Blender 2.8 Tutorial : Rig ANY Character for Animation in 10 Minutes!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HansMcBean 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
so character Regan can actually be really fun it's very useful and oftentimes very necessary to get good character animations so in this quick 10-minute tutorial I'm gonna be showing you guys how to create a standard character rig ready for animation with constraints and everything and you should be ready to start animating characters immediately after this blender 2.8 tutorial so hope you guys are excited and let's jump right into it so for this tutorial we're using our low poly character that we created in a previous low poly tutorial you guys can check that out with the link on the screen and we're just going to start off by placing our cursor on the center of our character and going shift a to add in in armature an armature is basically an object that contains all of your bones I like to jump over to our armature settings then and under viewport display enable in front this will allow you to see your bones through the character mesh which makes it a lot easier to work on your armature obviously so I'm just going to move that bone up to about the bellybutton area of your character right above the hips and then I'm gonna pull that bone down and this is actually gonna be our hip controller so just moving over to side view I'm going to grab that bone and straighten it up so it's in the center of our character and with that bone in place we can start extruding some more bones out so that first bone is the controller bone that we'll be using later on and I'm just extruding up the base hip bone now I'm gonna go ahead and extrude again by hitting E and pulling that bone up to be around chest level and then extrude again for a chest bone all the way up to the neck and then extrude again for another bone for that neck and then one more time for a bone on the head but that is all the bones we need for the chest slash head area on our low-poly character I'm just gonna straighten out some of these bones now by moving them to a little bit more of the center of the rig if you're an artist looking to start an online presence to share your work or maybe create an awesome-looking portfolio then you should be really excited about this video sponsor hosting err hosting there provides some really fast affordable web hosting services with great customer support to help you succeed online I've had some time now to look through and use their site and I've been really impressed by some of their powerful tools and how easy everything seems to be to use they offer many options and tools for picking the perfect domain name great for getting anyone off their feet and running with their own website plus I have a coupon code for you guys to make this one of the most affordable web hosting services you will find so go to hosting or com /cg geek with that link in the description and use the coupon code CG geek to save up to 91% off Yuli web hosting plans to succeed faster and I'm gonna go ahead and place my cursor right around the collarbone of our character on the right side make sure it we're in edit mode and hit shift a to add in a new bone this is going to be our shoulder bone and it's going to go just to the beginning of the arm there we know how to select that bone and again pull it inside of the mesh so it's lined up nicely with our character then we'll grab that tip and extrude out the upper bone for the arm stopping right around the elbow and they will extrude out one more bone I'm jumping to top view I'm gonna go ahead and position those bones again so the inside of our mesh nicely then I'll grab the tip of the last bone and extrude out one more bone for the hand I'm not gonna be doing any finger rigging in this tutorial as it's just a basic rig and our character doesn't even have fingers so we don't have to worry about that after a little bit of repositioning that looks pretty good and now I'm gonna place my cursor down at his right hip still in edit mode and hit shift 8 and in another bone this is going to be going all the way down to his knee as sort of the hip bone again jumping to side view and making sure it's positioned inside the mesh then we can go ahead and grab that tip and extrude down the shin bone all the way down to the foot and then jumping to side view we can extrude that bone one more time for the foot bone all the way out to the toes anytime now you can just grab that bone joint and pull it back to position it better in your mesh and then jump into top view we need to grab the tip of the toe and of course straighten it out and pull it over along the x-axis and there we have it we have all the bones we need we'll be duplicating the right side over to the left side later on so now it's time to name our bones jumping over to the bone settings there and just entering the name for every corresponding bone it's kind of boring I know and they usually don't name my objects because I'm lazy but in this case I highly recommend naming all of your bones as it will be a very necessary later on now for the arm and leg bones you can want to finish off every one of your names with a dot R as this is gonna be how we tell apart the bones from the right side to the left side now it's time to add some controller bones for our constraints so I'm grabbing that bottom bone at the bottom of the foot there and extruding it back quartz and this is gonna be our I cake controller now we need a bone to point the knee yet so I'm placing my cursor right in front of the knee there and going shift a to add in another bone