Julius Randle Keeps It Real On Knicks Career, European Players, Kobe Stories & More | EP 16

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welcome back to another episode of podcast p and again we have another special guest my dog two-time NBA All-Star two-time all-nba most improved player in 2021 Dallas Legend I don't know if you got the D-Town you [ __ ] D-Town Dougie [Applause] I know you got the detail boogie man yeah I can't do it right now all you gotta do is the upper body upper body yeah that's awesome [Music] we got an update man how you how you doing how you holding up we see we see you got the cast on yeah how your recovery going man I've been good bro I've been good you know it's I guess it's really just how you look at it right yeah because a lot of times when injuries bro like uh they suck the rehab you know all that stuff is it's awful man like the process of it but uh it's all season for us so man it's really giving me an opportunity just to slow down yeah and just digest everything from the whole year right so you know I've been out here for two weeks in a hotel room can't do nothing right just looking outside yeah gonna elevated yeah so it's just being me and my thoughts but uh yeah just give me time to slow down and just really reflect man so it's been cool but it's the injury arthroscopic I don't know how you say it bro I can't say that word how you say it I don't even know I'm not leaving put the word on the TV screen make it make it flash up there so yeah I'm glad you said that though because I'm the same way when I had injuries or if I didn't if I had a healthy year season in two weeks and I'm right back to it you know what I mean like I never give myself that much amount of time to like just let the [ __ ] die you know it was crazy though you wanna know something funny are you saying that bro yeah you know who I learned that from right who like like off season and getting right back into it I used to take time like yeah off but like off season and get back yes you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no from you I asked you about it yeah I'm like bro how much time you take off and also you like bro I don't like getting out of shape yeah I can jump right back into it it's a fact that's always that's what I've been doing it took me to the injuries to be like because because going through the injuries rehabbing and it's like you know now I can travel more now you know I could do [ __ ] outside the house um like you know my wife she be on my ass like let's do this let's do that let's let's travel here that's I'm like I can't like I'm locked in I'm trying to get back to work yeah right when I'm hurt it's like all right [ __ ] it let's go like I rehab wherever I'm at I don't need to be on the court so it's good that you at that place right now unfortunately due to an injury but I think it's good sometimes just to reflect like just sit back reflect go through the whole year like because the one thing that you want to to strengthen as well as your body is your mind make sure that's all because you're gonna be itching at some point you're gonna be like [ __ ] I'm ready to get back to this works you're gonna just attack that [ __ ] hard at that point but it's it's it's funny it's funny it's funny you say that though because it's like you at this point right like you're gonna get better you're gonna get like the skill stuff you're gonna continue to get better but it's the mind bro so like for me it'll slow me down so I'm able to like I've never been like a film guy right yeah like I'll watch a lot of basketball but I've never been a film guy so like I'm I'm doing things that I may not necessarily take the time to do right so like I can't physically be out there right you know but mentally I can put myself in the places and watch and learn so it's probably cool I are you watching you're not watching film now no I am you are you are okay um that's that's all I can't do now so it's like it's like I had to get away from basketball for a little bit but like yeah you know I'm at that point now it's like I want to get back on the court but I can't right so like I'm in the I'm in a spot now it's like all right well how can I get better you know if I still physically can't ride I can't get on the court so it'll be that much more efficient when I get back on oh that's so good we got we glad you got your ass on podcast paper yeah that's so good you're gonna be you're gonna be a cold [ __ ] when you come back man you know I just want to be like you bro you don't even worry about me you're gonna be Beyond me that's good that you at that level though honestly bro like and that's why I said it depends on how you look at the injury right because I don't know if I get to that place if I'm you know fully healthy going into the summer right because I might just attack the summer without a real strategic plan right you know what I mean right and without structure knowing what I need to get better at right so it don't slow me down I'm like all right I'll look at filma p and I'm like all right that's how you get into this this is what why things are working you know what I mean or look at other players I'm like why are they so successful you know what I mean so yeah just taking stuff from that because I don't care what people say bro like for me I don't know what was I 20 26 26 101 most improved bro that [ __ ] that don't happen right you know I mean usually that's like for people like younger in their career so that just go to my mindset of just being able to improve at 26 27 28 29 how can I get better because ultimately how can I be the best version of myself to to be the last one standing right you know you got that hunger too that was what your first year in New Orleans no that was my second year in New York that's the second year in New York that's your second year the second year in New York but you had that traction I remember you was hitting me when you was in uh New Orleans that we was having those conversations like bro how how do I get better like what do you do with this like and I just from that conversation I'm like he get it like yeah but it's crazy bro like the more you watch and the more like our study Bros it's funny how simple basketball is it's easy it's so easy it's simple you don't pay 2K do you no I'll talk about because what's his name told us he he learned yeah bro I know that that's a real thing yeah no it is it's a real thing it messed with your your creativity your imagination that part okay I wanted to see where you were going that part I I and when Jared was saying it I'm like I don't want to get crushed by people like I'm not a video game person at all don't play video games but like growing up I played yeah and like I remember it like I'll play 2K and I'll try to go do the things yeah that is the best thing for creativity from a creativity standpoint because even when you go through the my player [ __ ] and it's just like all right like I'll go through scenarios like and when I'm playing with the homies like we playing in a wreck and [ __ ] I'm telling them Concepts and they like I will say p has a phenomenal four five that he runs with on my player in the park and he's my favorite big man to play with him Y'all Gonna Make Me hop back I said you got time on your head yeah you just got tired come [ __ ] with us but on that uh on that like we on the stuff of of just watching film and [ __ ] um like I just think you know for even for the audience it's important because I watch highlights I watch makes misses even on the misses I'll be like damn I could have done this [ __ ] so much easier like I exerted so much energy and I could have just did this still got the same look still got a basket and for me it's just like for me my whole thing is being efficient and taking care of the ball and I learned a lot of my turnovers come from me just being tired like me just over exerting myself and then now I'm my decision making drops um so it's good just watch your makes your misses and just learn from that [ __ ] you know what I mean I think you honor you're on the right path this summer you don't have a hell of a summer all right Jackie it's kind of sad but the NBA season is done but that doesn't mean that prize picks is done what's the next sport that you're going to be making some money on golf baby you know I'm all up into that look the US Open was in Los Angeles this past week and my guys John ROM and Brooks got me up big time baby but wait wait I'm too hyper let the people know what prize picks is so price picks is a daily fantasy app you pick two to six players like the video on your screen then you pick if they will have more or less than their prize picks projection you aren't competing against other people it's just you versus the projections available look I know how much I won but tell the people on prize picks how much they can win Dallas so you guys can win up to 25 times your money on any entry and on top of that all first time users that deposit and use our promo code podcast P will receive a hundred percent instant deposit match up to a hundred dollars that means if you deposit twenty dollars prize picks will give you twenty dollars if you deposit 100 prize picks will give you one hundred dollars if you already know what time it is [Music] so just to clarify this is the first time you've actually taken watching film seriously I've done it through phases in my career like I'll say I did it when uh during the course I I guess it's times when I'm like gotta slow down and I can't do nothing right so wait the season it got shut down with covet and I was in uh during the whole quarantine and stuff like I couldn't do nothing man I couldn't even get to the gym and being in New York so like I'm just watching I'm like all right how can I how can I improve and just watching film whether it's footwork guys like Kobe just all different things right and and then that next year I was most improved so uh but just being able to see things and see see why it works you know it's super helpful so I'm a question because you said the word highlight so when you guys are watching film and it could be a different uh answer to this question for the both of you but is there someone that like helps you within your guys's organization with actually sending you film that kind of like breaks it down or are you just going on YouTube looking up like Kobe Bryant's footwork like how are you going about like who's providing the content for you yeah it's both it's both I got I got I got I got three ways so uh my my basketball guy I work out with no Roche no other Roche he sends me like all my edits from like in season like so he'll send me say we playing say we playing y'all and y'all been trapping picking rolls y'all been blitzing picking rolls like whatever y'all coverage is he'll send me like a ton of edits on that so now when I play y'all you know what to expect I know what to expect like I'm not gonna be Panic I'm not gonna be rushed like that's what we do I'm gonna go at my Pace you know what I mean and I'm a I'ma I'm Gonna Be Ready for whatever coverage y'all in and then now I'm just comfortable you know what I mean so I'll have someone do that then say it's something I want to learn say it's off season I'll have like our Clippers people uh uh Connor he'll send me a ton of stuff on like say I want to work on like how I don't know James sweep through uh on the pick and rolls his his pickup Point his his ball handle like his footwork like I'll I'll have him send a ton of that stuff and then when I'm just at home it's just like let me just see like let me let me just for my confidence like just to see me do it I'm a big believer in watching myself do something watching how my body is moving and then and then it puts me in a in a mindset of like damn like I'm not sure before games you do that before I do it before games yeah I'll do it on the drive over yeah a lot of people I do it too yeah same thing before games like just watch you know the best version of yourself and then go out there and do it I'm a big believer in that people be like bro what are you watching yourself a big YouTube fan we know that a big YouTube fan yeah Madden 23 plays he gets all like I was waiting for the you to he didn't say the word YouTube you know he just kind of like oh [ __ ] out of here I'm nice on the map he needs to be hating I'm nice on the man he's nice he's okay just playing old PlayStation 3 right now what on NCAA college NCAA it's about the new one coming out oh it's a new dollars coming up next summer next summer the new College come out but we playing the PS3 NCAA 14 right now oh yeah it's like we're all hyped and they're like he has three so Pete talks about how he kind of fell in love with the game of basketball through his sister and so I know your mom played high school ball in Texas was your mom one of the you know Foundation blocks of you falling in love with the game yeah her and my grandmother okay your grandma grandma did she play in college or High School my granny was like probably like five two so now she ain't playing but uh no I seen her play no that's a funny story man because uh point guard my mom she obvious she put the ball in my hand but like my grandmother was like she like to say that she was my first coach and the reason why the reason why is because we used to um so I'm from Texas right country boy all right um but I'm a city boy like all I don't even know is that is that a thing city boys I can't stand the country right so like I can't stand it but my grandmother she lived in Southeast Texas and uh we used to go visit her and when you go out there I don't know if you know anything about the