Cute Character In Blender 2.83 [ Part 1, Modelling And Rigging]

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hey guys welcome to another tutorial today I'm gonna be showing you how to make this dude over here this little avocado guy so this is my original scene that I made the tutorial it's not gonna look exactly like this but pretty much the same I'm gonna putting this guy in the description below on Gumroad for $2 if you guys want to get it and look at it but pretty much what we have is just this dude with really basic modeling and we also have a rig been deboned rig and this is the rig here I'll quickly show you guys here it is it's really awesome very cartoony so I'm gonna show you guys how to make this and then it's going to be a part 2 where I quickly do a little scene setup once again it's not gonna look exactly like this because it's just a bit different in tutorial but I hope you guys like it and let's get right into it okay so what I'm doing here is I'm starting off by deleting everything my scene I'm going and go to my UV sphere add one of those and enable portion editing select the top vertice pull it up to about here then we're gonna go into a right orthographic view enable our face select mode select all the front faces of our half and then we're gonna hit X and delete those faces go into a front or graphic view go to the edge select here select all of these edges and they're going to go E and then ask to scale them in and then what we're gonna do is just in this able proportional editing that's important skill it in like that and then what we're going to do is add in some loop cuts background control are slide them up by hitting double G and then once again select the edge here and just double G to slide it to bring it out a little bit now we're going to extrude that edge in move it on the Y and then just e to extrude it and bring it back on the Y and then just hit s to scale it in a little bit like that so if those edges still selected what we're going to do is go ctrl F we're going to go down to grid fill then you come down here to this little panel and you're gonna mess around to spin and some of the other sliders here it might be a little bit different for you but just make it so you got even geometry on both sides so those are the values I'm going with then you can go e s extrude it in then you go ctrl R and you can add in a loop cut over here slide it by hitting double G now we're done with that we can come to our face selector we're gonna select all the faces where our little avocado pit is going to be so I'm gonna select a little dese guys here telling them got es to extrude them in then delete those faces by hitting X go to your edge select select all of these edges now we're going to go shift alt s and pull out Mouse and that's going to make them circle grab those guys bring them down like that e to extrude and scale them in and then we're going to hit E extrude them on the Y and that's it for now of that so let's go to our modifiers tab and add a subdivision surface and then we're gonna go to object and able smooth shading with that done what we can do now is go back into edit mode quickly and I'm just going to select these loops here we're gonna go shift s and we go cursor to selected that's gonna protect us from the center there and while we're still in edit mode we're going to go shift a and have it in a UV smooth sphere scale that guy down like that so that's gonna be our other seed and then we'll do is go back to object mode and just enable smooth shading again on that guy okay so here's a finish little avocado of the pit now we're gonna select all of these faces here including to a bar just these guys in the middle and now we can just mess around with the scale so go into solid view and just mess around it to scale just get something you like it can be whatever size you want so I'm gonna go with this add an loop cut by going ctrl R and in double hit double tap G to slide it in just to make that a little bit tighter for the subdivision then we go to our face select go to wireframe go to surf a select wireframe and then we're going to go be box select and we select half of these faces in our front orthographic view like this then of all that are selected we're going to get X and weirdly test faces okay so now we're gonna go to a modifier stack I just add a mirror modifier put it above a subdivision and enable clipping that's really important now that we've done that we can go into us all of you selected I have a cutter here go into our edit and we're gonna go to our materials tab and we're gonna add a material and this is gonna be the outer skin of an avocado which is gonna be like a darker green so you can name this whatever you want darker outer skin dark green whatever so I'm just actually gonna go ahead I'm just gonna call it dark and then we're gonna go to our base color here and we're gonna make it whatever we wants it's just an able to preview there so you can see what's happening and this is only temporary so just go make it like kind of like a dark green star down to your viewport display and just do the same thing there okay now you have something like that we're gonna go up hit the little plus button create a new color and this one we're just gonna make a lighter green so just call this green the green light whatever you want to call it and then we're gonna select these interfaces here to make up the inside but to do that we're gonna just select this loop here control you just go down Marcus seam go to face select and if you select any one of these faces and go control L it's going to select all of them now we can go to that new material and just assign it's just an easy way of doing it then we can make this a lighter green color remember it is this is temporary so go down to your viewport as well just so you can see what's happening and what's being applied and there we have it so now we're gonna select our abakada pit and I think you guys know what we're gonna do create a new material and he's called a pit and obviously it's gonna be like a more of a brown color from just a sign that go to your base color here make it whatever remember we're gonna be editing this later on in the second part so dare go ahead yeah something like that is fine if we have our colors okay so now what we're gonna do is grab an avocado