Custom fusion slideshow preset in DaVinci Resolve 15

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
so in today's episode I show you how to make a preset to do slides something like this where you'll simply just be able to take a shot that is like a picture or video and you'll be able to drag in your preset just like this drag in your media in into your preset and then your media out to your timeline and then on your timeline you'll have your whole preset displayed just like that in the matter of three to four clicks and with that being said let's get started [Music] so we're gonna start off by just taking whatever our shot is and bringing it into our timeline and then here we can see that it's obviously not filling up the whole frame so we're going to want to have that fill up the frame I'm just gonna click this little I'm gonna click on my shot click on this little button here and then I'll get these little handles I can pull it out and I can you know move it around to wherever it is that I particularly really want it to be so let's say right there great now right click make into a fusion clip all right now we have it in fusion I'm just going to arrange tools to grid just so that they snap around first thing I'm going to do is just grab a background and I'm going to drop down the Alpha just so it's an invisible clip and I'm going to come out of the media in and then go to the background okay so now I need to make this into two pieces we have whatever is going to be in focus and that's going to have our text and then we have the D focused on the outside or a flatter image whatever it may be I'm going to in this particular one D focus it and add a little bit of blur onto it and then also flatten the image a little bit just so there's a bit more contrast between it too okay so for the merge the first thing that I want to do is currently this is five seconds so I don't know how long your slides are but when you first bring in a shot into into here it's just going to be a five second clip yeah so it'll be a five second clip if you want it to be a different length than you know you could set it here or after you're done animating it you could just cut it off and you know add whatever in you just have to be cautious of where you're making your keyframes for your text of flow and stuff so I'm just going to come to frame zero so the first thing I want to add in a little bit of like a zoom so I'm just going to come over to frame zero as we can see here frame zero and the center point or the size excuse me I'm going to just keyframe that has at one and then I'm just going to come down to the end of this and make this one point one and then if I play this it's just a slow zoom actually I think I wanted to make that even less so I'm going to make that half so a very subtle zoom alright so next I'm going to make the foreground everything that's going to be in front of this and then we'll have that little window that'll slide across so I'm going to bring up brightness/contrast and we're just going to pipe this in and I brought it up here so on this particular shot look down here you can click these two little buttons to pain the but that click those buttons I just click on the node and then for this viewer its number one and then for this viewer you hit number two so over here is number one now my brightness contrast I'm going to drop down the contrast a little bit so it looks a little more on the flat side and pull back the saturation just a tad so this is what it looked like before now this is what it's looking like so I think that's good if I want it to you could add in well let me actually show you a different way if you right-click you could come into a blur and then they have all the different types of blurs you can use here if you know what the name is you could hit shift and then spacebar and it'll bring up this tool so you can just type in whatever it is that you want to use so let's just use a blur and we can connect these up if you have one already selected and then you type in blur it'll automatically connect it the save you a little bit of time all right so now I'm just going to increase my blur size a bit here and we actually have to play this one so we can see it and that looks like a bit much so I'm just going to add in just a little bit of a blur like that I think that looks pretty good so I'll bring those down just a tad additionally now I want to add in my cutout okay so I'm going to I brought down a merge from up and I'm going to take my my shot here and I'm going to make this the foreground and then I'm going to grab this background remember it was just transparent there's nothing here I'm gonna drag that to my background node so the first thing if you whenever you pull something to this it's always going to start as background and then go foreground so if you want it to you just bring this one over and then bring this one over and that'd be accurate additionally if you have these backwards you could hit ctrl T and it would flip them so there's something else you can learn so now I need to add in that little cutout that I thought I would use so there's a couple of different ways you could do this if you want to just use a rectangle you can do the rectangle so if we were just to take the rectangle connect that up and then invert this and then we could increase let's say the height to 1.5 and then we could you know put this a little bit of an angle so you could do something like that if you didn't want that and then we'd be able to animate this if you didn't want to do that you could just grab you know one of these polygons and then you could create whatever the shape is that you want it to use okay and then just invert that as well so you could use that too and then we could move this around we'll just use this and we will come so this is going to be the note that we keyframe that animation when it's moving around so we're currently at 0 I'm gonna come over here and then we're going to be keyframing the center point because that's where we're going to be moving the center point here