Danger inside?! I won 2 Storage unit auctions, and one has me worried!

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] well good morning everybody it is bright and early look the sun is just coming up it's cresting over the hill all majestically my windows are filthy dirty because it's actually been kind of warm and it's slushy outside but I'm taking my slush mobile the Ford I'm gonna meet up with my friend Bill and together we're gonna go clear out not one but two storage units today my goodness what was I thinking one of them isn't really that full I don't know I guess I bought it because it was in the same place as the other storage unit but the other one is fairly full and you never know what you're going to find when you go inside of a storage unit like this so it could be good it could be bad it's downtown and the last time I was downtown with my son Stephen uh we found a Santa Claus size sack of drugs um that we took to the police station and everybody said oh you should have called the cops and had them come down honestly the police were pretty chilled they're very they were okay um but yeah you have to be careful so this time I'm actually bringing rubber gloves and I'm bring you a padlock with me so we can lock up the unit in case we have to go do some runs to the dump um and I'm almost more worried about if I get pulled over now with that stuff in the car and be like what kind of morning do you have planned uh anyways I'm off to go pick up Bill I guess I should tell Bill why I have latex gloves in a padlock here before he gets in otherwise you might really wonder what I've got planned for him too anyway guys it should be a fun episode we're going to clear out some storage units let's follow along and see what's gonna happen next well good morning Bill yeah good morning how are you good hey how's your prostate why never mind so you ready for an adventure today yeah well not that kind of Adventure no I was joking because I brought us uh latex gloves oh just in case um yeah this will be something last time I was at I think I don't know if it's the same building but last time I was at this building is the one where Stephen and I found the sacko drugs so we're gonna take precautions until we know what's in the unit and then we'll tear into it or at least I will I'll do all the dirty work anyway but thanks for coming with me yeah no worries I'm looking forward to this all right okay let's head out all right [Music] gosh bill this is the same exact place where I bought the last unit that had all the drugs in it downtown storage units and stuff I tell you you never know who's going to store stuff but hopefully there's some probably find some more stuff well I don't know well hopefully nothing like that uh I gotta go in and pay so I've brought bill into a mildly sketchy old-fashioned Warehouse elevator and we are going down to the basement how do I do this I guess I just pushed down it's manually operated they said you might want to wear your gloves in this unit because when they cut the lock off they noticed that there was a like an overdose kid in there not a great sign so hopefully there's something more you know it might just be a waste of time I guess we'll see but we're going to be careful uh Bill maybe don't touch anything in this unit um the the other unit though sounds promising they said that it was just a normal sort of dude and he ended up moving to Chile oh thanks Bill's got it I should just go straight up there we go um the guy just moved away apparently this is the second unit we'll be looking at and uh you moved to Chile he's like hey what are you guys going to do about my stuff and like what do you think you got to come get it and he just left it so hopefully that I have promised for the second unit first one might be a little sketchy well it's an okay size unit I guess like it's oh it's just like a little closet okay I guess we'll find out oh yeah and what was the other one uh 2203 I think hang on I'll check yeah okay thank you okay well this is this is the one um so the first thing is that's what makes me nervous that there's possibly like a overdose kit I I've got gloves on bill so um we're gonna be very careful as we go through this stuff this is either going to be makeup or it's going to be something else oh look a little a little pistol lighter on random stuff and I do want to be careful going through yeah so there's makeup uh oddly like some little toys and stuff in there and the little uh gun lighter is kind of cool I mean it's just a novelty but okay that can go on the uh that's safe to take out oh you know okay well that's Nicoderm yeah so there's some maybe the person would die let's let's just say that maybe they were diabetic or something um they were obviously trying to get oh there's a little speaker they were trying to quit smoking because there's uh vaping stuff this sort of bathroom medically box I mean we're gonna just be very careful about all that all that um so yeah we'll slide that one out what do we have in the I was kind of assuming and this this unit cost me a hundred bucks and I was assuming that these garbage bags would be full of clothing that's usually what you get so we've got uh looks like uh pillows bedding not much in there that's just basically trash so we'll have to go to the we'll have to find a dumpster and this bag see when you when you're buying a unit like this you really are taking a chance and hoping you're gonna get something good when you see that somebody's packed with garbage bags sometimes that's an indicator that there's not going to be really great stuff in there that feels like it's gonna be shoes you want to crack that one open Bill let's have a look