✝️ Do you pray for God to give you a life that suits you or to be transformed? Dan Mohler

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your whole line of prayer is that god lines up your life to suit you instead of transform you do you realize my wife prayed for me for 13 years to change and i never changed she got mad at god and she said god i'm done with you she said you haven't changed this man for 13 years i pray for this man and you haven't changed him you've allowed me and these kids to go through hell and you've done nothing that's what she said she just walked off the deep end when she came back off the deep end because jesus strolled in the bathroom one day and rescued her because he's confident he ain't hurt he ain't turned backwards by her i can't believe she said that to me all the things i've done for her sent my son shed his blood jesus got beat and beaten beating she wants to try to tell me off come on you know what we just said if we'd had done everything god did and she'd have talked to you like that and you had god's resume you'd have been so ticked you just said who do you think you are you unappreciative little spoiled do you have any idea i've and i've and i've and i've yeah no she's doing her hair one day and god just slipped on in the bathroom she went because she walked away from him you can't walk away from him he's everywhere he's everywhere the psalmist said i could go to hell and make my bed and somehow you're there what are you doing in hell he's there because you're there he's keeping an eye on you he's whispering to your heart he says if i make my bed in hell even there you are lord why because you're there that's where you make but he's following you around he says hey she's doing her hair he walks in the bathroom she goes he just manifested his presence she's just aware of him she went she was really mad at me in the natural she had a lot of right to you'd have been mad at me too it would have made a great talk show she'd have been the victim i'd have been the villain everybody had hated me and everybody had sympathy on her and we just stayed messed up for the rest of our life because we'd award those tags and her identity would have been wrapped around the husband that wasn't my identity would've been wrapped around the dog that i was and there's no redemption in victim villain but jesus has a better plan so he says i'll take this guy that everybody thinks is the villain and i'll just go whack him at work and change him and transform him i'll just put my spirit in him and i'll just tell him i love him and she'll get mad and she'll hate that because she'll think that that ain't real and it's too late anyway and and all that happened it's amazing how bitter we get somebody changes and then we say well it's too late well if you're changed what's too late about change if you're not the same person what do you mean it's too late it's new package well you see the change sooner okay thank god he didn't say that on the day you repented you're down there crying your eyes out since serious could be ready for change and god shows up and says really man it's good i don't slumber you to kept me up a lot of nights man how many times did i convict you how many times did you run from that conviction how many times did i make it plain and you acted like you didn't care now you want to sit here when everything's coming to a head and ball and squall and act like you're sorry listen i ain't buying in i don't even know where we stand anymore i'll tell you what i ain't impressed with none of this i don't even know if i like you anymore have folks talk to folks like that could god ever do that because he's god because he's loved ain't that something so if i can't find it in him i don't want it in me so he showed up in the bathroom he's messing with my wife he was messing with her he said why are you so angry with that man that's what he said to her she said it sounded audible to her she doesn't know if it was it just seemed audible why are you so angry with that man what's he doing when he says that man separating me from the one she's angry with that was god doing that he must know something about me he said why are you so angry with that man can't you see when you said the word c she said it was like somebody peeled something off of her eyes she said it was dramatic it was emotional and it was overwhelming she said years of conflict and unresolved and words that should have never been spoken and feelings and lies and frustration and anger can't you see she said it was incredible you'd be amazed how you let things own your heart you'd be amazed how you let things change you we say stuff like i don't think i love you anymore are you kidding me your heart's so glazed over and laid over from unresolved conflict and going to bed in wrath you wake up different you go to bed in anger you wake up different something happens while you're sleeping something glazes over and all of a sudden your eyes don't see what they saw before and you call it falling out of love thank god he doesn't fall out of love he fell out of you and me a long time ago he said can't you see that's not even the man you're angry with and then he said something really sweet man and i love it it's my favorite part of the story she told me he said in fact kim that's not even the man you've married i have made him a brand new man she fell on the ground crying in the bathroom fetal position crying her little eyes out sobbing and crying fetal position overwhelmed because god just imagine all those years of pain and bitterness and talking about it to her clique and reliving it and solidifying it all the more and every time you do it your heart goes [Music] yeah now jesus comes and goes this thing blows up then he hovers over her and guess what he said he wanted to make peace when she ranted like that seven months before just walking off the deep end for seven months living alone apart from god for seven months he missed her i'm sure you know what he said to her he wanted to make peace he said it's true you prayed to me for 13 years he said and i know you say i didn't do anything but you don't understand how you tied my hands and kept me from answering your prayer because you only prayed from the place of pain you never prayed from a place of love you knew if i changed your husband your day would go better kim you were reduced to another hurting wife that prays you never prayed because you cried for him wept for him had mercy for him and knew that he had no idea who he was or he wouldn't have been living that way you never came to me because of love i can't answer your prayer and make that happen for you and leave you there that wouldn't be love and she lost it and she couldn't wait to find me i used to stay my distance because i was born again i didn't get saved from my marriage i got saved to become the man he created me to be i wasn't some forlorn torn up husband god and you got to give me a chance i wasn't like that at all when we were splitting