! ♪ ♪ (elevator dings) (hospital noise) Daniel: It's noisy... ..and the lights are so bright here. Mom, Dad, I want to go home now. Dad: We know this is all new to you, but remember why we're at the hospital... ♪ Dad/ Mom: ♪ We are here to help you get better. ♪ Daniel: ♪ We are here to help me get better. ♪ Mom: I'll go check us in at the desk. Dad: Daniel, let's go over to the waiting room. ♪ ♪ Daniel: This waiting room has toys, just like Dr. Anna's office. But I still feel a little nervous. Dad: Maybe your music box will help you feel a little better? (clicking, clicking, clicking) ♪ (music box plays) ♪ Daniel: (deep sigh) I like this music. Dad: I like it too. ♪ (music box plays) ♪ Nurse Miller: Hi. I'm Nurse Miller. Nice to meet you. Dad: Hi, we're the Tigers. Nice to meet you too. Nurse Miller: You must be Daniel. Daniel: (giggles). No. That's Tigey, I'm Daniel. Nurse Miller: Ooohh! Well, it's nice to meet you, Daniel Tiger. I'm the nurse who will be taking care of you while you're here at the hospital. ♪ We are here to help you get better. ♪ Is this your first time at the hospital? Daniel: Uh huh. Nurse Miller: Well then... ♪ When we do something new, ♪ ♪ let's talk about what we'll do! ♪ Daniel: Hey, we say that too! Nurse Miller: Want to take a look around with me? Daniel: Ok. Nurse Miller: Follow me, Daniel! You can come too, Tigey. Daniel: (giggles) ♪ ♪ Nurse Miller: Nurses and doctors wear gloves, masks, and hats to keep everything clean, so we don't spread germs. ♪ ♪ See, still me... Daniel: Oh, yea! Just like in my hospital book! Nurse Miller: Sometimes we use machines like this one to help us check on our patients. (beep-beep-beep) Daniel: The machine makes a lot of beepy sounds. Nurse Miller: Mhmm. Neat, huh? There are lots of sounds in a hospital. ♪ ♪ Daniel: Nurse Miller... Do people eat here? Nurse Miller: They sure do. Especially if they're sleeping here overnight. We bring them food on a tray like this. Daniel: Oh! Nurse Miller: Here we are! This will be your room today. Daniel: Oh...this doesn't look like my room at home. Nurse Miller: That's true. Now, I have a very important question for you Daniel. Duckies or stars? Daniel: A hospital gown! Just like in my book. Nurse Miller: Mhm hmm. Daniel: Which one would you choose? Stars...or duckies? I choose... Duckies!!! Nurse Miller: Great choice! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Daniel: (giggles) ♪ ♪ Nurse: Now if you'll please put this hospital gown on, I'll be right back. ♪ ♪ (curtain sliding) Mom: Alright, let's get these off! Here we go! Ok, arms up, Ducky Daniel. Ready? Daniel: Yeah! Quack! Quack! (giggles) Mom: We're ready! Nurse Miller: Lookin' good! Just one more thing. Nurse Miller: We're going to give you this bracelet to put on your wrist. Daniel: A bracelet? Nurse Miller: Mhm, it has some important information all about Daniel Tiger, so all of the nurses and doctors know who you are! Daniel: It's kind of like wearing a watch. Nurse Miller: Mhmm! Ok Daniel, now I am going to check how much you weigh. Can you step on this scale please? Right on the star sticker. Daniel: Ooh, shiny star. Nurse Miller: Thank you. Ok. Let's see this. Mhmm. Now it's time to hop up on this bed. Watch this...huh? Pretty neat right? Uuuup, dowwwn. Daniel: Yeah! Nurse Miller: It even has wheels so we can push it all around. Daniel: My bed at home doesn't do that! Nurse Miller: You can hop up on the bed now, Daniel! Daniel: Okay. Nurse Miller: Great, I need to check your temperature. Can you look this way? Daniel: Mhmm. (thermometer beeping) Nurse Miller: Alright Daniel, I want you to take a nice deep breath for me like this... Deep breath in... (inhales) and deep breath out... (exhales) Now you try, ok? Daniel: Ok! Deep breath in... (inhales) and deep breath out... (exhales) Nurse Miller: Great. Next, I'm going to wrap this around your arm and when I squeeze this ball, your arm will get... ..a little hug. (inflating) Daniel: (giggles) I feel it hugging me! It's tight, like a squeezy hug. Mom: Here's another squeezy hug! You are being such a brave patient. Nurse Miller: He sure is! Daniel: Tigey's being brave too. Mom: (chuckles) Oh yeah. Nurse Miller: Ok! I'll be right back with Doctor Lee. Daniel: Dad? Dad: Yes, Daniel? Daniel: Can I have Grandpere's music box again, please? Dad: Of course... (unzipping) ...here