Spectacular Organic: Healthy Living & Corporate Cults

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It does seem a little too on the nose when it comes to cult stuff. I like my cults hidden and secretive and not willing to let people like Doug leave, especially with all the info he has.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TheStarrySkye 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2016 🗫︎ replies

I feel like the whole cult angle is just an elaborate ruse given how upfront it is. To the point it sort of feels like "Hey! Yea! Look at all this completely total cult stuff we do. We're totally a cult and not trying to hide anything else. It's not a misdirect to confuse people, and hide other incredibly shady corporate actions." It feels like the cult is more a justification than a reason.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
everybody wants to be healthier it's a natural desire to have we want to eat better feel better live better but good diets are tough to start difficult to maintain and more expensive than we'd hoped organic this gluten-free that no GMOs in a world full of chemically treated food in artificial edibles where can we turn for an easy solution apparently a company that feels so confident in their products they call themselves spectacular organic this corporation introduced itself to the public recently on YouTube the obvious choice for new company rollouts with a video making a bold statement about who they are declaring a firm belief that a person can only be their very best at the peak of their health spectacular Organic has arrived with their lead researchers farmers and scientists to provide the future of organic products all so they can live up to their mission statement making a better you seems harmless enough spectacular organic follows up the introduction with a video for their first TV spot a calming roll of ocean footage followed by their logo and mission statement as nice as that is though it seems kind of odd for a company to produce this right they're not saying much with an ad like that not verbally anyway viewers who took a much closer look at this video could spot a quick flash at the beginning that isn't just a wave of sea foam it happened so fast in such a well-placed area of the footage that missing it is all too easy a strip of Morse code on exactly one frame read as the ocean wave crashes over the camera after a quick translation we find the message reads the blood-dimmed tide is loosed appropriate for the footage in that TV spot but less so for an organic product company digging around online reveals the same in to be aligned from a poem titled the second coming describing the apocalypse according to the bible we've seen video hijackings by intruders in the editing room before but anyone taking a close look at the following videos will find this one is pretty thorough in the next video ygm jews in which the spectacular any corporation unveils their first line of health drinks we catch a bit of Morse code alongside the product benefit information the translation is a direct call back to the previous message surely the Second Coming is at hand on July 4th an interesting contest was announced by the company a product lottery in which the prize is a first full line of GM juice entry is simple participants would just need to go to their website fill out a preliminary questionnaire and send it to their email address it's here that we find the initials in GM juice stand forward good morning the product comes in a six pack horse and consumers are meant to drink one in the morning for six days straight eligibility for six days of GM juice seems to depend more on how ready you are to share extensive personal details rather than your will to just fill out a form this questionnaire is asking for information on marital status the date of a person's last physical exam their doctor's name and a medical history including childhood illnesses vaccines general diagnosis surgeries hospital stays blood transfusions medications at a full interrogation on habits and family health history and it doesn't just stop there this is like all the different kinds of medical forms people are required to fill out during their lives in one document as you already know just by seeing the clues we've already gone over spectacular organics is not a legitimate company it's about as real as their questionnaire is appropriate still if anyone who passed through just browsing needed to figure it out they shouldn't have a hard time just looking at the rest of the website the first red flag is that this company is using a gmail account instead of their own sites email the second red flag is connected to the first they can't use their own sites email because it's a wix.com free web site page that anyone can put together and of course there's the disclaimer at the bottom let us know the FDA hasn't given GM juice any sort of clearance as a product for human consumption more TV spots follow on the spectacular organic youtube channel including hidden Morse code messages follow the long line of vacant shore meet us there 1 2 3 initiation is complete we then receive an update on the product lottery announcing that the prize has been upgraded now the winner will be receiving a week-long vacation in two to Canada where breakfast will be served each morning by spectacular organic they'll be doing more than that though their legal feet on the bottom of the video states we will cover your travel lodging and you must have our complimentary breakfast each day of your stay we promise that all of our products aim to make a better you and we will always be dedicated to our cause notice the bit about how the winner must have complimentary breakfast each day spectacular organic really doesn't want their unregulated GM juice going to waste or maybe they'll be using your extensive medical and mental health history from the questionnaire to make custom drinks for you to try how very considerate of them by this point viewers who were active on reddit had created a subreddit to track the activity of spectacular organic and attempts have been made to communicate with the company to discuss their employees in particular a man named Doug Horry whose Christmas blog posts for the company's site initially had a piece of Morse code at the bottom that was quickly removed one of the reddit board members emailed spectacular organic about Doug Horry and we're told he had been excommunicated from their organization interesting response but still a dead end until TV spot for came out which included the sudden appearance of a QR code on a hill as the camera rolled by the Morse code frame headed towards the end states we know you are watching it's not always easy sometimes you have to look for needles in haystacks this message is a lot more pointed than those we've seen before and following the QR code tells us why it's a link to a reddit post by Doug hoary himself presenting a picture of a coal gathering at his old workplace it presents a group of people surrounding a massive image of a scarab beetle which can also be seen in the bottom left with the phrase super omnia and dated October 24th 1926 Doug's reply to a commenter about his work place lets us know this is surely him I previously worked for an organic corporation cannot name the company for confidentiality reasons he also goes on to say he left the company near the beginning of this year but it was a longer process than just you're fired lots of paperwork and agreements Doug's own opinions on the picture aren't much but he does share his thoughts it is worth noting that October 24th 1926 though before the Depression was exactly three years before the day of the stock market crash or Black Thursday not so sure about aliens but the people that worked at this companies sure were a bit strange I really do have to wonder as I have been since it's been in my possession why this picture was in the office of an organic corporation one of the followers from the subreddit took the opportunity to contact Doug directly and more information was provided I actually played a significant role in the research for the informational