Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood FULL EPISODE | Margaret’s First Thank You Day | PBS KIDS

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- [Narrator] This episode was made possible in part by. (whimsical music) in the neig♪ ♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ Would you be mine, Could you be mine, ♪ ♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪ Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood ♪ ♪ A land of make-believe ♪ ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Daniel: ♪ Ride along. ♪ Narrator: ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, ♪ ♪ So much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Daniel: ♪ Ride along. ♪ Narrator: ♪ I've got lots of friends for you to meet. ♪ ♪ In this land of make-believe ♪ ♪ A friendly face on every street, ♪ ♪ Just waiting to greet you. ♪ ♪ It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. ♪ ♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor, ♪ ♪ In Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! ♪ ♪ (upbeat playful music) ♪ ♪ ♪ Daniel: Hi Neighbor! Guesswhat! Guesswhat! Today is... Thank You Day! Hooray! Baby Margaret: Yay! Mom Tiger: ♪ Hey, hey! Guess what's today? ♪ Dad Tiger: ♪ Today, today, is Thank You Day! ♪ Daniel: ♪ A day to say thank you, ♪ Mom: ♪ To our family, ♪ Dad: ♪ A day to hang our Thank You notes, ♪ Mom/Dad/Daniel: ♪ On the Thank You tree! ♪ ♪ It's a special day, So let's all cheer, ♪ ♪ Thank You Day is here! ♪ All: (giggles) Daniel: And today is extra special because it's Margaret's first Thank You Day! Baby Margaret: (giggles) Daniel: 'Thaaaank youuuu!' Say it Margaret! Say 'Thank you'! Margaret: (baby coos) Daniel: 'Thank yooou!' Mom: Daniel-- Margaret may not be able to say the words, 'thank you' yet, but she can show you that she's thankful... like with a biiiig hug! Daniel: ♪ Thank you for everything you doooo! ♪ Margaret: Eeeeh! Bah-bee! Bah-bee! Daniel: (giggles) The baby is you, Margaret! Margaret: Uuuh! Daniel: Wow! Look how teeny tiny Margaret was here! Dad: Aww. That's Margaret's baby book. She was so little back then. Daniel: Hey? Do you want to make believe with me? Let's make believe that we can jump inside Margaret's baby book to play with her when she was reaaaallyy little! (giggles) ♪ I remember when you came ♪ ♪ And I loved you right away ♪ ♪ I love my sister Margaret ♪ ♪ I like to take care of you ♪ ♪ And teach you things I love to do ♪ ♪ I love my sister Margaret ♪ ♪ You and I are as close as can be ♪ ♪ Like peanut butter and... jelly! ♪ ♪ I love my sister Margaret ♪ (chuckles) Wasn't that grr-ific? ♪ (soft music) ♪ Hey, why isn't there a picture on this page? Mom: Oh, we saved that page for a photo of Margaret's first Thank You Day! Daniel: That's today! Mom: Yes it is! Now, I have to get to the Enchanted Garden. I'm going early to work on a special surprise for our celebration! Daniel: A surprise? Mom: A surprise! Ugga mugga! Daniel: Ugga mugga! Margaret: (giggles) Dad: Oh! Don't forget your tool belt! Mom: (gasps) Oooh! ♪ Thank You, for everything you dooo! ♪ Daniel: (giggles) Dad: (chuckles) Okay Tigers, to the kitchen! We're making a special treat for Thank You Day! Daniel: Yayyy! I love making treats! Margaret: (baby babbles) Dad: It looks like Margaret's showing she's thankful... with a dance! (chuckles) Daniel: (giggles) I like your dancing Margaret! Dad: Up we go! Margaret: Weeeeee! (happy cooing) Daniel: What are we making, Dad? Dad: Well, since it's Margaret's very first Thank You Day, I thought we could make one of her favorite treats for the