and then if we would come into let's say frame 30 and we could keyframe it let's say right there and because it was the keyframes were already enabled when I moved it on frame 30 automatically made a keyframe that's why you can see that little line there this is going to move very linearly so there isn't going to be any velocity increase or decrease so let's add a little bit of that so this is the polygon one we're going to click on polygon okay and then click this little button here we can see the keyframes okay so here are the keyframes we're just going to click on these and then hit F and then we could hit T and then we could do the ease in because this is the the frame that's coming in it's up now if we watch this it's going to you know whip in there and then slow and slow down just a little bit so we could do that if we wanted to make this animation a little longer we could click on this and then hit a hold shift and then we could shift it over just a little bit open this up down here shift it over a little bit we could drag this point a little bit more so now if we take a look at this okay so that's looking pretty good and the whole time we have this is zooming in a little bit I think altogether this is looking pretty good so now additionally now we have that little portion we need to add in the the shadow so all we're gonna do is look up shadow and there's shadow now we have a shadow here all we have to do is take our shadow node here and connect it to our merge and the idea here is that we want this shadow node on top because we want to add the shadow on top of this here so we just have to make sure that this is the foreground if this connection is switched around just remember to hit T to flip them okay so now on our shadow node there it on our merge if we play our merge now this is what we have come back to our shadow and we increase the softness now we have that that look here if we want to reduce the the strength of it we could use this alpha to make it a little lighter but that's what we have going here so far so now we need to add in some effects to this here so let's do that so here's our merge we're just going to disconnect this for now because if we were to have this connected and then we come into our merger let's say we put in brightness it's going to add it in after and that's not what we want we want this brightness to be connected here and then all of the all of our new adjustments are going to get added here to the end so that's just something to be aware of to come into our brightness and we have lift gamma and gain we just want to get this to feel like it's back a little bit so we just have to make it a little darker so I think that is looking pretty good now I'm going to add in a bunch of extra stuff here you can do this if you want to you don't have to but I'm gonna do it because I feel like it adds a bit more quality to to an animation like this so I'm going to actually add in a particle system I'm going to connect this up take a look at it over here we are going to switch this to 2d and now I am kind of come back into my admit er I'm gonna switch this to rectangle and we are just going to fill up the whole frame and then switch the point and just we get some balls going here velocity I'm going to be adding here to okay let's not have this plane anymore I just solely want this to play alright so how are we looking so far you can't see anything so let's increase these numbers the total amount and then the other thing that I want to increase is the size so let's make these a bit bigger so now they're just real they're not even moving let's add some velocity in here so now they're all moving that way we want them to move up so I believe that we're gonna make this 90 let's see what happens here okay they're all moving up that looks good so now I have that I think I want to randomize the size a little bit so let's add some variance on the size so we get all different size little guys and the other thing that I want to do is I want to not have them move so fast so let's reduce some of that so additionally I don't want I want them to kind of move all over so I'm gonna add in some turbulence I think just leaving that the default settings will be fine I think that looks good I think I wanted to drop down the number of them maybe even a little bit more and I think I want to increase the size so let's see what a 1.5 looks like okay that's really big so I think that looks good all right I think at the end of its life I want it to just kind of get small just so they don't like pop out of existence and I think maybe at the beginning of its life very small geez screwing that up okay that's looking a bit better all right so now that we have that I need to add that in to our shot here so I'm just going to because remember this is 2d I can connect this right up to this shot and now if we look at this this looks horrendous so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to mix in this blend so it looks like that but I feel like this is still one size is a bit too big and if the number of them doesn't look all that great okay I'm gonna turn off high quality here all right so now that we have that connected now if I connect this up to here what will happen is those like little particles will only show up in this little window here there are a bunch of them popping in and popping out if you did want to you could come into our emitter and we could just take this whole emitter and put it below actually I'm gonna do that so I'm gonna leave that and then take this bring it below and now they'll be admitting below so you'll never see them pop into existence you'll just see them get small and kind of fade out but I think that a quantity is a bit much okay I think that looks a lot better then a little bit of speed into there as well maybe a bunch of difference all right so now we have that now I just need to add in our text and I'm going to have our text be a part of this piece the piece that we've been adding in all this because when it moves over this is supposed to be like a little reveal