GM juice videos when I joined the company I was tasked with developing a juice that contained the maximum number of vitamins and while still being a fish in I was excited by the prospect and felt like my research was going towards something that could really help a lot of people I've also recently discovered the codes in the videos I was unaware of them until they were brought to light by all of you but after finding the codes I think the discovery of the cold picture may imply something more grave about the corporation than I ever had knowledge of while I worked there also be careful with this information it is sensitive I do not know how much they still know of my whereabouts I move around a lot but they are good at keeping tabs really good the last TV spot I fear could have been directed at me we know you were watching and the QR code to my post of that picture and it was only broadcasted on their channel 12 hours after I posted the picture here also I've recently discovered that the names of those on the board may be entirely fictional despite being the same names I saw on signed confidentiality agreements if this is indeed the case it may know if I agree means and I could tell you a bit more would still have to be off the grid somehow though the reddit member replied back confirming that the community looking into this had already found that the names were fake live Nicholi Martin Brundle and Terry Hudson seem to have been names taken from movie characters in splice the fly to and fear calm it was also discovered that spectacular organics name and their logo are extremely similar to those of spectacular optical the company that plays a major role in the film Videodrome all of these hands and the idea behind spectacular organics mission seem to lead to a theme of transformation Doug Horace communication with investigators seems to lead to trouble for him personally he sends a message to the previous contacts seeing the latest TV spot number six was a clip of his own backyard and he believes the fifth was a direct reference of the field from the cold picture there's been no Morse code detected in either video and Doug believes they're silent tone is harsh he's going to be deleting his account and any others with his name attached and going on the run Doug's personal investigation until the company continues and he might even try working his way back into the office for some encrypted files he once found his attempt to open them during employment was one of the largest instigators sorts the split between spectacular and himself Doug's efforts are appreciated but if spectacular organic wants to keep its true nature is some kind of cult a secret they're really not doing a very good job the scarab beetle image can be seen as a watermark during the end of the first product lottery announcement and on the website you know the free site made on Wix for this big new professional company and besides the scare be it all there are the clear indications of being not at all who they claimed through their maintenance uploads to the channel these are videos that were put online for the brief window of an hour which followers on Twitter were warned about in advance the description section of the first video red sermon one of three introduction thank you for joining us as I precursor it is imperative that you watch TV ads number one two and three it is imperative that you watch them in order our baptism and indoctrination program is not completed properly unless performed in those circumstances we will allow one hour for this to happen please inform others and spread our influence as rapidly as possible in this next hour you are the ones who will provide the platform in which we fight for our cause a sermon about baptism and using indoctrination programs for people meant to spread influences about the best admission of guilt we can get especially coupled with unnecessary maintenance videos for a YouTube channel spectacular organic is weird and I don't mean that in the sense you might think there's something about this that's just a little bit too on-the-nose everything has been set up pretty perfectly aside from the automated text-to-speech program used for narration in the videos these commercials are almost believable and the editing and nation and overall feel is very well done whoever's creating spectacular organic knows a fair deal about using design and video programs and as far as secret codes go I've got to hand it to him for this one the Morse code really can't be seen unless you know to look for it and even though you can sometimes hear the code broadcasted in the audio it's obscured enough that trying to pull it away from the background music and narration is a challenge if you don't find the hidden frame the Morse codes are not for us as viewers to find in the sense of the story they're decently hidden so the crucial flaw of codes in webseries the entire concept of sending a secret message meant for only certain characters to receive being very visible to everyone is not an issue here but why then is spectacular organic being so extremely open when it comes to the cult angle everything else in terms of writing and production seems very competent and well done how was the big cult coverup secret dropped so easily in front of us when that's one of the big story milestones for alternate reality game players to really work towards uncovering seems too easy and too soon and about the website wix.com a gmail account I'm not sure if these were just meant to be very obvious red flags for viewers that the company is fake or an actual plot point that spectacular organic is really this bad at hiding its true nature most cults don't directly tell you that they're trying to baptize and indoctrinate you into their fold either that's pretty much the opposite of how a cult works I enjoy spectacular organic and appreciate what the series is trying to do I love a good evil corporation story and there just aren't that many defined even though setup is relatively easy the cult story is a great angle as well an original approach to an idea that's been a little worn out in other kinds of series the production is very good aside from the wix.com site but again I really don't know the angle that's being worked on that end and as for the Arg elements they're really working towards that one and I think the effort is pretty great it's anyone's guess what the end game is going to be but something is definitely going to happen on August 29th the day spectacular organic chooses the winner of their lottery they really can't wait each day the Twitter count announces how many days remain until someone wins the big prize I don't know yet if the oddities concerning how open this cult is and how less than professional the site appears are actually plot point to writing flaws but I do know this spectacular organic is one of the most creative new games that come on the scene with some real effort behind its production someone who knows their way around more than a couple of programs really went for it they have talent and a good sense of what they're doing and I believe they must have a few more tricks up their sleeve when it comes to this project let's keep watching this one for sure especially around the end of August whatever they're planning I don't want to miss it thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening if you have any thoughts about what spectacular organic is playing at and exactly what they're up to leave a comment below and tell me what you think I'll have links of the channel site Twitter and subreddit in the video description once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like yet another organic product that promises to change your entire life I'll be seeing you again real soon sleep tight
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 210,655
Rating: 4.966095 out of 5
Keywords: Spectacular Organic, Making A Better You, ARG, GM Juice, webseries, night vision, night mind, nightmind, nick nocturne, nick nocturn, alternate reality game
Id: 0axgfq0ohOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2016
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