Easy Character Modeling, Simple and Stylized || Blender 2.92

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in this one we'll be modeling a completed character from scratch it might look complicated but this is actually a really simple character and if you're familiar with the basics you'll be fine this is going to be similar to my video about making characters with the skin modifier except we'll take it a little further by adding a face some clothing and materials i'm going to be using a color palette that i made and if you want that for free you can get it on gumroad along with some other free stuff i also have some paid products over there like lightning models the paint filter ascii generator and glitch effect links are always in the description all right here's a quick summary of the steps we'll be taking so first we'll start by bringing any reference images into blender and setting them up for a front and side view this step is optional second we'll get started with the limbs and body using the skin modifier technique like in my other video when we have a good result duplicate the mesh and apply the skin modifier to add some details like the shirt cuffs third we'll make the head and face using some basic poly modeling skills and relying on the subdivision surface modifier to give us that smooth stylized look that i'm going for fourth is clothing and with this character we're only modeling a vest the other clothing will just be made in the material step except for the shoes which is step five again this is just basic poly modeling with a subdiv modifier and then we use a mirror modifier to flip it and a solidify modifier to add some thickness and six our last step is bringing our color palette into the uv editor and assigning colors to our character i basically uv unwrap anything made with the skin modifier and then assigning colors is as easy as selecting faces and positioning them don't worry if you haven't unwrapped models before we'll go through it alright let's get started so here we are in blender 2.92 and for this video i'm assuming that you all have a basic knowledge of you know how to get around move around in blender and basic modeling like scaling and extruding and things like that with that being said i do have screencast keys going here so you can use this to follow along and i will still be explaining my process as i go through it and talking about some hotkeys so i just have my default scene right here with the camera light and all that and i'm just going to hide all of those for now and i have this second collection right here if you don't have one you can just hover over here and hit c to add a new one uh this one i'm going to put our reference images in so i'm just going to rename this to ref like that and my reference images i already have in this window right here and to bring them in you basically just need to drag and drop them in like that i don't know why but it just always does that the first time for me but yeah you can just drag and drop them in like this so now we have them in here if you don't want to use references you don't have to if you do want to use the same references as me just to follow along more precisely you can just take a screenshot of these images right here that i have up on the screen so i'm just going to select both of these images right here and hit alt g to clear the location and alt r to clear the rotation like that and you can also see in the n side panel you know the location and rotation and all that so i'm going to rotate these 90 degrees on the x like that and i'm just going to scale these down so they're a little smaller than two meters tall i should be fine and i'm just gonna position them so the feet are pretty close to that zero mark right there i'm just gonna take this second one right here and rotate that 90 degrees on the z axis so then when we hit three in our numpad to look from the side we have our side view and one shows us our front view and we can change some of the settings for the images by clicking this button right here object data properties so we can make it so you can only see these in orthographic or perspective so i only want to see these um in orthographic mode so i'm only going to see it when i hit 1 and i'm going to do the same thing for our side one and i also want these to display on top of whatever we're modeling they'll always be in the front if you hit this button like that and i'm going to turn the opacity down to 0.2 for both of these all right and just so uh we aren't constantly selecting them i'm going to hit this button right here and it disables the selection for everything that's in this collection right here and if you don't see those you can hit this filter button right here and just make sure that this icon is blue you just got to remember that if you do want to adjust these at all you have to click this button again so now that we have our references in here we'll just get started with the body first i'm going to add a new collection right here and i'm just going to name this char for character something short and i'm going to get started by adding in a plane like this going into edit mode with tab m to merge and i'm just going to collapse all of them so we have one vertex in the center right there and i'm just going to drag that up right here and start adding our modifiers so this is going to be pretty similar to the other video i made about modeling with a skin modifier so first i'm going to add the mirror modifier and then the skin modifier and then the subdivision surface like that and you're going to want to make sure that you're in vertex select right here so you can select everything properly and it's also helpful to go into x-ray mode for this you can either click this button right here or hit alt z like that so i'm just going to select everything in here we're still in edit mode and hit ctrl a to scale that down and i'm just going to start