Estate sale treasures! What's in the trunk today? unpacking years of collectibles

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hi I'm Alex archol I've been buying and selling antiques since I was a kid over the years generations of our family have gotten involved in the business and I'll search just about anywhere I can to find hidden treasures both big and small I never know what I'll turn up next it's about exploring new places seeing new sites and having fun and even though sometimes I get over my head we try and make things a little better along the way this is curiosity in hey everybody and welcome to today's episode um I just got back from going through a house and actually it's a house I've been through before it was a uh hoarded property um fortunately the first time I I went through it was quite bad uh but I wasn't able to do any video then um and the same went for this time the house is more or less cleared out they found some stuff they thought I might like uh couldn't film onsite but I was able to well I will be able to film the stuff that I bought and that's what we're going to do today is do a little walk through of the stuff I was able to pull out of this house it was a lot more organized and clean than people have been going through and getting it um cleaned up and it really makes me realize just how long it takes a normal person to actually clean out one of those houses um it's been a year just about a year since I was there last um so they've been working at it for a long time um so uh yeah gosh I I hope that they can get it all cleared out before too long they're they're nearing the end of it now but as for me well let's dig through see what we picked up before I unload the vehicle I got to get some tables set up in my sorting space here um so that I can actually be somewhat organized with all this so we're going to get some tables up and ready and then we'll start unloading got a trunk full of stuff and the entire back of the car is full of stuff uh luckily they had some bins I was able to take with me so I could keep it a little bit on the organized side but I'm excited to look through and see what's in here all right here's my little pile of bins and bears and toys and stuff and dishes um might actually get Melissa to help me out with this one because she does have a little bit of uh experience with teddy bears and she might think this is a fun lot to go through so I'm going to be patient I'll get another table set up and then I'll get my lady get my wife to come out and help me I will take this inside though now this little glass feel like I could find something to stick in there some something special it looks like you'd have I better steady that there like a specimen jar or something like that but it's it's kind of a neat thing so I'll bring this inside that's cool and then we'll dig through these bins in just a moment yeah I found a Melissa careful to come look there's a Melissa hello so we're going to go dig through this together uh it looked like there was some stuff you might like in there that's why I'm I'm coming yeah I I had her at needlecraft book that I to convince him to go last night yeah it is the next day um and it's daylight but yeah he said no I had to wait until there was sunlight and we could share with you guys well plus I was I was tired yesterday yeah okay all right let's go in and start digging teddy bear first B what would you say teddy bears you said it all excited like looks like a is this a St yeah that that's oh yeah it even has it has yeah it's got the tag on it but oh has a growler has a growler hang on does it have a I wonder what age this is notur means button in ear and it was made in Austria original teddy bear stif 1980 it's it's dated so that's older that's what he thought of that yeah their quality bear and then that one looked kind of neat too like it's Tims what's that Austria another Austrian bear that was $36 at the time but $36 40 50 years ago what you look for in these sort of bears are um exceler stuff mohare the type of material whether they're fully jointed see how the arms and the legs move that adds value the neck tilts so this is also fully jointed bear but it's not as stuffed has what it has a grow has a growler too I don't know this brammy brand but this would seem like a slightly yeah 1983 it's from anyway it seemed kind of cool this one I think is yeah it's jointed as well just a little more stiff but this one says it's from England a Mery thought hygienic toid made in England that's look a little bit older still has the tal so I thought that was cool and of course how could I say no to some toys that's a Fisher Price Pig Yeah I had I've obviously had that before I think we've all had oh this is a western German it's a lemon it's a friction seal wait wait wait wait I got to show you what the seal does that's all the reaction that gets okay well I thought it was cool there's a little Matchbox boat we've got uh that almost looks like Boss Hog's Cadillac his was a little newer than this so but that is a plastic and cardboard Cadillac it might have been like a dollhouse Cadillac or something Fisher Price airplane did you already look in this no why is there anything in it I don't know it has a tin plate cars looks like it's a little bank but it has a look there's a little uh is this a Pacer or Gremlin I think it's a gremlin I wonder if this was like a Aurora Illinois Maiden USA that's so odd little