Cute Character In Blender 2.83 [ Part 2, Lighting and Materials]

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okay so welcome to part 2 of this cute little character tutorial we've been doing so in part 1 we made this guy here and we gave him this really awesome been deboned rig like this and what we're gonna do now is make a little bit of a scene it's not gonna be a long tutorial but we're just going to make it look nice so let's go back into object mode and if you guys can remember in part 1 we made a scene and we gave it its own collection so we can bring it in and out of our viewport here so just make sure you enable that and we're going to be doing something of this plane and this orthographic camera so let's go into our camera view and originally we created the camera that was orthographic and in our dimensions we had 1080 by 1080 so let's just get a pose that we like so I'm gonna grab my camera on a double double tap our I'm just gonna move it somewhere that I like and you guys can move it however you want I'm gonna go with a pose like this and just zoom in about here and depending on where you placed your camera in part one these settings could be a little bit different but just get something that you like you don't have the door for graphic I just like a look of it and then I'm going to go s to scale this up so I don't see it in my camera B okay that's good and what we can do now is go to our render settings and just make it easy so make sure it's evey we're gonna able ambient occlusion and we're gonna able to ask screen space reflections okay so you should now have a little scene your little dude go ahead and grab your rig and pose it now I'm not going to go into too much detail because this is just a tutorial but pretty much you can just mess around of these bones create something to like give them a bit of a pose in fact even animated if you want you can totally animate this and make a little walk cycle make it believable totally up to you guys I'll leave that to you guys to to do I'm sure you could figure it out but I'm just gonna make I'm just gonna make them posed like that just give them like a cute little pose maybe not that much yeah just so it doesn't look completely the same on both sides okay I'm just gonna go with that maybe I'll grab his eyes so let's go app back into object mode we're gonna grab these little eye and just scaled and so maybe I'll make one eye a little bit smaller than the other one just to make it look a little bit I don't I'm not exactly the same bit more cartoony I might rotate the mouth make it a bit smaller bring it up I don't just use your imagination totally up to you guys how you want to make it I'm just gonna leave it at that go back into a more iam object mode so what we can do now is add some lights to the scene so in the front orthographic view go ahead shift eh oh yeah I should probably enable my screencast keys there we go so go shift a and then go to light we're going to add in an area light go G just move it above our little guy here go to your light settings give it a size of 5 meters I think that'll be okay and make the strength 300 and depending on how you set up the scale if you guys are following along this should be the same if the scale and you seen is a little bit different you might have to increase the value or decrease it so go to your front orthographic shift D rotated about 45 and then get your top and rotate it like so we're just setting up a basic three-point lighting system get your top again shift D just move this guy here and rotate it like that just your really basic three-point lighting setup going to your camera view so if we go Z and we go rendered now we should see this here dirty overall settings and we're gonna make this a bit darker so not all the way dark but just about here go ahead Chuck in a HDR HDR I if you want to it'll make it look a lot better I'm just going to do this for the tutorial okay so we have some basic lighting I might just grab the guy this little guy at the top I'm not increased to strength to 500 we'll see how it goes later on okay so now we're ready to do the fun part go to our shading grab your little character here and you guys can remember in part 1 we made these basic materials here so let's just start with and our dark green material you can see we just have a basic principle shader here but let's make it a bit more cool yep where is it yeah here so make this space here a bit bigger if you want then we're going to go ctrl + Shift a we're going to search and we're going to get a noise texture grab your noise texture bring it over to the side here and if you have your node Wrangler enabled let's just go here to add-ons and then just search node make sure your node Wrangler is enabled so if you bring this guy over here and you go ctrl T it should automatically add in these two nodes here so just take the object and plug it into the vector on our mapping now we're going to simply just go shift a again we're going to search get ourselves a color ramp put this guy over here take the color plug it into the factor then go shift a and search and just type in bump and get yourself a bump node put the bump too close to our principal shader here we're going to take the color make sure to plug it into the height not to normal they're going to take the normal from here and plug it into the normal on our principal shadow so if we now hit set over here to go to our rendered view this is what we should see okay that is way too big so what we can do is just increase the scale a little bit to make it smaller totally make it how you want it and definitely come down to the strength and bring that down a bit maybe something like that effect just bring that scale up even more and I really should be looking at a reference image but I'm just gonna leave it at that for now then what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit a in here just like all of these nodes I'm going to go to ctrl C to copy them and then go to our next material I'm going to delete these select them both and delete them and then go to control V that's going to paste in this material and let's just go ahead and make it a light green like that going to your camera view obviously we're gonna make this strength a lots more maybe even like that and we're even going to come here and bring that scale down to 5 G so it doesn't look completely flat we might even come here and bring the sub-surface scatter it on that okay that's too much let's bring it down to about point two is fine I'm gonna make this subsurface color just like that okay that's looking cool and then we can do is just go a to select all of this and then go ctrl C to copy it then go to our pit we're gonna do the same thing just delete both of these nodes these temporary notes and go ctrl V to paste that in we're going to leave it as it is let's just come over here and make this brown and make it a bit darker like that and I'm going to just bring this up surf down quite a lot on that one and make this one Brown as well just like that maybe make it even darker okay and now just lastly grab our facial features here and we're just going to make leaveth black we're just going to bring the roughness down all the way to make it nice and glossy it just makes it look cool and a life so that's should be it oh yeah obviously grab our arms legs and let's just we don't even have to create the texture on that let's just make that bring the roughness down on them a little bit let's go to preview okay make that a bit darker bring the reference up definitely give it some subsurf and make this kind of reddish maybe like a flesh tone I think that'll work so let's just grab our floor here go new and be creative make it whatever color you like totally up to you guys you know it's just what you want it's your world so blue maybe I'll go blue like that that looks cute so let's go ahead now and give this adorable little guy a render so let's go render and let's render the image and here we have it guys this is our final product I hope you guys will like it I worked really hard on this tutorial so if there's anything you don't understand please ask me and give a like subscribe that's very awesome when you guys do that and I look for seeing what you guys make of this so have a good week I'll see you guys next time for another tutorial
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 9,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender 2.83 Character course, Free character tutorial in Blender, Easy Blender tutorials for character modeling, Character modeling in Blender, model a character in Blender, model a character in Eevee
Id: zIHxDy_G4os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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