here oh okay hang on okay this Terror open I think what we're just dealing with is shoes yeah garbage oh yeah I don't think those are gonna be worth donating not in the greatest shape okay that's the risk sometimes you end up buying just uh somebody else's trash well there's an unopened uh present here if you want to crack that open [Music] and what is it [Music] Rainbow Loom [Music] oh well that might be some actually you know what yeah I was I was like you should probably make sure that is what it is in there is Rainbow Loom I don't know why there's a mask in there that's so weird why is there like a medical mask in with Rainbow Loom foreign tech oh maybe there's maybe they were an artist there's some art supplies which my kid Steven can use or actually all of my kids are artists so we might luck out and find some art supplies and crafting stuff in here the Techno priests book two like some sort of sketching book here I feel like I went to a nightclub in the 90s it had some of them walking around oh some kids art sketchbooks and stuff okay um I think what we'll do is some of this stuff will uh sort into garbage and keep okay and we'll do a trip I'm gonna go back in we've got pots and pans cookware cheese grater you need any pots and pans or anything no I mean tea kettles okay that uh we'll throw out the uh the kit yeah careful with that okay that can go with the trash bag or we'll take it somewhere got more household stuff more pots and pans and baking tins movies over there okay well it seems like whoever had this unit was into art because there's a lot of canvases which I can use there's a funky kind of bracelet or movies here's the sunglasses for you Bill yeah I think those look like they're just your style Elton John oh yeah what in the Box this looks like an art box to me and actually uh I'll be happy if there's some art supplies or some things that we can actually use pretty wild looking uh pictures let's see how do I open this thing up what's in the wooden box oh hey look at that it's actually a nice art uh pencil set I don't I don't see myself at this point getting any of my money back out of this particular unit just yet but that's a keeper in fact any of the art supply stuff I think will be in the keeper pile like I said I've got kids who are artists oh there's that's um that's not drugs that's uh Sage for smudging Spiritual and you've got some Cedar incense as my mom uses sage like this to smudge and you light it on fire and anyway there's a whole thing a pocket watch cool there's a pocket watch in the mix here [Applause] it is uh always kind of sad exploring the remnants of somebody's stuff got uh you know people who have passed on or couldn't make their payments and just walked away from things this looks like it's mainly uh a lot of toiletries maybe a little bit of clothes in here nothing in the bag underwear I don't think that's something you want to reuse from a storage unit hey honey guess what I got you know how you've been complaining you need some new undies well guess what I found rolled up at the bottom of the storage unit all right um gosh oh there's a wallet you wanna see if there's anything in the wallet yeah got your glove nothing nothing empty Chester Copper Pot No tycob rookie card in there okay that's not bad notebook for her perfume okay this looks like a lot of sort of generic toiletry but we are since there was a wallet in there sometimes you find People wrap up money and put stuff away maybe it's not really Ramen maybe it's not Ramen that's like the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter I Can't Believe It's Not Ramen okay I think this whole this whole thing is gonna go no we can donate that okay let's put the rest of this stuff use toiletries and stuff unfortunately no actually is there anything in that little coffin nope I can feel attention all right okay gosh this is a little tiny little tiny storage unit but if there's a fair amount of stuff over here I feel like the wilderness is uh art supplies I'm gonna wheel this one out least we can say that we clear it out of this in a hurry hey I just realized they forgot to take my 100 pending deposit normally they take a hundred dollars cash before they give you the unit but these folks know me from the interweb so this I guess they said don't worry about it uh that can go that's garbage over there right okay I'm going to very carefully sort through this and this looks like it's uh a lot of shampoo and conditioner oh no it's a random troll okay it is uh mainly that type of stuff like somebody emptied out their uh bathroom yeah yeah in here okay with the Charlotte's Web randomly in there Irish Spring it's still sealed who who's not a fan of Irish Spring soap I mean there's like brand new toothpaste still sealed well I know but still like even for a cleaning toothbrush for cleaning stuff in the garage Ice Age what there's movies in the bottom okay maybe we're gonna have to dump this thing out and go through it a little bit better because really a mix of stuff in here like oh look another uh wireless speaker well you know with the random little electronic sort of things we're finding and there's probably the 100 bucks back in that so uh we'll dig a little more but I think uh we'll be doing a trip to the charity into the garbage here before too long all right a cart load of stuff um out of all of this I'll probably end up with one big bin full of art supplies which is probably worth more than what I paid for the unit so I guess that's worthwhile we're gonna get this up to the truck and do a final sort and get out of this dungeon become This Is The Stuff of horror movies there was a Benicio del Toro I think creepy movie that he did