Gremlin like that it's like a tiny little oh it's like little tools but this is metal like you could build small tiny has some weight to it is that a measuring tape the other one looks like wait I want to see if this actually goes it does probably quality little kids toys you build something hey look this Jeep's from the year I was born we got the 1978 Alberta license plate tag on the on the front and back little Tonka I think what that is oh I see the cardboard isn't part of this somebody stuck that on the bottom for some reason this is the same collection that had all the notes remember when we bought the dolls last time so let's get another oh this suitcase I just got for me cuz I thought it was cool I don't know what I'm going to do with it but I thought maybe I could put it like in the you know what I was thinking in the trunk of one of my old cars and I could get some foam you know and you can cut and put all your tools for like your tool box so if you need to uh if you're broken down on the side of the road you can open your attach a case and have like all your tools for your car perfectly I guarantee nobody's going to assume you put tools in there oh I would you know but that like Ferrari and stuff used to give you like a little briefcase with tools in that's what made me think of it when I saw it that might be a future Alexander craft that one uh we grab a bin do you want me to do this one cuz uh that's mostly Christmas stuff in there so we grab okay they got to make room oh Fisher Price horses and the roosters sheep yeah and the cowboy the dog is one here these are the little Fisher Price uh family people the adventure people these guys did you have those yeah that's part of their Fisher Price family I like that he's like in a house coat with the looks like he's got a beer you've been in you've been in North America too long ET you've adapted to our culture they put ET over there House Co yeah um there they did have a bunch of Records mostly it was like Hungarian folk music but I did find a few jazz albums and I that I thought were cool Dave breuck uh he's pretty famous jazz musician he had a really cool mid-century modern house too that went on the market not that long ago more of these people yeah the adventure people I find that's what they were called The Adventure people Adventure people I'm pretty sure yeah yeah we had some um said that looks like it's a a beefed up Lando cian in there like from but I don't know from Star Wars well that looks like one Star Wars you're mixed in the rest of these are Adventure people um yeah Fisher Price stuff look at this old made Milton Bradley that's got to be an old old made set oh it has like the little spot for a water bottle or a little thermos yeah oh tiny little Fisher Price lunch kit that's neat little de are all this is cool I think that that might be a dinky toy actually I feel like I feel like I've had one of these yeah it is it's a dinky super toy it's a lawnmower but it actually works look at that on it well yeah look I could yeah that might take a while to go mow the grass with that but that is a neat little thing and oh there's a little that's a vacuum San like the push uh sweeper that's what it is it's a sweeper what's this thing oh it's a vacuum cleaner it's like a little Hoover it say Hoover right on it yeah it's like a doll siiz little Hoover vacuum that's kind of cool actually that's super neat I've never seen one of those before vacuum but it's oh I see the string would have attached from the top here up and held it in place that makes sense yeah oh yeah look there's another little vacuum made in USA cool I got I got all the vacuums and sweepers it's a neat little box full of stuff yeah you ready to move on to the next one I like the little uh Fisher Price Jeep I think this towed a boat uh in a camper like a camper with a boat on top but oh I didn't even notice this candy gas pump that's got the candy still in it cute okay I'm getting distracted noty I'm moving on you're moving on he a little a ton of tiny itsy bitsy little dolls well done but some of these okay hang on what are you looking at have like little I think I think this little eyes closed on this one are like World sort of dolls that you would have picked up probably on vacation somewhere these little plastic people tell or something oh yeah he looks how I feel the tiniest little puppy I think somebody made this doesn't it look like it was made out of clay maybe a little teddy bear yeah your mom would appreciate that Melissa's mom is quite crafty and she uh collects and builds teddy bears and Dolls so she'd probably be if Marlene was here she'd be right into this with us I'm sure these definitely look like they're kind of 1960s 70s era really detailed yeah he's got a intense look on his face that look how high his pants are he's got the old man pants pulled up to just underneath his chest look these kind of look older oh that looks like similar yeah um I thought some of these might be lundby dolls which were the European uh dolls to go in the Lumby sets and they're a little bit more on the expensive side look she's got like her cool little frock they're stylish um so I don't know I don't even know what I have oh there's a bunch of little babies in there I'll have to try and figure out what what those are from oh there's like they're crawling and sitting different position okay so a big box of tiny dolls these ones are Italian that's like um it's like