Cyberpunk 2077: CD PROJEKT are all Liars

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The fanboys and apologists will either ignore this video with cold, hard facts or call it an "opinion".

"I am having fun!"

Low standards and cope are ruining this industry.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/katsaroulhs 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Glad he mentioned about the 3 Chase scenes you get throughout the story that ALL end the same way. Doesn't matter how much you hit or miss your shots, you can't fail them. Maybe they thought it would be too difficult for their fanbase to manage.

IIRC in FC4 the opening chase (same with FC5) you can die when your shooting as a passenger and thought it would be the same case here.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/proudwillowspammer 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

You should post this in the main cyberpunk sub

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

He makes many very good points, but I had to stop paying attention and taking him seriously when he got to his actual "The Lies" section. From there all he did was refer to a post on Reddit and then claim The Witcher 3 promised flying cars somehow...

The Whistle critique was almost enough, but the TW3/Flying cars put it over the edge for me.

This video I did fins more entertaining than a lot of the others of this sort.

Cheers Chooms.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Draedark 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
to start i need you all to understand that i love the work that cd projekt red has done in the past i know i haven't talked about them much on this channel but i also haven't talked much about eating breathing or when i wake up before my alarm and realize i can still sleep in for an hour and i love all of those things a lot too yeah witcher 3 is probably the best open world rpg of the last generation so it's no surprise that i like probably many of you were as excited as cats with laser pointers over the last eight years to experience their next game what i mean to say is that i'm not going into this video with the sole intention of just pooping all over cd projekt's new shiny nike shoes because everybody else is but rather i'm going into it as someone who just invested 50 hours of their life into cyberpunk 2077 and is pretty disappointed by it i want to do my best today to show you the brain of cyberpunk how the game works or to be more accurate how the game tricks you into thinking that it works because uh cyberpunk 27 7 is the equivalent of when your mom would give you a week to clean your room and you'd wait to the last day and just scoop everything into the closet and slam the door before it all falls back out again i'm also going to present multiple examples of how many times cd projekt red lied and misled us leading up to the release of the game it's going to be a lot so i've broken the video down into several sections some people might assume that i'm only going to focus on this one right here the glitches and the bugs and while those do take up a big chunk of this video and also a big chunk of the game cyberpunk has much larger issues that can't just be fixed or patched out over time in fact i really do wish the game didn't release with all these bugs because they're overshadowing how bad the core game actually is [Music] the open world of cyberpunk has flatline if it ever had a heartbeat and shooting it in the face isn't gonna bring it back to life but yeah let me try i figured this was the best place to start because a main selling point to this open world rpg was well the open world i hate to say it but even as recently as june cd projekt red was still boasting that their world nai would be a next-gen experience like npcs having unique daily routines to me that sounds like if i followed uh valentin over here or the valentine twins i guess it sounds like if i followed them around for an entire day i'd see them wake up in the morning leave their apartment head to the local vendor to grab a coffee maybe go into work whatever couple of t-shirtless twins would do in a day not an unrealistic expectation red dead redemption 2's npcs had daily routines and that was a last gen game now whether you're playing on pc with a full bustling city or on a playstation 4 with just enough npcs to squad fortnite with one thing is very clear immediately they're all brain dead none of these people have a brain just mindless randomly spawned characters shuffling around and dragging their feet with no purpose in life and the moment you turn your back on them they just disappear from the game you see this crowd want to see my next trick what i realized in my too many hours in playing cyberpunk is that this game is holding on by a thread it's doing everything it can to stop itself from overloading and crashing and for playstation 4 players they've seen this blue screen more times in a week than they've checked their phone to see if it's safe to go outside again it isn't okay let's follow this npc right here see what he does see where he goes all he did was loop around the block three times stopping at three separate vending machines to get a snack yeah every now and then he would like line up at a crosswalk like he's about to leave the area and then oh i'll change my mind gotta hit another