and moving it so it's lined up horizontally along with the knee now I'm also gonna add one of these bones for the elbow this is gonna be for keeping the elbow joint in line with our eye cake constraints for animating so go ahead and place your cursor behind the elbow on the right arm there and go ahead and shift 8 add in another bone and line it up again along the horizontal axis there now I need a controller for the arm constraint so I'll be using so I'm going to shift D and duplicate the hand bone there but I want to be able to scale this bone up to be able to tell it apart from the hand bone so I'm gonna go over to our armature settings and change the display ass to be bones as this will allow me to scale the bones up just for visual reference to be able to tell them apart so now I can grab that controller bone and ctrl alt s to scale it up and make this a bit bigger than the hand bone perfectly I go ahead and name this bone hand dot control tot are not like I do there but with the dot R at the end is actually well change it to later on go ahead and name your leg control bone something like light control tower works perfect and then we have to name those two bones for the knee point R and the elbow points that are as well that we just added in there now we're going to add one more bone and this is the master control bone so at the center of our character go shift a add in one more bone and then ctrl alt s we'll scale it up a little bit to make it our main control bone placing it directly underneath our character now every bone needs to be parented to another bone so we're gonna start off by grabbing our elbow pointer bone there and grabbing the shoulder bone and go in ctrl P keep the offset now we can do the same thing for our elbow point go in there grab that and this time I'm going to grab the controller bone for the leg and go ctrl P parent to keep the offset now select the very first bone we added as the hips controller scale it up again with ctrl alt s and go ahead and name it something like hip stock control perfect now grabbing our upper leg bone we're gonna grab the hips bone not the hips controller and go control P keep the offset and now we grab the shoulder bone and the chest bone ctrl P to keep the offset that will work great and now we're just gonna grab our three controller bones the leg controller bone the hand controller bone and the hip controller bone and then grab the master bone in the center and hit ctrl P and keep the offset now we're ready to start adding some IQ constraints to make animating really easy so start by grabbing the upper bone on the leg jumping over to pose mode and then you can go to the bone constraints when I add a new bone constraint and choose inverse kinematics for this we're gonna choose a target of the armature the bone is going to be that controller bone that we added so the leg controller bone da are change the chain length to two so it goes all the way up to the top of the leg bone there and we're gonna add in the pointer bone that we did there so again choose armature and then for that point Pohl target we're going to choose the knee point R so you can see that messed up the rotation you're just gonna want to choose the pole angle of 90 degrees and that's basically it for the eye cake constraint if you grab your eye cake controller bone now you can see that we can animate multiple bones at the same time by moving that controller bone and this makes animating a whole lot easier so now let's go ahead and do it for the arm so we're gonna grab the lower arm bone add a bone constraint inverse kinematics again and you're just gonna go through the same process of grabbing the target armature the bone is going to be the arm control dot R and then the pole target will be that armature again and the elbow bone this time to point it at the elbow this time we'll give the pole angle 180 to point it right at that pointer bone and now you can see if we grab that arm controller bone we can move all the bones in the arm at the same time by just moving that one bone but you can see it's hinging in the wrong direction right now that's because I need to jump to edit mode and straighten out my bones here to kind of angle that elbow bone out just a little bit so it hinges at the right point when we move the I came own so just by giving it a little bit of angle like I did there you can see that now when I move the control bone it hinges at the right point like a normal arm bone would do so now we can make animating the hand even easier by having the hand bone copy the rotation of our controller bone so do this we're just gonna grab our hand bone add in a bone constraint again in pose mode this one's gonna be a copy rotation we're going to choose the armature and then for the bone that we want to copy it's just going to be that hand control bone now all you have to do is rotate the eye cake controller bone and you can see that the hand also follows it so we're not gonna have to animate two bones instead we can just animate one bone so to make sure you have your bones parented the right way if you grab your hip controller bone you should be able to move the arms and legs as you see here but you can see if you rotate that hips controller the whole chest and head rotate at the same time maybe not what we want so you can grab that chest bone go over to the relations in the bone settings and uncheck inherit rotation this will allow you to rotate that but without having the chest bone move at all perfect so now I'm gonna do the same thing for the chest we don't want the neck and head rotating so just uncheck inherit rotation on the neck and you can