here go into edit mode now we're gonna select any one of these faces on the front of that avocados and then we're going to go shift s so we're gonna go cursor to selected go to your modifier panel go to your mirror modifier disable the clipping then we're going to add in a UV sphere hit s to scale it down and enable clipping again once you're done with that and you can set your art your cursor back to your old origin so just move your eye around here I'm gonna go if this then get your materials we're gonna hit the little plus and just go in here I wouldn't call this eyes and we're going to be making this a black material as well so just name it whatever you want and then assign it so make it a black kind of color and a viewport to display as well we're gonna make it a black color and then just assign it so here we have the eyes then just if you want to you can tap out get your object and just enable smooth shading so we have a little eyes out of here so now we're going to go shift a we're going to add in a circle and we're gonna just get out right before graphic you bring it forward a little bit and scale it down I'm going to tab into edit mode go to our vertices select mode just select these top effect these stop vertices X and the late and now we're just gonna extrude them like eetu extrusion alt s to scale them in a bit then select all of them just make sure I made a mistake here so just select them all like that and then they got e to extrude on the Y like that and then go to your materials and just apply that dark material now we can move it back in a right orthographic view and then go to our modifier tab and just add a modifier we're going to add a subdivision surface then go to your object and just enables shedding so here we have a little mouth at it I'm also just gonna go ahead and just readjust these eyes and this is personal taste you guys can make it whatever you want so you can see I'm just adjusting them I'm going to bring the mouth up a little bit just like that so totally personal taste make your character unique but this is what we have so far and what we're gonna do now is do make the legs and the arms so we're going to go shift a we're gonna add in a cylinder make sure the vertices is set to 12 we're gonna move this guy to the right side here and now scene and in select all of vertices in edit mode doubles em hit R 90 to rotate it 90 degrees and scale it down to about there and we're gonna extrude these vertices here a little bit and then hit shift are just to repeat that action over and over its extruded roughly to about here we're gonna zoom in to the end here where these two vertices are those realities selected we're gonna go es to extrude them in and then we're gonna do is bring them out on the X so G X to bring them out and then we're gonna go search hitting F free and we're gonna search for merge and we're gonna merge at the center then we're gonna grab this loop here we're gonna hit s to scale double tap G to roll down and then um ctrl R to add an a loop cut and all we're doing is just rounding this out there's a lot of ways you can do this this is just one way I'm doing it and control are to add in another loop cut and just scale it up so just a basic cylinder kind of tube thing like this nothing to complicate it so let's move it closer to the body here and also give it a smooth shading video right to you and just move it back a little bit to about here pretty straightforward okay so what we're going to do now if this guy's selected to go to our modifiers panel go ahead and add a mirror modifier click on the little eyedropper select your little character and now it's mirrored across the X and now what we're going to do is go to our materials we're gonna create a new material we're going to call this arms or legs but if you want to call it make it any color you want I'm gonna make it kind of like a brownish kind of color I'm gonna go down to my viewport color and make it roughly the same now I'm gonna grab this guy and when a dupe okay tits grab it or scale it down first and then we're gonna shift D to duplicate it and bring it down to here and we're gonna rotate it and a front off a graphic view so you want to go r90 not r90 you actually want to go our negative nine zero like that so you've rotated them then you're gonna bring them up go to your right orthographic view and then what you're gonna do is grab those guys and just move them back a little bit and you can play some wherever you want this is just what I like I'm also going to move this I'm just back a bit like so and here's our little dude we can grab everything in that front view just move it up to Burdette that X line is you can scale them up a bit then just have it to edit them I would go into wireframe and just select these top vertices delete some of them and just move everything up so this is totally personal tastemaker what you want is this just kind of what I'm going with like this now we're going to solid and this is our little character you can see he has these little arms legs he looks quite cute we can add in a plane as well more were added then go shift a and we're just going to add in a camera and hit zero to go in your camera and then G in the middle mouse wheel pull back put it wherever you want totally up to you you go to your camera settings and we're gonna set the type here to orthographic and then we can come double tap artists to move it around totally make it the way you want it I'm just going if this Pannell scale out that plane to make it work and then you can go to your your camera settings and you can make it 1080 by 1080 P once again totally up to you make it how you want it and then just go to the camera and just mess around this out now I like this orthographic look it works for me so this is where we're going with for now you can see this and I'm just going to leave it here for now and we'll get into the next part which is going to be our rigging of a character it's going to be pretty straight for it not too difficult so you guys totally don't have worry about it I'm gonna try to explain that as good as I can okay I said a rigging part of this is pretty straightforward this is grab our plane first of all and our camera and just hit em make a new collection we're gonna call this scene hit enter and go okay and over here and I've seen collections