MAKE THIS | Cube To Bear | Blender Tutorial

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in this tutorial we're going to be taking the default cube and giving it the love and respect it deserves by turning it into perhaps one of the cutest characters i've done in a tutorial so far we're going to be making this bear right here using nothing but the default cube and just a simple image that we're going to download on the internet for free one you could actually use commercially even if you wanted to so if this is something you want to learn and you like blender and you like 3d and you like cute cuddly things that make your life feel a little bit better this tutorial is going to be a ton of fun if you guys want to also help support the channel and you really like the things i do you can also check in the description below i have a link to skillshare and if you actually use that link you can get skillshare for free for one month and you don't have to continue after that month if you don't want to and it'll give you access to some of my other really cool courses that come with a lot of cool resources and files um in the description below you can check it out if you want to um i think i've said enough i really want to get into this tutorial and i think you guys are going to really learn a lot of cool stuff okay so i have blender open i'm ready to go but i want to get my image first and you haven't already done it yourself just make sure to do it so i'm going to put a link in the description below to pixabay so this one here it's a picture of this bear i think it's a really good one the reason i particularly like this one because it's it's kind of consistently lit yes there's some ambient occlusion some shadowy spots here and there but overall compared to a lot of other photos out there um it's not too bad so i'm going to just take this one i'm going to download it and if you sign up and it's a free account by the way you can download some of these here without an account but if you sign up you can download the full resolution one which is kind of what i recommend so i just downloaded the highest resolution one here and just for example here i'm going to have it on my desktop so you can see here i have it on my desktop and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to you know while i'm in blender i'm just going to hit one to go into my front orthographic view on my number pad and in my front orthographic view i'm just going to take that image and i'm just going to drag it not onto the cube but just kind of above it just there just so drag it into my scene somewhere so there you can see we have the image in our scene here and with it still active you can just hit g and then go y and just move it back like that into the scene so in our front view you're not going to notice anything in front of graphic view because it's no perspective but it is further back so we don't want it you know right here in the middle of our primitive cube so just like that awesome one more thing we need to do as well because it's not perfectly centered and it's not geometrical we're just going to go g and x and we're just going to move this on x till that is kind of in the center here of our cube don't be too perfectionist about it just kind of roughly get it into place and let's just hit z on our keyboard and this is going to wireframe and let's just use the kind of like this cube's wireframe display here as a reference so if this image still active we're going to go g and we're just going to move it down i'm going to place the bear just about there once again we're trying to just get it in the center of the cube so look at the arms of the bear here if it's a little bit too far out bring it in if it's too far out this way just bring it in okay but just roughly there and if you look at the bottom of the bear here so here at the bottom where the legs are just kind of roughly try and get it to line up with this red axis line here on the floor okay so don't be too perfectionist like don't worry about getting too spot on just something like that is fine and then we're going to select our default cube and we're actually using the default cube today which is pretty cool so just a simple little perimeter shape like this and we're just going to hit z go into solid view again and now let's just go into edit mode so with your cube active just hit the tab key on your keyboard and you can see up here that's where it lives so just make that edit mode or just tab as a shortcut and let's just go s and let's just scale that cube down is kind of like the this dimensions of the belly here so you can look from the side to that side then we're going to go g z and we're just going to move this up until it's sitting almost at the bottom of our bear right there and then what we're going to do is we're going to hit z quickly go into wireframe and just click over here and drag and by the way we're still in our front orthographic view the whole time and we're in wire display mode so z and just wireframe so just make sure of that i'm going to go g z and just move it kind of until it's just underneath where the neck and the body touch here now the neck actually touches a little bit higher than the chin but because the chin kind of covers it you can't see it so maybe even a little bit higher than the bottom of the chin so something like that and then what we're going to do is we're going to go e to extrude that while we still got active a little bit and then s to scale then e to extrude and then z and we're going to just restrain it to the z axis we're going to take it up to about the top of the head and then we're going to come in here over this edge ctrl r or command r that's our loop tool so we're