Customizing My Shoes (Again)

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[Music] hey it's me i'm back did you miss me did you did you i know half of you were like what i didn't even know you were gone yeah i didn't post last week um because i was taking a week off for the holidays but i'm back now and it is the first video of 2021. we feel good about that good let's paint on some shoes because you know where did this come from i just feel like this is a good way to kind of kick off the new year you guys uh seem to really enjoy every time i do this who don't like making custom shoes i don't know my hair is ridiculously long what was i saying the only problem is i don't have any idea for how to paint these shoes i don't know what to do but once we figure that out it should be nice and easy going let's paint on the shoes alright so here's my pair of plain white vans this is pretty much the only type of shoe that i ever paint on because they're just so perfect for customizing look at all that white space do you hear that it's the shoes screaming for some color also since there are no laces we get maximum amount of space to work with which means we have more options which means i'm not gonna know which one to choose that's okay i have some time to figure it out because i still need to tape them up i've got my vinyl tape here and i'm just gonna carefully work that around the edge of the shoe can't say i really enjoy that step it's the worst part of painting on shoes in my opinion it's really boring and i dread it every time but i think that it ends up saving time in the long run because once you get your soul protected you should always protect your soul you can work much faster with the paintbrush plus it gives us a nice little reveal at the end we like that little added drama also want to tape up the elastic area well i don't want to but i must we don't want paint all up in our stretchy zone what okay and we've got one shoe done and prepped onto the other one the second time always goes by so much faster already both shoes ready to be painted that means i gotta come up with my design idea um okay well first let's get out the paint that'll buy me another couple seconds of valuable panicking time i'm using angelus leather paint i have acquired quite a healthy collection of it but i usually use the paint from here which is where i store all my custom colors that i've mixed myself this palette keeps them all nice and fresh in here more or less no one's perfect and now no more excuses it's time to get started oh gosh just as soon as i get this bottle open so let's watch me in a moment of weakness i'm about to pop a vessel here that is one bad thing about this paint the bottles tend to become painted shut which is not so fun to deal with i ended up having to resort to slicing the bottle in half just to get the paint out and then i discovered this bottle is basically empty really let me just clean the blood off my weapon and i guess i'll try to make use of this last little bit of paint all that effort for literally three drops of paint okay so i grabbed another bottle oh my gosh luckily this time didn't result in anyone getting decapitated so anyway my whole goal here is just to freshen up this light purple and maybe tweak the color slightly and now we can get to the painting i'm dipping into that purple paint here we go the first stroke what a beautiful one eight out of ten except for that little chunk chunks always ruining things i'm painting the whole shoe with this light purple this is gonna be my background color which means yes at this point i have settled on my idea for this pair of shoes so far i've done let's see two character themed and one kind of abstract type thing so i wanted to do something different for this pair not that it's super out of the box crazy it's actually a very typical kind of design for me but just slightly different than what i've done on any other pair of shoes specifically so once the purple was dry this mysterious stain shows up skid mark of some sort can we ignore that no we cannot let me just get rid of that same way you get rid of food stains on the place mats you just flip it over so here i go sketching my design can you tell what it is no yes it's dessert if i'm gonna have a collection of custom shoes and that seems like what's going on here i think that it's only right that i dedicate at least one shoe to desserts doesn't the shelly and eustace's pair count as dessert themed no it's not the same thing so i've drawn an ice cream cone a donut and a cake roll and they're nice and snuggled together here i wanted to include more desserts where's the popsicle where's the cupcake could have been a lollipop or a cookie maybe a brownie snow cone macaron a maca cake where is the ice more nut but i decided we're gonna go for quality over quantity i wanted to be able to paint them nice and large and give them some good details on there i mean i don't have the tiniest little cinderella feet but i am pretty limited on space here so i had to just choose three life is hard and i stuck with desserts that i thought would get along with each other if you were to get the snow cone and the ice cream cone right next to each other there's bound to be some drama snow cone is a cheap knock off of the ice cream cone there's a lot of tension in that relationship and i'm concerned about that i'm always very concerned about very legitimate things i'm a little concerned about my earring holes and just like that we are ready to add in some details here and this is uh uh yeah okay this is where it gets fun i love love adding all the little details it's so fun i wanted to add some very clean kind of cartoony shadows to give it some dimension i decided i wanted to forgo the outlining i just want to keep it kind of soft i guess and i just wasn't feeling like a harsh outline was going to do us any good here and i also added a little texture on the kind of bready cakey coney creamy parts oh my gosh it's looking so nice finally i'm adding some sprinkles [Music] and a few more details here and there and boom the main painting is done but i do want to add a few more touches here to make it feel completely finished so i decided to paint the trim area with a