country bro but like when you go out there you got like if you don't got cable you got three channels bro at work so like you watching Jeopardy in the morning uh Young and the Restless during lunch and like you know the news at night so I I hated it bro like as a as a as a little kid I hated it my grandmother she knew I love basketball so she used to live in this little trailer but she when she used to she knew I would be bored out there so she put me up a little hoop and like her driveway and like I used to just be out there all day when we used to visit her so I like to give her credit for being my my ass no onto that though about how I fell in love with the game bro and they honestly go back to like me being a Laker fan uh was because you only got the three channels right so that's all you got right so we used to go down there during Christmas and all that stuff all right so during Christmas ABC the Lakers will always be on Christmas on the Christmas games so like that was the only time I could really watch basketball and that's how I became like a Kobe fan yeah and you know a Laker fan uh being from Dallas but yeah shout out to my grandma shut up Grandma that's a hell of a story yeah they need to make a cartoon of that and tell that story with the cartoons yeah you do the whole thing and that's dope yeah we can do that for sure yeah you should you should be the voiceover he's got to talk a little louder but grandma I like Grandma man it smells like having a grandma man they the best in the world he was the best motivation ever I can't do nothing wrong with her eyes bro yeah they gonna let you yeah never so you was highly highly uh highly rated you know obviously highly recruited big Prospect coming out of high school your senior year average what 32 and 22. for you I like asking this question because I was a late bloomer myself late late to the scene like when did you know NBA is in your future I knew young bro I knew young right so like I always had like hunger but I knew young because uh up until I was like 10 or 11 I always play like one two three grade levels up so I always was playing against older kids and I'm like man I'm trash bro like I'm out here I'm like I'm trash and then I play like 11 or 12 I played my age for the first time and I realized how much bigger I'm stronger I'm fast they're like I'm like bro what the hell is this like yeah I didn't know what was going on so from that point I was like man I might got something yeah and like from I remember like that was a point where I started like really become confident uh in myself so from there just kind of like it kind of took off what is that what is that passion because you you you up there with the best in terms of playing with that just natural passion for the game like what is what does that passion come from I think part of it is is what you put into it right so I think part of it is just knowing you know the time uh you know that you dedicate uh to the sport um environment all right so I just grew up around a very competitive family uh competitive teammates environment stuff like that but I think a lot of it come from just watching Code bro yeah like just uh just seeing how he operated and how he played like you could tell it was night and day different uh and the game meant you know different it was a different level how much it meant to him right so I think just seeing that and you watch that growing up like it's different you know I want to touch on you just kind of mentioned like 10 or 11 and I read a story about your AAU experience and so just a fun fact me Paul clay and Drew holiday all plan on the same travel team anytime I get an opportunity to share that with people I share it I would have never guessed so that's number one yeah now you know but probably say that every episode it's not every episode I would have never guessed that yeah why not that's great that's great yeah why not um but I read that story about you played for a billionaire tell us a little bit about that story you had first class flights that sounded or private jets five-star hotels trainer statician three coaches at 11 years old yeah yeah what's up with that first well that was the first that was the reason why I played my age right it was a guy man a shout out to him his name is Kenny trout and um he was starting the team for his son uh he had two boys um he has two boys and uh he was starting a team for his son and uh it was for me it was a great experience uh on so many different levels and I'm super appreciate uh appreciative to like him and his family uh because you know man how air you is bro like it's expensive especially like it's not how it is now where you got all the sponsors and they laugh everything like when I was coming up in the Grassroots like you know you sleeping in the hotel with four or five other kids bro like fighting over who get the bed and all that stuff and driving everywhere so he kind of took that load off of my mom right and we were able to travel and you know I ain't gonna lie it was crazy bro he was riding the Mavericks playing at like 11 years old and living good yeah like I like to compare honestly it was it was wild bro cause I like to compare it to uh remember like Mike yeah when he made the team and then he went he went in the uh in the hotel and he ordered all the room sir I complain about whether I got a sweet or not yeah right right I'm the same way that's the fight now but yeah no it was it was like that bro like and honestly it was uh it's really what was dope about basketball man because you you established that Brotherhood bro like you was spent so much time around people and you ordering whatever you want for room service traveling the world flying playing and he was creating opportunity no exposure I was able to play against the best players and create that exposure was Avery Johnson the coach for your coach or no no he coached like a younger team son no no no his son played on the younger team I think it was okay yeah very cool it's awesome you don't got you don't got no football background I wanted to play you ain't play at all mom was not having it bro see what happened I had a teammate it was funny man I wanted to play and this was my freshman year maybe or it was his freshman year I had a teammate uh his name was Zach Peters I love Zach it's great but he uh he played football bro and uh he was big just like me six eight and in Texas bro they're not playing like you know Friday night like they're not playing so like he did an out route or something and it wasn't Madden bro like he got hit and he was never the same bro yeah like with the concussions and everything so it was like oh I saw that and I was like yeah I'm cool I'ma just stick to hooping stand at that point they on that hardwood at that point I was like I'm good I'm good see I I would I would have thought just just from your physicality you wanted to the dog definitely played football a tight end a lineman or something [Laughter] do you think we had a social Corner question from Travis and Jason Kelsey and they talk about translating football players if they can play in the NBA right now or if NBA guys could play in the NFL do you think that you could play in the NFL if you decided to do so well naturally I'm gonna say yes right like you know what I mean I'm gonna say yes but like I don't never like a lot of people might look at basketball and be like man that [ __ ] is simple it's not right we it's simple for us like because we professionals at it right but putting that ball in the basket is not an easy thing it's not easy so I'm sure so many different technicalities within football with I'll be seeing them do the hand motions and all that stuff maybe on the line like there's probably so much stuff that like we take for granted like little things that we take for granted that like I ain't gonna disrespect him and say I can just hop on a football field right fair enough right I said the same thing like I didn't want to disrespect it they profession but I just thought it's more of us that can probably make that transition yeah they're not hopping on no basketball yeah if he did disrespect them yeah did you see the video the footage you can talk about it but you have to show about it I agree I agree the high school basketball I mean your whole you know upbringing of basketball we talked to Demar we talked to Jalen they both was was yamming in the sixth grade how early was you dunking I was yeah I was sixth grade 12.00 I was six three yeah that's crazy in the sixth grade I'm serious bro like I was way like you remember where you was at when you first duck yeah he was dunking a whole three grades before I was yeah but you you're the Dunk champion you know you know it's crazy I don't know how it happened that way because I couldn't I was not athletic jean shorts the jeans shorty it was holding me it would have helped me out but it was going back later yeah they bring that [ __ ] up every time my first time hooping ever on an organized level was I was in some jean shorts why he's dead Pops I don't even know why I was wearing jean shorts on that day period he was hooping I wasn't even supposed to be hooping yeah I wasn't even supposed to be hooping I was probably like nine I don't even know why a regular play day with my cuzzo I'm chilling at my cousin house you know I mean I don't even know why I have jean shorts on that day to begin with Pop's like yo we got a game at like two o'clock never been around I just showed up like it just showed up and we was late too like that was another side that's sick I'm literally like all eyes on me like who this big kid coming in like Jean shorty just threw me in there and I played center that game hated it bro that almost made me like lose all interest in basketball that day what made you start I I used to love it growing up my older sister played um so I used to watch her a ton and then cold of course you know being in La watching him all the time on TV and uh it was like [ __ ] I uh and I was tall like you know I mean so it just naturally was just like let's play basketball my family was like into sports uh we would always watch Laker games and [ __ ] like that so I was like let me try it out and then I just fell in love with the game but I almost lost interest because of that moment right there I think it's more funny thinking about what you were doing at your house in jean shorts yeah like I was playing some games just did some just cut offs or what cut offs people got a game come on yeah that's the funnier side of this I remember it was like the like this [ __ ] at the end I was just about to say that it was like yeah like you remember they were baggy you remember it was tight remember the shoes I had on I don't know it was probably some [ __ ] too we gotta find them jeans oh [ __ ] that there's probably some Levi's they definitely was if your daddy was a bottle yeah at that time back in the day 501s indubitably who ain't no pops bro nothing wrong with pop nothing before I forget what I got to ask you I got to take you back to high school okay you know because you're a big dog you dig but uh I wanna know what NBA players you played up against in high school that made you feel some type of way like I got to get better at my game like they they was just dogging you dogging you out to make you feel what you needed to do to get where you at right now the one person I'll say that's easy one person uh for me was um up into that point bro cause when I started playing my age level bro every year I was dominating you know I mean I never messed up with anybody that I was like man but the one time was so I was number one in my class right and then wigs Andrew Wiggins he was right below me uh right the class right below me and then he reclassified and here come this 6A Canadian jumping out the gym [ __ ] between yeah yeah 360 like you know what I mean he was the next one and we got played and uh we had played in peach jam and like uh we was going back and forth but like he got the best out of me and that was the first time I remember I was like and the gym was packed you know the crowd it was a crazy game it was crazy and I remember he got the best out of me and I'm like man what the hell bro I was hurt um sick I'm like bro I never felt this like I'm I'm sick let's take me back to to when I was young but uh he had got the best out of me and uh that summer I remember I went into not that summer because it was summer but like going into like a school year in team ball like I remember it motivated me you know getting to a place like super motivation I was like man I gotta learn how to shoot the ball so I wouldn't I never shot the ball like outside of the like layups and stuff I was like man I gotta learn how to shoot the ball and uh you know I started learning how to shoot the ball and I was going into my senior year and was ready to like you know get busy go crazy or whatever and uh I ended up getting hurt for most of my senior year but yeah I'll say wigs he was probably wigging that but yeah he wasn't the one that pushed me shout out to Wiggins for pushing his highlights yeah when he's supposed to come out of high school if they would have still had the rule right he probably would have yeah he probably would have he would have been he would have been a number one pick that year Anthony Bennett went number one number one uh Anthony that was crazy [Laughter] he didn't do it it was actually him it was him and it was my uh it was my classmate uh my my teammate Zach Peters bro like you nobody you wouldn't know him bro but like I remember he kicked my ass when I was like seventh eighth grade so he was tough on the court too bro what oh bro cause he was