i was arrogant i was messed up full of pride and super deceived and i was like whatever wasted my time with you anyway i can do a lot better than you i don't even know why i wasted 13 years that's how evil and messed up i was that's what i told my wife i'd look in the mirror and cheer myself on now i look in the mirror and cheer myself on like i told you this morning in the holy ghost but i would look in the mirror i was 33 years old i'm like dan you ain't the best looking cat on the planet that's for sure but somebody's going to need you see i was smart i understood vulnerability i understood need ain't that messed up my wife couldn't wait to find me she come find me she's running to me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm like you're sorry i put you through hell i never loved you one day of our marriage not one day i never thought about jesus never pursued him put pressure on you constantly was totally unthankful and whatever you did was never enough and you're sorry and i've been wanting to say i'm sorry but here's the amazing thing about the gospel when he came to her he got her eyes off of me and he got her eyes back on her and him because when she stands before god she ain't going to answer for me she's going to answer for her and she ain't going to be able to say well if you wouldn't have gave me that route of a husband well have you to change my husband i'd have done a whole lot better who knows that's all lies that sounds right and seems real it's all lies you should never give somebody the power if it ain't jesus to decide who you are and how you are it's idolatry you're letting something matter more than what matters most you're saying one person is more powerful than the truth that's over my life and all of a sudden it becomes your little soap opera it becomes your identity and your story and the only friends you have are people that seem to care about the trouble you've been through so the highest grace you receive is that somebody seems to care about what you've been through but that'll never bring you freedom that'll actually tie you to the bondage how's that for straight talk are you okay not being insensitive just being straight you ever been around people introduce themselves through their stories sometimes you barely get their name they're already telling you what they've been through and it justifies their disposition their attitude their demise it's all deception jesus came and said hey couldn't respond to your prayer because you prayed from the wrong place it was totally self-centered it was all about you you knew if i'd change him your day would go better but you'll still be the same ain't that something so she come running to me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry she grabbed me wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me and pressed her head into my chest and i went because i was ready to love her i was ready to be a man of god i was full of jesus when this all happened i was living jesus for seven weeks she fought my salvation tooth and nail she went out of her way she would tell you she went out of her way to break me so that i would break and she could go aha see game faker game player and then relieve her violated conscience for a while you get it seven weeks you come after my christianity to break me and get a rise out of me and all jesus taught me how to do was love seven weeks saved man that's like but it wasn't i surrendered i had the holy spirit in me he's the same spirit to raise christ from the dead i had a word of god burning in my heart and i had sincerity and i had a bedroom and i stayed in there a long time and when i'd come out it was like [Laughter] there was a five-week season in my life i went to work came home went to my bedroom prayed sought the lord drift off the sleep woke up prayed salt the lord went down freshened up you know bathroom whatever clean up went right back in the bedroom till i went to work turn my clocks to the wall and never came out because i wasn't my marriage wasn't happening it was just me and jesus five weeks i did that just lived in my bedroom until it was time to go to work played jesus friend forever and read my bible and just been with him that whole time just pray and seek in communion and he just met me there i found in my bible if i seek him i'll find him if i draw near he'll draw near to me what a good way to redeem my time mary jane happened and i ain't got family obligations i got a wife that wants me to stay away so just go to the bedroom don't cry feel sorry for myself call four friends and tell them how hurt and i am and can you please pray for me just go be with jesus and thank god that he's the giver of life that i have a whole new way of living now everything makes sense and man if you give me the opportunity to love that girl i'll do it well this time if you want to restore this thing i believe it would be your will but i ain't crying every day i ain't interceding every day i blew the marriage up i can't fix it if you want to i'm here to love her like you love me god it's all yours and then i went on to become the man he created me to be you know what i found happened when he saw who he was and me growing and shining he said okay now it's time because i can bring her back to to me in him so many people come to me right can you pray for me i need my spouse to come back i say why don't we pray that christ get formed in you think you just need your spouse back i think you need christ's form didn't you and the fact that you're so broken and so fallen apart gives me evidence that he ain't all that formed in you i'm sorry i'm just being real [Applause] see because i read in my bible you can't talk me out of it love love bible love takes no account how much account no account of a suffered wrong then why are we so busted up by each other because we've sang all the right songs we've been in all the right places we've said amen to all the right preaching but we haven't become love and our lives prove it because we're busted up by each other and love takes no account why is there hurt within churches why is there people bitter at leadership why is there pastors just going through the motions and they don't even like the people anymore how much account of wrong does love take then why are we busted up by each other jesus walked in my bath my wife's bathroom and said i couldn't change him because of where you were praying from and i ain't going to empower you to stay self-centered i ain't changing him for your sake you know why that's important because if god don't change that in her she'll get what she wants she'll think that's the way to pray you just pray hurt pray in pain god you need to fix this god you love me so much you shouldn't let anybody do that to me you need to knock them off their high horse you need to get that boss right or get me another job if you taught your kids to be that way we'd say shame on you and call them spoiled and then we want to make god that kind of father and us that