Testing A Cheap Pottery Wheel Kit

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[Music] so today I am going to be different wow it's been a while since I've done one of these kits but you guys seem to like it when I do them and I quite enjoy it hopefully this one ends up better than it does normally oh you have no idea I've always wanted to try pottery right but I know nothing about it I've never tried it ever I know nothing about it I figured this would be a good starting point I stumbled upon it at Walmart for $19.99 the hands-on the picture looked to be an eight year olds hands so that gives me some hope because I'm thinking maybe I as a 23 year old can manage it but I'm still doubtful we're gonna keep an open mind and we're gonna try our best and daggone it I'm gonna make something cute let's just jump into this fYI I'm dressed like this because I figured this would be getting messy that's the only reason I'm gonna open this up let's open up this box and oh look at that it's a box oh my gosh I'm already confused so we've got some traffic cones it's like some sort of button and then we've got the big thing this is the big thing that's gonna make the magic happen the pottery wheel right right save me please instructions packages of cream cheese um this is the clay Wow that's the paint wow wow wow wow this is a lot of instructions batteries are sold separately so I have to go I have to go get deep batteries so I'll be back this is new welcome to my car it's so hot out here and I'm gonna be all types of sweaty when I get back oh okay I'm back got the batteries you know what I think I kind of get it let's just let's just try it and see first batteries okay okay okay let me get organized here do I want to use the pedal I think I want to use the pedal there's a little place where you plug in the pedal clay open half of one of these bars first before you do anything you need to work the clay you just kind of this clay is hard as a rock wait are you joking I'm supposed to be able to work this what I wouldn't eat your old do this it's so hard you're supposed to be able to stretch this really this is not going well so after struggling for like an hour am i sweating drowning the clay in water and practicing with the wheel for a bit I did figure out what needs to be done so this is exactly what they tell you to do in the directions you're supposed to use this thing which yes is extremely dirty coat the inside with a clay in water mixture so it doesn't stick close it around a hunk of clay and then clip it onto the plate and use this little ring over top to keep it closed make sure your hands and the clay are wet and slippery take the traffic cone coat it with more clay sludge you press the pedal to make the plate spin and then use the cone in an up-and-down motion to create the indent and I did try to use the bigger one as well and you can see what part of the problem is here the plastic is cracking under the pressure and it's like spewing clay out of the side well let's still try to work with it after letting it set for a little bit just so that it doesn't fall apart okay I'm gonna stop with the quotes now pull it out of there which is just effortless and then slip the cover off of the clay which is so easy and voila a masterpiece you're left with a perfect pot amazing yeah so I tried this technique like three times and it just didn't work for me so I ended up just going freestyle with it I just shaped something really rough and then stuck it down on the wheel and went for it and it was so difficult I did learn some things like that your hands and the clay should be wet the whole time I guess this is why people go to classes for pottery because I was just terrible at trying to learn this on my own but I do think that it had a lot to do with the wheel itself it looks like it's spinning fast because this is really sped up but this is real time it just doesn't spin that fast so it takes forever to make any progress the plate is also really really wobbly and I just don't have the skill to overcome the challenges and make it work so this is what I got train wreck it's supposed to be a teacup so I made a little handle for it and then use the string they provided oh and yeah I did ditch my nail-polish revealing my terribly stained nails but let's pretend that that's not frightening you the string to separate it from the plate which did work pretty well probably don't have to do it that many times okay just stop now and then gently lift it off wouldn't want to break that masterpiece and now we can add the handle and the instructions were actually helpful for this because they reminded me to score the clay the clay doesn't go in the oven or anything so you're just supposed to let it air dry for like 24 hours and since I created something so lovely the first time I'm gonna do it again I was trying to make something decent literally all day so just imagine this for 10 hours I've had better days and I failed at this over and over and over what what was I even trying to do here I don't know even my cat was starting to judge you don't like this but it ended up getting worse because the battery started dying and it started sounding a lot like whoo whoo you know what I'm talking about like it wasn't a smooth motion so it was just getting harder and harder to get in even shape all y'all with the dirty minds cool it okay this is innocent so I ended up making this and I did another one because I did want to use all of the clay that they provided you're supposed to be able to make four pieces but it only went far enough to make three for me although there was