DOOM Eternal Angry Review

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hey guys this video is sponsored by G fuel thanks to them for this tumbler and the spicy demon aid flavour G fuel spicy stay tuned to the end of the video where we have an exclusive parody check it out whoa where you're filming you can't go over there your honor so are you [ __ ] him here with you don't it's you when you're going aren't you all sorts of [ __ ] up [ __ ] to you man I've seen a punch dudes in a red goo Amy parts another guy so hard enough his hand into his chest cavity and he's gonna fit back there cutlery and he's slicing people up with [Music] [Music] he gets off on he's not just for a story [Music] once you hear that don't like someone found a [ __ ] chainsaw yeah so let's maybe the first thing to do in failure that thing Oh Wow wowie I just finished doom eternal and holy [ __ ] that was intense you had way too which one is this June 2016 was already a masterpiece in my opinion a really good game there's one of my shortest reviews I was like nine out of ten oh I'm biased god I love the double shotgun it's the [ __ ] bear this is like a ballet of destruction it's so [ __ ] good it's simultaneously revitalized duman's a franchise and put other FPS is on notice so I wasn't even sure if they could top it in a sequel but they did so fun that's [ __ ] heart pumping man hey my [ __ ] my [ __ ] friends Jesus holy [ __ ] [ __ ] they did Oh No [Music] come on I got it I got you I got a finisher oh you've got that somehow somehow doom eternal makes doom 2016 look like fisher-price play time and fps [Music] [Music] it's software saves Bethesda at their hour of most desperate need and puts out a legendary [ __ ] game that satisfies doom fans in every way imaginable go out and buy it now everything has been overhauled and improved gameplay progression pacing story mechanics customization the challenge and even [ __ ] multiplayer a bunch of time cancers Lou talking about clutch baby yeah come via moly undefeated in two straight matches so let's start with the most important thing gameplay one of my criticisms from the first game was the enemy AI it wasn't as smart as x you know but but here they are they are [ __ ] relentless now I played on ultraviolence I challenged myself and it felt so [ __ ] good but they want you dead at all times and holy this game is so much more brutal compared to the first it's difficult to put into words so let me just show you what it did to me this is my reaction to dying in the final boss battle after hours of intense fighting till 4:00 in the [ __ ] morning oh wait one hurting okay okay but I can't see yes doom eternal broke me it's broken reach oh it breaks you know what just I just took my eye off the screen for one [ __ ] second I was just looking at this room I was just no it breaks you in all the right ways because as much as it breaks you it also builds you up I could literally not stop playing it makes you feel like a god when you finally overcome and to me turtle starts off you off right shotgun blasting demons right away none of this useless baby pistol [ __ ] in the other game that pistol was never any fun anyway and it sucked when you got stuck with it and without a mo here the all it's only the good weapons brother add in the new shoulder-mounted rocket launcher for utility and Splash Damage or freeze grenades for a much needed momentary breather and a [ __ ] flamethrower that sits enemies on fire that never gets old but has purpose in churning out armored pickups as the demons slowly burn flaming hey we got a bunch of this we don't want to step into all of it combine that with you always stay on a move gameplay from 2016 the chainsawing the enemy's desperate for a motor I have to the glory kills for health and invincibility frames and a multitude of new ways to traverse the levels through dashing double jumping and even [ __ ] monkey bars and you've got yourself the ingredients for a new symphony of destruction it's sure sure it is a lot to keep track of at times wait I'm hurting bad I'm hurting bad I don't I don't know I don't know where it where I'm freaking out a little bit where oh no not a big boy a big boy [Laughter] [Laughter] but my god it is a beauty to behold when you can get in a groove and you're pressing all of the [ __ ] buttons and you're switching and you're doing it using the right weapons it makes game play and doom 2016 look like you're moving in molasses by comparison this is this is really cool guys and now nearly every weapon in the game has not one but two real alternative fire modes that's in addition to the normal fire function so sticky grenades for the shotgun or a rapid fire Gatling shotgun micro missiles or a sniper rifle for the machine gun a shield or a [ __ ] mobile turret for the chain gun unlocking these and discovering which is your favorite is half the reason to continue to rip and tear rip and tear for this one yet I think y'all got the further know even better is how the game wants and encourages you to find the right tool for the job each time a new demon is introduced to the game it makes a point to show you its weak spot and best strategies for defeating them does that make it easy oh hell no like those damn annoying Iraq and the Tron's they could be shut up by sniping off their head Mountain energy weapon [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you got it guys one shot one kill ops only 360 no-scope the [ __ ] got demons as I like to call them only take one hit if you land a sticky grenade in their [ __ ] mouth the one in his mouth and for the love of God keep moving away from the hell nights is there no one else Oh flame on and then there's the Marauders who weaknesses are nothing the news so [ __ ] fat suit you with a shotgun it close right but to get that hit