Infochammel: Hypnotic TV for the Bold & Bored

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[Music] cheesy TV TV TV can't get enough of that TV into your living room it's in your kitchen it's in your bedroom keep it in your computer and phone TV television channels upon channels of entertainment Oh at least that's what we would have said like what 15 years ago forget TV the TV is dead baby Internet is here with more TV than your TV could ever offer but what about information how much information are you getting for every serving of entertainment have you thought about the health of your edutainment levels lately you might just be suffering from an information coefficiency what if there was a channel a channel that was not a channel but instead a channel yes a channel C H am m al at your fingertips constantly live providing a power feed of information straight to your poorly stimulated incredibly depressed education too broad brain pick up a hammer go into your living room destroy your cable box call up the company and tell them that Fred ferner sends his regards this is the age of info channel the true god of a new entertainment / alright I'll step down from the wagon it's just a notch here to give you guys a proper foothold get a little carried away I guess blame the fever info channel is a youtube channel that is unlike any other that you've ever seen if you wanted to take a step further into the digital madhouse and we did with lasagna cat info channel will provide as long as you're not epileptic or easily turned off by some of the weird or flashy bangs you might see on Adult Swim from time to time I could do an exact rundown right now what this thing is all about if info channel didn't already insist on telling you outright whenever it has a chance here check out the opening to the first power feed video available the following definition audio video content contains hc2 kata Kolok encoding tagalog isn't in perceivable if not a visual video signal that has been some luminol embedded to program the viewers with positive thoughts and affirmations in an attempt to increase their well-being and prosperity some viewers may experience the slight euphoria while the majority will sense nothing however we'll still receiving benefits from the proprietary frequencies a small number of the population goes have an adverse reaction and may experience nausea dizziness irritated mood or abdominal pains if this occurs is continued watching immediately if you suffer from seizures epilepsy other brain related issues or respond negatively by hypnotism do not watch the following program in full channel is a public service television provider attempting to bring cutting-edge positive vibration technology to our viewers please use caution when viewing this especially in coded programming hypnotic internet television it's a channel that's crammed full of subliminal messages to provide you with positive thoughts and affirmations it makes you feel good and it will do so mainly by providing you with information constant non-stop information useful channel all the time all the time I'm Fred Turner welcome for info channel more information cluster information the best information the best graphics the best sound effects Ewok the obvious choice inflation as you can see from watching chief operations officer Fred ferner this is no amateur production the best graphics the best sound effects I'll cure receive a man going by the name Davey force the true creator of info channel who also plays the role of CEO in the company as a character davey force is one half of the team that made the viral hit video the chicken aang a remix parity of the shining with an extreme amount of professional quality digital edits he's also the man responsible for making the intro to Tim and Eric awesome show great job which used to be on Adult Swim so if anything I show you from info channel looks like an adult Samantha mercial or a piece from Tim and Eric that would be exactly why Navy force has also done a seriously impressive amount of work for other companies and shows he is if you'll forgive the pun a major force to be reckoned with in the realm of digital video production he's not just a freelancer this guy is a one-man studio that being said info channel really is entirely day befores at work which is all coming from him the only outsourcing comes from a few clips of stock footage and video supplied by actors you can hire for quick pieces this fact cannot be understated all of the work on info channel all of this animation video editing sound design all of this effort was done by one man it's worth making a video just to congratulate that achievement alone but there's more time for channel than how impressive it is that one man pulled this off if it didn't have at least some kind of meaning or story under the surface it would not be in my radar for all the priests I can give to this project it doesn't go as deep as lasagna cat not yet anyway anyone who launches a few videos from info channel will pick up that it's a satire project giving mainstream television a big metal finger but we'll go over some viewers heads as that info channel is pointing it's other middle finger directly at them here let's take a look at one clip that tackles both cases at once let's hear some of our subscribers share their stories the positive fulfillment when engaging in info channels non engaging HD content I had physically thrown my CV out the window I would think of it but later on how was that a friend I got introduced this info channel I was like oh my god oh my god no joke I went out and bought a CV back then it's been info channel ever since I dreams a pinnacle of my career and business was booming