when you say jumbo shrimp a a big box of tiny dolls oh yeah a scary looking cat okay let's keep stacking um this little bin I thought was kind of cool so these I picked up cuz I'm fairly certain this is Vaseline or uranium glass which would glow under black light so I saw that color I was like well I'll take a flyer on those but I'm almost certain those are going to be black light check this out that's cool a little armadillo he's got a broken paw what is he just a decoration or yeah it's a decoration made in Mexico it's signed by the artist c. Rivera cute unfortunate about the little foot maybe I'll be lucky maybe it's in there oh yeah that's what I was telling you about the big book of needlecraft I have no idea what that is I don't know if it's patterns oh yeah I guess it's like patterns how to use your sewing machine oh I guess I could show all of you ohy like if you want to embroider stuff on the curtains or I like the look at why does he have such big boots oh I didn't even notice the boots I was looking at their position there's knitting in here yeah I guess everything needle needly needly that's cool and it's in good condition yeah I know what that is you know what that is uh a roller for DPE um yeah it's for I think like pie crust or I don't think it's cookies I think this would be like when you're putting the the decorations on the edge well I don't know if it's p it is for dough though you're right but somebody would have had to had and carve this to put that impression all along and then it rolls as you go looks like it's the wood shrunk a little bit over the years so it might need a little bit of adjustment but that's quite an old piece that's pretty neat we've all seen these at antique stores but have you seen a miniature version oh yeah little Toby is it English does it say whether it's English on the bottom I think it looks like Japan let's see yeah Japan Japan still cool though oh little uh this uh it's a pencil sharpener I bet is it original Collectibles from Spain if it's not a pencil sharpener it's a tiny little Globe yeah it's a pencil sharpener don't you remember ever seeing all the pencil sharpeners and they had I remember I had tons of these yeah but I could see why it would make interesting dollhouse furniture have that in the corner I didn't even think of that that's actually smart a little wooden commode you're not impressed by the tiny pool set with the actual cues and the pool balls but not as much as I'm impressed that there little tiny toilet well like it's been used oh some kid probably had that in their room there's a little radio I like the pool table that's actually really cool they had a lot of doll houses too but I didn't have room in my car so they invited me to go back again fresh air from Prince Island oh it's been let out okay so that Bin's been done these oh yeah I think these are like cereal box premiums can you I don't know if you can kind of see that it's like the Tin Man Walking empty um oh was that one empty yeah uhoh it wasn't empty before that was the coolest one cuz I threw it in there we got to look for the end of it cuz that was Batman and Robin here it is so we got to keep that together oh we'll put it on the pool table for safekeeping good idea do you guys want to see the Batman and Robin yeah it's Robin and then you tilt it and it turns into Batman is that working yeah it's working um this is a much older doll and uh when I was there last I bought a lot of the I learned about dolls when I was there before but uh she's got quite the look on her face but I would suspect this is probably from uh was it marked I can't quite make it with the name on it but judging from her face she is probably from 1900 to 1915 somewhere in there it's it's a bisque or porcelain kind of doll her oh her fingers are all intact I thought they were broken she's got just stubby little fingers and a change of clothes so there was that and then that one it's disturbing we wake it up that's more of a 1940s era doll with its little bassinet and another sort of this one might be a little on the older side probably 1930s or somewhere in there solid body look the little baby booties with bells you'd hear your kid kicking their feet all the time I thought you were gonna say you could hear them if they were running around but it's like yeah too little to run around and it's a doll it would have to be possessed like Chucky true have you heard it running around at night you hear the bells that'd be more terrifying it's these really early dolls that are harder to find and and that's something I was kind of keeping my eye on um this box I actually got to go through the closet and I just kind of put a bunch of the decorations in here but mainly um these were all like antique glass Christmas ornaments the little birds and it is the season we're at Christmas right now so anything that was a little bit more you know vintage glass um there was an antique Easter decorations that's oh I have one like this but uh yeah I put it out at Easter time and that's a little set wait first that's Sant ni scene on it yep and there's another one and there's another one inside of that oh this is unrelated to Christmas ornaments but I thought it was cool it's like a 1970s that mid-century sort of look it's Dan do you want me to take the lid off or you got it dank design France but I thought it was really cool it's like a um what kind of pot would you say it it's metal it's enameled metal