and it took place in a storage unit almost just like this so let's get out of here okay truck is loaded up with a bunch of stuff for charity and for the garbage um but we're not going to take it there just yet because we still have one more unit to go see and honestly that's the unit I'm most excited about that I think will actually have some decent stuff in it um first unit basically I got a tote a bin full of new paint brushes art supplies canvases well over the hundred bucks that I spent on that unit so you know keep my kids busy for a while but Bill you ready for unit number two I know okay let's go check it out oh this is two right here all right I gotta go down a little bit you have to manually line yourself up just right try to figure out what the floor is here we are 2033 he's got the lock off for us it's got this little pin I don't know do I just pull this thing I don't know if there's a technique to that I don't want to break it maybe you're supposed to oh hang on you squeeze it it's gonna use my brain I had to call them up because they've got their little wire lock on here and it doesn't come off super easy I don't want to wreck it like I don't want to accidentally wreck their stuff so we're just gonna be patient wait for them to come up and take it off and when they put the blue lock on like that I was telling bill that means that that unit's been foreclosed by them they've put their own lock on it so I'm sure that one at some point will be coming up for auction as well but we'll see once we get this officially opened up well that was anti-climactic he built the guy just came and broke it off button no better him than me okay this unit the reason I've been on this unit was everything looked like it was fairly neatly packed in these totes um looks like there's a new desk and chair there like you can tell that there's been some care into putting the stuff away the chair is wrapped up there's a lamp not a whole lot of stuff in here but um apparently the fellow that went he moved away to Chile he called back later and he said you know hey how do I get my stuff or what happens with it so you'd think that if he was if there was nothing in here he wouldn't care but in this case there might be something and already I see there is actually a very decent I saw that in the picture for the auction that's North Rock Bicycle uh retail Canadian on that is about 600 this unit was about that price so that bicycle looks to be in really good shape so that's pretty much the money on the unit right there um and what we're doing right now is we're looking for things that we can take to charity um you want to crack that one open this unit feels like it's pretty clean uh things that I that are not resellable or things I can't run through auction uh try and get some of that stuff out of there okay we've got some clothes surprisingly though some clothes can be very valuable I mean not surprisingly but clothing it could be winter coat maybe it's a sleeping bag I don't know okay yeah sleeping bag and it had the silica pack in it too so maybe it's almost like brand new yeah it's a good sleeping bag actually that might be one since it looks like it's really clean and this is a clean unit I might see if Melissa wants to use that for yeah I'll just get it washed up it's not torn or anything I don't think it looks brand new it looks good okay well that's what I said when you took it out that little silica thing that they put in brand new stuff that'll wash up okay we're gonna come back and revisit this unit I just wanted to make sure there wasn't a whole bunch of trash in here um which I don't think there is I think it looks to me like almost everything in this unit is probably going to be salvageable there is cushions I just if we're making a trip to the dump we may as well yeah this unit's actually nicely kept so um I don't see the thing for these cushions though so maybe that cushion can go but okay we'll come back to this I'm gonna throw my lock on this unit and then we'll start going through these bins in a minute we are back first run to charity and to the garbage dump is done what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to get the desk that's in here out and I'm going to get these bins loaded up and everything and um I think I don't know if maybe Patrick has a use for the desk I offered to Bill Bill said he's good but uh I'm gonna get everything loaded up and I'm Gonna Save this unit I think going through these bins for when Melissa gets home from work so it's just a matter of loading up the truck and then I think you and I are gonna go for lunch right on yeah and so um I'll do the unveiling of what's in the bins uh right after we get the truck loaded up there we go clear it out and span and ready to rent okay we're at Patrick's place I've got the desk with me right here um unfortunately for Patrick's house he's he's at work right now so normally you're going through the door and up the stairs and all that can't do that so I said I'd leave it on his balcony which is kind of on the second floor so I'm gonna see if I can shimmy on up there and uh get this desk somehow on his balcony it's ought to be fun okay desk and complimentary lamp for Patrick are delivered now I've got to get down well that happened sure great day to wear leather jacket looks like you're robbing a place except I'm like reverse grinching I'm giving stuff car well we went for lunch first as a thank you for him helping me out and um spending some time together took him out for lunch and he's often on his way um I'm on my way this kind of like this on the way home I'm gonna stop um look her car no surprise there and then help my mom out with hers and then we go