Dadtries - Palworld Review

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hey guys dad tries and this is powor pow world is an open world survival crafting game that focuses on catching these cute little pals bringing them back to your base and forcing them to do your dirty work when I first saw po World on the upand cominging list on Steam I immediately dismissed it I thought it was going to be a gimmicky cheap knockoff of that other group of monsters that begins with P that will not be named because I don't want to be sued I'm pretty sure I can't even say Pokemon I don't know but there I did it please don't sue me Nintendo a crap can I say Nintendo whatever this game undeniably draws its inspiration from Pokemon but it adds in so much more that Pokemon hasn't done in 20 years and that adds just so much value to the game the fact that you're not just capturing monsters and forcing them to fight with each other I mean you are doing that but they also each have different talents and abilities and they help you out on your base they'll either mine stone or cut some wood or they can make things like recipes that you've decided so if you need arrows they can they can operate your workbench for you in that sense and each one is a little different than the other so you have to kind of diversify your encampment I grabbed power world on sale it was $26 when I got it it looks like it is up to $30 now I would be surprised if there's another sale anytime soon cuz I think by this point the developers know what they have and the developers being pocket pair and kind of going back to my reservations on even buying this game one of the very first reviews I saw for this game was on IGN and typically if IGN Praises a game it's a very good chance I want nothing to do with it so I had kind of written it off to that measure already but then then I saw some folks playing it some of my friends told me it was good and I I kind of got into it and I just embraced what I assumed was going to be a cheap gimmicky knockoff and while it is they've done a fantastic job with it and when I say cheap gimmicky knockoff I mostly just mean the character models because let's face it the Pokemon company has really monopolized that industry of Pocket Monsters right and this is the same exact concept you throw a ball at the monster and you have a chance to catch it you catch the monster and now it it's yours it loves you unconditionally so but that's about where the similarities end past that it plays a lot more like valheim than anything else except if valheim let you have grings and trolls as pets and they helped maintain your base um another game that it's very similar to is Arc as well so if you liked Arc uh there's a lot of similarities drawn between po world and Ark as well but a big bonus for po world is that the tech tree is huge and the tech tree unlocks just work based off of your level so as you gain levels you get points to unlock new tech and the tech will deliver you all the way from essentially the Stone Age to pretty pretty close to the modern era with guns and things like that yes you can give your Palace guns I have not gotten that far in my power world Journey but um my friends kids who play on the same server and have a ton more hours into the game than I do most definitely have guns and checking out some of their bases they have sheep Manning 50 Cals behind sandbags and it's amazing it's quite the sight but um I'll get there the game did play pretty good on the steam deck I was consistently getting anywhere from 20 to 40 frames playing in handheld mode on the steam deck it did okay um I also tried playing at docked at 1080P and even that did okay I was getting again probably 255 to 30 frames give or take um playing in 1080p on the steam deck so really no issue there it definitely Auto adjusted the graphics which is what you'd expect so it it did a very good job of detecting the system settings of the steam deck and changing the graphics settings accordingly the controls are really good I mean it did come out on the Xbox as well so I didn't expect any real issues with the controller controls I am partial to the keyboard and mous most definitely but um just know that it is an option you can take power world with you on your steam deck I even played it off of a mobile connection I use my cellular phone as a hotspot and uh it played just fine off of my friend's private server so it really doesn't take a lot of network resources either it didn't eat up a bunch of data uh it's actually a really good game to take with you it doesn't look so great obviously but it it plays um when you get back to your regular computer it's it's like night day I mean it the the graphics really can be dumbed down to a point where the game is not much to look at but sacrifices have to be made if you want to play it Pals on the go whereas the game is multiplayer only essentially I mean yes you can play it single player but eh I wouldn't recommend that the game is much better with your friends but if you have to walk away I would say log off um there have been times when I just got up and walked away and I came back and everything was fine but you are leaving yourself open to the chance that you're going to get raided meaning there's NPC characters that are going to come and run at your base and try and break everything that you do your Pokemon that are there working Oops said the p word your pals that are there working will defend your base so as long as they're high enough level and strong enough they'll defend your base from the Raiders which is fantastic it's exactly what you want um but you know you still could come back to a flat plattin base if you don't log off first if you log off then the Raiders do not come to your base so kind of getting into the weeds of the game a little bit it is not without its issues the game is riddled with bugs it's got a ton of things that you just wish they had done better some of the prioritization just doesn't work the pathing for your pals is abysmal it's really bad uh if you don't build your base on a nice flat surface every time you log off and log back on it's pretty much guaranteed all of your pals are going to be starving they're going to have broken legs they're going to be depressed they're pretty much going to be hanging out in the corner wishing for the sweet release of death until you actually manually swap them out put in new Pals and let them rest in the pal box but the developer is aware of most of these issues they've actually come out and made statements saying that first of all they were not expecting this kind of turnout for their game and second of all that they have a list of things that they're going to be fixing and with the amount of Revenue that they've created off of this game I have complete faith in these developers that they will fix the game I think it's going to be probably one of the best survival crafting games out there very shortly and I think this game is going to be so successful based on the fact that if you're if you're like me and actually looking at my video statistics most of my viewers are somewhere in the age of 24 to 38 years old and those of us that grew up with the original Pokemon games on the Game Boy I mean this is this is kind of what we have been waiting for Nintendo to do since those games and they just haven't done it they've really just reskinned and upgraded their Sprites and Graphics ever so slightly from each each iteration of Pokémon game that they come out with they really haven't done anything Innovative like this and this is what we've been waiting for the millennial generation I think is going to hop all over this I mean I know I have um and I've got about 20 hours into it right now at the time of recording and I I mean there's there's so much more for me to do I haven't caught all of the pals I believe there's 111 right now I haven't explored all the islands there's a ton of things left for me to do and this game is still early access I'd jump on this one um if you're watching this video and you've gotten this far and you're even a little bit curious check this one out I I really can't recommend it enough um I know $30 is a little bit Steep and it's probably one of the more expensive games that I review but it really is good if you have a few friends that you're going to play it with get a dedicated server you're going to have a lot of fun come into this one with an open mind and expecting some bugs the hype really is I guess real on this one I mean the internet has kind of blown up over po world but again this is what the millennial generation has been waiting for and this game proves it I think so jump on the bandwagon collect all the pals bring them back to your base and force them to do your bidding the mainstream gaming media for once has not lied to you and the mainstream gaming media such as IGN has actually recommended a decent game from a tiny developer and I am shocked so I guess welcome to 2024 where anything can happen I would really appreciate a thumbs up on this video uh if you want to see more subscribe I would really appreciate that and leave me a comment I really like the comments thank you so much have a great rest of your [Music] day
Channel: Dad
Views: 310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Review, Palworld Gameplay, Pals, Pokemon Survival
Id: V5EG5sn2eIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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