kind of child she came running to me and said i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i was freaked out i was like you're sorry are you kidding me i am so sorry like i am so sorry and i was like what do you have to be sorry for because when i got saved i realized how hard well the the night i got saved an hour before i got saved that night at work i would have told you i hated my wife i had nothing for her that she was a cuckoo i always would tell her your cuckoo your family feels bad for me because i married you that's what i used to tell her i was brutal you see i can't even imagine you like that i'm born again sometimes you gotta tell the stories of the raw side of deception and people go you were like that i can't even see that you shouldn't see that there's none of that in me watch this watch this you don't have to believe me and don't get condemned by this and don't judge each other by this 26 years of marriage not one moment of animosity between us because of jesus you ain't pulling me into it it ain't i would die first and since i'm already dead it ain't gonna happen i didn't say that to judge you and condemn you for that kind of stuff will blow up social media that pastor said he is such a liar they'll have horns painted on my head and all kinds of stuff why because they ain't living that way so they can't believe it because it ain't their story wow so my wife came running sorry sorry sorry i said what could you possibly be sorry for see because the night i got saved i thought i hated her 30 minutes after i was saved i thought of my wife and i went oh my goodness she tried so hard what she was such a peacemaker oh my goodness i put that girl through it i drained her battery i ran her dry god i never once loved her i never one time i was so so selfish god i never valued her i started crying 30 minutes after my conversion i looked at my wife and saw her completely different i didn't been to no service yet nobody laid hands on me i didn't read a chapter yet in my bible i didn't even know where my bible was i found it hiding under my underwear drawer it was it was under my whitey tighties my spongebobs my bible was in my underwear drawer for years just laying under my underwear it's so terrible what was it doing there i don't even know how it got there but i found it there when i went home i searched for my bible i was looking i thought it's in a drawer somewhere it was in my underwear drawer i know that's tmi but never even read my bible yet and all of a sudden my whole view of her changed all sudden i felt like for the first time in my life i felt like i loved someone i felt like i had the capacity to love and i didn't even get prayer yet nobody even talked to me there was no evangelist standing beside me what happened i gave myself to him and his love and love came into me it changed my eyes in 30 minutes i realized i was seeing different my desires were changed if i could make it up to where i would but i knew i couldn't so i just thought i'd just go be with you and you'll make me everything you've called me to be and if this never works that's your call i'm going to let that up to you because i can't fix it i broke it i can't fix it but man you can fix me and that was the focus of my attention so when she came saying she's sorry i said you can't be sorry for nothing she said no i'm sorry she was so broken i finally i was like i'm trying to tell her all the reasons i'm sorry and she wasn't even she was sorry yeah just like that and and i was like what could you possibly be sorry for she looked at me so serious for not loving you in prayer i said what i never left you in prayer i knew if god changed you my day would go better i was just a hurting wife praying i failed to love you it was messy that's powerful here we are thinking everybody owes us something especially because they're there you're there you're their spouse and you heard their vows you forgot yours you're so busy about them not keeping theirs you don't even know what you said but you sure remember what they said and they ain't doing none of it baby so you gotta have a reason to be freaking out liars am i messing up are we okay they did something when you tell a story like this everybody can relate because we're all trained by this wisdom but not one ounce of this knowledge is in heaven you never saw none of this in jesus or his life so he didn't teach us this so where did we learn it where we get so confident and comfortable that this thing is right that we could act this way and flare up and manifest and freak out and stand our ground and surround ourselves with a support system of friends that love us and hate them it's called the way that seems right and that's the problem because on the surface it seems right and it's hard to locate because it seems right but its way always leads to death so when you look at what that mentality produces you can see the fingerprints that are on it when you see the fruit that it bears why would you want to sit there and come up with an analogy strong enough to allow you to stay bitter why would you love to replay their actions over and over and give you permission to be hurt or be hard when none of those things produce christ and you're on the earth to shine why would you think long enough and hard enough to give yourself permission to be something he never is oh it's good to have somebody talk like this every once in a while like a madman no passionately so i'm gonna get my truck and drive home baby i'm gonna put my hand to the plow and i ain't looking back you all right don't you get hurt don't you get hurt by what i'm saying don't you get offended i'm not being insensitive trying to rescue you from a place that's fruitless from a place where you've been drowned and smothered where you're heavy laid in your burden if you come unto him he'll give you rest his yoke is easy his burdens light he said come to me take of me learn of me remember the little song if you'd asked me i'd give you a drink you'll never thirst again the reason you're thirsty you're drinking from the wrong cup you're living as a failed spouse you're living as if your spouse failed well they cheated on me okay how's that change your purpose calling anointing and destiny why five years later are you still a cheated on spouse why are you allowing that to influence your life create desires and now you step into another relationship carrying the pain of the former relationship you're already wounded two more relationships in your heart is bitter and hard now you're really hurt come on are you okay it's the peril of unforgiveness it's the peril of hurt it's the peril of living outside of love happens in church as you go to a church where that church wasn't loving it should have been you were there
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 5,085
Rating: 4.9527559 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: 9Ml4jhN6tVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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