Custom Animated Stream Graphics in DaVinci Resolve - [Fusion & OBS Motion Graphics Tutorial]

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hey everybody i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube generally in fact this is me this is a picture of me but today we're going to learn about how to make some graphics inside of obs so if you're wanting to fancy schmance up your live streaming game oh boy this is this is how to do this inside of resolve which is free using the fusion page which is super powerful and amazing and great let's jump in shall we shablam so here's a look at what we're going to be making we're making this little animated frame with the little highlights that go around oh so nice just looks classy you know what i'm saying and you can make something like this yourself either this exact thing or take the ideas from this and make something different inside of fusion the page inside of resolve 17 which is here let's go all right so very first thing i'm going to do here in resolve 17 is go up to my media pool here in the edit page right click and add new fusion composition it's going to ask me what the heck it's supposed to be i'll call this graphics and make this whatever frame rate you stream at if you stream at 60 do that i'm just going to keep it at 30 because it's just it's you know it's the same workflow and it's a little bit easier on resources and such then we're just going to double click on that inside of the media pool and that's going to open up the fusion page now if you're not familiar with fusion i definitely recommend checking out this video because it will show you all of the basics of how fusion works how nodes work all of that stuff because i'm not going to explain every single thing try and keep it basic but you know what i'm saying so we're going to start with our media out node anything that we attach to this is going to be rendered to the screen first thing we're going to connect to it is a background note right here i'll just grab background and drag it down into our nodes and i'll connect the output of the background into media out one that's going to make a black screen but we don't actually want a black screen we want a clear screen so i'm going to select background one and go up to the inspector and right here where it says alpha i'll just turn that all the way down that's how you make a nice clear background you can build things without making this clear background but it just makes everything act nicer it sets the settings for the project to make sure the resolution is good and you don't get any weirdness this is what i always do so that's great now let's make our actual frame we're going to use another background node here grab this drag it down and drag it about here and take the output of our background and i'm going to merge it over our background one just like this drag it on top of the white square and that will make a merge node that's just a node that says hey put something over something else but something on top is going to be background two i'll select that and then over here in the inspector let's change our color to the bluish okay something like that you know what let's go crazy we're going to make it a greenish now we're going to make it a bluish okay and now we have a blue screen yay but what we actually want is that little border easy way to do that is with our background node selected here in our toolbar i'll just click on this rectangle that will make a mask that is the shape of a 16x9 screen pretty neat with that mask selected over here in the inspector i'm going to change a couple things let's untick solid and then push up our border width and look at that we just look at that it's already happening i'm also going to make this a little bit bigger in the frame right here where it says width and height let's do 0.8 and point eight we'll zoom this out so now we have a frame that's kind of inset inside of our screen here if you wanna make this a little bit closer to the edge it's up to you but that's the basic idea you make a frame like that and now what we want are those little highlights the way we're going to do that is we're going to take another background node put this over to the side and again merge it over our merge like this and this background is going to be white let's just select our color make it white and we're going to use just about the same kind of mask but we're going to change it a little bit so i'll just copy and paste this one hit ctrl c double click so nothing selected and hit ctrl v that'll paste that there and i can connect this to the mask input of our background three now that's going to give us a white frame directly over our blue frame the reason why we copied this instead of just using the same mask and connecting it to our background is because i do want to change this a little bit in fact before we even do that let's rename stuff because oh boy this is going to be called frame mask this one's going to be called highlight mask there we go it's going to be highlight and this is going to be main color this background is clear and now we know what the heck is even happening that's nice right so for this highlight mask i'll select that and go up to the inspector and i'm going to boost up this border with just a touch just to make it just a little bit thicker but now we can't see the blue background that's because we have to do some fanciness here if we want these little highlights to move around like this what we're really going to do is just make a mask that only shows this white border in certain places and you can do this in about a jillion ways but what we'll do today is i'll grab a rectangle mask and drag this down under our merge and i'll pipe that into the mask of the merge anytime that you add a mask to something you're basically saying okay but just do it here just do it under the mask right so what we're saying is take this white border and only put it on top of this blue border where we have this mask so you can see kind of what we're getting at here we can move this around and it looks like we did some kind of fancy animation really we're just limiting where this merge happens so what we'll do is just boost up our width i'll make our width like two that's just going to make it twice as wide as the screen that's just so we have plenty of room and we aren't going to get cut off or anything and then i'll make the height a lot smaller something like this and then check this out check out this awesomeness if we rotate this the angle look what we get like nobody nobody's gonna know that we just did this with a rotating mask everybody's gonna think you spent a million hours on this but you didn't so now really all we have to do is animate this mask and so at zero frames i'll just click this keyframe diamond right here and that'll say zero frames i want you to be at zero for the angle and then we'll move to the end of the comp and then here we'll do 359 that'll make sure that this rotates around in a circle but once it gets to the end it will loop nicely see watch oh look at it go it just keeps going just keeps rotating ain't nobody care good right so