it looks like U what's it called I can't adans is not a bad brand though no that's nice and it's made in France I just thought it's a cool thing you'd be surprised now I have not looked to see I wonder if that has this opening so you could actually run like a cloth through or something or what would be the reason I guess oh so that your hand doesn't get burnt so you could pick it up that's why well this is cast IR this heats up anyways that's well it would it would cool a little easier I think cuz it's got that opening grab with the but I thought that was super neat and I would I would gather that that's worth more than you'd expect makes me nervous that you have this in with all the the glass ornaments well I I laid it in there very gentle this was kind of cool cuz somebody painted is that like a little rooster or something I don't know what it is kind a bird oh yeah it's a bird yeah so uh little watering C little Oiler yeah it's nice and you got your extremely old Santa doll here it's been a Dusty closet for a while was the note say Circa 1970 his plastic face isn't all beaten up so that's all right and and these dishes albeit they're not in great shape we should take these out so they don't get chipped up or anything are you showing them at the same time well yeah okay grab a mitt full of those you can see Santa do you see the Santa set with this reindeer oh Melissa's come to take the dishes from me um I just kind of I I looked and they looked like they were a much older pattern these are English stamps let's see what does it say a little hard to read what that says off of this but these to me had the look of a proper antique dish uh and I've had dishes from the 1700s and 1800s and they kind of had this sort of look to them I'm sure that the yeah England it says on it hutchon they just they really felt like they were going to be of the proper sort of era where they were in a proper antique dish so anyway I grabbed them because otherwise I think they were going to get left behind or they're nice uh torrain semi porland England so I would say these are probably like a hundred years old or more um and somewhere oh yeah look at this right here are you going to show them the last of that other box before um well it's just Christmas stuff in there there but yeah there's a bunch of Christmas this off because then people will see that yeah all the other glass ornaments and stuff but people quite like I I got all the old stuff because I know that people like the the glass ornaments and yeah there's some real fancy ones wrapped up in there but this was kind of neat too um somebody's made this into like they've glued these little feet on here but you know what that is tile yeah but it's a it's like a 16 or 1700s Dutch fireplace tile oh that's actually cool they would have had this uh a lot of the places in New York for the early Dutch settlers when it was New Amsterdam um a lot of the houses had this sort of tile around the fireplace and when I went through the Metropolitan Museum one of the houses had uh that they'd moved the interior into had tiles almost identical to this so I'm fairly certain that's what this is and it's uh look you can see almost like little chip marks where it was chipped off a fireplace and kept but cool little item and uh you know a little piece of History but let's roll into another one of these bins here so we looked at the Christmas ornaments we looked at the dolls oh yeah we could probably are you just going to move it over to that side I'm going to St this hey you were impressed with the toilet I like them oh well you're going to be in lock here there's like little sinks and chairs okay we're going to bring this one over because this has a lot of uh 1970s or 880s looking furniture not as cool because it's kind of plasticky but um it's still in the original packaging so we'll bring that bin over and have a look at it the Janette brand which I've never heard of before sold at Woodwards so you know what that's been a while is that Janette no no beige pop flexible do the bend in all position Spiel good it's German oh this is not that old Melissa and Doug wooden furniture there's a little v shii a little set um this is okay so that's a lundby doll this is lundby stuff from the 70s this was really highend that's what I thought that some of those other dolls might have been lundby 10 bucks in 1988 lundby of Sweden and then you've got some lundby accessories here and even your Swedish little uh uh cups things you can put on the counters you got another one they have like happy little faces oh they're happy little people look at this cool little doll stroller it's metal that is really cool that's got to be 1940s era and there's a tiny little cowboy in there and there's his cowboy hat child cowboy and a random looks like Fisher Price person in there I didn't put the stuff in the these bags this is how I got it so Mattel what brand is that it says littles the littles that's cool look at these little chairs tiny little chairs did you have a dollhous set oh of course I did oh it's Boss Hog you know how I was saying that Cadillac looked like Boss Hog's car I'm going to put him in that where did it go it's underneath here it's okay we'll dig it out after but that's Boss Hog right there he's got a cigar in hand his white suit on oh that's his cowboy hat I think I'm pretty sure that's boss dogs cowboy hat because he's a gentleman with a receding hairline so he's compensated