home and open the boxes it'll be worthwhile stick with me I am back at home and my Halls from the last few days are kind of laid out on the table now I have not looked inside the red totes yet but I can see without opening the totes there's a brand new insta pot a Breville juicer which frankly I've been wanting one of those for a while all sorts of new little kettles and things that are really soluble so I'm excited to go through these but again I'm waiting for Melissa to get back and then we'll start tearing through oh plus the bicycle which is in great shape I'm just going to fill up the tires a little bit is low on air but other than that it seems like a great bike brand new office chair I thought he just had it wrapped up really nice but it appears to be brand new uh I think one of my kids might have a use for that so I'll find out when they get home but I am going to get some air in these tires and Melissa should be home soon and then we'll continue the exploration I leave the garage for one minute to use the washroom and here's a Melissa and what did you find uh there's two things that I'm I'm guessing since you're filming this might be what's actually in the Box well I'm thinking so I didn't actually fully look but I'm I'm pretty sure it is have been looking at possibly getting one of these so if that's what it actually is yeah it looks like this even has the I don't know which one it is but it has the little what is this called the trivet and look there's things a lot of that's the seal I guess it might be brand new still I see the tags no there's uh I think it's just packaged really nice I think he was I think this fellow was a neat freak that had this one apparently he moved to Chile and could not bring his things and just left them behind well that's a your story well yeah but I mean he's living a new fancy life but look yeah this is the that do you need help okay you hold this okay and I will get this it got kind of wedged in there but I was actually wanting one of these yeah me too were you really yeah I've been looking at them on uh Amazon did we have the same one here I'll trade you and then you open it up and look okay okay the viewers getting close up of our hands wait yeah that's not gonna fall out well it's in there it looks clean like if it was you just put away clean yeah obviously I am so excited my mom has one of these yeah I'm excited too because our other juicer I mean it works but but you know I didn't go to this thing to find stuff for us but sometimes there is stuff for us that's the thing yeah that's true and what would something like that cost in the store like a couple hundred dollars my mom said that hers was like 250 or something like that and I think it's the same model The Juice Fountain Plus I don't know we'll have to look it up and see feet shoot that won't be that won't be happening I don't think that I think that's wait would you get seeds in there I guess it's smart enough to take them out but I'm gonna wait don't apple seeds turn into a poison I thought they have like a poison in them like I remember saying that once and a lot of people were like not happy about me saying that but either way no I'm cutting the core out but you were looking for an instapot I remember you mentioning I've heard that name okay so that's good all right shall we continue on through our journey yeah all right I think this is just a kettle and a while ago we needed catalog we don't really need one now but that's sellable yeah so we can set that that's my inventoried pile of sports cards from the last video so it can inventory that one in there yeah I guess I should check and see is like a hundred dollar bill collection stuffed into a kettle box a little thermostat no it's a heater I mean it's because it said there was a thermostat I wonder if abiel wants that for her room her room gets a little bit chilly maybe we'll keep that aside and ask our daughter no no it looks like a suit or something it feels like uh well it says Le Chateau [Applause] like a fancy jacket it feels like a oh yeah oh yeah yeah like a long black fancy Overcoat I don't know why I said it like that but what is the brand oh Harry Rosen actually that's that's really good quality no it was in a little Chateau is like kind of lower quality and they're not even in business anymore but Harry Rose and that would they sell like they sell very high-end stuff well that was a good fine if that's a that's a good coat what size is it though I think he was like a medium should I try it on and all you want me okay well I'll try it on I can't okay you got it yep I think I might have a little problems all over again I'll leave the sleeves like that and pop the collar what's up driving around Miami Vice style yeah I think um I think this is going to be a medium it's uh these sleeves would need to come way down there's yeah there's no it actually fits me in the shoulders though which is weird it's just short what am I opening um well I haven't looked through any of the bins yet or these bags um nor have I uncovered this office chair which I'm thinking about giving to Abigail because she um accidentally spilled paint on hers and then covered it up with a handprint all artsy-like which is kind of cute but I think she's lost the love for her current office chair you're already in a bin Ary but I want to know what's close well there was a coat that was quite nice it would be good for Steven are we going through all this right now well it might not all be closed sometimes people see there's this stuff at the bottom yeah wine opener there's paper uh cool stapler oh wait hang on what's this we should get the clothes out um do I dare wonder why they saved the hard drive