going to hover over this edge here of a cursor you should see the yellow line and just click and you can right click to let go because we don't want to slide it we're just going to go s to scale right and just hit one to go back into your front view then g z just move that edge down to about here once again don't worry about it not matching perfectly on the other side we'll get to that and then we're just going to come here to the stomach we're going to go ctrl r once again you can see the yellow line with the loop tool just click and while before we hit the right key let's just move or the right mouse button let's just move our mouse and just slide it up a little bit and then s to scale just a bit to bulge it out so you can see it's not symmetrical on the other side we're not too worried about that we're now going to go ctrl r but this time you can see the yellow line appears this way so we're just going to click it in the middle here so we've got a loop dividing it and then we're going to come here to the side control r and make another cut here and just click right click to let go of that and there we have that so we have a bit more geometry we're just simply going to hit a and that selects everything in edit mode let's go over here to our smooth tool click on the little gizmo thingy here just drag it and just move it out a little bit don't go overboard just something simple like that and we're already good to go so let's just hit z back into wireframe i'm just going to click on the move tool here for now and select this loop here by clicking and dragging it i'm just going to slide that down to the neck a little bit more s to scale it in and you can see it's already starting to look a little bit more rounded out but obviously you know we want to be efficient here so i don't want to be going back and forth changing something here and then coming back this side and changing it so i'm just going to click drag and select these half of the verts on my left and i'm going to hit x i'm just going to delete vert so i only have half of this teddy here and let's go to modifiers add modifier and let's give it a mirror modifier so it's beautifully mirrored enable clippings at a clipping just make sure that when we move verts they don't kind of pull apart so if i don't have the clipping here you can see that happens so make sure clipping is enabled from the beginning and that'll you know prevent that issue there so let's now go to a nice handy tool here the proportional editing tool so i'm just going to click on it so now if i select for example these votes here by clicking and dragging them and i hit g just to move them i can roll my middle mouse button while i do that and that just creates a fall off so the bigger the fall off the more controls the smaller the the the proportional editing tools falloff is and the less influence it has on surrounding vertices so just something like that helps us evenly move around topology but we don't have to select too much so it's a nice little tool i'm going to select these ones here g to move them in a bit um okay so maybe i won't because i can see it's making it a little bit narrower here so what i'm going to do i'm just going to tab back into object mode select the image here i'm going to go g x and i'm just going to move it over a little bit like that i might even go r and just slightly rotate the picture and then g to move it and just bring it in like that just slightly now i'm going to select the teddy mesh again i'm going to tap into edit mode and let's continue i might just come here and select this loop here it's going to go g move it in a bit i'm rolling my middle mouse button to decrease the falloff while i'm doing that and i come in here select this vert here g move that down a bit and now what we're going to do before we go further is just kind of start working on the snout here okay so that's going to kind of cover a lot of things so let's just go to our face select option we're just going to select this face here because we kind of reused that and we don't want to just extrude we want to actually reuse this so we're going to go shift d to duplicate it we're just going to move it forward a bit just click and let's just go to the right orthographic view by hitting free on our number pad and then we're going to go s y and we're just going to flatten that a little bit now if a proportional editing is still affecting other things you can just come up here and just change it to connect it only so it'll only change or affect the mesh that is active inside of edit mode now would we have it flattened out a little bit by going sy i'm going to go e and just extrude it out about that much and you can see that's what we're getting and let's just go to our edge select select this edge here and let's just go g and just move it back a bit and we're going to come over here control r you can see our loop tool just click right click to deactivate that move and then alt s with that still active i'm just going to scale it out just a little bit now what i'm going to do is just select an edge on the body of the teddy ctrl l or command l to select all of it then h to hide it you should go to our face select option and just select the back face hit x and then just delete that face now if we go alt h we can bring the bear back go over to edge select up here shift alt and then click on this edge to loop selected and then g y just move that back and there to the body so at the moment it looks very blocky but if we now go to our modifiers we can give this a subdivision surface modifier and you can see it's rounding things out quite nicely but at the moment that's obviously averaging out the faces and stuff so now you can see it looks quite small and