Dan Mohler | We’ll Be An Army Walking in Love That They Can’t Stop

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thank you hey guys yay good to be here huh all the way out here in seattle i'm a long way from home so and you got to keep up with me tonight because i'm on that three hour thing so it's 11 17 right now you got to keep up with me y'all are you all going to be all right all right good i always pull that on the west coast folks when i come out when i get a little late i say now come on it's only one in the morning to me so you all good with testimonies amazing isn't that fun just uh man it was just some good things the one gentleman just stuff catches you you know certain you just catch certain things but he said just making yourself available i mean that just spoke loud to me when he said that but just the beauty of the testimonies uh i'm just excited listen there's something got on my heart when i stepped up here and tom started praying i'm just going to probably fly with it and trust it's the lord uh but but i want to share this right before i go there like this has always been christianity christianity has always been union with god it's god in us right and through us he wants to live in us guys and shine through us i i say this a lot when i travel and speak and i and i would love to see us get a million miles away from just the only thing we think of is him taking care of me protecting me and providing for me it's it's the chris that's that's like boring that's like self-centered because if those things aren't happening on your list then how things are going is how you are or how things aren't going is how you are paul said man there's a time i don't have enough and there's times that i have plenty but i don't change in any of those situations because the truth's the same the calling is the same the purpose is the same so here's the bottom line like like i want to say this with as as gentle and calm as i can because there's much conviction like we're on the earth to shine we're on the earth to walk in the light as he's in the light and and thank god that he provides and protects and and and and and and all those good things but that's not the goal of your christianity and in fact if you read in in matthew 6 if you seek first his kingdom like all that other stuff will fall in place like if you're thinking for the kingdom you'll have everything necessary in your life how are you doing man you good good to see you front row yeah sorry just uh he's one of the only ones i can see it's dark past him front row is shining like a light no but uh no it's really really true uh i grew up in church like some of you and and i actually don't think i got saved till i was 33 it's interesting i went to church pretty much in my life until i was 20 anyway and then i didn't go for a while and then i got saved when i was 33 i got saved at work i had enough invested in me so those church years weren't for nothing seed gets in you the holy spirit makes a drawl on it and even if i didn't understand some things there was a general revelation that could have me that i believe god pulled on and used and but i got saved one night at work wasn't a human being around i was just at work in an aisle and i had enough investment in me that god made a draw and it was just pretty cool so it was just fun because i went to work a certain way and i came home absolutely changed it's true like i mean changed but it was things that i saw and understood so so when i got saved that night i want you to catch this i didn't pray a prayer so i could go to heaven i didn't pray a prayer so god would restore my marriage i didn't pray a prayer for anything that he could do for me i actually saw the person that i was and i didn't want to live that way another day like i saw the motives in my heart i saw what made me tick i saw me just for me for the first time i got real with that and i saw that because grace was on my life and i didn't want to be that man another day so what i did at work that night i gave myself to him not for what i could get from him but so that i would never be that man again what i understood was that if i gave myself to him then all that he is could start taking place in me and then all of a sudden he could start shining in me and living in me and loving through me so i had to die to me so i could live to him if that makes sense so my motivation wasn't to go to heaven my motivation wasn't so that he would bless me or fill my vats and barns or provide or protect i wanted to become the man he created me to be this is what was in my heart that night it was way back 95 26 years ago in june i wanted to become the man that he created me to be that he paid for me to be and i didn't honestly didn't want to be anything less and i can tell you the last 26 years has been a pretty fun ride because i didn't have to live with that guy that died anymore and my family had to get to know me and most of them got scared and thought i got in a cot and was brainwashed and it's just funny how your family reacts like you're living in a way they can't tolerate and then when you change it's too much and then why does it have to be jesus then why does it have to be that much jesus why can't you just pray over your food why do you have to talk to him when you're alone like it's like it's just funny because my fam my my dad and my brother were scheming and planning and how they come to this church i was going to because they wanted to rescue me it's a true story it's just because i was different i changed so dramatic and they thought some had to be wrong and now my my family's all saved they all understand they respect me i mean i mean my but i got people in my family like you do that or you know like parents my mother-in-law people that ask me what i think about stuff when they're challenged they call and ask me like my elders and i'm like this is really good like if your mother-in-law asked you what you think that's that's the lord it's the lord it's beautiful my mother-in-law's precious she's 80. she loves me because i love her daughter i mean i love her daughter and she sees that i love her daughter and her daughter's safe and she realizes her daughter's loved and she understands it was jesus that did that because it wasn't always that way so see why why you throw that stuff in there damn because your life makes an impact on people when you're living it in christ it's it's never just about you being okay it's never about your circumstances just being what you hope because sometimes your circumstances aren't even close to what you hope but you'll learn that truth doesn't change your purpose doesn't change everybody around you can seem to be going haywire and he's the same and he's in you for the same reason as before they were going haywire so why go haywire because they're going haywire see we've allowed so many things to decide who we are and how we are that if we're not careful we reduce christianity to god just blessing me taking care of me and making life happen instead of transforming me so i can manifest him in the moment and i really want to talk to you about that tonight a little bit is that okay because that's making yourself available see if you're so caught up with you and your stuff and you don't have faith wrapped around that i'm not saying there's not real challenges i'm not saying that if your spouse goes off the deep end for a season uh that you don't have certain things you have to walk through that we're not in denial here but isn't there good answers in god we look we don't let what somebody doesn't see become our vision he's the light of the world you don't let your go through determine you and how you're doing and who you are jesus is lord you get what i'm saying come on this isn't hype this isn't this is real we can live this my wife she went into identity crisis for about eight years after i got saved when i became a pastor it wasn't until then our marriage was like a fairy tale and and and and it was amazing and when i began to be pastor she just got this one belief that people acknowledged her because she was my wife people said hi to her because she was with me that's a good way to throw away your identity and your value and that's what she did and i saw her changing and drawing back an introvert and i tried to encourage her and tell her and she just looked at me blank and stared and said it wasn't a demonic possession it was just a wrong belief one wrong belief that just went for it and it lasted probably about eight years she was just she was just reading a book the other day a testimony book that todd wrote in and she was crying and i said the book touches she said yeah this isn't just a book she said and i didn't realize how much i wasn't around she said i wasn't even her i don't even i wasn't around wow and she was realizing just where she was at in that season because she was oblivious to all the stuff in that book and the whole time she's my wife who knows she's in need she she needs love she doesn't need fuss that she doesn't need me calling somebody saying look if god don't change my wife soon i'm going to break down i can only take so much dude look she needs jesus and he's in me so now's not the time to have the right to be a frustrated or dismayed husband christ is in me are you with me come on he's the hope of glory but if i wake up to be loved by my wife i'm in trouble but if i wake up to be love then i'm okay so if jesus has worked this thing in me to where it's real and all of a sudden i'm on the earth to be more like him i'm on the earth to follow him first john 2 if any man says he abides in him you ought to walk even as he walked jesus himself said the things i do you'll do if you believe but if you let the state of your wife interfere with faith and purpose and destiny and motive then you're not going to walk like jesus walked you're going to walk like a lonely or a frustrated husband and then you're going to have a couple people that relate to where you're at because they have a story and now the people that surround you and you call friends are the people that understand your pain but they don't have an answer for freedom are you okay that's why i'm aggressive and i'm passionate i don't just have a theology we go through life we walk through this stuff 26 years say so my wife was in a tough place she doesn't remember a lot of it she read todd's book she's crying because she said i wasn't here for most of this she doesn't even relate to that season it was such a challenging season for her my wife's doing amazing by the way she's a great girl she wasn't an evil lady that whole time she was believing the wrong thing believing the wrong thing come on if the sign follows a believer if these signs follow those that believe and you were the enemy what would you try to scramble in a person's life if everything throws flows through believing once you try to dictate what a