you go. Daniel: ♪ Dancing Tigey! ♪ ♪ (humming along with music box) ♪ Dr. Lee: Oh! That patient is a good dancer! Mom: (chuckles) Dr. Lee: Daniel Tiger? Daniel: Mhmm. Dr. Lee: I'm Doctor Lee. It's very nice to meet you. Mom: Hello, Doctor. Dr. Lee: I'm here to make your ears feel better. Daniel: Right now? Dr. Lee: ♪ When we do something new, ♪ ♪ let's talk about what we'll do. ♪ Tiger Family: ♪ When we do something new, ♪ ♪ let's talk about what we'll do. ♪ Daniel: Ok, let's talk. Dr. Lee: Soon, I'll take you over to another room for the operation. Daniel: Can my mom and dad come? Dr. Lee: They'll stay right here. But you'll see them as soon as we're done. And I'll be with you the whole time. ♪ We are here to help you get better. ♪ Daniel: And, when you're fixing my ears, will it hurt? Dr. Lee: Nope. I'm going to put a mask on you like this. The medicine inside is a special kind of air that will make you fall asleep so you won't feel the operation. See? Daniel: Oh yea, that was in my hospital book! Dr. Lee: Exactly! Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Tiger, it's time for me to take Daniel now. Dad: Mom and I and Tigey... will be waiting right here when you're done. Dad: Ugga Mugga. Daniel: Ugga Mugga. Mom: Ugga Mugga. Daniel: (quietly) Ugga Mugga. Dr. Lee: I promise to take very good care of Daniel. Nurse Miller: Let's go for a ride! Should we go for a train ride? Choo-choo! Or a boat ride? Woooosh! Woooosh! Daniel: A boat ride. Whoosh! Whoosh! Nurse Miller: Alright, here we go! Woooosh! Woooosh! Calm waves today, Daniel. ♪ (gentle calming music) ♪ ♪♪ Daniel: It's really bright in here. Dr. Lee: Hi Daniel. It's still me, Dr. Lee. This mask has the medicine inside. Just like we talked about. I'm going to put it on you now. Daniel: Uh... Dr. Lee: I know you're a little nervous Daniel, just remember... ♪ We are here to help you get better. ♪ Now, take a nice deep breath for me (inhales) and think of something that makes you happy. Daniel: (exhales) (muffled) What makes me happy? Tigey, my family, Trolley, my new music box... Dr. Lee: Hmm.. Can you count backwards from three for me? Daniel: Ok.... (drifting off) Three... two... one... (sparkly transition) ♪ (gentle music) ♪ ♪♪ (sparkly transition) Dr. Lee: Hi Daniel! We're all done. Daniel: (raspy) Already? Dr. Lee: Yep! Dad: Hey! How's our fuzzy guy doing? Daniel: I feel... ..a little sleepy. Nurse Miller: Here's some water and... a special treat for you while you rest. Daniel: An ice pop! Thank you. Nurse Miller: We'll be back in a bit to check on you. Mom: Oh! Tigey wants to say hello. Daniel: Hi Tigey. Want some ice pop? It'll make your throat feel good. Mom: (chuckles) And here's some music to make you feel better too. ♪ (music box playing) ♪ Hey... the music box got so much louder! ♪ (music box playing) ♪ Dad: Actually, Daniel, it isn't louder than before, it's just, you can hear it so much better now! Dr. Lee: That's good news. Nurse Miller: How's our patient doing? Daniel: Good. Nurse Miller: Good. Dr. Lee: Everything looks great. Now that you've rested and you're feeling better, Daniel, you can go home. Daniel: Ok, let's go home! Dad: Oh.. Mom: Uh..(giggles) ..Daniel? Do you need to change your clothes first? Daniel: (giggles) Oops! Dr. Lee: (laughter) It was very nice meeting you, Daniel. Daniel: Thank you for making my ears all better. Dr. Lee/ Nurse Miller: ♪ We are here to help you get better. ♪ Nurse Miller: Bye Daniel! See ya Tigey! Daniel/Mom: Bye! Mom: (chuckles) Come here, you. Alright, here we go! ♪ (playful music) ♪ Daniel: (giggles) Mom: (giggles) Alright, there you go. Daniel: Thanks, Mom! ♪ (playful music) ♪ Can I press the button? Mom: Oh yes you can! (elevator dings) Daniel: Whoa, loud! I can hear so much better now! (elevator dinging) ♪ (playful music) ♪ ♪ (playful music) ♪ Daniel: I get to go home now! I can't wait to tell Baby Margaret and Grandpere about today. ♪ (playful music) ♪ (sparkly transition) Dr. Lee/Nurse Miller: ♪ When we do, something new ♪ ♪ Let's talk about what we'll do ♪ ♪♪ Nurse Miller: ♪ Welcome to the hospital ♪ ♪ The doctor will see you soon ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Nurse Miller: ♪ We know that it is big and new ♪ ♪ But there are lots of people here for you ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Dr. Lee/Nurse: We are here, Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Dr. Lee/Nurse Miller: ♪ to help you get better ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-daaaaaa ♪ Nurse Miller: ♪ I can show you to your hospital room ♪ ♪ Change in to your cozy gown ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Nurse Miller: ♪ And jump up on this big soft bed ♪ ♪ It goes up, and it goes down ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Dr. Lee/Nurse: ♪ We are here, ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Dr. Lee/Nurse Miller: ♪ to help you get better ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Dr. Lee: ♪ If you ever feel unsure ♪ ♪ We can talk about what we'll do ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Dr. Lee: ♪ And remember that we do what we do ♪ ♪ Because we care about you ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-paaaa ♪ Adults: ♪ We are here, to help you get better ♪ Chorus: ♪ Pa-pa-da-pa-paaaa ♪ Adults: ♪ We are here, to help you get better ♪ (ding-ding) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Daniel: Bye, Trolley! Thank you. (ding-ding) Daniel: (giggles) Grandpere! Hi, Margaret! Grandpere: Ah! (laughs) Hello! How are you, my brave patient? Daniel: I'm all better Grandpere. Grandpere: Ohhh I'm so glad to hear that. ♪ (playful music) ♪ Daniel: I was nervous to go to the hospital today, but it's good I went, because now my ears are better. There are lots of doctors and nurses at the hospital to help you. Thanks for being with me today. Ugga Mugga. ♪ ♪ Narrator: ♪ It's such a good feeling to play ♪ ♪ with family and friends ♪ ♪ It's such a happy feeling, ♪ ♪ when they lend you a hand. ♪ ♪ You wake up ready to say, ♪ ♪ I think I'll make a snappy new day! ♪ ♪ It's such a good feeling, A very good feeling, ♪ ♪ A feeling you know! ♪ Daniel: ♪ That I'll be back, When the day is new, ♪ ♪ And I'll have more ideas for you. ♪ ♪ And you'll have things you'll want to talk about. ♪ ♪ I will too. ♪ Because, it's you I like. Let's go see some neighbors! ♪ (playful music) ♪ Sam: Hi, my name is Sam. Today I'm going to visit the hospital to see what it's like. ♪ (light music) ♪ This is Alannah, she is a child life specialist. What is it like to be a child life specialist? Alannah: We help children to feel comfortable and safe and help them understand when they come to have their body fixed. Would you like to take a tour? Sam: Yes please. Alannah: Yeah, follow me! Sam, this is the reception area of our hospital, this is the first place a child comes, when they're coming to have their body fixed. Sam: Can a child bring something from home? Alannah: Absolutely, kids can bring a stuffed animal, a blanket, anything that will help you to feel comfortable while you're here. These are hospital pajamas. When a child comes here, they take off their regular clothes and put these on. Sam, this is the activity center. It's one of my favorite rooms in the hospital. Sam: This is awesome! Alannah: Kids can come and play while they wait to see the doctor. When the doctors are ready to fix a child's body, they take them on this bed with wheels to the operating room. The operating room is a place where the doctors can help you feel better. When a child enters the operating room we use this special mask that goes over your nose and mouth to help them breathe in medicine air so they can fall into a special medicine sleep. Sam: What is this place? Alannah: This is the room where a child wakes up from their special sleep. Your mom, dad, or whoever brought you to the hospital will be here waiting for you. When a child wakes up, that means the doctors are all done. But it might take some time before a child feels really great. Sam: Thanks for showing me around the hospital, Alannah. Alannah: You're welcome! Sam: Thanks for coming, neighbor. Bye! ♪ (gentle upbeat music) ♪ Daniel: I like these visits with you! ♪ (show theme song) ♪ ♪♪ Daniel: Visit the neighborhood at PBSkids.org! ♪♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 7,056,831
Rating: 3.9333534 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood FULL EPISODE, hospital, doctors, nurses, Daniel Goes to the Hospital, Daniel Tiger, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, sick, feel better, surgery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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