extruding that with e go up like this i'm going to grab this and pull that out to the side for the hip and just try to match our uh our reference pretty closely like this you can see that there's a circle a very faint circle right here and that's our root and it's good for a root to be in the center otherwise sometimes it makes the skin modifier glitch out so i'm going to just reposition it to the hips right here and you can do that over in the modifier panel with mark root like that and now you can see our circle is right there it's pretty faint hopefully you can all see it it is right there basically laying out uh the basic shapes right here so i'll extrude up and that's gonna be for the neck select that come out for the shoulders down to the elbows up right here and now let's focus on the hands okay just extend this out a little bit i'm just going to scale it down just so i can see a little better and i'm just going to start pulling these out to go to the knuckles right there again i'm just extruding with e and it'll look a little broken at first but it'll come together pretty quickly so select all of these and extrude them like that i'm just going to scale those apart from each other like this just to get them a little closer i'm just going to line these up it doesn't have to be perfect so don't you know get too finicky with it it doesn't have to match exactly uh your reference you just want it to look good you want the final result to look good so now that we have all the fingertips where we want i'm just going to select this one they're all stemming from and just scale that up with ctrl a just all the way and eventually it should snap together like this and if it's not really looking good you might have to take this and move it around until it looks alright and i'll just go through here and maybe move this around slightly i can scale this down just to get a more defined wrist and if you hit g twice you can slide like that and it you know you don't have to worry about it moving all around so i'm just positioning that a little differently going through here i'm just going to start uh scaling things now so this looks okay that looks good okay then this i want to scale down a little and i'm also going to add a loop cut in here with ctrl r like that just pull that down a little so our neck is a little thinner i think that looks good so now we can work on the body right here so i just want to select the hips right here and scale these up a little and at a certain point they will kind of snap and connect to you know where the legs connect right there and to define the shape a little more we can add some loop cuts like that and just see how these respond to scaling look at it from the side too you want the weight to be a little lower you can just drag this down like that i think that looks okay let's take a look from the front again and remember that you can also scale these just on one axis by hitting x and y like that and you can also access that option in the n side panel right here i'm just going to scale this part up it's looking all right all right so let's add that knee now right here just pull it forward i'm just going to rename this body rough so this is like the rough draft of our body basically and when you have this the way you want it you can just shift d to duplicate like this i'm just going to hide the first one like that and rename this just body and i'm doing that so that if i want to change anything later i still have the original so on the one that we just duplicated i'm going to apply all the modifiers like this and if you didn't see that option you can turn that on it's under preferences add-ons and it's called modifier tools modifier tools you just have to make sure that is checked so now that we have this applied i can uh add in another subdivision surface modifier to smooth it out and i'm going to come in here and just delete half of these i'm just going to delete this half right there hit x and we're going to add the mirror modifier back in i'm just going to make sure that's up top right there so that we don't get any weird seams like that so now that we have that going i am gonna come in here and i'm just gonna extrude a little spot right here like this i'm in face select mode for this and to select that loop all the way around i hit alt and left click right here and this doesn't have to be exactly lined up so don't worry too much about that i'm going to hit alt e to extrude and i'm going to choose extrude faces along normals like that and just pull that out slightly and you can see this is pretty smooth right here and so we could add a loop cut like this and pull it down but instead of adding more geometry like that what i like to do is just select this loop right here again with alt and left click and in the n side panel you can turn up mean crease and that will tell the subdivision surface modifier that this part should be sharp all right and we have some cuffs so it looks a little more like a shirt now all right so next we're going to work on the head and the face so for this i am going to add in another cube right here and just going to hit ctrl 4 to add a subdivision surface modifier like that and i'm just going to scale that down and move it up and into position so when you get it where you want it just ctrl a and apply the scale all right so just tab into edit mode now and i'm just going to start adding some loop cuts like this shaping this out so three to face select i'm going to select that top scale it in a little i'm just trying to get close to our reference right there i can scale this one down that looks like we need maybe another one okay that's pretty close so one thing i want to be looking at is the position of the mouth and our reference right here so when i turn the subdivision surface modifier down to about one i want the mouth to line up with some of these faces so i'm just gonna select this loop right here and