person believes if you were an enemy wouldn't you try to create strongholds once you whisper stuff don't people just out of the blue get things just radical things go through their mind out of the blue you're not anything and all of a sudden it's weird where did that come from this stuff happens to everybody man it's like the number one way that the enemy comes is to try to play get in your mind that's what happened to my wife i'm thankful for the message i'm thankful for how holy spirit raised me in my bedroom seeking him and being with him please be with jesus guys don't just take this city quake vision and go out and just pray for the sick and not be with jesus be with jesus you don't want to just let praying for the sick become your identity either you don't want to let prophecy just become your identity you want to let fellowship with god become who you are like you know him knowing him as eternal life that's the way you'll stay clean in prophecy that's the way you'll run to the finish line and you'll never let anything take the place of knowing him and everything will flow out of who he is in your life and you won't have a twisted identity a limping identity a weak idea you won't need affirmation you won't need to feel good about yourself because you're amazing in christ it's just true it's not a fairy tale this isn't some kind of denial just hype talk i just believe jesus was okay when he walked the earth except for the hurt that he had the pain that he had for people he wept because they had no shepherd he didn't weep because they rejected him he wept because they were lost so he didn't cry because of them he cried for them and i started learning that when i started reading my bible i started realizing you couldn't stop jesus's love you couldn't keep him from loving because he's love you couldn't can you imagine every day being totally right and treated like you're wrong every day do you think about this stuff jesus every day is totally right perfect totally right and treated like he's wrong every day everything he does gets scrutinized everything he does gets run through the filter of men's criticism every single thing he casts out the devil and it has to be by a devil he heals the sick and it has to be a devil he speaks and it's blasphemy every day perfect and mistreated and you can't change the man why because he's jesus because he's love see if your answer is because he's jesus you'll never follow him you'll just admire him but he didn't just say admire me he said follow me and the things i do you'll do you know what i believe jesus did i believe he modeled a life that we were created for i believe in the fallen state of humanity he came and showed us what life looks like in the father and what it looks like on the earth and light shown in the darkness a root shot up out of dry ground truth sprang forth from the earth and he's king jesus and he didn't just say sing to me and pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said follow me so how can i love my wife when she's into rest for eight years what do i let eight years change truth does time change truth is this still all about me and i can't take any more or did i surrender for his glory for his namesake to walk out what he paid for so the sudden time's not even an issue is it all of a sudden it's not about eight years a day and a thousand and a day now you start to get that all of a sudden you realize having a nurse passing away but my word won't be there ain't that something so it's just true people in your life that that are dear to you here's what here's what i've learned over the years i've realized the people a lot of times the people we say i love you too were really saying i need you they're the significant people that make our life tick and we're finding fulfillment through those people so those people are making us but they run the risk of totally breaking and shattering our lives because we're finding our identity through those things wouldn't it be amazing to have relationship and not find your identity through the relationship but have the relationship because you have a healthy identity already i mean what would it look like if two people came together because of the fullness and strength of god in their life instead of the need in the vacuum in the empty room what would that look like whoa i know it wouldn't be he said she said tit-for-tat and i feel well i wouldn't if you didn't well how come you well see because here's the thing that little language i just gave jesus never taught us any of that language you can't find in his life he never taught us he's the teacher he said don't call anyone your teacher you got one teacher he's the christ and jesus never taught us that language but that's the language you grew up with and that's the only language we've known so where'd we get it where'd we learn it certainly not from him so it shouldn't be normal to men once we get saved because now our eyes are shifted and now we're going oh my goodness wait a minute this is the author and giver of life this is jesus he came to give me life and life even more abundantly i'm going with him so we lay down the old and we put on the new we die to everything that was so we can live to everything he is come on this is christianity let's make sure we're not praying a prayer to catch a blessing let's make sure we're not just praying a prayer so our destination changes when the bell rings let's make sure we're in this thing for his name's sake let's make sure we're in this thing because we've been living for ourself and he said look if you're coming after me you got to do something it's critical you got to deny yourself why is that important because you were never made for you you were made for his image and his glory you were made to manifest him to walk in the light of season the light you were never made for you you were made for his great name so jesus never said pray a prayer to go to heaven he said if you come after me you've got to deny yourself because if you don't deny yourself you'll never pick up your cross and if you don't pick up your cross you're not following him you can sing to him but you're not following him and you'll get hurt by your wife when she's in that situation you become a statistic and you'll justify it because you have a story i wonder if jesus thought that way i wonder if in the four years you scuffled and pushed and heard conviction and fought it off for the seven years you kind of ran who ran from god anybody run from god you knew the call and you just didn't go yeah wonder if the lord would have grew weary in well doing i wonder if the lord would have an attitude i wonder if the lord would say you know what too late anyway man i don't even see sounds hilarious when you put the lord in there because we don't know him that way but the reason it doesn't sound hilarious to us is because we've only known ourselves that way but we were born into adam and you have to get born again so i would love to see us just say you know what everything i was before christ can't be the truth because it was all hinged on self-centeredness even when you talk about living by faith versus feelings people get a little tried with that and they say well brother let's not be in denial we all have feelings god gave us emotions he did not give you the emotions you grew up with don't you credit him for them things he did not give you the emotions you grow adam gave you them they're all hinged on self-centeredness you didn't have to train and study to be angry it came by instinct you didn't have to learn to be disappointed and discouraged and frustrated come on you didn't have to stay up late to master pride or jealousy it came with the package of man thinking for himself instead of the kingdom and it's a perversion of our created value our identity and our purpose it started in the garden adam you don't ever eat that tree it's the knowledge of good and evil don't ever eat the tree the day you eat the tree you die it's the day you surely die we all know he didn't fall over dead we read the book he did not drop dead so something died pastor he he didn't drop dead what died who he was created to be died that image was lost that connectivity he got separated from god you know what really happened he got separated from love and from the source of love and became in need of love and every man since that day you and i alike were born into the need of love and we try to find it from each other we try to fill that vacuum that was left through adam's sin but jesus is amazing he comes and becomes what we were so we could become what we were always created to be again that's incredible he wants to graft us back in no matter where you've been no matter what you've done no matter how far off you were he's hanging there saying you just don't understand who you are but i've known from the beginning you don't see who you are but i know who you are and you're worth this right here you're worth this and i'm going to draw you back to the father yeah and if i'd be lifted up i'll draw a men unto me right that's the cross it's not i hope you're happy now look what your sin did to me hey guys you're a whole lot more than you realize i know what you'll look like if i get inside of you and you ever surrender come unto me if you're laboring and heavy laden and burning i'll give you rest that's the cross and on your darkest day he didn't lose sight of who you were created to be and that's why jesus in matthew said to deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me and guess what that's called the body of look it up it literally means the embodiment of christ the embodiment the expression the person of christ revealed where does it come from denying yourself picking up a cross and following him look i'm pumped about touching people praying for the sick i've done it my whole christian life it's a lot of fun it just is but the thing that burns in my heart is that we challenge this selfish thing that we learn what it means to pick up our cross and that we follow him so everything stays clean and runs well to the end yeah because you won't boast in testimonies you won't even think about pride because you understand you can't heal anybody it's him flowing through you you'll just everything is clean when you have this thing you're you'll weep before you get him pride yeah isn't it amazing that you know and i know that we can't heal the sick and he says heal the sick you've got to love that about god like you know we can't heal the sick and he says heal the sick command form oh lord he expects us to understand that he's in us he's flowing through that when we touch he touches we're one that's not blasphemy that's not heresy christ in you hope of glory so so so healing's not a thing we do it's an expression of what we've become through the finished work of christ he's brought us back to the father he didn't pay a price to just change my