that's really the basics of that animation i mean it's not even very hard and so now we can leave it like this if we like it but i like to like to make things a little bit more subtle so we can take down the transparency of this little highlight if we click on the merge because this merge controls everything about how the foreground goes over the background including the opacity which is called blend right here so if i take this all the way down and then boost it up until we can kind of see it something like that now we have a little more subtle effect yeah it's kind of cool now let's make this just a little more styling i'll go down to our nodes and this time i'm just going to take this exact same white border this right here and i'm going to merge it over itself so i'll just take the output and merge it over its output and there it's basically making another copy over itself oh man what is this witchery and it's turned white that's because we don't have our mask on there yet so let's take this mask if we just took the output of this mask and put it into the merge like that it wouldn't really look a whole lot different other than this effect would be stronger because we don't have the second merge turned down in the blend so if we turned it down like this you can see it doesn't really look any different right so what we want to do is not reuse this mask but just duplicate it i'll hit ctrl c double click out control v and then take this output and put it into merge three and this mask is almost the same thing except up here in the inspector let's make the height a little bit bigger so what that's going to do is just make this little highlight a little bit longer and look at that we've got the little kind of blocky look where it's stronger in the middle and then it kind of fades out and because it has the same animation it's just a little bit wider it does all of that automatically look at that not even a problem look how classy that looks and so you can use this same kind of technique to make anything that kind of looks like this you know anything that you want to highlight and can animate man we've only animated one thing pretty cool so let's add just a little more style i'm going to take this blue border and we're going to add a little bit more style to that too so let's go down to our nodes and i'm going to grab another background node and merge it over our clear background and we're just going to reuse the same mask because i want the exact same frame but this time let's take our merge and then up here in the inspector we can move the center of our merge a little bit that's just going to offset it a little bit that's the nice thing is you can reuse nodes like this and if you're controlling it in the merge you can kind of move them into different places without having to recreate another mask or anything like that pretty neat so let's take this background and we'll make it like dark blue or something yeah so now it's clashy i'll move this around in our merge you could also probably do like a drop shadow on this kind of thing but it doesn't matter it works either way let's see how it looks yeah i think that looks pretty nice all right so once we have that it's time to render this out so you can use this in obs so let's switch back over to the edit page boom let's go to our project settings here and make sure everything's set right 29.97 that's right i'll take this and just drag it into a new timeline so that we have just our stream graphics on the timeline now we can take this timeline and go over to deliver and there's some special settings that i like to use for rendering graphics for obs here in the render settings under video i like to pick quicktime codec gopro cineform rgb 16 bit and export alpha that will export this video with a transparency channel so you can actually use it for what we want to use it for inside of obs let's name it something that makes sense i'll put it somewhere pro like my desktop and i'll hit add to render queue that'll add it over here when i'm ready to go we just hit render all and it will take like two seconds and it's complete so now in obs i can just grab this off my desktop and throw it into obs like this the one thing i need to do is under properties make sure to click loop use hardware and close file when inactive these should pretty much all be clicked you might want to unclick restart playback hit okay now it's time to test if this plays back well if you are having trouble which mine's having a little bit of trouble because i have resolve open but if you are having trouble what might be helpful is to go back to resolve and under this fusion composition let's go back to fusion instead of a clear background right here we can go up turn the alpha all the way back up and then make this a green background now this won't work for everything but you can do something like this just have a solid color and then go over to deliver and then here instead of gopro cineform because this is a pretty big file you can go to something like h264 and i'll call this gs for green screen add to render queue and then we can render it out with the green screen and this kind of video is a little bit easier to play back it's a little bit smaller of a video so when we close this we can grab that green screen render drag that in there and again make sure we loop it use hardware close when inactive and don't restart playback hit okay and now this plays back just a little bit easier the one thing that you'll have to do is key out this green which sounds scary but it's not too bad if we select this source right here right click and go to filters here in the middle under effect filters you can hit plus and grab color key hit okay and it will default to green just make sure that this is actual green which is full green zero zero ff zero zero and then we just boost up the similarity until the rest of that green goes away boost up the smoothness until you get rid of that green now this isn't perfect this isn't the very best way to do it but this is a way to do it if your system has trouble playing back that bigger video file so now we have our frame and we can put that over something like a camera and it looks nice look at that it's fancy schmance all with free software isn't that great if you want to learn more about obs i have a couple different tutorials here check it out i also do resolve tutorials quite a bit so if you want to learn more about resolve oh boy you better subscribe you best you best subscribe yeah do it look at that it's all reflecty and highlighty it's kind of mesmerizing isn't it
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 41,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Custom Animated Stream Graphics in DaVinci Resolve - [Fusion & OBS Motion Graphics Tutorial], animation, resolve 17, fusion, obs, streaming, motion graphics animation, davinci resolve tutorial, how to, motion graphics video, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, stream graphics, make graphics for streaming, using obs
Id: m3bsKj3iofQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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