off of their computer it it smells yeah like this stuff was it was clean yeah it smells like the University of Alberta sweater sorry I didn't know you wanted it well I mean some of this stuff will obviously be University okay so probably a student that got a job somewhere and moved away I guess that happens but this U of A stuff might come in handy because our son Stephen might be going to that University next year so he could save money on all that swag that's actually not a bad coat whatever this is that little chest symbol looks familiar I don't know what it is Kenneth Stevens don't don't know it said another fancy sort of dress jacket pea coat kind of style okay we've got a binder it's surprising you would have staple the binder like that it's like seven bucks you guys there's copy paper the Practical things that you were excited about that oh some technical hiking shoes that's what my sister and Merrell Ultra dry hiking shoe barrels are good it just says men but it's a size nine and nobody in our house well maybe somebody in our family extended family might be able to look at those parchment paper yeah still new one random pot yeah some office supplies and stuff yep find your clips and oh there's like a leather mini type tool in there oh yeah everything is so nice and tidy though like in little plastic bags and all nice and neat if you see an iPhone charging cable let me know because uh mine is not working in my car [Music] oh massage man oh no message man you're right like old biscuit oh record a message designed in Denmark hey you're late don't put me in this box I put them right back in oh look that's the there is this really nice bike in here and I'm guessing that's sort of a comfort seat that they put on and that's the original seat this did you see the bicycle Mill yeah this is this bike came out of that unit and I looked and Costco sells this model for 680 Canadian I think well yeah it's just they're low on air I was supposed to fill them up with Aaron I got sidetracked I was waiting for you I was lonely I was pining for you at the door I was I mean I am pretty awesome okay so some office supplies some shoes that won't fit us but um what is this oh is that a little bike pump or something I think this is a little tiny bike pump yeah I think that's what this is it's a bicycle pump cool that's neat I thought it was a flute I was gonna play it like a little flute dude it would be so funny okay all right so we can put this aside for now this jacket's probably a good jacket yeah it feels nice Steven's going to be so hooked up with nice jackets out of this oh it was just the lid just the lid okay do you want me to undo this side Betty Crocker Melissa gets excited about the useful things I think that's new that's aluminum foil okay you guys can use that even for crafts or something some kind of rolled up paper this seems like no iPhone no I don't know what it is micro USB maybe um there are things neatly wrapped in each of these bags in Canada freezes in Canada [Laughter] okay so I think we got some more clothes oh undies we'll hide the shame it's just underway hide your shame if you open this one up I think that might be kind of a neat looking uh baseball type of jacket this one yeah I think you're right it looks like a baseball coat like the type I would have worn when I played baseball oh it's a yank New York Yankees yep New York Yankees that's cool hey it might actually fit me I would probably you know I wore that stuff when you first met me do you remember yeah I had a baseball jacket and it was reversible and it was Yankees it was dark blue on one side and it was light a little like cream on the other why am I excited about this starter actually this genuine merchandise this starter stuff is really expensive to buy new it's a little wrinkly from being in that bag but that thing is in fantastic shape watch this guy like was involved in the crime and had to flee the country he was last seen wearing a copper colored New York Yankees jacket and I go strolling down the street him I don't think that's the case though I put it out there I did put it out there keys trench coat trench coat this was a fancy pants person this is great trench coats aren't cheap either and that's London Fog but delicious made in USA London Fog are not inexpensive trench coats I'm optimistic because the sleeves rolled up that maybe this one has slightly longer sleeves and it might actually fit somebody it says claro TV hmm yeah it's like a soccer jersey yeah there's a whole bunch well Jersey sell every time we get jerseys they always do really well okay like brand new well let's move away from the cold let's open up this one last bag oh you do that as much as looking through a college student's underwear bag there's other stuff in there it's just it's different when you're a mom I just see it as somebody's clothes and they're clean it would be different if it was like a big stinky bin of stuff it's true though when you're a parent really nothing bothers you after the things that you've been through as a parent like cleaning vomit off of the wall and whatever you're just like you know what a little bit damaged but it could be cake is a winter coat noisy okay it's actually actually all right let's move on to bin number three I'm excited about the bins is that bad I'm excited about the juicer think about the juicer this looks like bedding maybe oh what's this what is this thing oh I mean he bought really good bins to put the stuff in do you imagine if there was like a wow there's more oh there's more of those Merrell shoes they're supposed to be really good and Puma uh he said at the same time I don't know what size that is uh Ziploc bags I can always