Making Polaroid Instant Film in DaVinci Resolve

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so today we're gonna be making this instant film / polaroid picture display thingy I don't know I thought it'd be a good idea to make something to kind of use for maybe like weddings or just an event that you you know have memories or some sort so that's what we're gonna be making so let's get to it all right so first I'm going to show you how not to do this and then we're gonna get into how to do this with the low lowest impact when it comes to render times I initially went into it saying okay I want 40 for images because it sounds like a good number for maybe an overview for like a wedding or an event something that nature and so I just decided to to do all 44 in one project right well as much as I wanted to optimize this this kind of didn't work because I don't know why I to this day I still don't know why I optimized it and it worked perfectly fine in fusion it was working flawlessly there was a lot of things that I added that now I pulled out but this was working perfectly fine in Fusion then I jump over to the Edit Page and when I'm on the Edit Page the textures aren't loading meaning like the images because everything is a 3d object the images weren't loading it was very bizarre and I it took me a while to figure out that okay maybe there's something going on here that I can't do or maybe the integration with DaVinci Resolve infusion just isn't there yet but when I was in on the fusion page was working fine edit page it wasn't so things that I learned from that but kind of just to split everything up and make it smaller so this looks kind of intense but if you really look at it for each image there aren't that many full nodes like this is all just for one image the ones that are highlighted here and then you have all of these and these are shared amongst all of the images these notes here shared amongst all of them and then they just go down and every once in a while they're copied over and what these are is they're just different sizes so if we look here we have one that's wide we have one that's tall and there's actually one that's kind of like a square let me see if I can find that so here we go here's the square one and then both these are wide so anyways let's actually get into building this so I'll just go over to the other project that I have set up here and we will grab some images while that's loading okay so just open up my media pool I'm gonna make one that's called images and then just bring my images in so for now I'm just gonna do two and then in the main project I believe I have this all u-sub 30 frames and we're doing 1920 1080 new fusion comp I'm gonna make this one two ten seconds perfect and we will just open it so here is our media app to go back out to the timeline and we will pull in let's do the dog one first so the first thing that you'll notice is that this resolution is a bit big right and one of the things that I wanted to do is make them you know three different sizes all the same so we have to you know bring this down to a standardized size so the first one we're gonna do is 900 900 you have to remember that were spitting everything out to a 1920 1080 so these pictures are already you know way too big let alone be in a small box inside that big frame so the first thing I'm going to do is actually set everything up so it's aligned to grid just to keep this clean bring in one background and in this background I'm just going to make this a transparent background and I'll show you why here in a second so I'm just gonna pull the Alpha down so everything's zero if we pull it in here we're currently it's 1920 1080 and it's transparent and that's why you see this I'm actually going to change the size of this so I'm going to turn off auto resolution and change this to 900 900 and the reason why I'm doing that is because I can then take this node and use it wherever I want in the project later instead of the other way of doing this would be to use a resize node to resize my image so I'm just going to bring this one in and this is going to do my resizing because I can use it later on so what I'm gonna do next is I want to take this image and I want to lay it over top of this 900 by 900 block so I'm just going to come out from here and go into this out which will add a merge and when I do it that way the this background layer or node will be the background and then this one will be the foreground so this is laying on top of this whatever the resolution of this is so if I play this now now we have 900 by niners and we have our little picture here if we were to set this all up where we can just copy and paste one of the things that we could do is we could come in here we can do a transform node and then we could use this transform node to resize the image but to keep this as lightweight as possible I'm actually not going to do that I'm just going to use this merge because this merge affects the foreground and how the foreground will get added to the background so I can come in here and resize it and it's doing the same exact thing the next thing I want to do is I want to add in the cardboard that would be the white border and then the bar across the bottom so to do that I'm going to just take this background because it's already the 900 900 and I'm just gonna paste it so ctrl-c ctrl-v and we're gonna make this white and we're gonna bring the Alpha up so it's a solid white and now we can take this background and we're gonna lay it on top of everything that we have so far we're gonna come out of here and lay it on top just like that so now this is the foreground laying on top of the background which is everything that's currently up to this point so if we play this now we just have a solid white that's exactly where we want to be we're gonna grab right