we're just going to untick the scene so it hides that for now then we're going to make sure our armed cursor here since Ender's ergo shift s got cursor to world origin that's all good and now we can go shift a armature go down here and hit the armature that's going to add in the armature bone G Zed bring it up to roughly the middle of the avocado and then what we're going to do is go over here under our bone prop please go to viewport display make it in front and while we're at it display as we're going to change it from off date octahedral to be bone okay just go to your side G Y and move it to the middle a little bit more like that now we've done that we can go into our edit mode we're going to grab this guy get shift D bring it here and for now I'm just gonna go into wireframe here they're going to rotate this guy to the right like that roughly and then go sz0 hit enter and that's gonna make it perfectly flat I'm gonna bring it down here to my arm zoom in and bring it to the end here like that grab this little nub there G X bring it in do here something like that then we're gonna go e X extrude it to here and then e X again and make this little bit then I'm gonna grab this guy the ctrl alt s scale it in grab this guy got a ctrl alt s and scale it in but even more and then this guy ctrl alt s and scale it in to about that much maybe I'll grab this knob and just go G X bring it in a little bit more so here we have this setup here we have the been deboned in the middle and then these two controllers in the end so we're going to come name this guy in the middle so go to your bone properties here and call the guy in the little bone in the middle bendy hit enter grab this nub on the ends this is call it end and this is grab this base bone and call it base being very creative here like that and then we're going to grab this guy on the end to the end bone and we're gonna go alt P and we're just going to clear the parent or I think that not clear parent disconnect bone so we've disconnected this bone it's it's own separate bone now if we go over to our pose mode we're going to grab this guy holding in shift select the been deboned then we're gonna go shift ctrl and c is going to bring up this add constraints panel and we're gonna go stretch to so now if we grab this guy that should follow along so something is happening here so I'm just gonna select everything go hold GL Donald s just tap back into edit mode I think what I should have done is I should have done this go alt P and clear parent that's what we want to do so now if we go back into our pose mode grab this bone it should work okay that was the correct thing so ctrl alt p and clear to parent so now grab this guy and we're going to go actually back into edit mode go to our bendy bones tab here so if you click on this little bone go to bendy bones we're going to make the segment's 12:00 so hit 12 you can make it more if you want I'm just gonna go scroll for now exactly maybe I'll make it a bit more I think I'll make it 16 looking at this okay so I think 16 is a good value there just close that and we should now be able to go into our pose mode grab this guy here move it around G and that's good but you'll see here if we rotate this it's not doing anything on the rotation only in the movement so what we could do is grab this guy here and we're just going to go to our been deboned settings again and if you go down here to start handle and you make this absolute and you go to the custom and you're going to make this one and then you gonna make end handle absolute and let's just make this debase so grab this guy and now go G rotate okay I might have swapped it around so let's just undo that so grab this guy again make the one at the top the base and make this one here at the end okay that's correct now if we go our that should Bend accordingly okay so that's really good beautiful this is what we want very simple very straight for it so this way just like everything if you've moved it and then got old G old our old s just puts it back into place and so now if we can go to our edit we're gonna do a really quick little cheat trick so first of all just grab this guy here holding and shift in select this guy secondly and then go ctrl P keep offset and now we can grab this arm here just grab these free bones and we can do something real quick and dirty just go shift D and an X move it over to here roughly then just rotate it around like that and then we're going to go to sz0 hit enter that's going to make it nice and flat and just move it roughly to the way it is the other side and yes I know you can use mirror tools and give like R or an L extensions just to flip it all over but I'm just doing this real quick and dirty it's a very simple character it's not a lot of bones so it's no need just this will be fine and then go shift D or rotate this roughly like so bring it here and then get sx0 and hit enter move this guy roughly to the top there and now go to your right or for graphic view and G Y and just bring it into the middle of your leg with that done this is zoom in here hit b2 box select this bone and the little knob there and go G said and just bring them up like that as you can see there and now we can grab both of these full of DS and go shift D X and just move it over G Y X like that just in the middle there doesn't have to be exact for this character that'll be fine so hopefully if we go into up smart now this will work so let's go into our pose mode and we can see here if we grab this guy beautiful and if we grab these controllers we can do all of these sort of things now one thing we could also do if you want to you can go into your edit mode you can just grab these guys on the end you don't have to do this but I like to do it just grab these guys on the end holding shift select this main controller and go control P and keep offset so if we go into pose mode now I grab this everything should go along but you can still mess around of DS once ok so that's good and let's just grab this guy here and just make sure if you go to your bone property so if this main bone here selected we want to untape deform with that guy selected but if you click any of the other bones they should have that deform enabled so that's very important we don't want deform on this one now we can go in parent our avocados character