Arthur MOVIE | Arthur's First Day | PBS KIDS

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- [Announcer] This episode is made possible in part by ABC Mouse. ♪ Every day when you're walking down the street ♪ ♪ Everybody that you meet has an original point of view ♪ (laughing) ♪ And I say hey ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other ♪ ♪ You got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat ♪ ♪ Listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street ♪ ♪ Open up your eyes, open up your ears ♪ ♪ Get together and make things better ♪ ♪ By working together ♪ ♪ It's a simple message, and it comes from the heart ♪ ♪ Believe in yourself, for that's the place to start ♪ ♪ And I say hey ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ Hey! ARTHUR: Hey, D.W.! Hey! Whoa... (crash) ♪ ♪ Do you ever wake up right before your alarm clock goes off? (beeps) (Pal barking) (chuckles): I'm up, boy, I'm up. (door opens, light switch clicks) Arthur, are you..? Yep, I'm awake. It's like your body just knows it has to get up. (alarm beeping) Maybe it's because I'm nervous about today. What if I get a big wart right on my nose? (wart pops, Arthur gasps) (mirror cracks) (laughing) Look at warty-wart-face! It's bigger than his nose. RATTLES: It's like he's growing another head. Whew! At least I don't have to worry about that. ♪ ♪ Or maybe I'm just excited. (sniffs and sighs) Does anything smell better than a brand-new notebook? And check it out, my new pencil case. Dark Bunny vs. Trashasaurus. ♪ ♪ Maybe I'm a little bit of both-- nervous and excited. But there's one thing I know I am... Ready. Fourth grade, here I come! FRANCINE: "Arthur's First Day." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (Pal barking, Kate babbling) D.W.: What's that? Are you sure? Okay, I'll tell her. Bye-bye. Mom, kindergarten's been canceled! Oh, really? Uh-huh. That was the principaltator of the school. He's calling everyone. And why is it canceled? Um, because... there's an outbreak of turkey pox! It's even worse than chicken pox. (coughing) Oh, no, I think I got it from the phone. Nice try, D.W., but you're still going to school. ♪ ♪ Why can't I stay in pre-K? There's so much more to learn about the color green. Because you're too old for pre-K. I'm only five! Next thing you know, you'll want me to get a job. MR. READ: Here, I made your favorite lunch: a bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich, hold the bacon. With extra pickles? Six of them. Now, will you please eat up and get dressed? Okay. But I want Arthur to take me to school. (coughs): Me? Why? Because only babies get taken to school by their moms and dads, and I'm a big girl now. So you have to take me. Will you, Arthur? (sighs): Okay. But no talking about Mary Moo Cow or Nadine or unicorns. There, it's settled. Now, will you please eat up? I am. I just have to butter this toast. (D.W. humming) (D.W. continues humming) (gasps) ♪ ♪ (groans) ♪ ♪ (bag thudding slowly on stairs) D.W., come on. We're going to be late. D.W.: Coming, coming. ♪ ♪ You're bringing all that? It's my first day of kindergarten. Who knows what I'll need? What if they don't have glue? Or pillows? Or crayons? D.W., they have all those things at school. What about the lemon-yellow crayon? That one's really rare. Yes, yes, they even have that one. Can we go now? (struggling) Okay, but if you're wrong, there's going to be trouble. (struggling) (sighs): Do you want some help? Oh, thanks for asking. Here you go. (grunts) Wow, what do you have in here, rocks? Just a few. Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go, you're making me late! (groans) ♪ ♪ Okay, give me the lowdown. On what? School, of course. You have to tell me all the big-brother stuff you know. Why do you think I asked you to walk me? Oh. Well... just have fun. That's it? That's your advice? I know how to have fun. I've been doing it for five years. You're supposed to tell me important things, like how to spell cauliflower and do yo-yo tricks. Okay, okay, um... C-A-U-L... Buster, phew! Just in time. Did you bring it? Hmm? Bring what? Um, in case you didn't notice, I'm down here. Oh. Hey, D.W. Good luck on your first day. Luck? I don't need luck, I need advice. You two are about as helpful as a broken shoelace. Your