one of these rectangles and this is a rectangle mask where obviously we're going to mass out the area currently it's masking this as the area but we just wanted to hit invert and then there we go then we can come into here and we can just resize this by grabbing these or you can grab these over here whichever works for you we're just gonna bring it up and the idea here is we want the thickness here than the thickness here to be relatively the same so we'll just go like that to fill screen and that's kind of looking good and then the other thing we can do is we can Inc we can add a little bit just a little bit roundness to the corners so we're looking pretty good so far so the next thing that we have to add is currently this looks very flat and it's not really like a Polaroid or the instant film because it was like multi was the cardboard around the outside but then it was like multiple layers with like a clear plastic on the front so it made it seem like there was a little bit of depth there so we have to add that depth in so I'm just gonna copy both of these that I currently have ctrl C and we're gonna paste it and then next we're going to come into this background here and clicking on just the background we're gonna turn this black for now and we're gonna lay this on top of everything that we have coming in so far so now if we view this merge by just dragging it up here and releasing that's currently what we're looking at we're gonna next take this rectangle here and we're gonna copy this we're gonna paste it so now it's two masks working against each other so we have the one mask and then we have the other mask so what we're gonna do is in this first mask here we have the border right in this first mask here what we can do is we can blur the edges right so now we have this like little blurb it going around the outside right and then we have the next merge that's going to affect everything what we're gonna do with this is we're just going to subtract it so we don't see it so now we have that little bit there it's a little strong so I'm actually going to come into my background here and and bring up the Alpha just a little bit so it's a little more transparent so something like that that's looking pretty good so far all right the next thing that we want to add in here is we want to add some text on here so that we can see that and so I'm just gonna bring the text down here and I'm going to then lay the text on top of everything that we have so far and if we view that come into the text and I'm just gonna put in here some text and for the preview that I showed you I actually used a font called homemade apple you can get it on the Google Fonts that's a website dating get fonts and that is that so that's currently where we're at so far looking pretty good so next we have to determine are we going to make this 2d object or is it going to be a 3d object I opted to make everything a 3d object because I wanted to have that parallax in effect where things that are far out into the distance move a lot slower than things that are close up to the camera so to do that we have to grab an image plane and then we have to grab a camera and a renderer and we're gonna connect the camera to the output of the image plane which will add a 3d merge and then the 3d merge into the renderer and then all we have to do is now connect this into the image plane and if we view that now we have it in 3d space there and we can click on our camera pull our camera back so we got that and I'm using my middle mouse to move around like this and then if we look at our renderer over here so our camera is really close so now I'm gonna hold alt and middle Mouse down both together so I can rotate a little bit and then I'm gonna hold control and middle Mouse out so I'm gonna to scroll the zoom out and then that's kind of where we're at so far all right so we have one image here and if we were to now take everything that we have and make another one so I'm gonna grab the I'm gonna grab a text and now we just have to connect this all up so I'm gonna grab a merge right I'm going to connect this background let's offset these so it's a little easier to see I'll bring this over this over this over then we're going to come into here so that that's the background and then we're gonna connect this in here then we're gonna grab another murder or click on here grabbing another merge and then connect this in click on this connect another merge bring this over connect this down whoops into the green and then connect this so it overlaps and then we could add in another image plane and then we connect the image plane up to the merge so now we have two images that are here if I click on the second image I move it over maybe move it back let's move let's have both of them visible here so there we go now we have two images if we wanted to add a background in we could throw a background in and then we lay all of this on the background oops let's put this over here and keep all 3d close that so there we go now we could take this background or this one image bring it back here maybe scale it up so it's almost the same size whereas scaling I think it's in here here we go and maybe we could bring it over and you rotate it maybe and now that it's in the back if we take our camera so let's click on a camera I'm gonna rotate around I'm holding alt and middle Mouse together now that front one is moving a little quicker let me make this more apparent so it's a little easier to see just gonna take that image plane and move it way up here move this back just a little bit so now if I put if I move these you'll see that that front one I can almost overlap this so we can see it there and then the other one overlaps the view right so that's pretty much parallax Ian it's relatively simple but one thing you'll notice is these are kind of like just