Danganronpa: What If The Killer Doesn't Get Executed?

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um what if the blackened didn't get executed hey fox and while a hypothetical situation that i thought up while boarding class was what would happen if a student who has committed a murder were to not be executed by monokuma this can actually reveal an entirely new world of possibilities now you all know already that when a student kills another clash trial will begin and then the remaining students have to find out who done it well let's just say for example the first child trigger happy havoc leon is found guilty of murdering sayaka however the twist is leon isn't put up for execution instead leon is locked in his room or a special ruined bars with handcuffs on him apparently under arrest what happens now well for starters if this scenario actually happened everything that happened subsequently would be completely different there will be certainly be more trials more victims a terrible atmosphere and much more including the numerous possibilities of different survivors so let's go over the technicalities and information one at a time we'll start with what what exactly happened to the blackened if we were to follow a standard law and order kind of situation after successfully finding the culprit a ruling would be in place to see what would be their punishment and of course in this day and age executions aren't exactly ideal to replace this the convicted would be placed behind bars for a set time depending on the crime and so that would be the simple punishment within this killing game now here's the tricky part would they ever be released from their cell there could be different things monokuma would implement here like jail for three trials jailed for three weeks jail till the end that sort of stuff so let's assume that they are jailed indefinitely until the killing game is over they are only released to attend trials or other mandatory meetings such as an uh assembly let us look back at leon's trial so leo just killed psycho he's put in jail great what's this someone appears outside of his cell they have a knife who could it be two hours later someone comes to check up on leon and surprise surprise they found a dead body avenge one word explains his entire plot and adds a whole new aspect to the killing game which is being able to offend the fallen so to speak and just like that an entirely new path that's been created separate from the main line in a hypothetical sense if it was makoto who invented sayaka and killed leon then you would see what i mean when i say everything will completely change oh what does this mean can't everyone just kill knowing the consequences are quite minimal the consequences aren't minimal at all being trapped in a cell 24 7 you are in handcuffs everyone knows you are a murderer and they know where you are at all times even without your execution your chances of survival are still just as low that is unless you're a good liar once again looking back at liam's trial if leon said he killed saika out of self-defense and no other motives he can convince everyone of how little threat he actually is and if someone else were to then commit a murder afterwards convicted and then jailed then leon would have a less likely chance of being targeted next for a vengeance there's a whole new tactical approach to this game being nice and looking innocent will play a huge factor especially if you are actually a sociopath on the inside you can just kill someone openly admit your deed to everyone cry and guilt-trip everyone you'll live life and comfort within the city yourself while still being able to be friends with everyone they would often come visit you and they'll ensure your safety even further with witnesses unless you're correct you who openly missed a hand in the revolves under people including two students other questions that may arise what happens if a blackened wins and actually gets away with murder there are two things i can see happening one all students are set free but the other remaining spotless students will probably be accused of murdered by the authorities for the victim of the trial and be sentenced to jail in the real world or two only the black end is released and everyone else continues the killing game these will be the most likely for this situation what if all students left are jailed blackened what if someone who was a convicted black and committed another murder while they were jailed something i've been thinking for the jail is that they are allowed to escape this cell or if someone is allowed to let them out in terms yes they can escape but they have to do it while not being caught if you guys are familiar with the game escapists you had to escape while not being caught by officials obviously if you get caught you will be sent to solitary confinement so if you're trying to escape you'll have to make sure no one knows or at least no one who would report you to monokuma which puts trust and friendship to one's advantage last question i can think of for now is what happens if you break the rules if you want to be simple a small sentence in jail for maybe a few days would suffice well depending on the rules i was broken financing the headmaster the punishment was only for your day or killing more than the maximum two students could require more harsh punishment which is why there's something i've been thinking could be implemented as a special exception torture not only applying to rule breaking of course but jailed students in general monokuma can set up a day where the remaining spotless students are allowed to torture the jailed students if they'd want to so instead of wanting to kill the black and with the vengeance they can just torture them instead to event their emotions eliminating executions for a killing game would change everything for sure it's one example difference using the concept of goodbye despair the subject is simple we'll start off with the first trial and go on from there using the existence of the law and order system so territorial kills biakia everyone finds out and territory is not jail unironically nagito is also jailed the thought of both of these people being threats are minimal and no one pays too much attention to them the second motive happens and should play the same way as it did in the original petko kills petco's in jail the difference here is fuyuhiko knowing that pekko's still alive he will most likely still be an [ __ ] you know and this is where the train shifts gear fuyuhiko would keep petco company most of the time while she's in jail and turn a cold shoulder to everyone else and he maybe potentially even try to break pekko out however this may be his downfall his attitude and demeanor and being close to a convicted blackened that killed my hero may sign up as the next victim and next thing you know fujihiko has been killed this would obviously heartbreak pekko while everyone else finds out who killed fijo heco may be forming a plan of her own the story then goes on the scenario has now completely changed and no whole new outcome has been established what happens from here on is now unknown who survives who dies how many trials are there does the future foundation still show up who is a part of the foundation is junko still the mastermind all these questions and inconsistencies cannot be one single answer and cannot be answered all at once possibility these are luminous now it's the job people's imagination to know what happens next thanks for watching sorry for abruptly ending a potentially interesting storyline but i just couldn't bring myself to finishing it especially when there would potentially be 14 trials if you have any questions theories stories or anything regarding whatever is discussed in this video make sure to leave comments as those are the best ways to support this channel if you also have any suggestions to other what-if videos that you think i should research you can also comment about that as well yeah well that about does it for this video so with that i beat you all farewell [Music]
Channel: Solistice Fox
Views: 66,216
Rating: 4.971951 out of 5
Id: VCJP50iErq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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