Hi I'm Mary Mary: Instant Gold Star Webseries [⭐]

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This one kind of felt like a "nothing" video, I had already watched hiimmarymary so I didn't really get any special insight from it. Nick seems really excited about it though and if it gives the series more exposure so it doesn't go under, great.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Ghost-Quartet 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

I... have to admit, I'm not really impressed.

No offense to anyone, just not my thing

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Goadmaster 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

Think I figured it out:

Mary committed suicide. The house is hell.

Self esteem seems to be a major theme of the series, heck Mary even says she's shy...

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Goadmaster 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

I like the idea and the story seems neat but as an armchair visual effects guy (Watching Captain Disillusion basically makes me an expert right?) I was not overly impressed with the mirror scene or shadow monster. Surely it can't be that difficult to overlay a reflection of someone over the real mirror, especially when they can just keep the camera static? Similar story for the shadow monster.

I usually wouldn't comment and just accept it; I admire them for doing something creative, but I'm perplexed by the special praise you gave the effects.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Icebrick1 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jeez, a whole lot of praise for something that's pretty "meh" tbh. That mirror effect was really cheesy and Nick seemed to really reach to try and find an explanation on why it works, the shadow monster was really simple and bad, the acting is pretty bad, and the editing really isn't as amazing as he feels. This really does feel more like an ad than a video. Idk if it's just me but Nick feels like he's getting less analytical and more opinionated lately.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/tumtadiddlydoo 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

Unpopular opinion but I'm not getting the hype for this series. I mean i'm glad Nick is giving exposure to small creators but not really seeing where all the "instant gold star" material is? All the scenes i've seen so far are more cringe than impressive/creepy/scary/ect.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/purpletopo 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Psyched that this series is finally getting even more exposure. It's going to go places.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Anyone figure out the code in the video description for "the darkness moves"? I'm not an ARG kind of person so I can't figure it out. I tried a few things by googling "ciphers" and I think it might be a ROT13 kinda code (the first part reminds me of locker rotation instructions), but I can't figure out how to decode it. Hopefully someone with more experience with this sorta thing can.

Here's the text for reference:







👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Jsl_ 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else kinda suspect Nick is involved in making this webseries in some way? His comments toward the end kind of made me wonder.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] not of all the shows that I have on the night mine Channel I can't deny that the one that gets me the most excited is a night vision my roots are embedded in the territory of media like Marble Hornets Slenderman webseries found footage and homebrew do-it-yourself independent filmmaking brought online there's a certain kind of incredible that comes from witnessing someone make a truly spectacular project while being just an average person no degree no team no major equipment or impressive resources no real experience people who think of an idea write it out grab their camera and go facing an entire world of logic and common sense that says yeah it won't be anything special and it won't really be seen but you can try I'll need to prove all of that wrong and show they were right to hope to be so bold as to make something and dream for a great outcome nothing reminds me more strongly about why I do this and finding new channels I immediately want to make a night vision video about I cover a lot of material and I'll confess that as I've gotten into the groove of doing this as my job as well as my passion project I've often found myself settled into an attitude of seeing so much of what I cover in the vein of business as usual finding content like the topic of this episode of night vision reminds me that what I do is never just business as usual that I stand for something and these people these creators are the very reason I exist and will continue to fight in my territory for the recognition and success they deserve I may not find these reminders of my mission statement all the time but when I do it feels like rebirth and I'll tell you one I haven't been this excited since the West records and how you know I'm serious I've been getting leads from you guys on Twitter and Tumblr about a channel called hi I'm Mary Mary for a while now and again this proves to be a case where I really really need to look into things the moment I get multiple requests in a short time span hi I'm Mary Mary or him for short is a series presented in a style that we haven't seen for a while straight laced linear live-action storytelling by a normal person in a horrifying situation on July 9th 2016 the first video was uploaded by the title character Mary asking a very simple question is there anyone out Mary UC is desperately in need of some form of communication she reports that she's trapped in a house which she woke up in last week with barely any memory of who she is where she is or how she got there there are really only two things that she knows beyond what she can learn from the contents of the house her name is Mary and she believes it's her parents house or at the very least a copy some aspects of the house don't feel quite right according to memory we're shown that Mary cannot get outside at all the doors will not open and the windows will not break no one else has been seen her only companion at the moment is a camera which she's been using to record her stay in this house on the edge of reality she also has a computer and internet connection allowing her to use Twitter and of course upload but again it's as if the entire world has disappeared except for her no one else can be found on Twitter no one else can be found online during daytime in the house nothing bad occurs but at night that's when the house becomes a truly scary place [Music] before we move on to what happens next I want to take a moment to try and express my experience to you and the impact it had on me sing it for the first time back during the entire month of August I worked on the starting phase of how to make a web series going over so many lessons and concepts I picked up and the inside of gain seeing series after series after series and then I delivered the whole bulk of it all at once in September every single potential item on a checklist for how to set up a series just got checked off in the very first video for Mary Mary it's like this series was specifically designed to pass every last challenge I could have thrown at it give us a reason the camera is on give us a reason footage is being uploaded let us know why the situation warrants the camera give us a setup interesting enough to make a web series give us a character we can empathize with give us a reason to want more videos every single checkpoint passed Mary wakes up in a house all alone that seems to exist in a pocket dimension she can't get out through windows or doors at all and she has no memory of how she got here or where she is okay awesome now we have a cool mystery she's been left with a camera and a computer hooked up to the Internet perfect she's been literally given a method of documentation and a gentle push to use it by her captors and her situation warrants doing so for practical reasons and psychological reasons the character has all the push that she needs to be filming and uploading in a situation where we are immediately interested in what's happening and we believe that she would be doing this yes yes yes thank you on top of all of that even though she's uploading she lets us know immediately she's never going to be able to hear us or at least not for a while until there's a break in the story somehow this footage got to us but it's very much a sort of everyman hybrid situation one-way mirror type of reality we cannot interfere with events even if we can see them so there's no issue of the character having to ignore good advice from the audience or any of the issues of having an audience for this in the first place we know the house is paranormal because of the setup and clearly she's in danger this is not just a case of something odd this is a character who has been presented to us as the documenting uploader with the reasons to believe she's documenting and uploading in a situation where we can empathize with her struggle and not only do we want to find out how she got here what the house is and how she gets out we need to make sure there's person we've just establish empathy with survives because clearly she is also in danger and the danger is a monster oh my god I cannot believe how many checkpoints this series just passed in the very first episode and also can we give some praise early on for two classic tropes being used in new ways the text that appears is very much a callback to Marble Hornets but it feels different in its presentation entirely and it's constantly being messed with as a form of video Distortion you're going to notice going through the series that nearly all the distortion effects used are completely new I have not seen them before in asunder series or anything like it and it gives the series its very own style character and intrigue and before we move on to the next video let's bring up one more bit of praise the twitter account associated with this channel is doing pretty much exactly what a twitter account for a series like this needs to do providing supplemental bonus material to the adventure rather than making it crucial that a viewer watches the videos and followers on twitter if you end up using youtube as a major facet of the storytelling for your linear storytelling series it really does need to be your main path with Twitter Tumblr Facebook or any other social media aspect serving bonus material and deeper characterization that is not crucial for YouTube only viewers this is a very big lesson for all of you following the blue path and how to make a web series so let's keep the ball rolling now because the surprises that come from him just keep getting better and more impressive from a creative and technical standpoint the next video comes out on July 24th 2016 and it's titled disliked miss mary says she's beginning to figure out the house and how it works the first problem you might think of in this situation is food Mary sells that very quickly showing us how the moment you remove something from its place a to placate arrives how is that possible again we want to find out twenty-five seconds into the second video and we already have another mystery that makes us want to keep watching Mary shows a bit of character next revealing there's running water as the showers working saying she won't smell as well as not starving and we have audio of her singing in the shower already she's become quite comfortable with her camera and potential audience if any exists beyond the lack of reception she perceives on her head next a real mystery on on for us that makes things freakier at night the lights only works sometimes we have a few scenes of Mary hanging around the house trying to stay sane to figure out what's happening followed by a shot of her exploring a bookshelf and letting us know that she's been looking for clues about her identity a picture of her is found and then in a very Sun transition with some distortion we get a personal comment from Mary I don't look good in it I want you to keep in mind what we just saw as we move to the next scene okay Mary finds a picture of herself says she doesn't look good in it tries to brush that