destination from hell to heaven and i'm not saying those two aren't real i i am excited my name's in the life i'm excited i'm going to live forever but what i understand is that he's redeeming what he always could when he told adam the day you eat the trees a day you surely die that's when death was projected and brought on the scene if he eats the tree which means he was never made to die in the first place there was no death in him who's eternal so what's jesus the redeemer everything that god intended was restored through the cross so that's why we live forever it's not some extra carrot god threw in the bag it's not some extra motivation he's just restoring what he always created man to be to be one with him for all time jesus said eternal life he didn't say it's a prayer you pray he said eternal life is knowing him knowing him you know what i found in first john 4. first john 4 says beloved let us love one another because everyone who loveth is born of god and no with god watch he who loveth god or loveth not knoweth not god think about this everyone who loveth is born of god and why because god is love so we were created in god's image so we were made to love and we were one with love so the source of love the source of life is our father when adam got cut off from him everything changed he said if you loveth not in first john 4 you knoweth not god he didn't say you don't see i know he doesn't say you're not born of god there he doesn't mention born of god he just says if you loveth not you knoweth not god that's enough for me when i read it in context what he's saying is that if you don't love there's one reason not two you don't know him like you could isn't that convicting so the barometer and measuring stick of me knowing god is my love life not my worship life look you can wave two flags and and talk down your spouse oh you didn't like that did you oh you you can wave three flags probably and still have unforgiveness towards your supervisor but when you understand love those things die in your life because you see men for what they're created to be not what they're producing or lacking and you just you discern no man anymore you judge no man according to the flesh you see man for what he's created for and you see man for his potential that's why you don't give up on people that's why you don't close the door and your wife after eight years now if you've closed the door i'm not condemning you what i'm saying is there's a place for us to get revelation and stay there and live there there's no condemnation in christ there's things we did in ignorance there's things we did and had no clue but there is some things we've done in selfishness and we need to look at that yeah and we need to say you know what that's unacceptable and i'm gonna go after that thing i'm gonna learn what it means to deny myself pick up my cross you know what pick up the cross means it means don't let sin against you give the right to produce sin through you in other words don't let what you've been through justify not looking like jesus that's called carrying your cross could you imagine jesus like halfway to golgotha and being analytical and they beat him they done beat him if you read your bible like they beat him beyond description like he's a mangled mess it's not cool like he's not just a beard piece of beard plucked out and a little blood running out the side of the eye and now they're going to attack in the tree like if if i'm reading my bible clear in isaiah you couldn't even recognize him he was disfigured marred more than anyone was ever marred by men that's what scripture says you take the worst affliction man has put on man and jesus's affliction was worse that means when you looked at him you had no idea it was him why did it have to be so brutal because when sin got done with adam in the garden he didn't look anything like he was created to be he totally lost his appearance so jesus came and surrendered his visage and his appearance to pay the price for you and i to get back on track with the father and get the glory and image of god back on the inside of us again are you with me come on that's more than like opening your car door ladies it's like more than just going out of your way like jesus is amazing could you picture jesus heading to golgotha and all of a sudden he just drops the cross that's it i'm done i ain't taking another step if they hit me with one more stick i'm telling you look at me look what they have done to me all i've done is come and tell truth i've healed the sick i've multiplied food i've done everything you asked me look if these people didn't see by now they ain't gonna see and i ain't doing another step for rabbis are you kidding me he kills a man i raise the dead he kills a man he's causing conspiracy i'm trying to bring peace and they want to release him and crucify me i don't think so not today i know we giggle because we don't think jesus could ever do that because he can't but how many of us would a long way before that already been there how many of us got hurt in ministry how many of us still carry the pain of a church experience how many of us only go where we go because we're hurt where we were help me with this leaders 90 some percent of our council is people struggling with people am i right not be mean which reveals we don't understand the gospel clearly and we're still fighting ourselves when we should be fighting the good fight of faith and we haven't surrendered and we still feel people owe us something and can fail us and break our heart and we haven't been protected by the truth come on i know that's straight and it could come across a little intense and you can hear me arrogant right now if you hear what i'm not saying but i'm preaching it passionately because i don't understand those things anymore that's why i'm confident you're not going to slip in and break my heart my heart's not for sale i've been bought with a prize like i did not wake up today to be loved by you i woke up to shine and to be like him that empowers me to love you that doesn't mean i need you i'm not being like i don't need you are you kidding we need to lock arms and be an army that's rising up church and the power of his name and the power of his spirit and in the power of love i'm not saying i don't need you what i'm saying is i don't use you or look to you for my identity i found myself in here and there ain't nobody gonna ever touch that again like i don't do anything to be noticed i try to stay as low as i can it's hard sometimes with this youtube stuff i have tried very hard to stay as low as i can and just do what i do in my everyday life and somehow it's gotten more than that so that's a little challenge at times but the truth is i live with me you just see me on a weekend or youtube i live with me and i know what makes me tick and i know why i woke up this morning and it wasn't to be appreciated by you it was to be found right in the sight of god and walk in the light of cease and the light and to model his image by the power of holy spirit to where nobody owes me a thing see when you get that in your heart you'll be done being hurt and offended you won't even have a grid for unforgiveness you won't say well it takes time you won't even know what it means to be there we struggle with forgiveness because our grit is unforgiveness and we say give me my space it takes time look it hurt why is it so easy to hurt for ourselves and not hurt for others if somebody's living out of conduct why doesn't your heart burst forth in mercy towards them because they can't possibly see the truth if they're living that way why can't we just do this forgive them father they know not what they do last thing i need is a justification to not look like jesus it's the last thing i need well brother you don't know what i've been through have you run that by jesus have you considered what he's been through have you considered what he's been through maybe you're finding your identity through what you've been through not what he's been through maybe the real me is found in him and maybe life's deceived me and maybe the wisdom of the world the way that seemeth right to man has eaten our lunch and we're still living by what we were trained by instead of what he taught us that's what it means to call old things old and dead and put on something new any man be in christ he's a what does that just mean he's forgiven of the boo-boos and the bad things he did or does that mean he's a new creation so don't you think his motives his perspective his reason for being and the why in his life should be changed maybe something makes him tick different than what used to make him tick i bet that has to do with becoming new if all things are new i bet his motives knew that the why behind his life is new now i'm not blaming anybody here i don't even know anybody here i don't even know pastor but a lot of us have heard a gospel that blesses me and we've pursued a gospel that is there to help me be more blessed instead of transformed and we gravitate to messages where god does something for us instead of makes us more like him and some of us are so familiar with ourselves we don't believe we can be more like him and we're actually taught that we are the way we are and god endures us because he's loving the things i do you'll do if you believe any man that abides in him will walk even as he walk he's the firstborn among many brethren pre-destined to be conformed in the image of his son we have exceeding great and precious promises by which we partake of his divine nature do you need any more scripture because there's more we're the body of when they become one father when they become one as you and i are one john 17 then the world will know that's when the world's going to get it when they become one like we're one watch not against ministry that has nothing to do with ministry that has nothing to do with finding your identity through the church you go to or the faucet you serve in that has to do with your heart motive that has to do with the why behind your life i've seen a lot of people serve double time and get severely hurt because they were servant to be acknowledged some people just want to get a word from the lord for a spiritual affirmation the excellent way is love are you guys okay so i'm all about this testimony thing and praying for people out there but man i want you healthy i want you waking up just content godliness with contentment great gain just content to be his child washed in the blood clean accepted forgiven free and actually believing it to where when you go outside you don't even have any issues arterial motives you just see clear and you looked in the mirror and you actually saw yourself the way he does and it's not vanity it's healthy and all of a sudden you love god because you see his first love with everything you are and now you're free to love your neighbor as yourself wonder if some