but something was off turns out the only thing off was info channel once I turned it on well I turned on a whole new way of subliminal video learning with technolon now I turned everyone onto info channel I'm sensitive to Wi-Fi signals and electromagnetic radiation however I began to notice when my grandmother played info channel on her tablet and smartphone that immediately I was able to think clearer and make better decisions thanks info channel info channel is blatantly saying that their content is not engaging its boring it doesn't catch the viewer yet here are some testimonials were you hyping up info channel really making it seem like magic and those testimonials are also a criticism of viewers the first woman throughout her TV she was so sick of television she literally threw her TV out of window then when she saw info channel is flashy empty-headed stream of stupidity that blatantly expresses it doesn't have much value she bought a new TV so she can watch it and now loves it tremendously just like the man in the second testimonial it gets even better when we see some familiar faces the twins from my case file video on hey kids who come from the website cyber where anybody can hire them for a quick-acting bed our cable package gives us 500 channels of nothing instead we got info channel for free what is info channel info channel it's the number one anti payment and posey hypno programming television network instead of getting 500 channels of nothing we get one great channel that runs minimalist design TV programs and tech streams that positively programs our subconscious through the latest and subliminal technology we put it on in the background and you barely notice it it's great for parties and gatherings as well in that it doesn't distract guests with engaging programming give yourself a break from cable make the switch to info channel I think that piece from the add twins really hits the nail on the head for showing how the common TV beware is being made fun of as well as television itself 500 channels of nothing people want to complain they have 500 channels and nothing to watch so now here's one channel that's a full concentration of nothing those 500 channels you didn't appreciate don't seem so bad now do they engaging media which stories intelligent design those don't work have something that's barely working as background noise instead and it's alright to have it as just background noise or work aerosol bright colors and flashy animations in your periphery because techno lock technology will give you those wonderful hypnotic effects that produce positivity and an overall good feeling TV was always meant to hypnotize after all info channel is just being upfront about manipulating its viewers and cutting out the middleman by not actually making content well I put in the effort when you can just mess with somebody's brain pushing all the write downs for a quick and easy hi which is kind of the whole criticism of television as a whole TV often gets a bad reputation as the idiot box it's been called garbage vain David stupid ignorant serving the lowest common denominator for entertainment and if you're watching MTV or Teen Titans go then yeah all that criticism is Right the funny thing though is that some people dismiss the entirety of TVs worth even with 500 channels that are surely honey at least a few brilliant things calling it all garbage but then they'll sit and watch fo Channel for hours info channel is the incarnation of television criticism and mirror holding up the ugly reflection to those who claim there's nothing on TV it makes fun of the viewer and the industry posing as this majestic amazing super valuable thing that will change your life and it's really just a streamlined flow of colorful stupid things with brain hacking messages that produce a feeling actual work and effort in making content would have supplied sometimes that technology gnosis doesn't actually work too well though for those who wonder if there's any genuine story to be had in the world of info channel we do have some interesting trail heads that can be found this one is the most obvious and alarming attention subscribers on December 7 2014 the efficient domain nevertrump released I see Hesh - you saw one for Donnelly soul said it went to primo class act similar tennis eight and older audience it has now been learned that this video may have included experimenter frequencies that were not intended to be released to our subscribers and viewers at that time as a precautionary measure this video has been taken out of Quebec circulation until now attending and as to any possible hazardous effects that could be cast by this experimental good no fun or if you believe you may have been exposed to the ruling circles a good look prince mom tomorrow cast carefully over the next few hours and those and if you believe you have experienced any adverse effects due to this video please contact Marty Naturals at info channel now choose the video that was recalled class act is still available although the video description mentions the mishap this video is the updated safe version the previous version has been recalled face of scrapper alert the class act video is a recording of a group of Indian children being taught how to read and say info chamel is great oh and at the end they all clap for breakdancer in the middle of their outdoor classroom I guess that's just more positive reinforcement so we know that f you channel is capable of making mistakes with its broadcast of Knossos and davey force makes it enough of a point to include a references subscriber alert in the video description something interesting just may be happening there we also have another video