with it by his Cadillac and white cowboy hat H maybe yeah you want to dig for his little white cowboy hat while you're doing that look there's a tiny little there's a metal toilet that'd be cold on the dairy air yeah but look at all these little accessories like forks and knives and candlesticks candlesticks yeah a sewing machine it's for sure is it fits in perfect there go is he's happy now yeah good we got a whole Little Boss Hog and I will put him in that Cadillac I think he'll look right at home in there but you got a sewing machine stand you've got uh sewing machine look there's even like an old antique uh electric heater it looks like you could put a real light in there and make that light up more of this sort of Cheaper furniture the littles I'm sure there's people who collect the little stuff especially in the package it's kind of awesome look at the tiny little cups uh look at this another little vacuum set oh yeah Electrolux it's even brand name and look there's a little lundby rocking chair so some neat stuff telephone book when I was there the first time they weren't quite ready to sell the dollhous stuff and then I went back this time and they said they gave most of it away like for free so more wooden stuff I you had wood stuff when you were a kid yeah I think you've seen it still at your mom's right maybe ping pong table oh yeah look at the cute little ping pong table that's cool we should have a match you and me get a tiny little ping pong ball little cutesy little red wagon it's real metal too I bet you would have like that when you were a kid yep it's a real little and it's kind of working it's got the trle that works on the bottom and decorations oh that's a fireplace uh grate some of these are pretty elaborate kind of makes me after building that uh train set over the holidays it kind of made me feel like I should build something else miniature bottle brush trees there's a little uh like a little metal sort of chair and oh that's another pencil sharpener thing it's little stove cool yeah and drop leaf table look at the TV oh look it does it actually it has a speaker in it so does it do something well but there's wire sticking out here so I don't know if that yeah but what did it do change picture unscrew only the large brass knob lamps oh so it lights up so it's a like a light box so it looks like the TV's on huh and you can put whatever picture you want in there that's cool all right let's dig through some of these thanks is this um these are photos yeah it's okay we can look at those um I picked them up because they were going to get thrown out and to me you know I love that picture Isn't that cool old fella looks like he's he's got a frame French estm Oregon Pioneer of 1848 father of Edna Jane East oh East William French eastom so that's a really early Pioneer photo and that is uh that's an original in its mat Percy Lewis Brown from the top that kind of reminds me a little bit of my grandpa a little yeah what does it say about him founder of the Interurban Telephone Company the first telephone system in Silverton Edna Jane East Brown daughter of Oregon Pioneer William Frenchie so you can see the the family line that's his daughter and mother of Delmer L Mary Brown photo Virginia May Brown James Madison Brown Oregon pioner of 1846 son of James Brown interesting so some early Oregon Pioneer pictures you know if they were pioneering in Oregon in the 1800s that would have been quite early look at the lovely outfits these ladies have on you think you'd worry about if you had a hat that big you'd worry about it tilting off your head I mean it's probably like two feet in diameter it's pinned on there for sure well sure it's pinned but you'd think you'd always like you'd walk into doorways and W you'd hit your head well you can imagine doing that I imagine you like walking like this well I don't think I'd suddenly start walking like why would you walk so well like I'm Super Mario hitting a bunch of bricks trying to get points James Madison Brown so some very early pioneer Oregon Pioneer pictures I like her hair it's all kind of piled up like that oh yeah she's got it pinned up all right oh yeah this is a very old Japanese picture and I I'll have to figure out what the translation and signature is on it but judging from the fact there's artifacts here from the 1800s oh there it is Japanese wood cut print in 1925 Hokusai Monday Bridge By Moonlight but it's a woodcut um we sent some wood cuts to auction for some people a while ago and they did really really well um at a Vancouver auction so you never know that's a very old painting is that ripped yeah it needs a little tail se but look what a sweet painting that is the girl with her kitty it's very much of the era you know I'm not so sure that's actually a painting I think what that is is that's a print that's been stuck onto a canvas yeah that's kind of what it looks like when you take but it's still cool it is cool it's really cool yeah it's 1800s I me feel just don't use these little foot rest anymore but that's what you would have had you would have sat on your sat your little chair and then you could have rested your foot on a tiny little foot stool which you don't see too often I'm going to come around to this side now okay some these do loads yeah there's a doll head in there too oh little porcon doll I think that's like a doll kit like they were I think they were probably getting ready to reuff or remake the