bigger than me already so I was playing against somebody bigger than me but he was athletic could shoot it everything bro he kicked my ass and I'm like bro I left the gym so hot I was so salty bro I left the gym hot two weeks ago and Jared mentioned you as being like the one dude it was you and Marvin you know what's crazy about that Jaron story yeah so I'll tell you something about that I ain't know he said that yeah he said you wouldn't say Marvin top two dogs that gave him a hard time this is what I tell you about that story right so it was his rookie year I was in New Orleans in his time and he had came in the weight room and uh he was like it was like middle of the year like going into All-Star and you know how it is as a rookie bro you hit that wall right and you like man I'm tired so I hear him in the like in New Orleans like we shared the weight room so like that we can hear the opposing like we would share the weight room with the boys and team it's that little small one right that little small one so he in the weight room and he like man I'm tired tonight like man how do we do this and like I'm getting ready I'm like oh I'm kicking his ass I'm like oh are you tired so from that point on I'm like man I gotta but like afterwards I'm like bro like I was like don't ever like I heard you I heard you I was like just from competitive stuff I was like don't ever do that but bro like he's one of the toughest like on the flip side of it now to this point like he's one of the toughest people to go up against too because his length and athleticism his energy bro when he playing with that motor he got tough matchup bro he just said peach jam didn't PG Elite just play in the peach town I got so much I got so much like that month is a tough month It's A Hard movie you travel much that's one of my favorite things to do bro yeah especially in Austin for sure what's your what's your spot what's your favorite spot man that you've been to I'll say right now probably Italy okay just being able to go out there last summer was crazy yeah it was crazy but that like kicked off my like heading into the season that kicked off my summer bro because that was another time where I was able to slow down you know I was like man I gotta take because after the season I was like bro I feel terrible I was like I gotta take some time off yeah and like I just traveled a little bit but it like it slowed me down but going there and seeing like how nice it was and you know you go to Milan and all that stuff was cool but for me it was wrong and seeing like the history of uh Italy was who's dogs yeah that's one thing I advise all the young guys when they get in the league like rookie dudes on the team bro go travel travel bro like that's the biggest especially being young like you got time you know you don't got no kids no woman like go travel like enjoy the world enjoy what your hard worked and done for you like just go see another another part of the another piece of the world go see another culture you see you also the big I think one of the biggest things that showed me is like you see just how small you are in the world too exactly bro like I was over there and I'm like I'm stressing I'm like man how I gotta get do this from that [ __ ] whatever and I'm like bro they don't give a damn about that they ride bikes forever gotta do at 7 30 on Friday versus the Pacers or whatever like they don't care about that bro like it's so simple it's like so yeah so it made you realize like you know you start to to realize what matter yeah they outside enjoying and tea enjoying coffee rice they take everybody lunch 12-2 ain't nobody working everybody eating what messed me up like it's like nobody over there is overweight nobody bro that's the craziest thing everybody over there is healthy yeah in shape and healthy but I'm looking at Greece I don't get it I don't get it they kept telling me about that pizza it's healthy [ __ ] I'm like damn it's good it's different though bro it's different it's like it's light I don't get it it's super light it's all Health there's a lot of uh baldies in Amsterdam too by the way there's a lot of bald people in Amsterdam but that got to do with anything ain't got [ __ ] to do I got to do with it no clue I don't know but he was just saying like there's no overweight people but we did notice it people had bald heads and like a lot well it was actually funny the first so the first year we actually went to Europe it was a year you lost your hair right right around that time no it was because when we went over there we was like yeah pointing it out we was trying to make him feel comfortable so like every person we ran into without I think that comes with age the older you get then it starts to yeah I think I think yeah all right guys enough of us um so we talked about you in high school and AAU but now I want to move on to Kentucky and so what was your recruiting process like you know you always hear these stories of Kentucky and what a prestigious school it is to go play it's a basketball school what ultimately made you make that decision to go to Kentucky it was easy bro what are you doing huh yeah I'm not gonna lie bro cause you got like in a period of time where I'm I'm a freshman bro I'm seeing you know John Wall do the Dougie uh him and Demarcus you see Dre you see hoe at Kentucky and then you like as a young kid you see that and then you like bro these dudes going to the league and then they going to the league and they kill him right you know what I mean so it was like for me it was like bro playing for Cowboys I knew that since my freshman year you know I might pay my you know be mad and I entertained I went to all my visits take that free trip take the trip take all the visits I did all of that but uh I'm doing the back of my mind I'm like bro and they knew too so it was like I knew where I was going yeah it wasn't hard to say it wasn't no like close second like like a like a hood maybe I'll go here maybe here all right so it was just Kentucky it was a couple different things like for instance like I wanted to go to Texas like I grew up a Texas Fan so I grew up watching KD and the deuce at Texas uh but the reason why I couldn't was because uh they suck bro I'm not gonna lie like yeah it was terrible no at the time yeah good no but at the time like it was awful right and um like it was a couple things when I wanted when I went to college uh one was um the national championship was in Dallas that year and I knew I was only one and done like I knew I wasn't going there for more than a year so I was like man the year that I'm there I want to have a chance to win it um in that year like we had that was like we had like the highest rated class ever up until that point so we had like six or seven like six dudes who was McDonald's all-americans went to Kentucky and I'm like man like I want a chance to win so I was like I got to be a part of that and then uh I wanted to be wanted done and then I wanted to um so be ready when I got to the league so it was like it was a no-brainer for me I I like Duke I like like Kansas in them other schools but like it was it was a no-brainer what make Calipari so good what what make like because he produced NBA Talent like no questions anything playing in New York hard bro I wanted to quit basketball bro what yeah I would have never thought I'd never guess like he just seemed like such oh yeah I wouldn't either yeah he got me he got me good yeah he played me smooth yeah as soon as we got there six a.m running no what made Council what made cal so good man is uh his ability to uh and I was talking to Aaron about this the other day bro but like when you choosing a college and you don't realize it but you got to choose somebody who knows how to lead young man right and and that was his biggest thing like he gonna on the court he gonna push you he gonna cut you out he gonna dog you immensely push you there but like a lot of the stuff that he says translates to life right so like one of the biggest things I learned from him when I was there is learning how to be accountable like you can't control what he does can't control what he does but you can be accountable for what you do every day and that's basketball that's life but like he teach you how to be like a man you know what I mean so like my mom felt good sending me there okay and knew that he was going to take care of me like I always wanted at home damn so he covered every track so he's great on the court great off the court yeah I mean just his development his production like and I was talking to John about this John Wall it's almost like he encouraged y'all to go to the next level like some some of these coaches is like all like y'all stay back yeah like let's he's thinking they thinking more so about you know tradition for the college winning you know a championship for the college yeah where John was like nah it almost is like he encouraged us to go to that next level like he he's developing us to get to that point yeah that's that's that's that's kind of on point yeah that's definitely that's what it is bro like he gonna tell you that when he come in your in your living room like I'm not trying to keep you here and I can respect that like you're like I'm not trying I'm trying to prepare you for the next level as a as a person you know but as a as a um as a basketball player as well and like if it's funny man cause he's so Cal can't help himself but to be real bro yeah so it was like we we play in the national championship that year right and we lost so I'm I'm hurt another time I'm hurt and he bring everybody in like we had to we go back to the hotel he bring everybody in and you're like all right I don't meet me with everybody individually tonight and you know just talk and uh about your future and stuff so we meet with them and we I meet with him at night and he like bro don't even think about coming back I'm telling you it was like ain't no reason for you to come back I'm not letting you come back yeah like if you want to stay here in Dallas stay here in Dallas bro you're not coming back so like yeah he he's not he's not trying to hold you back at all yeah he a real one that's definitely a real one shout out to cow man shout out to cow baby and you know the dope thing about him too is bro like that relationship lasts forever like I called him last year and I needed uh help with some you know somebody in my family uh or somebody in my white family and Kentucky got sick and like Cal like he like the mayor in Kentucky whatever he can call anybody and anything gonna happen and uh like he took care of my family uh out there like he check up on you he come on Nick games like he a real one bro like that relationship don't don't die just because you leave Kentucky bro this goes perfect right into my question ah let me see your phone see your phone your phone on you yeah so I can put my phone number up in here you know because when I'm on set you know say I'll be doing these movies and stuff I keep in contact with my other cast members like what you did dude so with that all said we know Kentucky got a huge alumni that's in the league yeah you know what I'm saying so you know we had your boy in that same chair Carl Anthony towns you know I want to know when you need to learn your lines I'm gonna say lines but we talking about you you know your workout what do you do do y'all got a group chat do y'all call each other do y'all say let's go to the movies like what what is it man nah we ain't got none of that honestly we were like we ain't going like uh like group chat or whatever like if you cool know somebody like I know John I know cat like so you'll talk to them guys but like yeah dudes ain't gonna go I mean that's a little unrealistic dude's gonna go out their way and be like you know why don't y'all I mean we can like the thing is like when I see boogie I see A.D I see John like it's love and like I got real relationships with dudes right uh just because I went there but the thing is what's crazy is bro like you go you play on any team damn near and it's a Kentucky player bro so like the bond is there automatic right like every team that I'm playing on like somebody from Kentucky been on there whether I was in New Orleans with A.D now I got you know quick and other dudes who who played there so it's like you can like I might have not never knew you right before but because you went to Kentucky bro like automatically yeah we got something in common like we knew each other the whole time you know I mean so because Cal ain't changing for nobody so we all go through the same [ __ ] out there but it wasn't like when so while you was there it wasn't like like because I'm sure like they tap in right like when you was there oh no yeah they all bro like but that's what that's what the uh that's what all of them did yeah they all came back we all play pick up with each other yeah like we all like connected you know crazy environment right there right yeah yeah that's a crazy environment so y'all going to the college [ __ ] like this [ __ ] like we we get to go against John Wall in the Summers we get to go that's what I thought that was yeah I thought it was sweet yeah and then we lost that first game yeah we went to curfew and oh okay yeah account went crazy on us bro let's let's snap this [ __ ] together fellas yeah it was yeah tough it was tough I would have been nervous to play for cow too though it was tough bro you nervous play for anybody no I would have been nervous playing for him he just looked like he is is a man that's a straight leader and you want to follow so you know the way his demeanor is you just want to I don't know you just want to listen to