i just want to move it up until it's uh you know these faces right here are coming close to our mouth and this will help us when we start making the mouth a little later so i'm just going to go through and adjust these until they they look pretty good all right so maybe scale this out a little let's take a look from the side and see how that is i'm just going to go into x-ray mode and i'm going to pull these forward like this and occasionally i like to come over here and just hide everything we modeled to get a clear look at our reference right there so i think i'm going to move this just up slightly this bottom part right there and we'll scale that outward on the x-axis so now that we have this uh you can do the same thing that we did where you have a rough version and the final version but i'm pretty confident with this one so i'm just going to apply this right here okay and then i'm going to once again add another subdivision surface modifier in here and i'm also going to add a mirror modifier and that one is just going to go before the subdivision surface like that and you can see we have a seam in here right now and that's because we need to go in and just delete half of these like that and i try to keep all my mirrored stuff on the same side so my head is on this side and my body is on this side right now so now that i did that we don't have that weird seam okay and you can see when i turn this off these faces are pretty close to just like wrapping neatly around the mouth and if you need to adjust it you totally can i just went into edge select mode and i'm going to select this edge with alt and left click and you can just slide that down with tapping g twice like that so i'm just going to move these up and away from the mouth very slightly and to make the mouth you want to go into face select mode with three or you can press that button right there select this right here and i'm just going to hit i to inset and if it goes in the middle right there you can just hit b for boundary you can also see that shortcut is up here like that and i'm just gonna bring that down until it's close to where the mouse is opening right there like that okay and if you want this to be further over you can just select that loop and pull it over like that and so next i'm gonna pull the mouth in so we have so it actually goes into the head and this is a little easier with the mirror modifier turned off that way we can actually see clearly inside the head so i'm just going to select this face right here and hit e to extrude and then y to constrain it along the y axis and just pull that in very slightly so we're going to have this like little ledge and it's going to sharpen up our subdivision surface modifier a little i'm going to extrude that again on the y-axis and i'm going to scale this one on the y-axis by zero and that should just flatten it out like that okay so now this piece is completely flat and that's as far as i'm going to go into the mouth if you wanted to you could extrude this some more and like scale it up and make like actually the inside of the mouth like this but i'm not going to do that for this one this one's a pretty simple one okay so now when we turn the mirror back on and see what it looks like subdivided you can see it's pinching in the middle and that's just because we have these faces that we need to delete like that so i'm just going to select those and delete the faces and that should look okay now but you can see right now our character uh has lips in the reference and i want to add those if you want to you could leave it like this but i like the way those lips look so i'm just going to hit ctrl r to add a loop right here just put that maybe right about there okay and then select these three these three faces and extrude those out on the y-axis like that okay so now we have some lips right here and again if you see any creases like this it's because we probably have some internal faces so i'm just going to turn the mirror modifier off for this select these faces and delete them like that and that should look fine now and once again i want our uh like where the lips meet the head to be a little sharper so i'm just going to select this loop right here hit n and turn the mean crease just all the way up and that should sharpen it right there okay so next we're going to start on the face so i'm just going to rename this head like that and so i'm going to do the i first for that i'm just going to add in with shift a i'm going to hit m for mesh and then u for uv sphere right there i'm just going to rotate that on the x-axis by 90 and i'm just going to scale that down a little and to position this i like to turn snapping on right now you can see if i hit g to move this around and hold ctrl it starts snapping but it's snapping to the grid in increments i think it's called like that and i'm just going to turn this to face and select median right there so now when we move it around and hit control it'll snap to whatever face we're hovering over like that and it's just putting the the origin point on it right there so now we can you know line this up and scale it and just hold ctrl when we want it to snap to this mesh right here and then i just want to apply the scale and apply the rotation okay and then i'm going to mirror this with a mirror modifier and select the head as a mirror object so now it's on the other side of the head okay make sure to save occasionally this is pretty much all we're going to do for the eye i don't need to model the eye at all we'll cover putting the pupil there when we get some materials but i do want an eyelid so i'm just going to rename this eye real quick or eyes i'm going to come in here and select this front point right here and just hit control plus on the numpad to expand the selection until we're halfway right there and hit shift d to duplicate like that and with that still selected hit p and separate it by selection