lucky pencil, did you bring it? (gasps) Um, sorry, I forgot. That's okay. I think have enough charms for both of us. My horseshoe, my lucky yam yamlet, this rock shaped like Iowa... (bells jingling, Buster gasps) My lucky hat. I should be wearing this. What's all that stuff for? Today we find out if we're in the same class. And we need all the good luck we can get. (laughing) You think all that mumbo-jumbo is going to help you? It's not mumbo-jumbo. I prefer to think of it as hocus-pocus. Well, whatever it is, it probably won't work. There's only one lucky charm that never fails. Mini-uni. She has the power of all the love in the entire world, and she uses it to grant a child a single wish. Hey, you said you weren't going to talk about unicorns. You said I wasn't going to talk about unicorns. I never agreed to that. Can I have it? Name your price. No way! Anyway, you two should probably be split up. You're a bad influence on each other. What? No, we're not. Lucky-First-Day lollipop? Sure. (bicycle bell rings) ♪ ♪ (brakes squeal) Yoo-hoo, Francine! Hop in. Uh, school is right there. I was just going to walk. It's the first day of fourth grade. Let's arrive in style. ♪ ♪ Look, Bailey made mini-quiches, one for you, one for me. (sighs) ♪ ♪ (sighs): Can you believe summer is over? Camp Elysium was the best. We rode horses, swam every day... I know, we shared a blog, remember? I read all your posts. Yeah, but I like saying it out loud. Hey, do you think fourth grade'll feel different? Of course. All the fun and games are over. Now we have to be responsible. Responsible? It's just fourth grade. Which is practically middle school. It's okay, Francine. We all grow at our own pace. Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Well, you might not be mature enough to take on the responsibilities of fourth grade, but I certainly am. Oh, really? Really. Huh? (disco music playing) Whoa! Cool, I didn't even know that button was there. Woo-hoo! Party! Oh, yeah. (sarcastically): Can't imagine a more responsible person than you. (music continues) Hey! D.W.! Hi, Emily. Come on, I'll take you to your class. You can go now. I'll go with Emily and Marie-Helene. (bag thuds) Our very first day of kindergarten. Aren't you excited? No. I miss pre-K. It's better than K, because it has a "pre" in front of it. (bag rattles, D.W. grunts) Well, I think we're going to have a great time. What'd you pack for lunch? My favorite. BLT without the B. (grunts) (gasps): Wait a minute. (gasps): I forgot my lunch! Oh. Well, you can have some of mine. Do you like pâté? What's that? Liver, but not really. (moaning): Liver. Can this day get any worse? SUE ELLEN: I got Mrs. Grimslid. BINKY: Where am I? SUE ELLEN: Who else has Mrs. Grimslid? BINKY: Oh, there I am. Woo-hoo! I got Mr. Ratburn! Third time's the charm. SUE ELLEN: Anybody have Mrs. Grimslid? Yes! Muffy, we both have Mr. Ratburn again. This is going to be so great. Yay, we're in the same class! Not that I ever doubted it. After all, Daddy has contributed so much to this school. BUSTER: 'Scuse me! Coming through! Come on, come on. (both gasp) ♪ ♪ BUSTER (without emotion): Ow. BUSTER: I can't believe it. We've been together since kindergarten. We won't be far from each other. Right across the hall. I bet Mrs. Grimslid is nice. Yep. The name says it all. I guess I should've brought my lucky pencil. It's not your fault. Well, we should probably... Oh, right, class. Um, Buster? Yeah? You're over there. Huh? Oh. (chuckles) Bad feet. See you at lunch! Right, lunch. (kids laughing, talking inside classroom) Sue Ellen! Are you Jacobs-comma-P-period? No. I'm Baxter-comma-B-period. Ah. You're over there. It's assigned seating. Helps me remember the names. Oh. Okay. Aha, I guess you must be the class clown. Huh? Me? No. Why...? The hat. Oh, right. (chuckles nervously): Sorry. ♪ ♪ Hey. I'm Buster. Hey-- Kevin. I'm Samir. Hi. Want to see a magic trick? Okay. Pick any card. (chuckles): But don't tell me what it is. Now put it back in the deck. Your card was the eight of hearts. No, it was... No, no, no, no, no, don't tell me. I'll get it. (Cressida exhales) He didn't guess my card, either. I'm Cressida Billings-Thorpe. I skipped a grade. I can speak Italian. Non prendermi in giro. That means, "You'd better not cheat off