him and and learn from him but it's like if you don't listen or learn to him it's like you're running on that trailer you you done followed the wrong step son you know and it's like he'd have let a lot of people in the league I would have been leading if they come out with the video one and done for sure but but not I probably would have did I would have did all four I would have did all four because it don't even work at Kentucky season coach six years six years sure would have been like you need to stay an additional year yeah we can't beat you in that one indubitably no you write the movie I can be better than all of them talk I can get y'all that movie I can give y'all motivation that's all I've said next you entered the league in 2014 with a great draft class regular season MVP winner embiid and now the finals MVP uh in the Joker but give us a little insight into your you know draft process and what it was like how many teams did you work out for and just a little bit about how it went it was honor it was crazy bro cause um it was an interesting situation because I was playing in college I was playing on a broke foot and I never knew so the whole time I was playing with a broken foot and then I get to the draft and they like bro like you go you do the whole physicals and the workouts and stuff and I would I knew I was like top five top seven I knew I wasn't going past seven but uh you know I get to the workouts with the team and I think I don't know where it was it might have been a pre-draft combine and um I'm meeting with the teams and I'm doing the physical and they're like right you know your foot is broke and I'm like you had no clue what you talking about because I had broken in high school that was an injury I had in high school okay so I broke it and and then I guess I re-injured it and broke it again yeah but uh I play all through college with it and I get to the draft and they tell me that I'm like no she's I'm calling back home like what they talking about my foot broke yeah I'm leaving bro like I was like they trying to they're trying to kill my drafts it's not broke and it's not true what you talking about shut the [ __ ] up and I was having pain but I'm like bro no way I was in denial uh so like I'm going through the whole draft process too like with the same thing and like teams knowing like all right he probably gonna have to get this fixed at some point um so uh I I did a couple workouts um but I knew when I got to the Lakers I think it was when I got to the Lakers they knew I wasn't um they were like we're not if you fall here we know we taking you yeah so uh I knew I was going there so from that point I was just kind of chilling that's wild your foot was broke that whole time and you had zero clue well I had pain I definitely had pain but like nothing that was like yeah I was at Kentucky and cow cussing me out bro I can't really focus on that yeah you know what I mean how it is so that's crazy I was playing I was playing with it so I mean at that point it gets to a point where you just like oh yeah yeah that's that's normal with the pain the pain or was it just like uh yeah because in my mind I knew when it happened yeah like I came back too fast uh when I broke it originally okay and uh but I had to screw in there so it was holding it like together yeah uh but like um yeah I was in pain like it would feel it would be in pain yeah I would be hurting but like that's crazy you don't need the elevator nothing right now do you no no I'm good yeah I'm good yeah I appreciate it shout out shout out the the Denver Nuggets shout out uh Reggie Jackson that's my dog but uh we speaking about the Joker shout out to Joker for just winning Finals MVP and we talked about him being in your draft class we had jiren here two weeks ago again and he was talking about when they cross path with Luca they never seen Luca and Luca just gave gave him this smirk you know what I mean and I can't remember if he if he said something like Lucas says he said he winked at him from if I wasn't yeah yeah it was like a Winker and they had no clue right right I mean I'm sure like because you know you always see even in my class it was like European dudes that got drafted but never seen him play a game that's stigma around them exactly exactly that's crazy so he was and when he got picked it was like the the Taco Bell commercial or something when it was live it was a Taco Bell commercial so nobody saw him get picked that's crazy it was on a commercial with Taco Bell that's crazy that's insane that's sick Joker that's crazy wow who would have known exactly exactly that bro you can't predict that and then he goes like just that whole [ __ ] he goes to Denver and they already had who's the the big they had big they had the big the big win Portland they had nurkish there already and they have somebody else who was nice bro like they had three players who was all doing the same animal there he was there but he was playing the four but he had three fives bro who was all nice his uh was the dude before yeah that's what I'm saying nerganj was nice and then when they traded him I was like damn they just got rid of him dude yeah because nurkish was killing over there Turkish was killing bro yeah that's crazy and uh yeah the Joker bro I remember that too like I remember like my second year and we had played against him and I'm just like because he was killed I'm like man why is this dude killing me slowly fat like he was going away he ain't nice like that right I guess in my head and bro he came he played here like 25 I'm like man how the hell this happened bro like it's crazy bro like you talk about getting better like it's crazy to see him like he's always had that skill when you look back he's always had that skill but like to really hone in on his skill set and getting better the way he did year after year that's that's incredible you think they got an advantage in Europe Over Us in terms of them playing professionally earlier yes you did they I feel like they a little bit I think we got an advantage in terms of we get to play against top tier Talent athleticism from an athletic standpoint athletic athletic standpoint but I think our talented better than their talent over there but they're introduced to the game and like you said playing against an older group like they're they're playing the older group as well at a young age so that definitely got something to do with their development you know how it is bro like when you go from college to the pros and that's your job and that's what you do you spend the time doing that is is different like they just I feel like they're fundamentals over there like the game always come back to the fundamental fundamentals over there yeah I feel like they they base and fundamentals like Luca like the stuff that Luca do on the court is just his angle on his footwork his fundamentals right they always come back to that so I feel like they just drill that in maybe at such a young age and then you playing pros and you having to do that stuff you know playing against that level of competition right like that's how our game is now like we don't took that game and just put it brought it over here basically basically yeah we Spread spread the spreads four Shooters one big yeah spacing the movement the concepts off of all that basically yeah and you play you played USA ball two right uh when I was younger when he was younger yeah I think they're gone I mean at some point they're probably gonna get that basket interfering [ __ ] like being able to slap this [ __ ] I'm gonna do that that's no way you don't think so that's gonna be crazy you got no I don't think they should bring that to the NBA they can't do that one that'd be sick how many blocks bro could you imagine I'll be I'll be just waiting at the rim shoot it I dare you like the old man that guard you like that and [ __ ] I'm the five point shot down that the game would be fun though I'm thinking about yeah Five Points I just said I feel like it is it's gonna head that way yeah I think I feel like at some point the father bro the game Deuce is too skill too athletic that's what I said and my reasons it's changing bro from when I came in the league to know how different the game is played is crazy bro Biggs my big bro when I played in the league right when I first came in so my vet was Carlos Boozer bro Biggs used to pick and pop to the Elbow as a four man and you pick and pop David West if you pick and popping you can hit that jumper you known as a spacing big Marcus all just Autumn dudes if you can't shoot the three now in my position you can't play bro yeah I mean even even [ __ ] my my year like it was it was legit still at that time two bigs on the floor yeah and I was playing the two to three like I wasn't switching on The Bigs like that's it just you keep your matchups you fight through them damn screens like you get over or get under that like that dog we not switching yeah I don't want that smoke dawg stay home open up give me a gap I'm serious you got much different in this player game is just it's way different I like the question you asked uh Jerry like do you ever think the game will like go back to like Center power forward like back to having you know real big men like he just rather than being like yeah like will it go back do you ever think it'll have his phases to just be different it'd be jokish yeah I think it's gonna take a minute you know I mean you're not gonna find me any any players like jokish but like that's what it's gonna that's what it's going I'll turn turn into yeah it's just every every position has become more scary to be able to do more things yeah like crazy positions they gonna flirt with this [ __ ] for a little while longer because I mean it's all the Euro guys that's that's really changing our league think about Giannis you think about the Joker Luca Wendy coming in like it's all these International guys that have this crazy skill set huh you ever was doing everything in acting too yeah give it give us who who top three that's changing damson address yeah [ __ ] I can keep going down but I'm gonna leave it there so after uh after Kentucky I'm sure there's a ton of emotions you're in the NBA and in your first game you have a season ending leg injury and so just kind of walk through your emotions during that time like you must have been really excited and then you get into in the first game like what is that like emotionally like what was going on through your head I guess I go back to me playing with pain bro cause that whole off-season summer leading into my rookie year and training camp I was having pain uh in my leg uh and I had a stress reaction so like I had like a little bump on my leg the whole time and like we've running I had uh B Scott was my coach and we're running lines bro like first 20 minutes of training camp like we meet huddle he break it you know team on three whatever and he said all right everybody get to the Baseline in the first 20 minutes we running down slide back pedal slide 20 minutes straight right so I'm thinking I'm in the league I'm like bro is this what the league is like I can't do this I ain't built for this now you know what's crazy because you know how they do the NBA TV [ __ ] and then they follow teams yeah yeah they used to do that yeah bro and I'm watching y'all camp leaving Kentucky or I'm thinking Kentucky the hardest thing I ever done like in my life like we running miles before practice and stuff and I get to the league and then I got B Scott and B Scott like he don't care he come from he from the Pat Riley Club so he like bro no we running and the whole first practice we didn't touch a basketball slides running two hours bro yeah and I'm like man I ain't built for this bro but then on top of that I got the stress reaction in my leg so every step that I'm taking is hurting is hurting so I get to I was it was even to a point in preseason I'm telling my team I'm like bro this can't be like like healthy right like this I got a full bump in my leg but uh we get to uh to that first game and I jumped it was the end of the game I jump I make a play and I can just hear like a pop sound yeah I couldn't feel no pain but I just hear a pop sound and uh I get down there and I look at my leg and I'm holding it it didn't break the skin but I'm holding I'm like man it's it's not right yeah it's saying yeah I knew I knew from that point but that didn't that wasn't uh that wasn't a painful part though yeah what was the painful part after after the surgery yeah you know how they do they made it because I don't know if they did it with you but like with me I had the surgery but they made me walk like I had surgery that morning and walked that night so like I had my [ __ ] broke so I I wasn't walking that night yeah bro my [ __ ] my [ __ ] broke skin yeah so like they had me walking at night so I'm like yeah that was the worst yeah I'm over here that was crazy I tell everybody that was the best sleep I ever had in my life who was Aaron Aaron Mitch yeah who is that my Asia that's family what oh I'm just sick it's crazy oh a cold now I heard that you call Aaron for some advice when you was going through rehab to get a hold of your boy PG over here yeah yeah yeah so I want to know what type of advice that this big nose [ __ ] get to help you get to your rehab yeah I remember him telling me because I I called him because I was starting to like start running again like alter G and all that stuff and it was hurting like every step like it was still pain it was feeling weird and I'm like pee bro like how long this last so I remember hitting him he was like bro just push through that painful part yeah like he was