party, deeelicious strawberry shortcake! Daniel: Yum! How do we make it? Dad: Delicious shortcake! Delicious cream! Delicious strawberries. We're a tigertastic team! Margaret: (baby babbles) Daniel: Deeelicious Shortcake! Dad: Deeeeelicious cream! Daniel: Deelicious strawb-- Uh oh. There are only two strawberries left! Dad: Hmm, we're going to need more strawberries. Daniel: Yeah! Strawberries are Margaret's favorite! Dad: I wonder if the Platypus family is home? Daniel: Maybe they have some strawberries we could use? Can we go ask? Dad: Sure! C'mon you two, let's go! Nana Platypus: (humming) There. All set Jo-jo Bean. Jodi Platypus: Thank you, Nana. ♪ Thank you for everything you doooo! ♪ Nana P: Hello there, Neighbors! Dad: Hello there. Daniel: Happy Thank You Day! Jodi: Happy Thank You Day! Daniel: We're making a strawberry treat for Thank You Day, but-- we don't have enough strawberries... Do you have some we could use? Nana P: I think we do! I'll go check. Daniel: It's Margaret's very first Thank You Day! Jodi: Aww! Happy first Thank You Day, Margaret! Daniel: Margaret, can you say, 'thaaank you'? Say, 'thank you'! Margaret: (giggles) Muah! (giggles) Jodi: Aww, I guess her way to say thank you is with a kiss. Thank you too, Margaret. (giggles) Muuuah! Nana P: Tadaaaa! Here you go! Dad: You're such helpful neighbors! Dad/Daniel: ♪ Thank you for everything you doooo! ♪ Nana P: You're very welcome. We'll see you at the Enchanted Garden! Margaret: (coughing) Daniel: Bye! Jodi: Bye-bye! Daniel: (humming) Dad: Now let's finish this strawberry treat together! So where did we leave off? We've got our delicious shortcake, our delicious cream-- Daniel: Our deeelicious Strawberries! Margaret: (baby babble) Dad/Daniel: We're a tigertastic team! Margaret: (giggles) Daniel: Delicious Shortcake! Dad: Delicious Cream! Daniel: Delicious strawberries-- Dad/Daniel: We're a tigertastic team! Daniel: (giggles) Mmm delicious! Is it time to go the Enchanted Garden now, Dad? Dad: (gasps) Yes! It's time! Daniel: Yay! Margaret! It's time to go! C'mon! Dad: Let's go! Daniel: Happy Thank You Day, Trolley! Trolley: (ding-ding!) Daniel: Are you excited for your first Thank-You Day, Margaret? Margaret: (coughs) Dad: Please take us to the Enchanted Garden, Trolley! Trolley: (ding ding!) And thank you. Daniel: Margaret, can you say 'thank you' to Trolley? Say, 'thank you'! Margaret: (claps) (baby coos) Dad: I think Margaret is showing she's thankful by clapping. Margaret/Daniel: (giggles) Daniel: ♪ We're on our way to celebrate ♪ ♪ at the Thank You Tree. ♪ Daniel/Dad: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Dad: ♪ We'll share a special meal ♪ ♪ with friends and family! ♪ Daniel/Dad: ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ ♪ Ride along! ♪ ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪ Trolley: (ding-ding!) Daniel: We're here! Thank you Trolley! Let's press three red roses to open the gate together! Ready? I'll count with you. One. Margaret: Beep! Daniel: Two. Margaret: Beep! Daniel: Three! Margaret: Beep. Daniel: Margaret, welcome to Thank You Day! Margaret: (coughs) Daniel: Hello! O The Owl/Jodi: Hi/Hi, Daniel! Margaret: (giggles) Hi, hi! Dad: Hello there! Daniel: Hi! Look! That's the Thank You Tree, where we're going to hang our Thank You notes! Margaret: (claps) Oooooo! King Friday: Welcome Tiger family! Happy Thank You Day! Dad: Thank you! And here's our special strawberry treat for everyone to share. Daniel: I helped make it! King Friday: Mmmm! It looks quite scrumptious to me! And it's a rrroyally special day for you, Margaret! As