me." Uh, okay. I won't. Six of clubs. I knew I'd get it. Sorry. Aw, man. Huh? ♪ ♪ "This is half of a clue. The second is right beside you..." MRS. GRIMSLID: Okay, take out a sheet of paper. Let's see how many of you did the summer reading. Who here knows how to read their name? (students exclaiming) That's wonderful. On your seats are your name tags. Go find them now. ♪ ♪ Here I am. Yay! (gasps) Does this say "Dora" on it? That's you, right? No! That's not me! My name is D.W. I hate the name Dora! It's almost as bad as Winifred! It's okay, we can change it. But I was really looking forward to meeting you. Why? Because my name is Dora, too. Really? I've never met another Dora. Me, neither. And I don't like it myself. That's why my friends call me Dotty. But you can call me Ms. Velez. Okay, Ms. Velez. See? I knew we would have a lot in common. (both chuckling) (struggling): I can't peel this off. No problem, I've got it. There we go. Huh? Let's try a different one. ♪ ♪ Huh, weird. That's okay. We all know who you are. Don't we, D.W.? (laughing) (sighs) ♪ ♪ Hey, Alex, I guess we're pod-mates. Yep. Ugh. What is this? A science experiment? Oh, that must have been Buster's. I think he was saving it for his food cabinet. I'll give it back to him. Actually, I don't think he'll miss it. Wow! That's a really big book. "The Dimension of Darkness"? Yeah, it's book two in the Multiverse Series. The Multi-wha? Multiverse. It's a series about these parallel universes. Whoa. Yeah, it's really good. ALEX: It's about these twin brothers, Caleb and Sam, who are kids, but geniuses, and they do this experiment that opens up a portal to another dimension. Cool. They go through the portal, but they wind up in different universes. Like in this book, Caleb lands in a world where whales have cities. I love the drawings. They're so detailed. Yeah. Check this one out. This is Mirropolis, where every single person on the planet is a different version of yourself, but at a different time in your life. Ah! Looks kind of scary. That one is. Sam's stuck there now. The brothers are always trying to get back to each other, but they keep getting trapped in different places. Wow. I wonder why I've never heard of this series. A lot of people haven't. I just found it 'cause I'm a really big reader. Oh, me, too. I can lend you book one if you want. It's in my locker. Sure. It's weird. You and I have been in the same class for years, but we've never really had a conversation. I know. (door opens) MR. RATBURN: Before we get started, is there anybody who'd like to sign up for the Big Buddy program? What's that? It's when a fourth grader volunteers to help a kindergartener get accustomed to the school. Oh, oh! See? I told you, Francine. Fourth grade is all about responsibility. Are you sure you want to do this? Of course I'm sure. Who's more responsible than me? Excellent. See me after class, and I'll give you information on your Little Buddies. Yay! We are going to be so good at this. Wow, that's the biggest tower ever. This thing? (blows) I built towers twice this tall in pre-K. FATIMA: You're so cool. Will you be my friend? What are your feelings about Mary Moo Cow? I love Mary Moo Cow! And how about Bionic Bunny? Blech! You passed! Okay, we can be friends. (Emily gasps) ♪ ♪ Hey, Emily. This kindergarten business isn't too bad, right? Yeah, I guess. Except I can't find a green marker that works. I need one for the trees. Why don't you use those paints? EMILY: Huh? Oh, okay. (groaning) (yelps) (gasps) Hey! She got paint on me! Not nice! Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Uh... uh... MS. VELEZ: It's okay, Emma. It's Emily. Emily, oh, sorry! Don't worry, I'll take you to the bathroom to clean you up just as soon as the bell rings. MR. READ: Oh, hi. I'm D.W.'s father. She forgot her lunch. Daddy! Hey there. Here's your lunch. It was on the kitchen table. Oh, goody. I don't think I could've eaten Emily's liver sandwich. Blech! RYAN: You brought a liver sandwich? Eew. It's pâté. My nanny makes it for me. It's really good. What's in there? Is that for me, too? Oh, since it's the first day of school, I thought everyone might like a treat. Mini-cupcakes. (students cheering) They're gluten-free, very low sugar. I like your daddy. D.W.'s the best. KIDS (individually): Hooray