like it's gonna hurt but just like push through it and it was weird at first but I had no I had no issues since yeah yeah no it was it was in person I remember we came to La yeah and uh we met in the tunnel and we was chopping it up and just giving you you know advice dealing with my [ __ ] what I had to go through because I was I was I was at the same point of like the [ __ ] hurts so much that I was just like bro let's I'm tired of rehabbing this [ __ ] hurt when we get to it this [ __ ] leg here right oh but yeah but I'm glad I went through that [ __ ] and I'm glad I pushed through it because because it really like once it got to a point it was like all right this [ __ ] good like I can trust it again you know what I mean I didn't get too much work on it I trusted now at this point so I'm happy I went through that um and then code code was like the biggest motivation when I was going through that [ __ ] so I was just trying to relay that [ __ ] to you I read something like he said you know treat rehab process the same way you treat your own Court workouts like you go you go hard to get better on the court like keep that same energy when it comes to rehab yeah and I was because you know that should be tedious you're doing the same [ __ ] every day it's hard to get motivated through my ankle bro yeah that's what you're going through now huh yeah that's that's what uh what I went through uh before I had the surgery and then I you know I got hurt and then um you know you're going through the rehab and I'm like man I got to get right you know playoffs coming I gotta get right and then you get hurt again I'm like bro I gotta do this [ __ ] all over again and it's uh more than physically mentally right it's just dreaming bro it's just draining that's the first thing you're trying to like are you trying to catch up you know I mean it's draining for sure I start thinking of the [ __ ] condition that's the first thing to come to mind oh my God so rehab is the worst rehab the worst dog the worst especially you're a pro athlete because you you gotta you gotta emulate like yo training gotta emulate what you bought like like for us it's basketball obviously so you got to emulate that through conditioning right and you're not hooping so what what's the other way of doing it like running [ __ ] biking like I don't want a bike I'm not trying to run on a treadmill that's all that's the worst part about it to be honest the [ __ ] Versa what else the road Machine Dog the rope man oh my God this time I'm like because I know what's coming yeah somebody bro let me enjoy this time I know what's about to come I hate it rehab I guess so on the [ __ ] on the topics of injuries you guys both have had some injuries that have stopped you from playing in the postseason and you just said like the mental aspect of it uh can be difficult what's it like being injured and just you know sitting on the bench not being able to compete be with your teammates and try to help them make a push what's tough about that what's the hardest part I would say like when you when you injure to take you out your routine all right so you you used to doing things at a certain time you know you got a routine or you know your skill work your weights your condition and all that like all that really go out the window and you're just trying to get your body back right you know to where you can trust you know your body uh so like I I think that's that's really the most difficult thing like getting out of routine like the work is the work like that ain't going nowhere so like how I look at it it's like I got to do the work so I'm gonna make time to do the work but uh it's everything else right because if you healthy then what are you doing I'm always in a monster they're trying to get better so you know if you healthy you know what would I be doing and you know you're not healthy you're fighting a different battle so yeah that's that's that's the toughest thing I think when you're when you ain't able to go out there and compete with your squad because the years it's already a long season bro and like you you feel for the dudes that like they stuck in the trenches you know what I mean and we didn't go all the way to this point now we we lost our main guy like damn like that that's why that [ __ ] affects me more than anything else like just watching the team just get defeated because we can't compete and I was and I was at that point like when I got hurt the second time and Aaron noticed like I was at that point the second time and I was like super upset uh because I wanted to uh to be out there you know competing you know when it mattered the most and uh it was also like a learning experience for me too uh because typically like in them situations I'm just like man to myself but like it taught me like how to like you know kind of get out of my own way and still you know be a great teammate you know still cheer on your dudes offer encouragement do things that you might not necessarily do uh to help your team uh it kind of made me think out of the box rather than because I'm a big my leadership style is lead by example right I go out there I play hard compete uh I say something if some need to be said but like I'm gonna show you with my actions you know and uh you know I can't do that that's been taken away so you know how do you think out of the box would be there for your news did you think that you think that helped you as a player like help you grow as a leader now because yeah now it's not just by action it's it's being a verbal leader yeah it definitely it definitely uh it definitely did and both got along right right you don't want the dude that say all this and then he go out there and he don't he ain't doing it he ain't doing it like that's the worst kind of leader dog just talking just talking about I can't stand that bro you know what I mean so like they both got an alarm so I'm not gonna tell you something that I wouldn't do myself uh type of thing but it also it showed me bro like a lot of times I'm naturally acquired Reserve God but like our voice bro like we say for granted how much we our voice hold you know how much dudes listen I think it holds you know more knowing that you more of a reserve guy yeah Kawhi is the same way Kawaii is more the reserve quiet keep to himself but when he talked you listen because like we know it's coming from a good place we know he means well and and he's such a competitor like he's done it he's won it like all right we know where it's coming from right I mean so it it's when he talked you'd be like damn okay all right bet let's do it yeah yeah lock in all right all right you spoke about reflecting on on a year um as a whole you know tough situation losing with the Knicks and y'all in y'all season uh what's the biggest takeaways from a team standpoint and and from your individual uh season what was your biggest takeaways from a team standpoint I had to say just show you like how balanced the league is right to where we realize man like just keep getting better we're not that far off you know what I mean and that's motivating for me in a sense because like I'm like in my mind I'm like all right how can I be the best version of myself to help the team win so I go into the off season like you know you dissect that but it's everybody from a team like we got a bunch of we got a great mixture of talent bro we got young dudes we got you know guys who you know going into their Prime um so we got a great mixture guys it's like how do you keep getting better right uh so from a team standpoint I think that's where we at like as individuals how can we get better and then we figure out you know what worked in the postseason what didn't you know what work versus Miami what did you know what are the teams doing that one so like I look at Denver and I'm like all right what are they doing as a team uh to help them have such great chemistry on the court right you know to win so I look at it from that standpoint and then from an individual uh I'm all about efficiency bro so for me it's efficiency like how can I like I look at and I take examples like I look at I look at you or I look at a guy like for instance Jimmy like Jimmy for me is a great example of somebody who continues to get better how does Jimmy go from you know being a 46 shooter to you know a 53-54 more efficient less shots uh whatever it is right you know type of player uh so I always try to look at like how can I be more efficient right how can I be easy to play well how can I help my teammates you know do you ever go like so for me season done I start to reflect on my year okay then I'll highlight something that I know I struggle with all season long and it's like damn now I can finally address this you got something that you can go to where this summer like boom automatically I want to get better at this you I mean I don't I don't know if you want to give out your secret yeah I can't tell you okay all right it's definitely but I'll do that during season I think that's one of the things I learned too like I'll like at the end of the day bro you know seeing every coverage yeah you know what teams are doing like styles of play and stuff like that so it's like all right you know I'll take notes like during season like all right this is what this person did how can I get better at this yeah things you see things in the in the year like I'm not as comfortable doing this on the floor you know how can I get better at that yeah I can't long story so I can't tell you people yeah I don't know we're still competitive bro yeah don't give us everything we love you on our side bro but it's still compelling I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you right now when we play and you do something I'll be like no you just added that no [ __ ] watch I had a question for both for y'all right I want to know both of y'all are in the active media Market LA and New York I want to know how do y'all handle the media and all that fan noise and that negativity that's coming towards y'all yeah well it's cool man because I got to experience both bro like because I was with the Lakers true that you know I mean so I I've seen both markets uh when I was in LA we was a young team it just won a championship and 10 yup and I got drafted in 14. yeah you know what I mean and code also had you know code was his last two years was my first two years so like it was that transition so like it wasn't like the expectation wasn't for us to win you know I mean so I know how it is with the Lakers now expectations is they gotta win right it's a different monster but it was uh it was it was laid back like my time here bro it was great like it was it was fun uh you know I mean it was just we was a bunch of young dudes out there trying to hoop so like it really wasn't that bad but when I got to New York bro I'd say first first thing first like one-on-one if you want like a lesson don't don't do thumbs down like yeah yeah I did that yeah that didn't work out well for me yeah that was that was maybe it was on your ass yeah that was my immaturity maybe yeah but yeah don't don't do that but uh I I honestly I love it bro because it's made me the player I am today you know I mean it pushes me it all it all depends on how you look at it bro it can be tough for some people and it's been tough for me it's been tough for me it's been tough for my family uh it's hard the hardest thing for me is is my family right because like you know the garden is it's a different animal I mean so it's the hardest thing for me is it's my family and my son uh both of my sons but Kai in particular because he older so that's the that's the toughest thing but I love it man because it's made me who I am today like they don't taught me so much more about myself and as a player uh you know figuring out what really matter what don't uh you know taught me a lot about you know who I am as a human so I don't groan so much I like to do yeah you ain't over there with us but I like the new job bro it's like it's like almost being like you you the president bro yeah you know I mean you know the president they're going there you see them and they look great when they first and then four years later they got the image and they look old as hell yeah that's how I feel right now how is it how is it in New York because like being an opposing player even when I'm walking around it's you know it's everybody like I feel like the culture in New York is just such big basketball fans and they love and embrace the team like how like can y'all move around is it love and that's the craziest thing bro that's the I think that's the honest honestly the craziest thing because like if you look at it from a media perspective uh he'd be like damn it's hard being there but then like I say this is my first year living in the city like you know we practice outside the city but this year I was like all right our family's like let's let's move to the city and so I go on walks all the time like around the city I'm out or whatever it is and it's so much love bro like the actual fans interaction like face to face is crazy how much love it is bro like in their super like we went like we ain't one [ __ ] bro you know I mean we got to the second round bro and like they they like man we so apprec they so appreciative bro yeah so like on the interaction like face to face like it's love but like you look you look elsewhere you know you wouldn't think it but um no it's it's cool bro yeah they obviously want to win every uh Community or every you know City wants their team to win but I feel like it's just so much pressure If you being a Nick to win and win right away and if y'all not winning then it's