doll por some look unbreakable appearance yeah so it's it's like a doll kit flashl y does it work I I would have been shocked well that would have been bad because you don't want batteries sitting in there yeah well I think there are batteries in it because it's really heavy in fact let's see how old the batteries are in this thing be careful W I'm not going to shoot them out is that what you're expecting to happen like plates right there well I won't point it at the plates yeah okay how old are the batteries in this thing they are very old they're as old as the flashlight and they didn't uh leak at all well that one didn't neither that one's expanded a bit but those are like 1950s batteries ever already super 99s the battery doesn't know when to quit yeah it figured it out it knows one to quit when it's sitting inside a box for all that time look a little camera that's a little like novelty camera and I think they actually do take pictures but there's a quite a variety of antique dolls in here can you tell which the oldest ones are uh well I'm guessing like this one yeah that is a what they call a China head doll and um it's basic like from the uh neck down and then you would have this little sewn body that on it that's 1800s for sure those China head dolls no that's not very old you can see it's a mold doll molded yeah not only that there's metal on the inside well the the metal might not be too much of an indicator but that doll is probably 1940s 30s or 40s what do you think about this one folkart somebody carved it I wonder if she said to her dad make me a doll that looks just like Mommy and then that's what they came up with this one looks old look at her face yeah 20s probably but um oh that's that's Wedgewood made in England Wedgewood just a little Wedgewood heart dish in there Wedgewood was super popular a while ago oh I found the bird as long as you're not flipping me the bird that's really neat actually yeah it is really is it metal uh no his feet are metal with the body glass uh it feels like those tea things feel it we should take this inside and look at it closer we should and put it on with my other birds yeah Melissa is a bird fanatic true she has a problem but that is a cute little birdie a silver bracelet is it silver I think so it's tarnishing well we'll bring it in have a look I I got a ring here too and actually there's another possibly gold ring yeah that's nice with the turqu in it yeah that looks like it's real gold but I'll have to bring it in okay uh I'll put those in my pocket for you want this yeah I'll take the bracelet so we can look for stamps on it but some nice early dolls in there these look like they're right out of the 70s look she's got her leather trench coat he's got his sleeveless green jumpsuit that's the yep best one and then that's actually quite that's a bit of an older doll it mixed in there you know when you give your kid a wig I think that kid's wearing a wig don't say anything don't look at it the eyes don't oh you made eye contact she knows she knows these look um they were like out of a okay that's kind I don't know what this who made this doll maybe it says something on the tag us 1945 it's a Butterick mannequin like you know the Butterick patterns oh yeah so this would have been like um a store display that's actually going to you know I bet it's probably pretty collectible so this would have been um if you went to like a a shop that sold fabrics and they had the butter display book out see a little peg in her feet she's a store display item so this is a Butterick store display little pattern doll so you could showcase what some of the little patterns would look like that's really really neat I've actually never seen one before I guarantee that's probably a lot more rare than you think hardly any of those probably survived this looks like an older doll to me yeah like uh 1900s does she have a a tag on her that says what she is sometimes it's around the wrist her face looks a little bit newer though it could just be really clean look at the back of the neck yeah that's an old doll that is actually like a you guys are going to have to look upside down 1900s era she's nice got a little cowgirl oh no that's just her Bonnet I thought that was a cowboy hat that's just she's got a a bonnet these look like um these are all metel figures look at that hair do this one still has the plastic holding your hair down like with a little braid like it was just taken out of the box yes um okay what does it say about these 1970 uh Sunshine dolls Sunshine family something like that I can never quite remember maybe somebody watching at home remembers babies are a part of it there look at there's a whole thing there's a little mounty 1940s little mounty doll little lady and her fancy dress next to him yeah I have seen these in cataloges before and I know people do collect them I just can never remember what they're called grandpa Sven I think it's the sunshine family I'm pretty sure that's what it is but this is like every doll out of that collection if you had a a collect if you were a collector of sunshine family dolls 1978 so yeah this would have been like your cool kids oh look yeah I know that's it's a Tim man that is pretty cool and he's made out of metal he's got working bits on him look you can even open up his chest and look there's his heart that is cool what does this say 1946 US Metal Company tin Woodman it's called but that's the Tin Man