for D.W.! D.W.'s the best. Hooray for D.W.! D.W.'s the best. (bell rings) ♪ ♪ Was this it? Sorry. Do you want me just to tell you? No, no, I'll get it someday. Only 49 cards to go. Hey, Samir, do you know anything about this key? No, why? I found it in my desk along with this note. "This is half of a clue. The second is right beside you..." You were sitting right beside me, so I thought, maybe... Actually, I don't think I'd even looked inside my desk yet. Let's check it out. (hinge creaks) (gasps): Look! ♪ ♪ "Together you can unlock the mystery." What does it mean? I don't have a clue. Well, you do have a clue-- or half of one. That's what your note said. You're right. We have a key. And a number. The key must unlock something. Right, something with a number. BOTH (gasping): A locker! ♪ ♪ 36, 37... Here it is. And there's a lock on it. And it's not a combination lock. (lock clicks) (both groan) Wait! It's kind of strange that it was locked and there was nothing inside except for one sticker. You're right. None of these other lockers even have a lock on them. Maybe we're missing something. Hmm. (squishes) Hey, I think there's something behind here. "Congratulations. You have passed the first test." Wait, there's more on the back. "No man is an island." I don't get it-- is that a clue? Something tells me it must be. MUFFY: Who'd you get? FRANCINE: Tommy Tibble. That's not a Little Buddy, that's a Little Beasty. Well, I got Emily, D.W.'s friend. Doesn't she look adorable? And she speaks French, just like me. You don't speak French. Yes, I do. I know tons of words. Croissant, escargot, haute couture. We are going to have the best time. What are you planning to do with her? Take her shopping, of course. Muffy, she's in kindergarten, and you can't leave the school. Maybe you should start with something simple, like a tour of the school. Anyway, we only have 20 minutes with them before lunch. That's plenty of time. (gasps): Ooh, I know. I'll show her the computers in the new library that Daddy donated to the school. She'll love that! ♪ ♪ Hi, Tommy, I'm Francine, your Big Buddy. I know who you are. You're Arthur's bossy friend. What? Where'd you hear that? I'm not bossy. Oh, good. Then I can be the boss. Come on! I'll show you how to play cowboy. You can be the cow. (chuckling) Um, I'm not sure... (Francine groans, Tommy cackles) Wait! (moans): Help! MUFFY: Hi! Are you Emily? Yeah. That is a very bold statement. I like it. It was an accident. I spilled it everywhere. And my name tag wouldn't stick. Nothing like a fashion disaster to start your day off, right? Well, your day is about to get much better, because I, Muffy Alice Crosswire, am your Big Buddy. Don't tell anyone, but I'm pretty much the coolest person at this school. (giggles) Want to go on a tour? Okay. And then Samir and I found this note, which said we passed the first test. And then it said, "No man is an island." What does that mean? I have no idea. I thought you might. Oh, I love that poem. It's a poem? Yeah, by the English writer John Donne. "No man is an island entire of itself; "every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." Something like that. I forget the rest. (gasps): I have to tell Samir. Hey, that reminds me. Have you heard of a book series called The Multiverse? Uh-uh. Alex was telling me about it. It's all about these two brothers who get lost in another dimension. Oh, sounds good. I know. He's lending me the first book later. You know, he's really cool. ALEX: Arthur! Oh. (Samir whistles) Heh. You know, if you want to sit with Alex, it's okay. No, no, we said we'd have lunch. It's just that I really have to tell Samir about this poem. Oh. But it can wait! No, no, you should tell him anyway. It's not like we can't see each other after school. Right, of course. So... See you after school. Yeah, after school. ♪ ♪ EMILY (giggling): See, that's you, and this is me. That's really good. Here, let's give each other some nice pearl necklaces. (gasps): It's 12:50 already? Oh, I got to go, or I'm going to miss lunch. Uh, come on! Oh. Can I print this picture? Uh, I'll do it for you later. ♪ ♪ That's the teacher's lounge. And that's the sciency room. ♪ ♪ I'm going to go to the bathroom, okay? There's my second-grade class photo. Oh, wait, don't look at