just like you know well yeah you're gonna hear it from them yeah but it's the level like it's the difference right like I said when I was drafting in L.A you know they're just one in ten I got to New York they ain't one in 50 Years bro that's crazy you know what I mean so it's like but that was my excitement of going there like that challenge you know just trying to win their you know is that is that the motivation because if you went there dog you that's the oh that was the biggest you got a statue coming no [ __ ] that's the that's the only thing yeah that's what that's what drive me and we got a little bit more of a taste of that yeah I mean as a team so it's like all right bro how we get better because like you said you went there bro it's do you do you like ever like you play in New York and we always hear those stories about how guys always have like big performances in New York it's the brightest stage it's the biggest stage do you feel that as a player like guys are coming in here trying to like okay they're gonna go for it today do you feel that when when you're playing it at home over there yeah because I I was that player before yeah you know what I mean so when you go to the question yeah when you go to when you go to the Garden it's like you wanna you know you want to show out you're wearing your best fit right yeah you're right are you walking a little bit different right you're going to great you're getting some great food you're going shopping all that you know what I mean so yeah that's the trip that you I don't care who it is bro if you if you name a player in the league bro and they look at the schedule once the schedule come out it's three different places people looking all right New York is one of them but it's three different places that people looking bro so you get to you get to NY would you want to know the three yeah that you already know I want to know the third yeah what's your three LA and New York I wanna know who you got as a third Austin Miami bro Miami yeah okay yeah yeah yeah obviously yeah even the Joker had some fits on yeah I did see this camera peaky blinders best dressed yeah now that that is a great question because y'all y'all got to prepare for the best out of every player that y'all play when they come to New York like that that is a great [ __ ] question we don't feel I don't feel that way as a player like playing in New York yeah like I'm not thinking like all right I'm about to get their best game no yeah but I feel like you would like bro you play there every day yeah well yeah you probably get immune to it I'm just saying like you know what I'm saying like you know but there's like uh like you got a thing bro when you when the crowd is sold out every and it's crazy and fans is in every game like that's what you expect you're gonna expect nothing different so but it's it's like there's the norm of what people like somebody can average 25 on a year right that's the norm but then when they come to the Garden like they can explode for 40. they can explode for 50. and it's like y'all gotta y'all gotta prepare and expect that at least right like yeah or they can get ten two and that should be too hype that's true that cannot make [ __ ] that's true like you see when you see it you see the two for 15 16s like it worked both ways you know what I mean so it's like it kind of even itself out yeah that's true no one has a sister yeah teammate man ain't passing the day you gotta know what to expect yeah you know from this did you you had the option to resign back with New Orleans right yeah but it like it was like one of them situations where it was like yeah but no yeah because that year they they got the number one pick and it was dropping Zion so it was like logically like I wanted to go back but it was like bro I can't do that right right right right right y'all would have been yeah it wouldn't even button mashing it wouldn't even work yeah now that that makes sense yeah that was his team at that point but was you you was ready like you felt you was ready because you was I thought I was yeah I thought it was but when I got there I realized ultimately number one option right here yeah yeah but that was my first time in a career in my career being that yeah that's what I'm saying so was you ready you know you felt ready for that that moment I thought it was what I wasn't yeah I thought I was I wasn't like I always say always my best years have been when I played with with better players you know what I mean uh because I was coming off playing with ad that year how easy he made the game for me and I'm like going there I don't know what's gonna happen every single night and then when I got I remember the first uh the second preseason game so the first preseason game we played Washington second we played them again and the first one I killed and then we played again and they start trapping my ass bro I catch the ball they were sending three people I'm like bro what is going with oh I'm like man I ain't never seen this like what's going on yeah it was tough that whole year it was like a roller coaster like experience but it like I said man it made me a better player yeah you know I made me a better like better person because I had to I had to grind through that ain't it crazy how that [ __ ] can just humble you like you play basketball bro and then you get out there and you like damn they got me looking nasty right now I look crazy bro like I realize bro you're not as good as you think you are yeah like for real I remember uh like my rookie year I was telling uh the the team then like I just knew I was like give me two three years and I'll be an All-Star like I I told that story and then uh fast forward like year three when Danny goes down I become the main guy everybody like yo be careful like it's [ __ ] different I'm like how different can it be then when I started getting like and I started out hot like not much tape on me I made a big jump all right I think that year I was like a player of the month like came out hot pre-season I'm averaging like 30 in preseason like that I'm feeling great like this [ __ ] easy and then that next month bro that [ __ ] started getting tougher next month start getting tougher and I'm talking to people and they like yeah bro you in our Scouting Report now like we know what you like to do and it didn't hit me then like I'm just thinking like maybe I'm I shot just off for like but then when I'm when I'm when I'm watching the film and I'm going through the plays and it's like damn yeah it was like it was somebody there like it was help pulling over like they took the first option away like they just started making the game totally tougher for me and that was new to me like this [ __ ] tough now yeah you know I mean but it did help me grow as a player because I I that's when I started to realize I need to watch film like I need to see what they're doing and the playoffs should go to a whole nother level playoffs a whole another level another level it's a whole you got to just get used to like I might not I might not shoot for like three four minutes explain that a little bit like touch on that more like what's the the for the people that are watching we obviously don't know what it's like to play in the NBA talk about the jump on like regular season to playoffs and how much more difficult it actually gets in terms of what just you you spoke about how playoffs as a whole different Beast like what's you guys the number one thing that's like the Naked Eyes the intensity the intensity go up but it's like yo you really under like you're understanding for the game Gotta Be You got to know what you're looking for because they don't practice for a week on every single tendency right so like and it take me almost take me back to a quote that code used to tell me all the time he was like to be unguardable you got to be predictable and he was and his thing was like the defense can know what I'm doing but they still can't stop it right no jokish is coming back to their right hand you know he pivoting coming back to his left shoulder right hand but he he's so good at using angles and using his body is like you cannot stop it bro he's unguardable that's what it comes down to yeah so it's like the fundamentals like how good how fundamentally sound are you you know all those different type of things I think that study is the biggest cause like every like playoffs there's no there's no secrets like there's there's no secrets you're scouted you play game one or he likes to do this he likes to do that our adjustments is going to be this right so they they locked into that [ __ ] so then it's like all right they know I'm doing this I gotta I gotta I gotta be ready for the counters you know what I mean like that [ __ ] is what playoffs is about like you got to be a step ahead because you playing the same [ __ ] team maybe seven times you know what I mean and so it's like damn that [ __ ] work game one why that [ __ ] not working now working out well [ __ ] yeah they they watched us they they watched they was in the same game you played you know what I mean yeah you're not gonna get by on doing the same [ __ ] yeah I mean and it's it was funny I was watching the Heat game and the reason they lost they had a stretch of like three minutes in that fourth quarter where they just could not score they was turning the ball over and that's that's Playoffs bro like possessions matter damn that's a possession it's a possession game in the playoffs regular season you can get by with that [ __ ] and playoffs his possessions you can change the whole momentum of a series too whole momentum possession literally one possession can change everything in the series bro yeah if Bruce Brown don't get that offensive rebound he might be going to Miami for exactly exactly that's a huge rebound if you don't if he don't make the extra effort play like that we might be in Miami for game six right now we talking about a whole different series whole different Series yeah now because now [ __ ] they couldn't close at home and you heard the little sound bites like I I was listening to Jamal sound bites and he's like bro let's finish this [ __ ] for the home crowd like finish this [ __ ] here yeah we don't want to go back the money yeah the energy he was here yeah so he he was well aware of that [ __ ] when the Knicks was trying to sign you what what stood out for you and air meant for me personally it was the challenge bro like like if you can win here you can win it no matter where you play I mean you can get through this so that was what was exciting for me you know the challenge and he was prepared for all that that New York heat you didn't keep no I thought I was I thought I was I mean I was prepared like I'm gonna always get through it um but yeah yeah it was it was it was the challenge it was the challenge of of New York you know being there because it's good for that weather that's one of the dealers D'Angelo he told me bro he was like bro bring a jacket and he was like bring a jacket he get cold yeah [Laughter] because Kentucky I'm sure gets pretty cold bro that's when it started for me yeah um it's different yeah he's from Texas but I'm saying he was in Kentucky it was crazy bro so we had a crazy academic advisor Stone this thing was Stone and stone with like we was right across our dorms right across from his office so like he would purposely put us in 8 A.M classes bro so you got to get there so you got to get it so he don't care and if you not going to class he gonna come James Young shout out to James bro he was my he was my Suite mate yeah so like I would hear it all the time like Stone would be coming and beating on James door like James come on you got to go to class like we really went to class bro but I'll never forget my first 8 A.M was an art class dog and uh I've never had some Timbs until I got to Kentucky there you go it was crazy bro I never experienced snow what color you had I had the rest yeah I had two kind of butter you know Butters yeah but uh gum bottoms but uh I had I had I never had Timbs in the year I never experienced Snow either in the year I went to Kentucky bro it was like the worst winter in 25 30 years it said history like the history on news they like this is the worst winner and it's snowing it's cold as hell bro and I'm walking the 8 A.M art class dog and I'm like I'm like hell no and it was crazy bro I wasn't used to so another funny show I wasn't used to driving in the snow and this is when me this was me and my wife we was dating at times when we first met so we had a uh we had like a one o'clock game on a like a Saturday and I was staying in her crib and her mom was like bro like she was like you need to uh she was like calling and she's like you need to go back to the dorm and we supposed to be on curfew cow don't even notice but I'm like bro I'm not doing this yeah so she like you need to go to the dorm because it's supposed to be a snowstorm I'm like no hell no I'm like I'll get up early I don't care so next morning to happen is Blizzard outside so I'm like [ __ ] I gotta get back so excuse my life but I'm like I gotta get back so I'm driving she live like on at the bottom of a hill so I never driven the snow so I'm driving I'm driving up the hill and my car just started veering all sliding into the into the neighbor's yard bro and um that's how big this hose and I'm stuck and I got a game at one and I can't get back so I'm like so I'm like all right I'ma get back and uh she drove me she picked me up she drove me to the door when I made it but yeah it was they was at like how the boy how the hell you sweating and it's 40 30 degrees why you sweat dude my coach he