darker purple go with that kind of two-tone look and here's where i realized this is a slightly different style shoe than the ones that i've used in the past there's a big kind of like y shaped area on the back surprise so i am painting that as well not sure i'm a huge fan of the style i think i like the other version a bit more but that's fine it's fine so this is what we've got now definitely could have been finished at this point but i was having a hard time dealing with the little bit of empty space that was remaining so i did what every overdoer does and i filled it up with random worthless nonsense i think the stars are kind of cute but they are very unnecessary and i go back and forth about whether they really helped the design but it's kind of too late now technically i could have painted back over them but this paint is kind of thick so you would have been able to see the shape of them underneath and that almost would have been worse would have been like pimples that are like under the surface you can see the texture so the stars are here to stay they're not going anywhere let's just say that we like them okay everyone okay we like them and if you can't say that get out no you're entitled to your own opinion of course as long as you agree with me so one shoe mostly done i'll come back to this in a little bit but for right now i want to get going on the other shoe you ready for this little buddy so here we go bringing out the paint again this time i'm going to freshen up the light blue with a bit of blue and a bit or a lot whoa a ton of white paint wow wow very liberal on that mix all of that together and wonderful we've got a nice gentle blue and i'm going with blue as the background color for this shoe i just can't bring myself to do the same design on both shoes because that would bore me so i'm going with a design that complements the other shoe but still has its own kind of unique thing going on because that's much more interesting for me to paint and for you to watch hopefully are you bored yet sweetie so what am i drawing on this shoe more desserts no what comes after dessert dinner of course so on this shoe i'm painting a group of three savory foods in a kind of similar composition as the dessert shoe so let's get painting that i actually had many ideas for different designs i could do on pairs of shoes um oh ew i thought about doing like a night and day set of shoes or a landscape that continues across the pair or a pb and j themed pair fruit themed pair but every idea i had it seemed like it just wouldn't have been enough substance for an entire video so maybe i need to do a video where i do multiple pairs and go with more simplistic designs for each pair i'm gonna have so many shoes also i have a confession i have never worn any of my painted shoes out and about i wore the ones that were painted as part of my custom outfit outside in the backyard and they got a little dirty that made me feel very uncomfortable and a little bit traumatized i spend so much time on these shoes i just want to save them in perfect pristine condition forever is that so unreasonable maybe if i do some simpler designs that don't take me as long i'll feel less worried about them getting messed up and then i will actually wear them out next time i'm doing multiple pairs simpler designs be here i'm gonna have so many shoes here i go with the second coat as you can see i've chosen a burger slice of pizza and an egg um the egg is kind of random i think i i don't know if it completely goes with the other two but i thought that it would work well to create a very similar composition to the dessert shoe since the dessert shoe has a donut with the hole positioned in the same place as the yolk so it's kind of like a yin-yang type of balance i also could have done an avocado there and the seed could have been the circular part of the composition am i overthinking this either way i got the flat colors built up and now is the fun time adding all the little details that really bring this to life is there anything more fun than painting food i don't think so and i was very happy because these were turning out really nice i really like the style of the shadows and the whole line-less look now for painting on the trim of course this time i'm going for a darker version of blue to contrast with the light blue background and finally you know we're going to do the stars still not completely sold on these especially with the way i was very awkwardly spacing them on this shoe what are you doing i don't know but i have to add them because otherwise we're going to be very terribly mismatched so i mean i guess it's good it does kind of add some interest to the back of the shoe instead of leaving that completely plain i really need to convince myself that i like them and here is the magical moment where the shoes come together meet your soul mate ah soul mate is that a joke and then the very satisfying tape removal process [Music] beautiful now like always there are a few places along the edge that need some touching up so take care of that and once everything looks nice and neat it's time for the clear coat just pouring some of that into a nice crusty paint palette and going ahead and applying that over the entire shoe oh you can have some too of course and there they are completely finished i think these turned out super cute i really love the style of the painting i love the idea of the savory food on one foot and desserts on the other foot are so different but i think that they're still balanced and they work together right now in this moment i'm even kind of liking the stars they're not so bad will this be the first and last time that i wear these shoes i hope not hopefully i will have the courage to put these on again either way i am very pleased with the final results and i thoroughly enjoyed painting these i hope you guys like them thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 6,449,609
Rating: 4.9524717 out of 5
Keywords: making custom shoes, how to customize shoes, painting on shoes, custom vans, decorating air force ones, tiktok painting compilation, painting on things
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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