the youngest in the neighborhood, you get to hang up your thank you note first! Dad: Oh, then we'd better make our thank you notes! C'mon! Margaret: Ah! (coughs) Dad: Hello there! Katerina Kittycat: Hi everyone, meow meow. Daniel: Hi! Katerina: (humming) I'm done! Here you go, Daniel meow meow! Daniel: ♪ Thank you for everything you do! ♪ My Thank You Day card is going to be for-- Margaret: (baby babbles) Daniel: My sister Margaret. Margaret: (coughing) (babbling) Daniel: This is Margaret... And here's me... Aaaand...there. Do you think she'll like it? King Friday: Neighbors, when you're finished with your thank you notes, please join us over at the game area. We have a special surprise for you all! Kids: Surprise time! Surprises! (excited chatter) Prince Wednesday: Yay, I love suprises! (chuckles) What's the game? Margaret: (coughs) Mom: Tadaaaa! I made a-- "Pin the Headlight on Trolley" game! Prince W: I wanna play! Katerina: It looks just like Trolley, meow meow! Daniel: You made this? Kids: ♪ Thank you for everything you dooo! ♪ Mom: You're very welcome. Ok! Everyone find a partner for the game! Daniel: (giggles) Want to be my partner, Margaret? Margaret: Dan, Dan! Mom: Jodi and O, want to go first? Jodi: Ok! O: Yes hoo hoo! Mom: Okay, Jodi, clooose your eyes, and tell us something you're thankful for! Jodi: I'm thankful for-- my Nana! Mom: Nice! Ok, now O, give her a gentle spin! O: Okay, hoo hoo! One...two...three! (giggles) Jodi: Dizzy-izzy! (giggles) Mom: (chuckles) Now Jodi, try to put Trolley's headlight in the right spot! Jodi: Whoa! Whoa! I can't see where I'm going! (giggles) O: (giggles) So close, hoo hoo! Jodi: (laughs) Mom T.: And what are you thankful for, O? O: I'm thankful for-- Nature walks with my Uncle X! Jodi: It's time for the spin! One... two... three! Daniel: I can't wait for our turn, Margaret! Margaret: (coughs) Jodi: Yippee skippy! O: Hoo hoo! Margaret: (coughs) Ma-ma... Mom: Awww. What's wrong, Margaret? Dad: Hmm, she feels warm. Mom: Oh! She does feel warm. Poor Margaret. You don't feel too good, huh? Dad: We might need to take her home. Daniel: Take her home? Now? Dad: I think so. Daniel: But Margaret's my partner and we didn't get our turn yet! Mom: I know, Daniel. I'm really sorry. Daniel: But we didn't hang up our thank you notes! And Margaret's supposed to hang hers up first! She can't go home! Dad: I know you're disappointed. Mom: I'm disappointed too. Dad: But, we need to do what's best for Margaret. And right now that means taking her home. When you're sick, rest is best. Margaret: (whining) Dad: I'll take Margaret home, so you and Daniel can stay and enjoy the celebration. Mom: Thank you, for everything you do. Daniel: Bye, Margaret. I hope you feel better. Mom: We can tell Margaret all about Thank You Day later, ok? Daniel: Ok. Grr. We didn't even get to play pin the headlight on Trolley. Prince W.: Sorry Daniel. Do you want to be on our team? Katerina: Yeah! We're the "Twirly Whirlies"! (giggles) Mom: Well that sounds like a twirly whirly plan to me! (chuckles) Daniel: Ok! I'll be part of the Twirly Whirlies! Katerina: Here is your headlight, Daniel! What are you thankful for? Daniel: I'm thankful for-- My little sister Margaret. Prince W: Ok, now close your eyes! Katerina: And we'll spin you! One... two... three! (giggles) Daniel: Whoa! Prince W: You're getting closer! Katerina K.: Keep going, meow meow! Daniel: (giggles) It looks like Trolley is wearing a hat! Prince W.: (giggles) Katerina: It does! King Friday: Hear ye! Hear ye! It's time to find our seats for the Thank You Day feast! Kids: Yay!