vending machine two things are very clear here one he needs to cut back on his sugar intake two he's clearly not going about a daily routine i mean who am i to judge i guess maybe that's his way of burning off all the sugar i'm not saying that every single character needs a daily routine from when they wake up in the morning to when they go to bed no i'm i am not saying that the cd projekt red kind of did the city streets are bustling with crowds of people from all facets of life all living their lives within a full day and night sight here's what i think might have happened they promised massive crowds of people as well as smart npcs they couldn't figure out both or clearly either so instead they took the same character animations and ai from witcher 3 and just slapped as many as they could on the screen removing them when you turn your back so they can put more in front of you hang on a sec that's part of your trick right no it's my illusion and not even a good illusion because more often than not you'll see them just into the game in front of you that's all there is to the lifeless population in cyberpunk they're all just one brain cell above changing the genre to a zombie game forget about them being able to drive cute little vespa scooters around the sidewalk either like in the promotional material the only other thing they're programmed to do is duck when you aim a gun at them they won't fight back they barely react they won't even drive away who knows maybe this is unreleased footage of cd projekt red when they finally release the game just carrying and waiting funny enough it's also not unlike witcher 3. i don't know how you can claim that this is going to be next gen when you know you haven't changed anything from a game you released 5 years ago if we even take a look at gta 5 and there's so many comparisons of this online but how people and crowds react to your actions yeah i mean we all know that this is a video game but it's their responses that make it feel real this is just one of many examples i have of cyberpunk being a pretty display piece full of porcupies from its world to its gameplay and its story it's not even the fact that cd projekt red promised gen ai day and night routines and then didn't deliver it's that this is just basic game design that was figured out years ago you know the reason why they can't drive away when you threaten them it's because they literally can't the ai is only programmed to go down its specific lane it can't change lanes it can't turn around it can't reverse that's why when it gets stuck in a spot it can't go anywhere it's like a whole bunch of cars full of lemmings from that one video game lemmings and this is where more tricks or illusions come into the actual game design too many cars piling up and not able to fix themselves or cars not knowing how to drive on the streets is a problem so rather than programming them to be smarter they program them to just disappear actually with the cars the game doesn't even seem to care if you're looking or not it's a free-for-all out there on the highway cars are just popping in left and right what's the issue with that you might be wondering i don't know who would be wondering that but it does present a couple of other problems too things that we're used to having in games like this that can't happen because no one can drive if you want to escape the police once you've caught some ruckus around town just drive down a block like 15 year old me wanting to go watch the ringer but hating the bus they'll just give up on the idea also uh that scene from the gameplay reveal trailer where a van pulled up on the car and started yeah that can't happen it doesn't happen and it can't it literally can't happen because nobody can drive there is three in the main story car chases they are all pre-scripted car chases they're not thinking for themselves they're following a set pad in fact whether you pump 10 or 100 shots into these guys they can't die until they're supposed to this bike will always die right here and these cars will always die right here all of this is another example of illusion of choice in cyberpunk but it's also all another lie the thing that blows my mind is that driver on playstation 1 simulated more realistic and stable traffic than cyberpunk shall we talk about the uh the police i know we already touched on their lack of motor vehicle skills but let's say you run down someone in the streets of night city do you think that it's a like gta 5 where the cops are called it takes a while for them to get there or do you think it's b where if someone sees you do a crime you can quickly hog tie them up throw them on the train tracks and teach them a lesson for snitching cowboy style that's right it's c they pop out out of nowhere instantly this is the same game that promised realistic day and night cycles and their way of handling the police is to have them immediately start appearing in your area like hot singles how is this okay by anyone's standards i don't even know what to say even in driver the cops would chase you that is the second time i've referenced driver in this is driver a better game than cyberpunk there's a whole laundry list of games from driver all the way to watchdog legions that have done everything in an open world better and more competently than this next-gen version but night city is a big