DANGANRONPA'S Darkest Moments!

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do you ever stop and wonder how dark this series can get a lot of the time danganronpa likes to joke around and most of the community focuses on their favorite characters or light-hearted moments of the game but when you actually think about some of the stuff that's happened in this series it's surprising how these don't get brought up when discussing the topic for this video i wanted to present some of the darkest or most disturbing things within ding and romper since like i mentioned i rarely see them get brought up in a discussion so feel free to leave in the comments what you think is the most disturbing dingarampa moment since you know all of us have different experiences and i would love to hear what others think of it either way let's get on to the video nekrumah is death nekomar is a great character and lived until chapter 4 of the second game they became a robot after getting shot in the chest of chapter 3 but then became a victim within the next chapter the main reason i wanted to talk about this one first is because i rarely see people talk about it and i want to kind of mention it but it's how he ended up when you discover the body as you can see here he got beheaded which is really dark and this is the only time this has ever happened in the series a lot of people just kind of discredit this because you know he's a robot all that his blue up so blood is blue but this is still really disturbing that necromore got beheaded and again it's just brushed off because you know he's a robot like what like this is this is really disturbing if you think about the pain and suffering that you have to go through even the game treats this less seriously by akane just grabbing the head and picking it up at the end but you know it's still nekomaru he still had the pain of his body parts being ripped apart it's honestly very gross to think about all the details about this murder even if his main cause of death was falling if this was an actual human or the blood was pink slash red a lot more people would made a big deal about it possibly even causing trouble for the game developers togami messing with chihiro's investigation in the first ingrampa game chapter 2 chihiro got hit in the head with a dumbbell and was left in the girl's locker room by mundo however right after tagami notices and walks in the girl's locker room to check out what happened in which he sees a dead shahira on the floor in which he made an effort to go back to the library grab a wire and then tie up to hero's dead body smudge blood on his hand to create the lines bloodlust after finding he did this he explains that he did it to liven up the killing game which he never does any of the time in the game and this has only happened once in the series for him or just in general we also find out that after the trial mundo carried to hero's body from the boy's locker room to the girls locker room and laid them down there because you know rwanda wanted to be respectful to chihiro as his motive explains it but then tagami walks in and he just does something that a psycho would do like i get tagami was supposed to be this character that the player is supposed to hate and this pretty antagonist but just imagine this skinny sick looking man picking up and tying up a small life left your hero is really disturbing and again nothing else similar happens to this in the series it's just a one-time thing mekong's backstory mikon samiki is a character from the second game that suffers a lot from problems due to her past these include physical abuse emotional abuse and sexual abuse these would explain why she apologizes a lot and why she always worries all the time she has said that if she was a punching bag she would win first place which in my opinion is kind of a way of saying that she's been physically abused before which may explain the random bandages covering up her arm and her leg but that's just speculating at that point a pretty big theory too is that her hair is so choppy is because her bullies used to cut her hair a lot the emotional abuse part comes from how much she says sorry and that there are points within the game where she would do anything to be forgiven even taking off her clothes she also does this in the anime but instead of being forgiven in order to thank the imposter her first reaction to this was taking off her clothes which the imposter denies later on like i'm not exactly sure why and talking about this can be very touchy but if this was her first reaction to these two different situations it makes me and others believe that in her past she would have taken off her clothes as a way to deal with these situations either that or people would make her take off her clothes in these situations which would make her think that this is just a normal thing and that everybody does it which you know would also go in part with the fairies and just speculation that she gets sexually abused in the past judging by how mekong is and the whole way she acts this is most likely the case the game hasn't outright confirmed anything about it but you can definitely tell just by the way she acts and what she's been through that these are kind of true there's even points where she apologizes for being happy which even it's even more proof that she's been abused by somebody or even multiple people the last thing i would like to talk about on this section of mekan or her story is her obsessive behavior seen within the anime over junko her talking about her beloved and sleeping with hajime she indicates a lot of what is called obsessive compulsion disorder which many researchers in real life have said that this can be triggered by abuse personal crisis or a death of a loved one considering how quickly mikan got obsessed with junker in the anime it would imply that her life before she entered hope's peak involved and some type of abuse like the ones we've covered so yeah a lot of evidence just points to mekon being abused and having obsessive-compulsive disorder or shortened ocd ganta's trial during this