Danganronpa 1 Beta Designs!

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hey everybody mandy here and today we'll be looking at ding and romper one beta character designs as this month is dingarampa month because it's on the 25th this month it's going to be the 10-year anniversary i figured it would be a fun idea to go through each of the game's character beta designs and write them out of 10. for this video i'll be talking about the first game and then discussing the other games in the series in like different videos that will be coming up soon so you know if you aren't subscribed go ahead and subscribe because they were uploading so much ding grandpa content to come either way tell me in the comments which beta design you like the most and well let's get into the video so first we have the mask of the series monokuma monokuma had two beta designs one of them being this where he's wearing a chain that says nabio as far as i can tell this is like was only supposed to be a sprite or a piece of promo r however it didn't get anywhere and honestly i have no idea why this is even a thing and i i don't get it so three out of ten now we're gonna get into the most infamous one [Music] oh he needs some milk yeah so this is what monokuma was originally going to look like and it's terrible just imagining this instead of that stupid bear it just feels so weird i just can't imagine this in the game at all it's just it just looks weird so 0 out of 10. next we have makoto which to be honest his beta design looks very similar to his final version apart from the hoge and the sneakers he kind of just looks average which you know that is kind of the whole point to makoto's character in the first place so it makes sense but you know i'll give it a 5 out of 10. we have some other designs here which you know the two on the right make makoto look way more confident than what he is at the starting of the one so i feel like it just doesn't really fit him and the far left one gives me way too much comedic vibes to be honest so seven out of ten six out of ten four out of ten we also have this really cute art of makoto and kamara together it's it's great arya sahina next and hers is just very similar just she's has way shorter hair and she's wearing a skirt with shorts underneath of it instead of just shorts in the original i actually really like this design and it's really cute too so 8 out of 10. we have these other free designs here which they all look nice and all however this second one gives me so much fives of chia from persona 4. like everything just fits there and i've seen so much fan art and just art in general of chia and aoi together so they make a good duo this far left one is basically the exact same as the original just wearing a skirt into the shorts so in general i'll give it five out of ten eight out of ten eight out of ten baika tagami i don't care what anybody says this design is terrible terrible one out of ten for these other three designs they kind of have the same thing going for all of them except for the far right one which for some reason has like the biggest color neck in the world but the thing is that i look at all these designs and i feel like they all kind of capture his talent really well in general but the far right one just does not capture his talent at all so six out of ten six out of ten five out of ten we also have this hair designed for tagami here which has some mega kaito hair going on and it really it just looks very anime in general so i'm all for it i'll give it a 8 out of 10. celestia ludenburg i'm going to say this right now but i honestly prefer this beta design over the original i can't tell if it's because of the giant drills are gone but i just really like this design way more than for the original and i will forever stand by that so 10 out of 10. however beta designs are kind of just very similar to her original except in this one she's holding a broken bunny toy okay and we even see her giving the middle finger here which i honestly think this should have been a sprite for her in the original game either way given how similar these are i'll give them seven out of ten six out of ten and then i have no idea what's going on here but the burger king crown is great so i'll give it a 7 out of 10. next on the list we have is jihiro fujisaki not really a fan of this design as i feel like the whole twist during chapter two wouldn't be as significant and well i think their original one is way better so three out of ten however these next few are amazing shahira was going to have a hairstyle with cat ears think about that for a moment plus there were even some designs of them with pigtails and that would have been really interesting to see to be honest and apart from different hairstyles the outfits kind of just the exact same for everybody so yeah 6 out of 10 eight out of ten six out of ten hefumi yamada okay i'll make the obvious joke here hi guys real life peter griffin here i absolutely hate this one out of ten the thing about all these designs here is that all of them aren't as big as hifumi's final design is this one looks like a turd and i legit have no idea what's going on here so i'm not going to comment on it either so all of these are just one out of ten junko enoshima the best thing on for one girl i get that she looks more realistic here but i think her final design outfit just stands out way more in terms of her character design and plus her hair being bigger really helps the hairpins stand out more which you know it's kind of important once you find out who she is so 4 out of 10 because it's just not as good as the original and now with her other bait designs we have this one uh what however this design right here i love this so much even though i think it's more cute than anything i love seeing her with shorter messier hair and with a different tile of outfit so in my opinion overall just looks amazing so nine out of ten we also have two extras which as far as i'm aware weren't junko beta designs but instead were concept designs for a junko successor which later ended up being monika toa we have this one which features a