that. Bad hair. ♪ ♪ That's the principal's office. You don't want to end up there. ♪ ♪ Muffy? ♪ ♪ Hello? (scared): Muffy? And here we are, right back where we started, at your... (gasps): Uh-oh! That quiz was killer. Muffy? Hey, who has gum? Wrong locker, doofus. Muffy? (scared): Muffy? Muffy? (slowly): Muffy? (Emily gasps) Help! ♪ ♪ MOLLY: Status report. How's Project Ice Breaker progressing? Like a charm. Those two neophytes have no idea what's going on. (laughing) (laughing): Yeah. Bunch of neophytes. You don't know what that word means, do you? Sure, I do. It's, like, a... a kind of worm, right? Oh, brother. (Emily crying) Zip it! We've got a situation. (crying) (gasps) Hey, I know you. You're Emily, right? Uh-huh. Are you lost? (sniffling): Yeah. Come on. I'll take you back to kindergarten. The first day of kindergarten can be rough. (laughs): Oh, yeah, I remember my first day. I got glue in my hair. That's nothing. I lost my backpack, and then I ripped my pants. I spilled paint and got it all over me. Oh, that's what that is. I just thought you were rocking a punk look. Huh? (whispering): It's a compliment. Let's take you back to the bathroom and get you cleaned up. ♪ ♪ I don't know what happened. One minute, she was right there, and the next, she was gone. MOLLY: Ms. Velez? I think I found one of your students. Emily! I'm so, so sorry. I thought you were behind me, and then you weren't, and... (sighs) I guess I just wasn't paying attention. Hm. ♪ ♪ Thanks, Molly. I'll make it up to you. I can take you shopping later. I'm her Big Buddy. Really? (sarcastically): Wow, lucky Emily. Bet she's really looking forward to being abandoned at the mall. (gasps): I'd never do that. That was just an accident. An accident that might've ruined someone's very first day of school. Maybe you should stick to being taken care of. (gasps) You're not Big Buddy material. (gasps) ♪ ♪ (gulps) BUSTER: Lewis Carroll, e.e. cummings, Emily Dickinson. Ooh, "Ode to the Doughnut," by Donny Donmeyer. Hey, this looks really good. Buster, we don't have time. We have to be back in class in five minutes. Right. I'll check it out later. Ah, here we go. The Collected Poems of John Donne. ♪ ♪ What am I looking for? Some sign or clue. Try going to that poem your friend was talking about. Good idea. "No Man Is an Island." Here we go. Bingo! "Congratulations! You have passed the second test." Yes! (laughs) I had no idea tests could be so much fun. "This old work earns respect! Only few prosper after its nowledge." What does that mean? I have no idea. But we do know one thing. What's that? Whoever wrote this isn't a very good speller. Look, they wrote "knowledge" without the K. Hmm. So we're looking for a bad speller. (gasps): I know who it is! Who? Me! I'm awful at spelling. Wait, it can't be me. If it was, I'd understand this clue. Unless someone is controlling your mind, making you do things, and then erasing your memory. I like the way you think, Samir. Oh, we better hurry! We only have two more minutes! Here's Book One. The Dizzying Dimension. It's where Caleb and Sam first jump through the portal together, Thanks! I can't wait to start it. "Twisting and turning, head over feet. "No matter how they tried to hold onto one another, it was just no use." See you inside. Huh? Yeah, I'm coming. BUSTER: Activating thrusters! (imitating rocket engine) Hey, Buster, check it out, I got the... SAMIR: Engaging warp drive! (Buster and Samir laughing) (Mr. Ratburn clears throat) Arthur? Care to join us? Oh, sorry. ♪ ♪ First, you put in sand. Then you add rocks. But they have to be shiny. Then more sand. Then some leaves. A little more sand, water. Give it a shake. Turn it upside down. And voilà! Triple-layer mud cake. D.W. made triple-layer mud cake! It's never been done before. Thank you, thank you. Now, Emily usually makes a mud frosting. Hey... Where is Emily? Who's Emily? Her. ♪ ♪ RYAN: Oh, you mean Liver Girl? (giggles) Hey! Don't call her that! She's my friend. Sorry. And it isn't liver. It's pâté. And I love it. I love it, too. Can you get us some? (yelps) Perfect. D.W.: Here. Thanks. I was just showing these kids how to make a triple-layer mud cake. You want to come over and do the frosting? Not right now. D.W., I don't think I'm ready for kindergarten. Sure you are. But everything has gone wrong. If this what the first day is like, what will tomorrow be like? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (squeaks) (screams) (screams): It's on me! She's doing it again! (kids screaming) Get away from her! FATIMA: Bunnies on the loose! (kids screaming) It's okay, it's okay. It's not your fault, Esme. It's Emily! (rumbling) (Emily gasps) Oh, no! D.W.: She didn't mean to do that! Kindergarten is too hard for me. Maybe I should just stay home. How will you learn anything? I don't need to learn anything. I know most of the alphabet and all the numbers up to seven. That's plenty. Emily, kindergarten will get easier. If Arthur made it through, you can. How can you be sure? I just am. Here. (gasps) You're giving me Mini-Uni? She who has the power of all the love in the entire world and can use it to grant a child a single wish? D.W., I can't. Take it! ♪ ♪ Choose your wish wisely. ♪ ♪ Why weren't you at lunch? Oh, Emily and I were having so much fun. I just lost track of time. Did you get a tattoo? (huffs) Tommy Tibble drew it on me when we were playing Cow. Now it won't come off. You sure lucked out with the Little Buddy you got. (gulps): Mm-hmm. (swallows): Could you throw this out for me? ♪ ♪ What did you two wind up doing? Oh, it was great. I showed her the school library, and the new computers, and we made a picture, and then I lost her, and then we made a date to go shopping. Wait, you lost her? Just for a tiny bit. Uh, like, 15 minutes. But I'm going to make it up to her. Wow. If fourth grade is all about responsibility, then I think you just flunked. MR. RATBURN: Okay, class, let's hear your reports on the summer reading. Binky? Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie. Peter Pan is a story about a boy who doesn't want to grow up. And he tries to get other kids to follow him to Neverland, so they can never grow up, either. MUFFY: Emily! Awake! It is I, Muffy Pan, your Big Buddy. Wow! You can fly! Yep. And I'm here to take you to Neverland, a place where you never, ever have to grow up. Yay! (chuckles) Wait, but don't I want to grow up? If I never grow up, then I'll never be able to drive a car. Who wants to drive a car when you can do this? (laughing) Oh! (laughing) Plus, growing up means being responsible, and trust me, it's too hard. Being dependable, caring for other people... Ah! Who has the time? Okay, you've convinced me. Teach me how to fly. It's easy. All you have to do is think good thoughts. Chocolate cake, chocolate cake, chocolate cake. And then we just sprinkle you with a little pixie dust. Oh, Tinker Bailey! ♪ ♪ MUFFY: Perfect! Now you're ready. (gasps) (laughing) This is amazing! Off we go to Neverland! EMILY: Whee! (laughing, exclaiming) ♪ ♪ EMILY: Where is Neverland? MUFFY: Beats me! Learning directions is very grown-up. I just use an app. Find Neverland. APP VOICE: Turn right here. ♪ ♪ There it is! Wow! And the best part is, you'll remain the same age you are forever. I've been in the fourth grade for over 500 years. That's even longer than Binky. Emily? Where'd you go? MOLLY AND SLINK: Har, har, har! (Molly, Slink, and Rattles laughing) Oh, no! The pirates have her! Har, har, har! Hand her over! Hand who over? Emily, my Little Buddy. Hey, Em, someone here to see you. Emily! Don't be afraid. I'm here to rescue you. Oh, um, that's okay, I'm good. What? It's just that I feel safer with the pirates. (stammering): But they're pirates! We prefer the term buccaneers. At least they don't lose me like you do. That was an accident. I'm sorry, Muffy, but you're just too... irresponsible for me. (gasps) Sandwich? Thanks, Em! Normally I make the sandwiches, but the crocodile took my condiment-spreading hand. Mmm, pâté. But... I can be responsible. I can! (crying) Oh, grow up, Muffy Pan. (blowing nose) (Rattles, Molly, and Slink laughing) And then Wendy returns to the real world, and they all live happily ever after. The end. That's the saddest story ever. BINKY: Really? I thought it was a comedy. ♪ ♪ Mr. Ratburn? I... I have to resign from being a Big Buddy. Really? Why? I took Emily on a tour earlier and I lost her. Oh, dear. I don't think I'm ready for this responsibility. (sniffling): Maybe I'm not ready for any responsibilities. I disagree. I think you could be an excellent