Custom Long Hive - Dad's Reaction - Long Langstroth

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welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life it's uh friday march the 12th about six o'clock and i'm sitting here at the house uh waiting looking anxiously down the driveway uh waiting for a special delivery oh let's unload it look at it rick all right man y'all got the truck loaded down don't you yeah we're delivering two other hives also okay yeah so just start out for the hobby kind of started off in a hobby and you know how it goes i told randy got me into beekeeping he said first thing he said to me is sorry today's the day i get to drop this beauty off to my dad ricky and ruth roark at ambi's honey farm built it and my dad's getting it today he don't know it but uh special gift just for him ambi's honey farm i'll put their information below in case you want to order one beautiful work of craftsmanship art and a home for your honeybees got something for you in the truck in the back from wow ricky and ruth built it for you you wanted something you could work something you could manage how beautiful that is well you may set it up in i don't know ricky and ruth thank you all very much very nice i hate to unload it i've been riding around with it in the back of my truck for three days and getting all kind of compliments about it well you ready to set it up you all right why people do that they just wanted to do something nice he was pretty touched by that he's he's tearing up pretty bad if i clown on him and ain't being mean it's just getting his mind off of it getting his mind on something something like that all right meryl streep and the oscar goes too that's dirty there's the front i tell you if you want something beautiful in your garden oh okay got his name on the side over here good if you want something beautiful in your garden there it is right there did you bring this back with you no he brought it down on a trip to texas he had to deliver another one to texas he stopped and dropped it off at timings while i was going to california well folks i don't know y'all and it's hard to even speak right now but thank you from my heart just unlatch both of those hold on to that uh unless two on this side there's an inner cover unless these fronts on this side now it sits on that uh oh okay front entrance if it's a langstroth deep frame and there's the covers that go over the frames [Music] and then there's got two follower boards one's got a queen excluder on it [Music] perfect fit this is a actual follower board the other one's just a queen excluder really crooked so anyway it uh runs horizontal of course and then you can put a honey super up here or some hog half build you some comb honey in the top of it and these pins these this these hinges are pinned amazing yeah so it's pinned like that these spring loaded hinge pins and it opens the whole thing up and and you work it i'm gonna have to figure it out yeah it'll be that hard there's a queen excluder right there [Music] put two hides in there yeah you could if you uh stick the follower board in the center right here you could run two hives in yeah well you could just run a you could run a piece of screen on both sides queen on this end a queen on this end and let both colonies work one entrance and work the honey super yeah they'll do it build it out wonderful thank you thank you folks god bless y'all it's pretty it's amazing it's going to get a lot of exposure every time somebody comes to pick up queens or nukes you'll be over here showing it to him absolutely [Music] wow we got to get some bees in this thing today [Laughter] what is up rooster nation welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life out here with the old man today what you're working on today [Music] look at them heavy wax foundations yo that's kind of that's what you want please take that and draw it out so fast make your head spin hope my head don't spin it's bad enough to begin with i was going to video you uh populating your long hive but you got ahead of me on it i got that yesterday you was in this yesterday you see open this up and see what he's got in here all these little sugar ants trying to get on this comb here they won't hurt the hive those bees will keep them out of the hive but you have a couple of deeps you split up and put in here or just one yeah i had a nuke over here that had five frames in it i just fit those up this was a nuke where'd the cut comb come from there because they oh i see strip it down and put it back in there i don't think they're stripping it i think they're working it put three of these in there in that nuke this was a single nuke how long ago it was sitting over there on the trailer it didn't have bees in it just a nuke with five frames in it no no where'd the bees come from oh out of another nuke that i had over there just put them in there about three weeks ago okay that's what i was getting at so they've been in here three weeks now check out that artwork snazzy love it this is a really cool setup i hadn't shown this on my channel yet put this other inner cover where it belongs that's what this long hive looks like opened up i'm gonna take this center box off and show you how that works these hinges on pin like that and you put another 10 frame deep up inside there which is what we're fishing to do but you said you had some hog half dude it's not here i've got it all right for the time being i'm gonna take this box of medium drawing combs and put it in there just to show you how it all fits together the top box will fit in between these inner covers just like this and then this one goes on over this is how these hinges lock the box is sitting there just like that it's made for running a deep i got this medium with this drone comb hoping that'll keep him from building in the lid for the time being until he can get his hog hats ready to go in here i'm gonna take this out of the box making sure i ain't got a queen in here before leave it outside the hive you're gonna leave a food source like this outside the hive