place i mean look look at all look at all this right surely there's a lot more to do no there's clothes weapons foods medics junk shops ripper docks and net runners and bars which are the same as food all of these amount to the same exact experience where you walk up you tell them you want to buy and then it pauses the game brings up a menu and you pick what you want no conversations no specialized items or products depending on what kind of store you go to no interactivity with the actual product itself just pictures and words it's just pictures and words let's pause shall we and take a look at a game called red dead redemption 2 where you could walk into the store and browse the physical items that the store is selling you can just pick something out and buy it that to me felt like a real experience breezing in the town and grabbing a couple of apples for the road while you're walking around the store the shop keeps making idle chitchat with you about how he has gout or something and it's the 1800s so there's no cure for that yet and how much that probably sucks if you wanted a more extensive look at everything the store was selling you could browse the catalog which was fully animated and all happened within the game world this to me is a next-gen shopping experience this is the exact same way we've been doing it in video games since link's adventure 2 on the nes i remember being amazed the first time i walked into a store and held up a shopkeep at gunpoint because i'm an unstable human being i mean in cyberpunk this is serviceable which again would be fine if we weren't promised the a next-gen experience but also these storefronts are the only neutral experience that we have in the world there's no mini-games no side activities no space bowling or future tennis i don't know not my job to come up with something to do in this world so the fact that all there is are the storefronts why aren't they more detailed why can't i walk up to a hot dog vendor and buy specifically a hot dog why can't i go into a clothes store and try on a jacket before i buy it probably because i need a reflection fun fact you're a vampire in this game despite the fact that we were shown an animated v in the gameplay reveal trailer two years ago what is the point tell me please what what is the point in going through all this trouble to create my character even down to my pp size if i never actually get to see it in the game ah no well not just the p the whole thing the only time you can is when you approach a specific mirror and opt into seeing yourself and even then for some reason the game bugged and glitched and made me bold i was always bold in the why was i always bold it's like my biggest it's actually my biggest nightmare i thought the game was messing with my mind i'll tell you what was the point in picking all of that because it was initially planned that you would see your character in cutscenes because why wouldn't you but somewhere along the line for time or costs that whole aspect was cut because it is one of the easiest things to cut you know or just do it first person but it's a real shame because uh there's a lot of cool outfits and hats that i never got to see the biggest disappointment with the store aspect has to be the ripperdox cyberpunk is a world where technology is used to improve human life by replacing body parts with core upgrades like hacker vision or blade arms and it seemed like we'd be able to visit these ripper docks and watch as our bodies are transformed into souped-up killing machines but as it turns out that was only ever animated one time for the start of the game and yeah it was really cool but then it never happens again no matter what ripper dock you visit in the game it brings up the same menu with the same upgrades you pick whatever you want you back out of the menu you see the money leave your account and boom bam thank you ma'am enjoy your new lungs i have not been this disappointed since baby geniuses 2 and that is the worst joke i read in the script right right in a next-gen game set in the future we have some of the most outdated ui ai and gameplay i have seen for years oh uh i i forgot i forgot joy toys that's a thing i'm not look i'm not gonna get into it with you weirdos but in this whole wide city of gang scum and depravity there's only four set joy toys that you can go to and make whoopee with sims 4 style and it's so basic too you just walk up to them you select i want to have special no-no touches please and then it does a cut scene where it takes you to the same animated in the same room every time don't ask me how i know it's the same every time but it is you get thrown back out into the world it's just a cutscene with no meaning or relevance to the game at all what happened to bringing npcs back to your apartment you remember cue the clip cyberpunk is a mature visceral experience and as such it will let you explore a variety of different interactions with the game world and as you just saw its people explore a variety of different actions with people in the game world yeah no you can't do that you can't even hold a conversation with any of these spaced out clones let alone go to pound town with them not that i would want to since they all have the personality of a large grape v's current apartment is located inside a mega building these current apartment doesn't that seem