use those headphone splitters okay I'm surprised there's no like computer or Electronics mind you that's the type of stuff you take with you must be pretty princess yeah there's more underneath the printer if can you take the printer out but look everything is wrapped so nice just like it was oh yeah and what do we have we have an iron the same as our iron it is if you guys ever wondered that is our is that our exact iron exact iron oh no it's very similar though no no I know it's our iron but not NADA oh yeah I think they knew that hey look there's a little put the soap in there and sound effects are no extra charge today in case you people at home are wondering why is there no like they said that he was bummed out he kind of left the stuff behind because I guess he moved away and he's like hey what do I do about my stuff in storage and they're like you need to come and get it and he's like well that's not happening he left it but um I mean there were some expensive clothes and stuff okay it looks like any uh Cannon Adventure okay I'm gonna get out of here okay I'm gonna unlatch the bin getting ready for you to come this way clothes [Music] hey Hawaiian shirt oh those swim shorts I mean at the end of the day this is not much different than going to like a Goodwill or something yeah yeah markers I always give this kind of stuff oh they're the Fine Line ones for drawing our kids will like that Hamilton Beach what is this it's a little blender making like I wonder if Steven needs his own Steven is obsessed with making himself like we have I have a lot of these in class Steven's making a lot of smoothies lately good cook yeah but look it's like a little uh container oh it's a rapid Chopper there's a lot of like household type stuff like kitcheny type stuff I mean this is certainly better than the other unit I bought the the little unit was basically garbagey type stuff but if it were me and I was packing good stuff I would have hidden it at the bottom cover it buried it in clothes toiletries I'm gonna open it yeah go for it my lady like a bag of high-end wrist watches would be nice puppies oh it's shoe cleaning stuff actually that'll come in handy and then I don't this looks like a charger oh that's a raised trimmers and razors and stuff electric toothbrush can't use that for cleaning and detailing the car yeah and then it'll be on somebody's car it'll be and then my car will be minty fresh afterwards this one is uh at knees oh it's poofy yeah it looks like it's down filled since we got little oh yeah it is it does feel down but it should say you have little feathers everywhere it's downfield right 100 uh lining nylon 80 down 20 feather yeah dry clean only a downfield jacket lots of books easy learning Spanish we could take all the University classes he was actually University books are very expensive like when you when you sign up for for courses like the books are crazy high sociology who do we know social linguistics contemporary linguistic okay so he moved to Chile at first he learned Spanish then he moved to Chile and now he's probably eating chili enjoying it in Chile he takes his he takes notes like me this is what I used to do but I would write on tabs what it was poetry is Pablo Neruda you know there are probably um students out there in our area that are looking for these books at a better price because they're very expensive at the U of A Bookstore the University Bookstore so those can probably be pretty happy I think so yeah oh everything we got here um the bicycles definitely a win but I'm actually happiest and most excited about the Breville Juice Fountain Plus yeah and the instant pot like really between those two that's probably like 400 bucks at least if you were to buy a new the bike we know so there's you know and there's clothes and coats and all sorts of things so I I think we did okay but it was not a home run there was no um there was no secret pouch full of like gold coins or anything like that but there are things we can use yep and uh a fresh glass of juice with my fresh squeeze uh anyway I think yep I did so I don't know all pretty good I'm excited to figure it out okay well let's take the stuff we want to keep inside and I'll help carry and I guess I'll call it a day so after all of that after getting the locker cleared out and things cleaned up and thanks to Bill we did it in a nearly record time only took us a couple hours to get everything all cleaned up and loaded um got a box of art supplies for the one unit with um some smudging stuff that my mom already his claimed she wants so we got some stuff from there um and then we got some expensive jackets that will fit our kids or possibly me if I shrink my arms or length in this probably easier to lengthen the sleeves anyway um Melissa got some stuff for the kitchen so I guess pretty good you know um truth be told if you were doing this for a living it would have been very hard to make a profit off of this because today's total was close to 800 for all this stuff that said I think there's certainly value you know somebody out there probably had to spend two or three times that amount on the things that we got today but you probably could have got it cheaper at a yard sale or on an online buy and sell site but that's the thing you never know and that's the risk you take when you buy at an auction so uh we're gonna pack some stuff in the house call it today and uh to my lovely bride uh we'll see you guys all soon and bye for now bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 296,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GTIu2NcybRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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