of us are out there loving our neighbor as ourself but we don't see ourselves clear so we're nitpicky fault-finding judgmental problem-driven maybe that's how we see ourself and then that's all we see in others so we're not the only egg in the basket see it's a law you're going to love your neighbor as your so the clearer i see me the better look i have at you the better of you do you know that's why i'm here do you know that's why i flew here because i believed this i couldn't i could be anywhere i the i would love to tell you the lord walked in my bedroom manifested and said go to the city quake in seattle yes lord it just didn't happen that way i'm sorry tom just asked if i do a city quake i said yeah and they scheduled this one and i'm here because i want to be because i appreciate city quake and the vision and everything i'm not putting pressure on people listen i'm not here for any other reason tom can tell you i buy my plane ticket i don't let him reimburse me i don't ever take an honorarium from city quick because it's just getting rolling and i like to be able to help you know what i did with my room today i put it on my card and you ain't doing nothing about it dude oh see i did that publicly see now i'm holding you accountable to just receive [Laughter] that's the way i did it man i said she said in some other car i said well listen i said i got a good idea i said i can't have this guy double paying though i don't want that room double paid i said how about if we just put it on this car okay we can do that oh slick tom you see my hair color buddy watch this so i fly out here to seattle it's not sacrifice look it's not i'm not doing ministry i wish we'd get this stuff out this isn't some business deal i'm here because i want to be because i believe what i'm saying and i want to call you into this truth that burns in my heart so that we all start walking like he walked loving like he loved that we stop growing weary and well doing and have issues and need counseling all the time because he said and she said well i feel well how come they did well you just throw that all away and see it for what it is and say you know what i'm really going to live for his name's sake i'm really going to wake up and go after this gospel and be led by the spirit of god in my life and i ain't looking back i'm going forward i don't have a yesterday i have a present and i have things to come and i'm going after it and i'm not going to let a little fox in this orchard it ain't clipping off no fruit from this fine you see what i'm saying that's all we're talking about today is getting serious and getting real and being all in it's not sacrificed to do what i said i did with tom tom can tell you he's being real about the deficit and the stuff it costs a lot to pull these things off the people they bring in and equipment and all that when we first did the first power loves people were scared of power and love weren't they they didn't want to go out in the streets they wouldn't come to that conference tom was thinking we got to get some big name person in here to draw some people and he'd get a big name person and the people didn't draw [Laughter] tom i i he don't know i'm doing this see he you elbow me later this is the heart of tom i found out a few power loves in that he took 15 grand out of his personal savings to pull him off because he was so convicted it was god remember and i found that out and i wasn't happy with you was i i almost went and get everything i ever preached and just got in unforgiveness and matter she didn't i was like what and you're giving me an honorarium oh it freaked me out i said you're giving me an honorarium out of your savings so i just stopped taking them didn't i and i stayed the same all these years i'm 26 years into this thing man can you tell i'm going come on man this isn't a way to live this isn't my living this isn't like my job it's my life christ in me that i can cheer you on sure jesus has a lot of better ways to provide than an honorarium he's not going to pay it out of his bank account not if i'm on the roster it's not going to happen friend just being real with you guys i know you don't usually talk about this personal stuff tom's a little nervous backer i can tell it's all right that's good it's good i'm boasting on your heart and it ain't you bearing witness to yourself i don't know a lot of people that would dip in 15 000 in their savings when they have a family little kids to pull off a vision that they're convicted as god and trust that he'll make it happen but that man did that i love those stories i'm glad to be a part of it i'm glad you're here and i'm glad you have the hunger to be here and that you'll let me just talk well you don't have much choice you gave me a mic and i'm talking but it just let me talk frank and point it because my my my bible has never changed in 26 years if i open it up to matthew it says if i'm going to follow him i got to deny myself come on watch this let me get real with that let me let me just challenge you with that a little because people try to fight me on this stuff they're like well brother everybody's going to go through discouragement i said no that's why you do because you have a grid for it and you're justifying it and you're going to find yourself there someday because you have a platform for it so the plane's going to land take the runway away and the plane can't land and if a plane can't land it's going to circle till it runs out of gas and crashes and never flies again this is not complicated but i i i was willing in the beginning to believe holy spirit for this stuff as he started showing me this because let me ask you a question is it possible to be truly i mean in a bona fide way discouraged and not be selfish can you be discouraged without self-centeredness involved you see can you be offended without self-centeredness being involved can you be in unforgiveness without self-centeredness being involved watch this oh i'm going to get you can you sin without self-centeredness being involved because every sin flows out of selfishness it's all the flesh that's why the bible says watch what the bible says not me you can tag me heretic all you want but the bible says this if i live in the spirit i will not will not fulfill the lust of the flesh if i live in the spirit aren't you called to live in the spirit so why do we boast in our ability to sin as if it's humility now this is where everybody gets what's he saying he's perfect now he's freaking me out he's saying he never ever sins i'm saying i don't fight with the topic i don't even think about sin i don't glorify sin i don't remember sin i'm not marked by sin i reckoned myself dead indeed to sin and alive unto god in christ jesus watch trying not to sin is never my motivation enjoying being his son is what motivates me being righteous in his sight motivates me being accepted in the beloved is really motivating me but i have never in 26 years woke up and tried not to sin i woke up and enjoyed being his and i found this in romans that if i give myself to righteousness it'll produce its fruit to holiness and all of a sudden my life is being conducted in a holy manner without me biting my lip trying to be holy it's because of what i see and then grace meets that and empowers me and all of a sudden i am what i am by the grace of god and gets who gets all the glory because there's just no boasting in men it's the truth that makes us free ain't that something this is what i'm calling you to opening night first session 902 1202. this is what i'm calling you to not just praying for the sick not just getting the word on the street living your life in christ doing justice to your families and your children yeah i know it'll sound like i'm boasting to me i'm not i'm just telling you i live this way this little pink note i never i just keep it i have a whole bunch of them in my zipper bag in my suitcase it's from my wife it's not a youtube fan it's not somebody that watched me all passionate for a sermon and went whoa is that guy for real nope this is a lady i've lived with for 39 years hope you have the best weekend ever you're a true man of god and i doubt god can find many men if any on this earth with your integrity your character in your heart it's a pretty cool note to get 39 years in now maybe she wrote that by faith that's the kind of note you want from your wife why because she understands that in those years it wasn't about what she wasn't doing and was doing it was about who christ called and created me to be and how i could only see her in that season might have been limited with my access at times might have been limited with my words but never limited with your love you never change your mind about people because in a moment their eyes could open and they could see you could have gave up on me and i went to work and came home changed because jesus is lord you get it but if i'm waking up every day and i'm needing her instead of loving her then i'm probably got a lot of deficits here's what i found in my bible ephesians 3 this stuff's all in there you noticed i quoted a bunch of them right ephesians 3 says if he's talking about knowing the love of god and he's like making this this scripture like he's talking about being strengthened in inner man and but he's talking about knowing the love of christ which passes knowledge so he's making it sound like it might be a notch more important than anything he's talked about so far he gets what i'm saying to know the love of christ to know it's an experiential word it's a heart knowing it could be epignosis it might i think that one's actually a different word to know the love of christ which passes knowledge do you get it to know the love of christ which passes i could say god really loves you and i'm always right but watch it's a whole different thing when you're being loved by god you get it okay so to know the love of christ which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of god that's pretty if you just look at that on the surface it's like okay what's that look like all the fullness of god well it's not insecurity it's not needing affirmation but here's what it literally means because i studied it out i looked it up here's what it means it means fullness the fullness of god it means a house with no empty rooms it means a town with no empty houses it means a ship so full of cargo that there's not one space to place one more box that's your life when you know the love of christ what's it mean completely and fully occupied no vacancy no room for anything else because you're fulfilled in that love do you see how pure that makes your motive how clean that would make you do you see what that would do when you step into a relationship do you see what that would do in your marriage in your home i wonder if you just take one thing out of tonight and you just go on like this challenge in your heart and say