to imply that there would be more than oh i don't know one it must have been planned to have several locations around the world that you could purchase and move into and upgrade your abode that it makes sense it would have been great this entire trailer we're gonna keep referencing it because it's full of so many cut ideas and false promises like they make this entire starting complex seem like an in-depth ecosystem for v to explore meet characters and purchase things a huge building complex that forms a micro society of its own you can see in the elevator that they plan to have multiple floors rather than the two that you are given the one for your floor and the exit to get the heck out of this hellhole i mean i spent a total of about 10 minutes in my apartment there was no reason to ever go back it's not like there was a fancy weather tracking message reading gadget on my window or anything oh getting old while there's nothing else in the form of entertainment to do in night city there is one more thing you can interact with and that's bad guys night city is supposed to be drowning in crime with neighborhoods so dangerous the game's promotional material recommends you don't walk around them but rather dry ongoing gang wars plague this part of the city outsiders don't come here if they don't have to taking a casual stroll here would not be a good idea a fast motorbike or armor-plated car would be the safer option i didn't realize while playing the game that this neighborhood right here was the bad neighborhood they were telling me about my oh my look at him so handsome all right what's up i haven't seen a neighborhood this safe since mr rogers there is no danger to be found in the world unless you intentionally walk into one of these very specific locations where enemies let's say exist whatever you want to call the enemies are always here no matter what even if you kill them you can come back again later and kill them again but they will be right here like clockwork enemies won't just spawn or appear outside of where they are supposed to because they're all too dumb dumb brain for that so don't be expecting to just be driving around the world and then get jumped by a rival gang i mean what even gave you that little silly idea random encounters like these are an example of how your actions directly influence your open world experience oh nothing is random not even close your experience of the open world in cyberpunk is the exact same mundane thrill ride as everybody else's you want an example i'll give you an example cause i got many you see this shootout i stumbled upon this early in my gameplay side note i also discovered during this shootout that uh if an enemy is focused on a cop you can do whatever you want shoot him you can shoot his buddies heck you can even stealth them from behind while shooting them like it does it doesn't they they're only able to focus on one thing well we'll get to enemy ai later in the video it's just that i was showing you this now and i figured you might have some questions about this kerfuffle i killed them all easily because i'm poggers they didn't seem to mind neither did the cop the cop didn't even mind that i eluded his dead partner in front of him that's another thing this game can't register or acknowledge at all by the way looting just like non-lethal killing in this game doesn't matter anyway bang bang they're all dead i left this area and i thought nothing of it until i happened to drive past this area hours and hours later in my game and presumably like many in-game days later the cop was still standing there and the body was there too i thought this was weird so i put a waypoint on this part of the map and over my 50 hours of gameplay i revisited his six times every single time the cop was still there sometimes the enemies would respawn and i'd get to kill him again one other time i bought my friend wangbo to see and he was very confused as well more on wengbo in the wengbo section of this video but my point is this moment was just stuck in time this poor cop never gets to go home and see his wife unless oh oh no this whole area and repeating itself same thing for all the other random locations in the game and that's the world it's it's honestly it's baffling because cd projekt must have known that anyone that puts in more than a few hours would start to notice these things the world isn't the only shallow aspect that left me wanting more the same can be said for the gameplay in almost every aspect there's a class-based system that essentially boils down to where do you want to start your game after the intro the only difference will be some extra dialogue options here or there throughout the conversations and those do nothing i'm not sure if it was originally planned to have these dialogue choices actually influence the story and have it take different directions or if from the start it was always intended to just give the player another illusion of choice breakdowns have shown that 98 of dialogue choices have no impact on the story whatsoever i brought receipts take this conversation with hanukkah for example she wants to meet me somewhere all fancy corporal upper class and me being a kid a rough and tough kid from the streets i can easily see how that would be a bad news bear situation for me so i say why don't we meet somewhere more public you know maybe