Big Buddy. But... (blowing nose) Why? Because what you're doing right now is responsible. You've come to me for help. No one gets everything right the first time. The important thing is to keep trying. Okay. Maybe there's a way to show Emily that you can be there for her when she needs you. Hmm, I wonder... Thanks, Mr. Ratburn. I'll give it another shot. You can keep that. Now, better hurry. You don't want to be late for art class. ♪ ♪ Arthur! Buster, how's it going? Great. I know we said we'd meet after school, but I might be a little late. Oh. Samir and I passed the second test and found another clue. Um, great! ♪ ♪ (motor whirring) ♪ ♪ (wind whipping) ARTHUR: Buster, we did it! We created a portal into another dimension. Who knows where it might take us? Are you ready? I was born ready! ♪ ♪ Wait! Did you bring your lucky pencil? I forgot it again. I told you, just tie a string to it and wear it around your neck. I will, I will. It's okay, I brought this. ♪ ♪ BOTH: One, two, three! (both screaming) (screaming) We've got to hold on. (struggling): I'm trying! Buster! (screaming) (grunts) Buster? ♪ ♪ Hi, um... Could you tell me where I am? Mirropolis, a world where you can meet yourself at different ages. I'm the 86-year-old you. Oh, nice to meet you. Yes, I'd say nice to meet you, too, but I've already met you, 77 years ago. (chuckles): Seems like yesterday. Sit, sit. Want half of my tuna fish sandwich? I don't like tuna fish. You will one day. Have you seen Buster anywhere? Who? Buster. You know, our best friend? The bunny. Oh, there is one bunny here. There he is now. YOUNG ARTHUR: Buster, there you are! I was worried 'cause I just found your horseshoe and... Oh. You're not Buster. Buster? Who's that? Oh, I remember Buster. He was that kid who was always going on about aliens. (chuckling) Where is he? No idea. You two lose touch after third grade. What? No, we don't. I wouldn't let that happen. It's okay, you'll have lots of other best friends. Like Alex here. But I don't want other best friends. I want Buster. (swans squawking) Oh, look, here come the swans. (squawking) (yelps) Get me out of here! (screams) Um, Arthur? Can I take my turn now? ♪ ♪ Excuse me, Mrs. Grimslid, do you know where Buster is? Which one is Buster? He has really long ears, he's always smiling. He might've been wearing a really silly hat this morning. Oh, the class clown. Baxter-comma-B-period. He's with Patel-comma-S-period. It's a study break, so try the library. Thanks! ♪ ♪ Buster! Arthur! There you are! We were looking all over for you. You were? I told Samir, if there's anyone who can help us figure this out, it's Arthur. I'm Samir. Hi. Hi. Do you like magic? Um, sure. Later, Samir, this is more important. Right. "This old work earns respect! Only few prosper after its nowledge." Huh. All we know is that whoever wrote this is a bad speller. I'll say. Unless they did that on purpose. And I wonder why the words are written this way, and not across. Yeah, look, the first letter of every word lines up. Maybe it spells something? ARTHUR: T, O, W... BUSTER: E, R, O, F, P, A... (gasps): Tower of Pain! What's that? It's what we call the top of the jungle gym. See? I told you Arthur would help us. Come on, let's check it out. ALEX: Arthur! Want to go to recess with me? Uh... Uh... ♪ ♪ BUSTER: Hey! You're coming with us, right? Yes! Hey, want to come with us to investigate a really cool mystery? Sure. I'll explain along the way. ♪ ♪ D.W.: Well? Did you make your wish yet? Not yet. You better do it soon. I'm going to need that back at some point. Okay, I'm wishing. I wish for... Shh! (whispering): Not out loud. It has to be a secret. Okay. (laughing) ♪ ♪ Ooh! Done. Thanks. What did you wish for? Just that I... Wait! You can't tell me. You have to keep it a secret until it comes true. Then why'd you ask me? Sorry, I forgot. Shh! May the power of Uni be with you. ♪ ♪ Hi, I'm Emily. Hi. (both laughing) Hi. Can I join in? (siren wailing) Look, a fire engine. (sighs) ♪ ♪ Sue Ellen! Do you know what time kindergarten gets out? Uh, 2:30-- in 15 minutes. (yelps) Oh... ♪ ♪ Do you mind if I just print something real quick? I'll be through in a few minutes. Pretty please? (grumbling): Oh. ♪ ♪ Uh-uh-uh. What's the password? Please? Nope. BUSTER: Sauerkraut. ARTHUR: Abracadabra. Popsicle! No, no, no. Hoola-boola-wicky-ticky-wow! Wicky-ticky-what? Where'd you get that from? Jack of diamonds? That was my card. No way! I just guessed. Hey! You're a better magician than you know. Actually, there is no password. I was just pulling your chain. Come on up. ♪ ♪ ARTHUR: There's nothing here. Looking for this? (gasps) I found it on the ground, even though I put up this "No Littering" sign. Make sure you take it with you. ♪ ♪ "Congratulations! "You have passed the third test. Here is your final clue." SAMIR: It's a map. But to what? Wait. This looks like a playground. I think this is a map of the school. ARTHUR: And the X is right here. That looks like it's near the cafeteria. Come on. Let's go! ♪ ♪ Please, please, please! Just let me print one thing. I have to prove to Emily that I can be a good Big Buddy. (sighs) Thank you! Here, that's good for one free oil change at Crosswire Motors. ♪ ♪ (rattling) PRINTER VOICE: Printer jam! Printer jam! Printer jam! Printer jam? (screams) ♪ ♪ It's over this way. ♪ ♪ ALEX: I think this is it. Ready? I was born ready. ♪ ♪ (gasping) (in raspy voice): Congratulations. You have completed the trial. (in raspy voice): Here is your reward. ♪ ♪ That's it? An apple? Maybe there's something inside the apple. No, there's nothing inside the apple. It's just an apple. (in normal voice): It's a golden delicious. They're very sweet. (in normal voice): Hey, you're not using your voice. Oh, right. (in raspy voice): Sorry. Wait a minute, I know that voice. ♪ ♪ The jig is up. ♪ ♪ (light switch clicks) What? I don't understand. What was this all about? When I got to fourth, I didn't have any friends at first. It actually took me a long time to meet people I liked. Me, too. So I decided to send whoever sat at my desk and the person beside them on a little adventure. Thus began Project Ice Breaker. It was just a way for a couple of neophytes to get to know each other better. (chuckles): Bunch of slimy neophytes. (groans): It's not a worm, Slink! "Neophyte" just means someone who is new at something. Oh. You know, I think Project Ice Breaker actually worked. Yeah. It did. Thanks. ♪ ♪ (Muffy panting) Huh? Where is everybody? They all just left. Oh, no! (gasps) ♪ ♪ Wait! Emily! Wait! ♪ ♪ Emily! Emily! (brakes squeal) (Muffy panting) Muffy? (panting): I just... I wanted to give you this. EMILY: What is it? MUFFY: It's the drawing you made earlier. Remember? I said I'd print it for you. Oh, yeah. I couldn't figure out how to print it in color, and then it got jammed in the printer, so I had to pull it out, but that's it. Thanks. Emily, I'm so, so sorry about what happened today. It'll never happen again, I promise. Can I still be your Big Buddy? ♪ ♪ Okay. Hey! My wish came true. MUFFY: Your wish? Yeah! I wished on Mini-Uni that I would make one new friend today. And I did. See? I told you it would work. (laughs) Will you teach me how to braid my hair like yours? It looks très chic. You bet. I put my number on the back. You can call me any time. (engine starts) (chuckles): Okay. See you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ARTHUR: Wow, what a first day, right? I know! To be honest, I was kind of dreading it. ALEX: Me, too. SAMIR: But it turned out pretty good. Yeah, I'd even say it turned out great. SAMIR: Hey, Alex, do you like magic? Sure, who doesn't? Samir, don't you think you should practice a little first? BUSTER: Hey, he got my card. Eventually. No, no, no, this time, I've got it. Really. Pick a card, any card. ♪ ♪ Look at it. Now put it back in the deck. ♪ ♪ Ta-da! Eight of hearts. Nope. Four of clubs? ALEX: Sorry. Two of clubs? Keep trying. Aw, man. BUSTER: To watch more "Arthur" and play games with all the Elwood City friends, visit You can find "Arthur" books and lots of other books, too, at your local library. ♪ ♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 697,805
Rating: 4.6274543 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, arthur, arthur full episode, arthur movie, pbs kids movie, pbs kids full episodes, first day of school, Arthur's First Day, fourth grade, kindergarden, new friends, mystery, new school, buster, dw, muffy, francine
Id: N9RudYvLRdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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