of whatever this background is so if I have the text being a part of this you won't see the text until it gets inside this little window let me just show you here quick as you can see it you don't see it over here but you only see it in here so now I can animate something in this little window mainly I would want to have it animate it over in this area I could have something animate it over here and change this up a bit oops it's not what I want it go okay so now I can take I'm just going to look at this node first so I know that I need to have it land somewhere in here so since I know that I'm just going to put it there and then keyframe its position and then I can come back and view it here and come back to let's say frame zero and have it over here and now on text one text one to see those key frames for its position wait what okay there we go I don't know what happened there I'll just get both of these F I think I need to bring because this stops kind of I need to bring this guy wait in okay a couple of things I can do I can click on this catch this to disk just because that is going to be a bit of resources to render out those particles and now if I play this it'll get a little bit better and I can also render this one to disk and now that I have the primary things that take up resources to render so I have the particle system rendered out and then I have this little bit that has the blur already rendered out now I can play this and I'll play back at the full frame rate that really struggling much so that's kind of where we're at to this point you could add more stuff in if you wanted to you could come into this polygon you could change its location up you could change you know how it comes in how long it lingers in an area and then it wipes off you could do all that sort of thing additionally at the end here if you want it to let's say have multiples of these you could come in and take a merge and let's grab our background merge we'll connect that up that's the the merge that doesn't have an alpha and there's no color in it and then connect this up now this one looks the same but we could then let's make this full we could then use this or you know we could go let's do two and two and we could you know tilt this on an angle by the time it gets you know to the end of here so let's say actually you know what let's make the height for just so that this point is below here so what we could do now is we could come to how many frames we have here okay so we could come here to 100 set this keyframe and then come to the end here and have this wipe off that wipes off you could make this that speed quicker by just making you know these two points closer together so we could just take this hold shift bring it over a little bit more okay all right so now when I come over to my edit page if I let me grab a stock clip quick and now because that has an alpha I could grab a clip drop that here bring this up and bring this under and now here at the end you know what I completely forgot to add in the media out so if I connect this up now go back over to the Edit at the end here of this that'll wipe it if you want it to wipe to have that shadow that shader if you wanted it to have that shadow you could have that just reduce this a little bit and now you'll have that little shadow I mean there's a ton of different ways that you could get it to white from one to the other so if you are making multiples let's say you're doing a slide show and you were making multiples of them you could have them wipe from one to the other by just making sure that at the end here whatever your last thing is there's a wipe and it goes to an alpha because then the Alpha would be underneath so you could just you know reap you could copy this whole thing and then all you would have to do is at the end point you would just change the media in and you would also just change the texts to something so now all you would have to do is take all of these nodes right click on it come in here save as let's just put it on my desktop quick and let me grab another image quick okay so I'm gonna grab another image quick here's my other image I just drop this image on here I just resize this up quick so it fits the whole thing okay and we're just going to make this into a fusion clip come over into fusion now I save that settings file on my desktop as slides I'll just move these two points out a little bit where am I here drag my settings clip on here the end I'll just connect there and then we're in the world bone oh it's right there I made hit in connect my immediate end right here and now I have pretty much a I have the same exact thing that I had previously the only thing the reason why it's struggling is because I would just have to add this to a render cache so I just have to render cache this and then render cache this here or you could just render cache the whole thing and it'll just render out everything this blur kind of takes a bit of resources so let me just do this one quick - now that I have everything I can just go through and play this and there it is it's that easy I have all my stuff the only thing I might need to change is what's written in this particular node here or how dark this background is and I would just come into this brightness contrast and I would be able to adjust it here to fit the needs of whatever this is something like that but yeah that's kind of how I would go about making a slideshow infusion as well as making a preset so I could make additional slides and I don't have to go through this whole process of making these over and over again let me know in the comments what you think about this one if you have any ideas of suggestions leave them down there as well again my name is J Aaron thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 51,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, Slideshow, fusion, DaVinci Resolve 15, preset, make preset, titles, custom, customizable, No plugins
Id: yFk2wLnBcH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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