probably enough on my hands for a fourth one at this point the battery was really starting to die and my spirit was dying at the same time so this bowl is just it's just terrible so here are my three absolutely stunning creations that now need to dry flash forward it's been 24 hours and surprise the clay has some big cracks in it it just gets better and better the surface of the clay was super rough it's got all these handprints in it so I did use some sandpaper to smooth it out I don't know if this is considered cheating or if people ever actually do this with pottery I have no clue but I was just trying to improve this in any way I could it obviously didn't help with the uneven shape but it did help to smooth out the surface a little bit and helped with the cracks a little finally it's time to paint they give you like a thimble full of each color it's a super small amount of paint and also this really tiny paintbrush which is fine for details but it's a little annoying to use to paint larger areas with this I did end up using my own paintbrush and of course I had to mix in a lot of my own paint to be able to finish painting these I really tried to do well on the paint jobs to make them a little cuter but it's kind of like putting a dress on a turd there's just not much you can really do to improve them since the shape is so bad but you know what let's try to be positive for just a second here painting them was definitely my favorite part I love painting things in general anything really so I did get some enjoyment from it by the time I had painted all three pieces I've used every last bit of the paint they gave me and as I said I had to use a lot of my own I would say it was about half and a half so they give you about half the amount of paint that you need I will say the quality of the paint actually wasn't that bad it was nice and opaque it had a nice shine to it I liked it honestly there just wasn't enough of it so here's what we got we got the ball which is watermelon themed the teacup which is a sprinkle theme and this thing honestly I have no clue what it is but it actually may be my favorite so yeah that's that's them I don't know what people are gonna say about these clearly I know they're not the best but maybe you can at least see what I was trying to do or appreciate the effort hey this video took me like what three days to film this is what I have to show for it and yes that means I haven't changed my clothes or showered in three days I'm just kidding I just put this back on because consistency my experience using this kit as a beginner even after reading through the instructions thoroughly twice was a nightmare but since I have no experience nothing to compare it to I wasn't sure if it was just me or if the kit just sucks so after doing some research I realized that this is basically the worst pottery wheel on the market I mean it's $20 compared to like a beginners pottery wheel which is closer to 80 but then again you do have to spend like 13 dollars on batteries so 33 dollars actually okay stop making that face now it has a stunning 2 star rating on Amazon it's a terrible rating so I went on YouTube I looked for other people doing the same kit most people had similar results to this kind of quality although they were kind of hyping it up and being like oh yeah what's so great no it doesn't but I did find a legit review from a woman who actually does pottery and she basically knew just by looking at it that it was going to be terrible okay that's gonna make a wobbly pot yeah and she did have a lot of the similar struggles that I had managed to crack a hole right through the clay yeah so I felt better until I saw what she made I think it might be this clay so I'm gonna switch sweet teacup if you're a beginner at pottery and have no clue what you're doing you're going to be very frustrated trying to use this and I can't imagine that it's less frustrating for a child to use it apparently if you're a pro you can finagle something and make something decent but I can't imagine that many pros are really interested in buying this unless you're doing a review so yeah basically no no it's just not good on the bright side um I did get to try pottery for the first time without spending a ton of money so that's good but my pottery experience is a little bit tainted because it was so frustrating so is that good is it a good thing to have your first experience with something be extremely frustrating because you don't have the right tools I don't know I don't know and then again maybe I'm just not good at it maybe maybe I'm just not good at it if you do want to try pottery but you don't want to spend a hundred dollars maybe you should buy something like this I don't know if this exact kit is the best option out there I saw several others that were similar in price that had better reviews but I haven't tried those so I can't really recommend any right now if you guys want to see me try those out and see how that goes see if it's any better all you have to do is ask and I'll do it I'm here to waste my money on these things so that you guys don't have to I hope that this was entertaining anyway and thanks for watching I'll see you on Monday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 8,987,357
Rating: 4.9078178 out of 5
Keywords: pottery kit review, how to make pottery at home, pottery for beginners, pottery for kids, creative activities for adults, fun crafts for kids, crafts to do when you are bored, things to paint
Id: mTKtOSxB608
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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