somewhere like where we met takamura at the start of the game that little noodle shot but i don't even get to finish my sentence before she shuts me down the conversation ends the same way it always was going to this is also the case for any extra dialogue options unlocked by leveling up your character traits they are pointless and they do not affect the game in any way they're usually just something extra you can say even if there was xp given just some generic xp for trying out these options for unlock nothing it changes and does nothing so trying to unlock these dialogue options is just a waste of skill points in witcher 3 even during just random side missions i'd find myself bringing out my phone multiple times and googling different outcomes to the scenario because i'm a dirty rotten cheat but also i wanted to make sure i was getting the best possible outcome from all the numerous branching pads that single side story had if at any point my gameplay was influenced by my dialogue choices in cyberpunk i wasn't made aware of it and i didn't notice any difference and by looking at all the other gameplay walkthroughs online that people have done i don't see any difference between my game and theirs it seems to me like nothing in the main story really matters up until you see these chairs then you're given a few different options and depending on which one you pick you'll be granted that ending let's talk about what it takes to get to these chairs i did math so it's probably wrong unsurprisingly what my super accurate and in no way miscalculated math breakdown showed me was that in my 13 to 15 hour main story playthrough there were 13 stealth or action depending on how you want to play them sequences totaling a rough count of about two and a half hours of gameplay then there are three brain dance sequences three pre-scripted car chases and one part where you mess around with cameras for a little bit all up this totaled about three hours of doing and about 10 hours of hurry up and wait buy my very rough math that's about 80 percent of the game you will spend doing this i just don't know much in other words you hardly know each other here's the thing though this in itself it's fine that is fine but 80 this is not great in a game that's supposed to have deep rpg mechanics because these action sequences were too short and far between for me to bother investing any time looking over the upgrade screen it also doesn't help that almost every upgrade in the game boils down to percentage increases on various stats why am i gonna bother investing a whole skill point and getting five percent more crit damage when i could pick up this gun which has 95 crit damage in itself the game play in the skill tree isn't balanced very well and it makes a lot of the upgrades redundant my point is having a game being mostly sitting and talking to other characters isn't a bad thing in itself but once you add in an already flawed and somewhat unnecessary skill based system that has no use for eighty percent of the game and there are easier workarounds to the other twenty percent of the game your game becomes less of an rpg and more of a telltale cyberpunk 2077. also let me move around the room during these parts wait i got so sick of all of my dialogue options being tied to sit and stand how about walk and stretch get some blood flow going i rushed over the skill tree to get to my point with the story but let's take a closer look at it why are there no core abilities to unlock if i understood percentages i'd be much better at tipping i'm not even talking about double jumping or blade arms you can buy those at the last gen ripper dock they cost an arm and a leg or rather two arms and two legs but like here's an upgrade for human shields taking 20 more damage you can't even do that the only time you can grab an enemy is while you're in stealth you can't do it mid-fight so what are you supposed to do grab him and then yell over here boys to trigger a fight you can't pull a gun there's no way of shooting while holding a human shield so why would you do that even though the picture is that that's the picture you can't do that rather than give you a 20 increase for something you can't do maybe make that the ability to actually do it just a thought my guess is that this was a leftover icon from when you were able to do that or maybe even when this was the option to unlock that ability to back this up with actual evidence we can again look at that same gameplay reveal trailer i keep referencing look at this really awesome stealth kill that you can't do in the game look at the super strength that you can't do in the game now look at this wall running shoving the blaze into the wall taking a second turning off that guy's gun so he can't shoot when you jump down and slice assassinate this guy like that how i want to play that game that game looks fun let's go all the way back eight years ago to the first time this game was ever revealed with this trailer i loved this trailer 22 year old me put this thing on repeat the big reveal of the trailer was this innocent sweet looking girl having these awesome blade arms a big focus of this game has always been the body manipulation and the call abilities that would go with it but somewhere along the line the focus seems to have shifted on these quick hacks probably because they were easier to