to adapt and walk rate wow by all the damage brought attempter [ __ ] coward they're [ __ ] kill them okay okay you're right they block every game and there's the cheap-ass dog okay I can I can pack it defeat them Oh [Music] holy Sh hi guys that that guy epinet Lemoore balista les super shoddy alright I can't tell you how much fun all this is because they literally throw everything at you in the kitchen sink it gets insane with so many more enemy types and variation it is head spinning and all this with the badass soundtrack of mech Gordon who once again delivers the heart and soul of the game and some of the most face shredding blood pumping tracks none of this would work quite as well without its now iconic music it is [ __ ] perfect the game pacing to and progression are nearly as good as well you might think that my god it can't get any crazier than this at like level 3 but you poor poor ignorant innocent soul it can and it will thankfully the game does just as good of a job as beefing up and empowering the doom Slayer as enemies get harder and more powerful each weapon has a mastery unlock that is obtained through challenges or later mastery coins for free your suit itself has Sentinel crystals that buff armor held an ammo capacity with even further upgrades when both sides of a path are unlocked there are pray tour tokens all throughout the level that are basically currency that spends into a wheel of like 20 different upgrades there are three rune slots with nine different routes to choose from and each of these can vastly change how you play the game how you approach combat how you navigate the demons by 3/4 of the way through the game you will have a lot nearly all of these it's the order though that you unlock them in that way that you play whatever feels most natural for you that determines you know how you're doing guy is and it makes you feel as if you're building your own demon slaying god this is excess in a good way and next as if hearing a lot of direct feedback from players doom eternal does a lot when it comes to its story department it improves so much this game expands and deepens it's fascinating lore it answers all of the questions from doom 2016 satisfyingly not only in a variety of the game's cool locations across half a dozen planets and dimensions but now also in its numerous badass cutscenes and codex collectibles with superb artwork to summarize it's got heaven hell a space warrior Viking warrior race a doom guy and a demonic invasion of Earth and this time it explains how all those things came to be and how they relate to each other and I [ __ ] love it I got a ton of enjoyment reading that [ __ ] each of these entries in-game and getting so much more context for what I was looking at and then many impressive vistas the backgrounds the [ __ ] sky boxes it's beautiful and it all tells a story Jesus they [ __ ] up America no this is Detroit the demons have been in this game I actually wanted to find every collectible actually wanted to 100% every level which is why it took me a little longer for this review but I wanted to explore every secret every little nook and cranny of the game and that was made way more entertaining with some of the new mechanics like platforming with your double jump your double dash dash refills in the middle while your double dash II and that aforementioned monkey bars I just love finding something to you know you know that's locked off and figuring out how to get there in these light puzzle segments it's rewarding especially because you get cool [ __ ] for it be it extra live spray toward token Sentinel crystals the excellent codex entries are even fun stuff like toys of each demon and playable albums with kick-ass covers both of which can be found back at your base of operations this [ __ ] awesome fortress that floats above the earth like the Justice League headquarters more like Justice of raining down justice on demons and justice of the Justice it just proves that this games awesome customization it's up there you're unlocking various skins and suits for doom guy like a gladiator look at one the classical original doom suit or hell even like ridiculous [ __ ] like the duma corn this is so bad it's soaked whenever you stab them you see glitter and the start now before me [ __ ] yes the two mccord unicorn never activate there are some glitter in their eyes yeah glitter you can take a look at all your glorious weapons so far admire your toy collection that there's a fun Easter eggs and books on the shelves you can find Daisy in the levels hell there's even ways to play the original [ __ ] doom and doom 2 in this game three games in one come the [ __ ] on who doesn't think this is [ __ ] amazing and I'm not done there's awesome challenges not only in the weapons and in the daily and weekly tab section but within the game itself with secret challenges via these glowing ominous orbs and then there's the Imperium keys and these Imperium gates normally these are reserved for completionists as they are exercises and masochism but they were so entertaining so ridiculously hard and [ __ ] intense and personally rewarding when you beat them that I had to do them all for grenades if you beat six of them and trust me they get harder and harder you unlock the unmake err weapon that you can't get otherwise it's good old-fashioned video game you remember unlocking [ __ ] there's for free right there are even cheat codes that you can find and unlock for future playthroughs for free you know good old gaming this game has so much of that old customization for [ __ ] free and this clearly to me feels like it's software's influence and not Bethesda how they got their publisher to agree to not excessively monetize all these extras and customization and and cheat codes and all this [ __ ] I'll never know but