every day i'm going to pursue holy spirit and pray to walk in this place where nobody owes me a thing and i'm just going to walk in love because i owe no man anything but to love i'm just going to walk in the light as jesus is in the light and nobody owes me a thing wonder if you bring that into your marriage do you know how much stuff happens in marriages just by a look a lack of a look a word misinterpreting boy they seem quiet today i wonder if they're mad at me i wonder hey honey you love me yeah well you didn't sound real convincing look at me tell me love you and then you go to work and you're insecure little then you come home there's tension already in the air silent treatments spouses are notorious for silent treatments body language hey good morning good morning you okay i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine that's that's that's emotional control manipulation it's self-centered deluxe and what you're saying is i don't know jesus like i sing because i'm proving it because if i don't love i don't know him i didn't say you didn't see your need for a savior that your sins aren't forgiven didn't say your name is not written in the book of life but the bible says if you don't love there's one reason not to or not one of two you don't know him like you could jesus said this is eternal life that you might know him are you with me tonight i'm telling you man we'll be an army that can't stop if you start walking in love you'll you won't even know what it means to grow weary and well doing and here's the coolest thing all the gifts that we pursue that we teach in all these schools it's kind of funny i get a little i don't know about you david you go to these schools you teach in the supernatural schools i know you do right i go too sometimes i get a little challenged i feel like we're getting it backwards sometimes so i teach relationship a lot so so here's what happened in my life i was nine months saved in the lord went to a school they said you ought to listen to some of these classes this would be good and it was good i'm not against the schools i'm not saying anything negative sometimes i feel like we get it backwards we're trying to get the knowledge and then apply it we only get the relationship and everything we're teaching will flow out of knowing him here's what happened i was nine months saved i went to the school the man in the school was teaching on the nine gifts of the holy spirit he did a great job very clear and he broke it down he and then he gave an assignment to all the students i was just sitting in it as a visitor i realized in the back that i didn't know how to teach what he taught i i didn't know i was nine months saved i never really picked up on there's a list of gifts i never really thought i never thought about a teaching but here's what i realized all the things that he taught flowed out of my life i wasn't yet a year saved and i had experienced everything on the list in my life and i was nine months and i didn't know how to teach it i was three months saved prayed for a man at work he didn't have a disc in his back and all of a sudden it's there and the fusion got canceled i'm four months saved i get a word of knowledge about a man needing a surgery and god canceled the surgery the next morning he had no trace of what he had boom boom one thing after the other on nine months saved i'm getting invited to speak and minister in churches and i'm nine months saved they're calling me reverend pastor i'm nine months saved and i realized the x and the way thing because paul says at the end of chapter 12 so earnestly desire the best gifts and it's almost like i see him pausing with his pen and listen to the holy ghost he says yeah you know what he didn't erase it earnestly desire the best gifts yet you know what i'm going to show you a more excellent way he writes a whole chapter on love and he ends the chapter saying even though it's one big letter we've made chapters but he ends the chapter as we know it in the greatest of these is and he starts the next chapter therefore pursue and desire it's not cool to desire gifts and be offended because what will happen is you'll find your identity through the way god uses you in your gifting and your gifting will become your identity and that gets messy are you okay i don't even know where to go from here other than let's just die and live let's just do a big corporate water baptism i don't know about you pastor i just met you but i hope you do this when i do a winter baptism i hold you under till every bubble stops and i wait 40 extra seconds because that way we got you we got you no matter what your motive is we got you and when i pull you up i'm in faith new life through and if and if if that don't come we know where you're at it's covered it's all good in the nick of time baby you are in good pastor hold him under till the bubble stop why because the whole point is you ain't getting saved for for a blessing you're getting saved for new life and you won't walk in new life see you have to get a new wine skin for the new wine to contain you can't put new wine into the old wine skin the old mentality the old mode of the old perspective the why behind your life come on i am very concerned not judging you very concerned at large that we've become ministry crazed and blessing driven and we become christians for what god can do for us that's why there's a lot of discouraged christians that go to church because life is speaking louder than truth but truth makes you free are you all right so how do you yield to a message like this it's not a sloppy order call it's not everybody flopping over each other and crying and screaming i'm on fire i mean if god does that that's all cool and i know you guys like that am i really messing up up here here's what it is it's you being real you being your own best accountability partner and you're going home and having fellowship in relationship with god and talking to him about these things and getting real with yourself and getting real with your heart questioning looking at selfishness in your life and saying you know what i'm not going to do some big introspective thing and come out of it all battered up but man i don't want self-centeredness in my life and i'm done blame shifting and he said she said and i wouldn't feel if you didn't why'd you start no i want to cover a multitude of sin with love yes i want to live in mercy i want to make peace because blessed are the they are the wow so the son of god is in a new language we're using in the church today it's an expression that comes out of your life not a confession an expression yeah you all good yeah so there was some there was some testimonies and something came in my heart when he said about the night traumas the night terrors and they played the music remember jeremiah when you shared that so i want to do this quick before we close because we're going to pray for a couple things quick i'm i'm kind of on time but i'm getting nervous i just don't want to blow it all up we got a long day tomorrow and stuff we're not praying for this okay it's relational relations is what holy spirit has taught me for a long time so if you have sleep disorder in your life is there anybody here that has trouble with sleeping and you take something and aid to sleep it's not it's not wrong to do that don't be condemned anybody let me see your hands anybody else that has challenges but you don't take an aid but you have challenges any more yeah there's a bunch more hands okay here's what i want you to do tonight okay and then are you all going to be here for any other sessions we like we didn't run david didn't run you off this morning i heard it was really good i hope i didn't run you off tonight so if they don't go back it's my fault not yours because i heard good reports about you they didn't get the lowdown yet on me so so if they don't come tomorrow david i'm sorry but here but you're coming back probably right for something okay so watch so all those hands that raise here's what i want you to do now i'm going to make a bold statement i literally see a hundred percent results when we do this 100 yes it came in my heart a couple weeks ago and i hadn't done it for a while but it came on my heart 100 results when he said about the night terrors this thing came on my heart that we needed to do this here's what i want you to do because it's relation we're not going to surround you and pray over you we don't need to pray over you here's what i want you to do before you go to bed tonight when you go to bed tonight now i know things are prescribed and stuff i never tell people to not take the medicines but i looked into this sleep aid stuff doesn't have like some shocking thing if you don't take your it just means you probably won't sleep in the nuts but it's not like some kind of effects and symptoms because you didn't take your pills you know how there's side effects for certain things right if you just stop cold turkey sleep aids not like that watch tonight when you go to bed you're not condemned because you took something you just take that thing and you say you know what lord i've been taking this i'm not condemned by that i've been trying to get help from it and stuff and trust in you but you know what here's what i want you to just push that thing aside if you're not taking anything you don't have to do that but i want you to talk to the lord before you go to bed and commune with him and talk face to face and just say something like this you don't have to quote it just something like this you know what i'm not doing this tonight it's just you and me and i'm trusting your love and i know you have to love me or you to never sense your son and i thank you that tonight i'm going to sleep because of you and you just crawl in dead i'm telling you if you'll do that oh you're going to sleep tonight it's going to be amazing a couple weeks ago i heard that in my heart and i did it it was first time i did it for a couple months actually because i do it only when i really here to do it you could do it as a ministry thing and it would still god would grace it but when it comes on my heart like it did tonight it's really exciting to me because i know the lord said hey i want you to do this depression same way depression the same way talk to the lord in the morning when you wake up father i just thank you that you love me and i know you love me are you to never sense your son and you're the one that gives me a sound mind you're the one that gives me wholeness and i just thank you today is amazing because of you and just keep it that simple not yeah pray pray pray pray [Laughter] just that simple the testimonies we had a couple weeks ago were phenomenal this one lady i said girl are you being straight straight straight up with me she said i'm being straight up with you she never remembers in her life a night that she wasn't interrupted with