the dimensions aren't right here so what we're going to do is we're just going to come over here in this now to control r add in a loop here and just click right right click and then what we're going to do while that's still active is we're going to go hit z go into wireframe go into your front orthographic view and now we're going to go alt s if that edge is still active we're going to scale it out and we're going to roll our proportional editing button to control the falloff make it a bit bigger i'm going to scale that out till it's about the same size as the snout here and then i'm just going to hit select this top edge here maybe even this one here back into front view back into wireframe g z i'm going to move that edge up roll my middle mouse button to control the fall off bring it up a bit and then i'm going to come over here over this edge ctrl r add another loop then just select these two new edges at the top do the same thing we're going to go g roll the middle mouse button to increase or decrease to fall off and move it up a bit make sure to hit z go into wireframe just to check the image here for reference so we're just bringing that up a bit and you can see that's now this already matching here quite nicely not bad right pretty easy stuff and we're just going to come over here to the head we're going to select the side of the head here go into our front view g and just move it rolling the middle mouse button just to control the following we'll just bring the head out a little bit like that selecting this top edge here and then g moving that up till it just fills out that space a little bit nicer we can come in here ctrl r add another another edge alt s and just scale that out along its normals and all we're trying to do is just define the shape a little bit more accurately so don't get too um pedantic about the details at this stage we're just really blocking things out we're relying on the subdiv quite a bit just to average things out but eventually when we get to kind of like a rough shape we want we can apply that and we can fine tune the shape even a little bit more so i think the head here is just a little bit too round so i might actually just grab these two verts here and just go g and move them in a bit but uh yeah like i'm getting a bit too fiddly with it now i think i need to just go on to the rest of the body but something like that kind of in the right right area so let's just quickly make the legs here which look tricky but they're actually not so i'm gonna i'm gonna show you that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over here to our face select option and we're just gonna select this face over here and we're gonna go shift d to duplicate it and we're gonna move it forward but you can see it's kind of like connected to the face that it's being mirrored so let's just go over to our mirror modifier and just temporarily we're going to just disable clipping and we're going to go g and move it over and then enable clipping again so now that's its own object we can go s to kind of scale it it's no longer connected via clipping and let's just move it back here so g move it back in here and let's just go to our front view again hit z go into wireframe and we want to look at this leg so i can see here's the front of the foot and the leg kind of tapers down like a really sharp tear drop so we can almost look that down here in the lower part of the bear that's kind of where it's going to start so we're going to place that right there and then we're going to go into our side we're going to e to extrude and just extrude it out then we're going to go into our front view again we're going to go s i'm going to scale that face up we're going to go g and we're just going to move it to where the foot is and then s z and scale it on the z a bit g z s scalar just just scale it g to move it and just roughly get it to that spot there go to your right view make sure it looks okay here you can also go s z y so if you go s y and you just flatten that a little bit that'll also help and just rotate it just slightly back so now we have that and then we're going to do is we're going to go e to extrude it and then s to scale it just a little bit so that gives us that shape and then we're going to come in here ctrl r click and then just move your mouse to slider so we're going to bring it up to about here and then grab this top edge and we're going to go g z and just bring that edge up a bit and we can go to our top view here maybe just select this edge and g just kind of move it out to give it a little bit more volume so now if we get our front view that's what we have i know it doesn't look exactly up to scale now but it's kind of giving us the rough shape we're looking for so what we can do at this point you should go to our face select select this face here and go into our front view we still have proportional editing enabled we're just going to go s roll our middle mouse button to control the falloff i'm just scaling it up till that foot is more in line with the scale here you can hit z go into wireframe if it helps we're just roughly trying to get it there you can kind of see what we're doing like like i said we're not trying to add too much detail just keeping it simple so with the body here you can just come over here ctrl r add in an edge just click move your mouse down just to move it down and then alt s just to scale that out a bit along the normals and maybe even grab this edge down here just move it out just around the bottom out a little bit doesn't really matter because this is kind of like a still life render if you will uh we're not going to be seeing anything behind the front of the leg so don't worry too much about those details so