merging together and it doesn't really look all that great so one of other things that I added in here was a drop shadow we have to do a couple extra steps to get a drop shadow in here so we'll just take all this highlight it and move it down just a little bit and let's just work on just one of these so the other thing that you can do to make to view one is you just hit that button so when we have two views if you hit one that'll display it over here if you - it'll display it over here just tip there okay so next we have to add in a a drop shadow to make it seem like if there's depth like one's overlapping on top of the other one so to do that we'll bring in another background and we'll make this transparent because what we need to do now is right now it's just 900 900 there isn't any more resolution to add a drop shadow so if I have a drop shadow it would be out of boundaries obviously so the easiest way to do this is just to add in a nother it could be any size it just has to be bigger than this size so I'm just going to overlap this on top of the background so now I have the size but one thing that you'll notice is that the other image because the other image was bigger it wasn't ever cut out it was just not visible because we had the boundaries that are smaller so now we have a new problem so now how do we combat this well there's a I initially went into it saying okay I know how to easily combat this we will just do a grid warp and boom it'll fix it right and then I was like well since I have a grid warp we could actually make this look kind of cool come into my grid warp and let's increase the size on this and then maybe just a little bit here in just a little bit here actually let's go back and make this a little bit bigger do it again a little bit here a little bit there now if we look at this this could actually be like an actual like instant film and you know that looks great and all but what I didn't think of is that a grid warp actually does a lot of extra processing and one of them is anti-aliasing so when when I had the 44 in one project and I had this this was like all extra overhead that I wasn't initially accounting for when I was like oh I'm just gonna make this look cool you know if you have the resources like it's either the horsepower to render it or if you have the time to render it you know you could render it no problem but because I was going to make this a asset for people to download I didn't want to have you know a project that was really heavy right out of the gate if people want to add this in later they can but rather gate I didn't want that so instead of doing that an easy thing you can do is just grab a rectangle mask right and because this merge here is not or this merge its resolution is 900 900 what I can say is I want to affect the foreground by masking the image so if I bring this in here we're now masking the image but this rectangle will take whatever the resolution of its node that it's connected to so if I take this to one one boom now the image is just the size of whatever this is because this is affecting the foreground so one thing an easy thing to think of so I just have to add this to both of these and then we're pretty much done with that and now if I look at this we're back to where we were after all of this what I can do I can now do shadow and I add the shadow in and then we can increase the size on here let's actually make it visible I don't know if you can see that but there's a little bit of a shadow here if I just for just so for sake so you can see it if I just put this on top of something let's not have it black there we go now we can see we have a bit of a shadow right going around so that's kind of what we want so let me get rid of both of these nodes because you don't need them now if I add this into here and I look at everything now we have a bit of a shadow obviously it needs some work I can maybe soften it out a bit and not have it so harsh so something like that so now these two images they look separate they don't look the same so that is an easy way and with the parallax scene so if I was to make this two and then my camera and I move this now we can you know distinctly see that there's two there and that one's over top of the other one so that was an easy thing and all we would have to do here is just coming to here at emerge bring it over connect this in and then ctrl T to flip them copy this break that paste it in here and now they both have it the only thing that we have to do now is come into here and make this bigger because now that image is there we go so that's kind of how I how I did that it's not that difficult I guess I could add some text here and then we'll do the homemade apple I don't say it let's change the color and then maybe move it down here there we go perfect now if we view everything oops there we go so that was kind of how we did it now the next thing that you really have to do to to sell this is you just have to make camera moves and you have to set up a whole bunch of these and it's pretty simple so now you have this one is we can leave that where it's at we don't really need to mess with that one let me just move it over here but these let's move these down just a little bit so now we have everything that we need and all we have to do is just take these here and what I ended up doing because I've I had a couple of different sizes I just color-coordinated them so now I know that you know the square one is just this size then all we have to do is just take all of this copy it control C control V to paste it add another one here and then we just change the color and then you just come into these and you change the resolution so that all of these resolutions match and you might need to work with the masks to make them work with the new resolution but then there you have the second variant