dealing with something that isn't quite right with the hypnosis out of everything that's really odd in the programming for fo Channel the fam init segment takes time billing for throwing you off of your sense of watching something coherent each one minute segment has a woman talking some kind of well okay actually I'm just going to let you watch this one you're not going to get the effect needed if I just describe it to you shine on with half of fine masters and oregano Butler nipping at your chest work there's no obvious time for booby Jam however many several multitudes make marvelous sham foot and Biff thought of horse you can get great be lovingly deep within the desert bunker while ground stinky surprise gets down ready stay tuned that's what I was talking about all about yours let's check the trend on camel bar by now [Music] in community every section of the firm in it is just like that some garbled mess of words that sort of sounds like it's trying to talk about some ridiculous articles in Cosmo by coming across as alien or reptilian I'm willing to believe that in the end we'll find out if a channel is actually being run by lizard people but yeah the fam innit is a really odd sort of representation of major media that thinks women only talk or care about tacky or vain feminine things Express there's some kind of crazy secret language soup and it's all overseen by Meredith Harper who is obviously a big balding man with a deep booming voice claiming that's what the ladies are all about right now this is ever more criticism of mass media and some of the really stupid things you might see on TV but here's where it gets interesting the video I showed you is one of four episodes of the 4-minute uploaded in a row you have the one I played another one just like it and then this one really helpful what have you done to these ladies they are obviously under some third amended smell where they are plaid line to these nonsense I know you've got something to do with this reference which is one about rain cycle sonically making a speech to the Forester which I'll get you that's what are we talking about all about yours somebody's aware of what's happening or in a really twisted possible case Barrett if Harper is using a woman's form to mimic whoever's bad-mouthing his program it was after all an extremely similar voice and the distorted face isn't something that we see in any of the other videos maybe narrative is having a hard time keeping his mask on I'd like to say that there's more to uncover about info channel right now I wish I had more promising storyline kickoff points to show you sadly it seems that anything that might happen is only just getting started we're going to have to wait what I can say for info channel is that it's a wonderland of oddball humour and abstract style it's weird you guys it's just weird and it lets rolling around in its weirdness changing up animations and effects on the fly overloading your senses with colors and arcade game sounds some of the power feed videos contain uploads from one of info channels many channels primo primetime HD hosted by the TV Sheriff there's a show being broadcast through this outlet called total intelligent machine and it feels a lot like an Adult Swim property I'm guessing this was david forces project before going all infrared for channel so it was repurposed for the new venture or you can still go to the actual YouTube channel for primo finally a really interesting note about the expansion of info channel it's available on the Roku TV streaming device and Amazon fire stick apparently why would it be there expansion of the joke I'm guessing considering a few channels concept is that it's a network so it's going to want to spread pretty cool way to do something extra anyhow info channel is like a major dose of inspiration to anybody who feels like they can't make something powerful in the webseries field if all they possess is software granted JP force has immense skill with the programs that he uses but he's also providing quite a lesson that you don't need a camera and a dedicated group of local actors to help you strengthen your video editing skills learn how to make your computer bring your imagination to life and hire people from Fiverr if you have to create something that works for what you have it really do your best job at it you can even just try sharpening your skills that explore your ability to begin learning as you go before delving into a first big project take some time to watch random videos from fo Channel and see what IDs it's there up in you let Fred furnish lack of creativity be your foundation for it if anything just stroll through and check out what one man said ocation belt it's pretty incredible to witness there's still a good amount of bizarre and twisted material to go through but that's all for tonight's cabbage fever dream info channel definitely deserves its place in this territory and I'm glad I got a chance to talk about it major thanks to all of you for watching into all of my supporters on patreon who make it possible for me to broadcast my informational entertainment into all of your heads stick around to the end of the video to feel of their names thanks for joining me in the talk again this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like another TV channel insisting that it's totally better than all 500 others I'll be seeing you again real soon sleep tight [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 238,675
Rating: 4.9488764 out of 5
Keywords: night mind, infochammel, webseries, cabin fever dreams, nick nocturne
Id: NfXZKR1-5r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2017
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