terror and trauma in her sleep in her life and she was high 30s pushing 40 in her life from a little girl two nights in a row while we were there two nights in a row because i was there friday saturday sunday morning i flew home friday night saturday night never woke up her husband laid beside her he said i've never seen her so peaceful jesus slept all she did was slide in the bathroom and say you know what tonight it's just you and me and i'm putting all my trust in you because i know this one thing you love me or you'd have never sent your son you know what some people say well if you love me why am i going through this so love's in question we're using circumstances to define if god loves us or not instead of the cross jesus is the measuring stick of god's love if you have a self-centered view you're challenging god through life you're defining god through life god's defined through his son in his word he's already revealed he loves you yeah and we might have some quandaries and we might be debating over some answers to some tough questions it seems but i'll tell you one thing that needs said or he loves me or he'd never sent his son now i don't know about you pastor but i found this out a whole lot of christians have been christians for a long time and they've never acknowledged god's love on their own and initiated it and communed that truth back to the lord and let their hearts see it like wow father i thank you that you love me they're hoping he does they're looking at life to see if he might but they've never just looked at his word and said wow thank you for loving me thank you for valuing me thank you for forgiving me that's where your life changes because grace comes and meets your faith and makes that truth your reality are you with me so that's the two things i wanted to do tonight just any kind of mental struggles that way i want you to begin to address it not just on a prayer chain or prayer list but in communion with god believing that he loves you or he'd never sent his son sleep disorder stuff tonight please don't go to bed without communing with god and having some interface and connection take the veil off and be right there in front of him he likes that all right all right and if you believe you can't that's not true you can i promise you it's just you holding back you feel maybe you're not worthy or you got to walk through that stuff anything that's keeping you from him has to be a lie if he sent his son to draw us to him yeah no one comes to the father except through me jesus said so if you feel like you can't get to the father there's something you're believing wrong or something you're not seeing clear because the pathway has been laid through jesus christ you have total access to jesus hebrews 4 teaches that you have jesus the son of god he's passed through the heavens we can come boldly into the throne of grace and receive amen amen fair enough okay and then talk to god and and and get in personal fellowship and relation with the lord based on the things you heard tonight just about your motive your heart i mean if holy spirit can teach us every day to wake up to love and not just need love but to be love then i'm convinced we're going to fulfill what he paid for i i personally preach this a lot it's my personal belief when i look at scripture i don't believe the finished work of the cross is fulfilled when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven i believe the finished work of christ is fulfilled when his nature's changed back to life then there's a paid in full that's the glory of his inheritance not yours his inheritance in the saints that's what he receives through the deposit that's his dividend so the investment of the blood of jesus pays back the nature of god in men the glory of his inheritance not yours his you get it the hope of his calling the working of his mighty power he's the lord okay how about if we pray for the sick real quick can we do that yeah will you work with me we can we do that in like a short amount of time here tom said around 9 what'd you say tom 9 40. oh okay i thought you said 40. okay we're good we'll be done soon here we're almost done would you like to pray for the sick would that be fun you guys are going to be praying for the sick in your life more and more anyway especially because this weekend right all these testaments so i'm going to get you guys involved we're going to have a fun time did you do like a prophetic illustration today did you break them out and have them a little exercise tom did okay i heard somebody say about when they're they're just fun that's just fun it's getting you guys activated so that's all we're gonna do right now so here's the deal when you pray for the sick when you pray for the sick it's imperative that's just throw the argument away let's just believe that god heals that he wants to heal that he sent his son to pay the price for the redemption of men's lives okay and all these questions see we ask so many questions sometimes that it clouds the things in our heart that we know i don't have the answer to all these questions how you know i've prayed for people and i haven't seen him change my mother i've we buried my mama i did i did her funeral it doesn't change the gospel that doesn't change the gospel i'm not going to let my mom's story write the bible and i'm not hurt and i'm not offended i'm thankful for life i'm thankful for eternal life and mom's doing well can i hug her today can i talk to her no is there a physical loss that's real absolutely but we don't grieve as those who have no hope i'm just not living from a sentimental place where i'm crushed and trashed because a loved one died when i believe the gospel come on i'm not being insensitive i'm being real do i still miss her of course i miss her would it be great to have her here that's a no-brainer we prayed and she passed i'm not going to create theology because of her story and our experience i already have it clearly written through jesus's life and he said the things i do you'll do if you believe so i'm going to keep contending keep believing and keep going after god and i'm not turning tail and running in the cool that four months after she passed a mother that had the same symptoms and the same sickness as mine i watched her get totally healed get out of a wheelchair and walk and no symptoms and her 14 year old daughter cried and cried and cried and said i thought she was going to die and i'd have no one because my daddy's already dead so my mama passed i won't change my mind and still keep preaching the same gospel and four months later i watch a lady with the same situation as my mama get up and be healed how fun is that that sure beats being bruised and hurt and troubled and full of questions are you with me yeah so you got to believe it's god wants to heal that he loves people and that he wants to heal and that he loves people in spite of people forgive them father they know what they do goes a long way with me i can see somebody acting out i can pray for somebody in the street and they're cursing up a storm that does not mean a thing that ain't stopping a thing in fact i got myself so geared now they're probably a greater target than if they were acting holy i'm just telling you but here's what we're going to do when you pray for the sick there's two things you'll run into lots of different sickness but two situations one will be they won't know if they're healed because it might be something you heard them talk about they might be saying who's ever been a grocery line you heard somebody saying boy i'm sure glad i don't have a migraine today i thought today was the day do you ever hear something like that or at work or something and they don't have it but they've been getting them regular and they thought they should have it by now and they're dreading that any moment this thing's going to hit them you ever hear anybody talking like that as soon as you hear them talking like that just tap them just say hey couldn't help but what you heard what you said to so and so listen listen i heard what you said can i just pray for you i say this to him a lot i say and please don't say no please it's just moved my heart look if i didn't think something could change i wouldn't even offer that would just set me up to be a full white wife why would i ask you to pray if i didn't think it could change and that usually people are like yeah and just pray for them you can't tell you don't know you just believe in your heart that thing ain't coming back you've got to step out we've got to sow seeds if something's going to grow if we lay hands on the sick they'll recover well let's get our hands on them randy clark said something a long time ago it's never left me i've remembered it all these years it was simple and powerful he was standing up and he was just randy's humble self and he just said listen all these questions and i don't have all the answers and we're still but here's what i know this is what i do now the more people we lay hands on the more testimonies we'll see so let's just keep praying for the second see christians tend to want to argue over the theology concerning healing and randy's saying let's just pray for the sick and let god be god let's just get our hands on a whole pile of people and we're gonna see things and i was like i get that i'm gonna do that i've been doing that ever since you get it so here's the deal you pray for somebody that they don't know if they're healed you just believe it you encourage them and here's what they will see and they might even have their eye on you like what are you up to well they might not even be fully in and sometimes until you walk you might notice this this week until you walk away with no string attached and you ain't selling nothing do they actually relax and that thing can hit their heart you get what i'm saying who's ever prayed for somebody and they're kind of like well okay you just don't get moved by none of that so if they do have a symptom that they can check then it's obvious you can ask them what you know some people say what what's the level of this pain etc and then you inventory and see how they're doing so tonight we're going to have fun with this so let's do this real quick i can do this in two minutes i know you don't believe me but i can do this in two minutes and then we'll pray for the rest of the group if you have a sickness or something in your body that if you were healed tonight there'd be no way to tell in this moment because it's not symptomatic either comes and goes or it's hidden it's in your body it would need a test result it's in your bloodstream you'd have to get a checkup but you if you were healed there'd be no way to testify except for just faith in your heart but there'd be no symptom to look at let me see who you are get your hand high please don't not put your hand up if that fits don't come this far with me and then not