so if I just come in here and I do like let's do 700 by 900 let's come into here 700 and then into this one and we could just simply connect this up the same exact way let's take all of these and move them up and instead of let's move this one over here and we can just connect this one in then kind of this one here connect this one here connect this one here so now just updating it by moving now we have our two sizes there we go you know I might want to Inc move the move the Box up a little bit so we could just come into this node here and then here we would just move this up just a little bit and then I'll just copy that one and delete these two paste it bring it in we'll see control V just turn this to subtract take this feather it let's take a look at everything that we have so far maybe feather a little bit more there we go and now I have two different sizes and I actually might want to move the text up just a little bit to get that centered if we view everything there we go obviously that was just working quickly I might want to actually then take this 3d object and maybe scale it down a little bit but it's it's looking a little while wonky I might actually bring this down just a little bit but that's that's pretty much the idea here and you can just continuously keep creating and then just pulling from one of the sizes that you previously had it's that simple so then you know going on from here it's just getting the camera moves to look nice and you know moving from one to the other to the other additionally what you could do is you could get rid of these here and then you just have this and with the transparent background you come over to the edit page we could come into here bring in our fusion Comp will actually lift it up just a little bit and we'll close that come in to generators solid color bring that in and we will change this to a color that will work for our project and now if we look at it if it's done right let's come back I never connected the media out so let's connect that up and there we go now we have whatever color we make this salat here additionally and the download project that I have in the description I added a couple of other little things in there edit noise screen and then I added light leaks light leaks are a little difficult but if you wanted to make noise like a grain here if you come over to the Edit Page there excuse me if you come over to the color page you can come in here and you can go into film I believe you can get film green you can do that you have to have the studio version but if you don't have the studio version what you can do is you can come over into fusion and you could get TV you can get the TV and you turn off this one and turn off this one and let's bring in that background again let's get a color and we'll layer this on the on here so then what we would do is we'd come out of here into here and now if we take a look at this and we move up a little bit actually view this now we have noise you see that now we have noise but one thing to keep in mind here is that this is going to be extra compute power and it's a little bit on the heavy side when you get going the only thing that you have to make sure of is this randomizer you would just come to the beginning you know keyframe it at whatever come to the end of it and then just pick like a random number like 3 and then throughout this it'll continuously keep changing and that's to get the random noise to get it to keep moving in the project that I have is the download file I have a rendered out version that you can that you can get that you don't have to worry about that but if you don't want to get it perfectly fine that's how you would get green in here to add that the only other thing that I then added was I came into here and I ended up adding a color grade on top of everything but that's pretty much it on how I made it it's not that difficult the biggest thing is taking the time to make camera moves so if you're going to make the camera moves I guess I really didn't talk about that but if you were coming to here you would take your camera and the easiest way to do this is get the 3d look if you like this then we actually go to Windows and then we will also get the V rendered out version like this so now we see both of these and when you're moving your camera around you're gonna obviously keyframe it so like maybe keyframe it let's bring it in just a little bit more so we would keyframe it so like let's say we have it like this come to the beginning come over here and you have the different things depending on what you're doing if you're gonna be rotating it I doubt but you could rotate it like this I guess but if you end up rotating it and then you could just keyframe everything that you are doing in your move and then you know you come up to wherever it is and make your other keyframe like that and then in between the camera will move throughout that animation and then the idea here is that to get through from one to the other you just have to have smooth animations going from one to the other to the other to make it look good and that just is a you know it takes time and going into your spline tool editor and just coming into here and then easing these there's a couple of different ways that you can do this but you can come in here and I've talked about like doing the flattened by just hitting F and then you have your ease-in and ease-out and just hit alt to get the linear or you can do like smoothing and that's like a whole nother way and that actually smooths this path in here so if I was to make three points so let's come in and make a point like this so if I did this what this is going to do and I hit F these are all gonna stay the same but it's going to ease through each one if I make them linear again but now I hit alt s now you see that it's smoothing it but