was he went to the dorms he was knocking on the doors like trying to make sure we was all there and I'm getting out of bed I'm like yeah coach I'm good I'm here like I've been up for two hours bro he thinking he waking me up yeah I'm like but I had a hell of a morning though I'm sweating right now heart racing all right the car just if someone came and left here bro I left it because she brought it she brought it to me later windows down every day I just left it all right knock on the neighbor's door like hey I need a little assist ance did y'all win that game yeah we busted that yeah it definitely was 2021 was a breakout year for you first time All-Star most improved player all NBA second team was there anything specific that kind of clicked for you during that season that allowed you to make that jump forward uh I mean I got better as a player but I think it was environment too it was my first time in my career uh being in a true winning environment uh playing for tips um that was my first time playing for a culture like that where you know from day one when is the expectation and we got to do this this and this every day to build these right habits uh to win so he was like the perfect coach uh to come into you know uh my career at that point so I think a lot of it was environment uh and then like with Leon and Western them guys coming in like it really created a uh an environment for me to be comfortable and to be me and um you know that's the biggest thing you know I feel like if you're comfortable in a situation in the league like you just naturally gonna get better yeah that's what it was I mean yeah yeah I I think the same and and you know I'm sure you obviously had a hell of a summer going into that year yeah definitely without a doubt right that was my best summer yeah for sure but me I think it was just the exposure right like you're getting more reps you get more opportunities and I think just naturally on the year you're gonna get better because you're starting to see different [ __ ] like like you said like it's just trial and error you you get to learn from your mistakes um you get to see different adjustments you get to see how teams are guarding you um and and again it's just the Reps you get more reps that [ __ ] so like when you hot like you you get to explore that yeah I mean if you if you're struggling you get to explore that you get to figure out how to get back in Rhythm and [ __ ] so I think it was just for me it was just the the more reps and opportunities that's that's how I got better you you talked about tips tips was our USA Basketball one of the assistants he did the defense obviously yeah uh but but love Tibbs Tibbs was funny man like we you know we got the All-Star USA team and he's still like drilling us like we even [ __ ] in training camp trying to make a team or some [ __ ] it was dog we chill out doing too much all right but I loved him I had an uh unbelievable experience in relationship with tips like how how is how is your relationship like how how is tips for you in New York we related off the bat just because we both workers like I don't know if y'all hear about like tips but like tibs be in the office all day but I hear that he's a hard worker yeah so it's like bro you can't be watching that much basketball why are you here all day but like Tibbs really be in the office all day and I'm like the type of dude that you know practice and then I'm coming back at night and like I'm coming back at night he's still there so like he just like I think he appreciated that about me and I appreciate that about him like you know he willing to put in the work so I think uh like off the bat like we hit it off in that aspect of our relationship and then um like I said bro like he just uh he the type of dude that like you know what to expect like every day like you know what what's the expectation and uh you know I think that that creates accountability you know within our team so one of the running jokes when we was with usab because he was so horny dog they'd be like yo Tibbs give it a break we still say that bro we live it we live it every day careless with that give it a break dog yeah you can't help himself bro he cannot help himself that should be funny bro so you guys uh you just finished your first season playing alongside with Jalen Brunson someone who also uh could have won the most improved player award in their first season with the Knicks but when you knew that he was coming over to the Knicks how early did you guys connect once he did decide to sign in New York like right after he assigned um he uh we had talked like FaceTime and stuff and he was just like amazed like he couldn't believe it like that he was coming there to play and you know he was just excited about the opportunity but I don't know maybe it's just something about lefties but as soon as we got on the court bro like I could speak for me you know hopefully he said the same but he just made the game a million times easier for me a million times like I didn't have to work to every single time Down The Possession and P you know how that is bro like when you got to go get it every single possession and then you know you on the other end too like you got to go guard both hands but JB just made he made the game so much easier uh and I had I wasn't relied on every single possession to to make plays you know what I mean in that trust just trust each other out there yeah was that was that was that quick like because it was y'all at one point y'all was at a point where y'all was a top pick and roll combo it was it was day one I don't know if it's about like a lefty thing yeah like we just know just chemistry what we trying to get to and like we know how to help each other out in those situations it was just like instantly like chemistry and the crazy thing about it is like we can get a lot better bro you get a lot better right yeah yeah I want to eat when you're in yeah so it's like I'm excited to see how I keep going I like that now uh Joe what we got now we both don't work with some Legends okay I don't work with some Legends on the screen Forest Whitaker Samuel Jackson but I've never played with a living legend on a basketball court and I probably won't but uh I wanna go somewhere because if you playing with a living legend who gets a lot of love yeah and he goes by the name of Derrick Rose right yeah how is it to have this man on your team and to play with him and just just get advice and just he's a future he's a he's he was a past MVP man it's like like how is that having Derrick Rose on your squad uh it's great man he got no ego but I think more than anything he got like a great perspective on life because he's been to the top of the mountain and he doesn't seem the worst or the worst you know at least when it comes to basketball you know I can speak for that so uh to have him you can you to have somebody like that uh and then to be where he's at now you're gonna be able to come back and uh you know play and have the presence that he has uh you can just imagine what type of person he is right so he's just a steady a steady person he never had too high he never too low and for me I need somebody like that you know I mean because I play with passion you know I mean I play with you know sometimes my emotions get the best of me all right thumbs down we know my emotions to get the best of me but to have somebody like that like B ain't even gotta say nothing bro and I can look on the bench I already know what he talking about you know what I mean so whether it's good or bad and then he's he's like Kawhi in that sense that you say like he don't say much but if he say something it's everybody's listening right so uh to have that that dude in the locker room bro is uh is great and he was my that first year tips came here came and he was one of the players that like I started to learn how to make the game easy for myself he used to make the game so easy for me and he can still hoop so yeah yeah these these they still got some in the tank he got bro yeah he can still play I wish he would have played him a little bit more in the in the playoffs but yeah trying to give me the trouble bro yeah I know I know I know shout out Shout Out pool man um give us because he is a quiet guy he is a dude that you know no social media or that that I know of or at least he's not on social media um you don't really hear much about him like what's you got any backstories any with practice we're traveling funny stories locker room because I just know we got him on this accredited to JB Jalen bro he got him on the show a little bit okay so he started cracking jokes and stuff but like bro D but when I say he like literally the most even killed person bro he read books he drink his wine I say he got his money taken in a dice game on the plane yeah he never came back you know about that story we took his brain he never came back other than that bro dude he's chilling bro he be with his family be with his kids bro he's just like that's how I am yeah you know I mean so he really be laid back so when playing in New York what would you say is like the biggest perk I've read that you know the team has very good amenities whether that's how you guys travel or where you're staying and I know you know you've been flying in private jets since you were 11 years old that's a whole nother story calm down hey bro you can be proud of that bro no shame bro enjoy that the Maverick's playing at that what would be one thing is there a perk or anything that you would say that you know you're getting just because you're in New York I would say man the biggest one got to be the garden bro it got to be the uh it got to be being able to play in that environment every day I mean it's no different than here being in La like you get a lot of love uh you get access all that different type of stuff but from a pure hooping standpoint it got to be that the garden like to play in that environment every night um you take it for granted like I remember going from and there's no distance to New Orleans but I remember going from LA to New Orleans and like La sold out packed every night preseason game then we get to New Orleans and we run on the court and then you know it ain't many fans out there but uh ad like yo we got to create our own energy today yeah so like it's a difference man you take that stuff for granted but yeah it's a difference that's a fact that's funny that's funny I mean because [ __ ] even in Indy like you play against Lakers you play against Clippers or uh uh Chicago like some places you play against and we'll be home and it's like 50 50. crowd is 50 50 facts going over here like facts who's home so that's funny but I think with us with Balmer I think it's I think him just going above and beyond just to to make us comfortable like he do so much [ __ ] just to make us comfortable as players yeah and he's literally like I've never had an owner where I can or Governor I don't know what we call him these days uh where I can I can call them I can text him like he's super active with the team after wins after losses he's in a group chat with us like like we can have a real relationship you know with Steve and uh this last preseason he brought us to Seattle we had a preseason game there and he just brought us you know to his comfort area like his building where he works where he operates from like and for me it was like I get to like you know see what or how our our team owner makes his wealth like I get to be in in his space yeah so it for me it just gave me a whole different perspective of like how to go about way or go about things how to do [ __ ] you know how to run a company like he was just dropping gyms just all over the place on how he you know make his money um so I think that was like the biggest you know thing I took away from him being our owner is is him just being so transparent you know what I mean like he he would literally tell you like what he does what not to do or what he wouldn't do so I I think this is how to be able to leave yeah support bro it's it's crazy to have that in your corner yeah I recently got that too like when my um with my son's school you know just because the school that he at bro it's like it's it's that kind of environment you know with them with those kind of people uh but to have Community you know to have somebody that you can really lean on you know you want to you want to get to that point right and somebody that's willing to be open right communicate and yo this is how it goes this is this is what I'm doing this is what you should do and shouldn't do that's huge right the flip and the flip side of that like that'll make my job easier like if I can have this relationship he opening you know doors and allow me to be in his world like I want to play for that guy you know what I mean like I'm gonna go hard for you now like yeah you just establish a whole level of of you know relationship I've never had from a player to owner you know yeah it's personal now so like that's that's one of my my biggest driving motivation is like I want to win one for Steve at this point you deserve it right he deserve it he give us all of these opportunities that [ __ ] is authentic it's natural drink totally natural uncomfortable here I come June I'm coming with one sorry I'm coming with one I'm coming with one look Jackie transitions no you we know you New York but I'm gonna take you back down memory lane so he played for that Lake Show the best team in the league I say you know I just had to say shut the [ __ ] I don't care but uh you know you experienced the back end of of course the great Kobe Bryant's career but what was your welcome to the league moment