now we have that in place we've got the legs there so it's looking pretty cool and the arms are really simple too all i did is i went once again to face select and it's a very similar method to the feat so i'm just going to select the face here on the side shift d to duplicate move it over s to scale it and then into your front view and then move it up to where the arm starts and let's just go into wireframe again and i'm just going to make sure that face is active rotate it a little bit and e to extrude g to move and let's just move it down to where the arm ends s2 scale and then go to your side g y and move it back so just something like that control r you can see the loop just add it in s to scale that a bit and what we can do is maybe just select the top face again so i'm going to go to face select and go into wireframe just select that face at the top of the arm and in the front we're just going to go e to extrude it into the body x and just delete that face and we can now go over here to our vertex select option select these two verts g to move them or just moving them up until they kind of match the arm a little bit better here it's the same with these ones bring them out okay that's looking a lot better just trying to add a little bit more volume to the bear's arm here maybe at the top bring these down but that's a very simple shape to make so ctrl r out in a little edge here maybe slide it here g and just move it up we need a little bit more of a bend to match the reference there but you can kind of see what we're doing very basic arm to make and it does need a little bit more thickness here so i'm going to go ctrl r add another loop alt s scale it out along the normals just gives a little bit of a feeling of a hand kind of going on there but you can see uh very basic shapes and we're relying on our modifiers here to help us out so now the bear what else can we add um he's obviously going to need some ears but i think the ears will do separately for now i think we just need to refine some of the facial features so we can apply this so what we're going to do is just go over here and let's just make it simple by selecting the bottom verts here so i'm just selecting some of these bottom verts ctrl l or command l that just selects that geometry everything that's not connected is the snout so we're going to go h it'll temporarily hide things and now we've got the snout here just by itself in edit mode so now we're just going to select these bottom verts here g to move them down select these ones in the corner move them in a bit and all we're trying to do here is just match the snout so you can see that looks a little bit more like the shape where we had in mind here you can grab these ones bring them up a bit a bit more out bring that down it's kind of like a bean or kidney shape we're not too worried about the side but as long as it looks good from the front i'm happy with that so i'm gonna go alt h just to unhide everything else and what i'm going to do is just bring some of these neck bits in a bit so i'm just going to select these two verts here g move them in a bit just tighten that up so it kind of looks like the body and the head are separated a little bit okay so that's looking good so let's now go over to our foot and just select this front face here and what we're going to do is just go g y and just move it forward just a little bit because it's a bit too flat so now we have that in place what we're going to do is we're actually going to go over to our subdivision surface modifier and if you feel uncomfortable doing this what i would recommend just in case you feel like you might mess this up because once we do that we can't get that back so what we can do is just go shift d and object mode so we're in object mode shift d to duplicate the whole thing okay right click to let go but we have it active so that says cube.001 and we're going to hit m and just go new collection and let's just call it copy and then just hit enter and then ok so now we have a backup copy of this base primitive base model that we've made that we could always go back to if we mess up what we're about to do so just go ahead untick it here and we can't see it so let's just go back to our original here which is the cube go down to the drop down and the subdivide and just apply that modifier so now if we tap into edit mode you can see this is now applied so we have something a bit more detailed we can work with so one thing i'm going to do obviously is with the foot here and with these faces here active i'm just going to scale them up a little bit and i'm going to go to my edge select here shift alt i'm just going to click on this edge here and then i'll click on these two these ones this one here so they're all selected and i'm just going to go control b or command b just create a bevel i'm going to roll the middle mouse button once to add an extra segment and then when i'm done with that i'm going to go control minus to shrink the selection to one loop and i'm going to go alt s and i'm going to decrease my proportional fall off by rolling my middle mouse button and i'm just going to scale it in like that and that's just going to give us a little bit of a divot there but that detail really lends itself to this design and let's just also add another subdiv modifier on top of this which won't hurt anything okay and then we're just going to tab out and we're going to right click and just quickly go shades move so let's just move things out in our viewport display just quickly hit tab to go back into edit mode and that's what we have so far now before we go any further let's actually project the texture on here so far so we can kind of just get an idea with of where we're at so that's