you have to keep in mind that this move here was a linear move but now it made it smooth so now it's dipping below I don't know if you can see that it's dipping down and then up to make this a whole smooth transition so in here it's going to be low obviously this isn't working here so it's just a bit of finesse to get this to look right and it's honestly just like a taking time to learn how all of the different ways like the camera moves at work but yeah that's kind of how you would go about doing that and then I think there was only one other thing that I ended up doing so let's take a step back when I made my first project and it looked great and I had a whole bunch of different effects so I had motion blur I had depth of field I had subsampling when I did all of that my render times for the project I think it was 2 minutes 50 seconds for the project with the 44 images the render times the first time I did it was 9 hours and some change and I was like okay well that's a very heavy project and some people don't have the same compute power that I have I know some have more powerful but some people work on laptops and such so I was like that's not something that I'm willing to ship so then I had to you know go back and try to figure out something so then I just took out the fancy things so I took out motion blur turn at the depth of field and I took out some sampling and when I did that I got down to 2 I think it was like two and a half hours and I was like that's a lot better but I feel like I can do a little bit better and then the project that I ended up shipping takes 40 minutes ish it's right around the 40-minute mark I was like okay that that's a lot better than you know where it previously was and everything looks pretty much the same and if people do have the resources to you know do the other things they can just add those in it's not that difficult to just you know do a couple of checkboxes and then you have all the fancy stuff so the way in which that I went from the two hours to the 40 minutes was I went through everything that's on the node tree and I stayed it when it would be processed and when it wasn't processed and to do that we would just simply go through so let's we look at our at our shot here and I would say okay this is gonna be kind of difficult with this current camera move but here's the perfect example so from frame zero to frame 54 we don't see this particular image here so we can actually not have that rendered currently how it is it's gonna be rendered but it's not gonna be visible by the camera and we're not working with any type of reflections or or anything that would be affecting lighting because we don't have any lighting so we don't actually have to have that rendered so what we can do is we can come into all of these nodes I believe it's this shot or this image no it's the top one okay so we'd come into all of these nodes and we can come in two key frames and let's just have just select it and we'll open this up and bring this up just a little bit and we'll click this button and then we will click all this stuff and we will have it start at frame 54 so now everything goes back to 54 and then that's when it is all being displayed so let me show you once I have that all set up there's a 54 so if I come over here now it's visible it's not all those notes aren't being processed I come into here or it's actually let me close this so we can actually see that final output all right so now it's visible so now it's being processed but here it's not being processed so all this time it's not being processed once it's actually in frame then we actually see it so that was one of the other steps that I had to go through and do so I didn't have to so if those things weren't being processed but yeah that's a step where don't even worry about it unless your render times are really long and you're trying to you know shave a little bit here and there because if your computer is fast enough you're gonna spend more time setting all of those nodes up when in reality your computer can just chug through all that and you know that doesn't make that big of a difference it might make you know two minutes on you know 30 minute or 40 minute render it's not that big of a deal compared to you know if you're working with a lower-end machine those things can really impact your render times so that's kind of what I worked on for the past week trying to figure out because I just couldn't wrap my head around it why everything was working perfectly fine on the fusion page but then on the edit page there were some strange stuff going on there and I'm still not sure but yeah you know I made a post about it I will see if I actually get some feedback but yeah that's kind of where we're at to this point once you have whatever it is so like this stuff I'm not going to keep because I want it to be just like this and I will then add like I have in this project here I will just add the noise above this and then I don't have to process it because it's already video and it just overlaid on top of everything so yeah that's kind of that's kind of it for this project if you want to support me I have the link down below and where you can download the project that I ended up making that I think actually turned out really good and I'm proud of it but with that being said let me know in the comments what you guys think about this one if you have any ideas suggestions leave them down below again my name is Gerren thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 42,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, Instant Film, fusion, davinci resolve 15, Polaroid, video editing, images, wedding, wedding video, wedding images, event images, 3d, parallax, 3d camera
Id: Vm3Dv5LRRxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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