develop i bet i guarantee that the game was supposed to be filled with all these cool upgrades and unlockable abilities but instead somewhere along the line they all got replaced with simple stat increases and this icon is a remnant of what could have been but you can unlock the ability to whistle i'm not kidding why do i need to unlock something that 90 of humans can do by default now what i would like to be able to unlock is that that weird thing that people do with their tongue like it like ripples i can't do that like i'd rather that than whistling lethal and non-lethal killing early in the game i was trying a non-lethal approach to my playthrough as you are given the option to kill or to let enemies live i'm here to tell you uh there there's no difference for the main missions the side missions the random things it's all the same it's the same payout it's the same dialogue it's the same story it's all the same it doesn't matter the game and its characters won't acknowledge whatever path you choose to take i've fully stealth missions non-lethally just to have characters tell me how much they loved killing everyone i've shotgun blasted targets in the face 15 times just to get a text message that says thanks for keeping them alive it doesn't matter there's no difference i knocked him out but he's still bleeding what i pumped like a hundred shotgun rounds into him i guess he is alive but like i definitely didn't go the non-lethal route turns out no matter how you kill a target you still get the chance to kill him or not so what's the point in lethal and non-lethal weapons i really don't understand this why even include the option or at the very least why not give extra xp or eddies for keeping targets alive since it's harder to do it that way there's only one way to stealth an enemy after all well i mean other than throwing them in a very loud bin [Music] i didn't up that sound at all how does nobody hear that i do want to say that during my first 10 to 15 hours playing this game i was enjoying it for what it was if you watch my twitch streams you can see that i was having a good time i wasn't looking for faults or a reason to not like the game i mean sure there were many times i was confused as to why things were happening the way they were hello [Laughter] what is happening okay now they've seen me because early on i thought this was just a funny bug that was happening to me at the moment but the more i played the more i realized that that's just the game that's just how the ai acts i was still naive enough to see the game the way cd projekt was hoping i would see it it's just that the more i played the more glaring these issues became and i just couldn't ignore them anymore i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm in a wall i'm not supposed to be in this wall all right when was the last save i guess [Music] it's bad [Music] okay all right i won't just leave it at that the audio is it's it's really bad it's so bad that early on i started messing with my speakers and then looking up gameplay online to make sure it wasn't just me it's not even subjective it's really bad audio design it's rushed incomplete let's just take a look and listen at this clip right here i'll be in the car i can't wait too long though you'll wait as long as you need to where the hell is rogue sit stay let's review there's no sound whatsoever leading up to thompson's first line nothing of johnny driving no skid sounds nothing when he hits the kirby goes over then there's no car door handle sound or car opening sound then we hard cut to the club and the rave music is muffled and johnny is talking unusually calm at a low register considering that you know he's he's in a club johnny asked the guy a question but he doesn't even give him a chance to reply almost like they didn't want to record a voice line for him so he grapples him and there's no sound in the grapple also didn't seem to want to animate the grapple to the ground so instead it hard cuts to the ground i don't know why that'd be hard to animate johnny tells him to sit and stay kind of a weird thing to say to a human that's it not a single sound effect for anything that just happened also from a storytelling side of things this didn't even make sense why did he grab this random guy yell at him not give him a chance to reply throw him to the ground and then just walk off no one else saw it or seemed to care and then he just went and found rogue peacefully just to screw this guy in particular i guess moments like these it's just so clear to me how under pressure the team was to get this game out [Music] we've already touched on a lot but there's more you can find just by googling or there's a whole mega thread on reddit of everything that was in that reveal trailer that ended up getting dropped and i'm sure that all of these things were planned at some point rumor has it that full-scale development on this game didn't even begin until 2016 and four years is not enough time to bring the vision that cd projekt had to life even red dead redemption took eight years and that was rockstar that has decades of open world experience under their belt and it makes me wonder if these are all the things we know were cut out of the game what was cut that we don't know about when i think of the future i i think flying cars and almost every other open world game i've played