right there so now we have two separate objects and our eyelid is one object right here i'm just going to rename that lids for eyelids and because the origin point is still in the center when we rotate it it'll just rotate right around our eye nice and cleanly okay and if we want we can make it so it only rotates on the x-axis like this and if you move these you still can move them even though they're locked but you can't when you're you know when you hit r over here see i try to move it on the y axis and it doesn't move i want this to have some thickness so i'm going to add a solidify in here and i'm just going to change the offset to 1 like that and i'm going to add in a subdivision surface to smooth it out a little right there so now we can see this is looking like a decent eyelid i can just rotate this so it lines up with our reference pretty well so i'm actually just going to change the offset so it goes into the eye slightly like that i think that's okay so now we can focus on the hat right here so to do that i'm just going to select our head right here and go into edit mode i'm going to do a similar thing the way we did with the eyelid so i'm just going to select this top and start hitting control plus to expand the selection and when we get all the way right here to near where our hat is i'm just going to shift d to duplicate it right click so it stays in the same spot and then separate with p by selection right there and once again we have this second piece now i'm going to rename that to hat i'm going to make it look kind of like a knit cap and so i'm just gonna come in here and i'm just gonna select this loop uh right there okay and i'm gonna hit uh e to extrude and i'm gonna scale that like that you know what it looks like where uh it's not really working correctly over here and that's because clipping is off so i'm just going to turn clipping off right here and it should work better now right there it doesn't go past that middle point so you don't need to extrude this out very far just a slight lip right there and then i'm going to extrude it upward again on the z axis right here okay so now we it's like kind of a j shaped uh profile like cross section right here and i just want to add in a solidify okay and i can move that above the subdivision surface that way it gets smoothed afterward and if you want to change the thickness you can totally do that um i'll move this up maybe like .03 something like that and we'll take a look looks like it's pretty thick so and also it's going the wrong direction so i'm gonna change the offset right here like this maybe i'll make it like zero okay but it's cutting into our eyes it's going to go into edit mode and grab this bottom loop right here and just pull it up slightly so it isn't interfering with our eye all too much if you're having a hard time seeing this you can either go into x-ray mode right here it looks like we might have some geometry doubled up so i'm just going to select everything and hit m and then by distance and it looks like that cleared up some things says removed five vertices so now i can select this and move it up and it's not giving us trouble anymore right there select this you know just mess with it and play with it until it looks good that's looking all right all right so it seems like we are done with the face now and we can move on to the vest which is the only piece of clothing that we're gonna model other than the shoes so to do that a lot of people would select the body and basically do the same thing we did with the hat and the eyes and just like kind of select a big part and duplicate it but this one is going to be pretty simple so i'm actually going to just model it directly from a cube so just add in a cube and i'm going to hit ctrl 4 to subdivide it i'm just going to scale it down slightly and move it into place tab into edit mode i'm just going to delete the top and bottom faces and when we do that it's going to turn into a cylinder it'll just kind of like automatically recognize the open edges as sharp and then i'm going to add a loop cut just in the front and because the top and the bottom aren't there it's not going to go all the way around i'm going to bevel that with ctrl b to open it up slightly and i'm just going to delete that face right here and to make this a little smoother in the back i'm not going to mirror it because if we mirrored it i have to add a loop right here and it just kind of flattens things out you have to do a little more modeling so just keep this in mind that this is not mirrored and you have to change both sides okay so now i'm going to go into x-ray mode and start moving some of these into position so we'll set up the the top collar right there select the bottom make sure you're in x-ray mode for this otherwise it's not going to select the all the vertices in the back see what it looks like from the side this is way off on the side so i'll just grab these and pull them in like that this is looking okay and i'll just reposition this right here okay i am going to add a loop cut right underneath the arms so we can have a little opening right here so we are cutting through a little but i'll deal with that actually i'll just pull that out a little we are going to thicken this slightly later with the uh solidify i'm gonna select this face right here and this face and i'm just gonna hit i to inset and i don't want this to snap to the edge like that so i'm gonna hit b so it should be in the center and just pull that in very slightly and delete those faces so those will open up so we have little openings for the arms now okay and if you want to adjust these at all you can just hit two and you know select those with alt and left click or shift alt left click if you want to select multiple loops and if you scale them apart they will move away from each other like that so you can change that by hitting period and selecting individual origins origins and