super simple to do and we're just going to go here to our materials and you can see we already have a material because we use the default primitive in blender which is the default cube it deep by default it comes with a material just called materials so we're just going to name that material there and we're just going to come here to our base color and click on it and we're going to go here to this thing here it's called our image texture so we're going to click on it i'm going to come to the drop down let's just select that pixabay image that we got it should be in here because we dragged it into blender so just click on it and now we have that material here but if we hit z and we go material preview you're going to see we have an absolute mess here right because it's still using the uv coordinates from the original default cube that comes pre-unwrapped in blender so that data is just really messed up at this point so we're going to go to our uv editing workspace and we're just going to hit a to select all of this one to go into our front orthographic view and we're simply going to go u and project from view and you can see in the other side we have half a teddy bear so we're just going to click drag and select it all g to move it we're just going to move it to where the teddy is and then we're going to go s to scale g to move and we're just roughly trying to line it up with the teddy here so we can now go in here slightly move it and if you want to see what's happening on this side you can hit z and then go into material preview and you can see a material preview of this texture here now one of the limitations obviously is that it's not going to look right from the the side or the back it's going to look weird even from the top you're going to get a lot of stretching as those pixels stretch on the on the the side planes but like i said we're trying to make a still life render from the front and that's why this kind of works really well as just a front on render but if you wanted to you know make it as a asset that you could use you'd have to kind of get extra images from the side and then project that and you'd have to paint it all in to some sort of like master texture but that's a whole lot of thing we're not going to really cover it in this tutorial so now you can see here it's kind of roughly in place what we can do now is we can individually come in here and select any one of these so if i click on the edge here control l just to select all of that by itself i can actually come in here and just separately move the foot i can also scale it and i kind of try and make it match up better to what i'm doing here over here i can just also go to my vertex option select this one vertex in the middle of the foot ctrl l to grow the selection a few times and you can see here it's just separately selecting these so now i can come in here and just move them more into a place that kind of works for the dimensions here so the foot is matching up a little bit better you can see here i can fill it in like that it's much easier and once i'm done with that i can just hit h to hide it over here and now i can go shift alt click on this edge and go control plus and just grow the selection a few times and now i can come in here and just grab these and just move them roughly on the outside like that and that way we get this part here the kind of like the bottom part of the foot that patch to really match up to the uv projection so just like that but really you don't even have to be that precise about it i'm just doing this as an extra little step but you can just really just leave it as we kind of just projected it from the beginning where we just roughly moved it on top of the teddy bear and you could still probably get away with it you don't have to be just like precise like i'm doing so you can just come over here alt h again just to unhide that and you can see it looks a lot better so go ahead take your time move things around grab the different parts come in here you can use the proportional editing tool to to slide things around till it just like i said all starts looking good over here but for now i'm just going to leave it as it is and i'm just going to go back to my layout and let's just quickly add in those ears which are really an essential part of this teddy bear so a simple way to do these ears and i experimented a little bit but i came up with a method that i think works really well so we're going to go shift a and we're going to add in a cube and by the way i'm back in my layout and i'm going to go g i'm just going to move it up to where the air is s to scale it down roughly about the same size it's just about here then i'm going to tab into edit mode i'm going to hit z i'm going to go into wireframe click and drag to select these verts here g i'm just going to move them to the end here or to rotate maybe i'll just grab this face down here just move it up a little bit and i'm just trying to roughly make that shape like that i'm gonna come here select these two these two edges or four verts s y and flatten them a bit grab these s y and scale them out a little bit so just something like that and then we're just going to go to our face select i'm going to select the bottom face and we're going to go i to inset it and then e to extrude up and then we're just going to come over here ctrl r to add in an edge click alt s and just scale it out a little bit so now what we can do is go give this a subdivision surface modifier and let's just go into our front view again we're just going to select this front edge g and we're going to move that edge select this edge back here g and move it down a little bit grab this one at the end and just stretch that ear out a little bit