section i won't be going into kokichi's motives because honestly v3 doesn't leave a full answer to this and any time it's brought up people always mention different motives of different incentives for the character so instead he's going to be focusing just on ganta's case in v3 chapter 4 there was a virtual world that the cast had to go in and find a secret to but ended up with iruma dying and become a victim of the chapter ganta gokohara was the murderer and once a murder happened they all left the virtual world after the trial you find out that kokichi tricked gunter into killing mew for the sake of saving everybody even though that on its own in real life would be very disturbing i think the most disturbing thing about the whole thing is the fact that ganta just doesn't remember anything that happened he'd said that that when they were all entering the virtual world ganza had misplaced his chords and had a memory error which resulted in ganta not knowing what happened so in his mind he just woke up to a dead mew right in front of them even if kokichi had good motives later on in chapter five ganta still had to go through a horrible truth that he killed somebody without his knowledge and he considered everybody the cast like even the people he didn't like as his friends so it just caused the trial to make him cry and crash himself the entire time and it's honestly a big reason as to when you see people play the game people just hate kokichi because of what you put ganta through ruka's death okay so this one is specifically just for ruka's death because look at this this [ __ ] is just so brutal it's insane during the anime everybody gets sent to sleep after a certain amount of time and it's revealed later on that the person closest to a monitor of the cast gets brainwashed into killing themselves we even see this happen to makoto in which the monitor drops a knife for the person grabbing it to stab themselves and we get to see this for all the other characters who died like this it's only a single stab to the chest and nothing more so then how did ruka suffer the same fate but end up this bad we know it was her who experienced the brainwashing as we see everybody else who was alive safe and we even see the monitor glow up in the distance so the fact that she stabbed her legs her body her eyes turned red and there seems to be candy shoved down her mouth i legit don't know how this happened since it's the only oddity out of everybody who are brainwashed in the anime and i don't think there was an explanation for this because like i said she should have only been stabbed in the chest and nothing more but she's just this odd exception from the others either way because of this her death goes down as one of the most brutal deaths in the dinger on this series ultra despair girls this one doesn't really need much of an explanation since ultra despair goes is by far one of the darkest stinger games since the topics here are way more controversial than the other than the other games in the series it's a big reason as to why people skip out on this game a lot since i've heard a lot of people say that the game makes them uncomfortable and because they just stopped playing midway through i'll explain more stuff basically the game is set in a location called toa city after junko's plan to end the world worked the warriors of hope which are these five kids basically take control of the city and let a monokuma killing spree happen their plan is to make a world without any adults and we learn why these five kids are very onset for doing this daemon was abused and hit by his father jatarra was emotionally abused by his mom she would tell him that she regretted giving birth to him and that she wished that her son would die the next morning nagasa was forced to work and study for unhealthy lengths of time by his parents to the point of him passing out kotoko was i'm not going to explain it but this screenshot says the whole story and the last warrior of hope monica tower she acts very childish on the outside but she mentions that she always feels like dying on the inside plus it's implied that she has been physically abused before and during one of these physical abuses she pretended to be badly wounded to help stop the abuse there's a lot of messed up things in ultra despair girls but the warriors of hope are probably the best example of the darkest things in this game executions i'm going to end this video on the executions as even though this is pretty obvious that this would be on the list the executions are some of the most disturbing things about this series i want to mention some of the darkest ones like dragging someone by their neck and playing piano with their dead body being in the position of climbing a spiked vine with each grab stabbing your hand getting hit by over a thousand baseballs with still being alive for most of it believing that you killed one of the most important people in your life right before you die going through a death chamber with different traps and never knowing if you're going to escape or not all these examples are very good executions by the series i understand there are really bad executions in the series which help benefit the light-hearted side of this game but in conclusion there are a lot of really disturbing and dark events in the ding ramp series some i haven't even covered either way i hope you enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching
Channel: DanganMandy
Views: 84,385
Rating: 4.9774423 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa, Danganronpa 1, Danganronpa dark, Danganronpa Creepy, Danganronpa distrubing, Danganronpa scary, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls, DanganMandy, Danganronpa commentary, Danganronpa darkest, Danganronpa moments, Danganronpa scary stories, Danganronpa stoires, Mikan Tsumiki, Danganronpa v3, Danganronpa v3 Killing Harmony, Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 3 anime, Monaca Towa, Kokichi Ouma
Id: UVNbK7qB2f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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