then it won't do that you can also uh if you don't want to use the hotkey you can select this up here okay and just make sure you change it back after okay so let's do the collar now maybe actually move this down slightly like that that looks okay so let's select this top loop right here oh it loops all the way around so i'll just select it from the side right here okay and i'm gonna extrude this and then hit s for scale okay like that and then extrude on the z-axis just down slightly okay so now this is what we have right here and we can start pulling these around to make our collar look a little better so we'll just look at the reference and get it pretty close let's see what it looks like okay it's looking okay let's try um the front right here so let's select these two loops because again we're not mirroring it so we have to select each part manually i'm just gonna pull that out slightly it seems like we're clipping through the edge a little so select these side loops look from the front and scale on the x-axis like that and pull it out slightly all right that's looking pretty good i do want to add some thickness to this eventually so i'm going to add the solidify like this and just move it above the subdivision surface and so now this is looking a little thicker we can turn that up if we want i'll say like .02 something like this and if you want to change the offset you can also do that so i'll just set that to zero something like that for now you can see in our reference we have this kind of like lapel looking thing so i'm gonna add that next so to start with the lapel i'm just gonna select these edges right here okay and then just extrude that on the y-axis just a little you don't need to do it too much then i want to go into x-ray mode and i just want to select these top vertices right here okay and i'm going to pull these down slightly and i'm just gonna hit g twice to slide it because you can see um you know this tapers out a little so i just pulled those down a little okay so i just want to select these edges now oops not those these ones in the front okay and then from the front i'm going to e to extrude hit s to scale so they move apart from each other and then i want it to be only on the x axis like that okay just gonna pull them apart like this it's looking all right maybe i should move these up a little more i'll just select those and hit g and that's looking a little better okay and that's looking pretty good okay let's see it doesn't look like we're clipping through at all so if you're paying close attention you'll notice that i didn't apply this scale so you can see this does not equal one and let's see what happens when we apply it now we gotta select it and hit ctrl a to apply it and you can see that changed the thickness and that's because uh all the modifiers will look at the like relative scale of things so when you apply it it kind of changes the way the modifiers work so just make sure that you're applying your scale as you go along and we just have to go in here and change this very slightly so i'll just turn this down a little it looks okay just like point zero one i think the default is all right all right so the next step is gonna be the shoes i like modeling shoes quite a bit it seems like a little more complicated than it might be it's pretty easy though so i'm just gonna bring a cube in here and just scale it down slightly like that okay and just put that over here go into edit mode i'm gonna drag this up so it's pretty close to that zero mark right there okay and then i'm just gonna apply the scale real quick and add in a mirror modifier and i want this also to be using the head as a mirror object i try to keep those consistent if i can you can see when we move these closer at some point they will kind of try to merge with each other this might be more apparent if we're using the subdiv at a certain point you can see they want to merge with each other and we're never going to make our shoes touch and join in that way so we can turn off merge right here and then we don't have to worry about that at all okay so let's just go into edit mode and start pushing this around okay so i'm gonna turn this off for now so i'm just gonna start uh you know pulling this around and i'll extrude actually i'll scale everything down on the x right there look from the side select this face right here this front face i'm just going to extrude this outward okay like that i'm gonna start adding some loop cuts maybe one right here and if you go into x-ray mode you can start pushing this around from the side okay it's looking okay all right i think this one i'm going to pull forward a little and i'm going to extrude a little more on the y and this is going to be our heel right here so select these and pull them down okay just out a little scale that on the x so we have a little heel right there i'm just going to go back into object mode and put this a little over just because it's bothering me it's not quite center we can look from the top and change the profile so i'm just going to hit um slash on the numpad and that will hide everything except for this and if you want to get back out you just hit that same button okay then i'm just going to scale this out a little on the x so it gets a little wider at the toe so this part i'm actually going to extrude it up very slightly okay right there and then i'm going to delete this face you can see it opens up right here okay so i want to scale these okay and select this top loop right here actually not the top loop just the front just the front one right here i'm gonna use this to extrude the tongue okay add in a little loop right there and like that okay and you can see we don't have any thickness so we need to add in our solidify like that i'm just going to put that again before our subdivision surface and we can just change the thickness right here 0.03 so now we can you know position this however we