damon being the best sarcastic character in tvd for 4 mins straight

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oh that reminds me i had to run i have a date sweaty palms wish me luck [Music] stefan joins a team makes a friend it's also rah-rah go team yeah all right i deserve that it's all over the news deadly beast captured all's well and mystic fall some girls just can't resist my good looks and my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to taylor swift my goodness i've driven you to drink you're dead dude get over it i'll get it back but i need time would you fedex it to rome where is it i think i know what can help you what's that yeah and good morning to you little miss i'm on a mission where is stefan he's upstairs singing the rain in spain but i'm sorry and prove it i'm not going to feed on a human for at least a week i'll adopt the stuff and die only nothing with feathers now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back i can go reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to mystic falls yeah i'm let's done like you damon i always have to have the last word i can't trust you to be a nice guy you you kill everybody and you're so mean you're so mean oopsy daisy damon i swear to god if you touch her you have a good day mm-hmm bye now vampires can't procreate but we'd love to try how can you even eat if technically you're supposed to be dead rise and shine sleepyheads what are you doing seriously get out of here if i see something i haven't seen before i'll throw a dollar at it he's ridiculously hot he's an ass [Music] there's a reason we haven't met you and i are going that way stefan better me you look um bashing gorgeous irresistible wrecked you look correct no reason why do you know that i am one of the mr fault samuel take care of this you're ignoring me the six missed calls sorry my phone's dead are you married no parents children anyone else who lives on this property no it's not me good did you turn it up a little bit it's not annoying yet oh god you're here you ask i come easy like this no elaine i will not go to your bedroom with you ah just like i remembered i'm gonna go find her later don't embarrass me young man oh but sheriff someone buried her who would do that i know i know me wow looks like mine yeah that'd be a big coincidence we didn't just come back from the dead five minutes ago we have a problem stefan and when i say problem i mean global crisis seemed awfully chipper lately less doom and gloom a little more pep than your step and you think it's because i drank human blood again i i don't want to brag but he has to eat what's his favorite kind of um his favorite kind of what type of animal blood that he prefers ooh gross i hear joking doesn't help helps me stefan likes puppy blood a little golden retriever puppies cute floppy ears oh god you're still here were you expecting anything else nope [Music] um so you think that john is elena's father ding ding ding so i think you should stop with the flirty little comments in that eye thing that you do what i think
Channel: serenatasalvatore
Views: 498,382
Rating: 4.9830527 out of 5
Id: ewoLxX26A00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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