Dance Monkey: The Song That Destroyed Its Creators Life

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people are so offended by how I looked sometimes I just want to tell myself I cop it as much as anyone else and I'm not the new Nickelback it's the world's most streamed song by a female artist but dance monkeyy three billion plays ruin tones and I's life I don't think I've been happy one day since all this stuff has happened not to mention the song itself is way more depressing than most people realize you see tones and I first wrote dance monkey whilst performing her songs in the street where on one particular night she dealt with a super difficult crowd the whole crowd was very drunk and and Rowdy over a 30-minute period ton had all her money stolen was told by an onlooker she had no talent and had her keyboards knocked over as the rest of the crowd demanded she keep on playing I had like a real bad night where like people were just like again again again again like they weren't even thr chanting one more song I done like six encores she therefore make the chorus Dance For Me Dance For Me dance for me referring to heckler's egging her on I just took everything that people had said to me and put it in a song like just sing one more time one more time and by the time she finally wrote it her confidence had been destroyed and I wrote it in the um wardrobe because I still got nervous about people listening and hearing me stuff up when I'm writing music and go over and over again on the same thing so I like really Nestle myself in a small space however by playing the song on the street she attracted an audience of hundreds all of whom couldn't stop listening despite the song being unreleased you couldn't hear the song anywhere it was nowhere you could only hear it live and that's the only place you could hear it and words are getting around about this song with no way to stream it people would come down when I was bking just to hear it in one video titled tones and I NY in Byron Bay the uploader stated don't know the name of the song but I got a big fan of her for the first go with the video itself showing hundreds of people listening to tones one of whom you can hear yelling coolest night of my life a different Tik Tok showed a similar scene having filmed dance monkey on the street before its release captioned with the title I just recorded it because I thought the song was good dance monkey made her street performances so popular Ton's manager stated by the end of the first song at least 20 would stop by by the end of the third there was at least 50 and by the end of the set 150 would be gathered we were getting shut down by the police in a few weeks the crowds were spilling onto the street and becoming dangerous with her local Fame causing other unrelated issues other busers started getting angry at me some started to face group and we're like we're going to run tones out of town like for no reason they just hated how big the crowds were getting as a result tones took her act to a hostel where it became even bigger everyone just started coming to the hostel and all of a sudden this hostel was at full capacity 500 people they couldn't let anyone in every single week just because people wanted to come waited through the whole 2 and 1/2 hour talent show for this one song at the end which was like the craziest thing everyone knew all the words describing that period as her happiest days ever I always say that that that was easily the best time in my life she' achieved everything she ever wanted and still had no plans to release music publicly always obviously just wanted to be a busker IID never anticipated even releasing music but having gained 14,000 followers from busing tone spent $800 to record and release dance monkey as one of her first official songs she had no expectations I didn't even think I'd get played on radio in Australia although the outcome turned out to be the opposite the success tones found locally was repeated on the radio pretty much when I released it we saw the same thing happen but in a way bigger scale that what had already been happening for 8 months on the street topping charts in Australia just 30 days after dance monkey's release 2 weeks after hitting number one tones released the music video which gained 1.6 million views in just over a month leading to her first Festival invite which slightly exceeded expectations tones was scheduled as the first act on a terrible stage I opened the whole f and usually there's about 200 people at this stage although as can be seen by the official Festival video a she managed to attract a slightly larger audience there was like 40,000 people the video of me online at Splender in the grass with the red on is that the set after me had like 500 people there the music video Hit 10 million views only 1 month later celebrated with an Instagram post reading Oldtown Road has been number one on iTunes for 14 weeks until now [ __ ] one month after after this when the video was at 100 million views tones made another post reading I have the number one most streamed song on Spotify worldwide at the moment and an Aussie artist has never done that before and then it stayed on this top of Spotify for like a record-breaking amount of time it bit all the Shazam records before becoming the highest stream Song Ever by a female artist on Spotify tones and I had achieved what her biggest Idols couldn't Beyonce hasn't done that Ariana Grande hasn't done that Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift they've never done what that song has done and while tones maintained that she loved the song this is where the problem started and I love the song so much people think I hate it it just defines me and I need that to stop that one song that I wrote when I was on the street should not Define the rest of my life as mentioned the song became so popular it was all that she was known for if she played the song first at festivals people would simply leave sometimes when I go overseas I have to end on that song because if I do dance my second last everyone's going to the other stage and I'm sitting here playing Flyway to my friend but if she played the song at the end people wouldn't stop demanding it there was one Festival I went and played and in between every song there were like dance monkey dance which is like kind of like crippling as an artist Rolling Stone added to this by writing during her first Festival appearance at New Zealand's