participate it's just god's doing way too much okay if you're sitting right behind somebody that has their hand up just say hey i'm believing for you right now just slip your hand up on the shoulder real gently don't mall them don't mug them just gently say hey i'm believing for you right now here's what i want you to do if you raised your hand here's all i want you to do tonight i don't want you praying in tongues i don't want you going and tell me you're trying to receive i just want you to just in your heart know that he loves you or he'd never sin his son wow you love me or you never sent your son why do i do that because a lot of times the reason you're raising your hand is the question of god's love because it's been a trial it's been long lived you've been prayed for 50 times and all of a sudden you got questions instead of answers so if your hands raised i want you to just believe he loves you right now put your hand on him if you're sitting behind him just put your hand on him and i just want you to say something simple like this you didn't even ask him what's wrong just say be whole in jesus name and why are you saying that because you believe he loves them and he died and paid a price for their redemption so father we thank you for holding us all through this room we thank you the people that raised their hand will find that this thing is gone that it will never surface again that has just changed because you're good so we just bless right now father and we thank you for holding us in this room in jesus name amen amen so our next group is is who people that would know if they're healed so who's that who's that who in this room has sickness has a situation you have something tore degenerate you got arthritis and it's in your joints and you feel it right now and and you got stuff going on in your body in your life so if you can stand to your feet stand to your feet if if you can't i see the lady there she's holding crutches if it's better for you to just sit for now you can stay there we'll come to you you don't have to stand but if you can stand stand to your feet if you need prayer please stand and let's get some prayer here we're going to do this quickly we got everybody don't hold out let's just move let's just do it quickly yeah come on that's good okay now here's what i want i need you to put just you're not you're not you're not uh volunteering for anything and we're not worshiping god i just want you to be identified so raise one hand high if you're standing and there's a reason now listen we're at a city quick conference so you gotta work with me and be comfortable even if you're uncomfortable if that makes sense like if you're uncomfortable i really want you on my team anyway the people sitting you're my prayer team i don't want you to pray yet we're going to do it as a family we're going to do it as one i'm going to give a little explanation i don't want anyone praying yet just go find a person that has their hand up and say hey i'm going to stand with you tonight if you've never done this just smile say i've never done this before as soon as you find your person your person when you get when you get claimed put your hand down only leave your hand up if nobody has you don't tag team don't be like four on one right now let's make sure we get everybody covered i need everybody covered wave your hand if you're waiting on somebody i got a bunch here i got one two three four i got about six people here that need somebody so don't tag team i need you one on one don't pray yet don't pray yet is everybody covered wave your hand if you're not okay i got i got i got one two three four hands in the middle here if you can even make your way out maybe where they can reach you other than that i think we're doing good huh right here they got you is everybody claimed oh this is awesome okay now here's the deal watch this we can do this watch this the lord told me to teach this every time we do this who's ever prayed for the sick before now who can agree with this and admit to this and kind of laugh sheepishly when you go to pray for the sick you start to get conscious of what you're praying how you're praying you try to pray right pray powerful and your prayer becomes the focus anybody relate isn't that something and here's the truth your prayer never heals anybody whoa it's his finished work it's not your prayer or we should all go to prayer college and graduate watch be healed in jesus name is probably plenty when there's a revelation behind it be made whole is probably plenty when there's see it's a self-conscious trap the next thing you know you're praying longer you're praying more and you're trying to find faith in your prayer instead of in him who knows this happens when we pray for the sick oh it happened to me more than i can recall the holy spirit's working with me on this and he's telling me to teach people this stuff so tonight watch this because i love you and i flew all the way out here for you i'm only going to give you like five or six seconds to pray because you can't you can't go wrong like you can't get self-conscious so here's what i need you to do just take three seconds look at the person you're praying for and say why did you stand what am i believing for give them the three-second version just give them the three-second version three-second version you got it you got it all right come on back come on back don't pray yet come on back everybody knows what they're praying for okay good now here here's the deal if somebody told you like they have a herniated disc in their back right disc you'll be completely whole pain you leave now in jesus name who knows you can do that in less than five or six seconds and be sincere and actually believe god loves the person isn't this make it simple this is this is what you got to learn to do on the streets too when you pray don't pray some five-minute prayer when they're already uncomfortable and everybody's passing by looking at them you watch and see what happens in this room in a minute it's really fun so what we're going to do is we're going to pray five to six seconds we're going to speak directly to the situation they told you so if they told you their knees are degenerate and their bone on bone knees you be completely whole completely restored with no more pain in jesus name thank you father for loving them who knows you can do that in less than six seconds that's all i want tonight matthew 17 short command prayers say to the mountain move mountain of what okay why are we praying this stuff because we know he loves us or he'd never sent his son so if you're being prayed for that's all i want you to believe in tonight you love me you never sent your son this is amazing this is a wrap you're amazing god thank you for loving me when you're praying you're believing the same thing short command prayer boom laying hands on they shall what okay so after we pray six seconds i'm gonna say wrap it up guys so i just want you to wrap it up name of jesus i don't want you praying for two minutes and then i need you to sincerely sincerely remember how scott said okay now don't try to make me how'd you say that listen don't be nice don't be nice and uh so i don't want you to just you know look at the big brown-eyed girl that's praying for you and go oh my goodness i can't hurt her feelings oh honey it's great that would be called lying revelations like 19 says you lie you fry i don't want any friars here i want you healed i'm just having fun but don't lie don't lie don't just try to save like the little person that prayed for you in their big brown eyes if it still hurts you tell somebody okay it still hurts if it's somewhat healed we always just pray for you again the same thing we prayed the first time if we experience no change in a person's body guess what we do can we just pray one more time can we just and we pray the same prayer we never shift our prayer because that could be grabbing for straws we believe what we believe and we're seeing god heal and change so many things so here's what i want to do there's people here you'll know you're healed as soon as you check your body you'll be like yeah and and i want to know who you are we'll take a few testimonies if you don't feel changed watch i'm gonna talk about it i'm going there wish somebody would right some of us don't even ask for prayer because we're so tired of it not happening we don't want to be in that position am i that far off watch if you don't feel it change tonight please don't disconnect listen to a testimony or two and say wow god i so appreciate your love for all of us god you're a healer and you're doing the work of me and i appreciate it and then check your body again listen to two three testimonies and check your body and be thankful that he loves you and watch what happens when we do these little things we see people that had us an ailment for 25 30 years it just disappeared in six seconds the person who prayed for him never even really stepped out and did it before it's because it's all about him and what he accomplished and we're just facilitating that truth are you with me it's not because we're so super spiritual and in the flow brother it's because we're believers and we believe what he did are you with me so you all ready you didn't forget what you're praying for did you because i do stretch things out a little i'm a teacher are you all good you want to look at them and make them uncomfortable like they're really special look at them with warm eyes or something like are you all ready you got six seconds are you ready i know you don't believe this i'm not going to say a word for six seconds i'm not praying over top you i'm letting you pray for your person then we're going to take inventory when you're done check your bodies as soon as you know you're healed i want you to let us know are you ready go pray for your person that's a good rumble right there okay you can wrap that up that's got to be six seconds just begin to wind that down in the name of jesus amen now thank god that he loves you maybe even before you check your body just lord you definitely love me begin to check your bodies all over the room all over the room as soon as you know your body changed i need to know who you are i need you to let me know you know for sure that quick it changed okay anybody else let me see if you know check your bodies you shouldn't be praying anymore you don't need to pray check you changed for sure good i'll take that hop as a yes start checking your bodies take your time and be sure i don't want exaggeration i'm not looking for results that way i mean i want you healed but i don't want you exaggerating check your bodies tell me if you know you're changed for sure yay you look happy anybody else anybody else let me see yeah good it's hard for me to see it stark so make sure you go like this so i can tell anybody else your body changed when we prayed anybody