i'm just trying to make it roughly match up to the original reference there but don't be too crazy about it so just something simple like that maybe grab this edge down here just bring it out basic shape and let's go back to object mode just go over here and just go and apply it then we're going to give it another subdivision surface modifier and then holding and shift in fact we probably didn't have to give it that modifier but holding in shift sorry so we need to select this one first then holding and shift we need to select the body of the teddy bear then if we go ctrl j we're going to join that now to the body and now it shares those modifiers just once again right click and go shades move and now we have the ears added in so if you want them to share the texture so if you hit z and go into a material preview you can see it doesn't share the texture here so let's just quickly go back into our uv editing workspace select the ear geometry control l in your front orthographic view go u and then go project from view and over here you can just select the ear move it over here s to scale and very simple just like that and then go back to your layout and there we have it we've added the ear and it doesn't exactly match up to the reference here but it doesn't matter okay so it just kind of roughly gives us some nice ears and i think it looks pretty good so spend as much time you want refining things but that's where i'm going to leave it at so the eyes are also very simple shift a just add in a cube s z to scale it onto z a little bit and let's just give that a subdivision surface modifier bump it up to two come to the drop down and apply it s to scale it in your front view go g to move it up to where the i is s to scale till it's about the right size g y and move it forward and once it's roughly where you want it hold in shift one with it still active and select the body control j or command j and now it's joint right click and just go shade smooth back into edit mode we can now select this geometry in here and we can go u and project from view go back to our uv editing workspace and just quickly grab that geometry g to move it s to scale it and just match it up to the eye here you can also if you want to just give this a shader you don't even have to add a texture you can just add another shader to it and just make it like a black i'm just going to for the sake of continuity just give it the texture that's already here but other than that i'm pretty happy with this result so i'm just going to go back to my layout and really we're pretty much done at this point as far as the modeling goes now you guys can spend as much time as you want working on the modeling this is just me showing you how i kind of did it right you can see here this is my original i really put a lot more effort into that but it really is the same thing i did the exact same technique that you guys just saw i just spent a little bit more time fleshing it out and and moving verts around but pretty much the exact same thing so what we're going to do now is we're going to just get into setting up a little particle system maybe set up a few basic lights and we'll just render this out and see what it looks like and that'll be pretty much the tutorial but yeah it's going to look pretty awesome okay so what we're gonna do is just for now let's just select the background image here and let's just hit m and go new collection let's just you know put it somewhere just gonna call ref and then go okay enter just make that its own collection let's just come up here and just untick that so we don't see it so for now let's just select our teddy bear let's just simply go to our particle systems click new or plus you know it makes a new particle we don't want to work with emitters let's just make it hair and at the moment it's just not taking into account our modifiers here so a simple way to fix that is just back in your particles you got to go under here in an emission just go to this little tab called source and under here you can emit from just use modifier stack so that's super important now it's kind of like taking this modifier stack into account right which is important so back into our particles we're just going to come to length and make it point 0 2 and we're going to hit enter now i need to mention this if you scaled this object at all inside of your object mode these settings here are going to be different because a blender looks at the scale of things when it's working with particles any sort of system that is applied on top of your geometry it has to take the scale of things into account so if you have scaled something just make sure to go ctrl a and apply to scale and hopefully you guys kind of followed along with how i set things up so you don't have like you know a monstrously massive teddy bear in your scene here so just something like this but with the scale here of the hair length we 0.02 or 0.04 about there we can adjust it a little bit later we have that in place now we have a thousand on the number here which is fine we're going to come down here to our viewport display and let's just make the strand steps here free and then we're going to come to our children so the children essentially if you kind of don't know much about particles essentially these parent particles which are this this emitter number up here that's just kind of like the particles that you can comb and individually control so it makes things a little bit easier and you don't like have to edit a million hairs but for each one of these ones here you can come here to the children amount and we're just going to select interpolated in this case and you can see here in the display amount it's just essentially saying each one of