/Hooray!/Boomerific! (giggling) ♪ (playful music) ♪ ♪ ♪ Daniel/Narrator: ♪ Thank you, for everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ Narrator: ♪ This is our chance to say to our friends ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For the fun we have ♪ ♪ But every day's a great day to say thank you to ♪ ♪ Anyone you choose ♪ All: ♪ Thank you For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ Narrator: ♪ All the times that you helped me ♪ ♪ Or made me laugh ♪ ♪ A smile given to me ♪ ♪ When I was sad ♪ ♪ I want to let you know about the great things that you do ♪ ♪ So thank you! ♪ ♪ ♪ All: ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ Daniel: ♪ Thank you! ♪ Hmmm, I miss my sister. King Friday: And now my favorite part of Thank You Day-- hanging our notes on the Thank You Tree! Daniel: But--but, but Margaret isn't here. And she's supposed to hang up her thank you card first! King Friday: Oh. Well-- We can all hang up our thank you notes at the same time. C'mon everyone! Kids: Whoohoo!/ Yippee-skippee! Let's go!/ Meow-meow! Prince W.: Rrrroyally exciting! Daniel: Um... Mom: Daniel, don't you want to hang up your note? Daniel: Well, the person I wanted to thank-- isn't here. I miss Margaret. Can we go home now? Mom: Of course we can, my tiger. Daniel: Can I take this home for Margaret? And we can bring Margaret home some of the strawberry treat? Mom: Yes, I think that's a grr-ific idea. ♪ (slow music) ♪ Daniel: Good-bye! King Friday: A royal farewell! O The Owl: We'll miss you, hoo hoo! Daniel: Goodbye! Mom: Buh-bye! Thank you! Trolley: (ding-ding!) Daniel: Hi Trolley! Please take us home. Trolley: (ding-ding!) ♪ We're going home to our family... ♪ Mom: ♪ To keep Margaret company! ♪ Daniel/Mom: ♪ Won't you Ride along with me! ♪ ♪ Ride along! ♪ ♪ Won't you ride along with meeeee! ♪ Mom: Thank you again, Trolley! Trolley: (ding-ding!) Daniel: Margaret! Dad! We're home! Margaret: (coughs) Dan, Dan! Dad: Well, this is a happy surprise. Daniel: I missed you soooo much Margaret. Mom: We missed both of you! Margaret: (whimpers) Daniel: This is for you. That's me and that's you. ♪ Thank you for everything you dooo! ♪ Margaret: Dan. Dan! Dad: Margaret has something for you too Daniel. Margaret: (baby babbles) Daniel: (giggles) For me? Look! Margaret made me a Thank You note! Aw, thank you, Margaret! Narrator: ♪ Every day can be a Thank You Day ♪ ♪ And we all say thanks in our own way ♪ ♪ Lend a helping hand to someone struggling ♪ ♪ Or give a great big squeeze when you're snuggling. ♪ ♪ Draw a picture and give it to a friend ♪ ♪ Sometimes the gift is the time we spend ♪ ♪ Together ♪ ♪ Making memories that we'll treasure ♪ ♪ Find your own way to say ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ Give someone a smile to show them you care ♪ ♪ Or you can just listen as they share ♪ ♪ About their day ♪ ♪ There are so many ways that you can say ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ You can let them know that you appreciate what they do ♪ ♪ For you ♪ ♪ With a thank you! ♪ ♪ (playful music) ♪ Daniel: (giggles) Look! We made our own Thank You Tree! (giggles) Wait, Margaret, you get to hang up your thank you note first! Margaret: (giggles) Tank-ooo! Mom: (gasps) Daniel: What! Did you hear that? Margaret: Tank-oooo! Daniel: Margaret's saying 'thank you'! Mom: Yes, Margaret! Dad: (laughs) Yes she is! Mom: Well, what a Thank You Day this has been! I am thankful for each of you. Dad: That's what I'm thankful for too! I love my Tiger Family! All: ♪ Thank you, for everything you doooo! ♪ Dad: Say, "thank you!" Daniel: Thank you! Margaret: Tank-oooo! (camera snap) Mom: Aww, Margaret! Dad: (chuckles) There, Margaret. Your first Thank You Day! Daniel: I love Thank You Day, at the Enchanted Garden, or here in Margaret's room! And I'm thankful for so many things, like you neighbor. Ugga Mugga! Narrator: ♪ It's such a good feeling to play ♪ ♪ with family and friends ♪ ♪ It's such a happy feeling, ♪ ♪ when they lend you a hand. ♪ ♪ You wake up ready to say, ♪ ♪ I think I'll make a snappy new day! ♪ ♪ It's such a good feeling, ♪ ♪ A very good feeling, ♪ ♪ A feeling you know! ♪ Daniel: ♪ That I'll be back, ♪ ♪ When the day is new, ♪ ♪ And I'll have more ideas for you. ♪ ♪ And you'll have things ♪ ♪ you'll want to talk about. ♪ ♪ I will too. ♪ Because, it's you I like. Danisee what some of our neighbors are doing today! Narrator: ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ This is our chance to say to our friends ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For the fun we have ♪ ♪ But every day's a great day to say thank you to ♪ ♪ Anyone you choose ♪ Kid 1: I'm very thankful for my family and my friends. Adult 1: I'm thankful that my whole family is very, very healthy. Narrator: ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ All the times that you helped me ♪ ♪ Or made me laugh ♪ ♪ A smile given to me when I was sad ♪ ♪ I want to let you know about the great things ♪ ♪ that you do ♪ ♪ So thank you ♪ Kid 2: I'm thankful for my dad coming in for my shining star. That was very fun. Kid 3: I'm thankful for trees, paper-- birds. Kid 4: I'm thankful that my family loves me. Kid 5: I'm thankful for-- the happiness. Kid 6: I'm thankful for my whole entire family! Narrator: ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ ♪ For everything you do ♪ ♪ Thank you ♪ Daniel: I like meeting new neighbors! ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ O The Owl: ♪ It's a beautiful day in my Neighborhood! ♪ ♪ So much to do, so much to see. ♪ ♪ Won't you thank someone with me? ♪ ♪ Won't you thank someone with me? ♪ ♪ Ho-hooo! ♪ O: Hi, Neighbor! It's me, O The Owl! I want to show you something nifty galifty... Come see! This is our Thank You jar! Can you see what's inside? Every day I try to draw a picture of something that made me thankful and put it in our jar. Today Uncle X and I saw a colorful butterfly, hoo hoo! There! Flutter flutter, butterfly! Into the jar! (giggles) It's so full, I don't know if it's going to fit! (struggles) X The Owl: It sounds like it's time to open the jar and look back at all the things we're thankful for. O: Yes! Let's open it! Let's open it! X: Aw. I made this one! Because I'm thankful for the time we spend looking at the stars together. O: Me too, hoo hoo! Owls are excellent star finders! And I drew this one because I'm thankful for the books we read together! X: And I made this, because I'm thankful for-- all of our neighbors. O: And I'm thankful for you, Uncle X! X: And I'm thankful for you too, O! O: I wonder if there's someone in your neighborhood you could say thank you to, hoo hoo? Bye Neighbor! X: Buh-bye, neighbor! ♪ (show theme song) ♪ ♪ ♪ Daniel: Visit the neighborhood at PBSkids.org ♪ ♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 4,146,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, daniel tiger, daniel tiger's neighborhood, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood FULL EPISODE, Margaret’s First Thank You Day, Margaret, daniel and margaret, thank you day, presents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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