gives you helicopters planes to mess around with did cyberpunk choose to ignore this element completely or would it have just been impossible i mean the game can't handle crowds when you're up close and don't get me started on whatever this is the one time you do fly above the city is a flashback mission with johnny and even then the game glitches out what would happen if you gave the player full control in witcher 3. there's an easter egg where siri describes a trip she took to the future she's actually describing cyberpunk uh cd project's next game she specifies a few things about the future one that people have metal in their heads and that they wage war from a distance using a scope both those things are present within the game the only other thing she mentions is that everyone in the future has their own personal flying ship that's all she says very few specific things that cd projekt had planned for the game and one of those things i think was cut cd projekt bit off more than they could chew but i want to make it clear that i know there were hundreds of devs that poured their heart and soul into this game having to deal with deadlines crunch and terrible mismanagement from higher up i would love to know what actually happened with this game because it couldn't have been money they had all the money they could possibly need i'm sure so why why does it feel so rushed if anyone that worked on the game wants to hit me up and have a conversation or maybe even do a tell-all i am all ears call me george because oh boy i'm curious is it lying if their plans just changed this much since then no i don't think so but is it lying to change the plans this much not tell us and then take up pre-orders anyway and then sell us the game yes [Music] violence and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else [Music] [Applause] and the moment that i'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for i don't even know where to begin people are quick to defend the glitches and bugs in cyberpunk as people wanting the game out right away with no more delays but then also complaining when the game is glitchy and buggy i don't think that flies at all here because it's too much it's too ridiculous to be okay from game breaking bugs to constant overbearing glitches these would all be enough to ruin the experience of cyberpunk even if it was otherwise a perfect masterpiece everything can and will glitch throughout my gameplay i managed to record hundreds of visual audio and game breaking glitches i was not intentionally looking for them i was not trying to cause them they were just relentless and always there also don't get lazy game design confused with glitches the crowd disappearing the cars disappearing nah those aren't glitches those aren't bugs believe it or not that is the actual game design by glitches i mean glitches and i can't talk about these glitches without first talking about my favorite one of all wangbo [Music] ah wangbo wangbo who was much hidden by the gameplay reveal trailers and marketing is the other friend of v that joins you on your adventure throughout night city once meeting him about halfway through the game he'll then become your trusted sidekick joining you on every mission from then on out to the end of the game he doesn't say anything he wants for nothing he's just a shoulder to lean on at a time of need that's my friend wangbo and for those of you that have finished the game and you are very confused who this is this is wangbo show some respect about halfway through my game i happened upon this npc character for whatever reason the game decided that he would follow me now forever missions where i had to come alone wangbo intense shootouts where i had to kill hundreds of men you better believe wangbo was there every time i thought maybe maybe i had lost wengbo he would just appear back out of nowhere i'm not sure what caused the game to do this but it was kim and myself's favorite thing about playing the game at some point while playing i got a call to say that i'd failed a mission and let wengbo die so i guess there was a mission but wangbo was right next to me so thankfully i got to keep my beloved wengbo for the rest of the game disappearing bodies random things characters are holding just freaking out the game kept making me naked several times while playing i happened to look down and realize that i'd become naked at some point and the game had smoothed me over like a barbie doll i guess the real question is where did the game put my but for all the glitches i enjoyed my least favorite was at some point this black bar just appeared and would not go away it was there through the rest of my game you know i was really trying to forget that i was playing a video game but nothing throws you out the experience more than a new glitch every two seconds and one that just won't go away oh no not you wang bo i love you there are so many glitches that it goes beyond happy little accidents especially when you look online and you see all these players having the same glitches as you like this epic crash right here i thought this was just some hilarious thing that happened to me in the moment but when i was looking up other glitches online i saw several people have cars flip and fly around in this exact spot of the game another one during the opening cut scenes for the game where jackie's