darker skin tone and i like it the other design we have here is one that i really like since it makes her look way more crazier with the drawings all over her legs and her hair just being a chaotic mess so appearance wise this really fits junko's craziness and her personality so i just love it a lot so 9 out of 10. surprisingly i can't find anything on mucro designs uh i think there just isn't any out there which is quite a shame but there you go ishimaru kiyotaka next oh wait sorry i meant phoenix right hey there's a [ __ ] his hair is basically phoenix right and he's even doing an objection pose plus he looks more like an anime protagonist than makoto does so sonata his other designs look exactly the same as his final design so i don't really have much to comment on here except this one looks really funny and i'm assuming this would be the whitehead taka that we see in chapter three so eight out of ten since this looks way cooler than it did in the original kyoku kirigiri the other best dinger on for one girl her beta design here looks a bit more old-fashioned like kind of victorian style similar to kurumi if that helps i would say four out of ten i'm not the biggest fan here i just feel like her designs fit way more than this one because you know she is the ultimate detective after all however these other designs are really good especially this one i'm a big fan of seeing kyoko with shorter hair and then this one is literally just straight up kurumi and then this one over here shows uh kirigiri was originally going to have red eyes which honestly i i'm kind of glad they changed it to purple in the final game because it just feels i don't know it just doesn't really fit her personality red eyes in my opinion and then also she was going to have glasses which is kind of crazy and i it fits quite well i just think she looks way better without glasses but honestly kyoko having glasses would have been a great uh selection either way so i'm going to say 7 out of 10 6 out of 10 9 out of 10. next we have is ryuji leon i mean in legit just looks like his final design i mean even his other designs look exactly the same just with a bit crazier hairstyles and then this one right here is like just from the game itself so like there's not much to say here so 5 out of 10 because it's leon next we have his mondo of water in which we're in for a good treat so i'm not a big fan of this first one here however his arm is just way bigger than his entire body i legit have no idea why it looks a bit weird but four out of ten however this is where it gets good his hair is a [ __ ] gun his hair is a gun his hair is a gun like this isn't a [ __ ] like this isn't funny his hair was originally going to just be a gun so this is by far 10 out of 10 and honestly it should have been in the game his other designs look okay i mean i'm not really a big fan of these bottom two but this bigger one here looks kind of cool have a gun that's all that matters gun soccer ogami looking at everybody's beta designs i feel like sakura has the most out of everybody's uh so first we have this main one in which she's barefooted and her hair looks like a ponytail i i believe i prefer her final design way more than this one so i'm going to give it a 5 out of 10. as for the other designs we have this one which reminds me a lot of pekko because it has like a wooden bamboo sword i mean it looks nice and all but it just doesn't fit her character or like her talent so i'm a bit confused as to why it's here sayaka mizono faces the same problem as leon in which their beta design looks way too close to their original design so there isn't really much i can comment on here in case you are wondering though leon and sakura were the first stingramper characters ever made which is why their designs look so similar to what they were in the final game and it's kind of reason as to why they were killed off first as well i mean i like seika's design overall and it seems like in one of these designs she was originally going to have a bow in her hair similar to her illustration art so i'll give it a 8 out of 10. next we have is toku fukara i kind of like her design here as it does the same for her original design it captures her personality and her talent really well but i definitely prefer the original so seven out of ten and then this one is just terrible terrible terrible one out of ten her designs are kind of interesting with her originally having red hair and a giant knife it seems i still prefer what we got in the original however i can't deny that some of these are really cool and i would have loved to see them in action within the game which is quite unfortunate that we can't but i'll give it eight out of ten six out of ten eight out of ten and the last character we have here is yosehiro hagakuri i mean honestly there isn't much to comment on here since he looks the exact same just with way shorter hair i must admit though these sketches of him make him look way cooler than his actual character is so you know he has that going for him so for that i'll give it a 7 out of 10. and well there you go we've gone through all of the ding round for one cast as beta designs i'll be doing the same for the second game in an upcoming video so make sure to be on the lookout for that and yeah there's not much else i can say uh i hope everyone has a great day and a happy ding around the month and thank you so much for watching [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: DanganMandy
Views: 102,645
Rating: 4.9686379 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa, Danganronpa Beta, Danganronpa Designs, Danganronpa Beta Designs, Danganronpa 1, Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa Characters, Danganronpa Meme, Danganronpa 2020, Monokuma, Makoto Naegi, Leon Kuwata, Sayaka Moizono, Kyoko Kirigiri, Byakuya Togami, Distrust Beta, Distrust, Danganronpa Distrust, Danganronpa Rating, DanganMandy, Danganronpa Memes, Danganronpa meme, Danganronpa spoilers, Junko Enoshima, Danganronpa fans, Aoi Asahina
Id: hIsspZAlnR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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