you don't want to do that during a dearth or when you don't have a flow going on even doesn't it necessarily be a full on dirt you can promote a robin situation in your whole apiary just by leaving a food source on top of a single hive looks like you're having a hard time getting bees to survive huh all these boxes are just jam-packed we're adding a another medium to this one it's full to the top hmm these old frames that are dried out i just want to spray them with some sugar water and that stuff dried out me to work it more what we're doing here is we want our nukes and our younger bees to feel at home so we put wallpaper on the inside of the boxes kind of pretty much maybe look like a nursery [Music] little flowers and stuff on them who wallpapered it in the inside of a box that one needs them somewhere they said these need wallpaper or something i got this queen excluder right here before i go through this box i'm just smoking bees out i either run them up or down i'm just watching see if see if the queen runs out she can't run down she's either gonna go up or she's in the bottom box i think she's in the bottom box what i'll do if i find the queen this way is i just grab her and put her on the entrance and let her walk back in and she'll be right back on the brood pouring out pretty fast so i ain't seen her yet i don't think she's in here i mean i don't think she's up top but i'm sure she's in the bottom this one i think i have a queen in both boxes well there's an excluder in there so they can keep on working yeah not sure if it was or not bottom box a queen laying top box queen clip and mark blue i think there's one in both boxes maybe i've seen crazier things and i did this one that was late in the afternoon and getting ready for rain what do you think of that long box over there i love it beautiful if i just finished figuring out how it works so i don't mess it up yeah we just showed you today yeah how to put a super in the top learning yeah i was supposed to be over here helping him when he started on that one and i didn't know he was uh populating it but he got ahead of me he didn't you didn't know either all right i'm working this box with this turd of a smoker i don't know where where you found this thing do you keep your keys on it [Laughter] listen to it oh yeah listen to the quality of the smoker is beautiful you know it if you ain't got nothing else i'd take it but if you got anything else no queen outside the box i'm confident she's below we're gonna put the lid back on it and let them run ain't gonna pull some frames which is what i was anticipating i was gonna pull some frames and check it not going to tight boobs they say one size fits all one sides don't fit all glove works 2x bigger than anything you can find locally i ordered them off amazon is that seven these are five minutes what's in there i know it's got cones we're going to go in the long hive again today it's been a couple weeks since we looked at it i've got a medium in the top box here i think you could probably run a queen excluder under here if you didn't want anything in this top box i'm pretty sure they're starting to propolize this vent right here they know what they like it's got plenty of ventilation there both sides are vented as well the center they're starting to close it up a little bit and they'll open it back up again at some point close it open and close it open it they need a sliding door on me i disturbed a beetle corral i didn't even think about the video they were hiding under the screen right here i'm trying to work on controlling the ants they're winning really these little ants have almost zero effect on the hive they're just aggravating they're just annoying to him i don't ever treat him on my yard but what he's using is permethrin uh i don't know what the mix is on that but very mild i could probably figure it out just gotta be real careful where you spray it is an insecticide so he's just squirting the bottoms of the stands if you're really careful with it though it won't affect your bees at all they don't hang out on the bottom of the stands as you can see he just sprays on the ground around under the hive they they're not gonna be down there hanging out even fire ants in our area won't bother a hive i've heard from other people west of us that fire ants will decimate a colony but i've never seen it happen here i even uh early on people used to tell me if you had i've beat a larva on a frame you could lay it on a fire ant pile and they'd take care of it i've done it and videoed it and it ain't true i matter of fact if i can find the video i'll pull it up and show it i got slow motion video of high middle larva just crawling down in the fire ant pile to go to ground and the ants just walking around them these are the gloves we've been trying to use seven mil from sherwin williams you'll hardly ever get stunned through them but extra large is the biggest they've got and that barely i can barely get on my on my hands so pete uses those got me some 2x5 mill i'm fixing to see how they are with the bees that'll be probably down or just that or the paint stuck well you're going to unlike these two okay now they're purple eyes it's propolis that's right i got a fix for that tool and a wiggle wiggle that stirred them up i'm gonna hold it for a second get your smoker it's starting to take my hand they're not getting me landing on the glove but they ain't getting me all right i'm coming off with the lid you want to put your hood on once you put your hood on [Music] this is supposed to have a deep in it i was in a hurry when i put it together and i put a medium on it you can see the propolis line where they stuck it all together probably wouldn't have done that if it had been deep in there it would have covered up that vent they would probably wouldn't have felt the need to close it off although they may have but still it came off easy enough it's hot out here and the propolis is kind of like play-doh in the heat i thought the flow was over with it and stacked up another it's ready to pull for extraction it looks