Bay dreams a section of the crowd chanted dance monkey dance monkey over and over unwittingly feeding into the exact narrative the song was about during the same article tones and I stated this dance monkey thing is like a blessing and a curse it's opened me up to so many more fans and to have so many people discover my music but I don't want to be known for that until I die it was one song I wrote she says wearily it's not even near my favorite song it's not even in my top three or maybe not even top five and her view was likely tainted by the song's other problems tones explained her clothing style had come from a lack of confidence chubby Hat Wear ing oversized tea I felt comfortable in those baggy clothes I wasn't body confident which turned into a point of criticism as she became a public figure people were so offended by how I looked like just so offended and I judged myself as harsh as I could so that I was really prepared and then it wasn't a tactic anymore I just started hating myself comments about her appearance at the time were too vile to publish even in Rolling Stone and when given a chance to respond tone stated I promise you everything that you said I feel about myself now I promise you that I feel like [ __ ] all the time so leave me alone now because there's nothing more you can do this mind frame stained everything that she did I could not connect or enjoy the moment because there was this big you're ugly you're gross doesn't matter what you do this is offensive reducing her desire to be on social media I really don't want to be out there in the world like that instead posting text images such as last time I checked you didn't need to be pretty to write a good song and it will be a cold day in hell when I join the club of women that have only gotten somewhere because of what they look like thanks tones repelled the haters with a genius coping strategy then I just like turn my phone off and hang out with my friends and it's all fine but for the hate toward the song itself there was easily 10 times more the worst thing about it is the the the vocals the godamn vocals they're terrible they are awful the criticism began with her voice I never ever once thought my voice was different or anything like that now the world is telling me that it's different While others accused her of using effects to achieve a specific sound everyone seems to think your voice is super weird a lot of people at the start thought that it was an edit articles such as this one had to clarify her voice was natural although even then the song was building an army of haters dance monkey by tones and I is a terrible song the song dance monkey is [ __ ] atrocious dance monkey is the worst song in history and I will never forgive Humanity for making it popular even Jenna ortiga slammed the song by adding if anyone ever played that in my house they're instantly being kicked out while Ton's live performance on Australian radio achieved a pretty depressing record I am the only like a verion in the history of Triple J like of versions that have had to have the comments turned off was it hated simply because it was overplayed people say oh I used to like the song and then it got so overplayed it's on it's always on radio I can't escape It Whatever the reason it was making Tone's life hell I didn't like myself at all I preempted hate I would just see myself through the most hateful hater's eyes in the process tones had to deal with a stalker I got probably a message like every 3 minutes sent presents to people that know me messaged my random friends that they've never met this person lived overseas and left and went home and then said they're coming back for me and actually came back although surprisingly Nicki Minaj might have been a bigger problem you see dance monkey had been topping the charts for almost half a year at which point Nicki Minaj released a new song telling her followers to do whatever you can to get it to number one well rather than you know listening to Nikki's song her fans instead tore down tones and I in a pretty lousy way they put like racist signs or SWAT stickers everywhere over my stuff and then reposted it on Twitter pushing tones toward her Breaking Point she describe her haters to be beating me over and over again until I'm sitting here crying in my own home no one even understands how bad it really is winning four Aras failed to fix anything no one could have ever prepared me for the whole world judging me and comparing you to other artists which was followed by a Facebook post reading people always say tones how does it feel it must feel great what are you feeling you must be over the moon it does and I don't want to take anything away but I've been hiding a black hole for a while now with success comes judgment and opinions this I was prepared for it's normal which is sickening but the Relentless bullying that follows every proud moment tears my mind in two tones was also frustrated by the media and I feel like dirty when people made [ __ ] up about me and I felt gross like they could say anything and they did to the extent that she was happy to see the song's popularity fading here comes the weekend with blinding lights I'm like good on you mate maretta is like oh it might go back to number one next I'm like oh no I want to move on with my life it's therefore no surprise she'd State I don't want to just try to chase that song I lo that song A lot of the time A lot of times I don't want to sing it instead turning lemons into lemonade with an album called mad house documenting the highs and lows of unexpected Fame the whole ordeal also inspired a weight loss Journey he's an exclusive I've actually just lost 30 kilos leading to positive articles for the first time in a long time tones therefore also added this After experiencing maybe the biggest high and the biggest low the highs do outweigh the lows and now I'm in a place where I see a lot more love and now owns the fact that she simply made an awesome song I'm so thankful for that song and I'm so proud of that song and I'll never not be [Music]
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 2,295,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tones and I, Dance Monkey, Dance Monkey Tones and I, Tones and I Dance Monkey, Gotye, Gotye Somebody That I used to know, How 1 Viral Song Ruined Gotye's Life
Id: 7q6D_9x-ZsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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