those 1 000 hairs that are parents it's going to generate 10 of the display amounts so those are children right that's what i call children the render amount is just the amount that's actually going to be rendering in the final render so for now we'll leave the display amount here to 10. and if you have a weaker computer or a laptop you might want to consider keeping the display amount quite low so you don't get any sort of lags or kind of issues like that if you have like you know you're running a smaller device so with the render amount here i'm going to set mine up to 300 right i can get away of that because i'm going to be using a gpu if you struggle just make sure to save your scene if anything crashes try and bring that number down a little bit so what we're going to do now is obviously we don't want particles everywhere because we're just going to be rendering this from the front it's kind of redundant to be having particles at the back here it's just a waste so what we're going to do is we're going to go over here to object data properties i'm going to click on the plus and we're going to make a new group and if we tab into edit mode and we hit a to select everything we can click on that group and go assign so any vertex that's now assigned to that group will have hairs but we're going to come here to our vertex option we're going to hit control 1 or command one and that's going to take us to our back view we're gonna click and drag and just select all of the verts that are the back so you can see here it's just selected all the things that are back i'm gonna come here to this group and we're gonna go remove so now that's no longer part of that group we're also going to just select the eye here select avert ctrl l to select it and come to this group and just go remove so now if you just deselect everything and you have this group active you can just go select and anything that becomes active when you click on select is going to be what is going to be having our particles okay so maybe over here i'll just come select these verts here maybe use these ones here and just i'll also go over here and just assign them because it's important i'm going to tab back out into object mode it's still not working because we actually just need to go to our particle settings here and just simply go down over the bottom here you're going to see something here called vertex grips and the one we're interested in is density so click on density and there you can see we have group just click on it and all of a sudden the parent particles just disappear they're no longer visible to back only where we have an active group of vertices added to that that group there we're going to be having hairs generated which just kind of makes things a little bit easier so now it just looks crazy because it's just too straight if you render this it's going to look horrible it'll literally look like toothbrush bristles so let's just go back into our hair settings and let's just go up to the children and under the roughness amount here we're just going to come to the endpoint value and let's just drag that up that's going to give us a little bit more roughness so we don't want to go too crazy and we're also going to come here to the uniform and just increase that that's going to make things also a little bit more varied a little bit more random for us and then we're just going to go up and i don't know really know what this fully does but if you click on long hair it does a little bit of a better job so just click on that over there and we're also going to just go over to our render here and this is important we want to click on b spline and just bump the steps up to four so i find that gives a really nice result so we're going to do a test render but we need to add some light so let's just go shift a let's just add in a area light answers also go to our render settings and just make the render engine cycles if you have a gpu i would recommend under devices enabling it but if you just have a cpu it'll work and we're just going to go to our denoising enable it for the rendering and let's just make that optics so now once we have those things in place just make sure to save as you go and now we can just grab that light again g z move it up now we can hit z we can go into our rendered view and we can see the hair stairs so it's looking okay i'm just going to go to my light i'm just going to make it something like 90. and go g z move it up a little bit higher and then i'm going to go shift d to duplicate that light move on over to the side and rotate it in towards the teddy bear move it forward just like that simple light shift d make another one rotate it in yeah that's really really simple so just three basic lights like this and you can get rid of the original one here and just get rid of the camera as well you can delete that so what we're going to do is using our front view we're going to go shift a we're just going to add in a camera g y and move it back g z and move it up and then hit zero to go into camera view and you guys already know the basics just go to camera settings let's make it 95 on the focal length i'm going to go to my output and i'm just going to make it 10 80 at the top and the bottom i might make that 900 or maybe i'll make it sorry 1200 that's what i wanted to do so just 1200 and then i'm going to go g middle mouse button i'm just going to zoom my camera back and i'm just going to move it down a bit so just getting a nice something like this i think looks pretty cool then i'm going to go ctrl b click and drag over my camera view and that's just going to kind of limit the rendering to the viewport it kind of matters a little bit more if you have a lot of stuff in the scene but