gun asset and the chip in his head i guess got confused and replaced and his gun just all of these things the chances of all of them happening twice or multiple times to different people are so slim these are all bugs in the actual game that have a high chance of happening and yet nobody caught it during development or play testing what happened with this game i don't know but another thing i do know is that this car is embedded in this tree permanently in my game i mean that i can go and visit it right now and it'll still be there so will those two crashed cars this whole scene is just it's a glitch that just is there now i've never seen that before the worst are the game breaking glitches i had quite a few like this one after this car chase scene i pulled up and waited waited and waited and nothing was happening so i figured i should probably reset and i did and of course next time it worked perfectly the first try but i was naked i'm not exaggerating when i say by the end of my game there were so many glitches on glitches on glitches that my entire game world was starting to fall apart at this point in the game i couldn't tell what was a bug a glitch or just part of the game i started to reflect on my adventure throughout cyberpunk all the wasted potential all the pointless dialogue options that one time i had sex with pan am and my entire twitch chat had to watch uh chat oh god chat oh god it was awkward the end of my game was very unsatisfying because even though i'd completed a ton of side missions the game failed to acknowledge one of the main friendships i had made which was very disappointing for me and while they sat there talking yes spoiler at the end of the game is more sitting and talking i began to wonder if i'd actually gotten the bad ending so i pulled out my phone to check and it turned out that i actually had what some consider to be the best ending so i decided to just sit back and let it play out i saw one of my final glitches the clouds must have got confused with the wind or something those clouds are going very fast i then hit the end credits and you receive these messages from the characters you meet and um some of them were mad at me for things i didn't do so i think again something weird happened with the game that thought i had played differently than i did the ps4 and xbox version of the game should have been dropped completely but the entire game as a whole felt rushed shallow and unfinished to summarize my experience with cyberpunk was the turd wrapped in crate paper cyberpunk is all one giant performance piece this soulless and not very cyberpunk game fueled by greed is in itself the critique of capitalism the real dystopia was us all along brilliant 10 out of 10. [Music] [Applause] just a jacket bouncing van t pose coffee hands money back guaranteed this car in a tree diarrhea whose idea ps2 [Music] knowing both doors are wrong floating trash and they're gone well then i apologize i can kind of see your eyes half of sail that supreme someone needs a new spleen mpx truck legs got no eggs all wrong cd projects are all liars and yes i'm stitching since my world keeps glitching city project our elias hopes it just quoted guess we must report it i don't got a sunroof well that's a big goof hey that fella shouldn't be that shiny and chrome fairy car flying car surprise car camera stuck in place sliding me funeral home oh he's fine but why judy are you calling me poltergeist jesus christ accidental amputee bouncy boop needs low no guitar shuttle door no social distancing cd projekt and yes i'm snitching since my world keeps glitching cd project r olias books are just a quote and yes we must promote it multiply unclad drugs are bad wet for chopsticks what door that's an ass unfair match just a scratch guess it wasn't his time don't touch that radio well told you there you go chris hanson take a seat didn't need the whole thing round and round in the ground not a sound which i found another liar thing's on fire not a wire i'd retire float above big shelf like a glove oh cd projekt daryl lions and yes i'm stitching since my world keeps clearing cd projekt our elias hopes it just loaded yes we must reload it was this game worth it does that answer your question and yes i'm stitching since my world keeps glitching cd projekt r elias looks at justin and yes [Music] and yes i'm snatching since my world keeps glitching see the project are all liars like a marathon it will still switch on and on and on and on and on and on and on [Music] and yes i'm stitching since my world keeps glitching cd projekt r elias looks at justin quoted yes we must reload it cd projekt daryl and yes
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 1,578,717
Rating: 4.7774324 out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077, cd projekt red, cyberpunk, cd projekt, cyber punk, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, cyberpunk 2077 glitches, cyberpunk 2077 issues, cyberpunk song, cyberpunk lies, cyberpunk 2077 review, cyberpunk funny moments, beatemups, beatemups cyberpunk, is cyberpunk worth it, cyberpunk 2077 honest review, what happened to cyberpunk 2077, problems with cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 disappointment, cyberpunk 2077 disaster
Id: _CymqHdNYkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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