want it and we actually have the thickness in there all right so let's just move this around until it looks good to us okay and i just want to select these edges right here and this is going to be the other part of our shoe i don't know what you would call that it's like a cuff i guess so extrude that up like here and now we're starting to get that like classic high top kind of look right there and do a similar thing that i did with the collar and i'm gonna extrude this and then scale it outward to create that little lip right here and then extrude it downward on the z-axis like that okay and then we can just you know fine-tune this uh move this around so it is a little closer to our reference like this all right that's looking pretty good all right it's a little chunky i might move it in a little right here with the face select both of these faces like that so again it doesn't quite match our reference but don't worry too much about that if you think it doesn't look good you can change it okay select these scale them on the x get them a little closer but try not to make them go through each other or you'll get some weird errors i want to change the tongue a little so i'm going to make it a little skinnier right here on the x like that and i want to make this one a little skinnier also but i want the top to be kind of fat so i'm gonna pull it out like that cool that looks all right all right so this is still kind of like looking like a sock it's not really flat on the bottom so to fix that i'm going to add a loop right here right there and i'm going to scale that on the z by zero to flatten it out so it's completely flat i'm just going to line it up with this ridge that we have right here select this loop right here and hit alt e to extrude the face along normals right there i'm just gonna bring it out very slightly like this okay and i want this to be sharp so i'm going to grab this loop right here with alt and lift click and turn the crease up there so now it is uh sharp and i want the toe to have a little more character so i think what i'm going to do is add a loop right here and just pull this around until i think it looks good maybe like this i'll move this down it's looking all right so i just want to select these right here to see what it looks like when i sharpen it because i want the toe cap to be kind of prominent right there so that's looking okay i think it might need to move in a little more so i'll just create another loop right here like that and i'm gonna scale this part inward a little you know i want the whole the whole loop okay and you can just you know tweak this however you want it make this a little wider right there okay i think that is looking pretty good i don't know what happened but our solidify went away i must have messed something up at some point right there so we can just add that back in move it before like that and just change this to maybe like .03 okay cool so now that we have this we can turn the mirror modifier back on and i'm just going to angle these out slightly like that on the z rotate it just line these up with the leg if they look like they're not in the right spot and now we can work on the materials so for this i am using a palette that i made and if you want to follow along exactly you can download that palette for free on gumroad i'll have a link in the description okay so to do that i'm just going to drag open a new window right here you can just go to where two windows meet and drag down and then up here i'm going to change this to the uv editor right there and you just want to hit open right here to add a new image and you just want to navigate to wherever you saved the palette that you downloaded so now we have our palette in here you can just zoom in because it's a really small image it's just 16 by 16 pixels okay and so now that we have this in here we can first of all i'm going to select everything make sure these are named uh shoes and i'm going to put it in with the other ones and give that a save and select everything and shade everything smooth okay and we need to actually add the material so i'm going to select the head and then hit a to select everything you can see that the head is the one it's actively selected that's why it's a different color you can go right here to the material properties and add a new material i'm going to go into the shading tab right here to set it up okay let's look in on our character right here and you just want to uh shift a i'm going to search with s and then add in an image texture right here you can plug the color into the color of this principled shader and we already loaded our image in so you can just press this right here and choose the palette okay and you can see right here it's kind of smooth and i don't want that what's doing that is this linear right here you need to change that to closest and it'll sharpen it out like that i'm also going to shift a and then s to add in a texture coordinate and i just want to make this use the uvs so drag that into the vector right there and that's pretty much all we have to do to set this up okay if you do want to mess with the roughness you totally can do that or change this around but that's it that's all i'm doing for right now so let's go back into layout right here and now that we have everything selected with our head as the active selection you can hit control l to link all of the materials okay and you can see our body didn't change that's because our body was made using the skin modifier and everything else was using uh just a primitive that we brought in and a lot of the primitives are unwrapped by default so this one we just have to unwrap so just select the body and hit tab to go into edit mode select everything with a and hit u and just unwrap and you can see this appeared over here and that means that we successfully unwrapped it okay and when we go exit out you can see the material is applied now and so