the gaming world thanks you for it is software and I'm telling you customization like I said has been improved in a game that I never expected it skins weapon skins backgrounds victory poses emotes health even skins and [ __ ] for the demons hell you could be the don't mean all of what I just spoke about wasn't enough I would have just rated it on that alone the game has an excellent focus tailor mode multiplayer section not just a generic deathmatch Call of Duty ripoff [ __ ] like they did last time but something more appropriate for doom 2 demon players attempt to kill the god-like demon slayer by working together to spawn demons set traps engage in limited battle against this powerful avenging psychopath with like six different demons to choose from each with two classes and with a multitude of different attacks and abilities for each it is really overwhelming when you first play it he's looking for me so if he's gonna come after me we better we better wrap all man there's so many things to think about and to do what I should have done there was q-switch down to the defensive ability and executed it with left control what we need to do is cue left control e.q left control ii we can't let this [ __ ] kill us summon a baron of hell during the match somebody be johnny-on-the-spot would let me know but it's a tutorial that you must play it's required for you to get the hang of it but once you do it can be just as intense as any of the campaign missions run Aref ready fire [ __ ] radioactive and he was just gonna open that radioactive to old time then I brought the beam down like he told me to and you showed me how and then I did this and I did that and then he's dead he's [ __ ] dead whoo holy hell that is it that is everyway doom eternal has improved and why you should go out and buy it I really have had no major issues or complaints my playthrough was polished as hell only crashed once when attempting to access doom 2 on doom guy's computer in the fortress but that was fixed and I couldn't duplicate it after a recent patch so can you just go play Doom T right now Oh what just happened it's trying to open up a PDF right now it was a way to crash was me I'm where the [ __ ] away don't even blame me there's a lot of repetition of slaying demons but it's so much fun this time around I thats the point but it's that fun kind of repetition from a game where it is absolutely repetitive for the kind of fun that I want hey what is that I was only slightly disappointed by two things the ending cutscene after such a big fight and a massive fight I wanted to linger more on a satisfying cutscene and you know see I don't know an explosion in the background I don't [ __ ] know just something a little bit more epic than that final final cutscene and then the unmake ER weapon you know with all the work I put into the Imperium keys and how hard each of those six challenges were I wanted the unmake ER to be literally unbalanced like breaking the [ __ ] game like a [ __ ] full-on laser just killing everything but unfortunately it's balanced for demons I mean to be fair to the demons who the [ __ ] here it's basically as powerful arguably less powerful than the BFG which thankfully they give you pretty early on in the game so you see how it kind of makes the unmake ER a little disappointing yeah I was thinking that the young maker would be a little more powerful or a laser base weapon I think it's from doom 64 really other maim from I was tiny bit disappointed with it but cuz I personally like to be of G more but actually in that final boss battle at the very very end of the game it was doing a good amount of damage a little more than I had given it credit for just tearing off the armor pieces but all of these are small little nitpicks and compared to the whole game and that's why the final verdict for Doom eternal is a legendary 10 out of 10 it is [ __ ] badass with a badass seal of approval go out and get this one and remember my 10 out of 10 s they're not perfect games they're legendary games they're games that I would compare other games within this genre within its type 2 this one sets the bar and my god it is worth every bit of money that I spent on it and time that I played even the collector's edition if two hundred dollars was buck worth it that helmet is so [ __ ] cool and it's wearable guys this is one that we need to go out and buy and and how to make sure that in software has success and podesta you better give them whatever the hell they want for their next title their next project because this was good it was damn good alright guys that's it they even have free DLC incoming free modes and two story DLCs expansions that you'll pay for but hopefully and that might maybe add a little bit more story to the beginning figure out where that fortress came from a little bit to the end maybe fix that slightly cutscene disappointing cutscene but otherwise fantastic guys and yeah that's doom eternal I'll see you guys on the next and Grigio [Music] [Music] oh hello Joe I'm so [ __ ] tired I need something to keep me going I need to finish doom I supposed to chief you'll once you try it out I'll give you a boost you need beat that level it's in the kitchen go ahead and try it okay [Music] oh and whatever you do don't try to do one don't tell me what to do [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] what are you doing why are you looking at me like that did you follow that [Music] so oh yeah hey teeth your energy to help you finish ripping and tearing wrap your 20% up coke now with every job do don't even taste like I'll tell you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 2,155,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E5ePjOFnuwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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