am i missing anybody check your bodies keep checking yeah that just happened good good good who who wants to tell us quick it'll help others too you want to share who has a testimony who just waved and told me they were healed somebody don't be afraid of a microphone yeah right there go get that guy this guy this guy then will do him who who raised her hand no go ahead hello my name is mason hey guys listen up for a second hello my name is mason and my back always hurt from being tall so i just declared that to be non-existent and my friends paid for me and my back doesn't heal doesn't feel bad anymore it's just like super like glassy and super loose and it just never felt like that ever before it was so what's your what you're feeling like right now you've never even felt that way no it's usually discomfort yeah and you have none and that was right when they prayed yes that's awesome that's great no that's great so when you hear a testimony like that you thank god he's a healer and then and then thank him that he loves you and check your body one more time and like popcorn in a bag you just see healing start moving in a room who else knows you're healed i need you to help me i had a bunch of hands who knows you were healed let me see your hand yeah right over here can you get her a serious pain that happens in my feet whenever i stand for a long time and doing all the walking today was really aggravating it um and currently it the entire fla like the entire bottoms of both of my feet were like tingling and aching and burning before prayer and now there is only one little sharp pain in like a very isolated spot one little spot and just okay and who prayed for you who prayed with you atiana and someone else where where who come on up then and just pray for her for that one little spot to go away and just thank god for what he did and pray for that one little spot to go away so that was excruciating pain like it was bad before she's that what she said thank you god thank you don't have it you can't find it no i was expecting that so you're really checking yeah you can't i i was how easy was it to find discomfort before they prayed oh it was it was really easy there it was just there was like a little stretch that i could do that was okay pulling it and wow being really sharp and and i maintained you know maybe no that's just different than increased it and amen it's gone good i hope you guys are catching some of this let's take one more quick and we'll wrap it up yeah we got a couple anxious people now there's a couple hands there just listen up i know it's late it's 9 43 we're about done but don't take this is why we're here to grow in these truths don't take this lightly hey so uh i have a weekend did did they surround her and pray okay i haven't been able to breathe out of my nose for like a year just randomly came on flonase didn't work nothing worked and then i just felt like the lord told me that just to trust him yeah so for months and months nothing and these guys just prayed and boom i can breathe out of my nose praise god that's awesome man that's just great who else there was a lady right here somewhere yeah don't be ashamed that's good don't be nervous it helps people so i have this burning on my back michelle had prayed for me and the pain just went away just totally left yeah wow that's so good okay let me ask a question quick you got one too she got healed what'd you get healed uh yeah talk to me um i've been having this uh head problem for two years two years and i haven't um it's where my hip pops or like i try to sit down and it kind of just pops out of place or it's very um uncomfortable so i scheduled a doctor's appointment yesterday and i got prairie yesterday and it wasn't healed and we got prayed over it and it was like halfway and i was like and then um the second time i went all the way popped back in and i was jumping around so you're doing stuff you normally wouldn't be able to do like it wouldn't allow you to do or what yeah no your hip would have like popped out yeah i would still jump but like it would be pain yeah yeah yeah but now you don't have any no pain wow where's that there's uh did you all pray for her who prayed for her were you there's a lady back there she's standing on crutches i think somebody prayed for her but go back and just believe and agree no you don't have to go back free just those girls i want to go back and pray for her real quick we're going to pray for her we're going to pray for the lady with the crutches right now the girls are going to help me let's pray they're going to pray for you right now we're just going to we're all focusing on you yeah let's just pray right now just girls just pray for wholeness just say be made whole and and pray whatever pertains you can give them a little like tell them maybe a little something if you need to but just be direct and pray just like you did for her hip father we thank you in jesus name complete wholeness in her life not one more pain god complete restoration thank you lord thank you god it's because he loves you that's why we're praying we believe that in jesus name so what's going on back there is there is so i don't know your situation and i don't know what you what you're going through but when they're praying like what what's your situation can you tell me well i'm deeply moved pardon i said i'm deeply moved um and i've been waiting to be healed for a long time okay what's what's what are you waiting for what is the thing going on in your body is this something you can or can't talk about or ah okay i have um severe arthritis in both i'm sorry no no dude that's overwhelmed no we're not yeah i have severe arthritis in both my knees and i just blew my patella ligament a couple months ago okay that bone on bone in both things gotcha and she just had heart surgery as they're as they're praying right now is there do you still have the same feeling same pain do you have any notice of any change don't make up anything be raw and be real with us what's going on in your body i'm i usually can't stand this long okay and i'm not really having pain but when i bend my knees i still have pain did you did you just try to sample that just a tiny bit okay yeah would you feel a little extra strength balance ability that way i do and something going on in your heart did somebody just say well i have atrial fibrillation okay i had surgery and it's been awesome but i would love to young girls lay your hands on her one more time church stretch your hands to this lady let's just love on her a minute father we just thank you for holding this in her life we just thank you for healing in jesus name father we just thank you right now not one trace of arthritis remain in her body you believe that with me church jesus your lord and we thank you right now through your name and through your blood complete wholeness yeah no more arthritis no more pain in the knees knees be whole in jesus name and father we just thank you right now for restoration to her body in her life in the name of jesus honey i want you without doing anything crazy just put a little pressure on them knees just a little bit just a little bit tell me what's going on a little bit and if it goes keep going if it's good keep going don't be afraid just tell me and don't don't don't do anything outside of where grace is working but what do you feel when you put a little pressure on them knees same pain does it feel a little more mobile or is it the same i feel it's been reduced but i still feel pain okay but it does feel a little different yeah when we prayed for the room how many people you didn't raise your hand because you weren't completely whole but you know something changed and got better let me see your hands look around you see that so that's what you're telling me right so what do you think happened do you think that's emotional because we cranked your favorite song and made the room wild or because see when i pray for the sick like we're doing i'm did you notice i make the room about as dry as i can and just we don't have no music we don't do nothing why because when you're in a mall parking lot or you're on a sidewalk a lot of times it's your nerves it's their apprehension and you just got to go for it in jesus right so that's why i do it that way but let me see your hands if you feel somewhat changed when we prayed you just didn't feel a hundred percent but you know you're confident that it's better than it was okay so what's that mean god's moving god's working so what's the christian response the christian response is always this wow father thank you for what you're doing thank you for your amazing love i so appreciate how you love me are you getting what i'm saying so you're giving because you've been through she's been through a situation you've been through a long and you've been praying and praying so tonight this is like a jump start in your heart to say you know what god this thing is not hopeless you're doing the work of me i feel better than i felt and you're going to keep making me better and better because you love me right because you love me and we're going to walk out of here and we're just believing god and we're going to check in on you you see what i'm saying this is what it means to believe god so faith isn't a hit miss win or lose make it or break it he did it or he didn't faith is the position of your heart to believe what he paid for to come to pass faith do you get it i think we sold ourselves and so god cheap a long time ago when we're just praying oh nothing happened oh no i didn't see nothing let's pray believe receive all things so i want to do some lift your hands to heaven i'm going to pray over everybody right now father we just pray for everyone right now that stood that we've prayed for the people that said they were healed the people that were somewhat healed anyone that would say that they didn't feel like anything changed i pray that you inspire our hearts tonight to be way more relational with you and faith-filled and just say you know what you're doing a work in me and that's not just hype that's not some christian language i believe you love me or you to never sense your son and you're doing a work in my body and i just thank you father for healing all through this room that young lady we just prayed for father i thank you is pleasantly pleasantly healed and i thank you that she just rejoices and keeps seeing increase in strength and mobility even by the time she goes through the threshold of her home i thank you god she's saying to whoever's around her this thing just keeps changing i thank you lord god in jesus name amen amen
Channel: City Quake
Views: 1,669
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Id: qVeUQkW58kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 40sec (5680 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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