like yeah we hadn't done anything in this yard yet i know but we didn't put we put this super on kind of late yeah i didn't think we would get any or much honey out of it of course we don't have an excluder beneath it so it may be a lot of brood in there too yeah i don't think there will be those pulled out too pretty well who knows just straight honey straight honey you want to take it out and take it with you and leave it home for a little bit we can get it empty but the ones under is going to be full too you got your uh keyboard yeah no i've got the spray it's right there on the back of my truck i'm trying to think yeah this is all honey i found this fume board i'm gonna show y'all real quick how this works all the fume board is is a top coat top cover with a really thin top cover so he can come through it a felt liner and this is be quick spread some be quick in there this doesn't fit all the way over the box like a telescoping cover it fits up on the top edge of the box so that be quick and we don't have any sun on this right now but it's pretty hot out here the fumes will run the bees down out of this we'll give them a few minutes we'll pull that off and i'll show you how many bees are left up in the up in that honey super let's see what they look like after it's probably been four minutes i see two bees three bees five bees in the whole box that was after about that's after about four minutes with a fume board and just just a real lightweight metal over some felt and a frame to sit flush on top of the box you try doing that same work with a smoker and it takes a little time you can do it with a blower some people do use a leaf blower but that's still not going to get all the bees out they're going to town this protest these things are full yeah well there's a queen excluder on here they can work this side let's just put some more frames in it okay right there yeah okay i guess the elderberry must have been pretty good this year because after the tallow quit it was elderberry was still going pretty good um just now losing their bloom tallow quit and i thought i was out of a flow and my bees kept putting it on and wouldn't weren't really attacking my truck when i come home from a i'm gonna cutout this excluder on the middle right well let's take this other one out a little bit oh yeah we were down though we were on 12 frames i thought we had a whole bottom full they're looking strong though there's some of those little ants a little tiny ants nothing to worry about they don't affect the hive at all good strong hives they have zero effect on them i'll say zero the bees might argue that point a little bit but i'll say zero give them ten percent anyway throw that yeah right back on there let them clean it up baby bait in the ground for pests that's some gummy purplish um probably ought to pull it up tight like that every time so less less formula want to propel eyes and keep it from warping too used to be there was no stings on the 5 mil and i did stir them up pretty good right there in the beginning those are seven mil though huh yeah yeah so seven mil you're probably hardly ever going to get this thing i don't think i've been stung through those seven mils yet five mil just now starting on trying them out and probably gonna be the same situation they just don't like to this these are nitrile gloves i don't know i don't think they'd like to feel them i don't yeah i don't know if it makes a difference if your nitrile or latex probably not but i don't think they like the feel of this they land on it kind of act aggressive but don't sting it here's a good idea for transporting your honey supers if you got any bees left in them keep bees out and get the bees out of them maybe in them a solid bottom and then a bee escape on top you see how that's built they can easily find their way out and they have a tough time finding their way back in they're near impossible for them to find our way in oh put all that air on me turn on high all right i took the hand off of the honey how the honey box because he can't lift it someone take it and put it in his freezer for him he wanted to leave it in his truck but he's got a overnight but he's got a sugar ant problem in his house and black ants and then little black ants will get in there and try to eat a little something they don't really do nothing they'll they'll get on brood though they'll get on if you got a real real weak colony or if you take a brood frame and put it in something to anchor some bees to something the bees don't get right on the brood and you got a lot of those blackheads in it they'll they'll run the bees off of that brood to have it i've never seen them uh ever affect the strong colony though and the sugar answered so the sugar ants don't even food the beehives they're not even around them it doesn't seem but if you leave a box of honey out they'll tear it up so i have this in the freezer for him when he's ready to extract it he can unplug his freezer or pull it out and let it warm up because you can't extract frozen honey it's not my opinion that's a fact i never tried it as a fact trust me uh animals in the farm what do you have you name it [Music] what's your favorite one the cats what's the cat's name cheetah nice turkeys we have these gummies we used to have do y'all have a knife on me yeah like daddy used to say i got my pants on did you did you get your brother into beekeeping is gonna work that's what i
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 50,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horizontal hive, bee keeping, honey bees, natural beekeeping, horizontal hive swarm trap, horizontal hive plans, horizontal hive queen excluder, horizontal hive honey harvest, horizontal hive management, horizontal hive entrance, horizontal hive frames, horizontal hive beekeeping, horizontal hive ventilation, horizontal hive vs langstroth, horizontal hives vs vertical, horizontal hive vs top bar, honey bees making honey
Id: 6XeJlvH1bCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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