in this case you know i just prefer to do that just can sometimes help with performance you can see we have the bear here in a camera view it's being rendered in real time i'm going z rendered and it's a bit of a mess the hairs look horrible so let's just go back to our particles so click on the bear go back to your particles and we want to come here to the hair shape and under the hair shape we're going to come here to the root tip we're going to make it point one because it's going to make the hair a little bit finer so that already looks better and we're also just going to come over here to our modifiers and let's just make sure that all of these are in the right order so we want our mirror first then our subdiv and then our particle system so everything seems to be in place so what we're going to do now is we might just also come in here in edit mode just grab one of the eyes scale it up just a little bit and then move it over and then g y just move it forward a bit so it doesn't get too covered by the hair go back into object mode and there we have everything in place so let's just quickly do a test render so make sure to save let's go render and this is render image and let's see what this looks like okay so here you can see the render result it's still busy rendering it takes a bit of time even on my computer but you can see you know it's looking pretty good and just for like the the first render attempt we've made with just all the little minor edits so far it's looking pretty good there's still a few bold patches but that's kind of because um when we kind of deselected some of the diverts when we were making our vertic vertex group we might have should we probably shouldn't have removed some of the ones at the back of the ear so you can just go back into your object out properties select a few more of those verts and then just assign them to that group so it will have particles there so if you have any of those bold patches that's how you can fix it you can see here that the eyes we can just bring them up a little bit higher and just edit the geometry so i'm just going to kind of escape the render here so i'm just hitting the escape key i'm just closing this window and i'm just going to come here and just select it and i'm going to just do that so what i'm going to do is just select the the top of the snout here and i'm just going to in edit mode just bring it down a bit and these little things like that you can do and what i did as well um i can see those verts are fusing there so i might just quickly fix that but what you can do as well you can add the little part of the snap here i'll quickly show you my original so if my original here which is pretty much the exact same thing i did the exact same thing i what i did is i just added in a cube and i just simply modeled this little object here so you can see there this is a really simple thing i modeled and i just shrink wrapped it onto the surface and i just projected that exact same texture material on there so that's optional you don't have to do that bit and i just you know like i said i went in here to edit mode and i just kind of selected the right verts and i just assigned them to that group where i felt it needed it and where i felt it didn't need it at the back i just made sure to remove it because it's not really necessary so that's just how i refine things really the this really nice result that you see here this was my original that is the exact same thing i just showed you guys i used the kind of exact same lighting setup and pretty much the only difference is i just added that little face bit at the front and i just added in like a little floor from the setting which is that plane with a blue material but other than that this this really is a very very simple uh project so i really hope you guys have enjoyed making this teddy bear and um you know experiment with it try things out mess around with some of the particles but but really like everything like i said everything i've shown you here is pretty much how i got my my final result so um you'll you guys will definitely be able to use this to make some some cool stuff i look forward to seeing what you guys can do you can check out the discord group in the description below and like i said if you want to check out some really awesome like photo projection courses um i even show you how to like a full b animation of just an image you can check out my link in the description for skillshare which will give you one month free on skillshare and you can try it out you can watch some of my courses you can watch other people's courses and you can just decide if you want to do it and if you know before one month is over you can decide to drop out you don't have to continue and pay for skillshare so that's something you guys can check out in the description below i definitely encourage you to do that and like i said i'll be making my blend file available on patreon which you guys can also check out in the description and that's another cool way you guys can support the channel which really helps me make a lot of this content that you guys really enjoy and it's really fun to be interacting with the community so thank you for watching my tutorial and i hope you guys stay safe and i'll see you guys for another tutorial um real soon
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 14,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, beginners, ian hubert, cg matter, southern shotty, cute character, Blender character tutorials, Blender tutorials, Easy blender tutorial, Blender easy tutorials for beginners, Blender beginners
Id: NvuVpP7E_qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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