that's neat look it's made out of an old can that's very creative very I like that a lot actually I like the Tin Man like their Wizard of Oz stuff what do you think this is that I don't I don't know yep you do who do I think it is or what do I think it is what type of doll um well it looks like has your name in it has mine Madam Alexander oh so it's like a 1950s Madame Alexander I like this one a lot look at her little shoes oh yeah she's got her little shoes like her out her pleated dress that is if ever there was a doll that spoke to the arrow that one definitely looks like I really like that one and then some very old looking she this little doll needs her hair is it is it this one oh yeah maybe found it stuck to I say good sir hand me my tupe yeah that's got to be her hair that's her voice okay okay what do we got one more bin I think and there's more dolls these I basically I feel like I'm going to walk around this side cuz you're right everybody's probably we're going to switch spaces here everybody watching at home is probably thinking why are we why am I upside down but she's actually an old doll yeah that's nice and she's got a very elaborate outfit she doesn't have her shoes though but nice dress and uh let's see can you see it I can't see it's stamped in I can feel it but some of these oh what does it say on it it's got a tag thank goodness there's tags on some of this stuff circa 1900 yeah Ernst hubach from dorf circa 1900 yeah to think that in this day and age I'm still finding dolls made over it's 123 year old doll and it looks still like oh looks great she's got quite the proud eyebrows that's that's borderline unibrow don't listen to him you're beautiful yeah well hey me it's a free to look um and then you've got uh some other that's got to be similar sort of vintage painted I like their little Expressions 18899 made in Germany like it's just surprising me that I can go into a house that many people have been through and I'm still finding stuff that they left behind from the 1900s she's got to be another Madam Alexander maybe she has the same kind of face oh no Cindy doll 1959 Poland Cindy doll she's like a like a hard Bake Light almost but these that's another old one there you can always tell from the faces okay what a what area do you think this is from before I look at the tag I'm going to say 1900 oh I'm GNA say 19 10 1900 I didn't look 1897 well it says 19008 but it says 1897 underneath bis yeah and there's another China head doll that would be mid like 1850s 60s era that's more like a oh this is one of those dolls that has the hair that grows look she's got her tag still on her it Chrissy tressy to shorten hair so you can actually crank her hair oh it's got no she's got a little you can either push in her tummy button or turn the knob on the back you got to push in her belly button and then pull her hair out and then to bring it back in you turn a knob on her back yeah that doesn't seem like fun for tresy look look it's going it's going ah yeah gorgeous trash all so that's kind of neat she definitely has that 70s 60s sort of vibe yeah shoe another antique one like 18 late 1800s 1900s oh was there a missing a shoe somewhere I just put it in by her feet this one's up she did she did the broken eye the doll thing yeah but yeah pretty pretty nifty stuff so uh oh yeah this one's nice too I think well I do have to I do I did make a promise to Boss Hog here so I got to put him back in his car see don't lose your hat I wonder if he'll fit looks like it's about the right size it's he's going to say mine was an El Dorado I want to make sure I'm up it's probably not right for him but ah you can lay him in the back seat he can just be hanging out having to smoke there we go Boss Hog deserves a Cadillac so there we go I've got some toy cars some nice antique Teddy Bears um so all of this was how much do you think I paid for the whole works for me yeah um I'm going to guess what if I'm way off well I don't know you're usually a pretty good estimator 22 1,500 no it was um I figured that retail on this lot would probably be in the 1500 2000 so we got it all for 900 bucks we' got to leave some room but uh Next Step we'll be getting this all sorted inventoried and off to auction but I think a pretty good haul of antiques and some pretty interesting items so uh thanks for coming and having fun with me yeah thank you for inviting me of course so you just never know when you're going to get that call to go dig through a basement and find a variety of things so thanks very much for watching today's episode guys we'll see you all soon soon don't forget to subscribe if you have haven't already and uh stay tuned to our Facebook or our YouTube uh notifications and I'll let you guys know when this auction does happen if you're curious to see what this stuff actually sells for I literally have very little idea I I hope it's going to be roughly double what I paid for it and I think that's probably realistic considering there's a lot of dolls in here they're a lot older than I was expecting so a good haul of stuff the work begins now as I get it sorted and inventory so off I go have a wonderful day we'll see you all soon and bye for now bye everyone bye guys [Music] a
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 87,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OcQDY9Xh-Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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