comment aside we moved to Mary in the bathroom washing her hands in front of a mirror cabinet she spent a lot of time in these videos so far hiding her face from us stating that she's a little bit shy so she's keeping off-camera we get the scene with her finding the picture not liking it which gives us a sense of the real reason that she's hiding from us and then this happens [Music] [Laughter] [Music] she's so much prettier than me I want to break the mirrors and then the video ends so right now I'm thinking about half of you appreciated that just as much as I did and maybe the rest of you thought it was hokey or silly let me explain why I think this was awesome and flawless first I think we can all agree that pulling off the effect for the girl in the mirror was an achievement I know exactly what this kind of editing involves and it would have taken some effort to make sure it happened correctly and lined up just right especially with Mary's timing for reacting to it in post-production second nobody else really ever does this I think I've seen something like this before the webseries maybe but on the whole never this brazen and in-your-face before this is one of those moments where I realized I've been waiting for someone to do this in a series and didn't even consciously think about it third the creator of him pulls off another expert maneuver and beating a challenge I began addressing and how to make a web series what haven't talked about in-depth yet presenting ordinarily cheesy trophy things like evil disembodied laughter and totally getting away with it this is one of the only times I have ever fully supported it and can say it works it's justified and it was smart to use think about it mary is trapped in a house removed from real money itself we can already see this place is going to keep surprising us and is under the power forces that we do not understand we know it has monsters inside this is a haunted house attraction that Mary is legitimately stuck in which means even cheesy silly things like disembodied evil laughter can and will happen the way it's coming across in the way the monster in the mirror is acting you can tell the forces attacking Mary know this would be silly and dumb under any other circumstance but now because Mary is actually inside this situation and can be subjected to it as a real event that she cannot escape anything goes it works entirely and if the camera ended up here because the forces in control put it there then they want Mary to look like a fool reacting to the type of cheap silly scares and sound effects you would find in a bad indie horror game the mirror monster is mockery on the highest level it knows how bad Mary's self-image is it knows what she did to her own picture earlier trimming up her body and cutting off her own hand to fix herself the monster in the mirror is taking the form of a personal demon laughing at her while showing off everything that she wishes she could be and enjoying every moment of this silly cheesy scare having genuine impact on a person who cannot run away from it it's not silly when it's possible and it's downright horrifying when it happens this is a monster that knows exactly how powerful it is right now you can get away with acting like a form of creepypasta character because its impact is entirely real and now I'm going to go through one more video with you guys before I let you explore the rest of Mary's house on your own because you have got to see this about one month later Mary uploads the video goodnight and opens with a statement I'm exhausted it appears she's been sleeping during the day which is confirmed by her next bit of text I don't sleep at night anymore in the following scene we have a really cool bit of editing as Mary plays put the lemon in the basket the family photo in the lower right corner is experiencing distortion this can be a statement about what's currently happening to mary's memory of her family or it could be the forces of the house doing this to express what they want either way it's a nice touch and so was the scene of Mary laying on the floor drawing one of the monsters that she's encountered in the house she says that she's doing anything to stay occupied and that includes making a small poster with printed pictures of famous figures named Mary throughout history she still wants to get some idea of she is we're told she sets alarms now to wake up in time for night watching the Sun go down as her version of morning she never wants to get kana sleep at night ever again and we're shown why so once again we see that monsters in half at the house and they can take more than a few forms this one seems to be a complete shadow version of Mary or some form of shadow person and as before let's give some praise were praises to that effect must have taken so much more effort in time than anybody would realize I could offer a few limited ideas of how it was done but it turned out so smoothly in motion I think the real method used is beyond me you almost never see stuff like this in web series it takes a real learning curve to pull that off in the video description we find out why Mary took so long to run from this thing when it appeared paralyzed with fear I looked into its face and I felt empty cold and numb I felt dead I'm so tired I bet it will only get worse from here there's no sense in being positive and it does in fact get worse or rather the events in Mary's world get worse but for us everything just gets better something I've been looking forward a web series for a long time now is an effect that only Marble Hornets everyman hybrid and tribe 12 ever really had on me it's called the potato chip effects readers who've had some really awesome books on authors and editors knew how to segment for maximum effect we'll know it as the one more chapter effect either way same principle you have one piece of something and immediately after you crave another so you consume that next piece get that little hit of satisfaction enjoy and then immediately again let's have another and another and another and another it's like eating potato chips no you can't just have one you have to keep going hi I'm Mary Mary did that for me this is a series where you can honestly sit down start from video one and just go through it all in one sweep easily because it compels you to watch another video you want to see what happens you need to see what happens the more things happen the more mysteries we get and the more mysteries we get the more answers we want and seriously we just want to see what happens new crazy things are happening all the time in this house and it's consistently fun and exciting to see what takes place I am blown away at the achievement of this series one girl her camera an empty house and some post-production effects knowledge that's all it took that is all it took to make something this great it's so simple and so easy yet look at the results this is why I keep telling you all in so many of my videos and especially in how to make a web series you can do this does it help to have an awesome camera a team of friends with skills and resources and locations yeah absolutely if you have those but you don't need them this series has given me a feeling I haven't had since the West records and reignited feelings that I haven't had since Marble Hornets this is a winner in every regard in my opinion I have no idea if you guys are going to love it as much as me but at this point I don't even care I'm so excited to have found something like this it just rocks as for what's actually happening in the house and why Mary is here I have an idea I'm very certain about the actual concept of the series and its meaning but I think enough of you are going to get it on your own if you keep watching and in due time it will be clear enough to everybody for now I'm going to keep my ideas to myself and tell you all this please please please please please please please go subscribe to hi I'm Mary Mary and watch it please watch this sit down and just binge watch it and if you're curious check out the Twitter - where there's plenty of characterization and extra bits of info about the house and Mary herself this is a gold standard night vision entry and it reminds me exactly why I started this channel and why I do this I am so excited to see the development and where it goes please if you feel as good about it as I did watching come to the comments section here and let me know don't let me be all alone in this Mary Mary fan section okay that's it for this episode of night vision I feel rejuvenated and inspired thanks to all of you for watching and to all of my supporters on patreon who give me the power to look for more awesome series to cover stick around to the end of the video to see the names of all of these wonderful creatures of the night thanks for joining me in the doc again this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and I'll be seeing you again real soon sleep sites after you go watch hi I'm Mary Mary [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 345,729
Rating: 4.9164376 out of 5
Keywords: night mind, webseries, hiimmarymary, mary mary, mystery, night vision, nick nocturne
Id: -KJu8i_Jpq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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