with the Lakers man well welcome to the league was training camp that was one okay we're running um I'll probably say the first time cold cussed me out oh what did he say how did this happen was it like was it like looking back at it was it a was it an [ __ ] move or was it like no this is him no it wasn't at all it wasn't at all because it pushed me bro cause uh I remember it was it was preseason and we in the locker room and shout out to Nick Young bro yeah one of my vets so you can imagine oh Lord what I was going through but uh yeah Nick I think maybe it was maybe another teammate maybe like J Hill Jordan Hill or Homer who was we in the locker room talking and somebody had told me something about what Kobe said in the media and I was like bro say this or whatever and me we me and Nick somebody we talking and then cold coming right so Nick bro you like hey Cole juice said that that code was like what like so we having this whole conversation he was like I don't even remember what he said bro in the convo I just remember he ended it with take your ass out there and shoot some jump shots with your broke ass jump shot [ __ ] and that's how I was and I was hurt yeah that's what I went out there out there is exactly what I did but like it was crazy man because I wasn't still learning how to shoot the ball into the training camp and like at every practice where I'm I'm like bro I'm putting into work I'm like man I'm gonna shoot these jumpers whatever it was and I started making some jumpers and he like see he was like that's a little bit of hard work that's what that's what it is huh okay you see you see so you see yeah you see what it is and uh but in the moment yeah it hurt yeah that's funny uh Roy would tell this story to me about cold uh Roy Hibbert and Cole had broke Roy's nose your you know Roy was wearing a mask and it came from an elbow from cold and uh it was funny when he was telling me he he acts cold like yo code like and when he went to Kobe it was like a little kid like thinking Cole was gonna be like oh no my bad I'm sorry I did that like so he like cold but yo you broke my nose man cope said Stone Face he said you should have got the [ __ ] out the way it was hell bro damn yo yo it's him bro [ __ ] I thought he was gonna at least apologize it was times when we'd be waiting on the plane and I remember one time we were waiting on the plane bro it was like an hour and the plane Ain't Leaving Without cold yeah and he get there and like everybody everybody happy he getting on the plane right but we being sarcastic and he was like man your [ __ ] better be glad I'm here I didn't say nothing would tell us the story would tell us the story that's how he was bro that's how he was playing and then they'll hear the helicopter coming in and he's playing yeah and the helicopter might be 50 feet bro they got the golf cart by the helicopter it's a golf him to the plane and then he'll walk on the plane [Music] Shades were you in the practice with the um the Charming were you in that Charming practice Yeah I wasn't into practice okay okay but you was there that day yeah we don't get one Kobe story explained we gotta get to the bottom of how this [ __ ] happened I was a rookie so my leg was broke so I wasn't soft that day okay I had some mercy well I'm in the uh yeah so I'm in the trading room I'm getting my my rehab and stuff and all I hear is just going crazy you know Coldwell the deep ass voice so like you hear it yeah I mean he just going back and forth and I hear Nick you can't call me all that right yeah so I just hear the back and forth right and then all I remember is like I'm like man what's going on like my first year in the NBA was a shock bro yeah so I'm seeing everything all right so I'm like man what's going on and uh all I hear is what uh Mitch was like or Mitch cup check was our gym at the time and called leaving of court and he like Mitch I'm supposed to get better with this [ __ ] I don't know speaking better with this [ __ ] and then he walk in the locker room he like dude what the [ __ ] is this Joe what the [ __ ] he's like I'm supposed to practice he's like these [ __ ] making me worse and he just walked out bro and I'm like bro I'm like damn I don't see this I'm like damn everybody up I'm like yeah they make you worse and everybody just you know slow by one by one everybody started walking to the locker room yeah that was that was a day for sure yeah so we we you you explain both sides of it him being that Fierce competitor and then him you know being that Mentor um I got to know both sides I had my experience being you know a competitor against them um but then as he retired um and then later in my career I really got to connect with him on on like a little bro big bro uh type relationship where I can call them up I can text him um I went down to his camp that summer when he did his you know Kobe Elite [ __ ] where he was teaching the wings and the guards footwork and you know just expanding our game like that's that was the beautiful part that he was getting to was helping the Next Generation when it came to you did you get more of that Mentor aside or did you get more of that just him not necessarily being an [ __ ] but him more so trying to mold you to to to to to take that next step you know what I mean like from a pushing you you know type of thing yeah I got both like you said I got both yeah um he was the first person that text me like when I got drafted you know what I mean it was like art you know let's let's get better let's do this or whatever it was uh but I got both man I remember driving out to Newport four o'clock in the morning just to do defensive slides bro to Newport to do defensive slide it was the first time in my life I ever did a workout and we just did straight defense yeah for two hours bro that's how that's how his mind Opera he like no you don't you can't slide this way yeah you can't do a defense slot you got to do this your feet got to be like this do you think a little bit of that was was to like test you no I think that's really what this is he was on his way out doing this yeah you know what I mean but um like so I got that aspect of him but I got to know him as a human being too you know and uh it was it was tough love but it was it was stuff that pushed me and I still carry to this day uh but like as a person bro like he loved his family man like love his family love love v um and you got to see that softness out of you but like of him but like he was a person that really didn't want to want to show nobody know that [ __ ] huh yeah I mean he didn't show no weakness but like if you sit down and and talk to him he was an open book you could ask him anything he was an open book he was a student at the heart of who he was he was a student bro so like students like you know like watching film and figuring it out uh that's who he was so like he would and I remember in that time he would break down stuff to me I'm like bro what are you talking about like it make no no it didn't make sense to me at all but like as my career went on like oh that's what it that's what you meant that's what you meant and that's what that's what I got a lot of from yeah that's what because I explained to them uh and again this is a repeat of episode we had but I explained to them I was I was struggling against Portland you know and I was having troubles figuring out the coverage and [ __ ] like I'm I'm struggling in the series I sent him a text he got back to me and it was like detailed detailed text of what to do and the clip that I sent him was probably like 10 minutes long and he literally had it was like he did he watched the clip wrote another wrote some [ __ ] down watch the next clip like everything was just so detailed and I was like damn like you know and for me like I was like damn like I felt so good I got this for the rest of my career like I can always count on him you know what I mean but you know I I am happy and appreciative that I got to to experience that that relationship with him so our next segment every episode uh we have p and the guests do a starting five uh we've done defense we've done dunkers but since you're here today I want you guys to go back and forth and pick a starting five of all time left-handed players positioned by position so you get to go first you get to go first with your point guard let you go first it's James will Point yeah yeah I'll give him all up ah consider him a point though right yeah here's the modern NBA dude a point guard yeah go that's you that's what you picking I got two yeah damn I was gonna go with I was gonna go with jh [Music] small forward now small forward I go uh somebody I used to watch a lot hello good one he tough though I'm gonna go I'm gonna go take Sean I'm gonna take Sean okay three and D guy okay what about at the four I'm gonna let you go because this can be easy for me after four I'm gonna go Chris Bosh I was gonna say if he say if he said Chris Bosh I was just gonna say myself you should have picked him and see who leads me I was gonna say I was gonna say CB yeah okay at the five uh the late great Bill Russell this this is this is an easy one for I'm gonna go to Admiral I'm gonna go David Robinson that's a good one too I'm gonna go to Africa Squad right now all right well we'll see what the fans think who's gonna win that matchup I don't know who's five would be that's that's a good I think I like he's got more size I think yeah I like it ah Manu he got scoring he got defense he got he got dogs who's Nick man excellent though for a show okay yeah sure okay all the height we're going we're gonna end it here um a new skill that you added to your pre-game uh we saw that you go through a whole meditation before the game start what got you to that point that was another thing I did when I I had that breakout here uh when most improved uh like the put in the work has never been like a thing like issue for me like that's gonna happen but like the mental aspect of things uh so that's when I started doing like the meditation I was actually um shot to a guy's name Eric he's a former Navy SEAL and he was teaching me you know the meditation stuff that they do uh the breathing the techniques and all that stuff so that's 20 20 what was that 2020 during 20 20 20 so that's when I got into it um so that was huge and then every year I've just kind of been learning new new things in that space yeah this past summer I don't know if you ever heard of Wim Hof yep yep the breathing uh and the ice baths and all that stuff what is it so I had a I had a a certified trainer uh from Wim Hof it basically was living with me um summer and like all my workouts that [ __ ] every dance too it's crazy bro for people that don't know yeah what is it so I I worked with Laird Hamilton um and he kind of does the same stuff where you like cold plunging going into sauna hot box for like 10 minutes but it's like 160 like blazing in there and then you cold plunge and then you do like you know you're working on your breathing yeah opening your diet your diaphragm like or just all type of like just crazy [ __ ] but with his like he we do stuff in a pool where we go to the bottom we holding weights and we trying to explode out the bottom of the water yeah like we was doing some crazy [ __ ] yeah but that's the that's the whole thing like with the whim like you you in a cold ass ice bath and you going under bro but you just get to a point I mean the thing is like you get to a point where you just don't feel nothing like you don't feel nothing you're not thinking about nothing you just kind of in the moment and that's really all meditation is bro like hard life says P you know how it is you plan every other day you got a balanced family you got to balance all different type of aspects of life and it's like how do you get to a point where you can just clear your head and just just kind of be you know in the moment so that's what we can do right now meditate I don't know if I can help you bro good answers so oh you need Jesus oh man you could have gave me one little simple thing just breathe breathe just breathe bro okay focus on your breath just focus somebody make you hot man Jew we appreciate you coming through dog we hope for a speedy recovery we hope that this this summer be another great hopefully you win another most improved you know what I mean I hope you have that type of summer when you get back you know on your twos and and working out this summer we appreciate having you down here on the show the show continues to go on we we appreciate the fans out there shout out my guys Dallas Rutherford Jackie long for making every episode hot and uh stay tuned for the next one but wait we can't leave and clap yet we gotta tell the people out there how to subscribe and what David come on and where to find us on the social media platform shout them Dallas as always episodes are gonna drop every Monday make sure you go follow us on YouTube and turn on those post notifications so that you don't miss another episode and last thing we always like to do is any last words that you would like to share with the audience man y'all be blessed bro we'll see y'all next Monday thank you
Channel: Podcast P with Paul George
Views: 648,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul George, Podcast P, Podcast P with Paul George, Jackie Long, Dallas Rutherford, Paul George Podcast, NBA, Clippers, Los Angeles Clippers, NBA All-Star, NBA Podcast, New York Knicks, Julius Randle, Kobe Bryant, Jalen Brunson
Id: FRpn4kR8fw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 31sec (6931 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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