the basics of how this works i'll show you with the head if you click the head and hit tab to go into edit mode and select everything over here you can see that we have our uvs over here and you can hit a to select everything over here also and when we move it around you can see over here that the colors are changing all right and if we scale this down small enough so that all of this fits into one color we can use this to choose what color we want and this makes it so you don't have to add like a million materials you can just use one material for a lot of different things and have different colors so to scale it down really small you can just hit s for scale and then zero and it just scales it down to like this little point right here and you can put that wherever you want it so i'm just gonna put this on white for now okay i'm gonna exit out and select everything and hit tab again so now we have everything over here everything is selected so just hit a to select all scale it down to zero okay and i'm just going to move everything over here oh you know what we didn't actually select everything over here so hit a hit a over here s to scale zero now we can bring everything over to the white and so if something is white we know that it's plain now okay another thing you can do with this if you're in a face select mode you can select any face you want and then hit g over here to move it around and you can change the colors of individual faces like that i don't want to do that right now so i'm just going to select the whole head with l and i'm just going to choose a skin color and so for the skin i want something maybe like this this darker teal right here also for this i want to use a material preview right here and our colors will just look a little more accurate so next i want the lips to be a slightly different color so i'm just gonna turn off the mirror modifier for now and select this uh the back part of the mouth and just hit control plus to start expanding this until it reaches the outside the outer edge of the lips right there and this i want to be maybe a slightly darker color like that i think that's good a little more blue and a little darker next i'll do the eye so i'll just select that vertex right there and hit control plus until it expands as far as i want it just going to make this pupil black right here so now we have a black pupil and if you hit l over this it should select the whole i and you can hit h to hide it that way i can select our eyelid right here and if you want to be the same color as something else you can just shift click the other face that you want so you can see over here now we have our eyelid selected which is white and our lips over here so we can just select just this one and move it over to the same spot like that and now it's the same color to get our eye back we can hit alt h and that just unhides everything okay next i am going to just hide our vest you can also do that over here and i'm going to start selecting if you need to go into x-ray mode just make sure you go into solid first and if you want to be able to see colors when you're in solid mode you just need to make sure that you have texture selected otherwise your your texture won't appear it won't match this over here so i'm going to hide the head also right there and i'm just going to select this top vertex and expand the selection so that i can make this part be the neck okay right there and i'm going to bring the head back and do the same thing i did with the eyelids right there so now we have two different colors over here i'm just going to move the white part over to that skin color so it's the same and i'm also going to select this hand right here i'm gonna hit c to bring in circle select right there and once again i am in object mode for this and an x-ray so that way it's going all the way through but i'm gonna switch back to material preview and select one spot on the head and move this white part over so now our hands and our neck are the same color okay all right so i'm just gonna select a loop right here to make the pants and i'm just gonna expand the selection until it gets about as high as i want so i'll make this kind of like a jeans color maybe like a darker blue like this maybe and then i'll select the whole body with l and you can see now we can see all the colors we're using for the body i'm just going to change this white part again to maybe like another blue but like a pale light blue like this all right so i think our body is good for now i can unhide our vest and select our vest whoops select our vest right there i want our vest to maybe be a little darker blue like that so now let's do our hat we can just select that select everything and i want this to be orange so maybe this orange color right here and next are shoes so select that i want these to match our hat okay have some like good accent points going so i'm going to have our shoes be white and orange select this right here this whole loop maybe just expand that see what that looks like all right select that part and the tongue right there and just move all of that over to the same orange color right there and i think i want the bottom of our shoes to be a different color also so just select the entire bottom right there and i'm going to make this kind of like a gum color so maybe like a dark pink like that now let's see what that looks like it's looking okay all right i think we're done and that's all we're going to cover in this one i think the next character related video i make will show some basic rigging so subscribe if you don't want to miss that and if you have any recommendations leave a comment below thanks for watching have a good one
Channel: Joey Carlino
Views: 37,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, cg, cgi, blender 2.9, modelling
Id: S7zRQjDQmS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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