to this so what we're going to do is actually go into object mode and first of all I'm just gonna grab the little guy here just tab into my my edit mode I'm just going to actually select this eye and go ctrl alt and just hit P and just by loose parts so make that its own object as you can see here and now we just have to have a kadhai character and you don't have to apply this mirror modifier if you don't want to something I'm gonna do it so with this avocados selected holding shift I'm going to select a rig okay wait we missed one thing just quickly go back at the edit mode just a simple little thing I don't think I've moved these guys in the arm so I'm just gonna grab them over here go to my top view G up G and just what's going on gy and just bring it in like that there we go because you can see they're not in the middle of G on just fixed it up okay just like that so where were we and go back into object mode select your avocado select your rig bottling shift and then go into you post mode why is it not working okay then go into pose mode and then deselect all of these buttons select this guy here then go ctrl P and just go bone so now this avocado is parented only to dis main bone here so if I grab this bone and I go G and I move it around this guy is moving with it so let's go back into our pose object mode for some reason I made this guy a separate object so I can just do the exact same thing grab that holding shifts like the rig go into the pose mode select that guy and just go ctrl P and keep both pretty simple not a big deal to go back into object mode and there you have it so we have this rig the avocado it's now parented to that rig but the legs on so what we're going to do if the legs and the arms is for now I'm just gonna move the rig select it hit H to hide it I'm gonna grab this guy here and just hide got that and hide it gonna grab these two and apply to mirror I'm gonna grab these two and apply the mirror holding and shift I'm going to select both of them and then I'm gonna go ctrl ctrl L or ctrl J and that's going to join them so they're both now join ctrl J and then what I'm going to do is hit alt H to unhide that and just actually hide that but not the rig so now we've got these guys they're all one and we've got a rig so holding and shift select a rig and then we're going to go ctrl P and when it go with automatic weights and now we can go alt H to unhide that so if we select our rig here and we go into our pose mode that a frontier and we hit and we grab these little nubs we can see we can now control our arms and our legs and we can also grab this main controller here and move our little guy here isn't that awesome very simple very straightforward but he can do a lot to a bit so select all of these old G old our old s now let's just quickly do these deface things here so I'm going to go into the pose mode here back to the object mode can I select the I here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to apply the mirror on that then I'm going to go into edit mode on these guys I'm going to select both of them and we're gonna hit P and then go separate by loose parts they're both now their own parts so tap out we're both of them selected in object mode and we're going to go hit F free and go type in here set origin and then go down to object and set origin and any other type do origin by geometry so now they both have their own individual origin points and what we can do is select this guy here and go I can alt a or alt s they're going to go cursor to selected so now my cursor is in the middle there we're gonna shift a we're going to go down to empty and just add an acute scale it down roughly the same size as the I like that go control a and just apply to scale go to your front view shift D X just move it over to the other eye roughly like that and they're shifty bring one down here to the mouth pretty straightforward what we're gonna do is select all three of these just hide the other for now just hit H so grab all three of these guys and then what we're gonna do is holding and shift select our rig then when you go over here to object mode go to pose mode select this bones just like we did earlier and then go ctrl P and bone so now all of those are parented to debt and bone there so let's go back into object mode I'm gonna select this eye and then its own empty and I got control P and keep transform I'm gonna grab this guy here holding shifts select this guy there ctrl P and keep transform so if you move it that should work then grab this guy holding shifts like the MT you got control P and keep transform so now if we go old age just to bring back that Avvo we should see now if we grab our rig and we move it everything should go along so our character is pretty much done I know it's really basic I noticed some other ways you could do this this is just a really simple approach I like to take we can now animate this guy into all cool thinks of it so just give an example I can go here to my pose mode I can like kind of hit R just to move this car like rotate him and then just grab any one of these legs and just pose them I can even grab the ends here I can even move the leg like this that's very cartoony it's this it's perfect for like really stylized animation and it's really simple you can and then you can separately come over here into your object mode and you can actually grab these guys here and just mess around of them what you could do is you could also add bones to these but it's it's kind of overkill for this I it's I've just gotten used to doing it like this we have really simple characters anyway with that done what we can do is just hit our select our rig back into our pose mode and then go old G old our oldest just to reset everything and then go back into our pose mode so here it is that is our finished character as you guys can see you could do all sorts of things
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 38,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Model a character in Blender, Blender 2.83 eevee character modeling tutorial, Easy free character tutorial in Blender 2.83 Eevee, Make a character in Blender Modeling and riggign easy, Easy beginner tutorial on Character modeling
Id: gdnf-DDwS3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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