rotate that chest without the head rotating as well another tip for areas of the human body that are a little bit more flabby you can choose bendy bones and give it a few segments like on the stomach bone there so there's a little bit of bend in the body as it rotates here I'm just gonna give ourselves a little bit more stomach bone there and a little bit less chest bone so we have a little bit more bendiness in the stomach area of our character now we can add that copy rotation constraint again to the foot just like we did to the hand by adding copy rotation on the foot bone in this case choosing armature and the leg controller bone now we have to change the space from local space with parents to local space with parents and once you do that the bun will be back in place and you can rotate your bone and then also rotate the controller bone to rotate the foot now before we can apply the rig to our character we want to uncheck deform on all of our control bones so I'm just going through to our leg in hand and master control bones and unchecking deform again for those pointer and hip controllers uncheck deform in the bone settings there as we don't want these bones to actually affect the mesh at all just the rig here I'm just making sure that I have everything named right with the last numbers in each bone being dot are for the right side now that we have the parents and constraints all applied to everything on our right side of our character we can go ahead and select all of the bones on the right side by jumping to edit mode hitting c4 select and selecting all the bones only on the right side and now I'm just going to jump to front view place my cursor in the center of the scene by going shift s cursor to world origin and now I'm going to open up our properties tab by hitting N and choose x-axis mirror under tool now I'm just gonna right click and choose cemeteries and this will copy all the bones from the right over to the left and actually rename them correspondingly as well so they're all dot L now on the other side as well as have all of the constraints and parents that we applied on the right side so that's perfect and it's all ready to go and you see if I jump to pose mode now and start moving some of these bones they're moving on both sides and that's because I have x-axis mirror still enabled so you want to remember to turn that off and you can see that we have our constraints over now on the left side but the elbow is bending in the wrong direction so we're just going to grab that ika constraint and change it to zero on the pole angle and this is perfect for the left side now you can see it works both on a right and left side same thing with the feet these all work perfectly on the left side and they're ready for animation so we're ready to apply our rig to our character so go ahead and select your character in object mode and then select your rig and go control P and then choose with automatic weights and this will automatically assign the bones to the corresponding spots of the mesh to control so if you select your rig and jump to pose mode now you can see if you grab with your controller bones the mesh is going to follow your armature now and actually works really well with you this is where it's really fun to just grab those controller bones and play with your rig kind of break the mesh get those hip Wiggles in uh-huh do some twerking twerk it twerk it twerk it twerk it twerk it so now if you grab the character and jump to weight paint you can see we have all these vertex groups for our bones and if we change the weight for any of these vertex groups it's going to affect how much that bone a sexy mesh so for example you can add or subtract more or less to that bone so I'm choosing subtract right now and we grab the leg bone here and make it so it doesn't affect quite as much of the body when I rotate that bone so just by subtracting some of that weight on both the left and right side you can modify how much that bone affects the rig and now you can see when I move my leg the body doesn't move as well but it's just the leg moving and then the hips will of course control the rest of the body so now I'm just quickly giving our character a pose with those control bones showing how easy it is to pose our entire mesh using that new armature that we just created in ten minutes anime I've got now Jo a lobby married long time go away did you come where did you go as you can see using a simple rig like this is super easy to pose your character in all kinds of different positions and of course animation as well if you guys are interested in more animation a half a tutorial on beginner animation that you guys can check out and if you want to recalculate your characters pose all you have to do is jump to pose mode select all the bones then go alt R and all G and you're back to your default or resting pose in that character rig I'd also like to again thank hosting RF response in this video you can go to hosting or comm /cg geek and use the coupon code CG geek to get up to 91 percent off of yearly web hosting plans to succeed faster use that link in the description and yeah that wraps up the video guys hope you had some fun leave a like if you enjoyed it leave the comment if you had a question and I'll see you all in a future video tutorial bye bye
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 1,011,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Rigging, Tutorial, Rig, How to, Beginner, Free, Easy, Fast, Animation, Animate, Blender 2.8, Character Animation, 3D
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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