My Mom names my favourite Danganronpa Characters

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I need to do an intro obviously let me see I have my mum here with me say hello mum hello mum so since my mum has limited anime knowledge I thought would quiz her on some of my favourite danganronpa characters we've already gone through this with you because I asked you to do this with me but I would like you to guess or give them names and then I would like you to guess their ultimate Talent do you understand yes first up is this Hermione's reading would you like to know her name yes her name's toko and her ultimate talent is actually writing she has the ID so she has a another personality that's actually a serial killer so you calling her Hermione isn't very fitting who is this and her ultimate talent she's a rock star I mean close enough her name's Ibuki and her special talent is she is the ultimate guitarist so very close is this banana nuku excuse me banana weed dude she's actually the only one isn't Japanese and her special talent is making pencils you can [Music] I mean somewhat her name's Angie and she is the only canon one that isn't Japanese I'm pretty sure I might have to check that and her ultimate talent is she is the ultimate artist I thought it might throw you off her illustration who is this Vinci and what is his ultimate talent he is car mechanic oh very close I'll give you a point I'll give you a point for that his ultimate talent is engineer ultimate engineer his name is Kazooie Choo soda okay who's this Bluebell Bluebell okay and what do you think her ultimate talent is talent is well she's actually the ultimate Aikido master and her name is tank oh well yeah I slightly do cuz she's like all manner evil so she's like just generate males and there's definitely who's this Justin Bieber um um I do love you um what's his ultimate talent taking a shoe so he's ultimate taking it shoe off without touching his first well you can be more far from the truth his name is Makoto naegi and he is the ultimate luck so he's extremely lucky it's very clear isn't it that he's falling over yes who is this amoeba and me but why'd she cool dragging along big weight on the end of that chain so strong very strong oh he see he's that yalta mister he look he does look very strong doesn't he yeah ultimate talent he's also the ultimate luck his name is Naruto ah of course yes you would definitely know that wouldn't you who's this [Music] his name is k1 Bo also known as Kibo and his ultimate talent is he is the ultimate robot yes very it's very clear isn't it he's the ultimate robot who is this simply sim ki okay oh I'll keep I'll keep me saying and I want to say ultimate power so her ultimate power is making donuts disappearing yeah are you not focusing on her attire at all she's a swimmer yes there you go she has a knack for donuts so yes I will allow I will accept ultimate being able to make donuts disappear you're so picky her name is Asahina and not suck whatever use of sim key who do you think this is very clever mum and the ultimates talent is cold tricks her name is Celestia luden berg and her ultimate talent is she is the ultimate gambler now who is this why are you calling doctor who is it cuz of a scarf is talking to the animals oh oh that's that's close so his name is Gundam Tanaka yes and he is the ultimate breeder would you like to voice your thoughts on that who is this no suki na suki right yeah I suppose her ultimate talent is she is the ultimate nurse so ultimately lanes aren't like medicine they're more like jobs that's why it's like ultimate gambler ultimate swimmer I thought you would have gathered that by now you saying ultimate I don't know ultimate animal whisperer which I suppose is alright ultimate medicine and her name her name's me Khan and she is the ultimate nurse Miku P me Khan who's this you'll laugh and I tell you something if you saying that as maybe anyways no need I'm right music girls go so her ultimate talent is the ultimate Girl Scout really no no no no I was guessing actually this one's kind of a trick because she doesn't actually have a talent but her name is Kumar unagi do you recognize the name Nagi so she is Makoto's little sister that's what I was loving Neumann I've already had this one before cuz I'm like well yes they're their siblings who is this he has a really generic white boy name if you can guess a white boy name then I'll give it to you Stephen Stephen no no it begins with L Lance nope Leo yes there you go Leon really first time you got the name Wow you didn't even need any go mom go go forward full house no you got his name which I will count for something but no he's the ultimate baseball star yes yeah cuz he's he he's throwing it and finally who's this or you can name both of them good bad right good bad okay and she's called Queenie alright okay and what do you think her ultimate talent is oh that's good go off of that go for that ah did she judge people I mean technically cuz I do hold class trials and she she she is the person who's behind the bear good bad as you say so she controls good bad and she she holds the class trials so what do you think her ultimate talent is cheerleader so you go on a tangent about how if she judges people and then you say she she is very that's very true would you like to have another guess or leave it leave it leave it a leader okay so would I do the bear first so his name is monokuma because kuma is bear in Japanese and I'm pretty sure I think mano is like monochrome or something I'm pretty sure yeah so his name is monokuma and her name is Junko Enoshima she is the ultimate despair or she's also known as the ultimate fashionista which is her alias that she was hiding underneath until it's revealed at the end of the game that she was the mastermind behind the whole thing she one of your favorites no it's very cliche to like her would you like say goodbye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Keenyo
Views: 107,236
Rating: 4.9711142 out of 5
Keywords: danganronpa, trigger happy havoc, killing harmony, goodbye despair, anime, meme, cosplay, junko enoshima, tiktok
Id: oUnMH4lU_tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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